Re: touch screens?

2009-09-26 Thread Christina

Which podcast and where can I get the podcast from?  I'm considering  
getting an iphone.

On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:16 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I actually learned better when I listened to the podcast before I got
> my IPhone.  Then when I actually decided to get one I already knew how
> to do some thigns.  It does make it a little easier to learn the
> Iphone if you have a little knowledge before.
> On 25-Sep-09, at 11:05 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> I really would suggest reading manual. I totally understand your
>> frustration, I went through it myself, but not after I read the
>> manual.
>> Vic
>> On 9/25/2009 5:05 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:
>>> Dear May,
>>> it's just a mechanical matter. How can you know which key you press
>>> before you pressed it? Actually, you don't press anything you just
>>> touch
>>> something, but as soon as you touch it the number or function
>>> assigned
>>> to the virtual key is performed. With a mechanical keyboard you can
>>> move
>>> your fingers through keys before you press them. How can you do
>>> this if
>>> you don't feel anything ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> JPR
>>>   - Original Message -
>>>   *From:* May McDonald 
>>>   *To:*
>>>   *Sent:* Friday, September 25, 2009 12:34 PM
>>>   *Subject:* Re: touch screens?
>>>   What is it you really want to know or what can't you figure out?
>>>   I have an IPhone 3gs and love it. The voice over works great and
>>> not
>>>   hard to use once you get use to the touch screen and where
>>> everything
>>>   is located.
>>>   Would be glad to help if I can.
>>>   On 25-Sep-09, at 1:30 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:
 Hi to all Iphone andIpod touch users.
 Could you explain to a newbie how you deal with touch screens, I
 just cant figure it out.


>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at 
>> vick08
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> >

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Re: Download link for Pages

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Thank you Esther, I'll try this. BTW do you use a word processor or  
just TEXShop?

Take care

On 26 Sep 2009, at 17:06, Esther wrote:

> Hi James,
> I think you can get the trial at:
> but I recall there was some slightly tricky interaction required to
> download (but that was in Safari 3).
> Cheers,
> Esther
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Could someone please point me to  a link to download an IWork  
>> trial? I
>> can't seem to find it on the Apple site.
> >

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Snow Leopard and mail preview pane

2009-09-26 Thread Bob Hill

Hi all,

I received and installed my copy of Snow Leopard  and now want to turn  
off the preview pane in mail.

Is there a different procedure for doing this in mail now?
clicking on the horizontal splitters doesn't seem to work.
I have mouse cursor ignores VO cursor set in navigation

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Bob Hill

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daisy maker

2009-09-26 Thread william lomas

hi all where do I get the daisy maker, i wish to try 
and put  
t.n.a.u.k. newspapers that are in text, into a daisy format
p.s. I want the maker to keep the daisy book as text though not  
convert it to mp3

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load of rubbish

2009-09-26 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi all,

I've listened to the stereotypically high nose sounding reviewer of  
the iphone on BBC, and there are two things i've noticed:

-He praises the web very much, and his experience is to that level  
because he is low vision, not totally blind.
-He also congratulates Apple's efforts for a technology which, and he  
admits it, is still wobbly. The voice control

Now the first mention sums up his bias, as if one is low vision, one  
can still go about the screen and find things. IN which case, for this  
gentle sir, is feasable on all smartphones.

Also, all his comments against Apple are based on amisanthropic  
response to what his desires were at first. In that i mean that he  
really wanted the device but it felt short of his wine critic's  
expectations. Not short enough to lambast Apple and throw the iphone  
in the bin live on radio, but this says something interesting with  
twin blades as arbiter.

It says that this man sees through marketing lines, and wishes for  
more advances for the accessibility options. Its actually not a  
negative, as his voice is one of many different ones, and Apple  
doesn't decide its vision based on an only partially impaired ball  
buster from bbc. SO it's still in some ways, constructive and permits  
more efforts from a company which, after all, sells its products  
rather expensively, makes a very good margin, and can most probably  
afford to increase their accessibility section. A podcast from a winge  
at the periphery of a continent won't either galvanize to stop doing  
assistive solutions for mac users. Apple

Now for voice control, that is the least used feature on the iphone  
for me. I can seriously care less. I used the first generation iphone  
with ispeak, while gathering my contacts on itunes. Yes, i was using  
the 2g iphone as a normal phone, being totally blind. How? by using  
braille dots on the screen. And i used voice control for calling  
people. When i received a call, all i had to do is a short swipe at  
the bottom of the screen near the home button. For text messaging, i  
found iphone pc suite, and it worked fine. The phone was fine for me,  
for my needs at that time.

But i digress. What i meant to say here, in a converging opinion, is  
that everyone has different needs and wants from a device. I for one,  
made the equation by weighing the pros and cons, and i am sticking to  
the iphone. Also, by using it more, so as many other VI users, it  
shows apple that we appreciate their efforts and wish them or  
encourage them to do better, either as blind fans *no pun intended* or  
as tech-savvy enthousiasts, or even as simple consumers who like the  
concept of non clutteredf devices.

For instance, to get as dirty as this bib boaster, i don't like small  
keyboards because, living in a hot country, the keys tend to get  
sticky and accumulate a lot of organic and non organic crap around the  
creases. A swipe on my pant or shirt, or kleenex is all i need with  
the iphone.

I have a problem with the battery life and such, but i'm more than  
happy to accomodate with waiting, charging, or switching from 3g to  
non 3g depending on the occasion.

Well, it seems as though i wrote a novel again, but this is what i  
think about this rubbish talk on bbc. The guy should just be a bit  
more eye-opened, since he can still perceive light and colors, it  
seems though that he is darkened just by the fact that everything is a  
complete blur in his vision, rather the the other extremes, sighted,  
or totally blind and imaginative. There's no real happiness in being  
half-assed, so i don;t blame the guy.

These opinions are just mine, and i don't mean any offence to anyone.  
I just don't like subjectively driven journalism, where the  
subjectivity isn't even funny to listen to, leaving you with a ball of  
spit in the mouth because there's simply too much nonsense, rigid  
thinking, or a paycheck that falsifies the whole sincerity of the  



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Re: daisy maker

2009-09-26 Thread Greg Kearney

You would be far better off using Daisy Pipeline for this. It is still  
gooing to require a great deal of marking up of the content.


On 26/09/2009, at 4:58 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi all where do I get the daisy maker, i wish to try 
> and put
> t.n.a.u.k. newspapers that are in text, into a daisy format
> Will
> p.s. I want the maker to keep the daisy book as text though not
> convert it to mp3
> >

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Re: Download link for Pages

2009-09-26 Thread Esther

Hi James,

I think you can get the trial at:

but I recall there was some slightly tricky interaction required to  
download (but that was in Safari 3).



James & Nash wrote:
> Could someone please point me to  a link to download an IWork trial? I
> can't seem to find it on the Apple site.

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Deleting or renaming the Movies, Music and Pictures folders in Mac OS X

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

I've run into a tiny problem and it's really just a personal  
preference. I am not a big music fan and i don't watch movies or keep  
the very small collection of photos that I have on my Mac. I have  
tried to rename these folders unsuccessfully so I tried to delete  
them, only to be told that they were required by the operating system.  
Has anyone found a way of removing these folders or renaming them  


Take care


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accessible mobile phones compatible with mac?

2009-09-26 Thread Christina

Greetings list members,

I am in the market for an accessible mobile phone.  I am very  
interested in the iphone for several reasons including the "cool"  
factor.  :)  I am hesitant due to the size of iphone as well as the  
extra $30 a month i will have to pay for the data plan.

If I were to go with a different cell phone will I actually encounter  
more difficulties?  Will my macbook recognize the phone?  Will I need  
to install software on the mac that goes to the phone?  Will I have  
difficulties installing and upgrading the mobile speak, or talks  
software on the phone since I have a mac?  Will voiceover even work  
with any software that goes with the cell phone?  Do you suggest I  
just go with an iphone since it should work seamlessly with itunes and  
my mac?  What do you all think?

I've never had an accessible cell phone and would love to get one  
since the only thing I've ever been able to do on a cell phone is  
answer and place a call.  :)I would love the ability to use other  
features   such as contacts and calendar.

Thanks so much for any insight, advice or shared experiences using the  
mac and voiceover with an accessible mobile phone.


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Re: daisy maker

2009-09-26 Thread will

where can i get documentation for daisy pipeliner

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg Kearney" 
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: daisy maker

> You would be far better off using Daisy Pipeline for this. It is still
> gooing to require a great deal of marking up of the content.
> Greg
> On 26/09/2009, at 4:58 PM, william lomas wrote:
>> hi all where do I get the daisy maker, i wish to try and put
>> t.n.a.u.k. newspapers that are in text, into a daisy format
>> Will
>> p.s. I want the maker to keep the daisy book as text though not
>> convert it to mp3
>> >
> > 

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Re: daisy maker

2009-09-26 Thread Greg Kearney

Go to the project section of
Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On 27/09/2009, at 7:10 PM, will wrote:

> where can i get documentation for daisy pipeliner
> - Original Message -
> From: "Greg Kearney" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:06 PM
> Subject: Re: daisy maker
>> You would be far better off using Daisy Pipeline for this. It is  
>> still
>> gooing to require a great deal of marking up of the content.
>> Greg
>> On 26/09/2009, at 4:58 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi all where do I get the daisy maker, i wish to try and put
>>> t.n.a.u.k. newspapers that are in text, into a daisy format
>>> Will
>>> p.s. I want the maker to keep the daisy book as text though not
>>> convert it to mp3

> >

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Download link for Pages

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks

Could someone please point me to  a link to download an IWork trial? I  
can't seem to find it on the Apple site.



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RE: How to go to a new website in Safari

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs
do I have to type VO Command L, or just command L?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Randy Stegall
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

Command l will take you to the address field where you can type the url. 


On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

AS some of you may know, I'm a guy who doesn't yet own a Mac but wishes
to learn as much as I can before buying one.  If I open Safari and want to
go to a new website using a link which is not on the current page, How do I
either move myself into the address bar to type a new url, or, what is the
equivalent of the windows command CTRL o in Internet Explorer that opens the
dialog box in which you type a new url to go to.  Assume that I don't
automatically move into the HTML content area when Safari opens.  In fact,
make no assumptions as to whether I'm in the toolbar, the body of a webpage,
or anywhere else I might be dumped when Safari opens with VO active.
Currently, I'm grabbing occasional opportunities to practice on my wife's
Power PC based 17 inch Mac Powerbook running Leopard.  I haven't gone into
VO Utility to customize how VO navigates in Safari.  I'm familiar with DOM
and haven't tried Group Mode.  If there's a difference between how you do
this in Leopard and how you'd do it in Snow Leopard, please let me know both

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Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

2009-09-26 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Command l.
On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> do I have to type VO Command L, or just command L?
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Randy Stegall
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to go to a new website in Safari
> Command l will take you to the address field where you can type the  
> url.
> Randy
> On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>> AS some of you may know, I'm a guy who doesn't yet own a Mac  
>> but wishes to learn as much as I can before buying one.  If I open  
>> Safari and want to go to a new website using a link which is not on  
>> the current page, How do I either move myself into the address bar  
>> to type a new url, or, what is the equivalent of the windows  
>> command CTRL o in Internet Explorer that opens the dialog box in  
>> which you type a new url to go to.  Assume that I don't  
>> automatically move into the HTML content area when Safari opens.   
>> In fact, make no assumptions as to whether I'm in the toolbar, the  
>> body of a webpage, or anywhere else I might be dumped when Safari  
>> opens with VO active.  Currently, I'm grabbing occasional  
>> opportunities to practice on my wife's Power PC based 17 inch Mac  
>> Powerbook running Leopard.  I haven't gone into VO Utility to  
>> customize how VO navigates in Safari.  I'm familiar with DOM and  
>> haven't tried Group Mode.  If there's a difference between how you  
>> do this in Leopard and how you'd do it in Snow Leopard, please let  
>> me know both recipes.
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
> >

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Re: twitter for the mac, what will work with vo?

2009-09-26 Thread Claude Renaud


Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Syrinx, and one thing I love about it is how easy it is to read
> tweets in the order they were received. You can set a bookmark on the
> last tweet you read, then use a Go to Bookmark command and press the
> Spacebar repeatedly to move the bookmark up one tweet and hear it read.

I preciously note your mac Twitter client suggestion but as I'm not a 
mac user yet, something which will probably change in the coming months, 
I would like to know if you could recommand me a Syrinx equivalent for 
the windows platform ?

Cordialement, regards,


Claude Renaud

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Playing folders with VLC

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

Has anyone managed to play entire folders with the latest version of  
VLC Media Player please and if so how? I am told that VLC cannot play  
my input. It always used to play anything I threw at it including  


Take care


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Copying and creating items in the list view

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

Can someone please explain to me how to create folders and add items  
to already created folders in the list view as it seems as if VO works  
best in this view for me at the moment. It is at the very least a  
little less verbose.


Take care


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Re: Bonjour de Paris

2009-09-26 Thread Claude Renaud


Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:
> Hi there,
> my name is Jean-Philippe Rykiel, I'm a musician and I don't have a Mac yet.

Very nice to see some people speaking rench there !
Jean-Philippe, I'm also a musician. I used to be a pianist till few 
years ago. I still have my beautiful Yamaha Disklavier DU1A but have 
never found the time to take music course again...

Yuma, I'm also on the Cecimac mailing list as you and nextly plan to 
switch from the windows world and plan to dive in the mac world soon...

Unfortunately I'm not so comfortable to speak english as you are I 
just try to do my best...

Cordialement, regards,


Claude Renaud

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RE: How to go to a new website in Safari

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chantel Cuddemi
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

Command l. 

On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

do I have to type VO Command L, or just command L?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Randy Stegall
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

Command l will take you to the address field where you can type the url. 


On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

AS some of you may know, I'm a guy who doesn't yet own a Mac but wishes
to learn as much as I can before buying one.  If I open Safari and want to
go to a new website using a link which is not on the current page, How do I
either move myself into the address bar to type a new url, or, what is the
equivalent of the windows command CTRL o in Internet Explorer that opens the
dialog box in which you type a new url to go to.  Assume that I don't
automatically move into the HTML content area when Safari opens.  In fact,
make no assumptions as to whether I'm in the toolbar, the body of a webpage,
or anywhere else I might be dumped when Safari opens with VO active.
Currently, I'm grabbing occasional opportunities to practice on my wife's
Power PC based 17 inch Mac Powerbook running Leopard.  I haven't gone into
VO Utility to customize how VO navigates in Safari.  I'm familiar with DOM
and haven't tried Group Mode.  If there's a difference between how you do
this in Leopard and how you'd do it in Snow Leopard, please let me know both

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RE: twitter for the mac, what will work with vo?

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Try McTwit.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Claude Renaud
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: twitter for the mac, what will work with vo?


Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Syrinx, and one thing I love about it is how easy it is to read 
> tweets in the order they were received. You can set a bookmark on the 
> last tweet you read, then use a Go to Bookmark command and press the 
> Spacebar repeatedly to move the bookmark up one tweet and hear it 
> read.

I preciously note your mac Twitter client suggestion but as I'm not a 
mac user yet, something which will probably change in the coming months, 
I would like to know if you could recommand me a Syrinx equivalent for 
the windows platform ?

Cordialement, regards,


Claude Renaud

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Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

2009-09-26 Thread Randy Stegall
Just command l.  It is a safari command.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> do I have to type VO Command L, or just command L?
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Randy Stegall
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to go to a new website in Safari
> Command l will take you to the address field where you can type the  
> url.
> Randy
> On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>> AS some of you may know, I'm a guy who doesn't yet own a Mac  
>> but wishes to learn as much as I can before buying one.  If I open  
>> Safari and want to go to a new website using a link which is not on  
>> the current page, How do I either move myself into the address bar  
>> to type a new url, or, what is the equivalent of the windows  
>> command CTRL o in Internet Explorer that opens the dialog box in  
>> which you type a new url to go to.  Assume that I don't  
>> automatically move into the HTML content area when Safari opens.   
>> In fact, make no assumptions as to whether I'm in the toolbar, the  
>> body of a webpage, or anywhere else I might be dumped when Safari  
>> opens with VO active.  Currently, I'm grabbing occasional  
>> opportunities to practice on my wife's Power PC based 17 inch Mac  
>> Powerbook running Leopard.  I haven't gone into VO Utility to  
>> customize how VO navigates in Safari.  I'm familiar with DOM and  
>> haven't tried Group Mode.  If there's a difference between how you  
>> do this in Leopard and how you'd do it in Snow Leopard, please let  
>> me know both recipes.
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
> >

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Re: iPhone honored by NFB

2009-09-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom

25 sep 2009 kl. 22.28 skrev william lomas:

> they can soon praise the iPhone yet slam the mac?
> hyppocrits

That's exactly my thought too. Why praise one thing and diss the other?

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VO and apple scripts

2009-09-26 Thread louie

Howdy all,
Can some one give me a address to check out voice over and apple  
Thanks for any help.


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Re: Snow Leopard and mail preview pane

2009-09-26 Thread Randy Stegall

You have to click the actual mouse button to do this.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 3:52 AM, Bob Hill wrote:

> Hi all,
> I received and installed my copy of Snow Leopard  and now want to turn
> off the preview pane in mail.
> Is there a different procedure for doing this in mail now?
> clicking on the horizontal splitters doesn't seem to work.
> I have mouse cursor ignores VO cursor set in navigation
> Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Bob Hill
> >

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Re: How to go to a new website in Safari

2009-09-26 Thread Randy Stegall
Command l will take you to the address field where you can type the url.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Guys,
> AS some of you may know, I'm a guy who doesn't yet own a Mac but  
> wishes to learn as much as I can before buying one.  If I open  
> Safari and want to go to a new website using a link which is not on  
> the current page, How do I either move myself into the address bar  
> to type a new url, or, what is the  equivalent of the windows  
> command CTRL o in Internet Explorer that opens the dialog box in  
> which you type a new url to go to.  Assume that I don't  
> automatically move into the HTML content area when Safari opens.  In  
> fact, make no assumptions as to whether I'm in the toolbar, the body  
> of a webpage, or anywhere else I might be dumped when Safari opens  
> with VO active.  Currently, I'm grabbing occasional opportunities to  
> practice on my wife's Power PC based 17 inch Mac Powerbook running  
> Leopard.  I haven't gone into VO Utility to customize how VO  
> navigates in Safari.  I'm familiar with DOM and haven't tried Group  
> Mode.  If there's a difference between how you do this in Leopard  
> and how you'd do it in Snow Leopard, please let me know both recipes.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> >

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Re: Playing folders with VLC

2009-09-26 Thread Mike Reiser

I've managed to play folders just fine.  I select the folder and press  
ok.  Keep in mind I downloaded the intel 32-bit version instead of the  
universal binary, don't know if that makes a difference.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Has anyone managed to play entire folders with the latest version of
> VLC Media Player please and if so how? I am told that VLC cannot play
> my input. It always used to play anything I threw at it including
> folders.
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> >

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skype and the mullti tuch pad help

2009-09-26 Thread David Geiger

hey everyone need help with skype  i got it installed now and that
works but i cant get to my contacts list or anything  need help and i
mest up vo the outher nite realy bad with useing the mullti tuch pad
jesters  wow it wouldnt even work so if there is someone on the list
that uses  the mullti tuch pad conmander  would love if they got in
tuch with me  thanks
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Re: Playing folders with VLC

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Thanks, I'll see if I can get the 32-bit version in stad
On 26 Sep 2009, at 20:13, Mike Reiser wrote:

> I've managed to play folders just fine.  I select the folder and press
> ok.  Keep in mind I downloaded the intel 32-bit version instead of the
> universal binary, don't know if that makes a difference.
> Mike
> On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Has anyone managed to play entire folders with the latest version of
>> VLC Media Player please and if so how? I am told that VLC cannot play
>> my input. It always used to play anything I threw at it including
>> folders.
>> Thanks
>> Take care
>> James
> >

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Re: Copying and creating items in the list view

2009-09-26 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi James,

When you're in the folder you want to create a subfolder in, press  
Command-N. To put items in a folder, copy them with Command-C.


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Re: Copying and creating items in the list view

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Anna
On 26 Sep 2009, at 21:43, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi James,
> When you're in the folder you want to create a subfolder in, press
> Command-N. To put items in a folder, copy them with Command-C.
> HTH,
> anna
> >

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Still can't open folders within VLC

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

Despite a list member's suggestion that I download the 32-bit  version  
of VLC, I still cannot open folders like I could in Leopard. Do I need  
to install Flip4Mac for VLC to open the MP3 files?


Take care


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songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi all,

I just noticed this afternoon that there are songs in my itunes  
library that I neither own nor purchased. I first found them on my  
iphone, but checked and they are also on my Macbook. A couple of the  
songs in question are:
Vince Giraldi Lioness and Lucy
Randy Neumann, You have a friend in Me,
Red Garland (forget the name)

and there was one other i think.

Is there any way I can check on the history of these songs?  I checked  
my " Purchased playlist, and they don't show up there. I don't mind  
deleting them, but I want to make sure I'm not getting  charged for  
songs I didn't buy.  Anyone seen this before?

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Some remaining VO issues with Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 beta

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

There still seem to be at least two big issues in the current beta of  
the Snow Leopard version of NWP 1.3.1. They re:

1. The Style Sheet is virtually inaccessible
2. Whilst the palettes now seem  to be labelled, a portion of the  
drawers and panels are still inaccessible.

I am going to send an E Mail to the folks at Nisus with these issues  
and ask them to fix them. Before i do though, if anyone else is using  
the beta and has found any issues that i may not be aware of, could  
they please drop me an E mail either on or off list.


Take care


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RE: Some remaining VO issues with Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 beta

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs

What is this program and what does it do?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:21 PM
To: Mac visionaries
Subject: Some remaining VO issues with Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 beta

Hi folks,

There still seem to be at least two big issues in the current beta of  
the Snow Leopard version of NWP 1.3.1. They re:

1. The Style Sheet is virtually inaccessible
2. Whilst the palettes now seem  to be labelled, a portion of the  
drawers and panels are still inaccessible.

I am going to send an E Mail to the folks at Nisus with these issues  
and ask them to fix them. Before i do though, if anyone else is using  
the beta and has found any issues that i may not be aware of, could  
they please drop me an E mail either on or off list.


Take care


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Re: Some remaining VO issues with Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 beta

2009-09-26 Thread James & Nash

Hi Kevin,
What is this program and what does it do?

  Nisus Writer Pro is a word processor. There is also a lighter  
version. Check it out if you are interested at:

Take care

On 26 Sep 2009, at 22:57, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> What is this program and what does it do?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of James & Nash
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:21 PM
> To: Mac visionaries
> Subject: Some remaining VO issues with Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 beta
> Hi folks,
> There still seem to be at least two big issues in the current beta of
> the Snow Leopard version of NWP 1.3.1. They re:
> 1. The Style Sheet is virtually inaccessible
> 2. Whilst the palettes now seem  to be labelled, a portion of the
> drawers and panels are still inaccessible.
> I am going to send an E Mail to the folks at Nisus with these issues
> and ask them to fix them. Before i do though, if anyone else is using
> the beta and has found any issues that i may not be aware of, could
> they please drop me an E mail either on or off list.
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Donna,

Did your husband purchase these songs recently, by any chance? I know  
itunes 9 can be configured so that whenever one person on a network  
buys music from the iTunes store, the songs they purchase get copied  
to other computers on the network; could that be it?


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Snow Leopard and mail preview pane

2009-09-26 Thread Bob Hill

Hi all,

I received and installed my copy of Snow Leopard  and now want to turn  
off the preview pane in mail.

Is there a different procedure for doing this in mail now?
clicking on the horizontal splitters doesn't seem to work.
I have mouse cursor ignores VO cursor set in navigation

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Bob Hill

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Re: Still can't open folders within VLC

2009-09-26 Thread Mike Reiser

I didn't have to install anything extra, I just installed vlc on my  
snowlepard mac, went to the file menu and chose open, and just pressed  
return on the folder after brow-zing for it and then hit ok.  Really  
not sure what's happening on your end.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 4:01 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Despite a list member's suggestion that I download the 32-bit  version
> of VLC, I still cannot open folders like I could in Leopard. Do I need
> to install Flip4Mac for VLC to open the MP3 files?
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: VO and screenwriting software

2009-09-26 Thread Israel

Thank you Justin and James.  I've done some early research on your  
suggestion.  Thank you for the reply

Israel Antonio
Sexy Isra

On Sep 25, 2009, at 2:29 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi,
> Just to add to Justin's post, while you'll have a bit of a learning
> curve as Justin has pointed out, you can use Latex to format pretty
> much how you like. Latex' power lies in itn its ability to format,
> deal with and separate content and structure. Once you've got your
> Screen play content writen you will be able to format it to your
> heart's content if the package's defaults do not fit the bill.
> Take care
> J
> On 25 Sep 2009, at 20:24, Justin Harford wrote:
>> Probably better go out and google.  If you end up finding that all  
>> the
>> graphical apps don't work well however, you might consider the
>> screenplay package class for LaTeX.  You might experience a bit of a
>> learning curve at the beginning, but it might be worth it.  I looked
>> at the manual screenplay.pdf file and it looks as though the package
>> was written with the Academy of of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences  
>> in
>> mind.
>> Justin Harford
>> On Sep 25, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Israel wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone!
>>> I am wondering does anyone use a screenwriting software with VO?
>>> Which software is accessible?
>>> All the playwrights and screenwriters I know insist on Final Draft  
>>> or
>>> Movie Magic- the top two Hollywood standards.  After much  
>>> research, I
>>> bought Final Draft 7.13 and it worked fine when I was using my PC  
>>> but
>>> upon buying my Mac, I learned that most aspects of FD and MM for  
>>> that
>>> fact are accessible with VO except the actual part where I would
>>> write/
>>> edit my screenplays.
>>> Montage by Mariner Sotware makes it a point to state that it is 100%
>>> accessible to the blind and visually impaired, but various Hollywood
>>> screenwriters including John August give them credit for at least
>>> trying to compete with the Big 2 but that the software does not
>>> always
>>> format your scripts properly as Final Draft or Movie Magic do.  I
>>> know
>>> Final Draft released a version 8 a few months back, but I've not  
>>> been
>>> able to find out if it is accessible with VO.  So, if anyone knows  
>>> or
>>> has suggestions on screenwriting software which does properly format
>>> and is very much accessible with VO, I'd appreciate it.
>>> Israel Antonio

> >

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Anna,

Nope. My husband doesn't purchase music on the net.  I know it wasn't  
Thanks though,
On Sep 26, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Did your husband purchase these songs recently, by any chance? I know
> itunes 9 can be configured so that whenever one person on a network
> buys music from the iTunes store, the songs they purchase get copied
> to other computers on the network; could that be it?
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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To Alex or anyone who can help: Text to speach/audio workflow

2009-09-26 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi there guys,
Just a quick question for Alex or anyone out there that can help.

Alex you earlier in the summer put me on to a workflow that opened a  
textedit document saved on the computer and transformed it into a  
computer voiced audio file for the iPod.

Well it doesn't seem to work with snow leopard. It gets as far as you  
pick the file and it opens it then it stops.

Is there something to do to make it work with SL? I hope so as I need  
something to convert text into audiofiles for something I'm working on.
Can you or anybody help me out?
Thanks in advance. :-)

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Donna,

Very strange. Is there anyone else on your network? And these songs  
are really in iTunes - you're not streaming them from a shared computer?


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snow leopard installed

2009-09-26 Thread Jude DaShiell

I managed to get snow leopard and the x-code tools installed.  One thing 
that slowed the upgrade down though was software update went out looking 
for software to update before the snow leopard disk was ejected and I 
forgot to tell software update to delay.  Safari and mail did take a few 
minutes to get synchronized but I was warned that would happen by another 
S.M.M.U.G. member who had already installed snow leopard but other than 
that the install went pretty well.

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unzipping password-protected archives

2009-09-26 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


I just downloaded a book from Bookshare and tried to unpack it, and I  
was surprised to find out that the archive program that comes with the  
Mac doesn't know how to handle password-protected zip files. I was  
told it couldn't open the file, and that was it. Is there some setting  
I can change to make it work, and if not, is there an accessible  
program for the Mac that can do the job?


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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-09-26 Thread Jude DaShiell

I use only four search rules to locate all the spam that comes into my account and these rules also find ham that was sent me 
too.  The account is a free-bsd account with spamassassin 
on it.  The four rules are as follows and there's no way any offender 
has managed to get around them either.  First; search CC: field for 
the search term undisclosed and check out minimal information on message 
headers and toss in spam folder as warranted.  Second, search CC: field 
for email domain mine is and toss when warranted.  Third, 
search To: field for search term undisclosed and toss when warranted. 
Fourth, search To: field for email domain and toss when warranted. 
Failure to search for full email addresses has the effect of finding 
spam that uses another email address on your email domain as a BCC List 
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> My situation is very similar to yours John, if the world stopped using
> Outlook and Outlook Express in favour of other email clients -
> Including Apple Mail - then the world would largely be a SPAM-free
> one, the only SPAM available would be that on the supermarket shelves
> in cans .
> Up until December 22nd last year, I had been using a different ISP, I
> had been using them for just over 4 years and with various email
> clients including Outlook Express, that period saw me migrating from
> Windows to Mac with my mail.
> Since I started using my current ISP, I've been using only 2 email
> clients, Apple Mail obviously and Thunderbird for those times I've
> been using the Windows PC, I'm sending and receiving more email than i
> ever thought possible now but I very rarely get an email which is in
> fact SPAM, I'd be lucky to get one every month or so and the only
> reason that happens is because we have other people out there using
> Outlook Express, your email address is collected by that particular
> computer and transmitted.
> Anyway getting back to the point, I found - in the days of high SPAM
> content - the Junk email filtering of Apple Mail to be amongst the
> best I've ever used with Thunderbird a close second, the training
> facility is a "must use" at least for a while until you think you've
> got the balance right, obviously you're going to need to check your
> junk folder every now and then just to be sure that you're not
> throwing away content you wish to keep.
> I'm not using Snow Leopard yet but I doubt whether Apple Mail would
> have gone backwards in this regard.
> On 31/08/2009, at 3:26 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>  Using Mac Mail, I get almost no  spam at all.  Let me put this
>> into the proper context so you understand my point.  When I was using
>> Outlook in its various forms throughout the years, for every 100
>> messages I downloaded, I was, at the "high point" receiving about 40
>> or so spam messages.   This is not a joke or exaggeration.  It was a
>> frustrating and annoying task to go through mail, and I had read
>> several technical articles that explained why Outlook and Outlook
>> Express were notoriously big spam generators in regard to how header
>> information is easily gotten.  I, btw, receive about 500 to 750
>> messages a day on average.
>>  By way of contrast, in the years I have been using Apple Mail,
>> I'd say that for every 100 messages I download, I get 1 or 2 spam
>> messages.  More often than not, as this weekend has been the case, it
>> is 0.  Note that I have some 6 or 7 active  email accounts that
>> include Hotmail, Gmail and AIM as well.  Only through the Hotmail
>> account do I still get the occasional garbage on a consistent basis.
>>  So, yes, I can say that I get no spam, as I had a pretty
>> substantial experience to compare it to.  Nothing is "perfect", but
>> I'd say that going from some 40 percent of spam content down to 1
>> percent is a very nice change of pace and a breath of fresh air.
>> Additionally, I do not get the pornographic and offers for various
>> pharmaceutical products either that were common in my Outlook folders.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Chris Polk wrote:
>>> Just wondering, you said the mac doesn't get spam?
>>> I am a new mac user, but i beg to differ with you on this
>>> Spam
>>> can find its way in to any mail
>>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 9:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:

 I will disagree with Anyone who claims that there is no
 hostility or arrogance from the Windows community towards the Mac
 specifically, VoiceOver.  Since VoiceOver became available in
 Tiger, I
 have encountered the very behavior and attitudes from Windows users
 towards the Mac as I have read some Windows users accuse Mac users
 showing towards Windows.  In fact, at NFB shows, this mentality has
 probably been the strongest.  There is a mindset among hardcore
 members o


2009-09-26 Thread Justin Harford

Has anyone tried to use automator since upgrading to SL?  I find I get  
an access of busy signals which at times renders the app nearly  
impossible to use.

Justin Harford 

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Donna Goodin

No. That's why this is so odd.

It almost seems like Itunes installed them diliberately.  They were  
all of different genres, as if they wanted to se what might appeal to  

I guess my next step is to call Apple.

Thanks for confirming that this is odd.
  I guess on one level I was wondering if they were sojething that  
itunes was doing to entice me tobuy more music
On Sep 26, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Very strange. Is there anyone else on your network? And these songs
> are really in iTunes - you're not streaming them from a shared  
> computer?
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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Re: iPhone honored by NFB

2009-09-26 Thread hank smith

its about time nfb did some good for a change
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Blouch" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:53 AM
Subject: iPhone honored by NFB

> I didn't notice this mentioned on the list previously. I was one of the
> speakers at the NFB Web Accessibility Day in Baltimore MD on Tuesday and
> during the lunch Marc Maurer, President of the NFB, gave out some awards
> to companies they felt were leaders in the accessibility space. In
> particular they gave an award of commendation to Apple for the iPhone
> and iPod touch for doing what many folks said could not be done - to
> make a touch screen UI fully accessible. I know that the NFB in the past
> has been a follower in recognizing the feat of design and engineering
> that accessibility on the iPhone is but it sounds like at least the top
> brass are now fully aware as Dr. Maurer gave clear praise to Apple and
> the work done there. Lets hope NFB now give full and fair promotion in
> the rest of its communications.
> As a side note, it was interesting to overhear the questions folks had
> of the Apple rep before and after the presentation. Some wanted to know
> more or how it worked (apparently having never tried an iPhone/iPod
> Touch). The Apple rep also pointed out that the gesture technology has
> been backported to Snow Leopard for use with trackpads which was warmly
> received. I'm sure everyone on this list is fully aware of these things
> but it kind of surprised me that a room full of accessibility 'experts'
> were so unaware.
> CB
> > 

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Re: iPhone honored by NFB

2009-09-26 Thread Buddy Brannan

Oh, and this isn't at all inflamatory.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Sep 26, 2009, at 11:05 PM, hank smith wrote:

> its about time nfb did some good for a change
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chris Blouch" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:53 AM
> Subject: iPhone honored by NFB
>> I didn't notice this mentioned on the list previously. I was one of  
>> the
>> speakers at the NFB Web Accessibility Day in Baltimore MD on  
>> Tuesday and
>> during the lunch Marc Maurer, President of the NFB, gave out some  
>> awards
>> to companies they felt were leaders in the accessibility space. In
>> particular they gave an award of commendation to Apple for the iPhone
>> and iPod touch for doing what many folks said could not be done - to
>> make a touch screen UI fully accessible. I know that the NFB in the  
>> past
>> has been a follower in recognizing the feat of design and engineering
>> that accessibility on the iPhone is but it sounds like at least the  
>> top
>> brass are now fully aware as Dr. Maurer gave clear praise to Apple  
>> and
>> the work done there. Lets hope NFB now give full and fair promotion  
>> in
>> the rest of its communications.
>> As a side note, it was interesting to overhear the questions folks  
>> had
>> of the Apple rep before and after the presentation. Some wanted to  
>> know
>> more or how it worked (apparently having never tried an iPhone/iPod
>> Touch). The Apple rep also pointed out that the gesture technology  
>> has
>> been backported to Snow Leopard for use with trackpads which was  
>> warmly
>> received. I'm sure everyone on this list is fully aware of these  
>> things
>> but it kind of surprised me that a room full of accessibility  
>> 'experts'
>> were so unaware.
>> CB
> >

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Charlie Doremus
I'm no expert, but I do a lot of things with Itunes. From the way you
describe your situation it sounds like you are getting someone Elses wifi
and their play list is popping up on you machine.  Go into Itunes
preferences, click "sharing" and turn all that stuff off.
Hope this helps.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Very strange. Is there anyone else on your network? And these songs
> are really in iTunes - you're not streaming them from a shared computer?
> Best,
> Anna
> >

Check out our web site,

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Donna,

I've never heard of iTunes randomly giving people songs. Are they the  
whole song, or just a sample?


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Welcome questions and VoiceOver Tiger Resources [was Re: Two small mail and VO questions]

2009-09-26 Thread Esther

Hi Stan,

You wrote:

> Hi Esther and Anna,
> I have taken a long time before I replied, as I have been trying and
> trying to get this to work.
> I now have it working, and yes I should have said, I am using "tiger".
> The "VO H H" has no sort option, and yes "VO Shift backslash" does
> not work for me.
> I found that I first had to go to the date collumn, and then using
> "mouse keys" "8" 14 times to get to the heading,and then "mouse key
> 5" to select the collumn, and then "VO backslash", and Yippy It Works.
> Cheers
> Stan "Tiger".

Congratulations on getting your mail messages sorted.  Some of the  
commands are indeed slightly different under Tiger, but I thought that  
you should have been able to use "VO Shift-Backslash", which you  
correctly stated is announced as "VO vertical line", to sort the "Date  
Received" column in your mail messages table. At least, I thought so  
until I went back to my version of Tiger, and found that the sort  
command did indeed work in Finder list and column views and in iTunes,  
but for some reason no longer in Mail's messages table! So good work  
finding a fix. Let me explain that a few of the VoiceOver command keys  
that use symbols, like the "backslash" and "vertical line" keys, don't  
have easy to type counterparts on non-English input keyboards. On  
French or Danish keyboards, for example, I believe that typing the  
"backslash" or "vertical line" characters may require pressing the  
Option key in combination with other keys.  The fix that Apple  
introduced in Leopard was to add options for these hard-to-type  
functions to the Commands menu.  So holding down the Control and  
Option keys and tapping the H key twice (or VO-H twice), brings up the  
Commands menu with extra options in Leopard and Snow Leopard for  
operations like "sort" (VO-Shift-Backslash) and expanding or  
collapsing folders (VO-Backslash).  This last option shows up in the  
Leopard Commands Menu as "Toggle disclosure triangle" by the way --  
quite a mouthful.

I added a description of the Commands menu option to my reply, because  
I wasn't sure that you were using a standard English input keyboard.   
Apple has lots of different English language keyboards -- U.S.,  
British, Canadian, Australian, etc.  As far as I know, the sort keys  
are in the same place in all of them.  Since you're posting from South  
Africa I suppose it's remotely possible that you're a native Afrikaans  
speaker and using some other input keyboard, so I wanted to cover all  
bases (smile).  I'm puzzled that you had to use "Mouse Keys" to sort  
your columns, though this should certainly work. (I'm also impressed  
that you found this way to do it, using other Universal Access  
options).  There are two different ways to sort columns on the Mac.   
Sighted users can sort columns by clicking their mouse or trackpad  
with the mouse cursor focused on the heading of a column.  Each time  
they "click" the sort order will flip between ascending and descending  
order.  VoiceOver users have a sort command (VO-Shift-Backslash on an  
English input keyboard) that requires they are positioned with their  
VoiceOver cursor on the column they wish to sort, but this command  
does not require that they first also have their mouse cursor routed  
to this column or, indeed, that the mouse cursor has to be on the  
heading area for the column.  VoiceOver announces the header  
information automatically in Leopard; in Tiger you had to use VO-Shift- 
C to read the name of the column heading.  However, the VoiceOver  
cursor does not actually move to the heading of a column.  Turning on  
"Mouse Keys" in the Universal Access menu lets you move your mouse  
cursor with numeric keypad, independently of VoiceOver.  It's usually  
used in situations where people need fine motion control of the  
cursor, since each press of the keypad moves the cursor by one screen  
pixel.  When "Mouse Keys" are activated, you use the numeric keypad to  
to move the mouse from its current position by one screen pixel in the  
direction of each key relative to the central key in the keypad  --  
the "5" key. So, in the description you gave, by pressing the "8" key  
on the numeric keypad that is directly above the "5" key, you were  
able to move your mouse cursor from what was probably the top line in  
the messages table up to the column heading with 14 upward key  
presses. I'm not quite sure why using VO-backslash at this point  
activated your sort.  At this point, clicking with a mouse (or  
trackpad on a laptop) should have allowed you to sort the column  
without recourse to VoiceOver.  (It doesn't matter whether VoiceOver  
is turned on or not, when you "click" at this point to sort that  
column.)  Also, you should have been able to sort the column just  
using VoiceOver (without Mouse Keys turned on), if you first  
interacted with the table (VO-Shift-Down Arrow), then navigated to the  
column (e.g. VO-Right arrow to the "Date R

Text to audio workflow solved :-)

2009-09-26 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi all,
Just wanted to post that I have my text to audio file workflow problem  

Alex was able to help me out so all is grand here.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :-)

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
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or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Charlie Doremus
If you are in an area with a lot of people using wireless routers you and
they can sometimes be getting the same signal. Where I live there are 584
other units in the complex and at any given time there are at least one
other wifi network open. If either network are open you and or others will
see play lists from other computers. One of the new features of I tunes 9 is
the ability to share Itunes content from all the computers in my "home
network". I have four macs and all have differing content from movies, music
and pod casts. Since I neither have the time of desire to duplicate itunes
libraries on all those macs I just turn on sharing between the macs I want
to use.
For example, the computer in my bedroom has a lot of old-time radio on it.
If I want to sit in my recliner in the living room and listen to say
"Dragnet" I just turn on sharing in my bedroom and living room, relax and

In the case of music, whole songs are played and any music I purchase can be
copies and sent to any of the computers in my home. Sadly though, this can't
be said for music you already own you have to burn that stuff and then take
it to others machines. Maybe someday sharing will include "private

Another added feature in Itunes 9 is one that allows someone to bring their
computer into my home and share purchased music like the new Beatles
collection, which is on order. I can't wait to hear it in its entirety.

If you have questions, I might have answers even if I'm not Radio Shack.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> I've never heard of iTunes randomly giving people songs. Are they the
> whole song, or just a sample?
> Best,
> Anna
> >

Check out our web site,

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RE: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Could these tunes have come with the machine?  They sound just generic
enough to be something that would demonstrate the variety of music

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

Hi Anna,

Nope. My husband doesn't purchase music on the net.  I know it wasn't  
Thanks though,
On Sep 26, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Did your husband purchase these songs recently, by any chance? I know 
> itunes 9 can be configured so that whenever one person on a network 
> buys music from the iTunes store, the songs they purchase get copied 
> to other computers on the network; could that be it?
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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RE: Snow Leopard and mail preview pane

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs

I thought I saw a response to the question of how to eliminate the preview
pane a while back and lost it.  Don't own a Mac yet but will want to close
preview pane.  So, very interested in this problem and the solution.  

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bob Hill
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:52 AM
Subject: Snow Leopard and mail preview pane

Hi all,

I received and installed my copy of Snow Leopard  and now want to turn  
off the preview pane in mail.

Is there a different procedure for doing this in mail now? clicking on the
horizontal splitters doesn't seem to work. I have mouse cursor ignores VO
cursor set in navigation

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Bob Hill

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Re: iPhone honored by NFB

2009-09-26 Thread Christina
I am surprised and happy with their response to the iphone with  
voiceover.  I wonder if NFB will benefit somehow from the accessible  
On Sep 25, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Yes, but you'd have to turn it on using the iTunes acount to which  
> the iPhone is conected. So, you'd have to use the iPhone owner's  
> computer and iTunes acount, not JPR's.
> K.
> -Original Message-
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of kaare dehard
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: iPhone honored by NFB
> or you can hook it up and turn it on in itunes I believe.
> On 2009-09-25, at 7:27 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> You have to ask the sighted friend to turn it on in preferences, I  
>> think.
>> K.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:  
>> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe  
>> Rykiel
>> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: iPhone honored by NFB
>> Dear Chris,
>> a friend of mine has one of these. Can you simply tell me how to  
>> turn v o on and off on his device so I can give it a try.
>> Cheers,
>> JPR
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Chris Blouch
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:05 AM
>> Subject: Re: iPhone honored by NFB
>> It's called voiceover and as something that makes a device  
>> accessible via speech and controls, it is voiceover, but with a  
>> different voice (not Alex) and a phone-specific set of gestures  
>> instead of keyboard controls. That said, it's included on every  
>> iPhone 3GS and the newer iPod Touch. Previous models didn't have  
>> the hardware performance to run this so there is no upgrade to get  
>> VO on the older devices.
>> CB
>> Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:
>>> Sorry for a very down-to-earth question, but does the IPhone come  
>>> with V O as well?
>>> JPR
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Chris Blouch
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:48 PM
>>> Subject: Re: iPhone honored by NFB
>>> Some have difficulty comprehending what is new and, by definition,  
>>> not
>>> well understood. So they define the new in terms of what's known  
>>> from
>>> the past, but when something is a revolution rather than an  
>>> evolution
>>> the comparisons fail. Some will lodge those failures as the fault of
>>> what was being measured and dismiss it as being flawed. Others, more
>>> rarely, will correctly realize that the measurement framework has  
>>> failed
>>> and reevaluate their worldview. The NFB has been measuring sharks  
>>> for a
>>> long while and Apple brought in an leopard. It will take time for  
>>> the
>>> definition of 'good' to be redefined.
>>> CB
>>> william lomas wrote:
>>> > they can soon praise the iPhone yet slam the mac?
>>> > hyppocrits
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> >
> >

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Re: unzipping password-protected archives

2009-09-26 Thread Esther

Hi Anna,

You need to get the Unarchiver from:

or else use Stuffit Expander. This is actually mentioned on  
BookShare's FAQ page.  I still keep a copy of Stuffit Expander around,  
though I haven't come across a file that I absolutely had to use this  
(and no other alternative expander) for at least three or four years.  
Some of the password-protected formats are proprietary, meaning that  
there are licensing fees involved.  My main objection to using Stuffit  
Expander is that Smith-Micro, perhaps the third company to own this  
product after the original developer got bought out, makes you supply  
an email address to get access to the product and then sends out huge  
amounts of spam advertising.  If anyone absolutely insists on using  
Stuffit Expander, the last edition that can be obtained through the  
versiontracker link that doesn't require you to supply an email  
address can be found at this link:

This points to the page for Stuffit Expander 13.0.2 (2008-11-06),   
which is the last version that you can directly download as a  
diskimage file without registering an address at the Smith-Micro site.  
It still worked as of three months ago.

Otherwise, almost every file you need to unpack that isn't already  
covered by the Mac's BOM Archive expansion, including the ones from  
BookShare, can be handled by the Unarchiver.




Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> I just downloaded a book from Bookshare and tried to unpack it, and I
> was surprised to find out that the archive program that comes with the
> Mac doesn't know how to handle password-protected zip files. I was
> told it couldn't open the file, and that was it. Is there some setting
> I can change to make it work, and if not, is there an accessible
> program for the Mac that can do the job?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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Re: unzipping password-protected archives

2009-09-26 Thread Justin Harford

Howdy there.

You also have the option of using the built in unzip program in the  

1.  Open terminal from the utilities folder
2.  in the terminal window, type sudo unzip file path.

~/ is a short cut for the home directory, so if I had in my  
home folder I would type

sudo unzip ~/

This is what I use to unzip my bookshare files.

Justin Harford
On Sep 26, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> You need to get the Unarchiver from:
> or else use Stuffit Expander. This is actually mentioned on
> BookShare's FAQ page.  I still keep a copy of Stuffit Expander around,
> though I haven't come across a file that I absolutely had to use this
> (and no other alternative expander) for at least three or four years.
> Some of the password-protected formats are proprietary, meaning that
> there are licensing fees involved.  My main objection to using Stuffit
> Expander is that Smith-Micro, perhaps the third company to own this
> product after the original developer got bought out, makes you supply
> an email address to get access to the product and then sends out huge
> amounts of spam advertising.  If anyone absolutely insists on using
> Stuffit Expander, the last edition that can be obtained through the
> versiontracker link that doesn't require you to supply an email
> address can be found at this link:
> This points to the page for Stuffit Expander 13.0.2 (2008-11-06),
> which is the last version that you can directly download as a
> diskimage file without registering an address at the Smith-Micro site.
> It still worked as of three months ago.
> Otherwise, almost every file you need to unpack that isn't already
> covered by the Mac's BOM Archive expansion, including the ones from
> BookShare, can be handled by the Unarchiver.
> HTH.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just downloaded a book from Bookshare and tried to unpack it, and I
>> was surprised to find out that the archive program that comes with  
>> the
>> Mac doesn't know how to handle password-protected zip files. I was
>> told it couldn't open the file, and that was it. Is there some  
>> setting
>> I can change to make it work, and if not, is there an accessible
>> program for the Mac that can do the job?
>> Thanks,
>> Anna
> >

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Re: songs appearing in iTunes?

2009-09-26 Thread Charlie Doremus
Its not very likely that the songs came pre-loaded.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:

> Could these tunes have come with the machine?  They sound just generic
> enough to be something that would demonstrate the variety of music
> available.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: songs appearing in iTunes?
> Hi Anna,
> Nope. My husband doesn't purchase music on the net.  I know it wasn't
> him.
> Thanks though,
> Donna
> On Sep 26, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> >
> > Hi Donna,
> >
> > Did your husband purchase these songs recently, by any chance? I know
> > itunes 9 can be configured so that whenever one person on a network
> > buys music from the iTunes store, the songs they purchase get copied
> > to other computers on the network; could that be it?
> >
> > Best,
> > Anna
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

Check out our web site,

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