See Finance vs. Quicken?

2009-10-25 Thread Jess Smith

Hi all,I have found a financial program called See Finance, and it  
looks pretty good. Was just wondering if anybody has compared it to  
Quicken as far as features, and if so, which program is better?

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Trouble copying text from preview

2009-10-25 Thread Jessie Kirchner

Hi list,

I know I'm supposed to be able to select and copy text in Preview,  
but I can't seem to do it correctly.  I've turned the text tool on in  
the toolbar as instructed in the help file, but after selecting my  
text with the VO-enter toggle and verifying with VO-f6, I can't copy  
to the clipboard when I press command-c.  I just hear the "funk"  
sound.  I tried turning cursor tracking off and checking that I had  
full permissions for the document, but neither seemed to make a  
difference.  I'd really hate to have to type out this whole passage.   
Any suggestions?  Did I miss something?


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The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the  
benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the  
battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite  
as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running  
MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will  
impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from  
someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is  
possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think  
it is worth checking this entire issue out.
Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that  
may help explain my observations.

1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services on.
2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an  
hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the day  
and I do mean just a couple.
5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home  
(it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40  

On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications  
because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I  
realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I  
anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I  
understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,  
but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve.
Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can  
get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he  
probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but  
the usage was light in her particular situation.

So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are  
getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I  
turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing  
either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had to  
carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it  
would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course  
having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is  
obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with  
the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some  
impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking for a  
good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go to  
meetings when I'm in DC.
Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send them  
directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone  
list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.


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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Søren Jensen

Hi Scott.

Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

> Folks,
> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the
> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will
> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think
> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
> may help explain my observations.
> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services  
> on.
> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the day
> and I do mean just a couple.
> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
> percent.
> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I
> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I
> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve.
> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
> the usage was light in her particular situation.
> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing
> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had to
> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it
> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course
> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some
> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking for a
> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go to
> meetings when I'm in DC.
> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send them
> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
> THanks
> >

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Filling out PDF forms on the Mac?

2009-10-25 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi, is it possible to fill out a pdf form on the Mac with Preview?   

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HD info

2009-10-25 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi list,

Is there a fast way to figure how much disk space one has on his drives?

I know you can check the capacity of a drive, by choosing a drive in  
finder then VO right arrow.

Thanks, and best

Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378
Yuma Antoine Decaux

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snow leopard server admin reference ebook

2009-10-25 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi Everyone,

I have been looking for some ebooks pertaining to the new snow leopard  
server advanced administration but can only find hardbacks, Does  
anyone know where i could find some relevant ebooks on the matter?

THanks, and best

Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378
Yuma Antoine Decaux

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Re: HD info

2009-10-25 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Yuma,

To find out all about your hard drive, just do Getinfo (Command-I) on  
it, and you'll find all the information there. The Space Available  
comes after the Capacity.



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Re: Trouble copying text from preview

2009-10-25 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Jessie,

I've just tried copying text from a PDF book and it worked like this.
I have it set to single page continuous. I did nothing with the Text  
Tool. I interacted with the text and used VO-Return to start and stop  
selecting text. The passage I selected this way copied quite happily  
to the clipboard.



On Oct 25, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Jessie Kirchner wrote:

> Hi list,
>   I know I'm supposed to be able to select and copy text in Preview,
> but I can't seem to do it correctly.  I've turned the text tool on in
> the toolbar as instructed in the help file, but after selecting my
> text with the VO-enter toggle and verifying with VO-f6, I can't copy
> to the clipboard when I press command-c.  I just hear the "funk"
> sound.  I tried turning cursor tracking off and checking that I had
> full permissions for the document, but neither seemed to make a
> difference.  I'd really hate to have to type out this whole passage.
> Any suggestions?  Did I miss something?
> Thanks,
> Jessie
> >

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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread peter apgar

for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on  
screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension  
and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do  
is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
  Jensen wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>> Folks,
>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the
>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will
>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think
>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>> may help explain my observations.
>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
>> on.
>> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the  
>> day
>> and I do mean just a couple.
>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>> percent.
>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I
>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I
>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve.
>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing
>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had  
>> to
>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it
>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course
>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some
>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking  
>> for a
>> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go  
>> to
>> meetings when I'm in DC.
>> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send them
>> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
>> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
>> THanks
> >

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Re: See Finance vs. Quicken?

2009-10-25 Thread kaare dehard

Hi there, who makes this and is there a demo available etc?

On 2009-10-25, at 4:37 AM, Jess Smith wrote:

> Hi all,I have found a financial program called See Finance, and it
> looks pretty good. Was just wondering if anybody has compared it to
> Quicken as far as features, and if so, which program is better?
> Thanks
> Jess
> >

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Re: safari help

2009-10-25 Thread Pete Nalda

On Oct 24, 2009, at 2:18 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello May,
> Tabing is not the best way of navigating websites or anything else on
> the Mac with VO. In SL, you can now use Quick Nav to go through
> everything on a website or in a window using just one hand. You can
> also have VO read the whole web page as soon as it opens. You
> configure this in VoiceOver Utility under Web.
> You can also set a short-cut in Keyboard Commander to toggle between
> DOM and Groups mode for web browsing. You also have the Web Rotor
> which gives you even more flexibility when navigating Web pages.
> I've just scratched the surface of what's available to you, but you
> can find out more useful commands by pressing VO-H twice and examining
> the various commands menus.
> Tabbing around is a good way to miss a great deal of information.
> Cheers,
> Anne

Anne and Others,
What Does DOM actually mean, I sort of understand the definition of  
groups mode don't know what they mean by DOM.  TIA.

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-25 Thread Pete Nalda

On Oct 24, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Even quicker way to get to Home folder is to type Command-Shift-H from
> the Finder. It's what I do all the time.
> Cheers,
> Anne

Even quicker still is to go to the finder then Cmd+shift+O to open the  
documents folder directly.  Your advice helped me to find this.  I  
thought, hmm, what does cmd+shift+d do?  but that was desktop folder  
so then I looked in the goto menu in the finder and found goto  
documents which is cmd+O.  All the years of using a Mac and I just  
forget these little shortcuts.  That's the beauty of lists like this.   
They make you think lol.

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Readind pdf documents in Snow leopard

2009-10-25 Thread graham

Since I installed SL on to my Macbook, I've struggled reading pds such as the 
take control books etc. 

I used to have preview set up to read single page continuous however since I 
installed Snow Leopard this doesn't appear to be an option because as soon as I 
try interacting with the book I'm taken back to the start acording to 
Also if I press command option g, type in the appropiate page number and then 
click okay I'm again taken back to the start. 
I can get Preview to read in single page view though this is slow and if the 
subject you want to read about goes over two pages its a pain to keep reading 
from the top of the previous page down to where your subject starts, continue 
to the bottom of that page, stop interacting, move across to the outline view, 
arrow down to the next subject and then vo left arrow to the top of the next 
page if you follow me. 
I've also tried Skim and am finding this application equally problamatical. 

Has anyone a tip I can follow so as I can read the document continuously or is 
there a setting I can alter to resolve this? 
Lastly, is there any better aps around for reading pdf's? 

Many thanks in advance for any help received. 

Kind regards


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Snow Lepoard: Audio CD Burning Programs?

2009-10-25 Thread James Fettgather

Hello to the list.

I am wondering if there are any programs that work well with Voice  
Over for burning audio CD's?

I would prefer not to use Itunes and have to create play lists, so  
perhaps someone knows of a separate accessible program for this purpose.

Thanks a lot.

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-25 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Pete,

On Oct 25, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
> Even quicker still is to go to the finder then Cmd+shift+O to open the
> documents folder directly.  Your advice helped me to find this.
Nice find! Thank you.



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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks for the thought and no actually I hadn't set it to low, but  
I'll check on lowering it and take the auto mode off. The only reason  
I did not lower it to zero is if I needed to show something to my wife  
or there was an issue I wanted her to see or of course if she needed  
my phone, she wouldn't be able to see it. :) I imagine I could lower  
it just so it was useable, but conserving a little juice at the same  

On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>> Folks,
>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the
>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will
>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think
>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>> may help explain my observations.
>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
>> on.
>> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the  
>> day
>> and I do mean just a couple.
>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>> percent.
>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I
>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I
>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve.
>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing
>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had  
>> to
>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it
>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course
>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some
>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking  
>> for a
>> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go  
>> to
>> meetings when I'm in DC.
>> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send them
>> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
>> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
>> THanks
> >

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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I  
think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where  
laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain  
didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on  
the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what  
others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in  
how to conserve it.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:

> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on
> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension
> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do
> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
> Pete
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>  Jensen wrote:
>> Hi Scott.
>> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>>> Folks,
>>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all  
>>> the
>>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which  
>>> will
>>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I  
>>> think
>>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>>> may help explain my observations.
>>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
>>> on.
>>> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
>>> day
>>> and I do mean just a couple.
>>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>>> percent.
>>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
>>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I
>>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
>>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I
>>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
>>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only  
>>> improve.
>>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
>>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
>>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not  
>>> needing
>>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had
>>> to
>>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know  
>>> it
>>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of  
>>> course
>>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have  
>>> some
>>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
>>> for a
>>> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go
>>> to
>>> meetings when I'm in DC.
>>> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send  
>>> them
>>> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
>>> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
>>> THanks

> >

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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread peter apgar

it gave me 25-30%
  increase to battery life.

PeteOn Oct 25, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I
> think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where
> laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain
> didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on
> the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what
> others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in
> how to conserve it.
> thanks,
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:
>> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on
>> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension
>> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do
>> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
>> Pete
>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>> Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi Scott.
>>> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

 I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
 benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
 battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be  
 as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
 MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which
 impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
 someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
 possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I
 it is worth checking this entire issue out.
 Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
 may help explain my observations.

 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
 hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
 and I do mean just a couple.
 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
 (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40

 On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
 because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying  
 this I
 realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
 anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola  
 and I
 understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
 but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
 Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver  
 get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
 probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
 I also know one person who responded to me who got several days,  
 the usage was light in her particular situation.

 So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
 getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
 turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not
 either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had
 carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know
 would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of
 having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
 obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well  
 the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have
 impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
 for a
 good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go
 meetings when I'm in DC.
 Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send
 directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the  
 list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.



> >

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importing cd

2009-10-25 Thread May McDonald

Hi, how do you import a cd to the ITunes library?  I can't find that  
info, thanks.

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Re: Readind pdf documents in Snow leopard

2009-10-25 Thread Christina
I too have frustrations with reading pdf's right now.  I often have to  
read pdf documents.  I am using preview.  I get so frustrated that  
anytime I leave the window if I return I am back at the very  
beginning.  G, this wastes a lot of time when I then have to find  
my place again.  This is super frustating as often my documents  
require me to go to a website.  Then the other thing I am having  
difficulties iwith is that often I cannot easily get a link to work  
unless I zoom very large and do a normal mouse click.  This is  
excrutiatingly frustrating.  For some reason I cannot just "vo  
spacebar on the link, nor can I then just rout the mouse pointer to  
the vo cursor.  For some reason the mouse cursor misses the mark and  
doing a mouse click does not actually click on the text link.  This is  
frustrating and very time consuming.

Maybe some folks here have some good ideas.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 8:41 AM, graham wrote:

> Hi,
> Since I installed SL on to my Macbook, I've struggled reading pds  
> such as the take control books etc.
> I used to have preview set up to read single page continuous however  
> since I installed Snow Leopard this doesn't appear to be an option  
> because as soon as I try interacting with the book I'm taken back to  
> the start acording to Voiceover.
> Also if I press command option g, type in the appropiate page number  
> and then click okay I'm again taken back to the start.
> I can get Preview to read in single page view though this is slow  
> and if the subject you want to read about goes over two pages its a  
> pain to keep reading from the top of the previous page down to where  
> your subject starts, continue to the bottom of that page, stop  
> interacting, move across to the outline view, arrow down to the next  
> subject and then vo left arrow to the top of the next page if you  
> follow me.
> I've also tried Skim and am finding this application equally  
> problamatical.
> Has anyone a tip I can follow so as I can read the document  
> continuously or is there a setting I can alter to resolve this?
> Lastly, is there any better aps around for reading pdf's?
> Many thanks in advance for any help received.
> Kind regards
> Graham
> >

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Re: Free public transport app for Denmark [was Re: navigation on iphone.]

2009-10-25 Thread Abdul Kamara

hehe... Will there are times I think you type a bit too fast, such  
that it takes a bit of decoding to figure out your messages :)

To answer your question, there are a number of apps specifically  
geared toward transport for London.  As I recall, you are in  
Conventry, so this may be of no use to you.  Yet still, it's a shame  
that TFL has yet to come up with an iPhone (or any mobile phone) app  
that performs all functions of their web site.


On 24 Oct 2009, at 15:28, will wrote:

> does tiw rok in UK for buses etc?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Søren Jensen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 1:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Free public transport app for Denmark [was Re:  
> navigation on
> iphone.]
> Yeah. This app is both awesome and fuly accessible. I didn't thought
> other people was interested in danish apps here on this list. :)
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Oct 22, 2009 kl. 6:23 PM skrev Esther:
>> Hi Nic, Abdul,  Søren,
>> The free transport app for train, bus, and metro schedules in Danish/
>> English/German doesn't show up in the U.S.  app store, but here's the
>> link, in case Holly or somebody else wants to keep track (public
>> transport in Denmark):
>> (Rejseplanen by HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH)
>> This seems available in all European iTunes stores, but not in the
>> U.S.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Abdul
>>> Thanks a lot. I'll definitely try that if I get a chance. :).
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:36 PM, Abdul Kamara wrote:

 Hi Nicolai and Søren,
 I'm not sure how many Danske Folk there are on this list.  But for
 public transport in Denmark there is a rejseplanen app for the
 iPhone.  It's been a life saver for me.

 On 13 Oct 2009, at 18:13, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi
> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus,
> is
> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the
> question?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Nic,
>> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
>> (where I
>> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking
>> around
>> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around
>> here.
>> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me
>> silly
>> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now.
>>> Does
>>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never
>>> know,
>>> right?
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:

 I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use
 maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for
 On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on  
> your
> iphone?
> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it
> is
> kinda
> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
> /sandi




> >

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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Abdul Kamara

Hi Scott,
On your point about screen curtain on VO and the macbook not reducing  
battery consumption, there is a good reason for that.  Screen curtain  
only sets the color of the screen to black.  It does not turn off the  
backlight.  To get the best of both worlds on your macbook, that is,  
privacy and prolonging battery life, you can alter brightness on the  
fly by using the function (fn) key plus F1 or F2 to increase or  
decrease, respectively.  Setting the brightness to zero on the macbook  
does wonders for battery life.
Location service on the iPhone is a major power hog.  I'm sure you  
will need to use it from time to time, but if it's the case that you  
travel regular routes for most of your days, it may be better that you  
turn it on only when you need it.  I've gotten at least twice as much  
usage time having it off.

On 25 Oct 2009, at 17:23, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I
> think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where
> laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain
> didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on
> the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what
> others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in
> how to conserve it.
> thanks,
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:
>> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on
>> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension
>> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do
>> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
>> Pete
>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>> Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi Scott.
>>> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

 I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
 benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
 battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be  
 as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
 MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which
 impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
 someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
 possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I
 it is worth checking this entire issue out.
 Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
 may help explain my observations.

 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
 hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
 and I do mean just a couple.
 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
 (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40

 On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
 because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying  
 this I
 realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
 anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola  
 and I
 understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
 but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
 Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver  
 get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
 probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
 I also know one person who responded to me who got several days,  
 the usage was light in her particular situation.

 So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
 getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
 turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not
 either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had
 carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know
 would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of
 having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
 obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well  
 the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have
 impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
 for a

Re: importing cd

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Normally once you insert the CD, you are prompted as to whether you  
would like to import the CD or not. If you have disabled this feature,  
once the CD is inserted, it will show up in the sources list and once  
you have selected that item, you can navigate to the right, passed the  
songs table, and you will encounter the import button.
If you wish to change this feature so you are prompted each time a CD  
is inserted, command-comma will bring up the preferences, you will  
probably be on the General tab and if not, you can locate this by  
interacting with the toolbar, and VO-spacebar to select the General  
tab once you locate it, then simply navigate to that option and check  
the box. It is nearly the last item in the list of options in the  
General tab.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 1:28 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Hi, how do you import a cd to the ITunes library?  I can't find that
> info, thanks.
> >

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Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Now I'll be damned, that is pretty significant. I'll give that a try  
and see how my results are. You know something occurred to me and that  
is if you are in an area where coverage isn't so great, would this  
possibly put additional strain on a phone? Maybe a silly question, but  
I'm not an expert in GSM or any cell phone technology, so kind of  
wonder. I know if the WI-FI is on and constantly scanning for a  
network, this will tax the battery for sure.
On Oct 25, 2009, at 12:30 PM, peter apgar wrote:

> it gave me 25-30%
>  increase to battery life.
> PeteOn Oct 25, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I
>> think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where
>> laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain
>> didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on
>> the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what
>> others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in
>> how to conserve it.
>> thanks,
>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:
>>> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on
>>> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension
>>> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to  
>>> do
>>> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
>>> Pete
>>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>>> Jensen wrote:

 Hi Scott.

 Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:

 Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

> Folks,
> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
> the
> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be
> quite
> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9  
> running
> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which
> will
> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback  
> from
> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I
> think
> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc.  
> that
> may help explain my observations.
> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location  
> Services
> on.
> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
> day
> and I do mean just a couple.
> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
> percent.
> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying
> this I
> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola
> and I
> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery  
> life,
> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
> improve.
> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver
> can
> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days,
> but
> the usage was light in her particular situation.
> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks  
> are
> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not
> needing
> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I  
> had
> to
> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know
> it
> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of
> course
> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well
> with
> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have
> some
> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
> for a
> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to  
> go
> to
> meetings when I'm in DC.
> Any feed

Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Ah, okay, well not having read a lot on the location services yet, I  
guess there is a lot to be studied here. I'm assuming the screen  
curtain on the phone behaves differently from the computer? I can see  
how turning the screen to black may not benefit battery life, but if  
on the phone it actually disabled the screen in some way, that would  
save battery life. I'll go read up on location services, since I  
haven't found a real GPS or route solution yet, I probably don't need  
this right now. I am looking for such a solution and if you have any  
thoughts, I'd be interested. Thanks for the tips, I'm always looking  
for info to help further my knowledge.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Abdul Kamara wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> On your point about screen curtain on VO and the macbook not reducing
> battery consumption, there is a good reason for that.  Screen curtain
> only sets the color of the screen to black.  It does not turn off the
> backlight.  To get the best of both worlds on your macbook, that is,
> privacy and prolonging battery life, you can alter brightness on the
> fly by using the function (fn) key plus F1 or F2 to increase or
> decrease, respectively.  Setting the brightness to zero on the macbook
> does wonders for battery life.
> Location service on the iPhone is a major power hog.  I'm sure you
> will need to use it from time to time, but if it's the case that you
> travel regular routes for most of your days, it may be better that you
> turn it on only when you need it.  I've gotten at least twice as much
> usage time having it off.
> Best,
> A
> On 25 Oct 2009, at 17:23, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I
>> think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where
>> laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain
>> didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on
>> the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what
>> others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in
>> how to conserve it.
>> thanks,
>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:
>>> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on
>>> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension
>>> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to  
>>> do
>>> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
>>> Pete
>>> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>>> Jensen wrote:

 Hi Scott.

 Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:

 Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

> Folks,
> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
> the
> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be
> quite
> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9  
> running
> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which
> will
> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback  
> from
> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I
> think
> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc.  
> that
> may help explain my observations.
> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location  
> Services
> on.
> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
> day
> and I do mean just a couple.
> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
> percent.
> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying
> this I
> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola
> and I
> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery  
> life,
> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
> improve.
> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver
> can
> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
> I also know one person who responded to me who got several

help needed with some finder commands, please

2009-10-25 Thread a radix
Hello, I would like to copy some music from my mac to my external 
hd/reconfigure my music library putting it in folders instead of one big 
directory. Can someone give me the commands to select individual tracks to the 
clipboard in the finder so that I can copy them? I tried command down arrow but 
that does not seem to work. Also what is the home and end command in the finder 
so that i can go to the beginning or end of the list of files?
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, An ouk
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Re: Filling out PDF forms on the Mac?

2009-10-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom

And if preview can't do it, is there an app that can?

Skickat från min iPhone

25 okt 2009 kl. 12.57 skrev Dan Eickmeier :

> Hi, is it possible to fill out a pdf form on the Mac with Preview?
> Thanks.
> >

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RE: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Wouldn't a three fingered tripple tap turn on the screen curtain, which
would turn the screen off and also conserve battery life?  I guess that's
Soren meant by turning the brightness to zero.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Søren Jensen
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

Hi Scott.

Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone. Best regards
Søren Jensen Mail & MSN:

Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:

> Folks,
> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the 
> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the 
> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite 
> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running 
> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will 
> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from 
> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is 
> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think 
> it is worth checking this entire issue out. Here is a little about my 
> usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that may help explain my 
> observations.
> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
> on.
> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the day
> and I do mean just a couple.
> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
> percent.
> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications 
> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I 
> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I 
> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I 
> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life, 
> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve. 
> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can 
> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he 
> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day. I also know 
> one person who responded to me who got several days, but the usage was 
> light in her particular situation.
> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are 
> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I 
> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing 
> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had to 
> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it 
> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course 
> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is 
> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with 
> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some 
> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking for a 
> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go to 
> meetings when I'm in DC. Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated 
> and feel free to send them directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get 
> subscribed to the iPhone list, so hope you all don't mind me posting 
> this here.
> THanks
> >

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Re: safari help

2009-10-25 Thread Portia

Dom can mean Document Object Model. However, there could be other meanings.



Pete Nalda wrote:
> On Oct 24, 2009, at 2:18 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello May,
>> Tabing is not the best way of navigating websites or anything else on
>> the Mac with VO. In SL, you can now use Quick Nav to go through
>> everything on a website or in a window using just one hand. You can
>> also have VO read the whole web page as soon as it opens. You
>> configure this in VoiceOver Utility under Web.
>> You can also set a short-cut in Keyboard Commander to toggle between
>> DOM and Groups mode for web browsing. You also have the Web Rotor
>> which gives you even more flexibility when navigating Web pages.
>> I've just scratched the surface of what's available to you, but you
>> can find out more useful commands by pressing VO-H twice and examining
>> the various commands menus.
>> Tabbing around is a good way to miss a great deal of information.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> Anne and Others,
> What Does DOM actually mean, I sort of understand the definition of  
> groups mode don't know what they mean by DOM.  TIA.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> >

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RE: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Maybe shoot a question to and they'll tell you whether
the screenc urtain would make a diference in battery consumption.  They're
the ones who have the specs, after all.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I  
think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where  
laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain  
didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on  
the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what  
others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in  
how to conserve it.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:

> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on 
> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension 
> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do 
> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
> Pete
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>  Jensen wrote:
>> Hi Scott.
>> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone. Best 
>> regards Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>>> Folks,
>>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
>>> the
>>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which  
>>> will
>>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I  
>>> think
>>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>>> may help explain my observations.
>>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services 
>>> on. 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
>>> day
>>> and I do mean just a couple.
>>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>>> percent.
>>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications 
>>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I 
>>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I 
>>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I 
>>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life, 
>>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
>>> improve.
>>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are 
>>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I 
>>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not
>>> needing
>>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had
>>> to
>>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know  
>>> it
>>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of  
>>> course
>>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have  
>>> some
>>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
>>> for a
>>> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go
>>> to
>>> meetings when I'm in DC.
>>> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send  
>>> them
>>> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
>>> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
>>> THanks

> >

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Re: help needed with some finder commands, please

2009-10-25 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Anouk,

You can find any command you need by pressing VO-H twice and looking  
through the commands menus. When you find a command you want, you can  
also press Return to apply it.



On Oct 25, 2009, at 10:20 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I would like to copy some music from my mac to my external hd/ 
> reconfigure my music library putting it in folders instead of one  
> big directory. Can someone give me the commands to select individual  
> tracks to the clipboard in the finder so that I can copy them? I  
> tried command down arrow but that does not seem to work. Also what  
> is the home and end command in the finder so that i can go to the  
> beginning or end of the list of files?
> Thanks in advance,
> Greetings, An ouk
> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-25 Thread Pete Nalda

You're welcome.  I didn't say how I found that, I went to the goto  
menu, which is quite handy as it lists all the places you can go and  
their keyboard shortcuts.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Pete,
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Even quicker still is to go to the finder then Cmd+shift+O to open  
>> the
>> documents folder directly.  Your advice helped me to find this.
> Nice find! Thank you.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not 
mis-represent what we're doing.

If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly discussing the 
problem that some folks, in some parts of the world, or with some wireless 
carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay for data by the KB, among other 

I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover hosting 
costs, so that argument is ridiculous.

We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the community. I'm sorry 
you feel there is some conspiracy theory or something going on behind the 


On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> Lots of people have.
> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
> the full text to be included, its not happening.
> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets be
> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size difference
> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
> modem.

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Usenet Reader Accessible with VO and Zoom for offline reading?

2009-10-25 Thread Pete Nalda

Anyone know of such a thing?  Tried Hogwasher but it's totally  
inaccessible, Unison is nice but no offline reading, I heard One  
coming I think it's called Nemo but I don't know what the status is.   
Anyone else got any ideas?  TIA

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Josh, there's no reason to apologize. I'd steer away from such  
arguments, but you know sometimes it's just difficult not to chime in.  
First there's no reason why you can't offset your cost if any as you  
see fit. YOur providing the service, someone doesn't like how it's  
managed, they can pound sand and go find their info elsewhere. It is  
also important to point out that beyond their lame rationale, posting  
the entire content of another person's work even if cited properly  
isn't generally acceptable since most carry a disclaimer that the  
content is not to be reproduced in any form without permission and  
quite honestly it would be impractical to obtain such permission in  
sufficient time for the information to be relevant.
On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not  
> mis-represent what we're doing.
> If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly  
> discussing the problem that some folks, in some parts of the world,  
> or with some wireless carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay  
> for data by the KB, among other considerations.
> I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover  
> hosting costs, so that argument is ridiculous.
> We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the  
> community. I'm sorry you feel there is some conspiracy theory or  
> something going on behind the scenes.
>   Sadly,
>   Josh
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> Lots of people have.
>> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
>> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
>> the full text to be included, its not happening.
>> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
>> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets  
>> be
>> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
>> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
>> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
>> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size difference
>> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
>> modem.
> >

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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread Scott Howell

Josh, there's no reason to apologize. I'd steer away from such  
arguments, but you know sometimes it's just difficult not to chime in.  
First there's no reason why you can't offset your cost if any as you  
see fit. YOur providing the service, someone doesn't like how it's  
managed, they can pound sand and go find their info elsewhere. It is  
also important to point out that beyond their lame rationale, posting  
the entire content of another person's work even if cited properly  
isn't generally acceptable since most carry a disclaimer that the  
content is not to be reproduced in any form without permission and  
quite honestly it would be impractical to obtain such permission in  
sufficient time for the information to be relevant.
On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not  
> mis-represent what we're doing.
> If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly  
> discussing the problem that some folks, in some parts of the world,  
> or with some wireless carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay  
> for data by the KB, among other considerations.
> I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover  
> hosting costs, so that argument is ridiculous.
> We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the  
> community. I'm sorry you feel there is some conspiracy theory or  
> something going on behind the scenes.
>   Sadly,
>   Josh
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> Lots of people have.
>> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
>> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
>> the full text to be included, its not happening.
>> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
>> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets  
>> be
>> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
>> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
>> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
>> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size difference
>> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
>> modem.
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

OH NO! You send two copies of the same message! Somewhere, some  
limited bandwidth user has just been bankrupted by your careless use  
of your unlimited band width, you bourgeoise fat cat capitalist!  Go  
buy $5 million in carbon offsets or you will surely burn in hELL!

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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RE: The IPhone and Battery Life

2009-10-25 Thread Simon Fogarty

It definitely does, I used the curtain all the time on my Iphone and I
really did notice a difference in battery life.
 But I also had location services turned off as well as wireless till I
neded it and also turned 3g off so I had it running on next to nothing.

I managed to get just under 3 days out of it with the best case.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Gibbs
Sent: Monday, 26 October 2009 11:32 a.m.
Subject: RE: The IPhone and Battery Life

Maybe shoot a question to and they'll tell you whether
the screenc urtain would make a diference in battery consumption.  They're
the ones who have the specs, after all.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: The IPhone and Battery Life

Hey Pete, good point, I wasn't sure that would really help since I  
think someone had brought this up for discussion a while back where  
laptops were concerned and it was determined that the screen curtain  
didn't offer much in terms of battery savings. Perhaps the screen on  
the iPHone is a bit different? Of course I'm very interested in what  
others experience is with the iPhone and battery life and not just in  
how to conserve it.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:09 AM, peter apgar wrote:

> for the same results three finger triple tap and it will turn on 
> screen curtain.  this will give you the same battery life extension 
> and if you ever want someone to look at some thing all you need to do 
> is three finger triple tap and it will be back to full brightness.
> Pete
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM,
>  Jensen wrote:
>> Hi Scott.
>> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone. Best 
>> regards Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>>> Folks,
>>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all
>>> the
>>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which  
>>> will
>>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I  
>>> think
>>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>>> may help explain my observations.
>>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services 
>>> on. 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the
>>> day
>>> and I do mean just a couple.
>>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>>> percent.
>>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications 
>>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I 
>>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I 
>>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I 
>>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life, 
>>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only
>>> improve.
>>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are 
>>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I 
>>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not
>>> needing
>>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had
>>> to
>>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know  
>>> it
>>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of  
>>> course
>>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have  
>>> some
>>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking
>>> for a

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-25 Thread KehzaFox

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the feedback on this.  It's interesting to see how some
folks' systems won't give the VO feedback, and then some systems don't
seem to want to have anything to do with running the software in the
first place!

When you first start up JamochaMUD and get the world connector it
doesn't have any worlds listed; you'll need to create at least one world
to connect, or choose the "Don't Connect" button to get to the main
window.  Right now I had been concentrating on accessibility in the the
World Connector so that folks can at least get a start on things... I'll
try to work my way through from most commonly used parts to least.

It is curious that I've had a couple reports about some other process
keeping VO and the system busy.  I'll have to see if I can figure out
what might be causing that.  JamochaMUD does sort've kludge things in
that when it does present the World Connector the main window is also
created but not set to be visible.  I don't know if Voice Over is
somehow seeing that window and it is causing it grief, or not.  I'll see
if I can find a better way of handling that, just to rule it out.

I also understand what it is like trying to find time for meaning
feedback and bug-squashing.  Personally, I'm in the middle of some major
home renovations that are impacting life here at the house, so probably
should be making certain my priorities are in-line.  But I'll definitely
try to pursue any problems that you find with JamochaMUD.

Thanks for writing back,


Thomas McMahan wrote:
> I am still trying it, The buttons on mine do anounce, but the time  
> between when I VO up or down arrow and the anouncement is delayed by  
> vo saying "java busy."  The browser though for some reason I can't  
> interact with or get information of listed worlds.  Are there worlds  
> listed from initial programming of the aplication, or does it create  
> the list as I add worlds?  I suppose if there are no worlds listed  
> yet, then that's why I wouldn't be able to interact with browser.   
> Some time I will try going into one of the games and see if it will  
> add the world.
> I think what worrys me more is that something's resources are being  
> over used somewhere with VO saying "java busy" all the time, and I  
> haven't figured out exactly why that's happening, which of course  
> forces me as a player to be slow waiting to get the information.
> I remember trying an earlier version of this aplication maybe a  
> couple of years ago, well deffinitely over a year ago and this  
> version is better for feedback in giving me information as to what's  
> available.  So you've deffinitely progressed in this version compared  
> to the one I tried before in the previous version.
> Also what is the latest version of Java which can be ran with Tiger,  
> perhaps that may be part of the problem as well, not sure.  I don't  
> give up to fast if I can find labeled things to click.  Went round  
> and round with Atlantis before getting it to work ok with my machine  
> as well.  Meanwhile doing that would play games with mudwalkerwhich  
> works, but again have to be pretty active with theVO home and end  
> keys and the tab key to get information.  But don't have a clue as to  
> how do do plugginsfor sounds or anything like that for mudwalker.   
> Haven't tried doing pluggins for your aplication yet, figured I would  
> try it as it is first before seeing what were offered for pluggins.
> Some game sites offer sound packages that you can run while in their  
> games, which to me would be cool to hear while playing.
> In short though, I haven't given up on trying it yet, and probably  
> won't for a while yet.  The unfortunate thing is though I haven't  
> been able to spend much time at computer for past 4 months, but  
> perhaps when my wife can get to come back home I will get some more  
> computer time back in because I will physically be at home more.   
> Unless when she gets back home she creates large "honey do" lists for  
> me *lol.*
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:
>> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to say a
>> little disappointing!
>> Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World  
>> Connector)
>>  I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional  
>> Accessible
>> Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
>> screen readers.
>> How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
>> intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if  
>> I can
>> sort things out.
>> Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these  
>> problems
>> ironed out.
>> Jeff
>> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>>> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but
>>> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
>>> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
>>> have me killed 

Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread Tyler Littlefield

So we all know what to do. Lets all create a site as successful as  
josh and force people to click so we can become ritch just like josh.  

On Oct 25, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not  
> mis-represent what we're doing.
> If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly  
> discussing the problem that some folks, in some parts of the world,  
> or with some wireless carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay  
> for data by the KB, among other considerations.
> I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover  
> hosting costs, so that argument is ridiculous.
> We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the  
> community. I'm sorry you feel there is some conspiracy theory or  
> something going on behind the scenes.
>   Sadly,
>   Josh
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> Lots of people have.
>> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
>> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
>> the full text to be included, its not happening.
>> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
>> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets  
>> be
>> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
>> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
>> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
>> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size difference
>> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
>> modem.

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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Has anyone tried running something like TinyFugue straight from  
terminal?  I don't have any accounts on any of the MUDs left--though  
TinyTim might have my player on file somewhere, I'm sure LambdaMoo has  
deleted me long, long ago.  Else, I'd get back into it.  I never did  
get Second Life to do much, despite Max the virtual guide dog.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Usenet Reader Accessible with VO and Zoom for offline reading?

2009-10-25 Thread Buddy Brannan

Hey Pete,

Try Unison, which is made by the same folks who make transmit ftp.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 25, 2009, at 8:15 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Anyone know of such a thing?  Tried Hogwasher but it's totally
> inaccessible, Unison is nice but no offline reading, I heard One
> coming I think it's called Nemo but I don't know what the status is.
> Anyone else got any ideas?  TIA
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> >

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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-25 Thread Thomas McMahan

Ok, Jeff, that then explains not being to interact with the browser.   
Will try the (don't connec) button and then see what it does at that  
point then.

As for different systems and their reactions, that seems to be  
somewhat common, just as voice over quite often has multipal ways to  
accomplish one thing, which is ok different people have different needs.

Also in regard to systems, I am probably part of a samll mynority on  
the list since I am stil running tiger here, to slow of a processer  
for the later cats.  So an ancient machine *lol.*  Have had it for  
just about 7 years now, so wonder if it will start to have the 7 year  
itch soon?  Or will that be us in wanting a different machine *lol.*

On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:55 PM, KehzaFox wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for the feedback on this.  It's interesting to see how some
> folks' systems won't give the VO feedback, and then some systems don't
> seem to want to have anything to do with running the software in the
> first place!
> When you first start up JamochaMUD and get the world connector it
> doesn't have any worlds listed; you'll need to create at least one  
> world
> to connect, or choose the "Don't Connect" button to get to the main
> window.  Right now I had been concentrating on accessibility in the  
> the
> World Connector so that folks can at least get a start on things...  
> I'll
> try to work my way through from most commonly used parts to least.
> It is curious that I've had a couple reports about some other process
> keeping VO and the system busy.  I'll have to see if I can figure out
> what might be causing that.  JamochaMUD does sort've kludge things in
> that when it does present the World Connector the main window is also
> created but not set to be visible.  I don't know if Voice Over is
> somehow seeing that window and it is causing it grief, or not.   
> I'll see
> if I can find a better way of handling that, just to rule it out.
> I also understand what it is like trying to find time for meaning
> feedback and bug-squashing.  Personally, I'm in the middle of some  
> major
> home renovations that are impacting life here at the house, so  
> probably
> should be making certain my priorities are in-line.  But I'll  
> definitely
> try to pursue any problems that you find with JamochaMUD.
> Thanks for writing back,
> Jeff
> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> I am still trying it, The buttons on mine do anounce, but the time
>> between when I VO up or down arrow and the anouncement is delayed by
>> vo saying "java busy."  The browser though for some reason I can't
>> interact with or get information of listed worlds.  Are there worlds
>> listed from initial programming of the aplication, or does it create
>> the list as I add worlds?  I suppose if there are no worlds listed
>> yet, then that's why I wouldn't be able to interact with browser.
>> Some time I will try going into one of the games and see if it will
>> add the world.
>> I think what worrys me more is that something's resources are being
>> over used somewhere with VO saying "java busy" all the time, and I
>> haven't figured out exactly why that's happening, which of course
>> forces me as a player to be slow waiting to get the information.
>> I remember trying an earlier version of this aplication maybe a
>> couple of years ago, well deffinitely over a year ago and this
>> version is better for feedback in giving me information as to what's
>> available.  So you've deffinitely progressed in this version compared
>> to the one I tried before in the previous version.
>> Also what is the latest version of Java which can be ran with Tiger,
>> perhaps that may be part of the problem as well, not sure.  I don't
>> give up to fast if I can find labeled things to click.  Went round
>> and round with Atlantis before getting it to work ok with my machine
>> as well.  Meanwhile doing that would play games with mudwalkerwhich
>> works, but again have to be pretty active with theVO home and end
>> keys and the tab key to get information.  But don't have a clue as to
>> how do do plugginsfor sounds or anything like that for mudwalker.
>> Haven't tried doing pluggins for your aplication yet, figured I would
>> try it as it is first before seeing what were offered for pluggins.
>> Some game sites offer sound packages that you can run while in their
>> games, which to me would be cool to hear while playing.
>> In short though, I haven't given up on trying it yet, and probably
>> won't for a while yet.  The unfortunate thing is though I haven't
>> been able to spend much time at computer for past 4 months, but
>> perhaps when my wife can get to come back home I will get some more
>> computer time back in because I will physically be at home more.
>> Unless when she gets back home she creates large "honey do" lists for
>> me *lol.*
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:
>>> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to 

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-25 Thread Thomas McMahan

I can't say I've tried that.  Understand though it was quite good in  
the past though, but wasn't mudding back then.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Has anyone tried running something like TinyFugue straight from
> terminal?  I don't have any accounts on any of the MUDs left--though
> TinyTim might have my player on file somewhere, I'm sure LambdaMoo has
> deleted me long, long ago.  Else, I'd get back into it.  I never did
> get Second Life to do much, despite Max the virtual guide dog.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread michael A. Babcock

i have to jump in here. We have limited bandwith here where i live,  
and we have six computers on the network. SOutheast alaska isn't the  
best for internet.
Josh, thanks, for not posting the entire messages, as i know this  
would limit our bandwith even more, even if it's something i don't  
want to read.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not  
> mis-represent what we're doing.
> If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly  
> discussing the problem that some folks, in some parts of the world,  
> or with some wireless carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay  
> for data by the KB, among other considerations.
> I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover  
> hosting costs, so that argument is ridiculous.
> We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the  
> community. I'm sorry you feel there is some conspiracy theory or  
> something going on behind the scenes.
>   Sadly,
>   Josh
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> Lots of people have.
>> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
>> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
>> the full text to be included, its not happening.
>> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
>> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets  
>> be
>> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
>> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
>> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
>> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size difference
>> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
>> modem.
> >

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Re: attention Lioncourt

2009-10-25 Thread peter apgar


so my argument is to  place a few more KB's in a mailing.  This will  
eliminate the MB's associated  with  surfing that it often takes to  
locate the given articles in their entirety.   Mail tend's to be less  
of a hog then surfing.  as for much of the extra  mailings that   
post   limited data they add more band with clutter then the  
difference in the size of the mailings. would  to add my  personal  
data  on this, discussion, i pay for a thumb drive modem that has a  
limited usage and  by no means would  josh's full articles cause me to  
break my limit.  MY   request  WAS   in no way intended to sling mud  
at josh but to make more of his information available to those just  
trying to learn the mac. with limited time.  Josh no personal attacks  


On Oct 25, 2009, at 9:39 PM, michael A. Babcock wrote:

> hi;
> i have to jump in here. We have limited bandwith here where i live,
> and we have six computers on the network. SOutheast alaska isn't the
> best for internet.
> Josh, thanks, for not posting the entire messages, as i know this
> would limit our bandwith even more, even if it's something i don't
> want to read.
> mike
> On Oct 25, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>> I'm sorry you feel that way. I would appreciate it if you would not
>> mis-represent what we're doing.
>> If you had actually read previous messages, we were mainly
>> discussing the problem that some folks, in some parts of the world,
>> or with some wireless carriers in the US and elsewhere, have to pay
>> for data by the KB, among other considerations.
>> I don't get enough from the Google Ads or donations to even cover
>> hosting costs, so that argument is ridiculous.
>> We really do try to do what is in the best interest of the
>> community. I'm sorry you feel there is some conspiracy theory or
>> something going on behind the scenes.
>>  Sadly,
>>  Josh
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:51 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>> Lots of people have.
>>> Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
>>> interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
>>> the full text to be included, its not happening.
>>> It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a  
>>> few
>>> times and I feel that it has some really valuable content, but lets
>>> be
>>> honest, the only reason that the ful text isn't posted is so that he
>>> can get more clicks and hopefully more clicks on his google adds.
>>> You'll probably get the old "some people don't have broadband so we
>>> need to compact messages" excuse, but in reality, the size  
>>> difference
>>> would be at most a few k, which would take around a second on a 56k
>>> modem.
> >

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Re: Abby Finereader Express for the Mac

2009-10-25 Thread Jake

Hi there
I have it and it works great. The results, as you'd expect from
Finereader, are excellent and most definitely on par with Finereader
for Windows. The interface is considerably different and simplified,
but it's accessible. There are a few buttons that aren't labeled, such
as the scan button, but no other issues. One thing to note, however,
is it does scan using your scanner driver's native interface which may
or may not be accessible, that depends on the scanner. I'm trying to
see if there's a way around this either by VueScan or perhaps Abbyy
will include the Finereader scanning interface in a future update and
bypass the scanner driver screen altogether.

claire amoroso wrote:
> Hi, Has anybody got this piece of software ? How are the results ? Can you 
> correct the errors in the file you scan ? I have the Professional version for 
> Windows and I really like it.Thanks for your help, Claire
> _
> Nouveau ! Tout Windows débarque dans votre téléphone. Voir les Windows phone
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