RE: iPhone like KNFB?

2009-10-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
 The better the camera, the sharper the picture that is taken therefore the
better chance the OCR software has of recognising  characters.


  For example the n86 is a better quality of recognition   with the knfb
reader than I found with the N82.




[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, 13 October 2009 3:56 a.m.
Subject: Re: iPhone like KNFB?


Not sure the camera really does the OCR function. That's probably software
after the photo is taken. That said, KNFB runs in the Nokia N82 which has a
5 megapixel camera while the iPhone 3GS is just 3 megapixels. Not sure how
much the megapixels mater but for OCR more is probably better. If you figure
even a relatively low res flatbed scanner will do 300 dpi, that means an
8x10 image will be 2400x3000 pixels or 7.2 megapixels so the Nokia is
already a compromise. None of this has to do with the OCR software being
able to run on the iPhone CPU. The OCR software isn't going to do a very
good job if the quality of the image it has to work with is low.


Rich Ring wrote: 

The camera on the iPhone is not powerful enough to do O/CR.

- Original Message - 

From: Ryan   Dour 

To: MacVisionaries   

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 3:49 PM

Subject: iPhone like KNFB?




What apps could be added to an iPhone at this point to provide similar
functionality to a KNFB phone? The key featuresthat could help are:


* OCR of documents, signs, product boxes, etc.

* Talking pedestrian directions such as "You are approaching the corner of
North Michigan Avenue and East Heron." When you get to the corner, "Turn
right." and in a few more feet "Continue to the next corner, St. Claire and
E Heron."

* Color detection, providing reasonably good color matching or description.

* Barcode reader with the ability to detect the barcode anywhere in the
picture frame, not just across a red line on the screen that makes use
difficult when you're only sure of the general location of the code. Ability
to pair with external BlueTooth barcode scanner as an alternative could be

* Talking compass, something very similar to the built-in feature, but with
names of directions quickly spoken.


Here's the great part, some of the apps exist, but don't offer full


* A Voice Compass - Literally a talking compass with great accuracy. It even
cuts itself off if you turn it really fast, listen to the directions in an
audio blur if you so choose.

* Around Me - Great for POI, but that's where the fun ends. Also, great for
getting phone numbers to places quickly.

* Maps - Great for finding out where you are, and general directions.
However, no warnings about distance as you move.


I've found apps that offer functionality beyond the typical blindness
offerings that make life just sweet. For me, local apps can be fantastic:


* CTA Tracker - Easily the most accessible CTA tracking app. If you live in
Chicago, this app provides complete details of busses at your local bus
stops. Find a bus, wait for it to pull up and announce itself, then track
your way to your destination with time estimates. Simply awesome for
commuting. If you leave the VO cursor on the next stop in the list, and turn
Auto Lock off, VO will announce the stop the bus is approaching once a
minute. Turn on your iPod, and let VO be the Dj telling you where you're at
as you travel without having to keep one ear open for the bus PA system.

* Chipotle - Order some yummy food while you're on your way home. You can
put together your order, choose toppings, sides, and a drink. You can then
place a note on the order to let the great staff know you're blind, and to
look out for ya when you get there. It has been a really amazing experience
using this app. My reason, sometimes the restaurant is so loud that the
staff start simply pointing at the toppings and looking for feedback from
the customer. When you try and explain that you're blind, they don't speak
up enough, or it really throws them off and they start missing toppings.
Using this app, you get exactly what you wanted without the confusion of the
Chipotle assembly line. Even better, your credit card never comes out of
your wallet.


I've got many other apps, but these are some that I've used in the last few
days. They provide me with tools that enrich my life. There are others out
there I know I'm missing, as the app store is the hottest most crowded
marketplace for software I've ever seen. If anyone else has ideas for apps
that make the iPhone specifically a brilliant tool for a blind user, please
let us all know. Beyond the Twitter and Facebook apps we all love, I'm
looking for apps that help enhance real life activities happening in the
real world.



Ryan Dour





Vuscan free?

2009-10-13 Thread william lomas

hi is vuscan a free program, or paidfore?

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Re: Gmail Filters and the IPhone

2009-10-13 Thread Scott Howell

THanks Holly, I apparently did not check the box to skip inbox, so see  
what that does. I assume you mean to put the parens around only the e- 
mail address? I haven't seen those before so did not include them.  
I'll try this out and well I'll just keep trying. I'm sure I'll figure  
it out or just get bored and find something else to hammer on. :)
Thanks for your help,

On Oct 12, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:

> Hmmm, strange.  I've gotten it to work.  Are you checking the box to
> skip inbox, and the box to apply labels?  If you don't check skip
> inbox you will get a copy in your inbox and a copy in the mac
> visionaries folder.  You might try putting the address in parentheses,
> not sure if they are necessary but I put them in there.
> Holly
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:12 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> THanks Holly, but still doesn't seem to quite work. GOing to have to
>> keep working at this and I'm sure I'll get it going. Only if the Mail
>> rules would just work on the iPhone/iPod Touch, I wouldn't have to
>> bother with the Gmail filters.
>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:58 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:
>>> Hi.  no the  dash is not necessary. gmail will recognize it as reply
>>> to.
>>> Holly
>>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 7:25 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Holly, question. I was looking at the headers and noticed it shows
 Reply-to: then the list address. So, is the dash necessary or is
 something Mail puts in there.

 On Oct 12, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Holly Anderson wrote:

> hi.  try setting up gmail to filter by the reply to field instead.
> to
> do this: type " in the
> filter
> on specific words text box.   Then check the box apply to label  
> and
> select your macvisionaries label.
> hope that helps.
> Holly
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks,
>>  I have a couple of questions. First I recently switched receipt
>> of
>> e-
>> mail for this list to my Gmail account. Therefore, I have Gmail
>> setup
>> as an imap account and I tried establishing filters and labels to
>> accomplish the same thing Apple Mail's rules perform. I created a
>> label called Macvisionaries and had the to field set to 
>> and based the filter on that label. Unfortunately the messages
>> addressed to the list are still ending up in my inbox unless I  
>> use
>> the
>> local Apple Mail rules. Any thoughts on what I need to do or
>> should
>> do
>> to correct this problem?
>> The entire point of doing this was to make it possible so when I
>> got
>> either the iPod touch or most likely the iPhone, I could have  
>> mail
>> placed into folders instead of all lumped into one mailbox. If  
>> the
>> iPhone were capable of using the rules setup in Apple Mail,  
>> then I
>> wouldn't have any issues, I'd just sync Mail to the iPhone, but  
>> my
>> understanding is that unless you have the filtering done by  
>> Gmail,
>> that would not be possible. Of course I'm wrong, please let me
>> know.
>> Thanks,


> >

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navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread sandi sørensen

the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your iphone?
Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is kinda  
interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.

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Re: Vuscan free?

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Will,

VueScan is not free but the trial version is not time limited.  
However, it leaves a watermark on every image which can interfere with  
the OCR.



On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:40 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi is vuscan a free program, or paidfore?
> >

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Changing language localization [was Re: japanese local settings keyboard and voice over]

2009-10-13 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

You wrote:
> Yes, Alex is the only audible voice provided by aple, and i have
> several infovox languages.
> If the local settings cna be changed on the fly, as well as the
> keyboard, then i am in business.
At the Multilingual Mac page, the last item in the article on language  
changes in Snow Leopard states:

"Hitting Space while holding down Apple/Command will produce a list of  
active keyboard layouts in the center of the screen, which can be  
selected via the mouse or the up/down arrows.

10.6 has no new localizations for OS X or any new languages for  
reading and input.

Also it appears that File > Get Info no longer has a Languages tab,  
which makes it hard to run an app in a language other than that of the  
OS. A workaround may be here."

The first item about using Command-Space to switch keyboards sounds as  
though Snow Leopard has gone back to using this shortcut sequence to  
default for input language switching instead of for Spotlight.  The  
last item refers to the fact that in Leopard (and in Tiger), when you  
select any app, and do a Get Info (Command-I), one of the fields tells  
you about Language localizations, and if you uncheck all the language  
options but one, you can force the application to open in that  
language even if it is not your default language.  (By that I mean  
that the window title bars, the menus on the application's menu bar,  
the help, and spell checking will be in that language localization).

You can also make your Mac launch an application in another language  
localization from terminal by typing the full path to the app within  
its application bundle and setting a 2-character switch for the  
language.  For example, typing a command like:
/Applications/ -AppleLanguages '(de)' &
where the two-letter language argument for "-AppleLanguages" is  
enclosed in parentheses and also with single quotation marks, and will  
force iTunes to launch in a German localization. (This was used to  
check a bug in iTunes a few months ago where connecting an iPod Nano  
4G did not let VoiceOver access the tabs for selecting music and  
podcasts under German localization, but using English localization  
worked.  The bug has since been fixed.)  Change the "d e" to "e n" for  
English, or to "f r" for French.
Here's a Mac OS X HInts page on "Temporarily change system language  
via AppleScript" that might give you some other ideas:
For example, since the Mac has a language preference order, you could  
switch preferences for an app in Terminal (has to be done with the app  
closed or your command will be overwritten) with a command like this:
defaults write AppleLanguages '("jp", "en-US")'
(note all single and double quotation marks). This would tell the mail  
app to open first in Japanese rather than (U.S.) English (and would  
allow only the two localizations).  Reversing the order of the  
arguments would make the mail app open in English first.  (There seem  
to be other two-letter abbreviations for Japanese floating around  
depending on the keyboard input type, like "ja" so do some exploring.)
Or, you could just launch your app on the command line with the  
language options as before, for example to open TextEdit with Japanese  
/Applications/TextEdit/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit -AppleLanguages '(ja)' &
(Warning, you may get errors if you try to spawn multiple processes --  
if you already have a TextEdit session running.  The ampersand at the  
end spawns the process as a background task.)
The workaround mentioned on the Multilingual Mac page was a link to a  
free software program called "Language Switcher".  I tried it a few  
months ago under Leopard, and it seemed slightly unstable and still a  
work in progress. The GUI isn't entirely accessible to VoiceOver but  
you can use it by typing the name of the app you want into the search  
field.  It seems to construct a list of applications by looking in  
your Applications directory and listing every file there as an app,  
which is a problem if you've ever stored a "README" description folder  
for an application in the same directory. The first thing I would do,  
if using this app, is go into the View menu on the status bar and  
display a table of all the apps this program has found and (painfully)  
uncheck nearly all of them except for the very few programs you might  
want to run under a different language localization (like Mail,  
TextEdit, etc.).  By default, the first of the checked apps  
(alphabetically) is shown as the chosen app in the GUI, and the pop up  
button will show you available language localizations which you can  
choose.  The Language Switcher app is available at:
I would personally use Terminal if you're comfortable with it.  The  
only Japanese voice that I'm aware you can just get for the Mac is the  

Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Chris Blouch

Maybe it's just me, but this email came through dated January 7 2001. Is 
your clock set correctly?


sandi sørensen wrote:
> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your iphone?
> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is kinda  
> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
> /sandi
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread May McDonald

I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the  
maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your  
> iphone?
> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is kinda
> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
> /sandi
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does  
it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as  
Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,  

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is  
>> kinda
>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>> /sandi
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom

There is a Navigon Mobile navigator for the nordic countries. I think  
it includes the scandinavian countries.
13 okt 2009 kl. 17.11 skrev Nicolai Svendsen:

> Hi,
> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
> right?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>>> iphone?
>>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
>>> kinda
>>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>>> /sandi

> >

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Re: NAS storage not showing up in Disk Utilities

2009-10-13 Thread Chris Blouch

I didn't think an Ethernet attached NAS would show up in Disk Utility 
because the drives are not attached to your machine directly. You should 
be able to just fileshare to it using Apple-K to connect to the 
fileserver. The actual formatting and management of the NAS device 
depends on how they set it up. Could be a web based interface or buttons 
on the box.


VaShaun Jones wrote:
> Listers does anyone know how to get a NAS storage to show up in Disc  
> Utilities? I have the hard drive set up via ethernet and it does not  
> show up in the list of disc. Can someone assist me in this?
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Ah, alright. I was just thinking I'd need a GPS solution if I ever get  
an iPhone. Thank you. :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> There is a Navigon Mobile navigator for the nordic countries. I think
> it includes the scandinavian countries.
> /Krister
> 13 okt 2009 kl. 17.11 skrev Nicolai Svendsen:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
>> right?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
>>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
>>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
 Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
 interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.


> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Michael Huckabay

I have a cupple of questions regarding gps navigation on the Iphone.  
Ive herd a lot of talk about nivigon and was wundering a cupple  
thing's about it.
First can you set a root and then have gided instructions eather by  
walking or in car?  Will it tell you if your in normal moad and  
walking that your comeing up to a crossing streat?  When you are will  
it oddimadicley tell you or do you have to tap the screan to get this  
info?  How ackerit will it be?
If enny one could ancer these questions that would be grate.  I am  
thinking of getting navigon but don't want to purchis it if it is not  
a verry good gps prodect for the Iphone.
Mike h. 

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Nic,

I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France (where I  
live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking around  
the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around here.  
`i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me silly  
ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.



On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
> right?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>>> iphone?
>>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
>>> kinda
>>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>>> /sandi

> >

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double spacing

2009-10-13 Thread May McDonald

Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I need  
to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double  
spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help, thanks.

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Søren Jensen


Anne: When using Maps, will it then say you have to turn either to the  
left or right when walking down the street? I've just tried maps  
today, and it's really awesome. I'm just wandering what would happen  
if you pass the street where you have to turn.

It's really great to hear that navigon works in most countries. I  
might buy it in the nearest future. Does it works very well like the  
other gps salutions there are made for blind and visually impaired  
when walking down the street?
I look forward to hear more information about Navigon.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Nic,
> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France (where I
> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking around
> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around here.
> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me silly
> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
>> right?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
>>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
>>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
 Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
 interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.


> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus, is  
this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the question?

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Nic,
> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France (where I
> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking around
> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around here.
> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me silly
> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
>> right?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
>>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
>>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
 Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
 interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.


> >

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Re: double spacing

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello May,

In Pages, as long as you already have text in the document, show  
Inspector (Command-Option-I). Then make sure you're not interacting  
with anything and go to the top left corner of the window (VO-FN-Left  
arrow). You'll hear "Document Radio Button". Navigate right to the  
fourth button, Text, and select it. Keep navigating right until you  
hear Line, then twice to the right and you can type in the figure 2  
for double spacing.



On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:40 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I need
> to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double
> spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help,  
> thanks.
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Søren Jensen

Maps can do that. It's awesome.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi
> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus, is
> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the question?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Nic,
>> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France  
>> (where I
>> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking around
>> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around here.
>> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me silly
>> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now. Does
>>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,
>>> right?
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:

 I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
 maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
 On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
> iphone?
> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
> kinda
> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
> /sandi


> >

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Re: double spacing

2009-10-13 Thread May McDonald

What about in text edit?

May, sent from my iPhone

On 2009-10-13, at 9:32 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello May,
> In Pages, as long as you already have text in the document, show
> Inspector (Command-Option-I). Then make sure you're not interacting
> with anything and go to the top left corner of the window (VO-FN-Left
> arrow). You'll hear "Document Radio Button". Navigate right to the
> fourth button, Text, and select it. Keep navigating right until you
> hear Line, then twice to the right and you can type in the figure 2
> for double spacing.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:40 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I need
>> to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double
>> spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help,
>> thanks.
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread sandi sørensen

interestingly enough its not just you;)
it says the same at my end it changes everytime the computer runs low  
on battery and disconnects from the net, which it does quite often.  
About every night

On Oct 13, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Maybe it's just me, but this email came through dated January 7  
> 2001. Is
> your clock set correctly?
> CB
> sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your  
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is  
>> kinda
>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>> /sandi
> >

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Re: double spacing

2009-10-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Select the text you want set to double-space (Command-A if you want all 
of the document). Then VO up to move to the Ruler and interact with 
that. VO-right about 5 times to reach the paragraph and line spacing 
menu button. VO-space to pull down the menu and then VO-down to navigate 
to double or Other if you want something else and then space to pick it. 
I did have some problems when I had the mouse pointer tracking the VO 
cursor. Turning that off in the Voiceover utility (VO-F8) seemed to 
clear that up. Without that change, just about the time I got to the 
menu and went to pick double space my focus would get yanked back to the 
text area. Weird.


May McDonald wrote:
> What about in text edit?
> May, sent from my iPhone
> On 2009-10-13, at 9:32 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello May,
>> In Pages, as long as you already have text in the document, show
>> Inspector (Command-Option-I). Then make sure you're not interacting
>> with anything and go to the top left corner of the window (VO-FN-Left
>> arrow). You'll hear "Document Radio Button". Navigate right to the
>> fourth button, Text, and select it. Keep navigating right until you
>> hear Line, then twice to the right and you can type in the figure 2
>> for double spacing.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:40 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I need
>>> to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double
>>> spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help,
>>> thanks.
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread sandi sørensen

cool. How do you know when you have for example walked 1.4 kilometer?

On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:08 AM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use the
> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is  
>> kinda
>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>> /sandi
> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh. Do you have the Set date & time automatically checked in the Date & 
Time control panel? That should at least bring it back to the correct time.


sandi sørensen wrote:
> interestingly enough its not just you;)
> it says the same at my end it changes everytime the computer runs low  
> on battery and disconnects from the net, which it does quite often.  
> About every night
> /sandi
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Maybe it's just me, but this email came through dated January 7  
>> 2001. Is
>> your clock set correctly?
>> CB
>> sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your  
>>> iphone?
>>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is  
>>> kinda
>>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>>> /sandi
> >   

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread sandi sørensen

believe i do, however the air is soon up for a reinstallation so will  
check it there.


On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Ahh. Do you have the Set date & time automatically checked in the  
> Date & Time control panel? That should at least bring it back to the  
> correct time.
> CB
> sandi sørensen wrote:
>> interestingly enough its not just you;)
>> it says the same at my end it changes everytime the computer runs low
>> on battery and disconnects from the net, which it does quite often.
>> About every night
>> /sandi
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Maybe it's just me, but this email came through dated January 7
>>> 2001. Is
>>> your clock set correctly?
>>> CB
>>> sandi sørensen wrote:
 the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
 Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
 interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.

> >

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TextEdit style files [was Re: double spacing]

2009-10-13 Thread Esther
Hi Chris and May,

Chris gave the information on how to set up double spacing in TextEdit  
-- which is that when you are rich text format and interact with the  
ruler and VO-Right there is a paragraph and line spacing button that  
will let you change the spacing of selected text.  However, another  
thing you can do, if you know that you want to use double spacing and  
your currently selected font, is to create a style using the first  
button in the ruler.  VO-Space on "Style" and arrow down to select  
"Other".  The window that appears will tell you your current font  
type, alignment, and spacing setting.  If you VO-Right arrow to the  
"Add to Favorites" button and press it (VO-Space), then a dialog  
window will appear asking you to type in a name for your style (and  
optionally ignore your font selection).  If you save the style file,  
you can simply move to the Ruler, interact, press (VO-Space) the first  
style button, and select your style. Then if you start typing in a new  
document, you will start in double-spaced mode and with the font type/ 
size and alignment options you have chosen.  Also, if you open an RTF  
file that someone else has sent you and you want to save the font,  
etc. settings you can create a style file for that.




Chris Blouch wrote:

> Select the text you want set to double-space (Command-A if you want  
> all of the document). Then VO up to move to the Ruler and interact  
> with that. VO-right about 5 times to reach the paragraph and line  
> spacing menu button. VO-space to pull down the menu and then VO-down  
> to navigate to double or Other if you want something else and then  
> space to pick it. I did have some problems when I had the mouse  
> pointer tracking the VO cursor. Turning that off in the Voiceover  
> utility (VO-F8) seemed to clear that up. Without that change, just  
> about the time I got to the menu and went to pick double space my  
> focus would get yanked back to the text area. Weird.
> CB
> May McDonald wrote:
>> What about in text edit?
>> May, sent from my iPhone
>> On 2009-10-13, at 9:32 AM, Anne Robertson   
>> wrote:
>>> Hello May,
>>> In Pages, as long as you already have text in the document, show
>>> Inspector (Command-Option-I). Then make sure you're not interacting
>>> with anything and go to the top left corner of the window (VO-FN- 
>>> Left
>>> arrow). You'll hear "Document Radio Button". Navigate right to the
>>> fourth button, Text, and select it. Keep navigating right until you
>>> hear Line, then twice to the right and you can type in the figure 2
>>> for double spacing.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:40 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I  
 to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double
 spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help,

> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Does Maps announce stops you pass or how does that work. Do you have  
instructions at all in Maps? I haven't tried Maps because i thought  
that it wouldn't give you spoken instructions at all.

13 okt 2009 kl. 18.34 skrev Søren Jensen:

> Maps can do that. It's awesome.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus, is
>> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the  
>> question?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Nic,
>>> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
>>> (where I
>>> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking  
>>> around
>>> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around here.
>>> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me  
>>> silly
>>> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:


 I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now.  
 it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
 Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never know,

 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter

 On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use  
> the
> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for  
> me.
> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
>> kinda
>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>> /sandi


> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread Søren Jensen

I don't know if it says what you pass, but it does say where you have  
to turn, how many meters or feeds you have to go, the names of the  
streets and all information like that. I haven't checked if the gps  
follow you when you are walking.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:14 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Does Maps announce stops you pass or how does that work. Do you have
> instructions at all in Maps? I haven't tried Maps because i thought
> that it wouldn't give you spoken instructions at all.
> /Krister
> 13 okt 2009 kl. 18.34 skrev Søren Jensen:
>> Maps can do that. It's awesome.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus, is
>>> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the
>>> question?
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

 Hello Nic,

 I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
 (where I
 live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking
 the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around  
 `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me
 ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.



 On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now.
> Does
> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never  
> know,
> right?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use
>> the
>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for
>> me.
>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>>> iphone?
>>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is
>>> kinda
>>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>>> /sandi



> >

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Braille displays

2009-10-13 Thread Lindsay Yazzolino


I am using my Mac with a Braille display, and am quite impressed by
its ability to instantly recognize my BrailleConnect without any
configuration on my part. I would, however, very much like to know if
it is possible to make VoiceOver shut up when I want to read with
Braille only. When I read text in TextEdit, VoiceOver will often speak
the word under the cursor when I pan the display, and I'm finding this
rather annoying. Do I need to mute speech, or is there a way for the
active cursor not to follow the display as is the case with JAWS? If I
do need to mute speech, does there exist a shortcut key that I can use
to quickly toggle speech on and off, so that I don't find myself
stranded without speech and no Braille display which I can use to get
to the VoiceOver utility? Thanks in advance for any input.


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Re: Braille displays

2009-10-13 Thread Maurice Mines

hi I have a question about vo under sl on my mac book I get anoing  
info about kerent state of the caser about every five mintes or so how  
can I get this to stop it is driving me craze. ps it also happends on  
my imac but not as offen. maurice ham call sine kd0iko
On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using my Mac with a Braille display, and am quite impressed by
> its ability to instantly recognize my BrailleConnect without any
> configuration on my part. I would, however, very much like to know if
> it is possible to make VoiceOver shut up when I want to read with
> Braille only. When I read text in TextEdit, VoiceOver will often speak
> the word under the cursor when I pan the display, and I'm finding this
> rather annoying. Do I need to mute speech, or is there a way for the
> active cursor not to follow the display as is the case with JAWS? If I
> do need to mute speech, does there exist a shortcut key that I can use
> to quickly toggle speech on and off, so that I don't find myself
> stranded without speech and no Braille display which I can use to get
> to the VoiceOver utility? Thanks in advance for any input.
> Lindsay
> >

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Re: Braille displays

2009-10-13 Thread Maurice Mines

hi a addom I use a pacmate 20 desplay and sofare it seems to be  
working well with vo. maurice ham call sine kd0iko.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using my Mac with a Braille display, and am quite impressed by
> its ability to instantly recognize my BrailleConnect without any
> configuration on my part. I would, however, very much like to know if
> it is possible to make VoiceOver shut up when I want to read with
> Braille only. When I read text in TextEdit, VoiceOver will often speak
> the word under the cursor when I pan the display, and I'm finding this
> rather annoying. Do I need to mute speech, or is there a way for the
> active cursor not to follow the display as is the case with JAWS? If I
> do need to mute speech, does there exist a shortcut key that I can use
> to quickly toggle speech on and off, so that I don't find myself
> stranded without speech and no Braille display which I can use to get
> to the VoiceOver utility? Thanks in advance for any input.
> Lindsay
> >

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mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Hi, all,
I am having an issue with mail.
For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted properly.  
The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view  
Any thoughts? 

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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Jessi and Goldina

try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
On 2009-10-13, at 11:58 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I am having an issue with mail.
> For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted properly.
> The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
> I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view
> menu.
> Any thoughts?
> >

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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Esther


Yes, try Jessi's suggestion.  Navigate to the Date Received column and  
use VO-Shift-Backslash to sort in that column.  Issue the command  
again if you need to reverse the order.  It sounds as though your  
messages are sorted on another column, or could they be grouped by  



Jessi and Goldina wrote:

> try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
> Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I am having an issue with mail.
>> For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted  
>> properly.
>> The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
>> I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view
>> menu.
>> Any thoughts?
> >

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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Tried that.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:41 PM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:

> try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
> On 2009-10-13, at 11:58 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I am having an issue with mail.
>> For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted  
>> properly.
>> The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
>> I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view
>> menu.
>> Any thoughts?
> >

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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Esther, I have tried that several times already.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, try Jessi's suggestion.  Navigate to the Date Received column and
> use VO-Shift-Backslash to sort in that column.  Issue the command
> again if you need to reverse the order.  It sounds as though your
> messages are sorted on another column, or could they be grouped by
> thread?
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Jessi and Goldina wrote:
>> try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
>> Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I am having an issue with mail.
>>> For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted
>>> properly.
>>> The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
>>> I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view
>>> menu.
>>> Any thoughts?

> >

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skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Christina

Hello List,

How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to  
be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this  
version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving  
to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the  
name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the  
buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the  
video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more  
accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have  
no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to  
something and then find out later that the new version isn't  
accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than  
the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to  
do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to  
call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the chat  
portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth with  
someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.

Wow, I hope my questions make sense.

Thanks so much,

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread John J Herzog

I am running skype 2.8, and some of the unlabeled buttons have been  


On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:

> Hello List,
> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the
> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the
> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have
> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to
> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to
> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the chat
> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth with
> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> >

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


The Skype 2.8 is exactly the same. No buttons are exactly labeled, but  
they all have help tags if you're using Snow Leopard to announce them  

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Christina wrote:

> Hello List,
> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the
> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the
> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have
> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to
> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to
> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the chat
> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth with
> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> >

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Really? I haven't seen any buttons labeled at all in my version. Not  
that I've ever seen, anyway.

Skype: Kvalme
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On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:09 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi
> I am running skype 2.8, and some of the unlabeled buttons have been
> fixed.
> hth
> John
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
>> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
>> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
>> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the
>> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
>> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the
>> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
>> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have
>> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to
>> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
>> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
>> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to
>> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
>> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the  
>> chat
>> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth  
>> with
>> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
>> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
> >

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

I'm running the latest Skype with Leopard, and Video chat is in the  
context menu.  Go to the table, find the person you want, press VO  
shift M.  Arrow down to start video chat.  It should be that simple.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Vuscan free?

2009-10-13 Thread Christina

Why is this program necessary?  I've been confused.  Right now we do  
not have a scanner but I would like to get a scanner and OCR software  
so voiceover can read the scanned text to me.  I've been confused as  
to why people are using this software along with read iris.

Thanks so much,
On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:34 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Will,
> VueScan is not free but the trial version is not time limited.
> However, it leaves a watermark on every image which can interfere with
> the OCR.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:40 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi is vuscan a free program, or paidfore?
> >

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Also, if you are currently in a call with somebody and either of you  
get the brilliant idea to video chat, you have the toolbar. Interact  
with it, and the first button you should be focussed on is Video.

Skype: Kvalme
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On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I'm running the latest Skype with Leopard, and Video chat is in the
> context menu.  Go to the table, find the person you want, press VO
> shift M.  Arrow down to start video chat.  It should be that simple.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Christian, get the new version of skype which is 2.8.722.
It's very accessible with vo.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:

> Hello List,
> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the
> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the
> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have
> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to
> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to
> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the chat
> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth with
> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> >

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Re: Vuscan free?

2009-10-13 Thread Esther


I'll answer your question about why people are using VueScan, but Anne  
or someone else may correct me.  The OCR process involves both running  
a scan and then performing character recognition on the scanned  
results.  Both functions are usually included in the software you  
buy.  However, you may not be able to easily and accessibly complete a  
good scan using the purchased software and in addition it may not have  
support for your scanner driver, especially if you are using an old  
scanner.  VueScan fills in the scanning portion, and has excellent  
support for old scanner drivers where many OCR programs break down.   
That's why, despite using ReadIris software for OCR, Anne and others  
are using VueScan to accomplish the first scan step.  Even if you used  
the ReadIris interface for scanning (prior to the OCR step), you might  
find that your scanner is not supported by that software.  Also, I  
gather that the latest Read Iris release (Version 12) is less  
accessible than the previous version.



Christina wrote:

> Why is this program necessary?  I've been confused.  Right now we do
> not have a scanner but I would like to get a scanner and OCR software
> so voiceover can read the scanned text to me.  I've been confused as
> to why people are using this software along with read iris.
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:34 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Will,
>> VueScan is not free but the trial version is not time limited.
>> However, it leaves a watermark on every image which can interfere  
>> with
>> the OCR.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:40 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi is vuscan a free program, or paidfore?

> >

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Re: double spacing

2009-10-13 Thread May McDonald

Thanks, I'll try that.
On 13-Oct-09, at 10:11 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Select the text you want set to double-space (Command-A if you want  
> all of the document). Then VO up to move to the Ruler and interact  
> with that. VO-right about 5 times to reach the paragraph and line  
> spacing menu button. VO-space to pull down the menu and then VO-down  
> to navigate to double or Other if you want something else and then  
> space to pick it. I did have some problems when I had the mouse  
> pointer tracking the VO cursor. Turning that off in the Voiceover  
> utility (VO-F8) seemed to clear that up. Without that change, just  
> about the time I got to the menu and went to pick double space my  
> focus would get yanked back to the text area. Weird.
> CB
> May McDonald wrote:
>> What about in text edit?
>> May, sent from my iPhone
>> On 2009-10-13, at 9:32 AM, Anne Robertson   
>> wrote:
>>> Hello May,
>>> In Pages, as long as you already have text in the document, show
>>> Inspector (Command-Option-I). Then make sure you're not interacting
>>> with anything and go to the top left corner of the window (VO-FN- 
>>> Left
>>> arrow). You'll hear "Document Radio Button". Navigate right to the
>>> fourth button, Text, and select it. Keep navigating right until you
>>> hear Line, then twice to the right and you can type in the figure 2
>>> for double spacing.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:40 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Good morning everyone.  I need some help.  I have a paper that I  
 to finish but can not find any place to change the layout to double
 spacing either in text edit or pages.  Can someone please help,

> >

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Re: navigation on iphone.

2009-10-13 Thread sandi sørensen

Søren. let me put it like this.
the map move when you drive but the text is not changed... at least  
not in anyway i can see now i have not used much time with maps so i  
can be wrong here.
I found a nice workaround for my problem... i am playing with motion  
gpx, it seems to do the trick if you are in a location with no maps. I  
wil still use navigon for usual things if it is on its maps though .


On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> I don't know if it says what you pass, but it does say where you have
> to turn, how many meters or feeds you have to go, the names of the
> streets and all information like that. I haven't checked if the gps
> follow you when you are walking.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:14 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Does Maps announce stops you pass or how does that work. Do you have
>> instructions at all in Maps? I haven't tried Maps because i thought
>> that it wouldn't give you spoken instructions at all.
>> /Krister
>> 13 okt 2009 kl. 18.34 skrev Søren Jensen:
>>> Maps can do that. It's awesome.
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:


 Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus,  
 this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the

 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter

 On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Nic,
> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
> (where I
> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking
> around
> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around
> here.
> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me
> silly
> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I know.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now.
>> Does
>> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
>> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never
>> know,
>> right?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I use
>>> the
>>> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for
>>> me.
>>> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
 Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it  
 interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.




> >

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Re: Vuscan free?

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Esther and everyone,On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:22 PM, Esther wrote:
> you may not be able to easily and accessibly complete a
> good scan using the purchased software and in addition it may not have
> support for your scanner driver, especially if you are using an old
> scanner.  VueScan fills in the scanning portion, and has excellent
> support for old scanner drivers where many OCR programs break down.
In fact, even new scanners often don't work with Readiris, or, at  
least, they don't work for us as the Scan button is not accessible.  
This is particularly true for Canon scanners. VueScan, however, will  
recognise most scanners, even without installing the proprietory  
software that comes with the scanner. In fact, my Canon Lide 700F  
works better if I steer clear of all the Canon software that came with  

VueScan also does much better scans than Readiris.
VueScan will also perform OCR, but the results are less good than you  
get from Readiris. Also, VueScan does not take care of page  
orientation, so, if you're totally blind as I am, you can easily put a  
document into the scanner upside down and just get nonsense as a  
result. Readiris handles page orientation which for me is a big plus.

I wouldn't advise anyone to get Readiris 12 yet, if they can still  
find Readiris 11. Readiris 12 has settings that don't stick once you  
quit the application, and one of these is Page Orientation. Also,  
there is no longer a shortcut for "Perform OCR". I'm in touch with the  
developer and hope that this will be fixed in a later update.



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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Chantel,

Have you tried repairing permissions? This often sorts out problems.  
Failing that, you could try zapping the PRAM. To do this, shut down  
your machine, then hold down the Command, Option, P and R keys and  
press the Power button. Keep the four keys held down until you've  
heard the start up chime 4 times, then release them and let the  
machine boot as normal.


On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:54 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Esther, I have tried that several times already.
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, try Jessi's suggestion.  Navigate to the Date Received column  
>> and
>> use VO-Shift-Backslash to sort in that column.  Issue the command
>> again if you need to reverse the order.  It sounds as though your
>> messages are sorted on another column, or could they be grouped by
>> thread?
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Jessi and Goldina wrote:
>>> try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
>>> Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

 Hi, all,
 I am having an issue with mail.
 For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted
 The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
 I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the view
 Any thoughts?


> >

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Multilingual Braille

2009-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello everyone,

Spanish Braille is now available in the CeciMac multilingual Braille  
package which can be downloaded from:

This link downloads the package directly, without you having to  
negotiate your way around a site in French.

The included languages are:
Arabic, Danish, French, German, Greek/Coptic, Hebrew, Italian,  
Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and US Unicode. The pop-up menu  
now includes specific items for all of these, as well as the original  
Apple US English.


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Re: mail issue

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

I am getting ready to repair permissions now.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:34 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Chantel,
> Have you tried repairing permissions? This often sorts out problems.
> Failing that, you could try zapping the PRAM. To do this, shut down
> your machine, then hold down the Command, Option, P and R keys and
> press the Power button. Keep the four keys held down until you've
> heard the start up chime 4 times, then release them and let the
> machine boot as normal.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:54 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Esther, I have tried that several times already.
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes, try Jessi's suggestion.  Navigate to the Date Received column
>>> and
>>> use VO-Shift-Backslash to sort in that column.  Issue the command
>>> again if you need to reverse the order.  It sounds as though your
>>> messages are sorted on another column, or could they be grouped by
>>> thread?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Jessi and Goldina wrote:

 try VO shift backslash to sort them in the opposite order?
 Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I am having an issue with mail.
> For some weird reason, my mail messages are not being sorted
> properly.
> The date received is going all over the place when I read emails.
> I've tried everything you can think of, all of which is in the  
> view
> menu.
> Any thoughts?


> >

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mail not working

2009-10-13 Thread Brandon Misch

Hey all. for some reason, chantel has tried deleting the preference  
file and mail created it and is thinking her gmail account is an imap  
account. any way to fix this?

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Re: NAS storage not showing up in Disk Utilities

2009-10-13 Thread VaShaun Jones

I will try this and see what I get. Do you know if the My Book World  
has a default url to log into? I can see it in Time Machine but it's  
asking for a username and password and it has my name displayed in the  
box for user name, but I don't have or can remember the password.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:15 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I didn't think an Ethernet attached NAS would show up in Disk Utility
> because the drives are not attached to your machine directly. You  
> should
> be able to just fileshare to it using Apple-K to connect to the
> fileserver. The actual formatting and management of the NAS device
> depends on how they set it up. Could be a web based interface or  
> buttons
> on the box.
> CB
> VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> Listers does anyone know how to get a NAS storage to show up in Disc
>> Utilities? I have the hard drive set up via ethernet and it does not
>> show up in the list of disc. Can someone assist me in this?
> >

VaShaun Jones (President)
Cobb County Empowerment Chapter of the National Federation of the  
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mail issue fixed

2009-10-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Hey all,
Brandon and I tried to reset the pram, no go.
But, finally, after reinstalling the os, my mail issues are finally  
fixed. We're thinking that me deleting messages by thread had  
something to do with it.
Thanks to everyone for all their help.

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