Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Donnna, I could not have said it better myself. No, Windows is not the 
darkside and I feel I have to say that whenever I listen to Windows or 
Windows AT related podcasts which I do regularly, I have never - as far as i 
can remember heard these folks disparage Apple's efforts. There are of 
course those in the AT and Windows communities who have dismissed the Mac 
out of hand, but these narrow minded folks are few and far between.

I think we can all agree that people should use what works for them - or 
what works for them in a given situation - whether that be Linux, Mac or 
Windows is irrelevant. Yes, Apple has made great steps forward in the 
accessibility of Mac OS X, Windows AT developers  and Microsoft have also 
done the same for Windows as have Linux folks. As you said, there are 
definite weaknesses to both - indeeed all the OS's as there are definite 
advantages. None of these operating systems are in any way perfect but we 
should respect everyone and their choice.

I am not criticizing anyone - personally, I think it's a good thing that 
Apple have added the ability for people to decide on how they want to edit 
as well as other things. It is always nice and convenient to have options 
and multiple ways of doing things.

Take care all

- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:06 AM
Subject: RE: 3 features that hmm?

> Hello all,
> I have to support Rich here.  The attitude displayed by many Mac users
> toward Windows, and toward Windows users who are doing their best to learn
> the Mac OS is frankly despicable.  Many mac users--definitely not all--are
> nothing more than a bunch of narrow-minded snobs.  Windows is not "the 
> dark
> side".  It is a viable choice, perhaps a better choice for some people.
> JAWS and Windows worked very well for me for nearly 20 years.  I am only
> here because I want to support Apple's efforts, not because I believe
> Windows or JAWS to be the devil incarnate.  Yes, editing is different.
> Those who prefer editing in Windows are not wrong, they just prefer
> something different.  They are entitled to that preference, just as all on
> this list are entitled to their preference for the Mac.  If Apple 
> implements
> some choices to facilitate transition from Windows, there's nothing wrong
> with that.  No one has to use it unless they want to.
> Personally, I think it's great that there are multiple alternatives now
> available for blind users.  Yes, what Apple has done for accessibility is
> tremendous.  That said, I just applied for a job at a place where they
> pretty much come out and tell you that if you choose to use a Mac, you 
> won't
> be able to utilize all of their materials.  So, if I get that position, 
> I'll
> be using Windows for all things work-related.  I therefore hope that 
> Windows
> continues to be a viable option for blind users.  The best possible 
> scenario
> for us is to have as many options as possible, so that each of us can 
> decide
> which is the best fit for us and for our immediate needs.  The Mac has 
> many
> things to recommend it.  But you all who choose to use it, are in no way
> superior to anyone else, and you have no right to disdain others who 
> either
> choose the Windows option, or are willing to point out the Mac's 
> weaknesses.
> And yes, the Mac does have very definite weaknesses, as does Windows.
> Why can't we all just be supportive and respectful of one another?  I 
> think
> the thing I find saddest about this whole movement toward the Mac, is the
> way it seems to polarize everyone.  Let's just support  each person's 
> right
> to find what works best for them and be happy about that.
> Donna
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:16 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> With all respect, I am sure there was a time when you were a beginner.
>> I am
>> an extremely competent Windows user.  This doesn't in and of itself
>> make me
>> the spawn of Satan, it is simply a statement concerning my current
>> technological status.  One of the things that has kept me from
>> purchasing a
>> Mac until today is the condescending manner in which some (certainly
>> not
>> all) Mac users treat those of us who are investigating this pltform who
>> have
>> been Windows users.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Marie Howarth" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
>> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it is
>> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
>> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need their
>> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as 

Re: Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

- Original Message - 
From: "Buddy Brannan" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks?

> Hi,
> It's dead easy. I found it on Google (google knows everything,
> including how to install RAM on a white Macbook).
> 1) Remove the battery. Take a quarter and turn the thingy that has a
> slot that's just right for putting a quarter in on the bottom of your
> Macbook, next to (oddly enough) the battery.
> 2) Remove the little bracket. It's L-shaped and has a couple screws to
> loosen. The memory's under there. You'll see a couple little plastic
> handles that pop the old memory out. Be careful not to break those.
> Pop the old memory, stick the new memory in, push the handles back in,
> screw the bracket back on, stick the battery back in, turn the thingy.
> That's pretty much it, but if you want more detailed instructions, ask
> Google. It came up with some nice ones.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:59 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks? can
>> anyone give
>> step by step instructions please?
>> Thanks
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Re: Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash
Thanks Tim. I might give this a go - or I might let the folks at the store do 
it lol. But it's always good to now how to do these things. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tim Kilburn 
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:08 AM
  Subject: Re: Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks?

Hi James,

  You asked:  Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks? can 
anyone give 
step by step instructions please?

  TK:  The installation of RAM is fairly straight forward on those machines.  
You'll need a set of precision screwdrivers in order to do this and make sure 
you're in a location that does not have static electricity.  A static strip is 
always a good idea.

  1.  Shutdown your MacBook and ensure the power cable is disconnected.
  2.  close it up and turn it upside down.
  3.  Use a coin or your fingernail to unlock the battery and remove it.
  4.  On the long side of the battery opening, there are three little screws 
that you'll need to loosen.  The screws will be evenly spaced along that side.  
The screws do not actually totally come away from the casing as they have a 
stopper to keep them attached to the plastic shielding.
  5.  Once they are sufficiently loose, you can pull the shielding away to 
reveal access to the RAM.  This shielding comes out in the shape of an "L".  Be 
extremely careful not to damage this.
  6.  Now there are usually two sticks of RAM that you can access.  There 
should be a lever sort of thing that you pull from one side of, that will 
partially release the RAM.  You can then gently grab it with your fingers and 
pull it out and place it on the static bag that your new RAM came in.
  7.  Put the new RAM in the same slot that the old RAM was in.  You need to 
press firmly and it will sort of snap into place.  this is the tricky area as 
you need to press firmly but do not force it in.  If you have the RAM upside 
down it should not actually seat properly but if you force it, you will damage 
the receiving end of the slot.
  8.  Perform #6 and #7 for the other stick of RAM.
  9.  Replace the shield and then tighten the screws.
  10.  Replace your battery and lock it in place.

  That should do it.  You should place the old RAM in the static bags that your 
new RAM came in for safe keeping.  If your computer does not make the chime 
noise when you attempt to start it after the installation then you've either 
installed it incorrectly, you have a bad stick of RAM or the RAM is not 
compatible with your unit.  In these cases, try removing one stick at a time to 
determine if one or the other is bad or if the problem is something else.



Tim Kilburn
  & Carter the Canine
  Fort McMurray, AB Canada


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Re: the doc, interesting change in sl

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Thanks for that tip Marie. Can you also use up arrow as in Leopard and 
- Original Message - 
From: "Marie Howarth" 
Cc: ; 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 3:02 AM
Subject: the doc, interesting change in sl

> in the doc, instead of just being able to arrow down to see
> applications options, such as keep in doc, open at log in, you are no
> longer able to arrow. now use the contextual menu, vo--shift--m to get
> to these mini doc menus.
> hth
> > 

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Re: way files are sorted on os x

2009-08-30 Thread Søren Jensen

You can sort files and folders by "kind," which means it sorts files  
and folders by the file extension. If you have a big folder with a lot  
of files and sub folders, it will sort the file extension in  
alphabetically order. If you have a lot of applications, it will show  
them first, and then it will show all the folders when the file  
extension comes to f. I hope that makes sense.
You can change the view by doing the following:
1: When you are in Finder, press command j
2: move the VO cursor to the right until you've reached the popup  
3: Press VO spacebar on the button, and choose "kind."
4: Press command j again to hide the view options.
You can't sort the files so the folders are shown first in Finder.  
There is a replacement for Finder called Path Finder which is able to  
sort things so the folders are shown first, but this application is  
pretty expensive as far as I remember.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 30/08/2009, at 06.12, Tim Kilburn wrote:

>> Hi,
> You asked:  I am now copying over some files from my windows machine  
> to the mac (no better way to learn the system then just using it) i  
> am noticing though that it seems as if folders are not sorted first  
> (in windows i first got a list of all the folders and then the  
> files) this seems to be different on the mac, this is a bit of a  
> problem for me sinc emy music folder consists of a fes bufrolders  
> and about 2000 loose files (messy i know) is there a way to sort  
> stuff so that folders are shown first?
> TK:  Not that I'm aware of.  Sorry.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> & Carter the Canine
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >

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RE: ejecting a cd

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin


Just press 

-Original Message-
From: Rich Ring 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:39 PM
Subject: ejecting a cd

How do you eject a cd?
In my finder window, the only volume I see is my Leopard install cd.  I have 
Voiceover, but I cannot see my hard drive. 

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-30 Thread Chris G


I find it slow at surfing the web and I don't know why.

I even reinstalled with a full erase.
Safari is the only program that's slow for me.
Not running a monitor on my Mac mini, but this is how I did it in leopard.


On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:26:43 -0500
Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in  
> the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great, and no  
> sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising the  
> web
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
> >
> > Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Les Kriegler" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> > Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> >
> >
> >
> > I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an  
> > Apple 2E.
> > How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
> > within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,  
> > but if
> > not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking  
> > forward to
> > some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> >
> > Les
> >
> >
> > __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> > signature
> > database 4378 (20090828) __
> >
> > The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >

Chris G 

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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

I completely agree Max.  Editing wasn't hard for me to learn, but web browsing 
and getting used to where certain things are in the system has been more of a 
challenge.  And at least five times a day I still press Enter instead of 
Command-O to open a file or launch an app. And conversely, it's also gotten to 
the point where when I'm on my Windows machine, I try and press Command-shift-D 
to send an email message.  I guess that's just the nature of moving back and 
forth between two systems.  I think the more choices we as blind users have, 
the better, and I'd encourage anyone to just find the one that is the best fit 
for them.
Take care,

-Original Message-
From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Hi Donna;  It could have just been me, but that is the point.  there  
are people out there who have been doing it one way for so long that  
any change can be frustrating.  I remember how many times i deleted  
the wrong character or inserted a character in the wrong spot and had  
to do it over.  Now, I'm used to it.  And the few times i use the  
windows computer I have to remember things like pressing the spacebar  
before entering text in a form field.  Mac is the way to go.  Just  
wish we could convince the makers of adobe, flash, eudora, and others  
that we can't currently use on the mac.  Take care, Max
On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Well, I guess we all have our things.  Ironically, the adjustment to  
> editing
> text has been one of the easier parts of my adjustment to the Mac.  
> *smile*
> Take care,
> Donna
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey  
>> Jr.
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:16 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> Thanks donna;  only wish my transition from doss to windows had been
>> as easy.  That was a real mind cramp sort of thing.  Take care, Max
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Nice post, Max.
>>> Donna
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
 Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

 Hello;  Just speaking for myself the hardest adjustment i had to
>> make
 when moving to a mac was getting used to the way you have to edit
 text.  Now, that I understand it, it is second nature; but it was a
 real headache in the beginning.  Another one that was a tough one  
 get my mind around was not having multiple windows in my  
 browser.  I
 finallly found out that you can have multiple finder and safari
 windows you just cycle through them differently.  It sounds like
 was doing its best to listen and adapt to what people were saying
 short comings in voiceover.  To me this is a good thing.  Maybe  
 didn't get this one issue right, but I believe they continually  
 an honest effort to give us the most accessible easiest to use
 out there.  I'm still planning to wait on snow lepard.  You know
>> why?
 Its because of all the times I upgraded in windows and found things
 were worse instead of better.  Its for all the times I kept using
>> the
 previous version of software out of fear that the next one wouldn't
 work with jaws.  So, thanks to apple for voiceover and their
 continuing commitment to universal access.  You all take care, Max
 On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it
> is
> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need
>> their
> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as
>> I
> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of  
>> people
>> who
>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I
>> believe
>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or
>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for
>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this
>> point
>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I
>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it

RE: Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

Hey Mike,

Thanks for posting these instructions.  It does soun like an easy 
straight-forward process.  And, I just received email notification that my copy 
of SL has shipped! Yay!  I'm looking forward to checking it out!

-Original Message-
From: Mike Arrigo 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: Just got a Mac Mini

Hey Rich, that's awesome that you got a mac, you're going to love it.  
Insert the DVD, then hold the c key to boot it up. Hold the command  
key and press F5 to start voice over, and the first thing you will  
need to do is choose the language for the install. Select continue,  
you can then go to the menu bar, and choose utilities. Select disk  
utility and this will allow you to erase your hard drive so you can do  
a clean install. And it's all completely accessible. Let me know if  
you need any more help.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:57 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Hello all you helpful wonderful veteran Mac users!
> Just got back from the Apple store with a Mac Mini.  I've been told  
> by many that if I fire it up I will hear a spoken message telling me  
> how to get Voiceover running.  Is this true?
> Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was  
> that since this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean  
> upgrade.  Should I just put the SL DVD in the drive press C and  
> eventually press command f5 and do the upgrade, or do I have to set  
> up the Mac first.
> I know, stupid questions, but if you don't ask, you don't know.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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Re: Braille during installation

2009-08-30 Thread a radix

Hello, that is fantastic since I cant read contracted braille.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:02 PM
Subject: Braille during installation

> Hello everyone,
> It is now possible for non-English speakers to install Snow Leopard
> using a Braille display as uncontracted Braille is used during
> installation.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> > 

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Re: Snow Leopard and dropbox any ideas?

2009-08-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hi, i don't have any info about this, but since upgrading i have  
noticed that the context menu for Dropbox has vanished, therefore i  
don't even know if i have dropbox properly installed or not.
What to do?

30 aug 2009 kl. 00.08 skrev Scott Rutkowski:

> Hi all.
> Just wondering if anyone on the list may have an idea on how to
> resolve this issue please?
> Since upgrading to Snow Leopard and now finding out dropbox menus
> can't be accessed by using the window chooser vo f2 twice and arrow
> down to untitled and hit enter and do a vo shift space to access the
> menus, these commands no longer work on snow leopard.
> From what I read in the dropbox forums you can control click on
> dropbox supposedly and access options but so far i've not been able to
> accomplish this.
> Has anyone else tried using dropbox with Snow Leopard to see if there
> is a work around?
> I realize there's not much we need to access in dropbox but having
> access to the menus in dropbox under leopard was awesome because you
> could tell if files were transferring or not.
> Is there something I should tell the developers to make it vo friendly
> under snow leopard?
> If anyone has any info or suggestions on the above, please let us all
> know.
> Thanks very much for your time.
> >

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hi donna;  well said.  I actually got my first mac because I couldn't  
figure out which windows computer to replace my last laptop with.  We  
had read that the sound cards need to be a 32 bit if not 64 bit to run  
jaws and other windows features without a strain, and we couldn't find  
any off the shelf laptops where we could even find out what the sound  
cards were.  And ordering a custom built one would have cost more  
money than i had to spend.  Finally, my brother decided to help me buy  
a used ibook g4 to get my feet wet.  Now, I'm apple all the way.  I  
just wish we could get the flash player and the adobe reader  
accessible.  At least the overdrive media console now has a mac  
version.  I don't see me buying an iphone because I would have to  
switch cell phone providers, but I'm hopeful the next round of ipod  
touch will have speech.  Then I'd get everything accept for th ephone  
as long as i was in  range of a wifi signal.  Should be asleep.  take  
care, Max
On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:26 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> I completely agree Max.  Editing wasn't hard for me to learn, but  
> web browsing and getting used to where certain things are in the  
> system has been more of a challenge.  And at least five times a day  
> I still press Enter instead of Command-O to open a file or launch an  
> app. And conversely, it's also gotten to the point where when I'm on  
> my Windows machine, I try and press Command-shift-D to send an email  
> message.  I guess that's just the nature of moving back and forth  
> between two systems.  I think the more choices we as blind users  
> have, the better, and I'd encourage anyone to just find the one that  
> is the best fit for them.
> Take care,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hi Donna;  It could have just been me, but that is the point.  there
> are people out there who have been doing it one way for so long that
> any change can be frustrating.  I remember how many times i deleted
> the wrong character or inserted a character in the wrong spot and had
> to do it over.  Now, I'm used to it.  And the few times i use the
> windows computer I have to remember things like pressing the spacebar
> before entering text in a form field.  Mac is the way to go.  Just
> wish we could convince the makers of adobe, flash, eudora, and others
> that we can't currently use on the mac.  Take care, Max
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Well, I guess we all have our things.  Ironically, the adjustment to
>> editing
>> text has been one of the easier parts of my adjustment to the Mac.
>> *smile*
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
>>> Jr.
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:16 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>>> Thanks donna;  only wish my transition from doss to windows had been
>>> as easy.  That was a real mind cramp sort of thing.  Take care, Max
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

 Nice post, Max.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
> Jr.
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hello;  Just speaking for myself the hardest adjustment i had to
>>> make
> when moving to a mac was getting used to the way you have to edit
> text.  Now, that I understand it, it is second nature; but it  
> was a
> real headache in the beginning.  Another one that was a tough one
> to
> get my mind around was not having multiple windows in my
> browser.  I
> finallly found out that you can have multiple finder and safari
> windows you just cycle through them differently.  It sounds like
> apple
> was doing its best to listen and adapt to what people were saying
> were
> short comings in voiceover.  To me this is a good thing.  Maybe
> they
> didn't get this one issue right, but I believe they continually
> make
> an honest effort to give us the most accessible easiest to use
> product
> out there.  I'm still planning to wait on snow lepard.  You know
>>> why?
> Its because of all the times I upgraded in windows and found  
> things
> were worse instead of better.  Its for all the times I kept using
>>> the
> previous version of software out of fear that the next one  
> wouldn't
> work with jaws.  So, thanks to apple for voiceover and their
> continuing commitment to universal access.  You all take care, Max
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Marie Howart

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom

What i had the biggest problem with when transfering to the Mac, was  
the finder and how to work with folders and such. I wasn't used to the  
sidebar and so on, but that problem is gone now.

30 aug 2009 kl. 10.26 skrev Donna Goodin:

> I completely agree Max.  Editing wasn't hard for me to learn, but  
> web browsing and getting used to where certain things are in the  
> system has been more of a challenge.  And at least five times a day  
> I still press Enter instead of Command-O to open a file or launch an  
> app. And conversely, it's also gotten to the point where when I'm on  
> my Windows machine, I try and press Command-shift-D to send an email  
> message.  I guess that's just the nature of moving back and forth  
> between two systems.  I think the more choices we as blind users  
> have, the better, and I'd encourage anyone to just find the one that  
> is the best fit for them.
> Take care,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hi Donna;  It could have just been me, but that is the point.  there
> are people out there who have been doing it one way for so long that
> any change can be frustrating.  I remember how many times i deleted
> the wrong character or inserted a character in the wrong spot and had
> to do it over.  Now, I'm used to it.  And the few times i use the
> windows computer I have to remember things like pressing the spacebar
> before entering text in a form field.  Mac is the way to go.  Just
> wish we could convince the makers of adobe, flash, eudora, and others
> that we can't currently use on the mac.  Take care, Max
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Well, I guess we all have our things.  Ironically, the adjustment to
>> editing
>> text has been one of the easier parts of my adjustment to the Mac.
>> *smile*
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
>>> Jr.
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:16 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>>> Thanks donna;  only wish my transition from doss to windows had been
>>> as easy.  That was a real mind cramp sort of thing.  Take care, Max
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

 Nice post, Max.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
> Jr.
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hello;  Just speaking for myself the hardest adjustment i had to
>>> make
> when moving to a mac was getting used to the way you have to edit
> text.  Now, that I understand it, it is second nature; but it  
> was a
> real headache in the beginning.  Another one that was a tough one
> to
> get my mind around was not having multiple windows in my
> browser.  I
> finallly found out that you can have multiple finder and safari
> windows you just cycle through them differently.  It sounds like
> apple
> was doing its best to listen and adapt to what people were saying
> were
> short comings in voiceover.  To me this is a good thing.  Maybe
> they
> didn't get this one issue right, but I believe they continually
> make
> an honest effort to give us the most accessible easiest to use
> product
> out there.  I'm still planning to wait on snow lepard.  You know
>>> why?
> Its because of all the times I upgraded in windows and found  
> things
> were worse instead of better.  Its for all the times I kept using
>>> the
> previous version of software out of fear that the next one  
> wouldn't
> work with jaws.  So, thanks to apple for voiceover and their
> continuing commitment to universal access.  You all take care, Max
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
>> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way  
>> it
>> is
>> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are  
>> here
>> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need
>>> their
>> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs.  
>> as
>>> I
>> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of
>>> people
>>> who
>>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I
>>> believe
>>> Apple was taken to task by one 

Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-30 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Everyone,  

Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but enough
to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.  

I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred home

I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers are all
now sharing the same media library.  

I configured the startup setting options and created some new accounts and
configured some network workgroups.

I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to the Net
when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect that
had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.

I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32 gigs
for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows computer
until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I installed it
for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the future.  I
was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the correct
drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.  This Mac
is a beautiful thing.  

I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I just wanted
to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far it's a
great experience.  

One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a must.  In
fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to pale in
comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I would be
this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
saying goes, "Never say Never."  

Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS VoiceOver
gestures on the MacBook track pad.  

I have a question about Safari:

Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it takes
up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot get the
Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.  

Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.  

Thank you,


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Marie I dont' disagree it is rediculous that Apple provide the option  
because it does only reenforce a bad habit that screen reading  
developers continued.  My point again is you and I both are entitled  
to our opinions, but it seriously is not a feature needing to be  
removed.  My only hope is that people will learn to edit in the way  
VoiceOver provided originally and this was one of those features I  
would not have bothered with, but apparently some just couldn't  
imagine or master the concept as it was and thus the feature was born.  
Perhaps it's more my amazement that someone understands the fact the  
feature really isn't needed, more a shift in the understanding of how  
the cursor works, but seriously the confusion for people was  
apparently quite painful.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it is
> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need their
> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as I
> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people  
>> who
>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some
>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those
>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see
>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever
>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are
>> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is  
>> an
>> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth
>> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated
>> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a
>> standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't
>> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an
>> option.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
>>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
>>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
>>> learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to
>>> apply
>>> things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
>>> thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
>>> from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
>>> applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
>>> between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
>>> equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most
>>> cases.
>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
>>> option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any
>>> way
>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping  
>>> oppinion
>>> like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
>>> Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
>>> share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't done any in a  
>>> while.
>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  I
>>> doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease their
>>> progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's suggested,
>>> human's
>>> just don't work that way, for the most part we're creatures of habit
>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a  
>>> feature
>>> be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, I'm not  
>>> sure
>>> they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I disagree with the
>>> feature and what's potentially at stake here to a sighted mac user,
>>> and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm not sure that

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

And that should not be the reason to delay/prevent you from purchasing  
a Mac.  Who cares what others say/think and you use what you need to  
get the job done.  Personally I detest windows and make every effort  
possible to avoid using it, but then again, I have to use it for now  
at the office and that's just the way it goes.  I however, personally  
made the choice to do something different personally and I did.  I was  
fortunate to have started with Tiger and moved on from there.  I  
however can't believe what someone says etc. would prevent you from  
making the switch.  personally yeah, I'll tell you that getting away  
from windows is the best thing you could do for yourself, but I know  
there is a learning curve you'll have to deal with, but I'd bet you  
the learning curve is considerably less then if you were learning  
windows and a windows screen reader.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> With all respect, I am sure there was a time when you were a  
> beginner.  I am
> an extremely competent Windows user.  This doesn't in and of itself  
> make me
> the spawn of Satan, it is simply a statement concerning my current
> technological status.  One of the things that has kept me from  
> purchasing a
> Mac until today is the condescending manner in which some (certainly  
> not
> all) Mac users treat those of us who are investigating this pltform  
> who have
> been Windows users.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marie Howarth" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:45 PM
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it is
> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need their
> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as I
> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people  
>> who
>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some
>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those
>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see
>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever
>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are
>> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is  
>> an
>> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth
>> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated
>> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a
>> standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't
>> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an
>> option.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
>>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
>>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
>>> learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to
>>> apply
>>> things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
>>> thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
>>> from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
>>> applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
>>> between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
>>> equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most
>>> cases.
>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
>>> option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any
>>> way
>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping  
>>> oppinion
>>> like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
>>> Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
>>> share of mist

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

I too have used Mac OS X since Tiger and have only noticed improvements
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

> And that should not be the reason to delay/prevent you from purchasing
> a Mac.  Who cares what others say/think and you use what you need to
> get the job done.  Personally I detest windows and make every effort
> possible to avoid using it, but then again, I have to use it for now
> at the office and that's just the way it goes.  I however, personally
> made the choice to do something different personally and I did.  I was
> fortunate to have started with Tiger and moved on from there.  I
> however can't believe what someone says etc. would prevent you from
> making the switch.  personally yeah, I'll tell you that getting away
> from windows is the best thing you could do for yourself, but I know
> there is a learning curve you'll have to deal with, but I'd bet you
> the learning curve is considerably less then if you were learning
> windows and a windows screen reader.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> With all respect, I am sure there was a time when you were a
>> beginner.  I am
>> an extremely competent Windows user.  This doesn't in and of itself
>> make me
>> the spawn of Satan, it is simply a statement concerning my current
>> technological status.  One of the things that has kept me from
>> purchasing a
>> Mac until today is the condescending manner in which some (certainly
>> not
>> all) Mac users treat those of us who are investigating this pltform
>> who have
>> been Windows users.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Marie Howarth" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
>> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it is
>> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
>> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need their
>> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as I
>> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people
>>> who
>>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
>>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some
>>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those
>>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
>>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see
>>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever
>>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are
>>> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is
>>> an
>>> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth
>>> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated
>>> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a
>>> standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't
>>> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an
>>> option.
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

 Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.

 Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
 so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
 someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
 reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
 sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
 taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.

 Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
 sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
 learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to
 things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
 enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
 thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
 fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
 from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
 applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
 between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
 equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most

 Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
 one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
 option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any
 need to be modified, p

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Hmmm, maybe I'm having issues in articulation.  My point is and has  
been that I don't disagree the feature does more harm then good,  
because yes, it does hold one back from truly getting the concept of  
editing from the perspective of the majority; if that makes sense.   
Asking Apple to remove it at this point makes little sense is what I'm  
saying.  I recall the debate and all the crap surrounding the issue of  
editing one way vs. the other.  Personally I would not have wasted the  
code, but at the same time if it really proves to be beneficial then  
great.  I'd hate to think someone would choose not to switch based on  
the issue of editing and so, since the feature is here, then great.
Gee, I think this thread has generated nearly as much noise as the  
entire editing thread.  Hey I see her point and I'm not disagreeing,  
just saying since it's here I hope someone will benefit if that is  
what is holding them up and yeah, this sure generated a lot of issues  
when it came up as a topic.  Hell, I had trouble understanding this  
initially and now when I do use windows-based screen reader, I have to  
work hard at remembering the old way of editing. :)

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

What would be nice is if the windows-based screen readers just had  
done it right from the beginning and we wouldn't be having this  
discussion. :)
On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm pretty much used to editing on a Mac now, but I'll have to say I'm
> glad there's the option to edit the way you do in Windows. I write
> books that have to be structured with headings and lists and such so
> they can be converted to DAISY. This means I have to write them in
> Word. This means that up until now, I've had to edit part of the time
> the Windows way and part of the time the Mac way. this can be really
> irritating after a while; I end up making silly mistakes because I'm
> having to switch back and forth all the time. So I will probably set
> VO to edit the Windows way,  so I don't have to think about which
> operating system I'm using at the moment and can think about what I'm
> writing, not how to edit it. I realize that if I were sighted, editing
> would resemble the mac way more than the Windows way, but if I were
> sighted, editing would be the same for me regardless of the operating
> system. Being able to edit in both operating systems the same way will
> make my experience more similar to what a sighted person experiences,
> even if the method of editing is different.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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Re: way files are sorted on os x

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hi, i guess i will have to actually organize my music library for once then, 
lol since all my files are flac files.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Søren Jensen 
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:09 AM
  Subject: Re: way files are sorted on os x


  You can sort files and folders by "kind," which means it sorts files and 
folders by the file extension. If you have a big folder with a lot of files and 
sub folders, it will sort the file extension in alphabetically order. If you 
have a lot of applications, it will show them first, and then it will show all 
the folders when the file extension comes to f. I hope that makes sense.
  You can change the view by doing the following:
  1: When you are in Finder, press command j
  2: move the VO cursor to the right until you've reached the popup button.
  3: Press VO spacebar on the button, and choose "kind."
  4: Press command j again to hide the view options.
  You can't sort the files so the folders are shown first in Finder. There is a 
replacement for Finder called Path Finder which is able to sort things so the 
folders are shown first, but this application is pretty expensive as far as I 

  Best regards:
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On 30/08/2009, at 06.12, Tim Kilburn wrote:


You asked:  I am now copying over some files from my windows machine to the 
mac (no better way to learn the system then just using it) i am noticing though 
that it seems as if folders are not sorted first (in windows i first got a list 
of all the folders and then the files) this seems to be different on the mac, 
this is a bit of a problem for me sinc emy music folder consists of a fes 
bufrolders and about 2000 loose files (messy i know) is there a way to sort 
stuff so that folders are shown first?

TK:  Not that I'm aware of.  Sorry.


Tim Kilburn
& Carter the Canine
Fort McMurray, AB Canada


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Well stated Donna and all my jabs at windows really is more poking  
fun, but I still can't stand windows and glad to have a choice.  I use  
windows at work and that is what we have, but luckily there is even  
there a choice.  I personally don't care what you use as long as your  
productive.  After all, no one os earns you a paycheck and quite  
frankly I'll learn to use a pencil and paper if that is what earns me  
a paycheck, so I can go buy a Mac. :) Couldn't let that slide by. :)
On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have to support Rich here.  The attitude displayed by many Mac users
> toward Windows, and toward Windows users who are doing their best to  
> learn
> the Mac OS is frankly despicable.  Many mac users--definitely not  
> all--are
> nothing more than a bunch of narrow-minded snobs.  Windows is not  
> "the dark
> side".  It is a viable choice, perhaps a better choice for some  
> people.
> JAWS and Windows worked very well for me for nearly 20 years.  I am  
> only
> here because I want to support Apple's efforts, not because I believe
> Windows or JAWS to be the devil incarnate.  Yes, editing is different.
> Those who prefer editing in Windows are not wrong, they just prefer
> something different.  They are entitled to that preference, just as  
> all on
> this list are entitled to their preference for the Mac.  If Apple  
> implements
> some choices to facilitate transition from Windows, there's nothing  
> wrong
> with that.  No one has to use it unless they want to.
> Personally, I think it's great that there are multiple alternatives  
> now
> available for blind users.  Yes, what Apple has done for  
> accessibility is
> tremendous.  That said, I just applied for a job at a place where they
> pretty much come out and tell you that if you choose to use a Mac,  
> you won't
> be able to utilize all of their materials.  So, if I get that  
> position, I'll
> be using Windows for all things work-related.  I therefore hope that  
> Windows
> continues to be a viable option for blind users.  The best possible  
> scenario
> for us is to have as many options as possible, so that each of us  
> can decide
> which is the best fit for us and for our immediate needs.  The Mac  
> has many
> things to recommend it.  But you all who choose to use it, are in no  
> way
> superior to anyone else, and you have no right to disdain others who  
> either
> choose the Windows option, or are willing to point out the Mac's  
> weaknesses.
> And yes, the Mac does have very definite weaknesses, as does Windows.
> Why can't we all just be supportive and respectful of one another?   
> I think
> the thing I find saddest about this whole movement toward the Mac,  
> is the
> way it seems to polarize everyone.  Let's just support  each  
> person's right
> to find what works best for them and be happy about that.
> Donna
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:16 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> With all respect, I am sure there was a time when you were a  
>> beginner.
>> I am
>> an extremely competent Windows user.  This doesn't in and of itself
>> make me
>> the spawn of Satan, it is simply a statement concerning my current
>> technological status.  One of the things that has kept me from
>> purchasing a
>> Mac until today is the condescending manner in which some (certainly
>> not
>> all) Mac users treat those of us who are investigating this pltform  
>> who
>> have
>> been Windows users.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Marie Howarth" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> think I did say I was glad of the choice, just sad apple had to
>> accomodate those who find it impossible to edit text in the way it is
>> meant to be edited. they are features that yes, fine they are here
>> now, just weren't really missing in my opinion. If others need their
>> screen reader to hold their hand cool. whatever everyone needs. as I
>> stated, opinion, that's all. everyone's allowed those :)
>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people
>> who
>>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
>>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or  
>>> some
>>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for  
>>> those
>>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
>>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I  
>>> see
>>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here,  
>>> whatever
>>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there 

Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Mark, not sure how to help with the Safari issue, but good deal on  
your progress.  It's always an exciting thing when you make progress.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 5:23 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but  
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred  
> home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers  
> are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new  
> accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to  
> the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect  
> that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32  
> gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows  
> computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I  
> installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the  
> future.  I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the  
> correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.   
> This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I  
> just wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far  
> it's a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a  
> must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to  
> pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I  
> would be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS  
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it  
> takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
> get the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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Re: Snow Leopard and dropbox any ideas?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Have you all gone into System Preferences, Keyboard, and checked the  
box to use the f1, f2, etc. keys as standard function keys?  That will  
no longer require you hold the fn key down on a notebook or desktop  
machine's keyboard.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Scott Rutkowski wrote:

> Hi there.
> I am having the same issue with the window chooser.
> How are you getting around the dropbox issue finding the dropbox
> preferences etc?
> On 30/08/2009, at 11:23 AM, Fonzie wrote:
>> Thsi is strange to me.
>> I am not have any issues with drop boxes in any application or
>> preference paine, or even in Safari.
>> What I am having an issue with is...
>> VoiceOver + F1 and VoiceOver + F2 no longer works for me.
>> Using oiceOver + F1 X2 and VoiceOver + F2 x2 no longer works either.
>> So, neither the window chooser, nor hte applicaiton chooser comes up
>> for me.
>> Strange it is, but oh well, I get around it.
>> Take care all.
>> Fonzie
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Scott Rutkowski wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Just wondering if anyone on the list may have an idea on how to
>>> resolve this issue please?
>>> Since upgrading to Snow Leopard and now finding out dropbox menus
>>> can't be accessed by using the window chooser vo f2 twice and arrow
>>> down to untitled and hit enter and do a vo shift space to access the
>>> menus, these commands no longer work on snow leopard.
>>> From what I read in the dropbox forums you can control click on
>>> dropbox supposedly and access options but so far i've not been able
>>> to
>>> accomplish this.
>>> Has anyone else tried using dropbox with Snow Leopard to see if  
>>> there
>>> is a work around?
>>> I realize there's not much we need to access in dropbox but having
>>> access to the menus in dropbox under leopard was awesome because you
>>> could tell if files were transferring or not.
>>> Is there something I should tell the developers to make it vo
>>> friendly
>>> under snow leopard?
>>> If anyone has any info or suggestions on the above, please let us  
>>> all
>>> know.
>>> Thanks very much for your time.

> >

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Fonzie, what type of Mac do you have? I'm not encountering this issue,  
but I am looking to see if there is any patterns perhaps.  Did you do  
a clean install or upgrade?
On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Fonzie wrote:

> I second the no issue with choppy reading area.
> The sub menu thing?
> I have seen that happen once or twice.
> I mainly see it when I pull up the main menu bar though, where apple
> and program related menus are located.  What seems to happen is,
> VoiceOver will stop speaking here and there, and only when scrolling.
> This only happens if I go into the menu bar, pull down any menu of my
> choosing, and read it's contents.  Then, I leave the menu bar, and
> immediately pull it up once more, and pull down a menu of my choosing,
> VoiceOver begins the small silence issue, even when scrolling through
> the menu items.
> For now, I just solve this by doing the following.  ONce I attempt to
> go into the menu bar the second time, I wait a couple of seconds, and
> pull down the menu of my choice.  Either that, or I pull down the menu
> I want, and then wait a couple of seconds, and start scrolling
> afterwards.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Funny, I'm having no issues with submenus in Mail or any other app I
>> have used so far.  There seems to be some slightly roughness to the
>> reading, but not sure what the cause is and I noticed it only as a
>> slight thing, but of course level of annoyance is subjective for  
>> sure.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>>> Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex
>>> reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at  
>>> 50,
>>> so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck  
>>> getting
>>> sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another
>>> box.
>>> Brett
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
 annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover
 messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
 long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there
 option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new  
 did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
 Thanks for your help,



> >

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

I've found that too lol. Ah well horses for courses
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

> Hmmm, maybe I'm having issues in articulation.  My point is and has
> been that I don't disagree the feature does more harm then good,
> because yes, it does hold one back from truly getting the concept of
> editing from the perspective of the majority; if that makes sense.
> Asking Apple to remove it at this point makes little sense is what I'm
> saying.  I recall the debate and all the crap surrounding the issue of
> editing one way vs. the other.  Personally I would not have wasted the
> code, but at the same time if it really proves to be beneficial then
> great.  I'd hate to think someone would choose not to switch based on
> the issue of editing and so, since the feature is here, then great.
> Gee, I think this thread has generated nearly as much noise as the
> entire editing thread.  Hey I see her point and I'm not disagreeing,
> just saying since it's here I hope someone will benefit if that is
> what is holding them up and yeah, this sure generated a lot of issues
> when it came up as a topic.  Hell, I had trouble understanding this
> initially and now when I do use windows-based screen reader, I have to
> work hard at remembering the old way of editing. :)
> > 

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OT: emacspeak

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Hofstader

The standard emacspeak distribution that comes with Ubuntu, when  
compared with orca or other graphical things, has minimal  
requirements.  I would go so far as to say that you can run emacspeak  
on any hardware on which your favorite GNU/Linux distro will also run  
and hardly notice your resources changing.

Ubuntu makes installing emacspeak very easy, I do not know about other  
distros but the one from GNU itself would certainly do so as well.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:53 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Chris,
> What are the requirements for emacs speak?  When last I used emacs  
> regularly on a Ultra-2, I had no need for a screen reader, just  
> setting my fonts at 28 pt and reverse video  (thanks Kyle Jones for  
> the help). I know there is a copy of emacs in /usr/bin and I think  
> it might even be GNU's version. If so what would need to happen to  
> use emacspeak on my Leopard machine and could it interface with the  
> Mac synthesizers or would GNU  ones have to be added.
> Jon
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> Hank asked: does that mean orca will die in linux to?
>> cdh replies:
>> The beauty of free software like orca versus proprietary software  
>> like JAWS (for instance) is that although Sun Microsystems has led  
>> the orca development, virtually any hacker or group thereof can  
>> take the source and continue the project.  The nation of Brazil has  
>> elected to standardize all of its government owned and operated  
>> computing devices on free, GNU/Linux operating systems.  They have  
>> two major reasons: the first, they fear that Apple and/or Microsoft  
>> may have built in some code into Windows and OSX to spy for the  
>> American government.  Given the human rights record demonstrated by  
>> Yahoo and others spying for the Chinese government, why not think  
>> that the two biggest OS vendors may be helping out Uncle Sam?
>> With the GNU/Linux OS, they have every line of source code and  
>> their own security personnel can go through one line at a time and  
>> make sure no such code exists before the Brazilian secrets show up  
>> at Fort Mead.
>> The second reason is price.  A GNU/Linux distribution will run  
>> pretty nicely on a clunky, single core, 32 bit used Dell; Snow  
>> Leopard and Windows 7 require pretty hefty hardware to be used  
>> effectively.
>> The orca question comes in as Brazil has laws regarding people with  
>> disabilities that are far stronger than our wimpy ADA and their  
>> laws include explicit language about technology.  So, while Sun is  
>> organizing the project, Brazil and other nations are contributing  
>> hackers to the project to help keep it moving forward.
>> There are a number of other governments making similar decisions  
>> for similar reasons - after our government got caught spying on  
>> Americans, all credibility that we were not spying on everyone else  
>> flew out the window and closed and complicated technology is in the  
>> James Bond book of tricks.
>> Those of us who get to use Macintosh and even Windows with our  
>> screen reader of choice really need to realize just how fortunate  
>> we are.  I spend a fair amount of time in Ubuntu with orca and,  
>> often, emacspeak.  The latter is highly stable and crusty old farts  
>> like me still remember a large portion of the complex emacs  
>> keystroke catalogue.  Orca does a not bad job in a few high profile  
>> programs but, because few developers are coding to the gnome  
>> standard and, therefore, few programs support the excellent gnome  
>> accessibility API, orca gets a lot less "for free" than Macintosh  
>> or Windows.
>> For we who write programs or test systems on GNU/Linux platforms,  
>> it is pretty good as it has fully accessible tools fart in excess  
>> of anything Mac or Windows offer.  For most others who need orca,  
>> though, it is a bit clunky and often unstable.
>> I'd love to suggest that we all walk away from the world of  
>> proprietary software but, developing for niche audiences like us  
>> blinks fails to meet the critical mass necessary to sustain a world  
>> of free software hackers like the server tools, Apache, etc.
>> So, while we love to praise Apple and boo Microsoft, they are  
>> really the only alternatives for blinks who don't want to spend a  
>> whole lot of time fixing their environment.
>> cdh
> >

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Re: As unreliable as Windows

2009-08-30 Thread Marie Howarth

Justin, what you finding different about finder and itunes? maybe I'm  
missing something here. once I played around with some of the settings  
in VO, everything worked great, if not better.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 7:24 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

> I found it went faster, about 30 mins, when I did a clean install.
> It's sort of more accessible.  I mean they improved the internet quite
> a lot.  But I would argue that finder and iTunes were more better
> integrated with voiceover under leopard.  They really let cursor
> tracking get all mucked up.
> Oh well, I was more prepared for this transfering from leopard to snow
> leopard than I was going from tiger to leopard.  It's just that things
> change when apple does upgrades.  I guess there are things that get
> added like braille that make the system ultimately a step forward, but
> then they go and break things that worked really well in the prior
> system which leaves one wondering if it is really a step forward.  I
> guess ultimately it might be a step forward.  I like the new antonio
> voice in the castellian spanish package from acapela.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I found that around 42 percent, it really sped up quite a bit.
>> Probably the first part copies a bunch of temporary files and then it
>> does the actual install. One thing's for sure, it's more accessible
>> than any windows install has ever been.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>>> Well, one thing about the Mac is about as reliable as Windows.
>>> I am currently doing a clean install of SL on my brand new Mac
>>> Mini.  About
>>> twenty minutes ago, I was advised that the install was 19.8 per cent
>>> complete, and that the time remaining was 29 minutes.  Now, I'm told
>>> that
>>> the install is at 55 per cent and the time remaining is 28 minutes.
>>> Go
>>> figure!

> >

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Re: the doc, interesting change in sl

2009-08-30 Thread Marie Howarth

Nope, arrow keys are completely out to get to these menus.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:48 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Thanks for that tip Marie. Can you also use up arrow as in Leopard and
> Tiger?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marie Howarth" 
> Cc: ; 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 3:02 AM
> Subject: the doc, interesting change in sl
>> in the doc, instead of just being able to arrow down to see
>> applications options, such as keep in doc, open at log in, you are no
>> longer able to arrow. now use the contextual menu, vo--shift--m to  
>> get
>> to these mini doc menus.
>> hth
> >

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-30 Thread Esther

Hello Mark,

You wrote:

> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it  
> takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
> get the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.

I haven't yet upgraded to Snow Leopard, but for any application window  
you should be able to navigate to the Zoom button and use Control- 
Option-Space to expand the window to match your display.  In the case  
of Safari, it may be that it does not expand the window beyond what is  
required to remove the horizontal scroll bar. If you wish to expand  
beyond that, it is possible to manually move and resize windows, and  
this is described in the Appendix (page 108) of the VoiceOver Getting  
Started Guide for Leopard (PDF file).

To manually resize windows with VoiceOver:

1. Press Control-Option-Tilde, where the "Tilde" key is the shifted  
key to the left of the number "1" and just below the escape key at the  
left side of your keyboard. (That is, you're holding down four keys:  
Control, Option, Shift, and the (Grave) Accent key).  You should hear  
VoiceOver say "Resize window".
2. Then use the arrow keys to make the window taller, shorter, wider,  
or narrower. Use Shift with the arrow keys to resize in smaller  
3. Press Escape to stop resizing the window.

To move windows with VoiceOver:

1. Press Control-Option-(Grave) Accent (the same sequence as above,  
with no Shift key)
2. Then use the arrow keys to move the window.  Use Shift with the  
arrow keys to move in smaller increments.
3. Press Escape to stop moving the window.

There's an alternative setup with the "Zoom" option under the  
Universal Access menu that low vision users can use.  I'm sure there  
is a spiffer way to do this with gestures, and I know you can use  
either the scroll wheel or enable a two-finger scroll on the trackpad  
to zoom without going through the Universal Access menu, but I set  
this up for someone a long time ago (smile).  In these instructions,  
"VO" means hold down the VoiceOver Control and Option keys.

1. Go to System Preferences under the Apple menu (VO-M to the menu  
bar; arrow down, press "s y" to go to "System Preferences") and press  
2. In the System Preferences window, navigate (e.g., tab, use VO-right  
arrow, or bring up item chooser menu (VO-I) and press "u n i") to the  
Universal Access button an press (VO-Space).
3. In the Universal Access window, VO-Right to the "Seeing" tab and  
select it (with VO-Space) if it is not already selected.
4. Navigate (VO-Right Arrow) to the "Zoom" radio button and use VO- 
Space to turn on zoom.
5. Navigate to the "Options" button and press (VO-Space).
6. Set the range for maximum and minimum zoom (up to factor of 20) by  
interacting with each slider and using your arrow keys.  This is the  
default zoom applied when your press Command-Option-"=" to zoom in.   
Continuing to press or tap the "=" button while the Command and Option  
keys are held down increases the zoom.
7. I set up these options with "Smooth images" checked and "When  
zoomed in, the screen image moves" "only when the pointer reaches an  
edge" for someone who only wanted a mild zoom.  There are other  
options you can check, such as having zoom follow the keyboard focus.   
You can also activate a scroll wheel on a mouse.  Press enter, or  
navigate to the "Done" button and use VO-Space to commit selections.
8. On the Universal Access menu, check the boxes the enable assistive  
devices and to show universal access status in the menu bar.  (The  
latter is not needed, but I use it to check whether zoom is on or  
whether other features, such as mouse keys -- sometimes used to move  
to locations where VoiceOver does not have a "hook" -- is enabled.)
9. Use Command-W to close the window when done.

Now with the zoom feature enabled, you can use Command-Option-"=" to  
zoom in and Command-Option-"-" to zoom out around focused regions.   
Turn zoom on or off with Command-Option-8.

HTH.  Great progress, and let us know if you have more questions.  I  
enjoy reading all your posts on the VIPhone list.



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is it possible to cut files?

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello, going to boot my mac later today again, is it possible to not just copy 
files but cut them or script this?
Greetings, Anouk,
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muting voice with a key?

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello, mostly i just use braille but sometimes when navigating an application 
its easier to have speech assist me, but is there a keystroke i can use to 
mute/unmute speech?
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: is it possible to cut files?

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 20:45, a radix a écrit :

> Hello, going to boot my mac later today again, is it possible to not  
> just copy files but cut them or script this?

My understanding is that when you copy a file, OSX does not put the  
file in memory but only its location, so that when you paste the file,  
it fetches the file from its location and copies it to the paste  

That seems to be the reason why you can't cut a file: if the file is  
removed then there is nothing to fetch for the later copy.

The Finder equivalent of "cut" would be "move", with the mouse.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: muting voice with a key?

2009-08-30 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Anou,

Press Control to mute speech.


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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Marie Howarth

here here! but they seem to play into the way of thinking that Vi's  
need to have a product specifically designed. sure a screen reader  
should do what jaws and window eyes does on that platform, read the  
contents of the screen and allow the user to interact succesfully.  
However, it is making me giggle somewhat of how many people are  
defending their windows screen readers as much as they are. do you  
guys honestly tell me that jaws never freezes, you don't have to use  
the jaws cursor in order to interact with some things. I think a lot  
of you have me wrong, I only switched last year, I very much remember  
the transition, but I forced myself to forget I was using windows and  
took the mac on face value. This, is what I believe helped me to  
transition very easily. I understand some may have to use windows for  
work or certain other tasks, but someone earlier commented windows has  
made strides in regards to accessibility, really? you consider  
narrator a stride after, what is it now, three versions of the OS? I  
think windows have done the bear minimum and if you want to use  
windows, no one is saying you shouldn't or it is wrong, cool, keep  
with it to your heart's content, but at least be honest about the down  
falls. I'm not stating mac and vo are perfect, and even though I  
personally don't like these features, I am grateful to apple to not  
force them upon me. I just find it sad that some people can't let go  
of their windows experience and learn the mac for what it is, it's own  
OS. constant comparison of the two is definitely frustrating as I see  
them as two different entities. one piece of advice I took from a  
switchers guide on was forget you ever used a windows  
computer and screen reader. that is why I am frustrated. not because I  
see windows as the "dark side" my opinion on that is irrelevant here  
as it is a vo list, I merely stated my frustration and opinion. and to  
those nubis, if you need to use windows alongside, go ahead, but take  
five minutes or more to clear your head of that OS and treat the mac  
as a new territory. keep harping back to well I did it on windows this  
way will desperately lead you to frustration and just learn the kitty  
as if you'd never used a computer before. Seriously, so many need to  
heed on that great advice. and sorry to upset you windows people, but  
hey, I may hate marmite, you may love it, it's what makes the world  
what it is.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> What would be nice is if the windows-based screen readers just had
> done it right from the beginning and we wouldn't be having this
> discussion. :)
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm pretty much used to editing on a Mac now, but I'll have to say  
>> I'm
>> glad there's the option to edit the way you do in Windows. I write
>> books that have to be structured with headings and lists and such so
>> they can be converted to DAISY. This means I have to write them in
>> Word. This means that up until now, I've had to edit part of the time
>> the Windows way and part of the time the Mac way. this can be really
>> irritating after a while; I end up making silly mistakes because I'm
>> having to switch back and forth all the time. So I will probably set
>> VO to edit the Windows way,  so I don't have to think about which
>> operating system I'm using at the moment and can think about what I'm
>> writing, not how to edit it. I realize that if I were sighted,  
>> editing
>> would resemble the mac way more than the Windows way, but if I were
>> sighted, editing would be the same for me regardless of the operating
>> system. Being able to edit in both operating systems the same way  
>> will
>> make my experience more similar to what a sighted person experiences,
>> even if the method of editing is different.
>> Best,
>> Anna
> >

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Re: muting voice with a key?

2009-08-30 Thread a radix

Hi, yes but i actually meant like permanent, i think control only mutes till 
you move the cursor, i will try it though (still doing mail on the windows 
machine till i have time to read the switching to apple book).
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Woody Anna Dresner" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: muting voice with a key?

> Hi Anou,
> Press Control to mute speech.
> best,
> Anna
> > 

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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Les Kriegler
ire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled 
>>>>>>> email from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to 
>>>>>>> their applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the 
>>>>>>> difference between what works and what doesn't, it gives them 
>>>>>>> instructions equally as precise as that email from the VI user 
>>>>>>> would in most cases.
>>>>>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get
>> this
>>>>>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason 
>>>>>>> the option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't 
>>>>>>> in
>> any
>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that 
>>>>>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping 
>>>>>>> oppinion like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, 
>>>>>>> still use Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I 
>>>>>>> make my fair share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't 
>>>>>>> done any in a while.
>>>>>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  
>>>>>>> I doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease 
>>>>>>> their progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's 
>>>>>>> suggested, human's just don't work that way, for the most part 
>>>>>>> we're creatures of
>>>> habit
>>>>>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>>>>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a 
>>>>>>> feature be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, 
>>>>>>> I'm not sure they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I 
>>>>>>> disagree with the feature and what's potentially at stake here 
>>>>>>> to a sighted mac user, and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm 
>>>>>>> not sure that anyone who hasn't had to appreciate how cool 
>>>>>>> mainstream technology that
>> works
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they 
>>>>>>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing
>>>> they
>>>>>>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>>>>>>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side 
>>>>>>> of the pond...
>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and
>>>> you
>>>>>>>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the 
>>>>>>>> only plus side is that for those who want to make the 
>>>>>>>> transition and
>> really
>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to 
>>>>>>>> ease their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I agree 
>>>>>>>> with
>>>> you,
>>>>>>>> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help someone 
>>>>>>>> make the transition.
>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly 
>>>>>>>>> remind me of windows are as follows.
>>>>>>>>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>>>>>>>>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, 
>>>>>>>>> especially when it already says edit text.
>>>>>>>>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter 
>>>>>>>>> intuitive and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look 
>>>>>>>>> to sighties.
>>>>>>>>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they
>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help
>>>> progression
>>>>>>>>> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so 
>>>>>>>>> glad I did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.
>>>>>>>>> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful
>> to
>>>>>>>>> apple
>>>>>>>>> for giving us a choice. really glad.
>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>> Checked by AVG -
>>>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
>>>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
> >

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4381 (20090830) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4381 (20090830) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Yes, I also made a concious descision not to use Windows when I switched to 
the Mac. I think this really helped. I've met so many people who came to the 
Mac with the mindset that it would and should behave like what they were 
used to. It was very dificult to get them to see things differently.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Marie Howarth" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

> here here! but they seem to play into the way of thinking that Vi's
> need to have a product specifically designed. sure a screen reader
> should do what jaws and window eyes does on that platform, read the
> contents of the screen and allow the user to interact succesfully.
> However, it is making me giggle somewhat of how many people are
> defending their windows screen readers as much as they are. do you
> guys honestly tell me that jaws never freezes, you don't have to use
> the jaws cursor in order to interact with some things. I think a lot
> of you have me wrong, I only switched last year, I very much remember
> the transition, but I forced myself to forget I was using windows and
> took the mac on face value. This, is what I believe helped me to
> transition very easily. I understand some may have to use windows for
> work or certain other tasks, but someone earlier commented windows has
> made strides in regards to accessibility, really? you consider
> narrator a stride after, what is it now, three versions of the OS? I
> think windows have done the bear minimum and if you want to use
> windows, no one is saying you shouldn't or it is wrong, cool, keep
> with it to your heart's content, but at least be honest about the down
> falls. I'm not stating mac and vo are perfect, and even though I
> personally don't like these features, I am grateful to apple to not
> force them upon me. I just find it sad that some people can't let go
> of their windows experience and learn the mac for what it is, it's own
> OS. constant comparison of the two is definitely frustrating as I see
> them as two different entities. one piece of advice I took from a
> switchers guide on was forget you ever used a windows
> computer and screen reader. that is why I am frustrated. not because I
> see windows as the "dark side" my opinion on that is irrelevant here
> as it is a vo list, I merely stated my frustration and opinion. and to
> those nubis, if you need to use windows alongside, go ahead, but take
> five minutes or more to clear your head of that OS and treat the mac
> as a new territory. keep harping back to well I did it on windows this
> way will desperately lead you to frustration and just learn the kitty
> as if you'd never used a computer before. Seriously, so many need to
> heed on that great advice. and sorry to upset you windows people, but
> hey, I may hate marmite, you may love it, it's what makes the world
> what it is.
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> What would be nice is if the windows-based screen readers just had
>> done it right from the beginning and we wouldn't be having this
>> discussion. :)
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm pretty much used to editing on a Mac now, but I'll have to say
>>> I'm
>>> glad there's the option to edit the way you do in Windows. I write
>>> books that have to be structured with headings and lists and such so
>>> they can be converted to DAISY. This means I have to write them in
>>> Word. This means that up until now, I've had to edit part of the time
>>> the Windows way and part of the time the Mac way. this can be really
>>> irritating after a while; I end up making silly mistakes because I'm
>>> having to switch back and forth all the time. So I will probably set
>>> VO to edit the Windows way,  so I don't have to think about which
>>> operating system I'm using at the moment and can think about what I'm
>>> writing, not how to edit it. I realize that if I were sighted,
>>> editing
>>> would resemble the mac way more than the Windows way, but if I were
>>> sighted, editing would be the same for me regardless of the operating
>>> system. Being able to edit in both operating systems the same way
>>> will
>>> make my experience more similar to what a sighted person experiences,
>>> even if the method of editing is different.
>>> Best,
>>> Anna

>> >
> > 

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash
>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
>>>>>>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to
>>> a
>>>>>>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
>>>>>>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>>>>>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
>>>>>>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way
>>>>>>>> shorter learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and
>>>>>>>> trying to apply things to a ton of situations at once.  It's
>>>>>>>> annoying that
>>> they're
>>>>>>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going
>>>>>>>> to thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will
>>>>>>>> developers
>>> who
>>>>>>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled
>>>>>>>> email from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to
>>>>>>>> their applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the
>>>>>>>> difference between what works and what doesn't, it gives them
>>>>>>>> instructions equally as precise as that email from the VI user
>>>>>>>> would in most cases.
>>>>>>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get
>>> this
>>>>>>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason
>>>>>>>> the option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't
>>>>>>>> in
>>> any
>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
>>>>>>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping
>>>>>>>> oppinion like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows,
>>>>>>>> still use Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I
>>>>>>>> make my fair share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't
>>>>>>>> done any in a while.
>>>>>>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.
>>>>>>>> I doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease
>>>>>>>> their progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's
>>>>>>>> suggested, human's just don't work that way, for the most part
>>>>>>>> we're creatures of
>>>>> habit
>>>>>>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>>>>>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a
>>>>>>>> feature be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case,
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I
>>>>>>>> disagree with the feature and what's potentially at stake here
>>>>>>>> to a sighted mac user, and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm
>>>>>>>> not sure that anyone who hasn't had to appreciate how cool
>>>>>>>> mainstream technology that
>>> works
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
>>>>>>>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing
>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>>>>>>>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side
>>>>>>>> of the pond...
>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and
>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the
>>>>>>>>> only plus side is that for those who want to make the
>>>>>>>>> transition and
>>> really
>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to
>>>>>>>>> ease their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I agree
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>> you,
>>>>>>>>> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help someone
>>>>>>>>> make the transition.
>>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly
>>>>>>>>>> remind me of windows are as follows.
>>>>>>>>>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>>>>>>>>>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area,
>>>>>>>>>> especially when it already says edit text.
>>>>>>>>>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter
>>>>>>>>>> intuitive and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look
>>>>>>>>>> to sighties.
>>>>>>>>>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they
>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help
>>>>> progression
>>>>>>>>>> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so
>>>>>>>>>> glad I did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.
>>>>>>>>>> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful
>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> apple
>>>>>>>>>> for giving us a choice. really glad.
>>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>>> Checked by AVG -
>>>>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
>>>>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG -
>>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
>>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
>> >
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
> signature
> database 4381 (20090830) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
> signature
> database 4381 (20090830) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
> signature
> database 4381 (20090830) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> > 

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SL Install?

2009-08-30 Thread M AUSTEN
Hi All,
I've now got my copy of SL. 
Will a simple upgrade allow me to install with out erasing all my data such as 
iLife and all my applications. Also all the data store on my HD?
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Re: SL Install?

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 21:30, M AUSTEN a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I've now got my copy of SL.
> Will a simple upgrade allow me to install with out erasing all my  
> data such as iLife and all my applications. Also all the data store  
> on my HD?

It is always better to backup all your data and check that it can be  
restored in case any problem occurs, before upgrading the OS.

But in any case, yes, the upgrade will not (is not supposed to) erase  
anything. You will even end up with more space on your disk since SL  
takes less space (I had 12gb left before SL, I had 24 after SL was  

Jean-Christophe Helary

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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

Oh, that's funny.  That's pretty much the same reason I got my Mac this summer. 
 My Windows desktop really needs to go to the computer happy hunting ground. 
I'd been interested in a Mac for a while, but hadn't moved on it because I 
already had a working computer.  So when it became clear I was going to have to 
get a new machine, I figured it didn't make sense to buy a new Windows machine 
only to switch to a Mac a year later.  So I just moved the time-frame up a bit. 
 Now if we just had a decent OCR option on the Mac, I could let my windows 
machine go to its very well-deserved rest.

Hope you got some sleep.  Good to know I'm not the only insomniac on the list. 
Take care,

-Original Message-
From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Hi donna;  well said.  I actually got my first mac because I couldn't  
figure out which windows computer to replace my last laptop with.  We  
had read that the sound cards need to be a 32 bit if not 64 bit to run  
jaws and other windows features without a strain, and we couldn't find  
any off the shelf laptops where we could even find out what the sound  
cards were.  And ordering a custom built one would have cost more  
money than i had to spend.  Finally, my brother decided to help me buy  
a used ibook g4 to get my feet wet.  Now, I'm apple all the way.  I  
just wish we could get the flash player and the adobe reader  
accessible.  At least the overdrive media console now has a mac  
version.  I don't see me buying an iphone because I would have to  
switch cell phone providers, but I'm hopeful the next round of ipod  
touch will have speech.  Then I'd get everything accept for th ephone  
as long as i was in  range of a wifi signal.  Should be asleep.  take  
care, Max
On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:26 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> I completely agree Max.  Editing wasn't hard for me to learn, but  
> web browsing and getting used to where certain things are in the  
> system has been more of a challenge.  And at least five times a day  
> I still press Enter instead of Command-O to open a file or launch an  
> app. And conversely, it's also gotten to the point where when I'm on  
> my Windows machine, I try and press Command-shift-D to send an email  
> message.  I guess that's just the nature of moving back and forth  
> between two systems.  I think the more choices we as blind users  
> have, the better, and I'd encourage anyone to just find the one that  
> is the best fit for them.
> Take care,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hi Donna;  It could have just been me, but that is the point.  there
> are people out there who have been doing it one way for so long that
> any change can be frustrating.  I remember how many times i deleted
> the wrong character or inserted a character in the wrong spot and had
> to do it over.  Now, I'm used to it.  And the few times i use the
> windows computer I have to remember things like pressing the spacebar
> before entering text in a form field.  Mac is the way to go.  Just
> wish we could convince the makers of adobe, flash, eudora, and others
> that we can't currently use on the mac.  Take care, Max
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Well, I guess we all have our things.  Ironically, the adjustment to
>> editing
>> text has been one of the easier parts of my adjustment to the Mac.
>> *smile*
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
>>> Jr.
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:16 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>>> Thanks donna;  only wish my transition from doss to windows had been
>>> as easy.  That was a real mind cramp sort of thing.  Take care, Max
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

 Nice post, Max.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey
> Jr.
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> Hello;  Just speaking for myself the hardest adjustment i had to
>>> make
> when moving to a mac was getting used to the way you have to edit
> text.  Now, that I understand it, it is second nature; but it  
> was a
> real headache in the beginning.  Another one that was a tough one
> to
> get my mind around was not having multiple windows in my
> browser.  I
> finallly found out that you can have multiple finder and safari
> windows you just cycle through them differently.  It soun

Re: SL Install?

2009-08-30 Thread M AUSTEN
Many Thanks.

--- On Sun, 30/8/09, JC Helary  wrote:

From: JC Helary 
Subject: Re: SL Install?
Date: Sunday, 30 August, 2009, 1:34 PM

Le 30 août 2009 à 21:30, M AUSTEN a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I've now got my copy of SL.
> Will a simple upgrade allow me to install with out erasing all my  
> data such as iLife and all my applications. Also all the data store  
> on my HD?

It is always better to backup all your data and check that it can be  
restored in case any problem occurs, before upgrading the OS.

But in any case, yes, the upgrade will not (is not supposed to) erase  
anything. You will even end up with more space on your disk since SL  
takes less space (I had 12gb left before SL, I had 24 after SL was  

Jean-Christophe Helary

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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

It wouldn't have been a priority for me, either.  I just don't think it's the 
end of the world now that it's here.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Howell 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Hmmm, maybe I'm having issues in articulation.  My point is and has  
been that I don't disagree the feature does more harm then good,  
because yes, it does hold one back from truly getting the concept of  
editing from the perspective of the majority; if that makes sense.   
Asking Apple to remove it at this point makes little sense is what I'm  
saying.  I recall the debate and all the crap surrounding the issue of  
editing one way vs. the other.  Personally I would not have wasted the  
code, but at the same time if it really proves to be beneficial then  
great.  I'd hate to think someone would choose not to switch based on  
the issue of editing and so, since the feature is here, then great.
Gee, I think this thread has generated nearly as much noise as the  
entire editing thread.  Hey I see her point and I'm not disagreeing,  
just saying since it's here I hope someone will benefit if that is  
what is holding them up and yeah, this sure generated a lot of issues  
when it came up as a topic.  Hell, I had trouble understanding this  
initially and now when I do use windows-based screen reader, I have to  
work hard at remembering the old way of editing. :)

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Re: As unreliable as Windows

2009-08-30 Thread Rich Ring

Amen to that.  I was just commenting on the fact that the time and 
percentage were weird just like Windows.   I mean, I can install it by 
myself.  that's great.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: As unreliable as Windows

I found that around 42 percent, it really sped up quite a bit.
Probably the first part copies a bunch of temporary files and then it
does the actual install. One thing's for sure, it's more accessible
than any windows install has ever been.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Well, one thing about the Mac is about as reliable as Windows.
> I am currently doing a clean install of SL on my brand new Mac
> Mini.  About
> twenty minutes ago, I was advised that the install was 19.8 per cent
> complete, and that the time remaining was 29 minutes.  Now, I'm told
> that
> the install is at 55 per cent and the time remaining is 28 minutes.
> Go
> figure!
> >

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going up a folder

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello everyone, is it possible in fidner to go back a folder like you can do 
with backspace in windows? I dont have it set so that a fodler opens in a new 
Greetings, Anouk,
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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

Hey Scott,

Joking is always good. :)  And sometimes Windows deserves your jabs.  And I'm 
totally with you about the paycheck! *grin*

But in the six weeks I've had my Mac, I can't count how many off-list exchanges 
I've had with people who felt put off or uncomfortable by the way many Mac 
users disdain Windows, and Windows users. I personally received a pretty ugly 
message from someone on another list.  I talked to enough people who felt this 
way that for a while I actually considered starting a new Mac list, 
specifically for those transitioning from Windows and JAWS or Window-Eyes.  
It's natural and even appropriate to take what you know from previous 
experiences and apply that knowledge to hnhew ones, even if we're not 
deliberately trying to do that.  If you learn a foreign language, for example, 
you're initially going to apply the strategies and concepts from your first 
language, even though you know intellectually that the phonetics, the 
orthography, and the syntax are different.  Of course, if you're going to be 
successful, you need to move beyond that stage, and that is the goal.  But that 
linguistic interference is well-documented, and is anticipated by people like 
me who teach language. Likewise, it's impossible to approach a new computer 
system without having some expectations or hold-over behaviors from your prior 
computer experience.  The eventual goal is to be able to work comfortably with 
the Mac on its own, but it can take a while to get to that stage.   

  I think the old addage that you can catch more flies with honey than with 
vinegar definitely applies here.  The Mac has a lot to offer, and it would be a 
shame for folks not to choose it because they think they'll get slammed.

Anyway, I'll stop my rant. :) this topic has probably already gotten more 
attention than it should have.
Take care,

-Original Message-
From: Scott Howell 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Well stated Donna and all my jabs at windows really is more poking  
fun, but I still can't stand windows and glad to have a choice.  I use  
windows at work and that is what we have, but luckily there is even  
there a choice.  I personally don't care what you use as long as your  
productive.  After all, no one os earns you a paycheck and quite  
frankly I'll learn to use a pencil and paper if that is what earns me  
a paycheck, so I can go buy a Mac. :) Couldn't let that slide by. :)
On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have to support Rich here.  The attitude displayed by many Mac users
> toward Windows, and toward Windows users who are doing their best to  
> learn
> the Mac OS is frankly despicable.  Many mac users--definitely not  
> all--are
> nothing more than a bunch of narrow-minded snobs.  Windows is not  
> "the dark
> side".  It is a viable choice, perhaps a better choice for some  
> people.
> JAWS and Windows worked very well for me for nearly 20 years.  I am  
> only
> here because I want to support Apple's efforts, not because I believe
> Windows or JAWS to be the devil incarnate.  Yes, editing is different.
> Those who prefer editing in Windows are not wrong, they just prefer
> something different.  They are entitled to that preference, just as  
> all on
> this list are entitled to their preference for the Mac.  If Apple  
> implements
> some choices to facilitate transition from Windows, there's nothing  
> wrong
> with that.  No one has to use it unless they want to.
> Personally, I think it's great that there are multiple alternatives  
> now
> available for blind users.  Yes, what Apple has done for  
> accessibility is
> tremendous.  That said, I just applied for a job at a place where they
> pretty much come out and tell you that if you choose to use a Mac,  
> you won't
> be able to utilize all of their materials.  So, if I get that  
> position, I'll
> be using Windows for all things work-related.  I therefore hope that  
> Windows
> continues to be a viable option for blind users.  The best possible  
> scenario
> for us is to have as many options as possible, so that each of us  
> can decide
> which is the best fit for us and for our immediate needs.  The Mac  
> has many
> things to recommend it.  But you all who choose to use it, are in no  
> way
> superior to anyone else, and you have no right to disdain others who  
> either
> choose the Windows option, or are willing to point out the Mac's  
> weaknesses.
> And yes, the Mac does have very definite weaknesses, as does Windows.
> Why can't we all just be supportive and respectful of one another?   
> I think
> the thing I find saddest about this whole movement toward the Mac,  
> is the
> way it seems to polarize everyone.  Let's just support  each  
> person's right
> to find what works best for them and be happy about that.
> Donna
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googleg

itunes newbie

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello everyone, Is there maybe a tutorial or podcast about learning itunes? I 
am new to it and although i can import stuff into the library i now wonder how 
i can play that whole library in shuffle mode, so not just the last added 
files. Also, what does itunes do with my files, does it only copy them or also 
convert them to another format? They were mp3-files. 
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: going up a folder

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 22:27, a radix a écrit :

> Hello everyone, is it possible in fidner to go back a folder like  
> you can do with backspace in windows? I dont have it set so that a  
> fodler opens in a new window.

This is usually command + up arrow.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: ejecting a cd

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

Yes, patience is good as you learn a new operating system. Yes,  
command e will do the trick.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I thought in your podcast, you used the keystroke command-E to eject  
> a CD?
> Your podcasts were definitely a major factor in my taking the plunge  
> into
> the Mac world.  I'm encouraged by what you and others have written.   
> I just
> have to remember the word "patience" as I go through the learning  
> curve.
> Hope it's not too steep.
> Les
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ejecting a cd
> Ok, I had the same thing, press command comma to open the finder
> preferences. Now navigate to the right and you will see some check  
> boxes for
> what to show on the desktop, check the option for hard disks.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:39 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> How do you eject a cd?
>> In my finder window, the only volume I see is my Leopard install cd.
>> I have Voiceover, but I cannot see my hard drive.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> signature
> database 4380 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> signature
> database 4380 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> signature
> database 4380 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> >

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

If you don't have a monitor, that could cause problems. For some  
reason, and I'm not sure why, it wants a monitor connected, or some  
programs will be very slow. There is a work around though, apple sells  
an adapter, it allows you to connect the mac's DVI port to a TV, if  
you connect that adapter, it will solve the problem. I bought one of  
these for times when I take my mac mini to other places.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:17 AM, Chris G wrote:

> Hi,
> I find it slow at surfing the web and I don't know why.
> I even reinstalled with a full erase.
> Safari is the only program that's slow for me.
> Not running a monitor on my Mac mini, but this is how I did it in  
> leopard.
> Weird.
> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:26:43 -0500
> Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in
>> the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great, and no
>> sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising the
>> web
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
>>> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Les Kriegler" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
>>> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
>>> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an
>>> Apple 2E.
>>> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should  
>>> arrive
>>> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,
>>> but if
>>> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking
>>> forward to
>>> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
>>> Les
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4378 (20090828) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

> -- 
> Chris G 
> >

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Re: Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

Cool, I'm loving mine, just about have everything working great, one  
or two more things to reinstall, the new voice over features,  
especially on the web are awesome.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hey Mike,
> Thanks for posting these instructions.  It does soun like an easy  
> straight-forward process.  And, I just received email notification  
> that my copy of SL has shipped! Yay!  I'm looking forward to  
> checking it out!
> Best,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Arrigo 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Just got a Mac Mini
> Hey Rich, that's awesome that you got a mac, you're going to love it.
> Insert the DVD, then hold the c key to boot it up. Hold the command
> key and press F5 to start voice over, and the first thing you will
> need to do is choose the language for the install. Select continue,
> you can then go to the menu bar, and choose utilities. Select disk
> utility and this will allow you to erase your hard drive so you can do
> a clean install. And it's all completely accessible. Let me know if
> you need any more help.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:57 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> Hello all you helpful wonderful veteran Mac users!
>> Just got back from the Apple store with a Mac Mini.  I've been told
>> by many that if I fire it up I will hear a spoken message telling me
>> how to get Voiceover running.  Is this true?
>> Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was
>> that since this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean
>> upgrade.  Should I just put the SL DVD in the drive press C and
>> eventually press command f5 and do the upgrade, or do I have to set
>> up the Mac first.
>> I know, stupid questions, but if you don't ask, you don't know.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

Hey mark, I would say you're off to a great start. And feel free to  
write each day about your experiences, sounds like the mac is working  
well for you. Yes, voice over has a way to resize a window. Press  
control option shift accent, or I guess you could also say press  
control option tilda. You will now have 2 options, to resize how wide  
and how tall the window is. Press enter on the first option, and then  
press and hold the right arrow key for a few seconds. Press escape to  
leave this mode, then repeat the process, and this time choose to  
resize how tall the window is. Press and hold the down arrow key for a  
few seconds. That should make the window fill the screen.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:23 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but  
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred  
> home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers  
> are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new  
> accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to  
> the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect  
> that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32  
> gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows  
> computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I  
> installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the  
> future.  I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the  
> correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.   
> This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I  
> just wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far  
> it's a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a  
> must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to  
> pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I  
> would be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS  
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it  
> takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
> get the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hi there.
Ok here's a strange thing that i can't seem to do anything about now.  
It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go into  
the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,  
although there should be. There's a settings command and choosing it  
takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings, but i  
don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable  
services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to  
know what gives and if i can do something about it.
Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do  
one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by  
another program. Now i'm confused again.

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Re: Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 23:38, Krister Ekstrom a écrit :

> It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go into
> the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,
> although there should be.

It looks as if the services available in the application menu depend  
on the context. If there is no "context" a service can use then that  
service won't be available. For ex, the services available if you  
select a string are different from those when you select a file.

If nothing is selected then no services are available.

> There's a settings command and choosing it
> takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings, but i
> don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable
> services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to
> know what gives and if i can do something about it.

You should select something on which to apply a service.

> Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do
> one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by
> another program. Now i'm confused again.

I think it is safe to use the defaults.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-30 Thread Chris G


It's interesting why it wasn't an issue for me until I upgraded to SL.

I'll take your advice, right now I have the cable attached that connects
to a VGA port but that isn't doing the trick.

On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:23:38 -0500
Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> If you don't have a monitor, that could cause problems. For some  
> reason, and I'm not sure why, it wants a monitor connected, or some  
> programs will be very slow. There is a work around though, apple sells  
> an adapter, it allows you to connect the mac's DVI port to a TV, if  
> you connect that adapter, it will solve the problem. I bought one of  
> these for times when I take my mac mini to other places.
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:17 AM, Chris G wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I find it slow at surfing the web and I don't know why.
> >
> > I even reinstalled with a full erase.
> > Safari is the only program that's slow for me.
> > Not running a monitor on my Mac mini, but this is how I did it in  
> > leopard.
> >
> > Weird.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:26:43 -0500
> > Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in
> >> the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great, and no
> >> sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising the
> >> web
> >> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> >>> - Original Message -
> >>> From: "Les Kriegler" 
> >>> To: 
> >>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> >>> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an
> >>> Apple 2E.
> >>> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should  
> >>> arrive
> >>> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,
> >>> but if
> >>> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking
> >>> forward to
> >>> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> >>>
> >>> Les
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> >>> signature
> >>> database 4378 (20090828) __
> >>>
> >>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > -- 
> > Chris G 
> >
> >
> > >

Chris G 

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-30 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn


Probably off topic, but what are you using the Network groups for?

I havn't spent much time configuring macs for use on a shared network,  
but since I am going to buy a large disk drive soon, and have  
intentions of allowing family to float from computer to computer  
without losing their documents, and the ability to share files as  
appropriate. (Music libraries perhaps without iTunes sharing. I  
decided to ask.


On Aug 30, 2009, at 5:23 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but  
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred  
> home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers  
> are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new  
> accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to  
> the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect  
> that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32  
> gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows  
> computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I  
> installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the  
> future.  I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the  
> correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.   
> This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I  
> just wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far  
> it's a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a  
> must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to  
> pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I  
> would be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS  
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it  
> takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
> get the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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Re: muting voice with a key?

2009-08-30 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Anouk,

You can create a Keyboard Commander command to toggle Mute Speech on  
and off.

In VoiceOver Utility, select Commanders and select the Keyboard  
Commander pane. Click on Add and put in the shortcut you want, then  
choose Audio from the menus, and there you'll find Mute Speech.



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Re: Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Nope, this doesn't seem to be true, unless there's something  
completely a miss in my brains. An example: I tried to search for  
something on Google, which worked well under Leopard. Pressing cmd- 
shift-l yealded no result, no search dialog or anything and now when  
i'm in mail, you could expect that there would turn up any services,  
but no, no services are available a dimmed text informs me. Something  
is screwed up here or i'm too stupid to understand this new kitty.

30 aug 2009 kl. 16.51 skrev JC Helary:

> Le 30 août 2009 à 23:38, Krister Ekstrom a écrit :
>> It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go  
>> into
>> the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,
>> although there should be.
> It looks as if the services available in the application menu depend
> on the context. If there is no "context" a service can use then that
> service won't be available. For ex, the services available if you
> select a string are different from those when you select a file.
> If nothing is selected then no services are available.
>> There's a settings command and choosing it
>> takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings,  
>> but i
>> don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable
>> services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to
>> know what gives and if i can do something about it.
> You should select something on which to apply a service.
>> Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do
>> one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by
>> another program. Now i'm confused again.
> I think it is safe to use the defaults.
> Jean-Christophe Helary
> >

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Mike Arigo - Mac Podcast

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Hi Mike,

I know you've not long installed SL, but I'm very interested in hearing your 
podcast. Do you know when it will be up on BCT please?


Take care


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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

I just tried it here, it does seem a bit slower. You will notice that  
when pages load in snow leopard, it will seem a bit slower at first,  
because voice over now does much more analysis of the pages. You might  
be able to speed things up too by turning off the announcement of the  
page summary when the page first loads. Once it's loaded though, it's  
much faster than 10.5 was I think.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Chris G wrote:

> Hi,
> It's interesting why it wasn't an issue for me until I upgraded to SL.
> I'll take your advice, right now I have the cable attached that  
> connects
> to a VGA port but that isn't doing the trick.
> On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:23:38 -0500
> Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> If you don't have a monitor, that could cause problems. For some
>> reason, and I'm not sure why, it wants a monitor connected, or some
>> programs will be very slow. There is a work around though, apple  
>> sells
>> an adapter, it allows you to connect the mac's DVI port to a TV, if
>> you connect that adapter, it will solve the problem. I bought one of
>> these for times when I take my mac mini to other places.
>> On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:17 AM, Chris G wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I find it slow at surfing the web and I don't know why.
>>> I even reinstalled with a full erase.
>>> Safari is the only program that's slow for me.
>>> Not running a monitor on my Mac mini, but this is how I did it in
>>> leopard.
>>> Weird.
>>> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 15:26:43 -0500
>>> Mike Arrigo  wrote:

 Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in
 the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great,  
 and no
 sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising  
 On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Les Kriegler" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an
> Apple 2E.
> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should
> arrive
> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be  
> installed,
> but if
> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking
> forward to
> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> Les
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4378 (20090828) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

>>> -- 
>>> Chris G 

> -- 
> Chris G 
> >

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Re: Mike Arigo - Mac Podcast

2009-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo

I've uploaded it, so it should be there soon, the first 9 that I have  
done are already there. This one mainly focused on installing snow  
leopard, I also plan to do one on the new voice over features.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 10:38 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I know you've not long installed SL, but I'm very interested in  
> hearing your
> podcast. Do you know when it will be up on BCT please?
> Thanks
> Take care
> james
> >

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64 Bit Mode?

2009-08-30 Thread Fonzie

Hi everyone, I hope your morning/afternoon, or whatever time it is  
goes well.

I noticed that Snow Leopard boots in 32 bit mode.

I check the list of supported 64 bit Macs, and mine is surely on the  

Should I worry about booting into 64 bit mode?

If so, how would you make it so that it boots into 64 bit mode every  
time, and not one that you would have to tell it too.

Right now, the only way I know of to boot into 64 bit mode, is to  
start up, and hold 6 and 4 keys down.

Take care.


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Re: going up a folder

2009-08-30 Thread Søren Jensen

If you are using column mode, you can open folders by pressing the  
right arrow, and close folders by pressing the left arrow. If you are  
using one of the other modes, you can press command up arrow to close  
a folder. I find column mode most useful.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 30/08/2009, at 15.27, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, is it possible in fidner to go back a folder like  
> you can do with backspace in windows? I dont have it set so that a  
> fodler opens in a new window.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread Marie Howarth

I never looked at services in mail before, but I just opened text edit  
and services are working fine for me there. and as I interacted with  
the email I'm writing, services comes up fine here too. when I wasn't  
interacting however, so vo wasn't really interacting with anything,  
services was dimmed. try interacting with something and see if that  
helps. you're not stupid, things are slightly different, as to be  
expected with our new kitty. soon we'll love it more than the last :)
any help give me a yell :)
On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> Nope, this doesn't seem to be true, unless there's something
> completely a miss in my brains. An example: I tried to search for
> something on Google, which worked well under Leopard. Pressing cmd-
> shift-l yealded no result, no search dialog or anything and now when
> i'm in mail, you could expect that there would turn up any services,
> but no, no services are available a dimmed text informs me. Something
> is screwed up here or i'm too stupid to understand this new kitty.
> /Krister
> 30 aug 2009 kl. 16.51 skrev JC Helary:
>> Le 30 août 2009 à 23:38, Krister Ekstrom a écrit :
>>> It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go
>>> into
>>> the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,
>>> although there should be.
>> It looks as if the services available in the application menu depend
>> on the context. If there is no "context" a service can use then that
>> service won't be available. For ex, the services available if you
>> select a string are different from those when you select a file.
>> If nothing is selected then no services are available.
>>> There's a settings command and choosing it
>>> takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings,
>>> but i
>>> don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable
>>> services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to
>>> know what gives and if i can do something about it.
>> You should select something on which to apply a service.
>>> Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do
>>> one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by
>>> another program. Now i'm confused again.
>> I think it is safe to use the defaults.
>> Jean-Christophe Helary
> >

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-30 Thread Fonzie

Hi there Scott, how are youd oing?

Sorry for the late reply.

I noticed that Mail added all my AIM iMap folders upon installing Snow  
Leopard, and I just saw them just now.

I was only used to seeing "Inbox", and now it shows all my folders  
associated with AIM Mail, like Spam, and such.

A lot of the message from the list went into the Spam folder, so I am  
fixing that just now.

As for what kind of mac I have.

I bought my mac in August of 2008

So I have the folllowing:

iMac Core 2 Duo 2.66GHZ
4G Ram
ATI HD2600 Pro

If there is anything else, let me know.

Again, I apologize for the delayed response.

Take care


On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:57 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Fonzie, what type of Mac do you have? I'm not encountering this issue,
> but I am looking to see if there is any patterns perhaps.  Did you do
> a clean install or upgrade?
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Fonzie wrote:
>> I second the no issue with choppy reading area.
>> The sub menu thing?
>> I have seen that happen once or twice.
>> I mainly see it when I pull up the main menu bar though, where apple
>> and program related menus are located.  What seems to happen is,
>> VoiceOver will stop speaking here and there, and only when scrolling.
>> This only happens if I go into the menu bar, pull down any menu of my
>> choosing, and read it's contents.  Then, I leave the menu bar, and
>> immediately pull it up once more, and pull down a menu of my  
>> choosing,
>> VoiceOver begins the small silence issue, even when scrolling through
>> the menu items.
>> For now, I just solve this by doing the following.  ONce I attempt to
>> go into the menu bar the second time, I wait a couple of seconds, and
>> pull down the menu of my choice.  Either that, or I pull down the  
>> menu
>> I want, and then wait a couple of seconds, and start scrolling
>> afterwards.
>> Take care.
>> Fonzie
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Funny, I'm having no issues with submenus in Mail or any other app I
>>> have used so far.  There seems to be some slightly roughness to the
>>> reading, but not sure what the cause is and I noticed it only as a
>>> slight thing, but of course level of annoyance is subjective for
>>> sure.
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

 Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex
 reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at
 so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck
 sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another


 On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover
> reads
> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there
> an
> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new
> line
> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
> Thanks for your help,
> John


> >

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quickly junping from page to page in preview

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

I recently asked if acrobat reader was accessible, as it was installed  
on my system upon purchase, to my dismay it wasn't. But thanks to you  
guys i found out preview was in fact fully accessible, and better i  
many respects to reading pdf as compared to acrobat reader as it's not  

I wanted to know though how you manage to jump from page to page in a  
big document, and can you apply hotspots which you can then access the  
next time you open preview? IF this is the case, than jaws has some  
sweat to throw as i don't remember hotspots saving itself when you  
created one.

Thanks in advance for your attention

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Strange Voiceover thing

2009-08-30 Thread Rich Ring

Please forgive and excuse me.  I am so new at this, I will continue to ask 
dumb questions.
I bought a Mac Mini yesterday.  I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard.
I have set my wireless network up.  I have successfully changed my finder 
preferences so that my hard drive is shown in the initial finder window. 
However, when I start my Mac, I keep hearing this human being tell me that 
if I know voiceover I should press v, and if I don't I should press space.
How do I get rid of that guy? 

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adium, again

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello, i explored the events pane but found it a bit confusing, anyway on there 
i could not find an option to give me a popup on my current screen if someone 
talked to me, jus tpopup on the dock which i am not sure I would notice.
But, i was wodnering, does maybe a new window open within adium if someone sent 
me a message, then i guess i could see it in the window chooser?
Sorry, I am very new at this.
Greetings, Anouk,
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toolbar button?

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

a flurry of noob questions for productivity:

-whenever i stumble on a toolbar button, i don't seem to be able to do  
anything to it. Is it normal, or is there a command to individually  
open the toolbar button instead of vo space?

Thanks again, and again...

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Buddy Brannan

I agree: choice is not a bad thing. I use all three (Windows, Mac, and  
GNU/Linux) for different things. While my main fun downtime machine is  
a Mac, I definitely still use Windows for some things and in some  
situations. I also have a couple of things I do where GNU/Linux is the  
best choice. It's all good, and I say if it works for you, use it and  
be productive. If something else works for you, use that.

While I've seen some Windows is the antichrist stuff here and on the  
GNU/Linux lists, I've seen similar, though different, things on the  
Windows side, mostly to do with people thinking that these are not  
viable alternatives at all, or not useful, or that those of us who use  
non-Windows alternatives are only doing so out of some cultish need to  
not use Microsoft products simply for the fact that they come from  
Microsoft. While I don't deny there is sometimes a certain amount of  
that latter attitude with some of us, it's no different, and no less  
divisive, than the "Windows is the antichrist" attitude. It just  
manifests itself differently.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:39 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Donnna, I could not have said it better myself. No, Windows is not the
> darkside and I feel I have to say that whenever I listen to Windows or
> Windows AT related podcasts which I do regularly, I have never - as  
> far as i
> can remember heard these folks disparage Apple's efforts. There are of
> course those in the AT and Windows communities who have dismissed  
> the Mac
> out of hand, but these narrow minded folks are few and far between.
> I think we can all agree that people should use what works for them  
> - or
> what works for them in a given situation - whether that be Linux,  
> Mac or
> Windows is irrelevant. Yes, Apple has made great steps forward in the
> accessibility of Mac OS X, Windows AT developers  and Microsoft have  
> also
> done the same for Windows as have Linux folks. As you said, there are
> definite weaknesses to both - indeeed all the OS's as there are  
> definite
> advantages. None of these operating systems are in any way perfect  
> but we
> should respect everyone and their choice.
> I am not criticizing anyone - personally, I think it's a good thing  
> that
> Apple have added the ability for people to decide on how they want  
> to edit
> as well as other things. It is always nice and convenient to have  
> options
> and multiple ways of doing things.
> Take care all
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:06 AM
> Subject: RE: 3 features that hmm?
>> Hello all,
>> I have to support Rich here.  The attitude displayed by many Mac  
>> users
>> toward Windows, and toward Windows users who are doing their best  
>> to learn
>> the Mac OS is frankly despicable.  Many mac users--definitely not  
>> all--are
>> nothing more than a bunch of narrow-minded snobs.  Windows is not  
>> "the
>> dark
>> side".  It is a viable choice, perhaps a better choice for some  
>> people.
>> JAWS and Windows worked very well for me for nearly 20 years.  I am  
>> only
>> here because I want to support Apple's efforts, not because I believe
>> Windows or JAWS to be the devil incarnate.  Yes, editing is  
>> different.
>> Those who prefer editing in Windows are not wrong, they just prefer
>> something different.  They are entitled to that preference, just as  
>> all on
>> this list are entitled to their preference for the Mac.  If Apple
>> implements
>> some choices to facilitate transition from Windows, there's nothing  
>> wrong
>> with that.  No one has to use it unless they want to.
>> Personally, I think it's great that there are multiple alternatives  
>> now
>> available for blind users.  Yes, what Apple has done for  
>> accessibility is
>> tremendous.  That said, I just applied for a job at a place where  
>> they
>> pretty much come out and tell you that if you choose to use a Mac,  
>> you
>> won't
>> be able to utilize all of their materials.  So, if I get that  
>> position,
>> I'll
>> be using Windows for all things work-related.  I therefore hope that
>> Windows
>> continues to be a viable option for blind users.  The best possible
>> scenario
>> for us is to have as many options as possible, so that each of us can
>> decide
>> which is the best fit for us and for our immediate needs.  The Mac  
>> has
>> many
>> things to recommend it.  But you all who choose to use it, are in  
>> no way
>> superior to anyone else, and you have no right to disdain others who
>> either
>> choose the Windows option, or are willing to point out the Mac's
>> weaknesses.
>> And yes, the Mac does have very definite weaknesses, as does Windows.
>> Why can't we all just be supportive and respectful of one another?  I
>> think
>> the thing I find saddest about this whole movement toward the Mac,  
>> is the
>> way it seems 

Re: Services gone

2009-08-30 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Interacting doesn't help. No services are available. Something is  
wrong here.

30 aug 2009 kl. 18.10 skrev Marie Howarth:

> I never looked at services in mail before, but I just opened text edit
> and services are working fine for me there. and as I interacted with
> the email I'm writing, services comes up fine here too. when I wasn't
> interacting however, so vo wasn't really interacting with anything,
> services was dimmed. try interacting with something and see if that
> helps. you're not stupid, things are slightly different, as to be
> expected with our new kitty. soon we'll love it more than the last :)
> any help give me a yell :)
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Nope, this doesn't seem to be true, unless there's something
>> completely a miss in my brains. An example: I tried to search for
>> something on Google, which worked well under Leopard. Pressing cmd-
>> shift-l yealded no result, no search dialog or anything and now when
>> i'm in mail, you could expect that there would turn up any services,
>> but no, no services are available a dimmed text informs me. Something
>> is screwed up here or i'm too stupid to understand this new kitty.
>> /Krister
>> 30 aug 2009 kl. 16.51 skrev JC Helary:
>>> Le 30 août 2009 à 23:38, Krister Ekstrom a écrit :
 It looks that if i go into the applications menu on my mac and go
 the "services" menu, VO informs me that no services are available,
 although there should be.
>>> It looks as if the services available in the application menu depend
>>> on the context. If there is no "context" a service can use then that
>>> service won't be available. For ex, the services available if you
>>> select a string are different from those when you select a file.
>>> If nothing is selected then no services are available.
 There's a settings command and choosing it
 takes me to the keyboard shortcuts panel of the system settings,
 but i
 don't want to define keyboard shortcuts, all i want is to enable
 services if such beast of a command exists, and otherwise i want to
 know what gives and if i can do something about it.
>>> You should select something on which to apply a service.
 Oh, and when i try enabling the services i want, which i have to do
 one by one, i get an error that the command already is taken by
 another program. Now i'm confused again.
>>> I think it is safe to use the defaults.
>>> Jean-Christophe Helary

> >

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Re: toolbar button?

2009-08-30 Thread Jesper Holten

Just Interact with it,

- Original Message - 
From: "Yuma Antoine Decaux" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: toolbar button?

> Hi everyone,
> a flurry of noob questions for productivity:
> -whenever i stumble on a toolbar button, i don't seem to be able to do
> anything to it. Is it normal, or is there a command to individually
> open the toolbar button instead of vo space?
> Thanks again, and again...
> >

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Re: muting voice with a key?

2009-08-30 Thread Esther

Hello Anouk,

On my MacBook the mute/unmute key is (Fn)+F10.  If you have installed  
Snow Leopard, I think that whether you press the Fn key along with the  
F10 key depends on whether you have set up System Preferences for the  
"Keyboard & Mouse" (VO-M to menu bar, arrow down into Apple menu,  
press "s y" to navigate to System Preferences, press enter to select  
option, then navigate with tab or item chooser menu to the "Keyboard &  
Mouse" button and press with VO-Space to bring up this window) so that  
you check the box "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function  
keys" on the Keyboard tab).

If the sound is not muted when you press the F10 key, it is likely  
being used as an Exposé key -- a kind of visual analog to VoiceOver's  
window chooser menu where all windows on the Desktop are displayed in  
a kind of icon view for selection/switching.  Press F10 again to  
switch out of Exposé mode if this happens, then try Fn+F10 to mute and  
then unmute your sound.  The F11 and F12 keys on recent Mac keyboards  
are used to decrease or increase volume.  The F1 and F2 keys are used  
to decrease or increase screen brightness.  In Leopard, switching  
VoiceOver on by default meant that you need to press the Fn key, too,  
to adjust brightness or volume, but this wasn't true in Tiger.




a radix wrote:

> Hi, yes but i actually meant like permanent, i think control only  
> mutes till
> you move the cursor, i will try it though (still doing mail on the  
> windows
> machine till i have time to read the switching to apple book).
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Woody Anna Dresner" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:58 PM
> Subject: Re: muting voice with a key?
>> Hi Anou,
>> Press Control to mute speech.
>> best,
>> Anna
> >

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navigating through chm reader

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hey once again,

Has anyone got some idea on how to navigate through what is normally  
links to pages on the chmos chm reader?

I interact with the drawer then go into the contents tab, go through  
the collapsed rows, expand then then go into one of the sub-level  
titles but from there i'm quite not sure what to do next... Still  
transiting from windows, so pleeease bear with me. :)

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Re: toolbar button?

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Thanks, but i meant the toolbar button, but thanks anyway

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread John Panarese
>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>>>>>>>>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as  
>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their  
>>>>>>>>> content,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that  
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could  
>>>>>>>>> get to
>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up  
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>>>>>>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.   
>>>>>>>>> Context
>>>>>>>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way
>>>>>>>>> shorter learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and
>>>>>>>>> trying to apply things to a ton of situations at once.  It's
>>>>>>>>> annoying that
>>>> they're
>>>>>>>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going
>>>>>>>>> to thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will
>>>>>>>>> developers
>>>> who
>>>>>>>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled
>>>>>>>>> email from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to
>>>>>>>>> their applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the
>>>>>>>>> difference between what works and what doesn't, it gives them
>>>>>>>>> instructions equally as precise as that email from the VI user
>>>>>>>>> would in most cases.
>>>>>>>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get
>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason
>>>>>>>>> the option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that  
>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>> any
>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut  
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping
>>>>>>>>> oppinion like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows,
>>>>>>>>> still use Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I
>>>>>>>>> make my fair share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't
>>>>>>>>> done any in a while.
>>>>>>>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.
>>>>>>>>> I doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease
>>>>>>>>> their progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's
>>>>>>>>> suggested, human's just don't work that way, for the most part
>>>>>>>>> we're creatures of
>>>>>> habit
>>>>>>>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>>>>>>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a
>>>>>>>>> feature be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any  
>>>>>>>>> case,
>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I
>>>>>>>>> disagree with the feature and what's potentially at stake here
>>>>>>>>> to a sighted mac user, and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm
>>>>>>>>> not sure that anyone who hasn't had to appreciate how cool
>>>>>>>>> mainstream technology that
>>>> works
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
>>>>>>>>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best  
>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>>>>>>>>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this  
>>>>>>>>> side
>>>>>>>>> of the pond...
>>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features  
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the
>>>>>>>>>> only plus side is that for those who want to make the
>>>>>>>>>> transition and
>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to
>>>>>>>>>> ease their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I  
>>>>>>>>>> agree
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>> you,
>>>>>>>>>> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help  
>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>> make the transition.
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly
>>>>>>>>>>> remind me of windows are as follows.
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area,
>>>>>>>>>>> especially when it already says edit text.
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter
>>>>>>>>>>> intuitive and doesn't teach the vi community how it would  
>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>> to sighties.
>>>>>>>>>>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional.  
>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help
>>>>>> progression
>>>>>>>>>>> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am  
>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>> glad I did. mac is not windows, when will people realise  
>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am  
>>>>>>>>>>> grateful
>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> apple
>>>>>>>>>>> for giving us a choice. really glad.
>>>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
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> >

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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Buddy,

Other than the NFB review--which was just stupid--I can honestly say I
haven't run into this on the Windows side.  But I can say that if I did, I'd
say exactly the same thing.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
> I agree: choice is not a bad thing. I use all three (Windows, Mac, and
> GNU/Linux) for different things. While my main fun downtime machine is
> a Mac, I definitely still use Windows for some things and in some
> situations. I also have a couple of things I do where GNU/Linux is the
> best choice. It's all good, and I say if it works for you, use it and
> be productive. If something else works for you, use that.
> While I've seen some Windows is the antichrist stuff here and on the
> GNU/Linux lists, I've seen similar, though different, things on the
> Windows side, mostly to do with people thinking that these are not
> viable alternatives at all, or not useful, or that those of us who use
> non-Windows alternatives are only doing so out of some cultish need to
> not use Microsoft products simply for the fact that they come from
> Microsoft. While I don't deny there is sometimes a certain amount of
> that latter attitude with some of us, it's no different, and no less
> divisive, than the "Windows is the antichrist" attitude. It just
> manifests itself differently.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:39 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> >
> > Donnna, I could not have said it better myself. No, Windows is not
> the
> > darkside and I feel I have to say that whenever I listen to Windows
> or
> > Windows AT related podcasts which I do regularly, I have never - as
> > far as i
> > can remember heard these folks disparage Apple's efforts. There are
> of
> > course those in the AT and Windows communities who have dismissed
> > the Mac
> > out of hand, but these narrow minded folks are few and far between.
> >
> > I think we can all agree that people should use what works for them
> > - or
> > what works for them in a given situation - whether that be Linux,
> > Mac or
> > Windows is irrelevant. Yes, Apple has made great steps forward in the
> > accessibility of Mac OS X, Windows AT developers  and Microsoft have
> > also
> > done the same for Windows as have Linux folks. As you said, there are
> > definite weaknesses to both - indeeed all the OS's as there are
> > definite
> > advantages. None of these operating systems are in any way perfect
> > but we
> > should respect everyone and their choice.
> >
> > I am not criticizing anyone - personally, I think it's a good thing
> > that
> > Apple have added the ability for people to decide on how they want
> > to edit
> > as well as other things. It is always nice and convenient to have
> > options
> > and multiple ways of doing things.
> >
> > Take care all
> >
> > James
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Donna Goodin" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:06 AM
> > Subject: RE: 3 features that hmm?
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> I have to support Rich here.  The attitude displayed by many Mac
> >> users
> >> toward Windows, and toward Windows users who are doing their best
> >> to learn
> >> the Mac OS is frankly despicable.  Many mac users--definitely not
> >> all--are
> >> nothing more than a bunch of narrow-minded snobs.  Windows is not
> >> "the
> >> dark
> >> side".  It is a viable choice, perhaps a better choice for some
> >> people.
> >> JAWS and Windows worked very well for me for nearly 20 years.  I am
> >> only
> >> here because I want to support Apple's efforts, not because I
> believe
> >> Windows or JAWS to be the devil incarnate.  Yes, editing is
> >> different.
> >> Those who prefer editing in Windows are not wrong, they just prefer
> >> something different.  They are entitled to that preference, just as
> >> all on
> >> this list are entitled to their preference for the Mac.  If Apple
> >> implements
> >> some choices to facilitate transition from Windows, there's nothing
> >> wrong
> >> with that.  No one has to use it unless they want to.
> >>
> >> Personally, I think it's great that there are multiple alternatives
> >> now
> >> available for blind users.  Yes, what Apple has done for
> >> accessibility is
> >> tremendous.  That said, I just applied for a job at a place where
> >> they
> >> pretty much come out and tell you that if you choose to use a Mac,
> >> you
> >> won't
> >> be able to utilize all of their materials.  So, if I get that
> >> position,
> >> I'll
> >> be using Windows for all things work-related.  I therefore hope that
> >> Windows
> >> continues to be a viable option for blind users.  The best possible
> >> scenario
> >> for us is to have as many options as possible, so t

Re: going up a folder

2009-08-30 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  someone may have already answered you.  I'm getting a late  
start today.  I use command option up arrow.  You can also use shift  
command h to go to the beginning like home in a web browser.  If you  
hit command option m twice in succession it will bring up a menu and  
you can see some of these key combinations listed after the choices.   
I hope that helps.  good luck, Max
On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:50 AM, JC Helary wrote:

> Le 30 août 2009 à 22:27, a radix a écrit :
>> Hello everyone, is it possible in fidner to go back a folder like
>> you can do with backspace in windows? I dont have it set so that a
>> fodler opens in a new window.
> This is usually command + up arrow.
> Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: quickly junping from page to page in preview

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Try Command Right Arrow for jumping from page to page.
- Original Message - 
From: "Yuma Antoine Decaux" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:15 PM
Subject: quickly junping from page to page in preview

> Hi everyone,
> I recently asked if acrobat reader was accessible, as it was installed
> on my system upon purchase, to my dismay it wasn't. But thanks to you
> guys i found out preview was in fact fully accessible, and better i
> many respects to reading pdf as compared to acrobat reader as it's not
> cluttered.
> I wanted to know though how you manage to jump from page to page in a
> big document, and can you apply hotspots which you can then access the
> next time you open preview? IF this is the case, than jaws has some
> sweat to throw as i don't remember hotspots saving itself when you
> created one.
> Thanks in advance for your attention
> > 

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Polk
;>>>>> point because I remember clearly the noise about this editing
>>>>>>>>> issue.  I
>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here,
>>>>>>> whatever
>>>>>>>>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because  
>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.
>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not
>>>>>>>>> worth
>>>>>>>>> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have
>>>>> stated
>>>>>>>>> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is
>>>>>>>>> not a standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it
>>>>>>>>> obviously
>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>>> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it
>>>>>>>>> is an
>>>>>>>>> option.
>>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>>>>>>>>>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as
>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their
>>>>>>>>>> content,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could
>>>>>>>>>> get to
>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>>>>>>>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.
>>>>>>>>>> Context
>>>>>>>>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way
>>>>>>>>>> shorter learning curve usually than reading a whole manual  
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> trying to apply things to a ton of situations at once.  It's
>>>>>>>>>> annoying that
>>>>> they're
>>>>>>>>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are  
>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>> to thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will
>>>>>>>>>> developers
>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled
>>>>>>>>>> email from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to
>>>>>>>>>> their applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the
>>>>>>>>>> difference between what works and what doesn't, it gives them
>>>>>>>>>> instructions equally as precise as that email from the VI  
>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>> would in most cases.
>>>>>>>>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get
>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason
>>>>>>>>>> the option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping
>>>>>>>>>> oppinion like that, I should say that I was raised on  
>>>>>>>>>> Windows,
>>>>>>>>>> still use Windows more often than many on here I expect,  
>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>> make my fair share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't
>>>>>>>>>> done any in a while.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as  
>>>>>>>>>> cheating.
>>>>>>>>>> I doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease
>>>>>>>>>> their progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's
>>>>>>>>>> suggested, human's just don't work that way, for the most  
>>>>>>>>>> part
>>>>>>>>>> we're creatures of
>>>>>>> habit
>>>>>>>>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>>>>>>>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a
>>>>>>>>>> feature be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any
>>>>>>>>>> case,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I
>>>>>>>>>> disagree with the feature and what's potentially at stake  
>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>> to a sighted mac user, and she point blank didn't get it.   
>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>> not sure that anyone who hasn't had to appreciate how cool
>>>>>>>>>> mainstream technology that
>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not,  
>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best
>>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>>>>>>>>>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this
>>>>>>>>>> side
>>>>>>>>>> of the pond...
>>>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the
>>>>>>>>>>> only plus side is that for those who want to make the
>>>>>>>>>>> transition and
>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way  
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> ease their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I
>>>>>>>>>>> agree
>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> you,
>>>>>>>>>>> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help
>>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>>> make the transition.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that  
>>>>>>>>>>>> horribly
>>>>>>>>>>>> remind me of windows are as follows.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area,
>>>>>>>>>>>> especially when it already says edit text.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter
>>>>>>>>>>>> intuitive and doesn't teach the vi community how it would
>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>> to sighties.
>>>>>>>>>>>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional.
>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help
>>>>>>> progression
>>>>>>>>>>>> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am
>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>> glad I did. mac is not windows, when will people realise
>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am
>>>>>>>>>>>> grateful
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> apple
>>>>>>>>>>>> for giving us a choice. really glad.
>>>>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>>>>> Checked by AVG -
>>>>>>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release  
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>>>>>>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
>>>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>>>> Checked by AVG -
>>>>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
>>>>> 08/29/09 17:51:00
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4381 (20090830) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4381 (20090830) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4381 (20090830) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> >

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Re: toolbar button?

2009-08-30 Thread Søren Jensen

If it's a normal toolbar and Voiceover says: "Toolbar button," this  
button is used to hide the toolbar. You can hide the toolbar by  
pressing VO spacebar on the button.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 30/08/2009, at 18.49, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Thanks, but i meant the toolbar button, but thanks anyway
> >

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problems with a website

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello everyone, i am on the blindcooltech website because I would like to 
listen to a podcast there. But it does not show them as links it just says 
heading level 2 (name of podcast) and clicking on them or double clicking, i 
mean vo-space and vo-shift-space doesnt seem to do anything.
What can i do? I am using leopard and the newest version of safari, i dont 
udnerstand why it does not show them as links since it works fine in ie.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: quickly junping from page to page in preview

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Thanks James,

It is one of these obvious ones again, gotta get the hang of it :)

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Another cool VO 3.0 Feature

2009-08-30 Thread Buddy Brannan

Turn your caps lock on and type. Nice to have an indication that caps  
lock is on now, now I won't accidentally be shouting at people.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

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Re: toolbar button?

2009-08-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Cool, thanks for the pointer :)

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Re: Strange Voiceover thing

2009-08-30 Thread Charlie Doremus
The answer lies within your question. Just hit v one time and presto, that
guy will be gone, forever.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:22 AM, Rich Ring  wrote:

> Please forgive and excuse me.  I am so new at this, I will continue to ask
> dumb questions.
> I bought a Mac Mini yesterday.  I performed a clean install of Snow
> Leopard.
> I have set my wireless network up.  I have successfully changed my finder
> preferences so that my hard drive is shown in the initial finder window.
> However, when I start my Mac, I keep hearing this human being tell me that
> if I know voiceover I should press v, and if I don't I should press space.
> How do I get rid of that guy?
> >

Check out our web site,

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Re: problems with a website

2009-08-30 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi, since you're  using Leopard, what you'll have to do is interact  
with that heading, and then you'll see the link.  IN Snow Leopard, you  
won't have to do this, the link will just be there.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:09 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, i am on the blindcooltech website because I would  
> like to listen to a podcast there. But it does not show them as  
> links it just says heading level 2 (name of podcast) and clicking on  
> them or double clicking, i mean vo-space and vo-shift-space doesnt  
> seem to do anything.
> What can i do? I am using leopard and the newest version of safari,  
> i dont udnerstand why it does not show them as links since it works  
> fine in ie.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: problems with a website

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Ok! thanks for that, i was rather confused because on my other pc the link 
showed up immediately.
Thanks for the info.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dan Eickmeier 
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:15 PM
  Subject: Re: problems with a website

  Hi, since you're  using Leopard, what you'll have to do is interact with that 
heading, and then you'll see the link.  IN Snow Leopard, you won't have to do 
this, the link will just be there.  

  On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:09 PM, a radix wrote:

Hello everyone, i am on the blindcooltech website because I would like to 
listen to a podcast there. But it does not show them as links it just says 
heading level 2 (name of podcast) and clicking on them or double clicking, i 
mean vo-space and vo-shift-space doesnt seem to do anything.
What can i do? I am using leopard and the newest version of safari, i dont 
udnerstand why it does not show them as links since it works fine in ie.
Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: Another cool VO 3.0 Feature

2009-08-30 Thread James & Nash

Shouting at people?
- Original Message - 
From: "Buddy Brannan" 
To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:10 PM
Subject: Another cool VO 3.0 Feature

> Turn your caps lock on and type. Nice to have an indication that caps
> lock is on now, now I won't accidentally be shouting at people.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> > 

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Re: Another cool VO 3.0 Feature

2009-08-30 Thread Buddy Brannan

Yes. Typing in all caps is considered shouting.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:21 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Shouting at people?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Buddy Brannan" 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:10 PM
> Subject: Another cool VO 3.0 Feature
>> Turn your caps lock on and type. Nice to have an indication that caps
>> lock is on now, now I won't accidentally be shouting at people.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> >

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Re: itunes newbie

2009-08-30 Thread Charlie Doremus
Try this link:

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 3:43 AM, a radix  wrote:

>  Hello everyone, Is there maybe a tutorial or podcast about learning
> itunes? I am new to it and although i can import stuff into the library i
> now wonder how i can play that whole library in shuffle mode, so not just
> the last added files. Also, what does itunes do with my files, does it only
> copy them or also convert them to another format? They were mp3-files.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

Check out our web site,

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for the price

2009-08-30 Thread william lomas

hi will people get the IPod touch if it has speech or for the  
possibly high price, just get an i phone?

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adium edit dimmed

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello, I think i have got a hang of the events window now, but if i am standing 
on an event and stop interacting the edit button is dimmed and i cant change 
what it does when this event happens
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: for the price

2009-08-30 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  that's a good question that I've already started thinking  
about for myself.  I can't switch to a t & t or verizon even if the  
iphone becomes available for verizon next year.  For my own reasons  
I'm stuck with sprint.  It will probably come down to what costs  
more.  But the comparison won't be easy because the iphone is cheaper,  
but the ipod touch will have more storage capacity.  They both have  
wireless internet whenever you are near a hot spot.  They can both run  
all the aplications, or at least i haven't heard anything that says  
the iphone will run programs the ipod touch won't.  For now I'm  
leaning towards the touch, but a lot will change as we get closer to  
the release and find out more about what is included in the price for  
a ipod touch with speech.  A good place to start a healthy  
discussion.  Thanks, Max
On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:43 PM, william lomas wrote:

>hi will people get the IPod touch if it has speech or for the
> possibly high price, just get an i phone?
> >

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Re: embedded voice commands

2009-08-30 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

Take a look at:

This  is for Objective C, but I expect the objects exist in java too.
Essentially a parameter in setSpeechInfo will change voices for a  
given channel. It appears a channel is linked to a synthesizer so you  
would need to create a new channel if you need to change synthesizer .


On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:01 PM, louie wrote:

> Ann I want to change the voice from within a java program. thanks.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Louis,
>> To change the voice on the fly, press VO-Command-left or right arrow
>> until you reach "Default Voice", then keep holding down VO-Command  
>> and
>> use the up and down arrows to change the voice.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:55 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Anyone know the embedded command to change the voice?
>>> I have found the below commands.
>>> [[volm +0.1]] will change the volume.
>>> [[rate 400]] will change the rate.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> louie

> louie
> >

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playing avi files in quicktime

2009-08-30 Thread a radix
Hello, i am trying to play an avi file in quicktime but dont hear a sound, 
doesnt quicktime support this filetype?
Greetings, Anouk
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Preview navigation and Adobe Reader with VoiceOver [was Re: quickly junping from page to page in preview]

2009-08-30 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

In addition to Command-Right arrow and Command-Left arrow to navigate  
to next and previous pages in Preview, you can go to a specific page  
with Command-Option-G, then type in the page number and press enter.   
You can also go backwards and forwards with Command-Left bracket and  
Command-Right bracket the same way you do in Safari.  And you can add  
a Bookmark with Command-D just as you can in Safari.  This is one of  
the neat features that I like about Preview, since once you set a  
bookmark, it appears in the Bookmarks menu on the Preview menu bar. If  
you select your bookmark, Preview will open that document to the  
bookmarked page -- even if you haven't yet found, selected, or opened  
that document. You can also navigate through documents that have Table  
of Contents, like the Apple manuals for VoiceOver Getting Started, and  
use the Preview sidebar to view and navigate by Table of Contents. You  
can get some other pointers on using Preview if you check Tim  
Kilburn's web page about VoiceOver:

Although these pages have not been updated to reflect recent changes/ 
additions, they're very helpful.  Note that one point of regress from  
Tiger to Leopard is that you'll need to set a hot spot (VO-Shift-1 or  
other number up to 9) to go back to your position on the page if you  
switch applications.  Just return by pressing VO-1, etc. This only  
works temporarily for your current session and is lost if you turn  
VoiceOver off.

Also, it's possible to use Adobe Reader to read documents if you have  
to -- e.g. for DRM-protected material.  It's just rather clunky and  
unintuitive, since the menu structure is complex, and you're using  
Text-to-Speech rather than VoiceOver.  It can be maddening to try to  
find the voice controls, since they're set it turns out they're set in  
the preferences menu, and the default reading rate is really slow. If  
you want to use a French voice, for example, you'll need to bring up  
Adobe Reader's preferences (Command-comma), VO-Down arrow to the  
categories table and Interact, then press "r" to select "Reading" and  
stop interacting.  VO-Right arrow to set the reading options,  
especially under the "Read out loud" heading where you will want to  
uncheck the box for default voice (with VO-Space) and select the new  
voice from the pop up button.  You'll also want to uncheck the box for  
"Use default speech attributes" so you can set the reading rate -- and  
they won't accept more than 650 words per minute.  Command-W to close  
the preferences menu.

When you use Adobe Reader, check the "View" menu on the menu bar for  
the "Read out loud" sub-menu commands and shortcuts:

Activate/Deactivate Read out loud: Command-Shift-Y
Read Only this page: Command-Shift-V
Read to end of document: Command-Shift-B
Pause: Command-Shift-C
Stop: Command-Shift-E

Use the FInder contextual menu (VO-Shift-M) to "Open with" and select  
"Adobe Reader" if you want to try this out.  Preview, is much, much  
nicer.  There's also a package called Skim, that is like Preview on  
steroids, which is particularly good for annotating what you read.  It  
basically has another sidebar for notes, in addition to the one for  
navigating table of contents.




Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Thanks James,
> It is one of these obvious ones again, gotta get the hang of it :)
> >

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Re: problems with a website

2009-08-30 Thread Esther
Hi Anouk,

Alternatively, you can bookmark and use the Blind Cool Tech RSS feed  

If there's anyone using Tiger, this loads faster, uses fewer resources  
for VoiceOver, and you don't have to interact on headings.



a radix wrote:

> Ok! thanks for that, i was rather confused because on my other pc  
> the link showed up immediately.
> Thanks for the info.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: Dan Eickmeier
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:15 PM
> Subject: Re: problems with a website
> Hi, since you're  using Leopard, what you'll have to do is interact  
> with that heading, and then you'll see the link.  IN Snow Leopard,  
> you won't have to do this, the link will just be there.
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:09 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, i am on the blindcooltech website because I would  
>> like to listen to a podcast there. But it does not show them as  
>> links it just says heading level 2 (name of podcast) and clicking  
>> on them or double clicking, i mean vo-space and vo-shift-space  
>> doesnt seem to do anything.
>> What can i do? I am using leopard and the newest version of safari,  
>> i dont udnerstand why it does not show them as links since it works  
>> fine in ie.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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RE: 64 Bit Mode?

2009-08-30 Thread Blake Sinnett

You're not booting with the 64-bit kernel. Only the Xserves do that. But things 
still run in 64-bit.


If you want a good explanation as well as a program to change booting to the 
64-bit kernel, Go here:

> From:
> Subject: 64 Bit Mode?
> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 10:51:28 -0500
> To:
> Hi everyone, I hope your morning/afternoon, or whatever time it is 
> goes well.
> I noticed that Snow Leopard boots in 32 bit mode.
> I check the list of supported 64 bit Macs, and mine is surely on the 
> list.
> Should I worry about booting into 64 bit mode?
> If so, how would you make it so that it boots into 64 bit mode every 
> time, and not one that you would have to tell it too.
> Right now, the only way I know of to boot into 64 bit mode, is to 
> start up, and hold 6 and 4 keys down.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> > 

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Howell

Well Fonzie, seems you have enough ram and horsepower, so that is not  
your issue. I still have not encountered this problem, but I have  
encountered certain times when apps become busy with no reason that I  
can determine.  I suspect there are some bumps to be worked out  
despite all the testing that has been done.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Fonzie wrote:

> Hi there Scott, how are youd oing?
> Sorry for the late reply.
> I noticed that Mail added all my AIM iMap folders upon installing Snow
> Leopard, and I just saw them just now.
> I was only used to seeing "Inbox", and now it shows all my folders
> associated with AIM Mail, like Spam, and such.
> A lot of the message from the list went into the Spam folder, so I am
> fixing that just now.
> As for what kind of mac I have.
> I bought my mac in August of 2008
> So I have the folllowing:
> iMac Core 2 Duo 2.66GHZ
> 4G Ram
> ATI HD2600 Pro
> If there is anything else, let me know.
> Again, I apologize for the delayed response.
> Take care
> Fonzie
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:57 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Fonzie, what type of Mac do you have? I'm not encountering this  
>> issue,
>> but I am looking to see if there is any patterns perhaps.  Did you do
>> a clean install or upgrade?
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Fonzie wrote:
>>> I second the no issue with choppy reading area.
>>> The sub menu thing?
>>> I have seen that happen once or twice.
>>> I mainly see it when I pull up the main menu bar though, where apple
>>> and program related menus are located.  What seems to happen is,
>>> VoiceOver will stop speaking here and there, and only when  
>>> scrolling.
>>> This only happens if I go into the menu bar, pull down any menu of  
>>> my
>>> choosing, and read it's contents.  Then, I leave the menu bar, and
>>> immediately pull it up once more, and pull down a menu of my
>>> choosing,
>>> VoiceOver begins the small silence issue, even when scrolling  
>>> through
>>> the menu items.
>>> For now, I just solve this by doing the following.  ONce I attempt  
>>> to
>>> go into the menu bar the second time, I wait a couple of seconds,  
>>> and
>>> pull down the menu of my choice.  Either that, or I pull down the
>>> menu
>>> I want, and then wait a couple of seconds, and start scrolling
>>> afterwards.
>>> Take care.
>>> Fonzie
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Funny, I'm having no issues with submenus in Mail or any other  
 app I
 have used so far.  There seems to be some slightly roughness to the
 reading, but not sure what the cause is and I noticed it only as a
 slight thing, but of course level of annoyance is subjective for

 On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex
> reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at
> 50,
> so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck
> getting
> sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another
> box.
> Brett
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into  
>> an
>> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover
>> reads
>> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses  
>> too
>> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is  
>> there
>> an
>> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new
>> line
>> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> John


> >

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