Re: tag editor/file renamer

2009-08-20 Thread Darcy Burnard

Not sure if this will meet your needs or not, but when adding the id3  
tags for my podcasts, I use a program called id3 editor.  Find it at  
this URL.

On 2009-08-19, at 7:14 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Right friends,  The more I winnow down the number of things I have to
> go into windows for, the crankier I get about having to go into
> windows for something.  Hum, maybe I'm just a cranky guy or maybe the
> heat and the stress are getting to me.  Anyway...
> Look, has any one yet come up with a good low cost mp3 tag editor and
> file renaming utility for the mac?  I'm looking for something roughly
> comperable to mptagger 1.60 or mp3tag.  Take a folder full of mp3's
> and batch rename them based on the tags, or add information to a lot
> of mp3 tags all at once.
> I don't want it to grab info off the net, or worse, organize my
> collection for me, lord help me.  I've just got a hideous huge stack
> of mp3's here and I want to maautomaticly rename them.
> I've been seriously considering mediarage.  I used to think the $29
> price tag, or perhapse it was $39, well it was a bit steep when I
> looked at it last year.  Back then my windows virtual machine was
> running as a matter of course, and renaming in windows was no great
> hardship.  Now it goes for weeks on end with no attention from me, and
> I've got to pull it up just to do this one job.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> >

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watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv card with the 
mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I could use something like 
slingbox to connect my existing digital tv receiver and use it on the internet 
but I am not sure if it is still available, available in europe or even works 
with my humac dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
Any information would be welcome.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: A response from Accessibility at apple. Re: firm wear upgrade killing speech. Umm? Okay weird.

2009-08-20 Thread Simon Cavendish

I've had no problems with my nano after upgrading the firmware either.

Best wishes

On 19 Aug 2009, at 03:35, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> I updated my Nano recently and did not lose speech, so I don't think
> the update necessarily causes this. I don't see any difference between
> the previous and current firmware; it's supposed to be mostly bug
> fixes, I think.
> I'm really impressed with the accessibility folks so far. I've sent
> several e-mails, and they have all been answered personally and
> thoughtfully. Sorry this experience wasn't as good.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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Re: A response from Accessibility at apple. Re: firm wear upgrade killing speech. Umm? Okay weird.

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

what was new in it?

On 20 Aug 2009, at 09:28, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> I've had no problems with my nano after upgrading the firmware either.
> Best wishes
> Simon
> On 19 Aug 2009, at 03:35, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I updated my Nano recently and did not lose speech, so I don't think
>> the update necessarily causes this. I don't see any difference  
>> between
>> the previous and current firmware; it's supposed to be mostly bug
>> fixes, I think.
>> I'm really impressed with the accessibility folks so far. I've sent
>> several e-mails, and they have all been answered personally and
>> thoughtfully. Sorry this experience wasn't as good.
>> Best,
>> Anna
> >

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Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread James & Nash

Hi David,

Thank you for your response and for your recommendation to Accapella.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "David Niemeijer" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: voices on os x

> James,
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 8:41 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> That's great to hear that you are continuing to develop such as great
>> product. Will there be a cost involved in upgrading to 2.0 for those
>> of us
>> who bought 1.0+ release?
> I have recommended there should be no upgrade fee, but I cannot
> guarantee. In the end it is Acapela Group's decision.
> david.
> > 

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maybe ot: apple id?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
Hello, when I placed my order for my new macbook pro I got an apple id but I 
cant get a password for it. I can get to the reset password page but then I 
cant find anywhere where I can actually tell them that yes I want them to send 
me an email with the password. I dont really mind not having an apple id but it 
would be nice if I could track my laptop.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: maybe ot: apple id?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas
did you not set up a password yourself, when creating the ID

On 20 Aug 2009, at 09:36, a radix wrote:

> Hello, when I placed my order for my new macbook pro I got an apple  
> id but I cant get a password for it. I can get to the reset password  
> page but then I cant find anywhere where I can actually tell them  
> that yes I want them to send me an email with the password. I dont  
> really mind not having an apple id but it would be nice if I could  
> track my laptop.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: maybe ot: apple id?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
Hello, no I ordered over the phone because I could not get the website to work 
with webformator. I think I have found it now though, waiting for an email now 
with instructions.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: william lomas 
  Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:39 AM
  Subject: Re: maybe ot: apple id?

  did you not set up a password yourself, when creating the ID

  On 20 Aug 2009, at 09:36, a radix wrote:

Hello, when I placed my order for my new macbook pro I got an apple id but 
I cant get a password for it. I can get to the reset password page but then I 
cant find anywhere where I can actually tell them that yes I want them to send 
me an email with the password. I dont really mind not having an apple id but it 
would be nice if I could track my laptop.
Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith

also where can I get the builder you speak of and other apps?
can I get some help?
On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface builder, I
> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
> users and which would limit it usefulness.
> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a book
> for example.
> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
> OCR the results is very accurate.
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>> finereader, here is the link:
>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith

if I purchase the us voices will I get uk voices? if so what ones?
if I purchase uk voices what us one will I get?
On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi, i have sent a mail to accapella regarding the upgrade, whether one
> has to pay up for it:
> here is the forward
> Hi,
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 2:48 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> I am interested in purchasing the french ivox pack, but will be
>> upgrading the os to snow leopard soon. I wanted to know if the
>> actual licence comprises any upgraded version of ivox for snow
>> leopard.
> For snow Leopard we are working on a new version which will be a free
> update.
>> Also, could you be kind enough as to list the actual voices i will
>> get upon purchase?
> Heather (US English)
> Claire
> Alice
> Julie
> Bruno
> Cheers,
> david.
> >

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fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to it 
says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?

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Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

if you buy US voices you get US. if you buy UK I think you get Heather

On 20 Aug 2009, at 08:59, hank smith wrote:

> if I purchase the us voices will I get uk voices? if so what ones?
> if I purchase uk voices what us one will I get?
> Hank
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi, i have sent a mail to accapella regarding the upgrade, whether  
>> one
>> has to pay up for it:
>> here is the forward
>> Hi,
>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 2:48 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> I am interested in purchasing the french ivox pack, but will be
>>> upgrading the os to snow leopard soon. I wanted to know if the
>>> actual licence comprises any upgraded version of ivox for snow
>>> leopard.
>> For snow Leopard we are working on a new version which will be a free
>> update.
>>> Also, could you be kind enough as to list the actual voices i will
>>> get upon purchase?
>> Heather (US English)
>> Claire
>> Alice
>> Julie
>> Bruno
>> Cheers,
>> david.
> >

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can't partition main drive?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no 
option to  
partition it?
how odd?

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Re: fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell

I have not encountered this issue in all the years I've been burning  
dual-layer discs.  There is no setting you need to adjust to burn  
different types of DVDs.  Do you have a different brand of DVD or  
another DVD you can try?  What brand of DVD are these?

On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:19 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to it 
> it
> says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
> my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?
> >

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Re: fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas
1x Aone DVD +R DL Dual Double Layer 8X Speed 8.5 GB
On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:59, Scott Howell wrote:

> I have not encountered this issue in all the years I've been burning
> dual-layer discs.  There is no setting you need to adjust to burn
> different types of DVDs.  Do you have a different brand of DVD or
> another DVD you can try?  What brand of DVD are these?
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:19 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to it 
>> it
>> says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
>> my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?
> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell

Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program  
and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,  
then it does not meet my needs.
On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface builder, I
> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
> users and which would limit it usefulness.
> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a book
> for example.
> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
> OCR the results is very accurate.
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>> finereader, here is the link:
>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

again, if it were testing with real life users not just closed tester  
teams, then we would have had a say

On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:57, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program
> and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,
> then it does not meet my needs.
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface  
>> builder, I
>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a  
>> book
>> for example.
>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>>> finereader, here is the link:
>>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,

> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread a radix

Hello, will you at least be telling them about what you WOULD like in it? I 
mean it may help for future versions.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

> Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program
> and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,
> then it does not meet my needs.
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface builder, I
>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a book
>> for example.
>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>>> finereader, here is the link:
>>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,

>> >
> > 

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Re: fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell
I'm not familiar with this DVD, but if this is a sample, then at least  
your not out anything. Apparently it is recognized that some burners  
can't deal with these DVDs. I don't know, but wonder if it has  
anything to do with the color or reflectivity of the disc material.  
I'm not an expert on burning technology, but I know in the past there  
were some discs that did not work with some burners do to the color  
and reflectivity of the disc surface.
On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:03 AM, william lomas wrote:

> 1x Aone DVD +R DL Dual Double Layer 8X Speed 8.5 GB
> On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:59, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I have not encountered this issue in all the years I've been burning
>> dual-layer discs.  There is no setting you need to adjust to burn
>> different types of DVDs.  Do you have a different brand of DVD or
>> another DVD you can try?  What brand of DVD are these?
>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:19 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to it 
>>> it
>>> says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
>>> my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?

> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell

Yeah, but be ware to all cause returning it does not seem to be a  
painless matter either when it is a download. I'll report back if I  
can't get resolution on that either, but my hope is they have been  
pretty responsive, both the folk at ABBYY and the reseller. So,  
hopefully they both live up to the return process. I am disappointed  
in how this program turned out, but it is a very good scanning engine  
to be honest.
On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:23 AM, william lomas wrote:

> again, if it were testing with real life users not just closed tester
> teams, then we would have had a say
> On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:57, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program
>> and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,
>> then it does not meet my needs.
>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface
>>> builder, I
>>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was  
>>> able
>>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to  
>>> detect
>>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a
>>> book
>>> for example.
>>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
 Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
 abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
 apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I  
 contact abby about it however because I have heard good things  
 finereader, here is the link:
 Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper  

 Greetings, Anouk,


> >

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Re: os x language and physical location?

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Hofstader
Macintosh was the first system to permit multiple languages in the  
same document and permit mixing and matching languages  since the  
advent of the Mac 2, I think in 1988 or 1989.

I know Mac has also led the way in difficult writing systems and, if I  
remember correctly, they were the first consumer computer to handle  
the full four Japanese writing systems via an IME but can't recall  
when they cracked this nut.

Far too little coffee this morning...

On Aug 19, 2009, at 6:30 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> You can use any language you choose. Just because the machines knows  
> that it is in the Netherlands does not mean it needs to speak dutch.  
> The people in our Apple store spend many hours a day changing the  
> language preference on in-store machines 'cause Japanese tourists  
> tourists change settings all the time.
> Aloha
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:37 AM, a radix  wrote:
> Hello, This may seem a bit weird but I would like to use os x in  
> English (so the system language being English) which I gathered you  
> can select when you turn on the mac for the first time. But, if I  
> select this, can I still change a physical location (where I live)  
> which is not English? I live in the Netherlands.
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
> Check out our web site,
> >

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Re: fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas
which dual layer work then for sure?

On 20 Aug 2009, at 11:49, Scott Howell wrote:

> I'm not familiar with this DVD, but if this is a sample, then at  
> least your not out anything. Apparently it is recognized that some  
> burners can't deal with these DVDs. I don't know, but wonder if it  
> has anything to do with the color or reflectivity of the disc  
> material. I'm not an expert on burning technology, but I know in the  
> past there were some discs that did not work with some burners do to  
> the color and reflectivity of the disc surface.
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:03 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> 1x Aone DVD +R DL Dual Double Layer 8X Speed 8.5 GB
>> On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:59, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I have not encountered this issue in all the years I've been burning
>>> dual-layer discs.  There is no setting you need to adjust to burn
>>> different types of DVDs.  Do you have a different brand of DVD or
>>> another DVD you can try?  What brand of DVD are these?
>>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:19 AM, william lomas wrote:

hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to it 
 says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
 my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?

> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell

Sure, I have a list of suggestions, which won't be very long and in  
fact if they correct the issues, I'd gladdly purchase it and hell if  
they would commit to making the corrections in a not to distant  
version, I'd keep what I have and hey let me test it and provide  
On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:35 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, will you at least be telling them about what you WOULD like  
> in it? I
> mean it may help for future versions.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:57 AM
> Subject: Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)
>> Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program
>> and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,
>> then it does not meet my needs.
>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface  
>>> builder, I
>>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was  
>>> able
>>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to  
>>> detect
>>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a  
>>> book
>>> for example.
>>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
 Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
 abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
 apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I  
 contact abby about it however because I have heard good things  
 finereader, here is the link:
 Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free

 Greetings, Anouk,


> >

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One little annoying thing with iPhone

2009-08-20 Thread Christian

Hi all,
When in a phone call and if I change the way I am holding the phone the speaker 
phone is some times automatically turned on. I don't like this and I wish there 
was some way to turn that feature off.
Best regards,

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread Greg Kearney

It is part of the developers tools that came with your mac on a cd.  
But I should warn you that doing such modifications to application is  
not a simple matter and can lead to trouble.


Sent from my iPhone

On 20/08/2009, at 3:58 PM, hank smith  wrote:

> also where can I get the builder you speak of and other apps?
> can I get some help?
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface  
>> builder, I
>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a  
>> book
>> for example.
>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>>> finereader, here is the link:
>>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,

> >

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Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Has anybody done a tutorial on using Syrinx and Twitter?  I installed  
Syrinx but am a lil lot confused on using it.  The "Friends" list for  
example isn't speaking.

Any info on this would be most welcome.

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: fails to calibrate?

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell
I have had no issues with Memorex (think that is how you spell it) and  
I've used a couple other brands with no issues.  I have heard Maxcel  
aren't very good and to stay away from them.
On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

> which dual layer work then for sure?
> On 20 Aug 2009, at 11:49, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I'm not familiar with this DVD, but if this is a sample, then at  
>> least your not out anything. Apparently it is recognized that some  
>> burners can't deal with these DVDs. I don't know, but wonder if it  
>> has anything to do with the color or reflectivity of the disc  
>> material. I'm not an expert on burning technology, but I know in  
>> the past there were some discs that did not work with some burners  
>> do to the color and reflectivity of the disc surface.
>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:03 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> 1x Aone DVD +R DL Dual Double Layer 8X Speed 8.5 GB
>>> On 20 Aug 2009, at 10:59, Scott Howell wrote:

 I have not encountered this issue in all the years I've been  
 dual-layer discs.  There is no setting you need to adjust to burn
 different types of DVDs.  Do you have a different brand of DVD or
 another DVD you can try?  What brand of DVD are these?

 On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:19 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi i ahve a dual layer dvd yet when i try and burn things to  
> it it
> says the device fails to calibrate the laser power level?
> my macbook can burn dual layer? or do i ahve to turn on a setting?

> >

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Re: One little annoying thing with iPhone

2009-08-20 Thread May and Wynter

Yes, a lot of people have that same complaint.  I just use the head phones 
so don't have to deal with that.

May, join my blog
- Original Message - 
From: "Christian" 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:13 AM
Subject: One little annoying thing with iPhone

Hi all,
When in a phone call and if I change the way I am holding the phone the 
speaker phone is some times automatically turned on. I don't like this and I 
wish there was some way to turn that feature off.
Best regards,

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Re: can't partition main drive?

2009-08-20 Thread Dan

This is what you need to do. When selecting the drive, don't select  
the actual label of the drive, select the model number of the drive  
which is just above the actual drive. Now when you look at the tabs,  
you will see that the third tab is partition.
On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:27 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no 
> option to
> partition it?
> how odd?
> Will
> >

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Re: maybe ot: apple id?

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Anouk,

YOu will definitely need an Apple ID. You use it to register products  
and buy things from the itunes store or the online store. Did you at  
some point fill in a form online to create one? Typically your  
username is your e-mail address, and you decide what the password is.  
If you never did that, there should be a link to create an Apple ID on  
the same page where you sign into the site.


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Re: can't partition main drive?

2009-08-20 Thread Esther


Dan's summarized how to select the drive. For a more detailed  
description of partitioning with disk utility, including how to choose  
an arbitrary partition size, see Scott's instructions from the old  
list archives:
(How to set partition size with Disk Utility)

I did an archive search on "partition size -bootcamp" and the above  
post came up first, but there was also an interesting post from Jacob  
on an accessible (but commercially sold) partitioning tool called  
iPartition that came up as the second hit:
(resizing partitions)



Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> This is what you need to do. When selecting the drive, don't select
> the actual label of the drive, select the model number of the drive
> which is just above the actual drive. Now when you look at the tabs,
> you will see that the third tab is partition.
> HTH.
> Dan
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:27 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no 
>> option to
>> partition it?
>> how odd?
>> Will
> >

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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


Main Menu will be airing part of a podcast done by Shane Jackson on  
Syrinx this coming weekend.


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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
I would like to think that that the HD standards are the same in 
different countries now so we don't have the NTSC v. PAL issues. That 
said, I thought this little USB TV tuner seemed interesting:

Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for.


a radix wrote:
> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv card 
> with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I could use 
> something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv receiver and 
> use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is still available, 
> available in europe or even works with my humac dvb-c hd receiver or 
> my linksys router.
> Any information would be welcome.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: One little annoying thing with iPhone

2009-08-20 Thread Marie Howarth

maybe I'm weird but i love this feature. saves me messing around with  
the settings to put someone on speaker phone when I need my hands. but  
May's right, use the headset if you wanna avoid this feature.

On Aug 20, 2009, at 3:13 PM, May and Wynter wrote:

> Yes, a lot of people have that same complaint.  I just use the head  
> phones
> so don't have to deal with that.
> May, join my blog
> - Original Message -
> From: "Christian" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:13 AM
> Subject: One little annoying thing with iPhone
> Hi all,
> When in a phone call and if I change the way I am holding the phone  
> the
> speaker phone is some times automatically turned on. I don't like  
> this and I
> wish there was some way to turn that feature off.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> >

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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Marie Howarth

OK, Jenny. Syrinx is one of my fave apps for the mac. I will put  
together a podcast, needed a new topic anyways. give me a few days? :)

On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anybody done a tutorial on using Syrinx and Twitter?  I installed
> Syrinx but am a lil lot confused on using it.  The "Friends" list for
> example isn't speaking.
> Any info on this would be most welcome.
> Thanks
> ~~~*~~~
> Best Wishes-
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:
> E-Mail:
> iChat: (for iChat contact only)
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
> or read  and subscribe to my blog:
> Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A
> wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and
> ask questions.
> I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see
> "Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a
> message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.
> >

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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan
I use this software all the time and it has an issue when interacting  
with the table and using vo-left and right arrow to navigate the text  
so the only way around this is to navigate by character.

I'm having no trouble with it here, the client clearly identifys the  
form of each message whether it be a direct message, a mention or a  
reply to.

There are many commands and the best way I've found to find out what  
the hotkeys are is to go into the menu system and have a look around,  
the toolbar is also extensive and well detailed, if it weren't for the  
one problem I've noted then this software would have to be one of the  
best Twiter clients I've used on any platform, have you tried Adium?  
You're supposed to be able to use that as a Twitter client now.

On 20/08/2009, at 11:03 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anybody done a tutorial on using Syrinx and Twitter?  I installed
> Syrinx but am a lil lot confused on using it.  The "Friends" list for
> example isn't speaking.
> Any info on this would be most welcome.
> Thanks
> ~~~*~~~
> Best Wishes-
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:
> E-Mail:
> iChat: (for iChat contact only)
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
> or read  and subscribe to my blog:
> Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A
> wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and
> ask questions.
> I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see
> "Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a
> message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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New Guide posted to - The Insertion Point and VoiceOver

2009-08-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

We’ve just added a new entry to our collection of guides for blind and  
visually impaired Mac users. In "TheInsertion Point and VoiceOver", we  
provide an explanation and example for new VoiceOver users coming from  
Windows on the difference between the way in which Windows screen  
readers and VoiceOver handle the concept of the insertion point. New  
iPhone users who have not previously had experience with the Mac  
platform may also find this guide helpful. An iPhone specific version  
is planned for the future.


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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan

I have a TV tuner for my Windows PC, its a Leadtech HDTV2000 PCI card  
though I know that a USB version is available, not sure whether it  
would work with the Mac though but the point is that this tuner is  
"world band compatible", meaning that it was specifically designed to  
work in many world-wide regions, just select your city and country  
upon install and away you go so I'm assuming that many other TV tuner  
packages available - and this one is certainly not the most expensive  
- will also do the same.  Question though, why analogue TV, surely  
digital - if its available - would be the way to go with a clearer  
picture and the possibilities that surround-sound has to offer?

I don't want to stray off-topic so I'll leave the discussion here  

On 21/08/2009, at 12:50 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I would like to think that that the HD standards are the same in  
> different countries now so we don't have the NTSC v. PAL issues.  
> That said, I thought this little USB TV tuner seemed interesting:
> Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for.
> CB
> a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv  
>> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
>> still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
>> dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
>> Any information would be welcome.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: A response from Accessibility at apple. Re: firm wear upgrade killing speech. Umm? Okay weird.

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi chris,

The EQ settings have been accessible from the very first iPod firmware.


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Re: macbook pro chipset and sound chip?

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Here is Intel's page on their HD audio chipset:


Scott Howell wrote:
> Actually the MBP uses the same chipset, but I couldn't find anything 
> further so elected to not comment do to the lack of info.  It is some 
> sort of Intel chipset as far as I can tell however.
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> What little I could find said it was a Cirrus Logic CS4206A(AB75) 
>> chipset. This mostly came from bootcamp forums where there appears to 
>> be issues with the vista drivers for this chipset. System Profiler 
>> and Google should reveal what's in there but I don't have access to 
>> one of the newer machines. On my new server it says it is an Intel 
>> High Definition Audio but that doesn't mean they use the same stuff 
>> in a laptop.
>> CB
>> a radix wrote:
>>> I wonder if anyone knows what the chipset is that is being used with 
>>> the macbook pro? (I guess this determines what kind and what 
>>> clockspeed frontside bus of memory can be used) also I wonder the 
>>> seem thing about the internal sound chip.
>>> Does anyone know what these componetns are in the current generation 
>>> (june 2009) macbook pro?
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Bunch of Mac tuner stuff here:


Dane Trethowan wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a TV tuner for my Windows PC, its a Leadtech HDTV2000 PCI card 
> though I know that a USB version is available, not sure whether it 
> would work with the Mac though but the point is that this tuner is 
> "world band compatible", meaning that it was specifically designed to 
> work in many world-wide regions, just select your city and country 
> upon install and away you go so I'm assuming that many other TV tuner 
> packages available - and this one is certainly not the most expensive 
> - will also do the same.  Question though, why analogue TV, surely 
> digital - if its available - would be the way to go with a clearer 
> picture and the possibilities that surround-sound has to offer?
> I don't want to stray off-topic so I'll leave the discussion here .
> On 21/08/2009, at 12:50 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I would like to think that that the HD standards are the same in 
>> different countries now so we don't have the NTSC v. PAL issues. That 
>> said, I thought this little USB TV tuner seemed interesting:
>> Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for.
>> CB
>> a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv 
>>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I 
>>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv 
>>> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is still 
>>> available, available in europe or even works with my humac dvb-c hd 
>>> receiver or my linksys router.
>>> Any information would be welcome.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> **
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:" 
> Twitter:
> blog:
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> 0390058589
> Phone United States
> 8159261869
> Fax:
> +61 3 9743 7954x
> MSN 
> skype:grtdane12
> **
> >

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Re: iPhone and iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Søren Jensen

Wow. Awesome feature. :)
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 20/08/2009, at 03.25, Marie Howarth wrote:

> yes Christian.
> find the previous/next keys and double tap but don't lift your finger
> up on the second tap. so tap once, hit again and hold it down as if
> you were doing the "pass through" geustre I believe it is called.
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:19 AM, Christian wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have now tried using iPod on my phone and so far so good.
>> But just a comment. I wish that it aws possible to use some fast
>> rewind or forward feature with VO. Has anyone found some way to use
>> this?
>> Many thanks,
>> Christian
> >

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Re: configuring my macbook pro

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Well, depends on your definition of "whatever"  For most people 
3-4GB is just fine. I have 3 and with 512MB dedicated to my VMWare XP 
(when I have it running) it still does just fine. Mostly I'm doing 
standard stuff like web surfing, email and editing documents. Unless 
you're doing editing of crazy big files like images or audio you should 
be fine.


Les Kriegler wrote:
> Chris, if I have 4GB of RAM, won't that be enough for whatever I might run?
> Les 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
> Generally that's true. As a percentage the speed difference between a
> 2.53 Ghz and a 2.6 is only 3% and 2.53 to 2.8 is only 10%. But if you run
> out of memory the Mac will start swapping chunks of least used memory space
> to disk to free up more. That swap process can turn your machine to sludge.
> So reaching full capacity on RAM usage or getting near it (starting to
> trigger page swaps) will make a much greater impact on performance than the
> overall processor speed.
> CB
> Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I've been under the impression that the processor speed, 2.53 versus 
>> 2.6 or
>> 2.8 doesn't matter as much as the RAM in the machine and isn't worth 
>> the additional expense.  I actually was advised by the Apple rep I've 
>> been dealing with that the 15 inch display with the 2.53 processor 
>> speed would be fine.  I'm having difficulty imagining why a 2.66 
>> processor would make any difference in overall operation?  I'm open to 
>> comment and additional info on this topic, however.  Thanks.
>> Les
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 4:55 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
>> If the screen is unused, would there be any disadvantage to the 13" 
>> MacBook other than maxing out at a 2.53GHz Duo core? Shaves off a bit 
>> on the cost, about $200.
>> CB
>> Chris G wrote: 
>> I agree,
>> The only way I would consider a 17 inch is if it had a built in 
>> numpad.
>> My hp Vista laptop has one and I like it.
>> Chris
>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:56:00 +0200
>> "a radix"    wrote:
>> Hello, still since I am blind and would use the macbook pro 
>> only for myself
>> 17 inch would be overkill, even for me especially since I have 
>> to haul this
>> laptop to school a few times a day and walk with it on my back 
>> for an hour.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Chris G"  
>> To:  
>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
>> Hi,
>> I was just on the apple site last night and they said the 13 
>> and 15 inch
>> mbps last for 7 hours on a battery and the 17 inch lasts 8.
>> Chris
>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:11:54 +0200
>> "a radix"    wrote:
>> Hello, I have made the decision to buy a macbook pro. I 
>> wanted to go for
>> the 15 inch model (because the 17 inch only has a better 
>> screen and would
>> drain the battery more), i want to get the glossy display 
>> because I dont
>> want to spend more on the matte version. It is still a lot 
>> of money for me
>> though so I would like to save where I can. I have heard 
>> that it is
>> possible to get applecare after the purchase date, that 
>> would save quite a
>> bit. Is it difficult to apply for it later instead of date 
>> of purchase and
>> is it more expensive?
>> The other options that I can select now and which I am not 
>> sure about are
>> clock speed and internal memory. I know i will get the 
>> 500gb 7200rpm
>> harddrive.
>> The 3.0ghz processor version is a lot mroe expensive, 
>> about 270 euro I
>> think but I guess it is not possible to install a new 
>> processor later and
>> I want to use this laptop for at least 3 years and I want 
>> it to work well
>> with the new snow leopard so I guess it is worth it.
>> I guess I could save a bit on the harddrive but I have no 
>> wish to update
>> it soon after getting my laptop and having to reinstall 
>> mac os x when I
>> can already get it with a go

Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread Søren Jensen

It's possible to read text in other languages with Alex when you've  
got used to it. I'm both reading Norwegian and danish with Alex with  
the raid set to 100%.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 19/08/2009, at 19.59, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Furthermore, the high quality voices are so language specific that
> it's virtually impossible to read anything but the language that the
> voice is made for. So therefore, if i want to read something in
> Swedish, i must use a swedish voice, or viseversa. This was not the
> case with the high definition voices like Infovox Ingmar. That voice
> is quite tollerant if you want to read english texts with it. Of
> course, it becomes Swenglish but it's understandable. This will be
> hard with Alex, because he's made for reading in English, if you see
> what i mean.
> /Krister
> 19 aug 2009 kl. 18.37 skrev James & Nash:
>> This makes things very difficult for those people who may not have
>> enough competency in English to install the OS and use it until they
>> can buy the InfoVox voices. Having Alex read French or any other
>> foreign language with an English voice is not acceptable.
>> Let's hope that they will fix this issue in the near future. Perhaps
>> I'll point out to them that users of Orca in Linux and NVDA in
>> Windows have speech with E Speak which gives users about 50 voices.
>> Braille access is also given through BRLTTY.
>> Hopefully though, voices for other languages will be added in  some
>> future update.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Søren Jensen
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: voices on os x
>> I totally agree. It's really odd that Apple doesn't put these voices
>> in Snowleopard when they already are on the Iphones and the Ipod
>> shuffle. Sounds like they didn't know they exist when they say it's
>> too late to put them in Snowleopard. If they really wanna put these
>> voices in Snowleopard, they could easily make a Voiceover update
>> like the update for the Braille displays last year... Sounds like
>> they don't wanna put these voices in snowleopard... :(
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 19/08/2009, at 17.26, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Will,
>>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 2:40 PM, william lomas wrote:
 they told me is was a bit late now for snowleopard

>>> That's a bit disingenuous of them! I've been bellyaching to them
>>> about this for as long as we've had VoiceOver. I wouldn't hold my
>>> breath if I were you.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
 On 19 Aug 2009, at 13:34, James & Nash wrote:

> I do not understand why they simply do not include them with Snow
> Leopard as they are already there in the IPhone.
> Take care
> - Original Message -
> From: william lomas
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:28 PM
> Subject: Re: voices on os x
> no there isn't. apple have said they would possibly include the
> ones in the i phone in the future
> On 19 Aug 2009, at 13:24, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I know voicover will come with alex and some other
>> voices, but will there be standard other language ones? As you
>> know I dont use voices a lot myself but I am going to post about
>> my new mac on dutch mailing lists and I am pretty sure this
>> question will come up by a lot of people because most ppl use
>> mainly speech.
>> Greetings, Anouk,

> >

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Re: iPhone and iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. So I just tried this on the main page to double-tap and 
hold on an icon for a second which then let me drag it to a new position 
and the press home to lock it down. No feedback while I was doing it but 
the other icons shifted down or up to make room for the icon I was 
dragging. Wasn't sure how to do this before.


Søren Jensen wrote:
> Wow. Awesome feature. :)
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 20/08/2009, at 03.25, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> yes Christian.
>> find the previous/next keys and double tap but don't lift your finger
>> up on the second tap. so tap once, hit again and hold it down as if
>> you were doing the "pass through" geustre I believe it is called.
>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:19 AM, Christian wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have now tried using iPod on my phone and so far so good.
>>> But just a comment. I wish that it aws possible to use some fast
>>> rewind or forward feature with VO. Has anyone found some way to use
>>> this?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Christian
> >   

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Re: iPhone and iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Marie Howarth
yeah there is no feedback.

On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Interesting. So I just tried this on the main page to double-tap and  
> hold on an icon for a second which then let me drag it to a new  
> position and the press home to lock it down. No feedback while I was  
> doing it but the other icons shifted down or up to make room for the  
> icon I was dragging. Wasn't sure how to do this before.
> CB
> Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Wow. Awesome feature. :)
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 03.25, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> yes Christian.
>>> find the previous/next keys and double tap but don't lift your  
>>> finger
>>> up on the second tap. so tap once, hit again and hold it down as if
>>> you were doing the "pass through" geustre I believe it is called.
>>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:19 AM, Christian wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have now tried using iPod on my phone and so far so good.
 But just a comment. I wish that it aws possible to use some fast
 rewind or forward feature with VO. Has anyone found some way to use
 Many thanks,

> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Søren Jensen

Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv  
> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is still  
> available, available in europe or even works with my humac dvb-c hd  
> receiver or my linksys router.
> Any information would be welcome.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: Viruses on your Mac

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
I wasn't aware that AOL had an antivirus product for the mac.


Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> Hello;  I use iantivirus because its free.  They have a paid version 
> you can upgrade to, but I haven't felt the need or had the funds in 
> the budget.  There aren't any free trials of sematics any more.  You 
> have 30 days to request your money back.  I've never been a fan of 
> norton.  I don't know anything about aol's product, but if I were 
> going to pay for one; I'd get semantic.  Hope that helps, Max 
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm sure this discussion has appeared on this list many times before 
>> , well its appeared in our local newspaper this morning in the 
>> "Mac man" computer column.
>> It would appear the problem lies in "spreading" of a virus with a Mac 
>> machine rather than having your Mac machine "Infected" by a virus. 
>>  To illustrate the point even further take Swine flue, the pig - 
>> whilst passing the virus on as a carrier - is not infected nor will 
>> he infect humans who eat his pork or bacon.  The human on the other 
>> hand may become infected by swine flue from the pig or other humans, 
>> put the human in the position of the Windows computer and the Pig in 
>> the position of the Mac and whilst you'll acknowledge that the 
>> problem may not be as severe with the Pig or the Mac it nevertheless 
>> is a problem that is best dealt with to prevent the virus spreading.
>> Several "Anti Virus" applications exist for the Mac, Symantec's Anti 
>> Virus for Mac got a mention but I've not been able to find a trial 
>> copy of this, does anyone else know of any other Anti Virus packages 
>> or is anyone else using an Anti Virus package for the Mac.
>> If people are interested in the Article then it will be up on "My 
>> Sendspace" shortly for download, I'll post the link here.
>> **
>> Dane Trethowan
>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>> mailto:" 
>> Twitter:
>> blog:
>> Phone United Kingdom
>> 02032874641
>> Phone Australia
>> 0390058589
>> Phone United States
>> 8159261869
>> Fax:
>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>> MSN 
>> skype:grtdane12
>> **
>> >>

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Re: Listening to Podcasts in iTunes

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
If you can download the file then you can import it to iTunes and sync 
it to your iPod. The first step depends a lot on how it was embedded in 
the page. If they just have it as a link to the actual file you can get 
the contextual menu on that link to download it. If they have some 
ebedded player like quicktime or flash you might have to hunt through 
the page html to find the actual URL to download the file from.


Dane Trethowan wrote:
> Actually this brings me to an interesting question and perhaps someone 
> has worked out an answer, okay so suppose you're looking round a web 
> page and you find a presentation in MP3 format but not a podcast, is 
> there any way you can download this and have it considered as content 
> worth transferring to your Ipod?
> On 19/08/2009, at 3:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> That's one thing I wish they would change in iTunes. If you play an 
>> audio file with Quicktime player and hit Apple-K you will get a whole 
>> panel of options including a jog/shuttle, playback speed and pitch 
>> shift. I've hunted around and couldn't find any of these controls.
>> CB
>> Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Hold down command-option and hit either left or right arrows to skip
>>> backward or forward respectively.  The same commands should work on
>>> any audio content iTunes will open excluding radio streams.
>>> hth
>>> Scott
>>> On 8/14/09, Robert Carter  wrote:

 I am finally getting around to listening to podcasts in iTunes on the
 Mac. Is there a way to fastforward and rewind through a podcast? I
 don't see any reference to such commands.


 Robert Carter

> **
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:" 
> Twitter:
> blog:
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> 0390058589
> Phone United States
> 8159261869
> Fax:
> +61 3 9743 7954x
> MSN 
> skype:grtdane12
> **
> >

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Re: spell check dialog

2009-08-20 Thread Søren Jensen


Try command colon. Sounds like what you're asking for.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 19/08/2009, at 19.40, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> After writing my last message, it occurred to me that maybe I'm
> missing something regarding the spell check dialog. Is there any way
> to select an option like Learn or Ignore without moving to it with the
> VO keys and pressing Enter, equivalent to Alt+A for Add in Windows? If
> it's possible to right-click misspelled words in most applications,
> that will do, but if you have to use the dialog for some reason, it
> would certainly be great to be able to get to those options quickly.
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
Hello, wow that is fantastic news, so it has drivers for the mac or it works 
plug and play?
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Søren Jensen 
  Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:36 PM
  Subject: Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?


  Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.

  Best regards:
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:

Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv card with 
the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I could use something like 
slingbox to connect my existing digital tv receiver and use it on the internet 
but I am not sure if it is still available, available in europe or even works 
with my humac dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
Any information would be welcome.
Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
There are no digital tv tuners available that work with the dvb-c provider that 
operates in my region. they use a special thing called irdeto2 and they use a 
decoder. I cant go into all that but the point is you can only use certain 
certified decoders or tvs with it, there are no decoders for this that work 
with the pc so if I want digital tv I would have to use some kind of relay 
system that relays the information of my home decoder.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dane Trethowan 
  Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?


  I have a TV tuner for my Windows PC, its a Leadtech HDTV2000 PCI card though 
I know that a USB version is available, not sure whether it would work with the 
Mac though but the point is that this tuner is "world band compatible", meaning 
that it was specifically designed to work in many world-wide regions, just 
select your city and country upon install and away you go so I'm assuming that 
many other TV tuner packages available - and this one is certainly not the most 
expensive - will also do the same.  Question though, why analogue TV, surely 
digital - if its available - would be the way to go with a clearer picture and 
the possibilities that surround-sound has to offer?

  I don't want to stray off-topic so I'll leave the discussion here .

  On 21/08/2009, at 12:50 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I would like to think that that the HD standards are the same in different 
countries now so we don't have the NTSC v. PAL issues. That said, I thought 
this little USB TV tuner seemed interesting:

Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for.


a radix wrote:
  Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv card 
with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I could use something 
like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv receiver and use it on the 
internet but I am not sure if it is still available, available in europe or 
even works with my humac dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
  Any information would be welcome.
  Greetings, Anouk,


  Dane Trethowan
  From Melton Victoria Australia
  Phone United Kingdom
  Phone Australia
  Phone United States
  +61 3 9743 7954x



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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan
Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to  
record video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many others  
I'm sure - would be most interested.

On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv  
>> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
>> still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
>> dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
>> Any information would be welcome.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: can't partition main drive?

2009-08-20 Thread william lomas

thanks s if i say 1 partition will that keep my drive ok and just use  
the seventy gig free to make another partition separate to the main  
drive of what i ahve now?
So if I do a ten gig partition my main startup drive would be ok?

On 20 Aug 2009, at 16:08, Esther wrote:

> Hello,
> Dan's summarized how to select the drive. For a more detailed
> description of partitioning with disk utility, including how to choose
> an arbitrary partition size, see Scott's instructions from the old
> list archives:
> (How to set partition size with Disk Utility)
> I did an archive search on "partition size -bootcamp" and the above
> post came up first, but there was also an interesting post from Jacob
> on an accessible (but commercially sold) partitioning tool called
> iPartition that came up as the second hit:
> (resizing partitions)
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is what you need to do. When selecting the drive, don't select
>> the actual label of the drive, select the model number of the drive
>> which is just above the actual drive. Now when you look at the tabs,
>> you will see that the third tab is partition.
>> HTH.
>> Dan
>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:27 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no 
>>> option  
>>> to
>>> partition it?
>>> how odd?
>>> Will

> >

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Re: Viruses on your Mac

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan
Quite a few nice little anti virus things about for the Mac it seems,  
I've stumbled across something called Protect Mac Anti Virus which is  
$45.00 for a yearly subscription, I think they have an offer going for  
an extra month if you buy the product now.  anyway - like all software  
should be for the Mac  - its completely accessible clearly  
showing you toolbars, detailed status reports, plenty of shortcuts and  
good menu facilities, in short a well written piece of software in my  
view and I sincerely hope it does the job I'll be paying it to do, you  
can download a free 30 day trial at

On 21/08/2009, at 2:19 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I wasn't aware that AOL had an antivirus product for the mac.
> CB
> Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello;  I use iantivirus because its free.  They have a paid  
>> version you can upgrade to, but I haven't felt the need or had the  
>> funds in the budget.  There aren't any free trials of sematics any  
>> more.  You have 30 days to request your money back.  I've never  
>> been a fan of norton.  I don't know anything about aol's product,  
>> but if I were going to pay for one; I'd get semantic.  Hope that  
>> helps, Max
>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'm sure this discussion has appeared on this list many times  
>>> before , well its appeared in our local newspaper this  
>>> morning in the "Mac man" computer column.
>>> It would appear the problem lies in "spreading" of a virus with a  
>>> Mac machine rather than having your Mac machine "Infected" by a  
>>> virus.  To illustrate the point even further take Swine flue, the  
>>> pig - whilst passing the virus on as a carrier - is not infected  
>>> nor will he infect humans who eat his pork or bacon.  The human on  
>>> the other hand may become infected by swine flue from the pig or  
>>> other humans, put the human in the position of the Windows  
>>> computer and the Pig in the position of the Mac and whilst you'll  
>>> acknowledge that the problem may not be as severe with the Pig or  
>>> the Mac it nevertheless is a problem that is best dealt with to  
>>> prevent the virus spreading.
>>> Several "Anti Virus" applications exist for the Mac, Symantec's  
>>> Anti Virus for Mac got a mention but I've not been able to find a  
>>> trial copy of this, does anyone else know of any other Anti Virus  
>>> packages or is anyone else using an Anti Virus package for the Mac.
>>> If people are interested in the Article then it will be up on "My  
>>> Sendspace" shortly for download, I'll post the link here.
>>> **
>>> Dane Trethowan
>>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>>> mailto:"
>>> Twitter:
>>> blog:
>>> Phone United Kingdom
>>> 02032874641
>>> Phone Australia
>>> 0390058589
>>> Phone United States
>>> 8159261869
>>> Fax:
>>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>>> MSN
>>> skype:grtdane12
>>> **
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Slau
An alternative for now is to use the re-tweet command and read word-by-word in 
the edit field. It does involve deleting the message ultimately but it's more 
efficient than reading letter-by-letter for now.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Dane Trethowan 
  Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:29 PM
  Subject: Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

  I use this software all the time and it has an issue when interacting with 
the table and using vo-left and right arrow to navigate the text so the only 
way around this is to navigate by character.

  I'm having no trouble with it here, the client clearly identifys the form of 
each message whether it be a direct message, a mention or a reply to.

  There are many commands and the best way I've found to find out what the 
hotkeys are is to go into the menu system and have a look around, the toolbar 
is also extensive and well detailed, if it weren't for the one problem I've 
noted then this software would have to be one of the best Twiter clients I've 
used on any platform, have you tried Adium? You're supposed to be able to use 
that as a Twitter client now.

  On 20/08/2009, at 11:03 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

Has anybody done a tutorial on using Syrinx and Twitter?  I installed  
Syrinx but am a lil lot confused on using it.  The "Friends" list for  
example isn't speaking.

Any info on this would be most welcome.

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

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wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
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I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.


  Dane Trethowan
  From Melton Victoria Australia
  Phone United Kingdom
  Phone Australia
  Phone United States
  +61 3 9743 7954x



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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
I believe that's what the EyeTV software does:

and their eyeconnect lets you stream that media to other devices:


Dane Trethowan wrote:
> Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to 
> record video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many others 
> I'm sure - would be most interested.
> On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv 
>>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I 
>>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv 
>>> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is still 
>>> available, available in europe or even works with my humac dvb-c hd 
>>> receiver or my linksys router.
>>> Any information would be welcome.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> **
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:" 
> Twitter:
> blog:
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> 0390058589
> Phone United States
> 8159261869
> Fax:
> +61 3 9743 7954x
> MSN 
> skype:grtdane12
> **
> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan
hmmm, I'm looking at the site now, doesn't seem to be a trial link or  
anything which is most helpful , I'm sure I've heard of this  
software before but there seems to be some doubt to its accessibility,  
I'll keep an eye on that one so thanks for bringing it to my attention.

On 21/08/2009, at 4:27 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I believe that's what the EyeTV software does:
> and their eyeconnect lets you stream that media to other devices:
> CB
> Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to  
>> record video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many  
>> others I'm sure - would be most interested.
>> On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
 Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
 card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
 could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital  
 tv receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
 still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
 dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
 Any information would be welcome.
 Greetings, Anouk,

>> **
>> Dane Trethowan
>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>> mailto:"
>> Twitter:
>> blog:
>> Phone United Kingdom
>> 02032874641
>> Phone Australia
>> 0390058589
>> Phone United States
>> 8159261869
>> Fax:
>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>> MSN
>> skype:grtdane12
>> **
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I have heard that the same software that works on Linux works on the  
Macintosh. I don't know if it is accessable. I at one point  (about 4  
years ago) was looking at a product called iTV that was able to  
convert analog TV signals into a USB stream and also included DVR  


On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to  
> record video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many others  
> I'm sure - would be most interested.
> On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
>>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
>>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital  
>>> tv receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
>>> still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
>>> dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
>>> Any information would be welcome.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> **
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:"
> Twitter:
> blog:
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> 0390058589
> Phone United States
> 8159261869
> Fax:
> +61 3 9743 7954x
> skype:grtdane12
> **
> >

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side bar list

2009-08-20 Thread louie

Hi all,
I have a item that I can't get off the side bar. When I do a search  
for the name of the item it is not found. I do a search of the entire  
computer. I ran through almost of the tests that Itool would do with  
no joy. the item was a album that I had in music. I am up against a  
wall on this one. Sure could use some help.


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Mic not working in Garage Band, and simple recording program?

2009-08-20 Thread terrence
Hello, all,
I'm using Garage Band with the standard line-in source selected, but I'm
not getting any sound, despite having my input level as high as it will
go in both Garage Band itself and in System Preferences.  The mic is one
of these headset mics with a plug for the headset and one for the mic.
Also, is there a simpler program than Garage Band?  I just want to be
able to push record and run with it.


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List archives

2009-08-20 Thread Robert Carter


Could someone write some instructions regarding how to access and search list 
archives? This might help a lot of us locate information.

Robert Carter

- Original Message -
From: Esther 
Date: Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 9:09:04
Subject: Re: can't partition main drive?

> Hello,
> Dan's summarized how to select the drive. For a more detailed  
> description of partitioning with disk utility, including how to choose  
> an arbitrary partition size, see Scott's instructions from the old  
> list archives:
> (How to set partition size with Disk Utility)
> I did an archive search on "partition size combootcamp" and the above  
> post came up first, but there was also an interesting post from Jacob  
> on an accessible (but commercially sold) partitioning tool called  
> iPartition that came up as the second hit:
> (resizing partitions)
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Dan wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > This is what you need to do. When selecting the drive, don't select
> > the actual label of the drive, select the model number of the drive
> > which is just above the actual drive. Now when you look at the tabs,
> > you will see that the third tab is partition.
> > HTH.
> > Dan
> > On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:27 AM, william lomas wrote:
> >
> >ar
> >ar hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no option to
> >ar partition it?
> >ar how odd?
> >ar Will
> >ar
> >ar
> >>>
> >
> >
> > >
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> com~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread a radix
Thanks Chris that seems very interesting. I also heard on the screenless 
switchers about the slingbox but that seems to be a few years old.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:27 PM
  Subject: Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

  I believe that's what the EyeTV software does:

  and their eyeconnect lets you stream that media to other devices:


  Dane Trethowan wrote: 
Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to record 
video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many others I'm sure - would 
be most interested. 

On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:


  Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.

  Best regards:
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:

Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv card 
with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I could use something 
like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv receiver and use it on the 
internet but I am not sure if it is still available, available in europe or 
even works with my humac dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
Any information would be welcome.
Greetings, Anouk,


Dane Trethowan
From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x



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Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread David Niemeijer

On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:59 AM, hank smith wrote:
> if I purchase the us voices will I get uk voices?


> if so what ones?
> if I purchase uk voices what us one will I get?

you will get all UK voices plus Heather.


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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Awe awesome! This is wonderful. As I really haven't a clue what I'm  
doing on either twitter or Syrinx.  I can only tweet. LOL But there is  

What time will this be on?


Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Oh Marie! You're a doll. :-)
I'll take as much help as I can get. Like I already said I don't know  
how to do much more than tweet on twitter but I see ppl RTing and this  
and that and some ppl even have their tweets showing up on FB. LOL I'm  
ready to get all social mediaed but feel sort of lost.

Look forward to hearing what ya have to say.
Much thanks :-)

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Marie Howarth

don't worry about it. :)
you will be socially supered out before you know it! :)

On Aug 20, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Oh Marie! You're a doll. :-)
> I'll take as much help as I can get. Like I already said I don't know
> how to do much more than tweet on twitter but I see ppl RTing and this
> and that and some ppl even have their tweets showing up on FB. LOL I'm
> ready to get all social mediaed but feel sort of lost.
> Look forward to hearing what ya have to say.
> Much thanks :-)
> ~~~*~~~
> Best Wishes-
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:
> E-Mail:
> iChat: (for iChat contact only)
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
> or read  and subscribe to my blog:
> Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A
> wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and
> ask questions.
> I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see
> "Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a
> message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.
> >

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clearing selection in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


If I accidentally select the wrong thing in Amadeus Pro, how can I  
remove the selection?


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Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me thinking. As 
Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be attacked 
by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can stop these 
attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do not mind 
command line based tools if they are the only ones around.

Take care 

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Re: clearing selection in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-20 Thread Esther


Quick reply because my connection is about to go down, but you might  
want to subscribe to the mac-access list and post this question  
there.  Send a message to:

Their servers are in transition, or I would point you to:
for information about the list, but that page is not working.



Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> If I accidentally select the wrong thing in Amadeus Pro, how can I
> remove the selection?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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Re: configuring my macbook pro

2009-08-20 Thread Koumanova Rostislava
i am sending you a link to a very nice article that can help you, i  

Il giorno 20/ago/09, alle ore 19:30, Chris Blouch ha scritto:

> Well, depends on your definition of "whatever"  For most  
> people 3-4GB is just fine. I have 3 and with 512MB dedicated to my  
> VMWare XP (when I have it running) it still does just fine. Mostly  
> I'm doing standard stuff like web surfing, email and editing  
> documents. Unless you're doing editing of crazy big files like  
> images or audio you should be fine.
> CB
> Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Chris, if I have 4GB of RAM, won't that be enough for whatever I  
>> might run?
>> Les
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:03 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
>> Generally that's true. As a percentage the speed difference between a
>> 2.53 Ghz and a 2.6 is only 3% and 2.53 to 2.8 is only 10%. But if  
>> you run
>> out of memory the Mac will start swapping chunks of least used  
>> memory space
>> to disk to free up more. That swap process can turn your machine to  
>> sludge.
>> So reaching full capacity on RAM usage or getting near it (starting  
>> to
>> trigger page swaps) will make a much greater impact on performance  
>> than the
>> overall processor speed.
>> CB
>> Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I've been under the impression that the processor speed, 2.53 versus
>>> 2.6 or
>>> 2.8 doesn't matter as much as the RAM in the machine and isn't worth
>>> the additional expense.  I actually was advised by the Apple rep  
>>> I've
>>> been dealing with that the 15 inch display with the 2.53 processor
>>> speed would be fine.  I'm having difficulty imagining why a 2.66
>>> processor would make any difference in overall operation?  I'm  
>>> open to
>>> comment and additional info on this topic, however.  Thanks.
>>> Les
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 4:55 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
>>> If the screen is unused, would there be any disadvantage to the 13"
>>> MacBook other than maxing out at a 2.53GHz Duo core? Shaves off a  
>>> bit
>>> on the cost, about $200.
>>> CB
>>> Chris G wrote:
>>> I agree,
>>> The only way I would consider a 17 inch is if it had a built in
>>> numpad.
>>> My hp Vista laptop has one and I like it.
>>> Chris
>>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:56:00 +0200
>>> "a radix"    wrote:
>>> Hello, still since I am blind and would use the macbook pro
>>> only for myself
>>> 17 inch would be overkill, even for me especially since I  
>>> have
>>> to haul this
>>> laptop to school a few times a day and walk with it on my  
>>> back
>>> for an hour.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Chris G" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:31 PM
>>> Subject: Re: configuring my macbook pro
>>> Hi,
>>> I was just on the apple site last night and they said the 13
>>> and 15 inch
>>> mbps last for 7 hours on a battery and the 17 inch lasts 8.
>>> Chris
>>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:11:54 +0200
>>> "a radix"    wrote:
>>> Hello, I have made the decision to buy a macbook pro. I
>>> wanted to go for
>>> the 15 inch model (because the 17 inch only has a better
>>> screen and would
>>> drain the battery more), i want to get the glossy  
>>> display
>>> because I dont
>>> want to spend more on the matte version. It is still a  
>>> lot
>>> of money for me
>>> though so I would like to save where I can. I have heard
>>> that it is
>>> possible to get applecare after the purchase date, that
>>> would save quite a
>>> bit. Is it difficult to apply for it later instead of  
>>> date
>>> of purchase and
>>> is it more expensive?
>>> The other options that I can select now and which I am  
>>> not
>>> sure about are
>>> clock speed and internal memory. I know i will get the
>>> 500gb 7200rpm
>>> harddrive.
>>> The 3.0ghz processor version is a lot mroe expensive,
>>> about 270 euro I
>>> think but I guess it is not possible to install a new
>>> processor later and
>>> I want to use this laptop for at lea

Re: Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch

This gets into a funny grey area. On the one hand most folks have used 
macs for years without any issues of viruses or malware. Some argue it's 
because the system is more secure while others say its because the mac 
market is a much smaller target, not worth the effort. It's hard to find 
info on this since many of the articles and sites are connected to 
selling software to find/scan/remove bad stuff which may or may not even 
be needed. Likewise articles from blackhat conferences and the like only 
prove that it is possible but provide no context as to whether these 
things are really being done in the real world. My own anecdotal 
evidence is that not a single Mac owner I know of nor on any mac-related 
mailing list I'm on has had a single mention of somebody getting 
infected with something on the Mac. This isn't proof, but it's a high 
correlation between using a mac and safe computing. Others might still 
argue that as the Mac market share has grown the oasis of pulchritude is 
drying up and we'll be just like Windows when the baddies take notice. 
Maybe, but so far the ice hasn't cracked and nobody has fallen through.


James & Nash wrote:
> Hi folks,
> With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me thinking. As 
> Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be attacked 
> by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can stop these 
> attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do not mind 
> command line based tools if they are the only ones around.
> Thanks
> Take care 
> >

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Re: List archives

2009-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
A nice one, which archives this and a pile of other mailing lists, can 
be found here:

It's fairly fast but, like Google search, you need to be specific in 
your search terms. Nice thing is you might discover answers from other 
mailing lists that you don't normally subscribe to.


Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone write some instructions regarding how to access and search list 
> archives? This might help a lot of us locate information.
> Robert Carter
> - Original Message -
> From: Esther 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 9:09:04
> Subject: Re: can't partition main drive?
>> Hello,
>> Dan's summarized how to select the drive. For a more detailed  
>> description of partitioning with disk utility, including how to choose  
>> an arbitrary partition size, see Scott's instructions from the old  
>> list archives:
>> (How to set partition size with Disk Utility)
>> I did an archive search on "partition size combootcamp" and the above  
>> post came up first, but there was also an interesting post from Jacob  
>> on an accessible (but commercially sold) partitioning tool called  
>> iPartition that came up as the second hit:
>> (resizing partitions)
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Dan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is what you need to do. When selecting the drive, don't select
>>> the actual label of the drive, select the model number of the drive
>>> which is just above the actual drive. Now when you look at the tabs,
>>> you will see that the third tab is partition.
>>> HTH.
>>> Dan
>>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:27 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> ar
>>> ar hi in disc utility when I select my macintosh HD I see no option to
>>> ar partition it?
>>> ar how odd?
>>> ar Will
>>> ar
>>> ar
>> >

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Re: tag editor/file renamer

2009-08-20 Thread erik burggraaf

Thanks.  The site says this program does what I want.  I'll check it  
out later on once I've finished looking for places to live.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 20-Aug-09, at 3:39 AM, Darcy Burnard wrote:

> Not sure if this will meet your needs or not, but when adding the id3
> tags for my podcasts, I use a program called id3 editor.  Find it at
> this URL.
> Darcy
> On 2009-08-19, at 7:14 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Right friends,  The more I winnow down the number of things I have to
>> go into windows for, the crankier I get about having to go into
>> windows for something.  Hum, maybe I'm just a cranky guy or maybe the
>> heat and the stress are getting to me.  Anyway...
>> Look, has any one yet come up with a good low cost mp3 tag editor and
>> file renaming utility for the mac?  I'm looking for something roughly
>> comperable to mptagger 1.60 or mp3tag.  Take a folder full of mp3's
>> and batch rename them based on the tags, or add information to a lot
>> of mp3 tags all at once.
>> I don't want it to grab info off the net, or worse, organize my
>> collection for me, lord help me.  I've just got a hideous huge stack
>> of mp3's here and I want to maautomaticly rename them.
>> I've been seriously considering mediarage.  I used to think the $29
>> price tag, or perhapse it was $39, well it was a bit steep when I
>> looked at it last year.  Back then my windows virtual machine was
>> running as a matter of course, and renaming in windows was no great
>> hardship.  Now it goes for weeks on end with no attention from me,  
>> and
>> I've got to pull it up just to do this one job.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread John G. Heim

I can't find the beginning of this thread and I can't give any info about 
watching TV on the Mac but for $5 you can buy a cable that allows you to 
connect a VCR, DVD player, or a digital converter box to the sound input 
jack of your Mac. I don't have a TV any more. I just have a converter box. 
But I don't want a picture, just sound.

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread Dan

Where can one find this particular cable?
On Aug 20, 2009, at 3:11 PM, John G. Heim wrote:

> I can't find the beginning of this thread and I can't give any info  
> about
> watching TV on the Mac but for $5 you can buy a cable that allows  
> you to
> connect a VCR, DVD player, or a digital converter box to the sound  
> input
> jack of your Mac. I don't have a TV any more. I just have a  
> converter box.
> But I don't want a picture, just sound.
> >

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Re: Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread ben mustill-rose

I think your safe to be honest - perhaps not for ever, but for quite a while.
Theres no doubt in my mind that since osx is based on unix its going
to be a lot more securer than any offering from ms and I don't think
this will change any time soon.

However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I think
that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll see
more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to the
os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless if
the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.

On 20/08/2009, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> This gets into a funny grey area. On the one hand most folks have used
> macs for years without any issues of viruses or malware. Some argue it's
> because the system is more secure while others say its because the mac
> market is a much smaller target, not worth the effort. It's hard to find
> info on this since many of the articles and sites are connected to
> selling software to find/scan/remove bad stuff which may or may not even
> be needed. Likewise articles from blackhat conferences and the like only
> prove that it is possible but provide no context as to whether these
> things are really being done in the real world. My own anecdotal
> evidence is that not a single Mac owner I know of nor on any mac-related
> mailing list I'm on has had a single mention of somebody getting
> infected with something on the Mac. This isn't proof, but it's a high
> correlation between using a mac and safe computing. Others might still
> argue that as the Mac market share has grown the oasis of pulchritude is
> drying up and we'll be just like Windows when the baddies take notice.
> Maybe, but so far the ice hasn't cracked and nobody has fallen through.
> CB
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me thinking.
>> As
>> Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be attacked
>> by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can stop these
>> attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do not mind
>> command line based tools if they are the only ones around.
>> Thanks
>> Take care
>> >
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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Re: Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread James & Nash

However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I think
> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll see
> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to the
> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless if
> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.

That's a fair point. That is why I always run two accounts on my machines 
regardless of whether they are Windows, Mac or Linux. One Admin account 
which is only used for updating etc and a limited account which is used for 
daily computing.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "ben mustill-rose" 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Root Kits

> I think your safe to be honest - perhaps not for ever, but for quite a 
> while.
> Theres no doubt in my mind that since osx is based on unix its going
> to be a lot more securer than any offering from ms and I don't think
> this will change any time soon.
> However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I think
> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll see
> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to the
> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless if
> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.
> On 20/08/2009, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> This gets into a funny grey area. On the one hand most folks have used
>> macs for years without any issues of viruses or malware. Some argue it's
>> because the system is more secure while others say its because the mac
>> market is a much smaller target, not worth the effort. It's hard to find
>> info on this since many of the articles and sites are connected to
>> selling software to find/scan/remove bad stuff which may or may not even
>> be needed. Likewise articles from blackhat conferences and the like only
>> prove that it is possible but provide no context as to whether these
>> things are really being done in the real world. My own anecdotal
>> evidence is that not a single Mac owner I know of nor on any mac-related
>> mailing list I'm on has had a single mention of somebody getting
>> infected with something on the Mac. This isn't proof, but it's a high
>> correlation between using a mac and safe computing. Others might still
>> argue that as the Mac market share has grown the oasis of pulchritude is
>> drying up and we'll be just like Windows when the baddies take notice.
>> Maybe, but so far the ice hasn't cracked and nobody has fallen through.
>> CB
>> James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me thinking.
>>> As
>>> Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be 
>>> attacked
>>> by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can stop 
>>> these
>>> attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do not mind
>>> command line based tools if they are the only ones around.
>>> Thanks
>>> Take care
>>> >
>> >
> -- 
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: clearing selection in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-20 Thread Dane Trethowan
Have you tried command-z?

On 21/08/2009, at 2:59 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> If I accidentally select the wrong thing in Amadeus Pro, how can I
> remove the selection?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith

how can I fix buttons grag?
can I get the info to fix them for my personal use please please?
On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yeah, I think they really need to do some more work on this program
> and I'll be returning it since if I can't use it in the way I wish,
> then it does not meet my needs.
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface  
>> builder, I
>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was able
>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to detect
>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a  
>> book
>> for example.
>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
>>> abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
>>> apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I will
>>> contact abby about it however because I have heard good things about
>>> finereader, here is the link:
>>> Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper Free 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,

> >

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Re: finereader for the mac (ocr)

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith

no prob can you give info on how to fix buttons and stuff like that  
can you give me instructions as well as the list?

On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:25 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> It is part of the developers tools that came with your mac on a cd.
> But I should warn you that doing such modifications to application is
> not a simple matter and can lead to trouble.
> Greg
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 20/08/2009, at 3:58 PM, hank smith  wrote:
>> also where can I get the builder you speak of and other apps?
>> can I get some help?
>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I too have looked at this program. It has a number of issues:
>>> Unlabelled buttons, our old friend the unlabelled button! What is so
>>> hard about filling out the accessibility field in interface
>>> builder, I
>>> would like to know, that keeps developers from doing this? I was  
>>> able
>>> to open the interface files and add the missing labels and I could
>>> make a patch file to permit other to add these to their copies but I
>>> am unsure of the legality of such an action.
>>> Much more serious is the fact that the program seems unable to  
>>> detect
>>> pages placed in the scanner upside down, a common issue with blind
>>> users and which would limit it usefulness.
>>> Finally there seems to be no option that I have found to have the
>>> scanners work in any kind of continues mode for the scanning of a
>>> book
>>> for example.
>>> On the whole the interface is accessible however and when it does do
>>> OCR the results is very accurate.
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> On 20/08/2009, at 3:27 AM, a radix wrote:
 Hello, I was doing some searching about this and I noticed on the
 abby site that there IS a finereader version for the mac BUT
 apparently its an express version (so I suppose its stripped) I  
 contact abby about it however because I have heard good things  
 finereader, here is the link:
 Pagina ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac - 1-2-3 Paper  

 Greetings, Anouk,


> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith
what tv app do you use?
On Aug 20, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
>> card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
>> could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital tv  
>> receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
>> still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
>> dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
>> Any information would be welcome.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread Daniel Crone

Hello.  I have set up my computer with one account.  If I want to set  
up a limited account, how could I move my mail, documents, and all  
that to the limited account?
Or, am I better off to create an admin account, and then make this one  
a limited?

On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:43 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I think
>> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll  
>> see
>> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to  
>> the
>> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless  
>> if
>> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.
> That's a fair point. That is why I always run two accounts on my  
> machines
> regardless of whether they are Windows, Mac or Linux. One Admin  
> account
> which is only used for updating etc and a limited account which is  
> used for
> daily computing.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "ben mustill-rose" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:19 PM
> Subject: Re: Root Kits
>> I think your safe to be honest - perhaps not for ever, but for  
>> quite a
>> while.
>> Theres no doubt in my mind that since osx is based on unix its going
>> to be a lot more securer than any offering from ms and I don't think
>> this will change any time soon.
>> However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I  
>> think
>> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll  
>> see
>> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to  
>> the
>> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless  
>> if
>> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.
>> On 20/08/2009, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> This gets into a funny grey area. On the one hand most folks have  
>>> used
>>> macs for years without any issues of viruses or malware. Some  
>>> argue it's
>>> because the system is more secure while others say its because the  
>>> mac
>>> market is a much smaller target, not worth the effort. It's hard  
>>> to find
>>> info on this since many of the articles and sites are connected to
>>> selling software to find/scan/remove bad stuff which may or may  
>>> not even
>>> be needed. Likewise articles from blackhat conferences and the  
>>> like only
>>> prove that it is possible but provide no context as to whether these
>>> things are really being done in the real world. My own anecdotal
>>> evidence is that not a single Mac owner I know of nor on any mac- 
>>> related
>>> mailing list I'm on has had a single mention of somebody getting
>>> infected with something on the Mac. This isn't proof, but it's a  
>>> high
>>> correlation between using a mac and safe computing. Others might  
>>> still
>>> argue that as the Mac market share has grown the oasis of  
>>> pulchritude is
>>> drying up and we'll be just like Windows when the baddies take  
>>> notice.
>>> Maybe, but so far the ice hasn't cracked and nobody has fallen  
>>> through.
>>> CB
>>> James & Nash wrote:
 Hi folks,

 With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me  
 Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be

 by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can  

 attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do  
 not mind
 command line based tools if they are the only ones around.

 Take care



>> -- 
>> Kind regards, BEN.
>> email:
>> msn:
>> web: (under construction)
> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith
does any one have the eyetv lite?
mine came with my card I can't find the cd they don't offer a download  
and I don't want to pay 29.99 plus shipping just to repurchase the cd
as I said I have the usb card just lost my eyetv lite disk
can any one send me the software
On Aug 20, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I believe that's what the EyeTV software does:
> and their eyeconnect lets you stream that media to other devices:
> CB
> Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> Okay next question, are you able to use software with this thing to  
>> record video on your Mac? if you can then I - along with many  
>> others I'm sure - would be most interested.
>> On 21/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Yeah. It's possible. I use a Pinnacle USB td-tuner.
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> On 20/08/2009, at 10.21, a radix wrote:
 Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to use some kind of tv  
 card with the mac so that you can use it as a tv tuner? I know I  
 could use something like slingbox to connect my existing digital  
 tv receiver and use it on the internet but I am not sure if it is  
 still available, available in europe or even works with my humac  
 dvb-c hd receiver or my linksys router.
 Any information would be welcome.
 Greetings, Anouk,

>> **
>> Dane Trethowan
>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>> mailto:"
>> Twitter:
>> blog:
>> Phone United Kingdom
>> 02032874641
>> Phone Australia
>> 0390058589
>> Phone United States
>> 8159261869
>> Fax:
>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>> MSN
>> skype:grtdane12
>> **
> >

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Re: voices on os x

2009-08-20 Thread hank smith
will the latest voices work on the 32 bit mac
meaning the new voices that you are working on for snow leapard are  
they backwards conpatible with 10.5?
On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:04 PM, David Niemeijer wrote:

> Hank,
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:59 AM, hank smith wrote:
>> if I purchase the us voices will I get uk voices?
> no.
>> if so what ones?
>> if I purchase uk voices what us one will I get?
> you will get all UK voices plus Heather.
> david.
> >

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Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread rayna424

Hi all,

Quick question on Victor it compatible with Mac?

On iPod, I got a nano before my macbook. I hooked it up, had auto sync
off, so didn't lose whats on it. But I can't do anything with it aside
from listen. If I try to add anything, I'll lose whats on it. Also, I
need to change the voice but can't find where to do that. Also, it
keeps saying there are updates for the iPod, but when I select update,
it freezes and does nothing.

Do I just need another iPod? Am I out of luck with this one, since my
friend did stuff to it on his Mac? Help? Please?

Oh and do you know how to import the stuff from the pod to iTunes? I
selected that, and it said there was trouble with some of it, but that
it imported some of it. I'm so confused...

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accsessable kinwall program for the mac?

2009-08-20 Thread trahern culver

hey all i have herd of amisions kinwall ebook format so my question to
the group is is there a program that handle and reed kinwall books
with? and is it accsessable? your help with this would be most

kind regards trahern.
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Re: Root Kits

2009-08-20 Thread Scott Howell

Create a new account and make your user account a limited account.   
You start moving stuff, just creates potential issues and really  
serves no practical purpose.
On Aug 20, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Daniel Crone wrote:

> Hello.  I have set up my computer with one account.  If I want to set
> up a limited account, how could I move my mail, documents, and all
> that to the limited account?
> Or, am I better off to create an admin account, and then make this one
> a limited?
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:43 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I  
>> think
>>> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll
>>> see
>>> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to
>>> the
>>> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless
>>> if
>>> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.
>> That's a fair point. That is why I always run two accounts on my
>> machines
>> regardless of whether they are Windows, Mac or Linux. One Admin
>> account
>> which is only used for updating etc and a limited account which is
>> used for
>> daily computing.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "ben mustill-rose" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: Root Kits
>>> I think your safe to be honest - perhaps not for ever, but for
>>> quite a
>>> while.
>>> Theres no doubt in my mind that since osx is based on unix its going
>>> to be a lot more securer than any offering from ms and I don't think
>>> this will change any time soon.
>>> However, you do here of unix based systems being exploited and I
>>> think
>>> that in the coming years when apples market share increases you'll
>>> see
>>> more attacks on macs, probably concentrating on apps as apposed to
>>> the
>>> os. Even so, any exploit that can be run against the app is useless
>>> if
>>> the app doesn't have access to crytical system functions.
>>> On 20/08/2009, Chris Blouch  wrote:

 This gets into a funny grey area. On the one hand most folks have
 macs for years without any issues of viruses or malware. Some
 argue it's
 because the system is more secure while others say its because the
 market is a much smaller target, not worth the effort. It's hard
 to find
 info on this since many of the articles and sites are connected to
 selling software to find/scan/remove bad stuff which may or may
 not even
 be needed. Likewise articles from blackhat conferences and the
 like only
 prove that it is possible but provide no context as to whether  
 things are really being done in the real world. My own anecdotal
 evidence is that not a single Mac owner I know of nor on any mac-
 mailing list I'm on has had a single mention of somebody getting
 infected with something on the Mac. This isn't proof, but it's a
 correlation between using a mac and safe computing. Others might
 argue that as the Mac market share has grown the oasis of
 pulchritude is
 drying up and we'll be just like Windows when the baddies take
 Maybe, but so far the ice hasn't cracked and nobody has fallen


 James & Nash wrote:
> Hi folks,
> With all this talk of viruses on the list recently this got me
> thinking.
> As
> Mac OS X is Unix based, is there the possibility that we could be
> attacked
> by Root Kits and if so is there a program for the Mac which can
> stop
> these
> attacks? Under Linux there is RKHunter which is very good. I do
> not mind
> command line based tools if they are the only ones around.
> Thanks
> Take care


>>> -- 
>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>> email:
>>> msn:
>>> web: (under construction)

> >

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how to make a podcast

2009-08-20 Thread Daniel Crone

Hello.  What piece of software may be used to make a podcast?
If I want to make a simple video with audio, what should be used?

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Re: Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Randy,

If you check Manually Manage Music on the iPod Summary tab, you can  
add music to it without losing what's already on it. Connect the iPod,  
focus on its name in the Sources table, then VO-Right Arrow to iPod  
SEttings and make sure Summary is selected to get to this option.

There is no way using iTunes to import music from an iPod to iTunes. I  
know there are Windows programs that can do this, but don't know if  
there are Mac equivalents.

I'm not sure why you can't download the update. It did take a while  
when I did it and I wasn't sure whether anything was happening, but it  
worked in the end.

As for the Victor Stream, the Mac treats it as an external disk and  
works fine with it. I can't get it to work in Windows on my Mac,  
however (I run Windows via VMWare Fusion).


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Re: clearing selection in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Dane,

selecting doesn't appear to count as an action, so it can't be undone  
with Command-Z. I did discover that if I press Option-Home to move the  
insertion point to the top of the file, the selection seems to go  
away. I don't know whether there's a better way to do this or not.


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Re: Syrinx and Twitter podcast?

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Jenny,

You're welcome. Below is the text of the Main Menu announcement.


On this week's edition of Main Menu:

We hear highlights from an episode of the Blind World Blog and Podcast  
where Shane Jackson engages in a round-table discussion about using  
Syrinx, a Twitter client for the Mac. Continuing our "highlights"  
theme, we hear the first installment of what promises to be a  
multipart series on scripting with Window-Eyes which was taken from a  
training class held in March of this year.

Main Menu airs on Saturdays at 1:00 UTC; that's Fridays at 9:00  
Eastern time in the U.S.

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Re: Mic not working in Garage Band, and simple recording program?

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Terrence,

Do you have a microphone input as well as line in? If so, plug the  
mike into that and select that input rather than Line In. I don't  
think LIne In will work with a microphone. Or maybe there's a preamp  
that can be used. I have a Mac Mini, which doesn't have a microphone  
jack, so I had to buy a USB microphone.

I bought two recording packages, Audio Hijack Pro for recording  
multiple sound sources at once (system audio, microphone, and line in)  
and Amadeus Pro for editing my recordings. These are both good programs.


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Re: Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread rayna424

Hi oh and thank you!! Ok, I have selected manually manage music, did
that a few days ago. So, if I sync though, to add stuff, will I lose
whats on it? How do I add stuff to it? I've never used an ipod before.
I can locate it just fine, and have the manually manage music
selected. Where do I go from here?

Is there anyway to see whats on the iPod and delete stuff at all? I
can't seem to do that. There's some stuff on there I don't want to
keep on it.

As for the update, its good to know it took awhile and that you didn't
know if anything was happening. It just says status or something, but
doesn't say anything. I'll try updating it too.

Can you just walk me through how to add a playlist or podcasts to it
without losing whats on it?

Thank you thank you! And thanks for the info on Victor; I saw it
today at the center and fell in absolute and total love!


Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> If you check Manually Manage Music on the iPod Summary tab, you can
> add music to it without losing what's already on it. Connect the iPod,
> focus on its name in the Sources table, then VO-Right Arrow to iPod
> SEttings and make sure Summary is selected to get to this option.
> There is no way using iTunes to import music from an iPod to iTunes. I
> know there are Windows programs that can do this, but don't know if
> there are Mac equivalents.
> I'm not sure why you can't download the update. It did take a while
> when I did it and I wasn't sure whether anything was happening, but it
> worked in the end.
> As for the Victor Stream, the Mac treats it as an external disk and
> works fine with it. I can't get it to work in Windows on my Mac,
> however (I run Windows via VMWare Fusion).
> HTH,
> Anna
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Re: Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Randi,

To see what's on your iPod, focus on its name in the Sources table and  
type VO-Backslash to expand it. Then as you move down, you will come  
to categories such as Music and Audiobooks. When focused on one of  
these, stop interacting with the Sources table and move with VO-Right  
Arrow to the Songs table. All your music is listed there if you  
selected music in the Sources table; the same goes for the other  
categories. You can narrow your search either by typing something in  
the search box, such as an artist, album name or track name, or you  
can turn on the Playlists browser with Command-B. This lets you browse  
by genre, artist or album.

When you're focused on Music in the Sources table, if you keep moving  
with VO-Right Arrow, you come to the Autofill options. These let you  
put all the contents of the playlist you select into your iPod. Note  
that this copies the music in the playlist but not the playlist name.

You can also select a single track or group of tracks, type Command-C,  
then focus on your iPod's name in the Sources table and type Command-V  
to paste your selection to the iPod.

I hope this makes sense.

You might be interested in a book I wrote a few months ago called  
Using the Accessible iPod. It was written before I had a Mac, so the  
iTunes commands are for Windows, but itunes isn't that different  
between the two if you know how to navigate on a Mac. The book  
describes how to get music into iTunes, how to set up your iPod  
(fourth generation iPod Nano or any iPod Shuffle), how to get music  
and podcasts onto it, and which menu options are accessible and how to  
use them. It's available in a variety of formats from National Braille  
Press and costs $15. YOu can learn more at

Good luck,

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Re: Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi Randy,
I'm sorry you are having such a time with your iPod.
I can only answer one of your questions. This is changing the voice.

1. Go to system prefrences.
2. In the System section go to speech
3. go to the text to speech tab
4. The first thing under that is "system voice" there will be a pop up  
menu where you can pick the system voice.  This will be the voice  
iTunes uses to make the little TTS files that go on the iPod.

I wish I could help you out with more.  Oh hang on. iPod update. I  
just did this.
When you connect the iPod to the computer it will show up in devices  
right? Well highlight the iPod and then VO over to the right where you  
can choose all the settings for music videos ect.  There should be a  
thing right there on the screen, it isn't in a menu or anything just  
right there it should tell you about your iPod software and you can  
check for updates.  You may have to resort to resetting the iPod which  
may mean losing whatever it is you have on there.  I've heard of  
programs that will extract stuff off an iPod through something other  
than iTunes but am clueless on all that.
HTH and good luck. :-) ~~~*~~~

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

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Re: Victor Reader and really really need help with iPod

2009-08-20 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi again Randy :-)
Yep thereis a way to see what is on your iPod.
Okay I hope I can explain this.
Right in the sorces table in iTunes highlight your iPod.  It might  
have one of those triangle things and if it says colapsed you'll have  
to do a Control option backslash to open the iPod. downarrow and you  
should hear such things as Music, Movies, Podcasts and the like.   
These are the little sections in your ipod.  If you want to look at  
music, high light it and VO over to the right to the table and  
interact with it it should show all the music songs you have.
If ou know the name of the song you want gone, highlight the music in  
the sorces table under your ipod and then go to the search box at the  
top right and put in the song name and it should only show that song,  
or group of songs, this is best if you have many songs with a comon  
thing like artist or if it is a multi part audiobook or something. you  
can slect all and make it go off your iPod or you can go through one  
song at a time without entering search text and clean out stuff that  
way.. Hope I was clear and HTH

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

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or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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purchased the infovox ivox

2009-08-20 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

I have purchased the french voice pack from acapella. 4 voices  
including the us heather voice. Thanks everyone for the suggestions  
and opinions about this product. It helped motivate my purchase.  
Couldn't continue jacking my neck around to try to understand written  
mails in frenglish :)


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Audio Editor

2009-08-20 Thread Mitchell Smith
Hi List,

Could anyone recommend a good audio editor that works well with VoiceOver?

I don't need anything too advanced, just something I can use to trim white 
noise from the start and end of wav files, as well as apply fading to selected 
sections of audio.

Something that makes it easy to select sections of audio with a keyboard would 
be great, preferably with fairly fine increments for jumping forward and back.



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Re: Audio Editor

2009-08-20 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Mitchell,

amadeus Pro should meet your needs. Be sure to check out the guide on  
it at This guide really helped me with the  


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