Abbyy Fine Reader and VO

2009-08-03 Thread Greg Kearney
I go this back from the Abbyy people:

"We are glad to inform you that  ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for  
Mac was tested on Voice Over screen reader and it is completely  
compatible with it."

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

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antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi all.
Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
software if I need one.
Regards Tony

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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread Amber Duff

I hear mac is very extremely safe. I do wonder the same myself though  
I mean if it really the best option to just totally assume we'll never  
get a virus?
On 3-Aug-09, at 8:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
> need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
> out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
> other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
> But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
> software if I need one.
> Regards Tony
> >

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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Tony,

You don't need antivirus software on the Mac. Sometimes, such software  
can cause more problems than it solves. The only problems you might  
encounter are viruses in MS Word documents that you could pass on to  
Windows users. If you get a lot of MS Word documents as attachments to  
Mail messages which you then pass on to other people, you might want  
to get hold of ClamXav from:

You can then scan any document you think might be suspicious.



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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread kaare dehard

Hi there, I haven't found the need for one personally, but my father  
uses iantivirus, and I set it up for him so it is accessible. I did a  
google search to find it and don't have the link off hand.
On 3-Aug-09, at 8:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
> need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
> out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
> other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
> But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
> software if I need one.
> Regards Tony
> >

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copy voiceover text to clipbord

2009-08-03 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi friends, I'm having a brain cramp and I can't for the life of me  
remember what the key stroke is for the most useful task of copying  
the last thing voice over said to the clipbord.

Thanks for your help and patience.

erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi Anne and all.
Thanks for your answer.
then it's the same as for linux wich I run on my little netbook.
I don't use a lot of worddocuments so that's not a problem at the moment.
Regards Tony

2009/8/3, kaare dehard :
> Hi there, I haven't found the need for one personally, but my father
> uses iantivirus, and I set it up for him so it is accessible. I did a
> google search to find it and don't have the link off hand.
> On 3-Aug-09, at 8:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
>> need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
>> out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
>> other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
>> But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
>> software if I need one.
>> Regards Tony
>> >
> >

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Re: copy voiceover text to clipbord

2009-08-03 Thread Marie Howarth

it's vo--shift--c

On Aug 3, 2009, at 2:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi friends, I'm having a brain cramp and I can't for the life of me
> remember what the key stroke is for the most useful task of copying
> the last thing voice over said to the clipbord.
> Thanks for your help and patience.
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> >

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Re: second life and another query

2009-08-03 Thread Chris Hofstader

When you first turn on a new Macintosh you can just wait a minute or  
two and VoiceOver will launch assuming that you might not know a  
specific keystroke before you have the Mac to read
On Aug 2, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Joe Quinn wrote:

> does anyone know if second life is accessible on the Mac? also, on an
> unrelated note, how do you launch that thing when you first get your  
> Mac
> that goes, "this operating system has a built-in screen reader called
> voiceover..." i assume it's command option f8 but am not sure?
> >

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Garage Band---beyond the basics

2009-08-03 Thread

Hi fellow visionaries,
music was my first love, and while it certainly won't be my last, it
still plays an important role in my life. So as soon as I learned that
the Mac comes with a music suite called Garage Band, I started
experimenting with it. I have now produced five pieces of music with
it and I love it to pieces.
Up until now, the Garage Band experience for me has consisted of
recording one track, then recording the second while listening to the
first, then recording the third while listening to the first two, etc.
I learned about real and software instruments, about panning and
mixing, about effects, and about quantization. So what comes out is
listenable, if that word even exists.
However, I feel that now is the time to raise the bar. For example, I
don't trust my fingers, or my voice, for that matter, to do the exact
same thing twice, so I'd like to be able to copy recorded segments
around. I feel this is incredibly basic but I simply can't figure out
how to do it without a mouse. Or I'd like to tell the software to loop
a drum sequence I recorded. Or to transpose part of a track. The list
goes ever on, as does creativity. The music in my mind repeats,
twists, turns, jumps over its own shadow, lands on its head, in short,
it's alive. To bring it through, I need a bird's eye view of the song
I'm composing. At the moment I see it as a set of tracks which I can
mix and pan and effectualize and quantize and, if I'm sufficiently
dissatisfied with them, ultimately delete and re-record. The raw
material is there, but I can't find my tools. These tools are editing,
moving, copying, looping, fading in and out, transposing, splitting,
re-arranging ... in short, not just playing notes but composing music.
So I'd like to ask around: Has anyone got any ideas how I can do some
or all of the above things using just the keyboard and Voiceover?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Felix Grützmacher
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Re: copy voiceover text to clipbord

2009-08-03 Thread Mark Baxter

VO shift C is your friend.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread rayna424

Hi all,

I just received an email from amazon telling me I can pre-order Snow
Leopard for $29. I didn't know we were so close to getting it! I am
going to pre-order, and I have a question.

I haven't upgraded an OS yet. Is this  something I will be able to do
on my own? How does it work? When I go to install, will VO work to
tell me what is happening? Any pointers from those who have done an
upgrade will be greatly appreciated!
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A few more Iphone questions

2009-08-03 Thread Christian

Hi all,
Is it correct that the Iphone offers a stereo microphone input?
Also, if voiceOver gets silent when turning it on after confirming the gester 
change, what to do then?
This happened in the store when I was not able to try it more!
Many thanks,

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Re: copy voiceover text to clipbord

2009-08-03 Thread erik burggraaf

Yes sir, thanks very much.

erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 3-Aug-09, at 11:12 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> VO shift C is your friend.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: Garage Band---beyond the basics

2009-08-03 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi friend, I may be able to help you out eventually as I'm  
experimenting with garrage band now myself, but I have a favour to ask.

Could you please please please tell me how you managed to pan?  The  
pan control in the track view is absolutely useless to me.  VO simply  
will not use it, though it likes the volumes OK.

Thanks and I hope I can trade back some knowhow down the road.

erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 3-Aug-09, at 11:02 AM, wrote:

> Hi fellow visionaries,
> music was my first love, and while it certainly won't be my last, it
> still plays an important role in my life. So as soon as I learned that
> the Mac comes with a music suite called Garage Band, I started
> experimenting with it. I have now produced five pieces of music with
> it and I love it to pieces.
> Up until now, the Garage Band experience for me has consisted of
> recording one track, then recording the second while listening to the
> first, then recording the third while listening to the first two, etc.
> I learned about real and software instruments, about panning and
> mixing, about effects, and about quantization. So what comes out is
> listenable, if that word even exists.
> However, I feel that now is the time to raise the bar. For example, I
> don't trust my fingers, or my voice, for that matter, to do the exact
> same thing twice, so I'd like to be able to copy recorded segments
> around. I feel this is incredibly basic but I simply can't figure out
> how to do it without a mouse. Or I'd like to tell the software to loop
> a drum sequence I recorded. Or to transpose part of a track. The list
> goes ever on, as does creativity. The music in my mind repeats,
> twists, turns, jumps over its own shadow, lands on its head, in short,
> it's alive. To bring it through, I need a bird's eye view of the song
> I'm composing. At the moment I see it as a set of tracks which I can
> mix and pan and effectualize and quantize and, if I'm sufficiently
> dissatisfied with them, ultimately delete and re-record. The raw
> material is there, but I can't find my tools. These tools are editing,
> moving, copying, looping, fading in and out, transposing, splitting,
> re-arranging ... in short, not just playing notes but composing music.
> So I'd like to ask around: Has anyone got any ideas how I can do some
> or all of the above things using just the keyboard and Voiceover?
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Felix Grützmacher
> >

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Re: A few more Iphone questions

2009-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch

The Fire field recorder app for iPhone claims to do stereo via various 
hardware connected via the docking port.

and there is the alesis protrack which apparently will work with the 
iphone although the top cover doesn't fit on.

 From this site it would appear that the mic input on the headphone jack 
is mono:

iProRecorder claims in their FAQ that the built-in mic is Mono and that 
you have to hook something to the dock to do stereo:


Christian wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it correct that the Iphone offers a stereo microphone input?
> Also, if voiceOver gets silent when turning it on after confirming the gester 
> change, what to do then?
> This happened in the store when I was not able to try it more!
> Many thanks,
> Christian
> >   

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

but was it tested with the end user of voice over or just in general

On 2 Aug 2009, at 22:56, Koumanova Rostislava wrote:

> yes it is true. i wish we could try it.
> rk
> Il giorno 02/ago/09, alle ore 23:32, christos hux ha scritto:
>>  There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
>> the mac platform.
>> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs $99
>> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
>> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
>> right now there is not a test version of the application like there  
>> is
>> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
>> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
>> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
>> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose
>> from.
> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

can not international people take advantage of the discount? why do  
these deas never extend outside the US? lol

On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:

> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off  
> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App  
> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,  
> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's  
> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in  
> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",  
> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the  
> details.
> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of  
> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the  
> headings:
> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including  
> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,  
> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,  
> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36  
> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible  
> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual  
> documents containing up to three different languages.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
>> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an upgrade?
>> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to  
>> get
>> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
>> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
>> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the group I
>> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan popup
>> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
>> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality, though
>> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
>> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw
>> This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
>> ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic
>> There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to  
>> get a
>> discount and test the new stuff.
>> Jon
>> christos hux wrote:
>>> There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
>>> the mac  
>>> platform.
>>> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs  
>>> $99
>>> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
>>> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
>>> right now there is not a test version of the application like  
>>> there is
>>> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
>>> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
>>> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
>>> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose
>>> from.

> >

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Re: second life and another query

2009-08-03 Thread Esther

Hi Joe,

Joe Quinn wrote:

> does anyone know if second life is accessible on the Mac? also, on an
> unrelated note, how do you launch that thing when you first get your  
> Mac
> that goes, "this operating system has a built-in screen reader called
> voiceover..." i assume it's command option f8 but am not sure?
I don't know whether Second Life is accessible, but I do remember that  
you need to be running a supported graphics card that is capable of  
handling graphics intensive processing for this virtual reality  
software. That means that you likely won't be able to run it (or run  
it without major performance issues) on a Mac mini or a MacBook, since  
these machines use shared memory from your system for their graphics  
processing rather than working with large dedicated graphics memory  
built into the graphics card.  (This isn't quite a black and white  
distinction; you may be able to disable most features and run slowly  
on recent models, but remember that VoiceOver is also using system  
memory resources; by all accounts even without VoiceOver performance  
on these machines is very slow.)  So you're probably going to be  
looking at a Pro level desktop or laptop for your answers.  Maybe some  
other list member can chime in about their experiences

I assume you're asking about how to launch the VoiceOver Quick Start  
that plays on first launch.  Bring up the VoiceOver menu (Control- 
Option-F7) and check the Help menu (press "H" then right arrow to the  
submenu).  You can access the VoiceOver Quick Start there, or launch  
it directly outside of the help menu with Control-Option-Command-F8.   
The help menu also has a "Learn Sounds" menu entry to help you review  
the sounds associated with hitting boundary limits, deleting  
characters, etc.  Control-Option-F8 brings up the VoiceOver Utility  
menu which lets you adjust your settings for voice selection and  
speed, web navigation mode, cursor tracking options, etc.

The more detailed guides for getting started with VoiceOver in Leopard  
at the VoiceOver downloads page:

Even more formats for the guide (Daisy, U.S. Grade 2  Braille, etc.)  
are available from the CUCAT (Curtis Universtiy) pages:

HTH.  And welcome to the list. 

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread Esther

Hi Will,

I don't know that international people can't take advantage of the  
discount.  All I reported on was the existence of a 20 per cent  
discount coupon, and the savings this would translate into for U.S.  
buyers -- since that's the only price that I can view.


william lomas wrote:

> can not international people take advantage of the discount? why do
> these deas never extend outside the US? lol
> Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>> details.
>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>> headings:
>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
>>> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an upgrade?
>>> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
>>> get
>>> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
>>> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
>>> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the  
>>> group I
>>> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan popup
>>> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
>>> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality, though
>>> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
>>> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw
>>> This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
>>> ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic
>>> There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to
>>> get a
>>> discount and test the new stuff.
>>> Jon
>>> christos hux wrote:

There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
 the mac
 it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs
 & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
 the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
 right now there is not a test version of the application like
 there is
 for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
 purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
 program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
 faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose

> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

has anyone tried the program yet i.e. bought it and used it?
very keen to get it as i need an OCR for my mac really but want others  
to try it

On 3 Aug 2009, at 18:38, Esther wrote:

> Hi Will,
> I don't know that international people can't take advantage of the
> discount.  All I reported on was the existence of a 20 per cent
> discount coupon, and the savings this would translate into for U.S.
> buyers -- since that's the only price that I can view.
> Esther
> william lomas wrote:
>> can not international people take advantage of the discount? why do
>> these deas never extend outside the US? lol
>> Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>>> details.
>>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>>> headings:
>>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

 I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
 perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an  
 The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
 minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
 box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
 buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the
 group I
 find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan  
 button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.

 However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality,  
 the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
 unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw

 This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
 ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic

 There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to
 get a
 discount and test the new stuff.


 christos hux wrote:

>   There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
> the mac
> platform.
> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs
> $99
> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer  
> from
> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
> right now there is not a test version of the application like
> there is
> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to
> chose
> from.


> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread James Dietz

Hey Jon,

You might have better luck working with your outdated copy by using
the mouse. Route the mouse to the VO cursor (I think the command is
vo+cmd+f5 - have a look in the menu by pressing vo+f7) and clicking
(vo+shift+space).  That's how I got the old bookshare app working, as
well as some other apps which don't respond to the VO press command.

On 8/3/09, william lomas  wrote:
> has anyone tried the program yet i.e. bought it and used it?
> very keen to get it as i need an OCR for my mac really but want others
> to try it
> On 3 Aug 2009, at 18:38, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Will,
>> I don't know that international people can't take advantage of the
>> discount.  All I reported on was the existence of a 20 per cent
>> discount coupon, and the savings this would translate into for U.S.
>> buyers -- since that's the only price that I can view.
>> Esther
>> william lomas wrote:
>>> can not international people take advantage of the discount? why do
>>> these deas never extend outside the US? lol
>>> Esther wrote:

 Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,

 I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
 the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
 Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
 which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
 the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
 case I made a typo in the coupon code:

 Also, if you check the description of this application at:

 use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
 "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the

 Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
 this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the

 I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:

 The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
 English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
 Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
 Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
 languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
 conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
 documents containing up to three different languages.



 Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an
> upgrade?
> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
> get
> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the
> group I
> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan
> popup
> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality,
> though
> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw
> This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
> ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic
> There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to
> get a
> discount and test the new stuff.
> Jon
> christos hux wrote:
>>  There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
>> the mac
>> platform.
>> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs
>> $99
>> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer
>> from
>> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
>> right now there is not a test version of the application like
>> there is
>> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
>> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
>> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
>> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to
>> chose
>> from.


>> >
> >

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Deleting message history in Adium

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Carter

Hi All,

Whenever I chat with someone using Adium, an html record of our conversation is 
on the screen. This is nice because one can review what has been said. Adium 
seems to save this information and each time I start a new chat with a person 
that I have chatted with before, I see all of the past chats as well as the 
current information. I have looked through the menus and preferences and I 
don't see a way of clearing out this information. I was told that there should 
be files stored somewhere that I could delete to get rid of the chat history. I 
have not been able to locate these files.

Does anybody have the answer?


Robert Carter

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Re: Deleting message history in Adium

2009-08-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi Robert, you can access that via the chat transcripts window, that  
you can get to with command-shift-l, and then just select all in that  
table, and hit delete.  What I've done then, is to go into the general  
preferences of Adium, and turn off logging of chats.  Hope this  
helps.  You may have to confirm deletion of chat transcripts, not sure.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi All,
> Whenever I chat with someone using Adium, an html record of our  
> conversation is on the screen. This is nice because one can review  
> what has been said. Adium seems to save this information and each  
> time I start a new chat with a person that I have chatted with  
> before, I see all of the past chats as well as the current  
> information. I have looked through the menus and preferences and I  
> don't see a way of clearing out this information. I was told that  
> there should be files stored somewhere that I could delete to get  
> rid of the chat history. I have not been able to locate these files.
> Does anybody have the answer?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread Simon Cavendish

Dear Esther,

This is very interesting. Do you know whether Abbyy supports automatic  
page orientation and multi-page scanning? Does it support two page  
scanning as in an open book on a flat-bed scanner? Does it append  
pages to the end of the document by default, or does one have to move  
one's cursor there?

I shall check this application out.

With best wishes

On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:

> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off  
> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App  
> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,  
> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's  
> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in  
> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",  
> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the  
> details.
> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of  
> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the  
> headings:
> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including  
> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,  
> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,  
> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36  
> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible  
> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual  
> documents containing up to three different languages.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
>> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an upgrade?
>> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to  
>> get
>> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
>> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
>> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the group I
>> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan popup
>> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
>> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality, though
>> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
>> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw
>> This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
>> ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic
>> There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to  
>> get a
>> discount and test the new stuff.
>> Jon
>> christos hux wrote:
>>> There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
>>> the mac  
>>> platform.
>>> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs  
>>> $99
>>> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
>>> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
>>> right now there is not a test version of the application like  
>>> there is
>>> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
>>> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
>>> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
>>> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose
>>> from.

> >

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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread matthew T dyer

Hi,  You could use anti virius software if you wanted to, but it is  
really not necessary.  mac is more secure then windows is for the most  
part.  As long as you use comen sence and not open mail from people  
you do not know or download files you don't know whare they came from  
then you should be ok.  I am not iusing any anti virius software here  
on this mac mini and it is runing as smooth as if I just got it  

matthew dyer
Live journal:  mtdyer2009
Twitter: mdyer1
facebook: mdyer

On Aug 3, 2009, at 8:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
> need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
> out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
> other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
> But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
> software if I need one.
> Regards Tony
> >

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Re: Deleting message history in Adium

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Carter


Thanks Dan. I will follow your instructions when I get home and see if I can't 
delete all of that chat history. I do have log history unchecked in the 
preferences but it seems to be saving it anyway. We will see what happens now 
that I know how to get to the correct place to delete.


Robert Carter

- Original Message -
From: Dan Eickmeier 
Date: Monday, Aug 3, 2009 15:15:38
Subject: Re: Deleting message history in Adium

> Hi Robert, you can access that via the chat transcripts window, that  
> you can get to with command-shift-l, and then just select all in that  
> table, and hit delete.  What I've done then, is to go into the general  
> preferences of Adium, and turn off logging of chats.  Hope this  
> helps.  You may have to confirm deletion of chat transcripts, not sure.
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Whenever I chat with someone using Adium, an html record of our  
> > conversation is on the screen. This is nice because one can review  
> > what has been said. Adium seems to save this information and each  
> > time I start a new chat with a person that I have chatted with  
> > before, I see all of the past chats as well as the current  
> > information. I have looked through the menus and preferences and I  
> > don't see a way of clearing out this information. I was told that  
> > there should be files stored somewhere that I could delete to get  
> > rid of the chat history. I have not been able to locate these files.
> >
> > Does anybody have the answer?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Robert Carter
> >
> > >
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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread Esther

Hi Simon,

I know that ABBYY Fine Reader on the Fujitsu ScanSnap supports very  
fast dual sided multi-page scans and automatic page orientation and  
two-page scanning, but since that is the version of the app that is  
bundled with the manufacturer's product (which is not flatbed, but  
page fed like a Fax machine), and since that does not support  
VoiceOver, I can't generalize from that product.  So far I've been  
reading the commentaries on macintouch's reader report pages for OCR,  
and they seem to be quite positive.  If you want to monitor these  
yourself, the web page URL to OCR reader reports is:

Use item chooser menu (VO-I) to look for "Dennis Hill" and you'll be  
at the beginning of the discussion related to the ABBYY Fine Reader  
OCR. Just read down the page from there. Incidentally, there is no  
trial version yet available (as you've read from the current thread's  
comments), but according to the (later) macintouch posts ABBYY is  
planning on making one available. (They didn't expect the level of  
interest they've received.)  At least one of the macintouch commenters  
purchased the app in Europe for 89 Euros.  The comments are very  
positive from people who have purchased this, with simply a note that  
a few features that are present in the Windows version are not present  
in the Express edition of ABBYY Fine Reader (i.e., the ability to  
correct OCR errors in the ABBYY window).  Combined with the  
information from Greg and the original poster (Christos) that the  
manufacturer has verified the product has been tested with VoiceOver,  
this looks very interesting, indeed.   The SDK version for the Mac has  
been around for quite a while, but only for software developers.  The  
reports on accuracy are particularly impressive -- someone reported  
that he was able to scan a 2-page FAXed spreadsheet in tiny 7 point  
type and have ABBYY Fine Reader Express generate an EXCEL spreadsheet  
that was perfectly formatted with no errors when none of his other OCR  
software programs on the Mac had ever able to accomplish this.

Happy reading.



Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Dear Esther,
> This is very interesting. Do you know whether Abbyy supports automatic
> page orientation and multi-page scanning? Does it support two page
> scanning as in an open book on a flat-bed scanner? Does it append
> pages to the end of the document by default, or does one have to move
> one's cursor there?
> I shall check this application out.
> With best wishes
> Simon
> On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>> details.
>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>> headings:
>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
>>> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an upgrade?
>>> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
>>> get
>>> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
>>> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
>>> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the  
>>> group I
>>> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan popup
>>> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
>>> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality, though
>>> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
>>> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw

Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread Simon Cavendish

With regard to Abbyy fine reader express for mac, Esther's kind  
gesture of forwarding the discount code does work for customers  
outside the USA.

With best wishes

On 2 Aug 2009, at 23:06, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for this notification.  I've been tracking the developments of
> ABBYY OCR for the Mac because they do a particularly good job with OCR
> in a multilingual environment.  They used to have a Mac version of
> their OCR software quite a long time ago.  For about two years they
> have made available an SDK (software developers kit) version of their
> OCR software for the Mac for product manufacturers to use, and Fujitsu
> has been using this packaged with the software in their ScanSnap
> series of scanners for the Mac, but not with a general, TWAIN-
> compliant interface.
> Here's the web page I found at the ABBYY site:
> Note that clicking on links for trial versions will only show their
> Windows software versions at present.  I'll keep checking on this.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> christos hux wrote:
>>  There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
>> the mac platform.
>> it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs $99
>> & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
>> the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
>> right now there is not a test version of the application like there  
>> is
>> for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
>> purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
>> program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
>> faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose
>> from.
> >

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safari book marks folder location?

2009-08-03 Thread trahern culver

hey all i would like to back up my safari book marks to an external
hard drive by coppieing and pasting the folder where they are stord so
far i have not been able to locate this folder! does any one know
where it is? help from the group on this subject would be most welcom!
thank you for reading this.

kind regards trahern.
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Re: antivirus software on mac

2009-08-03 Thread Mike Arrigo

I would say you don't need anti virus software, I've had my mac for  
over a year and have not had any problems. Of course, the best defense  
against that kind of thing, on any operating system really is good old  
fashioned common sense.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 7:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
> need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
> out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
> other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
> But I ask anyway if anyone know about good accessible antivirus
> software if I need one.
> Regards Tony
> >

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MSN and VO

2009-08-03 Thread Angel Dockham

Hello All,

I have my MSN list ported into Adium since VO doesn't work to well
with the MSN application... I really miss being able to video chat and
use video clips. Is there a different application that will work well
with VO and that will allow me to use most the features that MSN
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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread rayna424

Oh dear, lol! Ok, I've never upgraded an OS, period, ever. I was a
Windows user before I went blind, but I just bought new computers. I
switched to Mac when I went blind, so this is all new to me. Hold down
the C key when booting? So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook
on? This outta be interesting haha. Well now that I know I can do it,
I'll go ahead and preorder. I'll cross the installation bridge when I
come to it. ;)
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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread Mike Arrigo

Yes, unlike windows, you will be able to install without sighted help.  
I plan on doing a complete install as a pod cast when I get mine, but  
in a nutshell, you start up the mac and hold the c key to boot from  
the optical drive. Once the dvd is booted, press command f5 to start  
voice over in the usual way. From there, everything is spoken.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 10:39 AM, rayna424 wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just received an email from amazon telling me I can pre-order Snow
> Leopard for $29. I didn't know we were so close to getting it! I am
> going to pre-order, and I have a question.
> I haven't upgraded an OS yet. Is this  something I will be able to do
> on my own? How does it work? When I go to install, will VO work to
> tell me what is happening? Any pointers from those who have done an
> upgrade will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Rayna
> >

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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread Dan

Just a little thing to remember. After booting from the Install DVD,  
make sure you wait till the drive stops before you press Command Shift  
F5 or Command FN F5 to start VoiceOver.
At least, this is the way you currently do it under Leopard and it was  
the way it worked under Tiger.

On Aug 3, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Yes, unlike windows, you will be able to install without sighted help.
> I plan on doing a complete install as a pod cast when I get mine, but
> in a nutshell, you start up the mac and hold the c key to boot from
> the optical drive. Once the dvd is booted, press command f5 to start
> voice over in the usual way. From there, everything is spoken.
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 10:39 AM, rayna424 wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just received an email from amazon telling me I can pre-order Snow
>> Leopard for $29. I didn't know we were so close to getting it! I am
>> going to pre-order, and I have a question.
>> I haven't upgraded an OS yet. Is this  something I will be able to do
>> on my own? How does it work? When I go to install, will VO work to
>> tell me what is happening? Any pointers from those who have done an
>> upgrade will be greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Rayna
> >

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Swedish language on an Iphone

2009-08-03 Thread Christian

Hi all,
Well, I had no luck earlier on today. Since no store had the iphone now I 
decided to contact Apple support but they had no iphone either!!! They told me 
to contact my operator.
I am so interested in hearing the iphone in Swedish since when I got help with 
turning it on in the store I was not allowed to sit with it.
If any of you changes your language to Swedish, is it possible for you to set 
it back to english from the computer?
I would be very interested ot hear it like over Skype or simular. i can also 
take it b phone. would anyone be intersted in doing this?
Many tanks,

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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread Kieren

On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424  wrote:
> So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook on?

Yes you can do exactly that.  once the dvd is inserted and mounted it
will open a window
which has an icon "install OS X" open this and you will be asked for
administrators password.  Enter it and hit ok and your mac will
restart and boot from
the dvd without user intervention.

Just a quick note on the install side of things too.
You can reduce the size of the install by not installing printer
drivers you dont have and
also languages you dont need as well.

this is an options button (i forget where in the process ) I think
just before or during the choice of install location.


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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread rayna424

Ok yes, that helps. I think I understand about holding down C, but
didn't know why it couldn't be done just like any other program. In
doing this, does VO work the whole time then? I think I did actually
upgrade a Windows machine once, and when I did that I just inserted
the cd. I had forgotten about that. I know I know, forget everything I
knew about Windows though ;)

Thanks all! Are you all planning to upgrade immediately, or do you
wait to see how it works out?

Kieren wrote:
> On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424  wrote:
> > So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook on?
> Yes you can do exactly that.  once the dvd is inserted and mounted it
> will open a window
> which has an icon "install OS X" open this and you will be asked for
> your
> administrators password.  Enter it and hit ok and your mac will
> restart and boot from
> the dvd without user intervention.
> Just a quick note on the install side of things too.
> You can reduce the size of the install by not installing printer
> drivers you dont have and
> also languages you dont need as well.
> this is an options button (i forget where in the process ) I think
> just before or during the choice of install location.
> Kieren
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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread Scott Howell

And in addition you can go to System Preferences and choose Startup  
Disk and select the DVD as the boot disc.  So you have three options  
for getting the system started.  Also, the overall install is smaller  
and you can further customize by not installing the different  
languages you don't need, but they don't take up much space either.  I  
believe I read that not all printer drivers are installed either, so  
you  can choose what you need.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Kieren wrote:

> On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424  wrote:
>> So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook on?
> Yes you can do exactly that.  once the dvd is inserted and mounted it
> will open a window
> which has an icon "install OS X" open this and you will be asked for
> your
> administrators password.  Enter it and hit ok and your mac will
> restart and boot from
> the dvd without user intervention.
> Just a quick note on the install side of things too.
> You can reduce the size of the install by not installing printer
> drivers you dont have and
> also languages you dont need as well.
> this is an options button (i forget where in the process ) I think
> just before or during the choice of install location.
> Kieren
> >

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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread Dan

No matter which way you run the DVD, you still have to manually start  
VO after the OS boots.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:33 PM, rayna424 wrote:

> Ok yes, that helps. I think I understand about holding down C, but
> didn't know why it couldn't be done just like any other program. In
> doing this, does VO work the whole time then? I think I did actually
> upgrade a Windows machine once, and when I did that I just inserted
> the cd. I had forgotten about that. I know I know, forget everything I
> knew about Windows though ;)
> Thanks all! Are you all planning to upgrade immediately, or do you
> wait to see how it works out?
> Kieren wrote:
>> On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424  wrote:
>>> So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook on?
>> Yes you can do exactly that.  once the dvd is inserted and mounted it
>> will open a window
>> which has an icon "install OS X" open this and you will be asked for
>> your
>> administrators password.  Enter it and hit ok and your mac will
>> restart and boot from
>> the dvd without user intervention.
>> Just a quick note on the install side of things too.
>> You can reduce the size of the install by not installing printer
>> drivers you dont have and
>> also languages you dont need as well.
>> this is an options button (i forget where in the process ) I think
>> just before or during the choice of install location.
>> HTH
>> Kieren
> >

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Re: Snow Leopard pre-order

2009-08-03 Thread rayna424

Gotcha, so whichever option I pick, I wait until the dvd stops
spinning, and turn on VO. Then I can go through the setup with VO.
Sweet, I think I got it!

Thanks everyone!

Dan wrote:
> Hello,
> No matter which way you run the DVD, you still have to manually start
> VO after the OS boots.
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:33 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Ok yes, that helps. I think I understand about holding down C, but
> > didn't know why it couldn't be done just like any other program. In
> > doing this, does VO work the whole time then? I think I did actually
> > upgrade a Windows machine once, and when I did that I just inserted
> > the cd. I had forgotten about that. I know I know, forget everything I
> > knew about Windows though ;)
> >
> >
> > Thanks all! Are you all planning to upgrade immediately, or do you
> > wait to see how it works out?
> >
> > Kieren wrote:
> >> On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424  wrote:
> >>> So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook on?
> >>
> >> Yes you can do exactly that.  once the dvd is inserted and mounted it
> >> will open a window
> >> which has an icon "install OS X" open this and you will be asked for
> >> your
> >> administrators password.  Enter it and hit ok and your mac will
> >> restart and boot from
> >> the dvd without user intervention.
> >>
> >> Just a quick note on the install side of things too.
> >> You can reduce the size of the install by not installing printer
> >> drivers you dont have and
> >> also languages you dont need as well.
> >>
> >> this is an options button (i forget where in the process ) I think
> >> just before or during the choice of install location.
> >>
> >> HTH
> >>
> >> Kieren
> > >
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Re: MSN and VO

2009-08-03 Thread Mike Arrigo

Adium works great for me. You might look at skype, it allows video and  
screen sharing I think, also ichat does this I think.
On Aug 3, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have my MSN list ported into Adium since VO doesn't work to well
> with the MSN application... I really miss being able to video chat and
> use video clips. Is there a different application that will work well
> with VO and that will allow me to use most the features that MSN
> offers?
> >

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Re: safari book marks folder location?

2009-08-03 Thread Barry Hadder


They are actually stored in an xml file.

On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:22 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all i would like to back up my safari book marks to an external
> hard drive by coppieing and pasting the folder where they are stord so
> far i have not been able to locate this folder! does any one know
> where it is? help from the group on this subject would be most welcom!
> thank you for reading this.
> kind regards trahern.
> >

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Downloading versus playing

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Carter


I am terribly embarrassed because I asked this once but can't remember  
the keystroke for the life of me. If you are on a site like or and you are sitting on a link to an  
mp3 podcast, what is the keystroke to download it rather than have it  
play? I am not talking about the vo shift m command. That doesn't  
always give you a menu option to download. There is another keystroke  
that gives you a download dialog but I can't remember it at the moment.


Robert Carter

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Re: Downloading versus playing

2009-08-03 Thread Esther

Hi Robert,

The shortcut command to force downloading from a link is Option-Enter, and 
you'll need it to force downloading from  I would go to the Blind 
Cool Tech RSS feed to download:

That page loads much faster when you're using VoiceOver than the main Blind 
Cool Tech page.  Mainly, I think it's because the main page has a lot of 
formatting that VoiceOver parses and the page is also extremely long in terms 
of the number of entries.  It's not really an issue for most computers, but if 
there's anyone on the list who is running VoiceOver on Tiger on one of the 
older Macs, they'll see a big difference in the response of their machines if 
they navigate to the BCT RSS feed to grab their downloads instead of going to 
the main page.



Robert Carter wrote:
>I am terribly embarrassed because I asked this once but can't remember  
>the keystroke for the life of me. If you are on a site like  
> or and you are sitting on a link to an  
>mp3 podcast, what is the keystroke to download it rather than have it  
>play? I am not talking about the vo shift m command. That doesn't  
>always give you a menu option to download. There is another keystroke  
>that gives you a download dialog but I can't remember it at the moment.

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Re: Downloading versus playing

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Carter

Hi Esther,

I think I tried every modifier key but option.

Thanks a lot,

Robert Carter
On Aug 3, 2009, at 10:26 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> The shortcut command to force downloading from a link is Option- 
> Enter, and you'll need it to force downloading from  I  
> would go to the Blind Cool Tech RSS feed to download:
> That page loads much faster when you're using VoiceOver than the  
> main Blind Cool Tech page.  Mainly, I think it's because the main  
> page has a lot of formatting that VoiceOver parses and the page is  
> also extremely long in terms of the number of entries.  It's not  
> really an issue for most computers, but if there's anyone on the  
> list who is running VoiceOver on Tiger on one of the older Macs,  
> they'll see a big difference in the response of their machines if  
> they navigate to the BCT RSS feed to grab their downloads instead of  
> going to the main page.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am terribly embarrassed because I asked this once but can't  
>> remember
>> the keystroke for the life of me. If you are on a site like
>> or and you are sitting on a link to an
>> mp3 podcast, what is the keystroke to download it rather than have it
>> play? I am not talking about the vo shift m command. That doesn't
>> always give you a menu option to download. There is another keystroke
>> that gives you a download dialog but I can't remember it at the  
>> moment.
> >

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OWK Mercury On The Go Drives

2009-08-03 Thread Keith Bucher


Has anyone tried the OWK Mercury on The Go FireWire 800/400 USB
7200RPM external drives?  If so, how do they perform.  Their 320GB
model is only $144.99 plus shipping.  The direct URL is:

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Re: safari book marks folder location?

2009-08-03 Thread Esther

Hi Trahern,

Barry is correct that your Safari bookmarks are stored in a file named 
Bookmarks.plist under the Library/Safari folder for your account, but if you 
want to create a file of bookmarks that you can easily transfer to any other 
browser (such as Opera when it becomes fully accessible)  you can simply 
navigate to the File menu on Safari's menu bar (VO-M; then press "F"), then 
arrow down to "Export Bookmarks".  A dialogue window will appear that will 
prompt you to type in a name for the exported file (or you can use the default 
name of "Safari Bookmarks"), and the folder where you want to save the file 
(default is "Documents", but you can change this by using VO-Space on the pop 
up and choosing another folder; if you want to choose a specific folder that is 
not listed in the pop up menu, use the "Go to Folder" shortcut of 
Command-Shift-G and then type in the path to the folder you want in the text 

The file you save will be an HTML file (e.g., "Safari Bookmarks.html"), and you 
can add these bookmarks to any browser by importing this file via the file 
menu.  This is also the best way to get Favorites from Netscape or Internet 
Explorer into Safari if you are moving from Windows to the Mac -- export your 
bookmarks using the File menu of Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, or other 
browser and then import that file into Safari using its File menu.

Of course, you can simply save the Bookmarks.plist file as well, but that file 
can only be used by Safari on your Mac, while the exported HTML file that 
contains your bookmarks can be used by any other browser on other operating 




Barry Hadder  wrote:
>They are actually stored in an xml file.
>On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:22 PM, trahern culver wrote:
>> hey all i would like to back up my safari book marks to an external
>> hard drive by coppieing and pasting the folder where they are stord so
>> far i have not been able to locate this folder! does any one know
>> where it is? help from the group on this subject would be most welcom!
>> thank you for reading this.
>> kind regards trahern.
>> >

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importing outlook express mailboxes to mail? Re: safari book marks folder location?

2009-08-03 Thread hank smith

how do you import all your emails from outlook express?

- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: safari book marks folder location?

Hi Trahern,

Barry is correct that your Safari bookmarks are stored in a file named 
Bookmarks.plist under the Library/Safari folder for your account, but if you 
want to create a file of bookmarks that you can easily transfer to any other 
browser (such as Opera when it becomes fully accessible)  you can simply 
navigate to the File menu on Safari's menu bar (VO-M; then press "F"), then 
arrow down to "Export Bookmarks".  A dialogue window will appear that will 
prompt you to type in a name for the exported file (or you can use the 
default name of "Safari Bookmarks"), and the folder where you want to save 
the file (default is "Documents", but you can change this by using VO-Space 
on the pop up and choosing another folder; if you want to choose a specific 
folder that is not listed in the pop up menu, use the "Go to Folder" 
shortcut of Command-Shift-G and then type in the path to the folder you want 
in the text field.

The file you save will be an HTML file (e.g., "Safari Bookmarks.html"), and 
you can add these bookmarks to any browser by importing this file via the 
file menu.  This is also the best way to get Favorites from Netscape or 
Internet Explorer into Safari if you are moving from Windows to the Mac --  
export your bookmarks using the File menu of Netscape, Internet Explorer, 
Firefox, or other browser and then import that file into Safari using its 
File menu.

Of course, you can simply save the Bookmarks.plist file as well, but that 
file can only be used by Safari on your Mac, while the exported HTML file 
that contains your bookmarks can be used by any other browser on other 
operating systems.




Barry Hadder  wrote:
>They are actually stored in an xml file.
>On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:22 PM, trahern culver wrote:
>> hey all i would like to back up my safari book marks to an external
>> hard drive by coppieing and pasting the folder where they are stord so
>> far i have not been able to locate this folder! does any one know
>> where it is? help from the group on this subject would be most welcom!
>> thank you for reading this.
>> kind regards trahern.
>> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

it is only tryalble it seems as of yet, via a full purchase with no  

On 3 Aug 2009, at 21:33, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Dear Esther,
> This is very interesting. Do you know whether Abbyy supports automatic
> page orientation and multi-page scanning? Does it support two page
> scanning as in an open book on a flat-bed scanner? Does it append
> pages to the end of the document by default, or does one have to move
> one's cursor there?
> I shall check this application out.
> With best wishes
> Simon
> On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>> details.
>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>> headings:
>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
>>> perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an upgrade?
>>> The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
>>> get
>>> minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
>>> box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
>>> buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the  
>>> group I
>>> find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan popup
>>> button" and "save popup button". None of these appear to work.
>>> However if I go to the menus I get most of the functionality, though
>>> the Twain driver itself when it pops up I can just hit enter and am
>>> unable to change any of the settings like "DPI", color vs bw
>>> This version is quite old, as the directory not only has
>>> ABBByFineReaderX" but also AbbyFineReaderClassic
>>> There is an upgrade button within the application, I will try to
>>> get a
>>> discount and test the new stuff.
>>> Jon
>>> christos hux wrote:

There is now a new ocr application avilable for 
 the mac
 it is the  abby fine reader express version for the mac. it costs
 & I did email the us based sales company & got back the answer from
 the parent company that the app had been tested with voice over.
 right now there is not a test version of the application like
 there is
 for all their other applications. I have been thinking about
 purchasing it since I have had a hard time with readiris. This ocr
 program works with all twain drivers, digital cameras & even with
 faxs. So thankfully now there is another mac ocr program to   chose

> >

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Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

what is the prom code again please
if one can use paypal with that site to get the discount i'll buy the  

On 3 Aug 2009, at 22:51, Esther wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> I know that ABBYY Fine Reader on the Fujitsu ScanSnap supports very
> fast dual sided multi-page scans and automatic page orientation and
> two-page scanning, but since that is the version of the app that is
> bundled with the manufacturer's product (which is not flatbed, but
> page fed like a Fax machine), and since that does not support
> VoiceOver, I can't generalize from that product.  So far I've been
> reading the commentaries on macintouch's reader report pages for OCR,
> and they seem to be quite positive.  If you want to monitor these
> yourself, the web page URL to OCR reader reports is:
> Use item chooser menu (VO-I) to look for "Dennis Hill" and you'll be
> at the beginning of the discussion related to the ABBYY Fine Reader
> OCR. Just read down the page from there. Incidentally, there is no
> trial version yet available (as you've read from the current thread's
> comments), but according to the (later) macintouch posts ABBYY is
> planning on making one available. (They didn't expect the level of
> interest they've received.)  At least one of the macintouch commenters
> purchased the app in Europe for 89 Euros.  The comments are very
> positive from people who have purchased this, with simply a note that
> a few features that are present in the Windows version are not present
> in the Express edition of ABBYY Fine Reader (i.e., the ability to
> correct OCR errors in the ABBYY window).  Combined with the
> information from Greg and the original poster (Christos) that the
> manufacturer has verified the product has been tested with VoiceOver,
> this looks very interesting, indeed.   The SDK version for the Mac has
> been around for quite a while, but only for software developers.  The
> reports on accuracy are particularly impressive -- someone reported
> that he was able to scan a 2-page FAXed spreadsheet in tiny 7 point
> type and have ABBYY Fine Reader Express generate an EXCEL spreadsheet
> that was perfectly formatted with no errors when none of his other OCR
> software programs on the Mac had ever able to accomplish this.
> Happy reading.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Dear Esther,
>> This is very interesting. Do you know whether Abbyy supports  
>> automatic
>> page orientation and multi-page scanning? Does it support two page
>> scanning as in an open book on a flat-bed scanner? Does it append
>> pages to the end of the document by default, or does one have to move
>> one's cursor there?
>> I shall check this application out.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
>> On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>>> details.
>>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>>> headings:
>>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

 I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
 perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an  
 The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
 minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
 box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
 buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the
 group I
 find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan  
 button" and "sav

Re: new ocr mac application

2009-08-03 Thread william lomas

wow it does sound an impressive bit of software
i may just take the plunge and get it

On 3 Aug 2009, at 22:51, Esther wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> I know that ABBYY Fine Reader on the Fujitsu ScanSnap supports very
> fast dual sided multi-page scans and automatic page orientation and
> two-page scanning, but since that is the version of the app that is
> bundled with the manufacturer's product (which is not flatbed, but
> page fed like a Fax machine), and since that does not support
> VoiceOver, I can't generalize from that product.  So far I've been
> reading the commentaries on macintouch's reader report pages for OCR,
> and they seem to be quite positive.  If you want to monitor these
> yourself, the web page URL to OCR reader reports is:
> Use item chooser menu (VO-I) to look for "Dennis Hill" and you'll be
> at the beginning of the discussion related to the ABBYY Fine Reader
> OCR. Just read down the page from there. Incidentally, there is no
> trial version yet available (as you've read from the current thread's
> comments), but according to the (later) macintouch posts ABBYY is
> planning on making one available. (They didn't expect the level of
> interest they've received.)  At least one of the macintouch commenters
> purchased the app in Europe for 89 Euros.  The comments are very
> positive from people who have purchased this, with simply a note that
> a few features that are present in the Windows version are not present
> in the Express edition of ABBYY Fine Reader (i.e., the ability to
> correct OCR errors in the ABBYY window).  Combined with the
> information from Greg and the original poster (Christos) that the
> manufacturer has verified the product has been tested with VoiceOver,
> this looks very interesting, indeed.   The SDK version for the Mac has
> been around for quite a while, but only for software developers.  The
> reports on accuracy are particularly impressive -- someone reported
> that he was able to scan a 2-page FAXed spreadsheet in tiny 7 point
> type and have ABBYY Fine Reader Express generate an EXCEL spreadsheet
> that was perfectly formatted with no errors when none of his other OCR
> software programs on the Mac had ever able to accomplish this.
> Happy reading.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Dear Esther,
>> This is very interesting. Do you know whether Abbyy supports  
>> automatic
>> page orientation and multi-page scanning? Does it support two page
>> scanning as in an open book on a flat-bed scanner? Does it append
>> pages to the end of the document by default, or does one have to move
>> one's cursor there?
>> I shall check this application out.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
>> On 3 Aug 2009, at 01:03, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan, Rossy, Chris, and Others,
>>> I found an announcement of a coupon code discount of 20 per cent off
>>> the price of ABBYY Fine Reader Express for the Mac at the Mac App
>>> Deals page.  You enter the coupon code SMBTM when you check out,
>>> which drops the price from $99.99 to $79.99 for U.S. buyers.  Here's
>>> the link to the Mac App Deals web page, dated July 22, 2009, just in
>>> case I made a typo in the coupon code:
>>> Also, if you check the description of this application at:
>>> use VO-space to expand the descriptions of "Key Features", "FAQs",
>>> "Typical Use", and "System Specifications" so you can read the
>>> details.
>>> Here's another page at the ABBYY web site that summarizes some of
>>> this information on a page that doesn't require expanding the
>>> headings:
>>> I'll excerpt a part dealing with multi-lingual support:
>>> The application supports 171 recognition languages, including
>>> English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
>>> Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
>>> Polish, Slovak, Malay, Indonesian and many others. Of those, 36
>>> languages have dictionary support to provide the best possible
>>> conversion results. It also accurately recognizes multi-lingual
>>> documents containing up to three different languages.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

 I have been using the older version that came bundled with my epson
 perfection scanner. Any chance of getting a discount for an  
 The version I have is not written in Cocoa I believe. I am able to
 minimal functionality. When I open the main application, there is a
 box that comes up with a group of buttons and the entire group of
 buttons are labeled as "Unknown". If I then interact with the
 group I
 find "Scan and Read popup button", "Read pop up button", "Scan  
 button" and "save popup button". None of thes