Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Yuma Decaux

Here's the answer to your question about 3d audio.

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RE: Format Utility

2009-07-31 Thread Simon Fogarty

Yeah it's called

 Try this.

 Format drive letter /u/fs:fat

Or, go to control panel, admin tools, coputer management, disk manager, then
find the external drive and right click on it to do a format then set the
format as fat / fat 32 when you get to that option.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Keith Bucher
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 6:47 p.m.
Subject: Format Utility


Is there a program that runs under Windows that will format an
external USB drive in Mac OS format?


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Re: Format Utility

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Chesworth

Keith asked for Mac OS X format though, which I'm guessing means HFS,
which as far as I know can't do.  Fat32 would probably be
the best bet though if you need both OS's to be able to have
read/write access from any mac.

On 7/31/09, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Yeah it's called
>  Try this.
>  Format drive letter /u/fs:fat
> Or, go to control panel, admin tools, coputer management, disk manager, then
> find the external drive and right click on it to do a format then set the
> format as fat / fat 32 when you get to that option.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Keith Bucher
> Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 6:47 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Format Utility
> Hello,
> Is there a program that runs under Windows that will format an
> external USB drive in Mac OS format?
> Keith
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Hofstader
The most "accurate" spatial audio information uses a technique called  
Head Relative Transform Functions (HRTF) which simulates relatively  
precise tonal qualities of sounds that one perceives from a specific  

Some of the research into what became  these functions had humans  
sitting with dozens of very tiny microphones set up in an array in  
their ears.  there was more than enough similarity for the physicists  
to resolve the raw data into a number of mathematical equations and  
the output of said functions is amazing.

the problem with HRTF is that it is very compute intensive.  Of  
course, when I first started diddling about with it, I was on what is  
now a six year old Dell desktop.  A dual core, 64 bit laptop should be  
able to handle these equations in real time much more easily.

Microsoft has for a number of years now included HRtF in DirectSound  
(the audio component of Drect X) and my experiments with them showed  
very promising results.  I don't know the Macintosh API too well so I  
don't know if they have something similar, identical or not.  The  
Microsoft documentation does warn about relying too much on these  
functions as they can bog down the processor and cause other threads  
to behave kind of badly (again, all of the faster new computers should  
be able to calculate these sounds in real time.

I've loads of ideas for a combination of really accurate sound  
combined with a haptic interface using the Falcon  to simulate a whole  
lot of 3 dimensional real world objects.


On Jul 30, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I've heard there is a lot more to spacial placement than just  
> fiddling with the pan to adjust volume levels. At least this seems  
> obvious to me when a little pan to the left makes the sound fly way  
> off to the left of the sound field. Probably a lot more going on in  
> the ear that isn't fooled by that trick. So, that said, do you have  
> any idea if the VoiceOver positional audio is doing real sound field  
> magic or is it just a subtle pan?
> One underrated feature on the new iPhone is the compass. With this  
> an application can not only know where you are but also which way  
> you (or at least your phone) is pointed. This makes possible real  
> walking directions from where you're at using left and right rather  
> than assuming the user has their cardinal orientation correct. Even  
> feedback to say what is in front of you in the direction you are  
> pointing. Should be good things coming.
> CB
> Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> Including the two textbook chapters (one entirely on games and  
>> another
>> with a portion on audio games), a couple of peer reviewed articles on
>> the matter, a pile of blog articles 
>> (
>> )  and the odd item here and there, I have studied a handful of audio
>> games in depth, fooled around with a few others and talked to a lot  
>> of
>> their authors but the breadth of my knowledge is far more narrow than
>> a dozen hardcore gamers I know and rely on for brief descriptions for
>> new entries  so I can quickly ascertain how they may move the science
>> in a new and/or different and interesting direction.
>> As I said this morning, I am far too boring to actually build a real
>> game and, when you scratch beyond the surface, you will find that
>> first and for mostly, I think about putting technology in the hands  
>> of
>> blinks that will provide them with the tools they may choose to  
>> employ
>> in a job or school situation.
>> If you are interested in mixing sound and tactile feedback, get a  
>> look
>> at a Falcon 3D tactile controller.  I think they have an SDK for Mac
>> and they do .5 mm tactile resolution (most humans can feel no better
>> than .1 mm) so you can do extraordinary things with this device and
>> they only cost about $ 100 (really).
>> I like the idea of using the iPhone for orientation and to provide
>> information about one's surroundings.  I'm not especially impressed  
>> by
>> the iPhone's Maps application but its location services are pretty
>> excellent.  I thought of this while walking through Harvard Yard  
>> after
>> lunch today and wondered how a student new to the university would
>> find the library as opposed to the historical center next door as  
>> none
>> of these buildings have traditional street addresses and are arrived
>> at by foot paths.  Your idea could give a student a lot of good
>> information and can be used as a fallback if they get confused.
>> Cool idea.
>> cdh
>> On Jul 30, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>>> I really wonder why no one's heard of AudioQuake with MindGrid.  The
>>> project has somewhat stalled out over the past two years, but the
>>> "Jedi Quake," version, written by Cara Quinn and others, is the best
>>> 3D audio simulation I've seen.  I can't speak for the parallel-
>>> processing  audio ca

Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Hofstader


Would it be useful if I started a  I  
think we have a few people interested and private communication will  
cause some ideas to slip through , leaving some of the gang with a  
different set of notions than others which can cause real confusion as  
conversations advance.

Also, I would propose that we spend some time researching the API and  
sharing our thoughts on it and then, perhaps, start a project for the  
team to do as a group.

Happy Hacking,

On Jul 30, 2009, at 9:54 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Thanks for the amazing response and information pertaining to this
> indeed very intriguing field. I can't get the concept out of my head
> as this promises many new applications for the visually impaired
> provided the technologies discussed herein are actually possible
> within the API set of the iphone's SDK.
> I agree that one of themoreimportant aspects of a true audio is
> positional audio.
> For the example of a audio based RPG/adventure game, the tactile
> experience adding further dimension to the experience comparable to a
> wii interface can be extremely satisfying as there is a contextual
> assimilation of imaginary interpretations within the application.
> I think i will document myself extensively on the iphone SDK and
> figure some avenues yet to be explored for the blind community.
> If anyone is interested in brainstorming over this subject, and if
> anyone has some previous experience little or lots on the SDK, you can
> contact me on skype as shainobi1 and triple7 for twitter.
> Again, thank you so much for the varied responses and i hope this
> discussion can generate some form ofdevelopement of a new gaming
> experience in the future to come.
> >

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Re: something is a miss here.

2009-07-31 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

I had to run Disk Warrior once on my childrens's e-mac computer. The  
disk had enough errors that it took 3-4 days to recover data. There  
were 100's  of files (mostly system files) that it could not recover,  
but I was able to reteive most of their documents.  I then did a full  
format and restored the system.  If your computer is under  
maintencnace and has not suffered from abuse, I would just let the  
apple store give you a new hard disk. They can charge a small fee to  
store all the information on the HD and migrate it to the new disk.

Best regards,


On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:31 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I imagine Apple will charge the same as the vendor online, $99.95.
> Ironically, I found a message someone had sent to another list about
> this product and it apparently is the real deal.  So, I'm giving some
> thought to purchasing it myself.  I've been very lucky in that I have
> not lost any drives and I do have backups, but there is always that
> one chance and with a kid, well, hell, anything is possible.
> On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:05 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> Before you or anyone else does anything, make sure that you've  
>> cloaned
>> your drive. Software wise, hsf is some what of a nightmair to recover
>> files from so before any data recovery apps try and mess with
>> anything, its important that you have an at least partially working
>> copy of your hard drive stored somewhere.
>> On 30/07/2009, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>>> Hi, thanks for all this.  Smart status does in deed say varified.
>>> Do you remember off hand how much the apple store might charge me  
>>> for
>>> disc warrier?  I'm looking it up on the apple store online now, but
>>> if
>>> it's not expensive, say, under the $100 mark, I might just buy it
>>> from
>>> the apple store and let the geneus handle it.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:
>>> On 30-Jul-09, at 5:33 PM, Esther wrote:

 Hi Erik,

 One quick question: when you run Disk Utility what reading do you
 when you select the hard drive above "Macintosh HD" on the sidebar?
 That is, when you VO-Up arrow to something that says (for example,
 232.9 GB Fujitsu etc.)  Use item chooser menu to go to "selected
 image" and then VO-Right arrow and interact with the part that
 "Disk Description".  There should be an announcement of "S.M.A.R.T.
 Status:"  Does it say "verified" after that announcement?

 You can sometimes recover from this with Alsoft's "Disk Warrior"  
 there are accessibility issues running from the DVD, I think.  If
 on a cloned disk you can run it on your home disk drive through the
 clone. If you have a local Apple Store nearby, they can probably  
 this as a diagnostic on your hard drive.  They might be willing to
 ahead and run it on your hard drive if you bought a copy of the
 software from the store (though it's slightly cheaper from the web
 download.)  And you should probably have a new hard drive to copy  
 before things get seriously worse and unrecoverable. Disk Warrior
 work to recover in instances such as you describe, although given
 circumstances I would ask at my local Apple Store and try to have
 run this.  I'm sure that every Genius bar has a copy of this.  They
 can run the diagnosis for you even if they won't run the recovery.
 You should know that there is a possibility of introducing
 problems in
 doing the recover mode, but in most instances it just works, and  
 problems are minimal.  In that case, if your disk has really gone
 south the amount of work you'd have to do to get the problem areas
 fully recovered without these glitches is quite major, and probably
 beyond your scope.  Disk Warrior does work very well, although I
 haven't had to use it for quite a while -- since first upgrading to



 erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi friends.  I think something is rong with my apple hardware.
> 3 or four weeks ago I started having checksums fail when I coppied
> things across the network from my old turion notebook to the
> macbook
> here.
> I thought it might be the disc on the other machine failing.  It
> is 4
> or 5 years old now after all.  But I've also noticed I can't run
> digital voices like alex or ryan any more.  The system doesn't
> stand
> for it.  Even when I'm using fred or bruce vo restarts often,
> programs
> hang, and some times the whole system seems to go dead for a
> minute,
> the dvd drive resets, and then the system comes back to life as if
> nothing had happened.
> Yesterday I loaded u

Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Blouch
Apple's audio APIs do support HRTF on OSX:

but apparently HRTF has not made it to the iPhone:

Would be nice if these guys ported the Mac fmod sound system to iPhone:


Chris Hofstader wrote:
> The most "accurate" spatial audio information uses a technique called 
> Head Relative Transform Functions (HRTF) which simulates relatively 
> precise tonal qualities of sounds that one perceives from a specific 
> direction.  
> Some of the research into what became  these functions had humans 
> sitting with dozens of very tiny microphones set up in an array in 
> their ears.  there was more than enough similarity for the physicists 
> to resolve the raw data into a number of mathematical equations and 
> the output of said functions is amazing.
> the problem with HRTF is that it is very compute intensive.  Of 
> course, when I first started diddling about with it, I was on what is 
> now a six year old Dell desktop.  A dual core, 64 bit laptop should be 
> able to handle these equations in real time much more easily.
> Microsoft has for a number of years now included HRtF in DirectSound 
> (the audio component of Drect X) and my experiments with them showed 
> very promising results.  I don't know the Macintosh API too well so I 
> don't know if they have something similar, identical or not.  The 
> Microsoft documentation does warn about relying too much on these 
> functions as they can bog down the processor and cause other threads 
> to behave kind of badly (again, all of the faster new computers should 
> be able to calculate these sounds in real time.
> I've loads of ideas for a combination of really accurate sound 
> combined with a haptic interface using the Falcon  to simulate a whole 
> lot of 3 dimensional real world objects.
> cdh
> On Jul 30, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I've heard there is a lot more to spacial placement than just 
>> fiddling with the pan to adjust volume levels. At least this seems 
>> obvious to me when a little pan to the left makes the sound fly way 
>> off to the left of the sound field. Probably a lot more going on in 
>> the ear that isn't fooled by that trick. So, that said, do you have 
>> any idea if the VoiceOver positional audio is doing real sound field 
>> magic or is it just a subtle pan?
>> One underrated feature on the new iPhone is the compass. With this an 
>> application can not only know where you are but also which way you 
>> (or at least your phone) is pointed. This makes possible real walking 
>> directions from where you're at using left and right rather than 
>> assuming the user has their cardinal orientation correct. Even 
>> feedback to say what is in front of you in the direction you are 
>> pointing. Should be good things coming.
>> CB
>> Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> Including the two textbook chapters (one entirely on games and another  
>>> with a portion on audio games), a couple of peer reviewed articles on  
>>> the matter, a pile of blog articles 
>>> ( 
>>> )  and the odd item here and there, I have studied a handful of audio  
>>> games in depth, fooled around with a few others and talked to a lot of  
>>> their authors but the breadth of my knowledge is far more narrow than  
>>> a dozen hardcore gamers I know and rely on for brief descriptions for  
>>> new entries  so I can quickly ascertain how they may move the science  
>>> in a new and/or different and interesting direction.
>>> As I said this morning, I am far too boring to actually build a real  
>>> game and, when you scratch beyond the surface, you will find that  
>>> first and for mostly, I think about putting technology in the hands of  
>>> blinks that will provide them with the tools they may choose to employ  
>>> in a job or school situation.
>>> If you are interested in mixing sound and tactile feedback, get a look  
>>> at a Falcon 3D tactile controller.  I think they have an SDK for Mac  
>>> and they do .5 mm tactile resolution (most humans can feel no better  
>>> than .1 mm) so you can do extraordinary things with this device and  
>>> they only cost about $ 100 (really).
>>> I like the idea of using the iPhone for orientation and to provide  
>>> information about one's surroundings.  I'm not especially impressed by  
>>> the iPhone's Maps application but its location services are pretty  
>>> excellent.  I thought of this while walking through Harvard Yard after  
>>> lunch today and wondered how a student new to the university would  
>>> find the library as opposed to the historical center next door as none  
>>> of these buildings have traditional street addresses and are arrived  
>>> at by foot paths.  Your idea could give a student a lot of good  
>>> informat

Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Hofstader

I'm not sure that an orientation application would need HrtF as  
buildings and such are big enough to not require pinpoint accuracy.   
Also, typical mobile computing ear buds are probably not accurate  
enough (unless you go for something like those from Shure at about  
$250) to deliver the audio information in enough detail to really use  
the HrtF capabilities.  I think it would be dangerous to wear a good  
enough headset while walking places where we might encounter vehicles  
or other dangerous obstacles - dangerous, of course, until we develop  
virtual landscapes based on laser scans of our surroundings.  The  
latter idea is, as of right now, purely science fiction but I can  
imagine how it would work and can probably talk some of my electronic  
hardware hackers to use laser range finders used by hunters to build a  
real time wireframe models of our surroundings which, of course, would  
"see" cars coming almost instantly and then we need to figure out how  
to tell the user all of the information our vision synthesizer (audio  
has had synthesizers for a long time, why not vision?)  has collected  
and then couple that with location services and points of interest and  
the like.

Happy Hacking,

On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Apple's audio APIs do support HRTF on OSX:
> but apparently HRTF has not made it to the iPhone:
> Would be nice if these guys ported the Mac fmod sound system to  
> iPhone:
> CB
> Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> The most "accurate" spatial audio information uses a technique  
>> called Head Relative Transform Functions (HRTF) which simulates  
>> relatively precise tonal qualities of sounds that one perceives  
>> from a specific direction.
>> Some of the research into what became  these functions had humans  
>> sitting with dozens of very tiny microphones set up in an array in  
>> their ears.  there was more than enough similarity for the  
>> physicists to resolve the raw data into a number of mathematical  
>> equations and the output of said functions is amazing.
>> the problem with HRTF is that it is very compute intensive.  Of  
>> course, when I first started diddling about with it, I was on what  
>> is now a six year old Dell desktop.  A dual core, 64 bit laptop  
>> should be able to handle these equations in real time much more  
>> easily.
>> Microsoft has for a number of years now included HRtF in  
>> DirectSound (the audio component of Drect X) and my experiments  
>> with them showed very promising results.  I don't know the  
>> Macintosh API too well so I don't know if they have something  
>> similar, identical or not.  The Microsoft documentation does warn  
>> about relying too much on these functions as they can bog down the  
>> processor and cause other threads to behave kind of badly (again,  
>> all of the faster new computers should be able to calculate these  
>> sounds in real time.
>> I've loads of ideas for a combination of really accurate sound  
>> combined with a haptic interface using the Falcon  to simulate a  
>> whole lot of 3 dimensional real world objects.
>> cdh
>> On Jul 30, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> I've heard there is a lot more to spacial placement than just  
>>> fiddling with the pan to adjust volume levels. At least this seems  
>>> obvious to me when a little pan to the left makes the sound fly  
>>> way off to the left of the sound field. Probably a lot more going  
>>> on in the ear that isn't fooled by that trick. So, that said, do  
>>> you have any idea if the VoiceOver positional audio is doing real  
>>> sound field magic or is it just a subtle pan?
>>> One underrated feature on the new iPhone is the compass. With this  
>>> an application can not only know where you are but also which way  
>>> you (or at least your phone) is pointed. This makes possible real  
>>> walking directions from where you're at using left and right  
>>> rather than assuming the user has their cardinal orientation  
>>> correct. Even feedback to say what is in front of you in the  
>>> direction you are pointing. Should be good things coming.
>>> CB
>>> Chris Hofstader wrote:

 Including the two textbook chapters (one entirely on games and  
 with a portion on audio games), a couple of peer reviewed  
 articles on
 the matter, a pile of blog articles 
 )  and the odd item here and there, I have studied a handful of  
 games in depth, fooled around with a few others and talked to a  
 lot of
 their authors but the breadth of my knowledge is far more narrow  
 a dozen hardcore gamers I know and rely on for brief des

My trip to see an iPhone with no success

2009-07-31 Thread Christian

Hi all!
OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
I don't usually like these bigger stores due to their often lack of service I 
have experienced so I usually prefer some smaller stores where I have some 
Anyway, I went to the big shopping center here. When I visited one store a few 
days ago they toldme that they will have a demo unit to try today. But they did 
not! They had already sold it and they told me to sign up on a waiting list.
OK, I went on to the next store. They had a unit, but they didn't want to open 
the box! Only if I would purchase it they would other wise not. So no demo unit 
there either.
Oh well, I went on to the third one. Bingo! They had a unit but I did not 
remember the whole manual and when I got help from a friend of mine to turn 
VoiceOver on, the phone asked me if I want to change the default gester. I 
answered ok but then it was silent. I did not remember how to fix this so I 
asked a representative in the store if I could sit down and try it for some 
time maybe a ew hours and if i like it eventually buy it tomorrow. But they did 
not want me to do that! They explained that we have this demo unit and we can 
not let you try it that way.
So I told them ok you have lost a customer.
So now i am back home without having seen it that much!
Going to contact my store where i usually get help and service!
What do you think?
Best regards,

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Re: My trip to see an iPhone with no success

2009-07-31 Thread Mickey Quenzer


That unfortunatly seems to be the standard response when people want to 
really try out a piece of equipment.
Sorry you had such trouble!

*** MQ ***

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eBay may have to shut down Skype

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Blouch

I know a lot of folks on this list use Skype so in case you hadn't 
already read this elsewhere there is a legal battle between Skype owner 
eBay and the original developers of Skype over licensing. eBay says it 
might have to pull the plug on Skype if it can't get this resolved.


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braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi all.
Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
u s contracted braille very good.
All the best.

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Re: eBay may have to shut down Skype

2009-07-31 Thread David Hole

Denna kan være grei å vite om for ISE som har styremøta via skype...
Kort sagt, går d ut på at eBay som eie Skype nu, stenge d dersom dæm å 
di orginale utvikleran ikke klare å løse no sånn liserieringsgreier.
Med vennlig hilsen
David Hole !

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Adr.: Sporveisgata 8 B Leil.304, 0354 Oslo
Phone: +47 411 21 883
Skype: BalubaTheBrave

Chris Blouch skrev:
> I know a lot of folks on this list use Skype so in case you hadn't 
> already read this elsewhere there is a legal battle between Skype owner 
> eBay and the original developers of Skype over licensing. eBay says it 
> might have to pull the plug on Skype if it can't get this resolved.
> CB
> > 

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Mark Baxter

I get an "internal server error," with that site.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread william lomas

further tables have to be created.
In the braille settings you can uncheck the box that says use  
contracted braile

On 31 Jul 2009, at 16:41, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
> somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
> that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
> u s contracted braille very good.
> All the best.
> Tony.
> >

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread James Dietz


The FMODEx Sound System has already been ported to the iPhone. Check
the site: I haven't looked at the port myself as I don't
have an iPhone.  I've latent interests in coding and the iPhone app
store looks like a real easy way to make a little money from even a
slightly innovative idea. My previous message establishes me as a
gamer, and I do think touch has interesting implications. I'm
(on a technical note: I hope there's a programatic way to disable voiceover)


On 7/31/09, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> I get an "internal server error," with that site.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Mark Baxter

Why would you want to disable VO?

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Tony,

Unfortunately, there is a bug in Leopard that prevents uncontracted  
Braille remaining set. I have configured a Router Key on my PAC Mate  
20 to turn contracted Braille off.

As for Swedish Braille tables, we haven't done them yet, but if you  
would care to send us the code, we'll make one for you as soon as we  
can. We've already made French and Norwegian, and Danish is in the  
pipeline. I can't give you a time line, but we'll do what we can.

Please send the codes, preferably 8-point dot patterns with their  
corresponding print symbols and Unicode codes, to:



On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
> somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
> that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
> u s contracted braille very good.
> All the best.
> Tony.
> >

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Re: braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi Anne.
The only table I have by hand right now is the one thats in jaws for
windows. Can you use that one or do you need something else.
All the best Tony

2009/7/31, Anne Robertson :
> Hello Tony,
> Unfortunately, there is a bug in Leopard that prevents uncontracted
> Braille remaining set. I have configured a Router Key on my PAC Mate
> 20 to turn contracted Braille off.
> As for Swedish Braille tables, we haven't done them yet, but if you
> would care to send us the code, we'll make one for you as soon as we
> can. We've already made French and Norwegian, and Danish is in the
> pipeline. I can't give you a time line, but we'll do what we can.
> Please send the codes, preferably 8-point dot patterns with their
> corresponding print symbols and Unicode codes, to:
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
>> somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
>> that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
>> u s contracted braille very good.
>> All the best.
>> Tony.
>> >
> >

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Hofstader

Which site?
On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> I get an "internal server error," with that site.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Tony,

We can get started with the table from JAWS for Windows, but we like  
to have the official Braille code complete with symbols such as can be  
found in training manuals.



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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread James Dietz

The site is

If I was programming an interactive game it would probably speak for
itself. I'd want to create my own gestures, and from what I understand
VO uses it's own special gestures. On the Mac VO uses special keys,
leaving the rest of the keyboard undisturbed and willing to interact
normally with the rest of the OS (though this will apparently change
with Snow Leopard... grumble).  Anyway I just want to get raw input.


On 7/31/09, Chris Hofstader  wrote:
> Which site?
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>> I get an "internal server error," with that site.
>> Mark BurningHawk
>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> MSN:
>> My home page:
>> >
> >

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Re: braille tables

2009-07-31 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi Anne.
I can se what I can get together when I'm back from holliday. We have
some documentation at work. We have made swedish braille tables for
Baum and there products so I guess I can find something.
All the best

2009/7/31, Anne Robertson :
> Hello Tony,
> We can get started with the table from JAWS for Windows, but we like
> to have the official Braille code complete with symbols such as can be
> found in training manuals.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: something is a miss here.

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Howell

Jon  that may be true, but a few things to keep in mind.  First it may  
not even be an Apple drive, it could be your external drive or even a  
Time Capsule drive.  Additionally the utility can keep a file system  
in good order, so it does more than just recover the data and  
truthfully I try to hang onto machines that are beyond their  
warranty.  I understand what your saying, but having the tools  
available to take care of any drive may be really a good idea.  I've  
had drives I sure wish I had a utility like this to recover data  
from. :)
On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> I had to run Disk Warrior once on my childrens's e-mac computer. The
> disk had enough errors that it took 3-4 days to recover data. There
> were 100's  of files (mostly system files) that it could not recover,
> but I was able to reteive most of their documents.  I then did a full
> format and restored the system.  If your computer is under
> maintencnace and has not suffered from abuse, I would just let the
> apple store give you a new hard disk. They can charge a small fee to
> store all the information on the HD and migrate it to the new disk.
> Best regards,
> Jon
> On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:31 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I imagine Apple will charge the same as the vendor online, $99.95.
>> Ironically, I found a message someone had sent to another list about
>> this product and it apparently is the real deal.  So, I'm giving some
>> thought to purchasing it myself.  I've been very lucky in that I have
>> not lost any drives and I do have backups, but there is always that
>> one chance and with a kid, well, hell, anything is possible.
>> On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:05 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>> Before you or anyone else does anything, make sure that you've
>>> cloaned
>>> your drive. Software wise, hsf is some what of a nightmair to  
>>> recover
>>> files from so before any data recovery apps try and mess with
>>> anything, its important that you have an at least partially working
>>> copy of your hard drive stored somewhere.
>>> On 30/07/2009, erik burggraaf  wrote:

 Hi, thanks for all this.  Smart status does in deed say varified.

 Do you remember off hand how much the apple store might charge me
 disc warrier?  I'm looking it up on the apple store online now, but
 it's not expensive, say, under the $100 mark, I might just buy it
 the apple store and let the geneus handle it.


 erik burggraaf
 A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
 Phone: 888-255-5194

 On 30-Jul-09, at 5:33 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Erik,
> One quick question: when you run Disk Utility what reading do you
> get
> when you select the hard drive above "Macintosh HD" on the  
> sidebar?
> That is, when you VO-Up arrow to something that says (for example,
> 232.9 GB Fujitsu etc.)  Use item chooser menu to go to "selected
> disk
> image" and then VO-Right arrow and interact with the part that
> begins
> "Disk Description".  There should be an announcement of  
> "S.M.A.R.T.
> Status:"  Does it say "verified" after that announcement?
> You can sometimes recover from this with Alsoft's "Disk Warrior"
> but
> there are accessibility issues running from the DVD, I think.  If
> it's
> on a cloned disk you can run it on your home disk drive through  
> the
> clone. If you have a local Apple Store nearby, they can probably
> run
> this as a diagnostic on your hard drive.  They might be willing to
> go
> ahead and run it on your hard drive if you bought a copy of the
> software from the store (though it's slightly cheaper from the web
> download.)  And you should probably have a new hard drive to copy
> to
> before things get seriously worse and unrecoverable. Disk Warrior
> does
> work to recover in instances such as you describe, although given
> the
> circumstances I would ask at my local Apple Store and try to have
> them
> run this.  I'm sure that every Genius bar has a copy of this.   
> They
> can run the diagnosis for you even if they won't run the recovery.
> You should know that there is a possibility of introducing
> problems in
> doing the recover mode, but in most instances it just works, and
> the
> problems are minimal.  In that case, if your disk has really gone
> south the amount of work you'd have to do to get the problem areas
> fully recovered without these glitches is quite major, and  
> probably
> beyond your scope.  Disk Warrior does work very well, although I
> haven't had to use it for quite a while -- since first upgrading  
> to
> Leopard.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi friends.  I 

Re: My trip to see an iPhone with no success

2009-07-31 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Christian,

I'm so sorry!  this happened to me the first couple of times I tried  
to see an Iphone, too. I remember how disappointed I was.  I hope you  
get to see one soon.

On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Christian wrote:

> Hi all!
> OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
> I don't usually like these bigger stores due to their often lack of  
> service I have experienced so I usually prefer some smaller stores  
> where I have some contacts.
> Anyway, I went to the big shopping center here. When I visited one  
> store a few days ago they toldme that they will have a demo unit to  
> try today. But they did not! They had already sold it and they told  
> me to sign up on a waiting list.
> OK, I went on to the next store. They had a unit, but they didn't  
> want to open the box! Only if I would purchase it they would other  
> wise not. So no demo unit there either.
> Oh well, I went on to the third one. Bingo! They had a unit but I  
> did not remember the whole manual and when I got help from a friend  
> of mine to turn VoiceOver on, the phone asked me if I want to change  
> the default gester. I answered ok but then it was silent. I did not  
> remember how to fix this so I asked a representative in the store if  
> I could sit down and try it for some time maybe a ew hours and if i  
> like it eventually buy it tomorrow. But they did not want me to do  
> that! They explained that we have this demo unit and we can not let  
> you try it that way.
> So I told them ok you have lost a customer.
> So now i am back home without having seen it that much!
> Going to contact my store where i usually get help and service!
> What do you think?
> Best regards,
> Christian
> >

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Fwd: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread John Panarese
  My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature  
of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes as  
to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The  
perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,  
and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken  
heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a give  
and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock value  
consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN and  
laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one  
will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't  
get it.

Take Care

John Panarese

Begin forwarded message:

> Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
> Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
> Source: AppleInsider
> Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief  
> Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a  
> suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically  
> insignificant.
> Read more…

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artiles posted to this list

2009-07-31 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me why any some one posts an article to 
the list you always have to go the ws and dig it out of all the clutter.  Why 
couldn't folks just copy the article to the clipboard and paste it into the 
message so that we don't have to spend time trying to find it?
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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread ben mustill-rose

To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for much
cheaper and with my choice of case and components.

Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software, so
I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
point in the future.

On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
>   My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
> of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes as
> to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
> perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
> and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
> heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a give
> and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock value
> consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN and
> laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
> will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't
> get it.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
>> Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
>> Source: AppleInsider
>> Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief
>> Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a
>> suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically
>> insignificant.
>> Read more…
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Hofstader


There is most certainly a UNIX like driver for the touch screen  
operations.  If you really feel like getting silicon under your  
fingernails, you can probably hack that part of the system to do what  
you want.  This action, however, is way outside of Apple coding  
guidelines and may even invalidate the warranty as you would be  
changing, in a fairly direct sense, how the hardware functions.  This  
is how most Windows screen readers  work at least in some areas which  
inserts that constant level of potential instability as such actions  
might behave inconsistently because you are not supposed to be  
wrapping drivers and since the driver doesn't know you (it can't) you  
may run into some operational collisions.

Happy Hacking,

On Jul 31, 2009, at 1:09 PM, James Dietvz wrote:

> The site is
> If I was programming an interactive game it would probably speak for
> itself. I'd want to create my own gestures, and from what I understand
> VO uses it's own special gestures. On the Mac VO uses special keys,
> leaving the rest of the keyboard undisturbed and willing to interact
> normally with the rest of the OS (though this will apparently change
> with Snow Leopard... grumble).  Anyway I just want to get raw input.
> James
> On 7/31/09, Chris Hofstader  wrote:
>> Which site?
>> On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>>> I get an "internal server error," with that site.
>>> Mark BurningHawk
>>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> MSN:
>>> My home page:

> >

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Re[2]: My trip to see an iPhone with no success

2009-07-31 Thread Christian

Hi Donna and all,
Yes, it's very frustrating especially when one of the stores told me that they 
will have a demo unit available a few days ago.
But anyway, i at least heared the swedish voice and it sounded good. for about 
five seconds.
Best regards,

On 2009-07-30 at 14:20 Donna Goodin wrote:

>Hi Christian,
>I'm so sorry!  this happened to me the first couple of times I tried  
>to see an Iphone, too. I remember how disappointed I was.  I hope you  
>get to see one soon.
>On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Christian wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
>> I don't usually like these bigger stores due to their often lack of  
>> service I have experienced so I usually prefer some smaller stores  
>> where I have some contacts.
>> Anyway, I went to the big shopping center here. When I visited one  
>> store a few days ago they toldme that they will have a demo unit to  
>> try today. But they did not! They had already sold it and they told  
>> me to sign up on a waiting list.
>> OK, I went on to the next store. They had a unit, but they didn't  
>> want to open the box! Only if I would purchase it they would other  
>> wise not. So no demo unit there either.
>> Oh well, I went on to the third one. Bingo! They had a unit but I  
>> did not remember the whole manual and when I got help from a friend  
>> of mine to turn VoiceOver on, the phone asked me if I want to change  
>> the default gester. I answered ok but then it was silent. I did not  
>> remember how to fix this so I asked a representative in the store if  
>> I could sit down and try it for some time maybe a ew hours and if i  
>> like it eventually buy it tomorrow. But they did not want me to do  
>> that! They explained that we have this demo unit and we can not let  
>> you try it that way.
>> So I told them ok you have lost a customer.
>> So now i am back home without having seen it that much!
>> Going to contact my store where i usually get help and service!
>> What do you think?
>> Best regards,
>> Christian
>> >

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Another question about iphone

2009-07-31 Thread Christian

the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessible with VoiceOver?
I suppose it is.
many thanks,

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Re: Another question about iphone

2009-07-31 Thread Marie Howarth

yes Christian, it is. :)

On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Christian wrote:

> Hi,
> the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessible with  
> VoiceOver?
> I suppose it is.
> many thanks,
> Christian
> >

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Re[2]: Another question about iphone

2009-07-31 Thread Christian

OK, that's great. How much information can you get from it?
Is it possible to tell where you are?

On 2009-07-31 at 22:36 Marie Howarth wrote:

>yes Christian, it is. :)
>On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Christian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessible with  
>> VoiceOver?
>> I suppose it is.
>> many thanks,
>> Christian
>> >

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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread John Panarese

 That is, of course, a matter of personal opinion.  You get what  
you pay for, as my dad often says.  Buy junk, get junk.  And, of  
course, pricy as it might be, it does not change the fact that people  
are buying it at a rate that should actually alarm Microsoft share  
holders.  Numbers speak for themselves.  Ballmer's problem is he even  
contradicts himself in his own speech.  Personally, I'd rather spend  
the money on a Mac and know I'm getting Apple quality than buy a PC  
clone half the price that has inferior hardware and, of course, is  
also running Windows.  Again, though, that comes down to choice.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:25 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for much
> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
> Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software, so
> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
> point in the future.
> On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
>>  My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
>> of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes as
>> to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
>> perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
>> and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
>> heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a  
>> give
>> and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock  
>> value
>> consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN and
>> laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
>> will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't
>> get it.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
>>> Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
>>> Source: AppleInsider
>>> Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief
>>> Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a
>>> suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically
>>> insignificant.
>>> Read more…
> -- 
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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Re: My trip to see an iPhone with no success

2009-07-31 Thread Vicki Manley

Hi there,
Sound very fussy people and not that up on disabilities especially  
those with a visual impairment.
I hope it wasn't all O2 stores!!
Best wishes,
Vicki.On 31 Jul 2009, at 15:40, Christian wrote:

> Hi all!
> OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
> I don't usually like these bigger stores due to their often lack of  
> service I have experienced so I usually prefer some smaller stores  
> where I have some contacts.
> Anyway, I went to the big shopping center here. When I visited one  
> store a few days ago they toldme that they will have a demo unit to  
> try today. But they did not! They had already sold it and they told  
> me to sign up on a waiting list.
> OK, I went on to the next store. They had a unit, but they didn't  
> want to open the box! Only if I would purchase it they would other  
> wise not. So no demo unit there either.
> Oh well, I went on to the third one. Bingo! They had a unit but I  
> did not remember the whole manual and when I got help from a friend  
> of mine to turn VoiceOver on, the phone asked me if I want to change  
> the default gester. I answered ok but then it was silent. I did not  
> remember how to fix this so I asked a representative in the store if  
> I could sit down and try it for some time maybe a ew hours and if i  
> like it eventually buy it tomorrow. But they did not want me to do  
> that! They explained that we have this demo unit and we can not let  
> you try it that way.
> So I told them ok you have lost a customer.
> So now i am back home without having seen it that much!
> Going to contact my store where i usually get help and service!
> What do you think?
> Best regards,
> Christian
> >

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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Tim Kilburn
> Hi Ben,

You wrote:
> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for much
> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
TK:  I think that you neglected to put in the price of a Screenreader  
into your estimates.  Once you factor in the Screenreader and the  
built-in software and the high-end parts, things aren't a lot  
different pricewise.  Sure you can build a computer cheaper with  
cheaper parts but will everything be totally compatible and will it  
pass the tests of time.  I can build a house with economy grade lumber  
too but I guarantee that things will begin to degrade much quicker  
than if I use contractor grade material. Also, have you ever actually  
dealt with the MacPro from a standpoint of accessing its insides?   
They are simply an amazing machine with respect to expandibility,  
reliability and physical accessibility.  Yes, they are pricy, but so  
is a Mercedes.

Ben also wrote:  Having said this, I think there doing some ok things  
with software, so
> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
> point in the future.
TK:  Apple's commitment to making software accessible is impressive.   
When VO first came out 4 years ago, there were huge problems with  
iTunes, iWork and other Apple software and many of these packages have  
been made very accessible since then.  They've come a long way in a  
short time.

Just my personal opinion of course.


Tim Kilburn
& Carter the Canine
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: A question about iPhone

2009-07-31 Thread Cara Quinn

   Just a super quickie correction here; in that one can actually have  
wifi on while the IPhone is in Airplane mode.

  In settings wifi is located right after airplane mode, so it's easy  
to turn one off while enabling the other…

HTH and have a terrific day / weekend!…


CQ :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jul 30, 2009, at 1:12 PM, Chris Hofstader wrote:

Turning the iPhone to Aircraft mode will turn off all wireless
activity including the phone.  If you want Blue Tooth, WiFi or 3G,
though, I think the phone needs to be on as well.
On Jul 30, 2009, at 12:37 PM, william lomas wrote:

> i think the phone and PDA functions are all as one but I could be
> wrong
> WIll
> On 30 Jul 2009, at 17:02, Christian wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> i have just subscribed to this list and maybe this has already been
>> asked but i just want to know.
>> Tomorrow I am going to have a look at the iPhone. I have been using
>> a Windows mobile phone for some time now and have a few questions.
>> Is it possible to use the phones features without turning the actual
>> phone on like the calendar and so on?
>> Also, in the voicememo, is it possible to change recording format?
>> Many thanks,
>> Christian

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Copying from an email

2009-07-31 Thread Mac Cougar


I need to find out how to copy just one thing from an email.  I have  
and email with a phone number in it that I would like to copy.  How do  
you select and copy from an email?

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Re: Copying from an email

2009-07-31 Thread Mark Baxter

Place your cursor before what you wish to copy.  Press VO Enter to  
turn on highlighting.  Move your cursor to the end where you want to  
stop copying, then press VO Enter again to turn off selecting.  Press  
command C, and you're good to go.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: artiles posted to this list

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Howell
I'll tell you why, it is not really appropriate to quote an entire  
article in such a fashion in some cases you may be violating the terms  
and conditions of the hosting site.  Just click on the URL if your  
that interested and read the article.  WHile your at it, look at the  
terms and conditions and you may very well find a statement that says  
the article may not be retransmitted without the express permission of  
the author or something close to that.

On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:53 PM, Gene Richburg wrote:

> Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me why any some one posts an  
> article to the list you always have to go the ws and dig it out of  
> all the clutter.  Why couldn't folks just copy the article to the  
> clipboard and paste it into the message so that we don't have to  
> spend time trying to find it?
> Thanks
> >

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Re: Copying from an email

2009-07-31 Thread Marie Howarth

you need to use vo--enter to use select mode. find the information you  
need to copy and then hit vo--enter and move the vo curser with vo-- 
right/left arrow until you've selected the information you need and  
then hit vo--enter again which will take you from select mode and hit  
command--c to copy. then paste where ever you need.

On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:43 PM, Mac Cougar wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to find out how to copy just one thing from an email.  I have
> and email with a phone number in it that I would like to copy.  How do
> you select and copy from an email?
> ∂Thanks
> Steve
> >

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Re: the advent of audio/tactile games for the VIPs

2009-07-31 Thread Cara Quinn
   Hi Chris and all;

   the API used on both the Mac and IPhone is OpenAL, which is (as you  
may know) an open-source cross-platform 3D audio API.

   It's actually only one of the ApIs built in to Leopard by default.  
The IPHone however, relies on OpenAL exclusively for it's 3D audio.

HTH and thanks so much for all of the great material!…


CQ :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:

The most "accurate" spatial audio information uses a technique called  
Head Relative Transform Functions (HRTF) which simulates relatively  
precise tonal qualities of sounds that one perceives from a specific  

Some of the research into what became  these functions had humans  
sitting with dozens of very tiny microphones set up in an array in  
their ears.  there was more than enough similarity for the physicists  
to resolve the raw data into a number of mathematical equations and  
the output of said functions is amazing.

the problem with HRTF is that it is very compute intensive.  Of  
course, when I first started diddling about with it, I was on what is  
now a six year old Dell desktop.  A dual core, 64 bit laptop should be  
able to handle these equations in real time much more easily.

Microsoft has for a number of years now included HRtF in DirectSound  
(the audio component of Drect X) and my experiments with them showed  
very promising results.  I don't know the Macintosh API too well so I  
don't know if they have something similar, identical or not.  The  
Microsoft documentation does warn about relying too much on these  
functions as they can bog down the processor and cause other threads  
to behave kind of badly (again, all of the faster new computers should  
be able to calculate these sounds in real time.

I've loads of ideas for a combination of really accurate sound  
combined with a haptic interface using the Falcon  to simulate a whole  
lot of 3 dimensional real world objects.


On Jul 30, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I've heard there is a lot more to spacial placement than just  
> fiddling with the pan to adjust volume levels. At least this seems  
> obvious to me when a little pan to the left makes the sound fly way  
> off to the left of the sound field. Probably a lot more going on in  
> the ear that isn't fooled by that trick. So, that said, do you have  
> any idea if the VoiceOver positional audio is doing real sound field  
> magic or is it just a subtle pan?
> One underrated feature on the new iPhone is the compass. With this  
> an application can not only know where you are but also which way  
> you (or at least your phone) is pointed. This makes possible real  
> walking directions from where you're at using left and right rather  
> than assuming the user has their cardinal orientation correct. Even  
> feedback to say what is in front of you in the direction you are  
> pointing. Should be good things coming.
> CB
> Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> Including the two textbook chapters (one entirely on games and  
>> another
>> with a portion on audio games), a couple of peer reviewed articles on
>> the matter, a pile of blog articles 
>> (
>> )  and the odd item here and there, I have studied a handful of audio
>> games in depth, fooled around with a few others and talked to a lot  
>> of
>> their authors but the breadth of my knowledge is far more narrow than
>> a dozen hardcore gamers I know and rely on for brief descriptions for
>> new entries  so I can quickly ascertain how they may move the science
>> in a new and/or different and interesting direction.
>> As I said this morning, I am far too boring to actually build a real
>> game and, when you scratch beyond the surface, you will find that
>> first and for mostly, I think about putting technology in the hands  
>> of
>> blinks that will provide them with the tools they may choose to  
>> employ
>> in a job or school situation.
>> If you are interested in mixing sound and tactile feedback, get a  
>> look
>> at a Falcon 3D tactile controller.  I think they have an SDK for Mac
>> and they do .5 mm tactile resolution (most humans can feel no better
>> than .1 mm) so you can do extraordinary things with this device and
>> they only cost about $ 100 (really).
>> I like the idea of using the iPhone for orientation and to provide
>> information about one's surroundings.  I'm not especially impressed  
>> by
>> the iPhone's Maps application but its location services are pretty
>> excellent.  I thought of this while walking through Harvard Yard  
>> after
>> lunch today and wondered how a student new to the university would
>> find the library as opposed to the historical center next door as  
>> none
>> of these buildings have traditional street addresses and are arrived
>> at by foot paths.  Your

Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Howell

And of course your entitled to your opinion, but there are a few  
points you aren't considering.  TO purchase a machine of the same  
quality will cost you considerably more than you may have considered.   
Apple does not cut corners on their hardware, they choose components,  
which will deliver the best performance possible even if it costs  
more.  I imagine the cost of software such as the os is included to  
some degree as well.  Lets toss in R&D for the many innovations Apple  
has introduced and will introduce to the market.  YOu can bet there is  
always something being worked on or being taken from an idea to a  
concept.  All that does cost money and consider the number of PC  
manufacturers out number Apple, so they will have to charge more I  
imagine do to the shear volume of PCs on the market as compared to  
Macintosh machines.  So, I understand your point, but you should  
consider why their products may be more expensive based on various  
On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:25 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for much
> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
> Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software, so
> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
> point in the future.
> On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
>>  My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
>> of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes as
>> to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
>> perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
>> and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
>> heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a  
>> give
>> and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock  
>> value
>> consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN and
>> laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
>> will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't
>> get it.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
>>> Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
>>> Source: AppleInsider
>>> Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief
>>> Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a
>>> suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically
>>> insignificant.
>>> Read more…
> -- 
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Howell
Oh and one other point I can't possibly let slide by.  You mention the  
cost of a Mac Pro,.  Do you realize that most consumers can't purchase  
that much horsepower in a PC and not to mention from a local store  
such as an APple store?  I honestly can't think of any Quad-core PCs  
on the market, but then most people wouldn't be buying that much  
horsepower in any rate. :)
On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

>> Hi Ben,
> You wrote:
>> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
>> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
>> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
>> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
>> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
>> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
>> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for  
>> much
>> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
> TK:  I think that you neglected to put in the price of a  
> Screenreader into your estimates.  Once you factor in the  
> Screenreader and the built-in software and the high-end parts,  
> things aren't a lot different pricewise.  Sure you can build a  
> computer cheaper with cheaper parts but will everything be totally  
> compatible and will it pass the tests of time.  I can build a house  
> with economy grade lumber too but I guarantee that things will begin  
> to degrade much quicker than if I use contractor grade material.  
> Also, have you ever actually dealt with the MacPro from a standpoint  
> of accessing its insides?  They are simply an amazing machine with  
> respect to expandibility, reliability and physical accessibility.   
> Yes, they are pricy, but so is a Mercedes.
> Ben also wrote:  Having said this, I think there doing some ok  
> things with software, so
>> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
>> point in the future.
> TK:  Apple's commitment to making software accessible is  
> impressive.  When VO first came out 4 years ago, there were huge  
> problems with iTunes, iWork and other Apple software and many of  
> these packages have been made very accessible since then.  They've  
> come a long way in a short time.
> Just my personal opinion of course.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> & Carter the Canine
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread John Panarese

In addition to this, I believe that I also read somewhere that if  
you actually compared Apple and PC higher end systems, such as Dells,  
the Mac Pro is actually more affordable.  If I can dredge up the  
article, I'll post the link, but the author did this with three  
different Dell and Mac Pro configurations.  Shortly after reading that  
article, I spent an evening with my brother and a friend pricing out  
systems on the Apple website and comparing prices, and we also found  
the Mac Pro to be less expensive when all was said in done, especially  
if you include the software that comes on Macs.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> And of course your entitled to your opinion, but there are a few
> points you aren't considering.  TO purchase a machine of the same
> quality will cost you considerably more than you may have considered.
> Apple does not cut corners on their hardware, they choose components,
> which will deliver the best performance possible even if it costs
> more.  I imagine the cost of software such as the os is included to
> some degree as well.  Lets toss in R&D for the many innovations Apple
> has introduced and will introduce to the market.  YOu can bet there is
> always something being worked on or being taken from an idea to a
> concept.  All that does cost money and consider the number of PC
> manufacturers out number Apple, so they will have to charge more I
> imagine do to the shear volume of PCs on the market as compared to
> Macintosh machines.  So, I understand your point, but you should
> consider why their products may be more expensive based on various
> factors.
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:25 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
>> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
>> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
>> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
>> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
>> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
>> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for  
>> much
>> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
>> Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software,  
>> so
>> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
>> point in the future.
>> On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
>>> My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
>>> of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes as
>>> to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
>>> perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
>>> and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
>>> heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a
>>> give
>>> and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock
>>> value
>>> consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN  
>>> and
>>> laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
>>> will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't
>>> get it.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
 Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
 Source: AppleInsider

 Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief
 Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a
 suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically
 Read more…


>> -- 
>> Kind regards, BEN.
>> email:
>> msn:
>> web: (under construction)
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Chris Polk

lol, true
my mbp 2.5 core 2 with 4 gb of ram.
dell wants $2100 for the same specs in a xpsm1330

then a screen reader on top of that would be another 8 to 1000, around  
3 grand.
1399 for a mbp, its got me everytime

On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:05 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>In addition to this, I believe that I also read somewhere that if
> you actually compared Apple and PC higher end systems, such as Dells,
> the Mac Pro is actually more affordable.  If I can dredge up the
> article, I'll post the link, but the author did this with three
> different Dell and Mac Pro configurations.  Shortly after reading that
> article, I spent an evening with my brother and a friend pricing out
> systems on the Apple website and comparing prices, and we also found
> the Mac Pro to be less expensive when all was said in done, especially
> if you include the software that comes on Macs.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Managing Director
> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
> 9 Nolan Court
> Hauppauge, NY 11788
> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Internet,
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> And of course your entitled to your opinion, but there are a few
>> points you aren't considering.  TO purchase a machine of the same
>> quality will cost you considerably more than you may have considered.
>> Apple does not cut corners on their hardware, they choose components,
>> which will deliver the best performance possible even if it costs
>> more.  I imagine the cost of software such as the os is included to
>> some degree as well.  Lets toss in R&D for the many innovations Apple
>> has introduced and will introduce to the market.  YOu can bet there  
>> is
>> always something being worked on or being taken from an idea to a
>> concept.  All that does cost money and consider the number of PC
>> manufacturers out number Apple, so they will have to charge more I
>> imagine do to the shear volume of PCs on the market as compared to
>> Macintosh machines.  So, I understand your point, but you should
>> consider why their products may be more expensive based on various
>> factors.
>> On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:25 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical,  
>>> Apples
>>> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
>>> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
>>> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
>>> macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
>>> I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
>>> amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for
>>> much
>>> cheaper and with my choice of case and components.
>>> Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software,
>>> so
>>> I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
>>> point in the future.
>>> On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
 of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes  
 to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
 perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
 and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
 heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a
 and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock
 consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN
 laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
 will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still doesn't
 get it.

 Take Care

 John Panarese

 Begin forwarded message:

> Date: July 31, 2009 9:45:00 AM EDT
> Subject: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"
> Source: AppleInsider
> Speaking to a group of market analysts this week, Microsoft Chief
> Executive Steve Ballmer repeatedly mentioned Apple, including a
> suggestion that a growing rate of Mac adoption is statistically
> insignificant.
> Read more…


>>> -- 
>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>> email:
>>> msn:
>>> web: (under construction)

> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to mac

Re: Copying from an email

2009-07-31 Thread Mac Cougar

Thank you.  That was what I needed.

On Jul 31, 2009, at 3:47 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> Place your cursor before what you wish to copy.  Press VO Enter to
> turn on highlighting.  Move your cursor to the end where you want to
> stop copying, then press VO Enter again to turn off selecting.  Press
> command C, and you're good to go.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread John Panarese

Oh, yes, another myth.  The laptop hunters ads are so full of mule  
muffins.  Compare hardware and software, again.  Yeah, you can buy a  
$500 Windows laptop, but you can buy a pair of clippers instead of a  
weed whacker too.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



On Jul 31, 2009, at 7:08 PM, Chris Polk wrote:

> lol, true
> my mbp 2.5 core 2 with 4 gb of ram.
> dell wants $2100 for the same specs in a xpsm1330
> then a screen reader on top of that would be another 8 to 1000, around
> 3 grand.
> 1399 for a mbp, its got me everytime
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:05 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>   In addition to this, I believe that I also read somewhere that if
>> you actually compared Apple and PC higher end systems, such as Dells,
>> the Mac Pro is actually more affordable.  If I can dredge up the
>> article, I'll post the link, but the author did this with three
>> different Dell and Mac Pro configurations.  Shortly after reading  
>> that
>> article, I spent an evening with my brother and a friend pricing out
>> systems on the Apple website and comparing prices, and we also found
>> the Mac Pro to be less expensive when all was said in done,  
>> especially
>> if you include the software that comes on Macs.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Managing Director
>> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
>> 9 Nolan Court
>> Hauppauge, NY 11788
>> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Internet,
>> On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> And of course your entitled to your opinion, but there are a few
>>> points you aren't considering.  TO purchase a machine of the same
>>> quality will cost you considerably more than you may have  
>>> considered.
>>> Apple does not cut corners on their hardware, they choose  
>>> components,
>>> which will deliver the best performance possible even if it costs
>>> more.  I imagine the cost of software such as the os is included to
>>> some degree as well.  Lets toss in R&D for the many innovations  
>>> Apple
>>> has introduced and will introduce to the market.  YOu can bet there
>>> is
>>> always something being worked on or being taken from an idea to a
>>> concept.  All that does cost money and consider the number of PC
>>> manufacturers out number Apple, so they will have to charge more I
>>> imagine do to the shear volume of PCs on the market as compared to
>>> Macintosh machines.  So, I understand your point, but you should
>>> consider why their products may be more expensive based on various
>>> factors.
>>> On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:25 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

 To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical,
 hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have  
 apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say  
 that I
 ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
 macs I have were either given to me or were bought from ebay.
 I just don't see why on earth I should have to shell out a stupid
 amount of money to buy a mac pro when I can build one my self for
 cheaper and with my choice of case and components.

 Having said this, I think there doing some ok things with software,
 I've bought things like Ilife and Iwork and will buy logic at some
 point in the future.

 On 31/07/2009, John Panarese  wrote:
>   My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
> of the post.  However, I think this article really speaks volumes
> as
> to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions.  The
> perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years  
> now,
> and this speech typifies why MS's stock and market share has taken
> heavy hits in recent months.  Make no mistakes, folks. It isn't a
> give
> and take deal.  Microsoft has been losing market share and stock
> value
> consistently for five years now.  This is the guy who went on CNN
> and
> laughed at the iPhone when it was first released claiming, "No one
> will buy a $400 cell phone."  He hasn't gotten it and Still

Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Mark Baxter

I defy anyone to purchase a comparable computer *WITH* screen-reader,  
to this MacBook Pro15 with 4G of RAM and a 2.4G processor.  This thing  
is faster than *ANY* MS_based laptop I've ever seen for half again the  
price, and that's *WITHOUT* the screen-reader, which costs another  
computer's worth.  The reason people call Mac an "error," is out of  
fear that it is, in fact, a superior product. I'm so glad I made the  
switch back.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"

2009-07-31 Thread Robert Carter


I don't usually reply just to say that I agree. In this case, however,  
I think what was stated in this message is absolutely true.

Robert Carter
On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> I defy anyone to purchase a comparable computer *WITH* screen-reader,
> to this MacBook Pro15 with 4G of RAM and a 2.4G processor.  This thing
> is faster than *ANY* MS_based laptop I've ever seen for half again the
> price, and that's *WITHOUT* the screen-reader, which costs another
> computer's worth.  The reason people call Mac an "error," is out of
> fear that it is, in fact, a superior product. I'm so glad I made the
> switch back.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile

2009-07-31 Thread Christian

Hi all,
I am currently using Windows Mobile with MSP and was just wondering how you 
Windows Mobile users find the iphone with VoiceOver?
Have you allmost replaced your old Windows mobile phone with this one?
>From what I have read I think I would have done it myself, but since I have 
>not been able to fully tried it i am not sure.
Was just curious!
Many thanks,

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RE: A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile

2009-07-31 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Christian,

I used MSP for two years before getting my Iphone.  Since getting my IPhone, I 
haven't looked back.  What I have said to people on the MSP list is think about 
what you want in a phone.  If  you want to work with Excel spreadsheets, and 
edit Word docs, the MSP phone is the better choice.  If you want to text, check 
email, check weather, play music, and if you 'are comfortable with the touch 
interface, the iphone has a lot to offer.  It will take some getting used to, 
but I wouldn't go back to my WM phone for anything in the world.

-Original Message-
From: Christian 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile

Hi all,
I am currently using Windows Mobile with MSP and was just wondering how you 
Windows Mobile users find the iphone with VoiceOver?
Have you allmost replaced your old Windows mobile phone with this one?
>From what I have read I think I would have done it myself, but since I have 
>not been able to fully tried it i am not sure.
Was just curious!
Many thanks,

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Re: A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile

2009-07-31 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Christian and all:

I am sitting next to a symbian 60 phone which functions plenty enough  
like a windows mobile phone. On the other side of me is an iphone. I  
only use the sym 60 phone when it rings ... LOL. Other than that the  
iphone pretty much has replaced it.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:21 PM, Christian wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am currently using Windows Mobile with MSP and was just wondering  
> how you Windows Mobile users find the iphone with VoiceOver?
> Have you allmost replaced your old Windows mobile phone with this one?
> From what I have read I think I would have done it myself, but since  
> I have not been able to fully tried it i am not sure.
> Was just curious!
> Many thanks,
> Christian
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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RE: A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile

2009-07-31 Thread Simon Fogarty
I'm slower with my IPhone than with my synbian s60 device N82).


But I'm getting quicker the more I do with it.


The best thing I find with the I phone is email from work, it's a lot more
readable than from the s60 / mail for exchange 



[] On Behalf Of patrickneazer
Sent: Saturday, 1 August 2009 1:49 p.m.
Subject: Re: A question for you iphone users who also use windows mobile


Hello Christian and all:


I am sitting next to a symbian 60 phone which functions plenty enough like a
windows mobile phone. On the other side of me is an iphone. I only use the
sym 60 phone when it rings ... LOL. Other than that the iphone pretty much
has replaced it. 

On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:21 PM, Christian wrote:

Hi all,
I am currently using Windows Mobile with MSP and was just wondering how you
Windows Mobile users find the iphone with VoiceOver?
Have you allmost replaced your old Windows mobile phone with this one?
>From what I have read I think I would have done it myself, but since I have
not been able to fully tried it i am not sure.
Was just curious!
Many thanks,


Take good care and I wish you enough.







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nano headphones

2009-07-31 Thread william lomas

hi does anyone know what the model and make are, of the 
that ship ith the nano are? the 4g nano i mean? i ant replacements  
like the ones that came with the nano itself when I bought it last year.
Regards WIll

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Re: nano headphones

2009-07-31 Thread Charlie Doremus

If your headphones are less then one year old, take them to an Apple  
store and they should replace them.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 31, 2009, at 7:58 PM, william lomas  

>hi does anyone know what the model and make are, of the  
> headphones
> that ship ith the nano are? the 4g nano i mean? i ant replacements
> like the ones that came with the nano itself when I bought it last  
> year.
> Regards WIll
> >

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