off topic: the palm pre?

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

hi does anyone know if the palm pre has builtin speech support like  
the iphone 3gs?

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Re: off topic: the palm pre?

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

No, it doesn't, but there is an SDK that may enable external developers 
to build one.

On 7/18/2009 12:01 AM, william lomas wrote:
>   hi does anyone know if the palm pre has builtin speech support like
> the iphone 3gs?
> WIll
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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Re: off topic: the palm pre?

2009-07-18 Thread Brett Campbell

Built in?  Hell no.  But for an additional fee you've got it.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 1:01 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi does anyone know if the palm pre has builtin speech support like
> the iphone 3gs?
> WIll
> >

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Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option keys, 
you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to unlock 
them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various 
objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of time, 
especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
Good luck,

On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon. Then you
> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover commands.
> CB
> william lomas wrote:
>> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
>> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I read
>>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is either
>>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but would
>>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-18 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Anowk,

Omnipage is virtually obsolete for the Mac. It hasn't been updated for  
around 8 years! Readiris does an excellent job. It handles page  
orientation and can automatically open the processed document in  
whatever text editor you like. I use VueScan with Readiris as VueScan  
produces better scans, but I have them set up so that VueScan launches  
Readiris which in turn launches TextEdit. You can find set-up guides  
and user guides for these on:



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Re: Apple plans to blick rival smart phones

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash
It rarely is Josh. Than you for allowing this article to be posted. 

Take care 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Josh de Lioncourt 
  Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:23 AM
  Subject: Re: Apple plans to blick rival smart phones

  I don't want this to go too wildly off topic for this list, as it has nothing 
to do with accessibility, but I do think it is an interesting and somewhat 
important topic. I'll just note that what the article fails to consider is 
that, by allowing third-party devices to continue to sync via iTunes, Apple is 
opening itself up to a whole host of tech support query issues. Users will 
request help for syncing non-supported devices, in many cases lying about what 
device they are using to get tech support, and cost APple valuable time and 
resources on wild goose chases.  Regardless of how anyone feels about other 
aspects, the decision is an understandable and logical one. I do understand the 
arguments against it as well, but the picture is not as black as Palm wants to 
portray it.

  Josh de Lioncourt
  .my other mail provider is an owl.


  On Jul 17, 2009, at 2:03 PM, James & Nash wrote:

Hi everyone, 

From the BBC website:

Take care 



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RE: IPhones

2009-07-18 Thread Simon Fogarty


 Yeah the 16 is all I need but hay when you can double your storage for 200
dollars,  y  buy the smaller sized one.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alex Jurgensen
Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:56 a.m.
Subject: Re: IPhones


The 16 is all you need, as long as it is the 16 GB iPhone 3GS.


On 17-Jul-09, at 3:29 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Thanks for that.
> So if the 16gig version is that much cheaper not that I'm in the  
> USA  to by
> from at&t.
> The 16 would be all I neex to have full accessibility.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Fonzie
> Sent: Friday, 17 July 2009 12:44 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPhones
> Hello Simon, how are you doing?
> Yes, you are correct in your assumption.
> Both models, iPhone 3GS 16 GB, and iPhone 3GS 32 GB, contain VoiceOver
> onboard.
> The prices are as follows.  Keep in mind, I am listing the prices for
> the AT&T versions of these phones.
> If you are wanting to upgrade to a new two year agreement the prices
> are as follows.
> iPhone3GS 16GB $199.99
> iPhone3GS 32GB $299.99
> If AT&T allows you to do an early upgrade, in which that renews your
> contract for two years within your current contract, the prices are as
> follows.  Keep in mind, not everyone is eligible for a contract
> renewal.  All it simply means is, that your currently under contract,
> and if you are eligible, you can upgrade with the understanding that
> you are extending your contract for another two years.  Remember, you
> must be under contract already, for this to happen.  You usually have
> to be under contract for about a year, and they will allow you to
> upgrade early to a newer device.
> iPhone 3GS 16GB $399.99
> iPhone 3GS 32GB $499.99
> If you feel like buying an iPHone straight, with no contract, and
> under AT&T's retail price, the list is as follows.
> iPhone 3GS 16GB $499.99
> iPhone 3GS 32GB $599.99
> I hope this helps.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 5:39 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Morning folks,
>> Am I orrect in thinking there is a 32 and a 16 gig IPhone 3gs?
>> And if so, does the 16 gig version have the VO / accessibility
>> onboard!?
>> And what price are they going for In u s dollars if possible!
>> Thanks
>> simon
> >

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Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash
Hello Josh, 

Could you please explain a bit more about how exactly it is more powerful? 
Everytime I've used it Item Chooser seemed to be just a smart search that was 
clever enough to only show results which contained certain letters. 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Josh de Lioncourt 
  Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:49 AM
  Subject: Re: searching for specefic text on a webpage

  VoiceOver has a function called "Item Chooser" which is available anywhere, 
not just on the web. When you press it, it brings up a sort of menu of 
everything being displayed in the window. If you type a few letters in, the 
menu shrinks to only include items which contain the letters you typed. It is 
actually much nicer than a traditional find command, as you are describing, and 
a whole lot more powerful. :) 


  Josh de Lioncourt
  .my other mail provider is an owl.


  On Jul 17, 2009, at 4:30 PM, a radix wrote:

Hi everyone, Currently on windows I use hal 7.0 and webformator for surfing 
the web. Webformator displays the webpage in a sort of text-file which allows 
you to just browse it, i mean go through it all with arrow up/down and tab to 
go to link/link. You can use (and that is the one great feature I love about 
webformator) control-f to search for specefic text in a webpage. Since it is a 
text file (sort off, you can stiull click on links) it does not restrict you to 
link but will also instantly point you to a word in the actual body of the 
webpage, i often visit forums etc that I know quite well and find this feature 
very useful because it means I can navigate them quickly and efficiently. Also 
since, once again its a text file I can search for for example combobox in the 
control-f dialog and it will bring me to the first of these. I wonder if 
anything like this exists in safari-voiceover? I am actually hoping that 
transition will be easier for me becaus eI hav emostly been using a kin dof 
dumb screenreader, just using the windows commands and not many screenreader 
ocmmands at all so I am hoping I will be able to adapt quickly.
Greetings, Anouk,


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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-18 Thread Jude DaShiell

Any access technology developer who thinks that way so far as I'm 
concerned has nothing of any worth left to offer.

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and, if enough
> of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds more each year
> in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It's like any other product
> and the markets they compete in.
>  _
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's case, I
> have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations from
> that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would sit down
> with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about his findings.
> I think he would be quite argumentative and take a hardline on his position
> regardless of whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words, you'd
> accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving yourself a
> headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had with a
> particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines of me
> expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was nice to see
> their product could be used under a VM. Of course that met with a very much
> "I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the very
> least miledly daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid Mac when
> you have a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So, the market
> being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of these folks
> over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is truly a
> competitor now and any competition is a threat.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
> Josh,
> I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great. I am more
> productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could with my
> Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had terrible
> luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I have pages
> of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time.
> What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote this
> before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear about how he
> feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him that, in
> the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional sense; I
> mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest blindness
> technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
> responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to speak
> rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance of being
> self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the opportunity to
> set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on my
> iPhone. No, it doesn't run the KNFB reader and it doesn't have an advanced
> camera like some other phones in the world but it works a hell of a lot
> better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I wonder if he would be
> willing to sit down and write out his observations after the iPhone has been
> in the marketplace for almost a month now. But, I bet he's never even held
> one in his hand so, as with his initial observations, any response he might
> give now would be baseless.
>  _
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
> How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
> QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
> After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
> really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
> around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
> trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
> and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
> iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
> Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>.my other mail provider is an owl.
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

you know why?
because the i phone is way more superior than the pac mate
let him pay 3000 US dollars or more for it, an i phone is loads  
cheaper and does everything that does?
can someone send me off list please, the original article he posted?

On 18 Jul 2009, at 11:34, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> Any access technology developer who thinks that way so far as I'm
> concerned has nothing of any worth left to offer.
> On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Larry Wanger wrote:
>> Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and,  
>> if enough
>> of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds more  
>> each year
>> in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It's like any other  
>> product
>> and the markets they compete in.
>> _
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
>> You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's  
>> case, I
>> have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations  
>> from
>> that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would sit  
>> down
>> with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about his  
>> findings.
>> I think he would be quite argumentative and take a hardline on his  
>> position
>> regardless of whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words,  
>> you'd
>> accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving yourself a
>> headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had  
>> with a
>> particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines of me
>> expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was nice  
>> to see
>> their product could be used under a VM. Of course that met with a  
>> very much
>> "I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the  
>> very
>> least miledly daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid  
>> Mac when
>> you have a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So,  
>> the market
>> being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of  
>> these folks
>> over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is truly a
>> competitor now and any competition is a threat.
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>> Josh,
>> I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great.  
>> I am more
>> productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could  
>> with my
>> Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had  
>> terrible
>> luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I  
>> have pages
>> of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time.
>> What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote  
>> this
>> before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear  
>> about how he
>> feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him  
>> that, in
>> the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional  
>> sense; I
>> mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest blindness
>> technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
>> responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to  
>> speak
>> rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance  
>> of being
>> self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the  
>> opportunity to
>> set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on  
>> my
>> iPhone. No, it doesn't run the KNFB reader and it doesn't have an  
>> advanced
>> camera like some other phones in the world but it works a hell of a  
>> lot
>> better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I wonder if he  
>> would be
>> willing to sit down and write out his observations after the iPhone  
>> has been
>> in the marketplace for almost a month now. But, I bet he's never  
>> even held
>> one in his hand so, as with his initial observations, any response  
>> he might
>> give now would be baseless.
>> _
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Josh de  
>> Lioncourt
>> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
>> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
>> inefficient is:
>> How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever  
>> touched a
>> QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface  
>> interaction.
>> After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery  
>> status, or
>> really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do  
>> not move
>> around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are  
>> having
>> trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar scree

jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

hi, when my itunes gains focus on the store voiceover is going 
i i i  
i i i i i i i i i i i i tunes store lol
why is it doing this lol smile
I installed all updates

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IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Simon Fogarty

Hi folks,

 Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.

 The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a totally blind

I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility against
my Nokia s60 device.
 And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't say I'm
fixed on it yet.
And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with it.



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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello James and all:

Well, I can give an example of the power of the item chooser which  
might shed some light.

When using facebook in the beginning I was completely lost.  
Specifically, as you know, there is a feature on facebook which allows  
you to send a private message to someone. For the life of me I could  
not find the edit boxes where one was supposed to enter the text. And,  
if I did find it using conventional browsing techniques, the edit  
boxes lost focus.

When activating the item chooser I could type in the word edit and get  
a limited number of choices, and the first three choices were the edit  
fields I required to enter text. I could enter the text without losing  
focus and I could find the send button by performing the same  
activation of the item chooser, typing send which pulled up the send  
button and then using vo keys plus the space bar to activate the send  

The item chooser will assist person's in finding things that are there  
though might be difficult to get to.

I know that might sound like either an over simplification or an item  
specific example and Josh most likely could do a better job in  
explaining. However, this feature is, as Josh said, not just useful on  
the web. It has assisted me in successfully using applications such as  
iphoto ...

Hopefully that sheds a little light on the topic for you and hopefully  
you find some of this useful.

Take good care.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:31 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hello Josh,
> Could you please explain a bit more about how exactly it is more  
> powerful? Everytime I've used it Item Chooser seemed to be just a  
> smart search that was clever enough to only show results which  
> contained certain letters.
> Thanks
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: Josh de Lioncourt
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:49 AM
> Subject: Re: searching for specefic text on a webpage
> VoiceOver has a function called "Item Chooser" which is available  
> anywhere, not just on the web. When you press it, it brings up a  
> sort of menu of everything being displayed in the window. If you  
> type a few letters in, the menu shrinks to only include items which  
> contain the letters you typed. It is actually much nicer than a  
> traditional find command, as you are describing, and a whole lot  
> more powerful. :)
> HTH.
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 4:30 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi everyone, Currently on windows I use hal 7.0 and webformator for  
>> surfing the web. Webformator displays the webpage in a sort of text- 
>> file which allows you to just browse it, i mean go through it all  
>> with arrow up/down and tab to go to link/link. You can use (and  
>> that is the one great feature I love about webformator) control-f  
>> to search for specefic text in a webpage. Since it is a text file  
>> (sort off, you can stiull click on links) it does not restrict you  
>> to link but will also instantly point you to a word in the actual  
>> body of the webpage, i often visit forums etc that I know quite  
>> well and find this feature very useful because it means I can  
>> navigate them quickly and efficiently. Also since,  once again  
>> its a text file I can search for for example combobox in the  
>> control-f dialog and it will bring me to the first of these. I  
>> wonder if anything like this exists in safari-voiceover? I am  
>> actually hoping that transition will be easier for me becaus eI hav  
>> emostly been using a kin dof dumb screenreader, just using the  
>> windows commands and not many screenreader ocmmands at all so I am  
>> hoping I will be able to adapt quickly.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash

I  too would like to read this article. However, competition is a good 
thing. We should rmember that Apple is first and foremost a commercial 
vender and accessibility is not necessarily at the top of their list 
although they have done, and I am sure will continue to do a fantastic job. 
Besides everyone is entitled to their views and the Windows Assistive 
Technology developers do in fact have much left to offer the great majority 
of those of us who use Windows. Not least because the vast majority of the 
working world uses Windows . But yes, their products are overly priced. Very 
much so.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

> you know why?
> because the i phone is way more superior than the pac mate
> let him pay 3000 US dollars or more for it, an i phone is loads
> cheaper and does everything that does?
> can someone send me off list please, the original article he posted?
> On 18 Jul 2009, at 11:34, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>> Any access technology developer who thinks that way so far as I'm
>> concerned has nothing of any worth left to offer.
>> On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Larry Wanger wrote:
>>> Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and,
>>> if enough
>>> of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds more
>>> each year
>>> in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It's like any other
>>> product
>>> and the markets they compete in.
>>> _
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>>> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
>>> You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's
>>> case, I
>>> have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations
>>> from
>>> that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would sit
>>> down
>>> with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about his
>>> findings.
>>> I think he would be quite argumentative and take a hardline on his
>>> position
>>> regardless of whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words,
>>> you'd
>>> accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving yourself a
>>> headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had
>>> with a
>>> particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines of me
>>> expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was nice
>>> to see
>>> their product could be used under a VM. Of course that met with a
>>> very much
>>> "I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the
>>> very
>>> least miledly daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid
>>> Mac when
>>> you have a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So,
>>> the market
>>> being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of
>>> these folks
>>> over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is truly a
>>> competitor now and any competition is a threat.
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>>> Josh,
>>> I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great.
>>> I am more
>>> productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could
>>> with my
>>> Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had
>>> terrible
>>> luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I
>>> have pages
>>> of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time.
>>> What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote
>>> this
>>> before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear
>>> about how he
>>> feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him
>>> that, in
>>> the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional
>>> sense; I
>>> mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest blindness
>>> technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
>>> responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to
>>> speak
>>> rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance
>>> of being
>>> self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the
>>> opportunity to
>>> set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on
>>> my
>>> iPhone. No, it doesn't run the KNFB reader and it doesn't have an
>>> advanced
>>> camera like some other phones in the world but it works a hell of a
>>> lot
>>> better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I wonder if he
>>> would be
>>> willing to sit down and write out his observations after the iPhone
>>> has been
>>> in the marketplace for almost a month now. But, I bet he's never
>>> even held
>>> one in his hand so, as with his initial observations, any response
>>> he might
>>> give now would be baseless.

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Marie Howarth

I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

simon which s sixty phone do you use?

On 18 Jul 2009, at 12:10, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Simon and all:

I am a totally blind user and use the iphone quite a bit for work and  

It truly offers accessibility out of the box and it offers  
accessibility to a wide variety of apps.

I will not rave on and on about it lest be considered an iphone  
enthusiast (wink). Let me just say if you were wondering if a totally  
blind person can use it both efficiently and effectively the answer is  

Go get one, use it for a little while and see how you get on.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Simon,

I'm totally blind and no longer young, but I'm gettng on great with my  
iPhone. I can read mail, compose and send mail, check the weather,  
surf the Net using Safari, get directions to where I want to go using  
either Maps or Navigon, listen to music and audio books, read and send  
text messages, as well as using it for phone calls, of course. Oh yes,  
and I forgot to mention the calendar and address book. I also use the  
iPhone in both French and English.

I hope this reassures you a bit.



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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-18 Thread a radix

Thank you anne for this info. Maybe I am being prejudiced here (quite 
possible) bu tI havent heard that much about readiris at all as an ocr 
package in comparison with finereader and omnipage. As I said I always need 
to scan books for school and also lots of articles which often are not that 
great quality because they are copied. With omnipage I can just scan it and 
leave it be knowing that it will be very readable (unless people have been 
circling stuff with biros) and wont need any further attention. Luckily I 
still have an oldish windows laptop and a pc but that one needs to be 
reinstalled. I thought version 16 of omnipage was working on the mac but if 
not then indeed it would maybe not be such a good idea to use it.
Thanks again,
Greetings, Anouk
- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

> Hello Anowk,
> Omnipage is virtually obsolete for the Mac. It hasn't been updated for
> around 8 years! Readiris does an excellent job. It handles page
> orientation and can automatically open the processed document in
> whatever text editor you like. I use VueScan with Readiris as VueScan
> produces better scans, but I have them set up so that VueScan launches
> Readiris which in turn launches TextEdit. You can find set-up guides
> and user guides for these on:
>  and
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread a radix

Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I thought it 
was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo 
between using it on a laptop or a pc...
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Victor Tsaran" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option keys,
> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to unlock
> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of time,
> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
> Good luck,
> Vic
> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon. Then you
>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover 
>> commands.
>> CB
>> william lomas wrote:
>>> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
>>> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
 Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I read
 that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
 document for example you need to use the voice key (which is either
 command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but would
 tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
 handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
 slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
 braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
 Greetings, Anouk,

>> >
> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> or check my site at
> ---
> >

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Re: mac support/warranty, does it matter where you buy?

2009-07-18 Thread a radix
Hi thank you (and Alex too) for all your quick responses and info. I am still 
not sure, I am going to read the vo manual today, bu tI will look around in nl 
(on the web that is) if I import from the usa there will be HUGE vat and 
customs charges, customs are really strict here so after some consideration it 
might not be such a cost-saver after all. I will do some searching on the net 
though, maybe theya re available in nl itself for lower prices then official 
apple store.
Thanks again,
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Esther 
  Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 4:00 AM
  Subject: Re: mac support/warranty, does it matter where you buy?

  HI Anouk,

  Well, at least one other list member in Germany bought his Mac while visiting 
the U.S.  There are two parts to the power cable -- a power brick and an 
extension cable.  The power brick has a plug attachment, and there is a 
European plug attachment that can go into the connector, which uses a figure-8 
plug insert.  I think these are also called duck-head plugs or IEC-C7 plugs.  
If you feel the power brick without the plug inserted, there's basically a 
small section of the rectangular brick cut away, with an indentation for the 
figure-8 plug connection to get inserted.  Apple sells a world travel adapter 
kit that allows you to switch between 6 different plug connectors for Europe, 
North America, China, the UK, Korea, Australia, and Hong Kong.  (As far as I 
know, you can't buy individual plugs separately, and the travel adapter kit 
seems overpriced at $39.00, but my local Apple Store put some of these on sale 
five years ago at substantial discount.) Here's the link in the U.S. Store:

  Buying a travel adapter plug that switches from U.S. to Continental European 
plug configuration is cheaper, and also works; you can put this on the end of 
either the U.S. adapter plug, or the end of the extension cable (which has 
3-prongs -- just insert the 2 with blades into the travel adapter plug), and 
insert into an outlet. I've used this with my (U.S.) MacBook in Europe.  I 
think you can also use the figure-8 plug from any other laptop and connect it 
into the power brick -- for example, the cord from my Lenovo ThinkPad can plug 
into the MacBook power brick instead of the ThinkPad power brick and power it, 
but this might be less safe for warranty coverage.

  You can certainly just buy an extra Apple MagSafe power adapter for the 
MacBook at your local Apple Store.  I do know of people in Europe who bought 
Apple Products through the U.S. Amazon Store and had them shipped.  This was 
the fastest way to get the new Nano 4G in large capacity when it first came out 
for some folks.  There are links for Amazon Mac products from the web page at:

  Look under Amazon Updates.




  On Jul 17, 2009, at 14:55, a radix wrote:

Hello GREAT so this could mean I could buy a mac in the states (much 
cheaper because of euro-dollar) have it shipped to me and then  buy apple care 
here in nl? (I would of course have to find a company willing to do this or an 
apple which is less then one year old, or is apple care not transferrable? I 
would have to find a new charger I guess but I think as long as the charger 
accepts nl ac input it should be ok since the laptop normally has a much lower 
voltage which i think is not different per ocuntry.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message -
  From: Alex Jurgensen
  Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 1:51 AM
  Subject: Re: mac support/warranty, does it matter where you buy?


  According to a person working at my local Apple Store, you can buy it 
anywhere and it will work internationally, though Apple recomends you buy in 
the country you are living in. Note: AppleCare can be bought within the first 
11 Months, so you can buy the Mac in another country, ship it with its coverage 
still being covered, and then buy AppleCare.


  On 17-Jul-09, at 11:32 AM, a radix wrote:

Hello everyone,

I wonder if it is advisable to buy a macbook pro from the appl eonline 
store or an apple stor ein general or if it is ok to buy one just anywhere? The 
apple store is not very accessible for me bu tI could order by phone although, 
of course I would like to find the cheapest place to buy one, lol. I guess 
apple gives support no matter where you have bought your laptop, as long as it 
is, for me for example, within th eNetherlands? I also wonder about warranty, 
is it still only one year standard. I find that kind of meager, in europe most 
costly stuff like this has standard 2 years, although to be honest some other 
laptop companies do persist in only giving one year as well. Is it possible to 
get on site 

Re: searching for specefic text on a webpage

2009-07-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
My main complaint with item chooser is that it does not work properly  
if VO lock is enabled. The find command accespts letter keys as  
letters when in VO-lock while the item chooser just  beeps and won't  
even let you turn off vo-lock. Since I am running on a 5 year old  
Macintosh this is a problem.  Item chooser will take 15-20 seconds on  
a long web page.


On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> VoiceOver has a function called "Item Chooser" which is available  
> anywhere, not just on the web. When you press it, it brings up a  
> sort of menu of everything being displayed in the window. If you  
> type a few letters in, the menu shrinks to only include items which  
> contain the letters you typed. It is actually much nicer than a  
> traditional find command, as you are describing, and a whole lot  
> more powerful. :)
> HTH.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 4:30 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi everyone, Currently on windows I use hal 7.0 and webformator for  
>> surfing the web. Webformator displays the webpage in a sort of text- 
>> file which allows you to just browse it, i mean go through it all  
>> with arrow up/down and tab to go to link/link. You can use (and  
>> that is the one great feature I love about webformator) control-f  
>> to search for specefic text in a webpage. Since it is a text file  
>> (sort off, you can stiull click on links) it does not restrict you  
>> to link but will also instantly point you to a word in the actual  
>> body of the webpage, i often visit forums etc that I know quite  
>> well and find this feature very useful because it means I can  
>> navigate them quickly and efficiently. Also since, once again its a  
>> text file I can search for for example combobox in the control-f  
>> dialog and it will bring me to the first of these. I wonder if  
>> anything like this exists in safari-voiceover? I am actually hoping  
>> that transition will be easier for me becaus eI hav emostly been  
>> using a kin dof dumb screenreader, just using the windows commands  
>> and not many screenreader ocmmands at all so I am hoping I will be  
>> able to adapt quickly.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi Anouk,  The numpad is in deed optional, and there really isn't that  
much difference between using vo on a laptop or desktop  
configuration.  Although having said that, my disgust at not having a  
numpad on my laptop keybord any more and my desire for a right hand  
control key really no know bounds.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 18-Jul-09, at 8:02 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I  
> thought it
> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option  
>> keys,
>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to  
>> unlock
>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of  
>> time,
>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>> Good luck,
>> Vic
>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.  
>>> Then you
>>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
>>> commands.
>>> CB
>>> william lomas wrote:
 you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around

 On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I  
> read
> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is  
> either
> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but  
> would
> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
> Greetings, Anouk,


>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at 
>> vick08
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Anowk,

A numeric keypad is not necessary for VoiceOver, it's just another  
option. I prefer not to use one but I suspect I'm in the minority there.

With VoiceOver, there is very rarely just one way of doing something.  
Very few of us have had any formal training in VoiceOver, so we tend  
to be quite individualistic in our approaches to it. For instance, VO- 
M will take you to the Apple menu, but I usually use the standard Mac  
shortcut Control-F2, which does the same thing.

As for needing to unlock the VO keys to interact or stop interacting,  
this is not the case. I lock the VO keys when using Safari, and just  
press Shift and Down Arrow to interact with an item.

I hope this clarifies things a bit.



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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread a radix

Hey Erik, So there are no macbooks with numpad? Cant you buy an external 
one? I myself have never used a numpad and only need to use the fn key on my 
laptop if I want to turn on/off virtual focus (hal).
btw, do you still use linux/windows or just os x now?
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "erik burggraaf" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two 

> Hi Anouk,  The numpad is in deed optional, and there really isn't that
> much difference between using vo on a laptop or desktop
> configuration.  Although having said that, my disgust at not having a
> numpad on my laptop keybord any more and my desire for a right hand
> control key really no know bounds.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 18-Jul-09, at 8:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
>> thought it
>> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
>> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
>>> keys,
>>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
>>> unlock
>>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
>>> time,
>>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Vic
>>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
 Then you
 don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover


 william lomas wrote:
> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
>> read
>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
>> either
>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
>> would
>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>> Greetings, Anouk,

>>> -- 
>>> ---
>>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>>> vick08
>>> or check my site at
>>> ---

>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
>> 07/17/09 18:00:00
>> >
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Anne and all:

Everything you said in your email is absolutely credible except that  
line about not being young ... that will be ignored (smile).

I have a question. Does Navigon cover all of Europe and is there noise  
about when it is heading towards North America?

Thank you.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Simon,
> I'm totally blind and no longer young, but I'm gettng on great with my
> iPhone. I can read mail, compose and send mail, check the weather,
> surf the Net using Safari, get directions to where I want to go using
> either Maps or Navigon, listen to music and audio books, read and send
> text messages, as well as using it for phone calls, of course. Oh yes,
> and I forgot to mention the calendar and address book. I also use the
> iPhone in both French and English.
> I hope this reassures you a bit.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: searching for specefic text on a webpage

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Jonathan and all:

It would appear your complaint is with vo lock and not with item  
chooser. with vo lock enabled, there are many things you cannot do.  
For example, if I wanted to type this email with vo locked that would  
not work either because of the reality of vo being locked and pressing  
the letter A for example. that would produce the read all function.


ITEM CHOOSER DOES WORK AND DOES DO WHAT it is advertised to do. If you  
wish to take advantage of it and if your machine has the capacity to  
take advantage of it are two completely different questions.

I am not wanting to disagree or minimize your experiences. I just  
wanted to clarify that item chooser does work as advertised.

Take good care.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:12 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> My main complaint with item chooser is that it does not work  
> properly if VO lock is enabled. The find command accespts letter  
> keys as letters when in VO-lock while the item chooser just  beeps  
> and won't even let you turn off vo-lock. Since I am running on a 5  
> year old Macintosh this is a problem.  Item chooser will take 15-20  
> seconds on a long web page.
> Jon
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>> VoiceOver has a function called "Item Chooser" which is available  
>> anywhere, not just on the web. When you press it, it brings up a  
>> sort of menu of everything being displayed in the window. If you  
>> type a few letters in, the menu shrinks to only include items which  
>> contain the letters you typed. It is actually much nicer than a  
>> traditional find command, as you are describing, and a whole lot  
>> more powerful. :)
>> HTH.
>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>  …my other mail provider is an owl…
>> Twitter:
>> Music:
>> Mac-cessibility:
>> Blog:
>> GoodReads:
>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 4:30 PM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, Currently on windows I use hal 7.0 and webformator  
>>> for surfing the web. Webformator displays the webpage in a sort of  
>>> text-file which allows you to just browse it, i mean go through it  
>>> all with arrow up/down and tab to go to link/link. You can use  
>>> (and that is the one great feature I love about webformator)  
>>> control-f to search for specefic text in a webpage. Since it is a  
>>> text file (sort off, you can stiull click on links) it does not  
>>> restrict you to link but will also instantly point you to a word  
>>> in the actual body of the webpage, i often visit forums etc that I  
>>> know quite well and find this feature very useful because it means  
>>> I can navigate them quickly and efficiently. Also since, once  
>>> again its a text file I can search for for example combobox in the  
>>> control-f dialog and it will bring me to the first of these. I  
>>> wonder if anything like this exists in safari-voiceover? I am  
>>> actually hoping that transition will be easier for me becaus eI  
>>> hav emostly been using a kin dof dumb screenreader, just using the  
>>> windows commands and not many screenreader ocmmands at all so I am  
>>> hoping I will be able to adapt quickly.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.   
Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the  
features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails  
or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two  
finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,  
email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
> :)
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>> totally blind
>> person.
>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>> against
>> my Nokia s60 device.
>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>> say I'm
>> fixed on it yet.
>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>> it.
>> Cheers
>> Simonf.
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

i'd love a podcast on the GPS navigan so we can "hear" it in action

On 18 Jul 2009, at 14:25, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>> :)
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.

> >

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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Howell

I've noticed this, but why I'm not sure unless it is the amount of  
content being loaded into the html area. I just tab over to the find  
area and start typing or just wait until it's done having a fit, which  
doesn't last long. I guess I should send a note to 
  about it, but just hadn't gotten to it yet.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:39 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi, when my itunes gains focus on the store voiceover is going 
> i i i
> i i i i i i i i i i i i tunes store lol
> why is it doing this lol smile
> I installed all updates
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread May and Wynter

I'm total and have no plroblems using the IPhone at all.  I've had it for 
almost a month now
May, I'm ready for the stress to end. Off to Edmonton on the 25th.
- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Fogarty" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 4:10 AM
Subject: IPhone accessibility

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a totally 
> blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility 
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> > 

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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Scott and Will and all,

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has this happen.
I didn't even really think of it 'til I saw this message.
Yah my iTunes does that stuttering thing.  I just figured iTunes or VO  
or the pair were kind of buggy and was waiting to see if the new os  
will fix this.  I just let Mr. Macky *yes, I've named my macbook. Yes  
I love South Park. so calling the macbook Mr. Macky was enevidible.  
ummmkay?* have itt's little fit and then all is right with the world.  

Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread Mark Baxter

I, too, like the items chooser, but I find that if I try to use it to  
navigate in Mail to a certain spot in the message, it won't work.   
Here's my scenario:
I have an E-mail with a bunch of links in it or downloading material.   
I want to download from a link which is almost at the end, and takes a  
while to scroll to the long, linear way.  if I find it with Items  
Chooser, then VO space on it and try to work with it, I find that I  
haven't, in fact, moved.  When I try to manually route the cursor to  
the VO cursor, I get a message saying I can't.  What'm I doing wrong  

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Mark Baxter

Mr. Macky; that's funny, nnkay?  :)  But if it's stuttering like that,  
try doing software update to the newest version.  Otherwise, you might  
have to rename your computer to Ms. Chokes on disks. ...

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

I'll have to give software update a go.
LOL! Ms. Chokes on disks. LOL That's great!  I nearly spit out the  
mouth full of tea all over the place when I read that :-) That's  
really good!

Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Dan Eickmeier

I've noticed this as well, ever since maybe iTunes 8.2?  It started  
after one of the updates to iTunes, since we've had access to the  
store.  It's not the amount of ram in this Mac, as I've got 4 gigs in  
it.  Not sure what it could  be.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I've noticed this, but why I'm not sure unless it is the amount of
> content being loaded into the html area. I just tab over to the find
> area and start typing or just wait until it's done having a fit, which
> doesn't last long. I guess I should send a note to
>  about it, but just hadn't gotten to it yet.
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:39 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi, when my itunes gains focus on the store voiceover is going 
>> i  
>> i i
>> i i i i i i i i i i i i tunes store lol
>> why is it doing this lol smile
>> I installed all updates
> >

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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn


Sometimes I find that if I use VO-L to read the line just after doing  
a scenario like you describe that there is more likelyhood that I will  
actually be at the link.  The trouble with cursor tracking on is that  
sometimes the wrong cursor takes precedence. So, when the keyboard  
focus moves back from item chooser mode, it appears that the VO cursor  
and the moves back to the keyboard focus. I believe that using the VO- 
L command might route around this behavior. I have often switched off  
tracking mode, but there are some issues there  First, the dock is  
almost completely unusable. Secondly, sometimes the VO cursor gets  
stuck in nowhere land. This I believe there is one other place where  
turning off cursor tracking just doesn't work. I'll have to keep my  
fingers aware for that.

In terms of the item chooser mode not accepting keyboard input as  
selection items, I understand that would be a little different from  
what one would expect, but one can not even turn off the lock when in  
the item chooser.  Also when lock mode is on and you type VO-F to use  
the find function, then the alphanumeric keys work as alphanumerics,  
and not VO keys so it would be possible for Apple to temporarily turn  
off VO lock in item chooser and link chooser.

Best regardes,


On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> I, too, like the items chooser, but I find that if I try to use it to
> navigate in Mail to a certain spot in the message, it won't work.
> Here's my scenario:
> I have an E-mail with a bunch of links in it or downloading material.
> I want to download from a link which is almost at the end, and takes a
> while to scroll to the long, linear way.  if I find it with Items
> Chooser, then VO space on it and try to work with it, I find that I
> haven't, in fact, moved.  When I try to manually route the cursor to
> the VO cursor, I get a message saying I can't.  What'm I doing wrong
> here?
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: Buying from Amazon

2009-07-18 Thread mike reiser

Can you get it custom built?  I'm asking cause I want to get it with 4 
gigs of ram and a 500 gig drive.


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Problem with arcive utility

2009-07-18 Thread matthew T dyer

Hello all.

I have a couple of books from bookshare that I would liike to unzip,  
but when doing so I receive a message the it is unable to unarcive to  
this folder downloads.  How do I get around this problem?  I have no  
problems with anything else.  Is there another problem I need to use  
for unzipping bookshare books or should work fine?  Thanks again up  


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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread erik burggraaf

Hum,  I think you're way off base on most of this stuff.  I've never  
had any trouble with the dock no matter what configuration my cursers  
are being tracked in.  I can replicate the issue where the control  
option lock won't turn off in the item chooser though, that's almost  
sertainly a bug.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 18-Jul-09, at 11:16 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Mark,
> Sometimes I find that if I use VO-L to read the line just after doing
> a scenario like you describe that there is more likelyhood that I will
> actually be at the link.  The trouble with cursor tracking on is that
> sometimes the wrong cursor takes precedence. So, when the keyboard
> focus moves back from item chooser mode, it appears that the VO cursor
> and the moves back to the keyboard focus. I believe that using the VO-
> L command might route around this behavior. I have often switched off
> tracking mode, but there are some issues there  First, the dock is
> almost completely unusable. Secondly, sometimes the VO cursor gets
> stuck in nowhere land. This I believe there is one other place where
> turning off cursor tracking just doesn't work. I'll have to keep my
> fingers aware for that.
> In terms of the item chooser mode not accepting keyboard input as
> selection items, I understand that would be a little different from
> what one would expect, but one can not even turn off the lock when in
> the item chooser.  Also when lock mode is on and you type VO-F to use
> the find function, then the alphanumeric keys work as alphanumerics,
> and not VO keys so it would be possible for Apple to temporarily turn
> off VO lock in item chooser and link chooser.
> Best regardes,
> Jon
> .
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>> I, too, like the items chooser, but I find that if I try to use it to
>> navigate in Mail to a certain spot in the message, it won't work.
>> Here's my scenario:
>> I have an E-mail with a bunch of links in it or downloading material.
>> I want to download from a link which is almost at the end, and  
>> takes a
>> while to scroll to the long, linear way.  if I find it with Items
>> Chooser, then VO space on it and try to work with it, I find that I
>> haven't, in fact, moved.  When I try to manually route the cursor to
>> the VO cursor, I get a message saying I can't.  What'm I doing wrong
>> here?
>> Mark BurningHawk
>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> MSN:
>> My home page:
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Marie Howarth

I use email, fring for IM, safari, weather app, clock, calendar,  
notes, fun apps such as the role playing games. Typing is down to  
personal preference iIMO. but I'm typing just fine, and enjoying it.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>> :)
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.

> >

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Exporting Itune purchases to MP?

2009-07-18 Thread Kamal Haffar

Hi all:

Is it possible to export purchased music from ITune to MP3?



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Re: Buying from Amazon

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash

Unfortunately not. You can only buy what thy've got in stock it would 
- Original Message - 
From: "mike reiser" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Buying from Amazon

> Can you get it custom built?  I'm asking cause I want to get it with 4
> gigs of ram and a 500 gig drive.
> Mike
> > 

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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Jonathan and all:

Mark. I just attempted to send a reply to this via your hotmail  
account. It comes back as undeliverable regardless of which mail I  
send it from.

Is it still operative?

Attempted to send a tip or two using the item chooser. In short, the  
item chooser located your email link. I used vo + spacebar to find it  
and then vo + spacebar to activate the link. Mail opened with the  
proper address and then I wrote the email and sent it. That is where  
everything came to a screeching stop (grin).

Let me know.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Mark,
> Sometimes I find that if I use VO-L to read the line just after doing
> a scenario like you describe that there is more likelyhood that I will
> actually be at the link.  The trouble with cursor tracking on is that
> sometimes the wrong cursor takes precedence. So, when the keyboard
> focus moves back from item chooser mode, it appears that the VO cursor
> and the moves back to the keyboard focus. I believe that using the VO-
> L command might route around this behavior. I have often switched off
> tracking mode, but there are some issues there  First, the dock is
> almost completely unusable. Secondly, sometimes the VO cursor gets
> stuck in nowhere land. This I believe there is one other place where
> turning off cursor tracking just doesn't work. I'll have to keep my
> fingers aware for that.
> In terms of the item chooser mode not accepting keyboard input as
> selection items, I understand that would be a little different from
> what one would expect, but one can not even turn off the lock when in
> the item chooser.  Also when lock mode is on and you type VO-F to use
> the find function, then the alphanumeric keys work as alphanumerics,
> and not VO keys so it would be possible for Apple to temporarily turn
> off VO lock in item chooser and link chooser.
> Best regardes,
> Jon
> .
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:
>> I, too, like the items chooser, but I find that if I try to use it to
>> navigate in Mail to a certain spot in the message, it won't work.
>> Here's my scenario:
>> I have an E-mail with a bunch of links in it or downloading material.
>> I want to download from a link which is almost at the end, and  
>> takes a
>> while to scroll to the long, linear way.  if I find it with Items
>> Chooser, then VO space on it and try to work with it, I find that I
>> haven't, in fact, moved.  When I try to manually route the cursor to
>> the VO cursor, I get a message saying I can't.  What'm I doing wrong
>> here?
>> Mark BurningHawk
>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> MSN:
>> My home page:
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: Problem with arcive utility

2009-07-18 Thread Dan

Are you talking about The Unarchiver? If so, This is how I have mine  
Command Comma to go to application preferences. Under the Archived  
Formats tab, I have all compression formats checked. Under the  
Extraction tab I have it set to unpack all my materials to the Desktop  
and Delete the Packed files. I didn't change anything in Advance.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:24 AM, matthew T dyer wrote:

> Hello all.
> I have a couple of books from bookshare that I would liike to unzip,
> but when doing so I receive a message the it is unable to unarcive to
> this folder downloads.  How do I get around this problem?  I have no
> problems with anything else.  Is there another problem I need to use
> for unzipping bookshare books or should work fine?  Thanks again up
> frunt.
> Matthew
> >

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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread Mark Baxter

That's amazing.  Wonderful example of intuitional / experiential  
problem solving.  I didn't think of using VO F to find the item; I've  
only had my mac six months and I'm still in the wonderment stage at  
how powerful and right-feeling this intuitional OS thing really is. :)

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Could you please explain how Item chooser more powerful?

2009-07-18 Thread Mark Baxter

U.  I only use that hotmail account as an MSN passport; I doubt  
it's still active.  Note to self to qualify that in future  
signatures...  Thanks. *bow*

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Games?  i'm glad to hear of everyone's success.  Since my falling out  
with sprint over their converting my unlimited data plan to a soft cap  
and then cancelling me all together, I've been looking for my next  
mobile internet solution.  I was thinking the iphone might just do  
it.  On the 32 gb model how much free space do you have?  What kind of  
data plans do they offer?  Could you see me being able to maintain a  
website over it in a pinch?  I'm not traveling as much as i used to,  
but there are still those days when a new listing comes in or an  
important email has to sit in my inbox for not having mobile internet  
any more.  I may have to subscribe to the iphone list as I"m really  
starting to get excited by the idea.  Thanks, Max
On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> I use email, fring for IM, safari, weather app, clock, calendar,
> notes, fun apps such as the role playing games. Typing is down to
> personal preference iIMO. but I'm typing just fine, and enjoying it.
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
>> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
>> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
>> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
>> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
>> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>>> :)
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,  
 totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.

 The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
 totally blind

 I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /  
 my Nokia s60 device.
 And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
 say I'm
 fixed on it yet.
 And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on  




> >

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Re: mac support/warranty, does it matter where you buy?

2009-07-18 Thread matthew T dyer
Hi,  I was told by an apple tech that I only had 90 days to get the  
apple care plan.  I am not sure if that is the case or not, but that  
is only what I was told when I called to try to resaulve a mail problem.


On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> According to a person working at my local Apple Store, you can buy  
> it anywhere and it will work internationally, though Apple recomends  
> you buy in the country you are living in. Note: AppleCare can be  
> bought within the first 11 Months, so you can buy the Mac in another  
> country, ship it with its coverage still being covered, and then buy  
> AppleCare.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 17-Jul-09, at 11:32 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I wonder if it is advisable to buy a macbook pro from the appl  
>> eonline store or an apple stor ein general or if it is ok to buy  
>> one just anywhere? The apple store is not very accessible for me bu  
>> tI could order by phone although, of course I would like to find  
>> the cheapest place to buy one, lol. I guess apple gives support no  
>> matter where you have bought your laptop, as long as it is, for me  
>> for example, within th eNetherlands? I also wonder about warranty,  
>> is it still only one year standard. I find that kind of meager, in  
>> europe most costly stuff like this has standard 2 years, although  
>> to be honest some other laptop companies do persist in only giving  
>> one year as well. Is it possible to get on site warranty or is it  
>> pick up and return or maybe even carry in?
>> Thanks again for all the help,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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contacts tab of iphone

2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

hi all a friend of mine has the new iphone 3gs
he wants to get to the contacts tab of the mail, calendars and  
contacts page ins ettings, how do we move please, from page to page

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Re: Problem with arcive utility

2009-07-18 Thread matthew T dyer

Hi,  Will give this a shot and see what happehns.  It only happens  
with bookshare books.  I have not had any problems with anything else.


On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:04 PM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> Are you talking about The Unarchiver? If so, This is how I have mine
> set.
> Command Comma to go to application preferences. Under the Archived
> Formats tab, I have all compression formats checked. Under the
> Extraction tab I have it set to unpack all my materials to the Desktop
> and Delete the Packed files. I didn't change anything in Advance.
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:24 AM, matthew T dyer wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I have a couple of books from bookshare that I would liike to unzip,
>> but when doing so I receive a message the it is unable to unarcive to
>> this folder downloads.  How do I get around this problem?  I have no
>> problems with anything else.  Is there another problem I need to use
>> for unzipping bookshare books or should work fine?  Thanks again up
>> frunt.
>> Matthew
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread John Panarese

 I am totally blind and have no trouble using my iPhone.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Still no luck with unziping bookshare files

2009-07-18 Thread matthew T dyer

Hi all.  I went into the prefrences and made a changes as whare to the  
files and still no luck will keep playing around with it but if there  
are any ideas on how to get around this thanks.  I know that in  
windows if unziping something and it is password protected it would  
ask you for the password.


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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

Honest opinion? You can definitely use IPhone because everything you 
touch is spoken to you. So there is really no inherent reason why a 
totally blind person cannot use it. Whether it's efficient is a 
different question. I think this will depend on how good your spatial 
imagination is and how well you remember layouts. The biggest challenge 
for a blind person using IPhone, in my opinion, is being able to 
guess/predict the layout of the screen that you are on. I have already 
found that different applications will place things in different places, 
e.g. tabs, status messages etc.

What I do like about IPhone is the design behind the "home" screen. For 
example, you can place your most important apps such as "search", 
"stocks", "weather", "news" on the "home" screen and access this 
information with just a single click (well, a double tap, to be more 
precise). If Nokia made their widsets accessible, we would be in a much 
happier "camp". But there are no signs of Nokia taking that direction 
any time soon, so Apple is probably your better bet (even if it will 
take another couple of IPhone software updates).

In short, there is nothing better than trying IPhone yourself and seeing 
whether this is an interface for you. Believe me, you will think of your 
Nokia's straightforward navigation quite often when using IPhone.

I will probably use my Nokia for quite a time because of the KNFB Reader 
and WaveFinder for which we do not yet have any equivalents on the IPhone.


On 7/18/2009 9:59 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>   I am totally blind and have no trouble using my iPhone.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Managing Director
> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
> 9 Nolan Court
> Hauppauge, NY 11788
> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Internet,
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>> totally blind
>> person.
>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>> against
>> my Nokia s60 device.
>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>> say I'm
>> fixed on it yet.
>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>> it.
>> Cheers
>> Simonf.
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

I actually find that using IPhone's keyboard is easier for a blind 
person than for sighted guys. The reason is that sighted people have to 
look at the keys and, with their fingers covering every key they have to 
hit, it becomes a bit of an annoyance. Since we are used to the layout 
of the keyboard, we can type quite fast.

Just my 33 cents.

On 7/18/2009 6:25 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>> :)
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.

> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

Keep in mind that Apple/AT&T gang lock you into a monthly data plan. But 
this is OK since you are not buying IPhone just to call your grandma; 
for that there are other phones on the market.
The only bummer, and correct me if I am wrong, is that you cannot swap 
sim cards if you are traveling abroad.

On 7/18/2009 9:32 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> Games?  i'm glad to hear of everyone's success.  Since my falling out
> with sprint over their converting my unlimited data plan to a soft cap
> and then cancelling me all together, I've been looking for my next
> mobile internet solution.  I was thinking the iphone might just do
> it.  On the 32 gb model how much free space do you have?  What kind of
> data plans do they offer?  Could you see me being able to maintain a
> website over it in a pinch?  I'm not traveling as much as i used to,
> but there are still those days when a new listing comes in or an
> important email has to sit in my inbox for not having mobile internet
> any more.  I may have to subscribe to the iphone list as I"m really
> starting to get excited by the idea.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I use email, fring for IM, safari, weather app, clock, calendar,
>> notes, fun apps such as the role playing games. Typing is down to
>> personal preference iIMO. but I'm typing just fine, and enjoying it.
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
>>> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
>>> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
>>> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
>>> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
>>> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

 I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.

 On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,
> are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /
> accessibility
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on
> with
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.


> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Patrick,

On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:36 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
> I have a question. Does Navigon cover all of Europe and is there  
> noise about when it is heading towards North America?
It covers most of Europe apart from Russia and Ukraine, and it's  
supposed to be heading for North America, but I don't know when.



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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Anne:

Thank you for your response.

Another question if I may ... do you happen to know how many languages  
navagon takes advantage of and in your opinion how well do the  
languages function.

Thank you again.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Patrick,
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:36 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> I have a question. Does Navigon cover all of Europe and is there
>> noise about when it is heading towards North America?
> It covers most of Europe apart from Russia and Ukraine, and it's
> supposed to be heading for North America, but I don't know when.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

sounds like you know more about it than i do.  I do have hopes of  
traveling to italy and portugal in the next year but don't know if it  
will happen.  Have a big sale pending that will have to come through  
soon to pull it off.  I'm not so much worried about the phone side of  
it.  I just want to know if I can access the internet without needing  
a second income. lol  I also need to find out if I can edit my website  
from it when necesary.  I imagine it has text edit like my mac book  
does, but does anyone know if there is even an ftp client for the  
iphone?  Well, I guess I'll have to get into the local apple store and  
see how i feel about it.  Thanks, Max
On Jul 18, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Max,
> Keep in mind that Apple/AT&T gang lock you into a monthly data plan.  
> But
> this is OK since you are not buying IPhone just to call your grandma;
> for that there are other phones on the market.
> The only bummer, and correct me if I am wrong, is that you cannot swap
> sim cards if you are traveling abroad.
> V
> On 7/18/2009 9:32 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Games?  i'm glad to hear of everyone's success.  Since my falling out
>> with sprint over their converting my unlimited data plan to a soft  
>> cap
>> and then cancelling me all together, I've been looking for my next
>> mobile internet solution.  I was thinking the iphone might just do
>> it.  On the 32 gb model how much free space do you have?  What kind  
>> of
>> data plans do they offer?  Could you see me being able to maintain a
>> website over it in a pinch?  I'm not traveling as much as i used to,
>> but there are still those days when a new listing comes in or an
>> important email has to sit in my inbox for not having mobile internet
>> any more.  I may have to subscribe to the iphone list as I"m really
>> starting to get excited by the idea.  Thanks, Max
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I use email, fring for IM, safari, weather app, clock, calendar,
>>> notes, fun apps such as the role playing games. Typing is down to
>>> personal preference iIMO. but I'm typing just fine, and enjoying it.
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

 Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
 Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
 features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about  
 or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
 finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text,  
 email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks,  
 On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
> :)
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,
>> are
>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired  
>> users.
>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>> totally blind
>> person.
>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /
>> accessibility
>> against
>> my Nokia s60 device.
>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I  
>> can't
>> say I'm
>> fixed on it yet.
>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on
>> with
>> it.
>> Cheers
>> Simonf.


> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> or check my site at
> ---
> >

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2009-07-18 Thread william lomas

hi is unison the only accessible newsreader available for the mac?
or is there one i can buy with paypal?

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread kaare dehard

Honestly given what I have heard/read, because this interface is so  
very different from what we have grown accustomed to, it's probably  
tough to get fixed on it right away. it's probably a let's forget  
about the old wisdom or at least set it aside while looking in to this  
and start from the ground. So, in a nutshell this is more like a slow  
growth to understanding product rather than something that can be  
quickly affixed.
On 18-Jul-09, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone,

How do the blind users on this list find typing on the IPhone when they 
can't see the screen? How is it achieved?

Also, how are IPhone users finding the GPS? Is it accurate? Is it usable?

Thank you for any info.

Take care


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Re: newsreader

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash

Have you tried Vienna? It's on
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 
To: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS X by 
the blind" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 7:43 PM
Subject: newsreader

> hi is unison the only accessible newsreader available for the mac?
> or is there one i can buy with paypal?
> > 

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread James & Nash

That has been very informative. But I think the reason behind why Noia ahs 
not yet done anything like Apple is tht Apple caught them off guard when 
they released IPhone. Since then Nokia have been playing catch-up.
- Original Message - 
From: "Victor Tsaran" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility

> Honest opinion? You can definitely use IPhone because everything you
> touch is spoken to you. So there is really no inherent reason why a
> totally blind person cannot use it. Whether it's efficient is a
> different question. I think this will depend on how good your spatial
> imagination is and how well you remember layouts. The biggest challenge
> for a blind person using IPhone, in my opinion, is being able to
> guess/predict the layout of the screen that you are on. I have already
> found that different applications will place things in different places,
> e.g. tabs, status messages etc.
> What I do like about IPhone is the design behind the "home" screen. For
> example, you can place your most important apps such as "search",
> "stocks", "weather", "news" on the "home" screen and access this
> information with just a single click (well, a double tap, to be more
> precise). If Nokia made their widsets accessible, we would be in a much
> happier "camp". But there are no signs of Nokia taking that direction
> any time soon, so Apple is probably your better bet (even if it will
> take another couple of IPhone software updates).
> In short, there is nothing better than trying IPhone yourself and seeing
> whether this is an interface for you. Believe me, you will think of your
> Nokia's straightforward navigation quite often when using IPhone.
> I will probably use my Nokia for quite a time because of the KNFB Reader
> and WaveFinder for which we do not yet have any equivalents on the IPhone.
> Best,
> Vic
> On 7/18/2009 9:59 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>   I am totally blind and have no trouble using my iPhone.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Managing Director
>> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
>> 9 Nolan Court
>> Hauppauge, NY 11788
>> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Internet,
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.

>> >
> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> or check my site at
> ---
> > 

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Re: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Chesworth

Might be worth you taking a read of the thread entitled iPhone
accessibility James.  There's been 19 messages in the last day or so
all around these same questions.  There's also been more than a few
podcasts and demos and suchlike, might be worth having a quick poke in
the list archives for those or subscribing to an actual iPhone access
list to keep on top of new ones.


On 7/18/09, James & Nash  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> How do the blind users on this list find typing on the IPhone when they
> can't see the screen? How is it achieved?
> Also, how are IPhone users finding the GPS? Is it accurate? Is it usable?
> Thank you for any info.
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: pages 9, tables and Voiceover

2009-07-18 Thread Barry Hadder

I've had very little look working with tables in pages.  If i insert a  
table into the layout area, I can see and edit it.  If i insert it  
into the body, I have had no luck in working with it in any way.

On Jul 17, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> Has anyone successfully been using Pages 9 and Voiceover while working
> with tables within a document? Can it be done reliably?
> BW, Simon
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Peggy Fleischer


I'm totally blind and use the Iphone 3gs. I  use the  mail, the phone,  
the notes and the voice recorder.  I  love the Ipod and reading books  
from audible and playing games when sitting around for a few minutes.   
I find it easier to use twitter and facebook with my phone than with  
my computer.  I even store my favorite recipes on my phone.

Today I went into a store to shop for a purse. I found one I liked but  
didn't  like the price so I  typed the name of the purse in the notes  
on my phone and came home to find it at a better price on line. I also  
accessed my grocery list I had stored on the phone.

My newspaper is also accessed from my phone. wonderful device and not  
just for the partially sighted.

Peggy Fleischer

Jude 1:24  Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to  
present you
faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
1:25  To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty,  
and power, Both now and forever. Amen.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: newsreader

2009-07-18 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi, I can't imagine wanting anything but unison for binaries.  For  
text groups it's a different matter but I tried several solutions on  
windows, and none of them gave me the insane rush that unison on the  
mac did.  It's a file junkie's best friend.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 18-Jul-09, at 2:43 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi is unison the only accessible newsreader available for the mac?
> or is there one i can buy with paypal?
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Patrick,

On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:44 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
> Another question if I may ... do you happen to know how many  
> languages navagon takes advantage of and in your opinion how well do  
> the languages function.
Navigon is available in the languages of the iPhone and also,  
according to the Website, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish,  
Romanian, Slovakian, Greek and Russian (I think most of these are in  
fact available on the iPhone. I know it works well in both French and  



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Re: pages 9, tables and Voiceover

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen


The talbes in the layout area is where they belong. The layout area is  
the whole document, the Body is just ment for text. Thanks for giving  
me this lead.


On 18-Jul-09, at 1:18 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I've had very little look working with tables in pages.  If i insert a
> table into the layout area, I can see and edit it.  If i insert it
> into the body, I have had no luck in working with it in any way.
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> Has anyone successfully been using Pages 9 and Voiceover while  
>> working
>> with tables within a document? Can it be done reliably?
>> BW, Simon
> >

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Re: mac support/warranty, does it matter where you buy?

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen

That is for phone support only. Ninety days of phone support are free  
and then you do need AppleCare, but that can come any time in the  
first 11 months.


On 18-Jul-09, at 9:37 AM, matthew T dyer wrote:

> Hi,  I was told by an apple tech that I only had 90 days to get the  
> apple care plan.  I am not sure if that is the case or not, but that  
> is only what I was told when I called to try to resaulve a mail  
> problem.
> Matthew
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> According to a person working at my local Apple Store, you can buy  
>> it anywhere and it will work internationally, though Apple  
>> recomends you buy in the country you are living in. Note: AppleCare  
>> can be bought within the first 11 Months, so you can buy the Mac in  
>> another country, ship it with its coverage still being covered, and  
>> then buy AppleCare.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 17-Jul-09, at 11:32 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I wonder if it is advisable to buy a macbook pro from the appl  
>>> eonline store or an apple stor ein general or if it is ok to buy  
>>> one just anywhere? The apple store is not very accessible for me  
>>> bu tI could order by phone although, of course I would like to  
>>> find the cheapest place to buy one, lol. I guess apple gives  
>>> support no matter where you have bought your laptop, as long as it  
>>> is, for me for example, within th eNetherlands? I also wonder  
>>> about warranty, is it still only one year standard. I find that  
>>> kind of meager, in europe most costly stuff like this has standard  
>>> 2 years, although to be honest some other laptop companies do  
>>> persist in only giving one year as well. Is it possible to get on  
>>> site warranty or is it pick up and return or maybe even carry in?
>>> Thanks again for all the help,
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen


It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.


On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I  
> thought it
> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option  
>> keys,
>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to  
>> unlock
>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of  
>> time,
>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>> Good luck,
>> Vic
>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.  
>>> Then you
>>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
>>> commands.
>>> CB
>>> william lomas wrote:
 you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around

 On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I  
> read
> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is  
> either
> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but  
> would
> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
> Greetings, Anouk,


>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at 
>> vick08
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen


The older ones had them built in. But from what apple wrote on their  
site, plublically, they have made advances with the Trackpad and VO.


On 18-Jul-09, at 5:34 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hey Erik, So there are no macbooks with numpad? Cant you buy an  
> external
> one? I myself have never used a numpad and only need to use the fn  
> key on my
> laptop if I want to turn on/off virtual focus (hal).
> btw, do you still use linux/windows or just os x now?
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "erik burggraaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 2:19 PM
> Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac  
> take two
> hands?
>> Hi Anouk,  The numpad is in deed optional, and there really isn't  
>> that
>> much difference between using vo on a laptop or desktop
>> configuration.  Although having said that, my disgust at not having a
>> numpad on my laptop keybord any more and my desire for a right hand
>> control key really no know bounds.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 18-Jul-09, at 8:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
>>> thought it
>>> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference  
>>> imo
>>> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

 Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
 you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
 them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
 objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
 It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
 especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
 Good luck,

 On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
> Then you
> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
> commands.
> CB
> william lomas wrote:
>> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
>> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
>>> read
>>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it,  
>>> or a
>>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
>>> either
>>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
>>> would
>>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a  
>>> lot
>>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,


 I tweet about music and accessibility at
 or check my site at

>>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>>> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
>>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van  
>>> uitgifte:
>>> 07/17/09 18:00:00

> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen


I disagree. When working in a primarily Windows network I had no  
problem accessing all services though my Macbook. It was seemless.

I think that AT venders on teh Windows side are greedy for money. Just  
look at the antics of FS. They sell JFW for twice as much in the UK  
than in the United States. As far as my opinion is concerned, they  
have very little inovation left.


On 18-Jul-09, at 4:13 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> I  too would like to read this article. However, competition is a good
> thing. We should rmember that Apple is first and foremost a commercial
> vender and accessibility is not necessarily at the top of their list
> although they have done, and I am sure will continue to do a  
> fantastic job.
> Besides everyone is entitled to their views and the Windows Assistive
> Technology developers do in fact have much left to offer the great  
> majority
> of those of us who use Windows. Not least because the vast majority  
> of the
> working world uses Windows . But yes, their products are overly  
> priced. Very
> much so.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "william lomas" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
>> you know why?
>> because the i phone is way more superior than the pac mate
>> let him pay 3000 US dollars or more for it, an i phone is loads
>> cheaper and does everything that does?
>> can someone send me off list please, the original article he posted?
>> On 18 Jul 2009, at 11:34, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>> Any access technology developer who thinks that way so far as I'm
>>> concerned has nothing of any worth left to offer.
>>> On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Larry Wanger wrote:
 Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and,
 if enough
 of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds more
 each year
 in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It's like any other
 and the markets they compete in.


 [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
 Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
 Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

 You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's
 case, I
 have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations
 that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would sit
 with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about his
 I think he would be quite argumentative and take a hardline on his
 regardless of whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words,
 accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving  
 yourself a
 headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had
 with a
 particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines of me
 expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was nice
 to see
 their product could be used under a VM. Of course that met with a
 very much
 "I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the
 least miledly daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid
 Mac when
 you have a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So,
 the market
 being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of
 these folks
 over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is  
 truly a
 competitor now and any competition is a threat.

 On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:


 I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great.
 I am more
 productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could
 with my
 Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had
 luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I
 have pages
 of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time.

 What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote
 before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear
 about how he
 feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him
 that, in
 the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional
 sense; I
 mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest  
 technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
 responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to
 rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance
 of being
 self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the

Re: pages 9, tables and Voiceover

2009-07-18 Thread Barry Hadder


When I create a document in word with a table and open it in Pages,  
the table is embedded in the document.  When I create a document in  
Pages with a table in the lay-out area, I can't find it when I export  
to and open in Word.  So something is different.

  It seems to me that documents created with Word have such things  
embedded in the document.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> The talbes in the layout area is where they belong. The layout area is
> the whole document, the Body is just ment for text. Thanks for giving
> me this lead.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 18-Jul-09, at 1:18 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've had very little look working with tables in pages.  If i  
>> insert a
>> table into the layout area, I can see and edit it.  If i insert it
>> into the body, I have had no luck in working with it in any way.
>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>>> Dear Listers,
>>> Has anyone successfully been using Pages 9 and Voiceover while
>>> working
>>> with tables within a document? Can it be done reliably?
>>> BW, Simon

> >

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RE: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Simon Fogarty

Thanks again, I'm getting a good feeling about this device, I wish I could
use one for a week before actually purchasing it

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:59 p.m.
Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility

Hello Simon,

I'm totally blind and no longer young, but I'm gettng on great with my  
iPhone. I can read mail, compose and send mail, check the weather,  
surf the Net using Safari, get directions to where I want to go using  
either Maps or Navigon, listen to music and audio books, read and send  
text messages, as well as using it for phone calls, of course. Oh yes,  
and I forgot to mention the calendar and address book. I also use the  
iPhone in both French and English.

I hope this reassures you a bit.



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Re: pages 9, tables and Voiceover

2009-07-18 Thread Barry Hadder

I should also point out that in many of the document templates, I hear  
"hi-lighted" as I move the insertion point over the document body.   
That tells me that there are things embedded.  Of course I have no  
idea what they are as "high-lited" doesn't tell me a heck of allot.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> The talbes in the layout area is where they belong. The layout area is
> the whole document, the Body is just ment for text. Thanks for giving
> me this lead.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 18-Jul-09, at 1:18 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've had very little look working with tables in pages.  If i  
>> insert a
>> table into the layout area, I can see and edit it.  If i insert it
>> into the body, I have had no luck in working with it in any way.
>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>>> Dear Listers,
>>> Has anyone successfully been using Pages 9 and Voiceover while
>>> working
>>> with tables within a document? Can it be done reliably?
>>> BW, Simon

> >

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RE: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Dean Wilcox

This isn't meant to put you off, only the 
thoughts i've been thinking when wanting an 
iPhone.  What will KNFB Reader users replace the 
Reader with when moving to the iPhone.  I hear 
there is an app out there for £8 or something 
(maybe 10 dollas or so) but doesn't that return 
the results via Email?  You may aneed to carry 
your N82 around with the reader on it anyway so 
maybe it could be worth holding off or you could 
end up with two devices that are similar in functionality and needing both.

At 00:12 19/07/2009, you wrote:

>Thanks again, I'm getting a good feeling about this device, I wish I could
>use one for a week before actually purchasing it
>-Original Message-
>[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
>Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:59 p.m.
>Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
>Hello Simon,
>I'm totally blind and no longer young, but I'm gettng on great with my
>iPhone. I can read mail, compose and send mail, check the weather,
>surf the Net using Safari, get directions to where I want to go using
>either Maps or Navigon, listen to music and audio books, read and send
>text messages, as well as using it for phone calls, of course. Oh yes,
>and I forgot to mention the calendar and address book. I also use the
>iPhone in both French and English.
>I hope this reassures you a bit.
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.5.375 / Virus Database: 
>270.13.15/2239 - Release Date: 07/15/09 06:07:00

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RE: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Simon Fogarty
But will it allow you to do everything.






surfing the webb.

And the other features that the device has.




[] On Behalf Of patrickneazer
Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:58 p.m.
Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility


Hello Simon and all:


I am a totally blind user and use the iphone quite a bit for work and play. 


It truly offers accessibility out of the box and it offers accessibility to
a wide variety of apps. 


I will not rave on and on about it lest be considered an iphone enthusiast
(wink). Let me just say if you were wondering if a totally blind person can
use it both efficiently and effectively the answer is yes.


Go get one, use it for a little while and see how you get on.

On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Hi folks,

Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.

The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a totally blind

I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility against
my Nokia s60 device.
And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't say I'm
fixed on it yet.
And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with it.




Take good care and I wish you enough.







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Re: jumping on the itunes store

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Howell

I don't know the cause other than perhaps a bunch of stuff is updating  
on the screen. It has nothing to do with the amount of ram etc. I've  
seen this on a machine with 2Gb and 4Gb. It's annoying, but isn't so  
bad that one can't put up with it for now, but something that needs to  
be brought to the attention of and the good  
folk who work the iTunes Project. I think it was 8.2 the problem  
started, but can't figure out why I just hadn't gotten around to  
saying something. :) Guess I was to busy spending money. :)
On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> I've noticed this as well, ever since maybe iTunes 8.2?  It started
> after one of the updates to iTunes, since we've had access to the
> store.  It's not the amount of ram in this Mac, as I've got 4 gigs in
> it.  Not sure what it could  be.
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I've noticed this, but why I'm not sure unless it is the amount of
>> content being loaded into the html area. I just tab over to the find
>> area and start typing or just wait until it's done having a fit,  
>> which
>> doesn't last long. I guess I should send a note to
>> about it, but just hadn't gotten to it yet.
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:39 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi, when my itunes gains focus on the store voiceover is going i
>>> i i
>>> i i i i i i i i i i i i tunes store lol
>>> why is it doing this lol smile
>>> I installed all updates

> >

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RE: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread peter Apgar

Does  the I phone's  two finger flick read all command work on the new mbps?

Thanks in advance.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alex Jurgensen
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two


It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.


On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I thought 
> it was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference 
> imo between using it on a laptop or a pc...
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option  
>> keys,
>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to  
>> unlock
>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of  
>> time,
>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>> Good luck,
>> Vic
>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.  
>>> Then you
>>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
>>> commands.
>>> CB
>>> william lomas wrote:
 you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around

 On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I  
> read
> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is  
> either
> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but  
> would
> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
> Greetings, Anouk,


>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at 
>> vick08
>> or check my site at
>> ---

> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Victor Tsaran

Not sure about this as even their own SDKs and apps started deviating 
from accessibility well before IPhone came on the market.

On 7/18/2009 12:52 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> That has been very informative. But I think the reason behind why Noia ahs
> not yet done anything like Apple is tht Apple caught them off guard when
> they released IPhone. Since then Nokia have been playing catch-up.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 7:12 PM
> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
>> Honest opinion? You can definitely use IPhone because everything you
>> touch is spoken to you. So there is really no inherent reason why a
>> totally blind person cannot use it. Whether it's efficient is a
>> different question. I think this will depend on how good your spatial
>> imagination is and how well you remember layouts. The biggest challenge
>> for a blind person using IPhone, in my opinion, is being able to
>> guess/predict the layout of the screen that you are on. I have already
>> found that different applications will place things in different places,
>> e.g. tabs, status messages etc.
>> What I do like about IPhone is the design behind the "home" screen. For
>> example, you can place your most important apps such as "search",
>> "stocks", "weather", "news" on the "home" screen and access this
>> information with just a single click (well, a double tap, to be more
>> precise). If Nokia made their widsets accessible, we would be in a much
>> happier "camp". But there are no signs of Nokia taking that direction
>> any time soon, so Apple is probably your better bet (even if it will
>> take another couple of IPhone software updates).
>> In short, there is nothing better than trying IPhone yourself and seeing
>> whether this is an interface for you. Believe me, you will think of your
>> Nokia's straightforward navigation quite often when using IPhone.
>> I will probably use my Nokia for quite a time because of the KNFB Reader
>> and WaveFinder for which we do not yet have any equivalents on the IPhone.
>> Best,
>> Vic
>> On 7/18/2009 9:59 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>I am totally blind and have no trouble using my iPhone.
>>> Take Care
>>> John D. Panarese
>>> Managing Director
>>> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
>>> 9 Nolan Court
>>> Hauppauge, NY 11788
>>> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
>>> Email,
>>> Internet,
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
 totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.

 The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
 totally blind

 I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
 my Nokia s60 device.
 And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
 say I'm
 fixed on it yet.
 And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with




>> --
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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RE: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Simon Fogarty

N82  with knfb reader. And ftalks.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of william lomas
Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:26 p.m.
Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility

simon which s sixty phone do you use?

On 18 Jul 2009, at 12:10, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Anne and all:

Thank you so much for your responses. You have done it again (smile).

Take good care.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Patrick,
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:44 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Another question if I may ... do you happen to know how many
>> languages navagon takes advantage of and in your opinion how well do
>> the languages function.
> Navigon is available in the languages of the iPhone and also,
> according to the Website, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish,
> Romanian, Slovakian, Greek and Russian (I think most of these are in
> fact available on the iPhone. I know it works well in both French and
> English.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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medical transcription on the Mac?

2009-07-18 Thread Mark Baxter

Is anyone out there doing medical transcription on the Mac?  I have a  
USB foot pedal, but wonder about word predictors and medical  
dictionaries and the like.  With the Mac's better sound card, I might  
try transcription again...

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: newsreader

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Howell

Eric I agree, but I sure wish they'd get html support in there. I've  
bugged them about this, but guess I  need to get back to bugging  
again. I'm forced to use outlook express for one specific situation  
that html support in Unison would take care of.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 4:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, I can't imagine wanting anything but unison for binaries.  For
> text groups it's a different matter but I tried several solutions on
> windows, and none of them gave me the insane rush that unison on the
> mac did.  It's a file junkie's best friend.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 18-Jul-09, at 2:43 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi is unison the only accessible newsreader available for the mac?
>> or is there one i can buy with paypal?
> >

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Re: Buying from Amazon

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Howell

Mike, if you want something custom, you will have to order from the  
Apple store or get the machine and either do your own upgrading or  
take it to the Apple store. At that point, you might as well just buy  
it from the Apple store.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 11:20 AM, mike reiser wrote:

> Can you get it custom built?  I'm asking cause I want to get it with 4
> gigs of ram and a 500 gig drive.
> Mike
> >

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-18 Thread Amber Boggs

Amber Boggs

  - Original Message - 
  From: May and Wynter 
  Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:36 PM
  Subject: Re: selling trekker

  Hey there.  I am selling it for 800 dollars. I have had it for three years 
and it is sill in good condition.  It has the globalsat 338. I am also giving 
all of Canada and US maps.  The card is big enough to hold all of Canada.
  It also has Meistro.

  I need to do the sell ASAP.

  May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
  Am I ready to see some people there?
- Original Message - 
From: Alex 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: selling trekker


I too may have a use for it.

On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:43 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

  Hi May, 

  Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I don't 
have a use for it personally being extremely happy with mobile geo, but I may 
know some one who wants one through my contacts as a trainer.


  erik burggraaf
  A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
  Phone: 888-255-5194

  On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:

Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me as 
far as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker and maps for the 
US and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first in Canada since the 
transaction can go faster.

If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen

For free or how much?


On 18-Jul-09, at 6:59 PM, Amber Boggs wrote:

> Amber Boggs
> - Original Message -
> From: May and Wynter
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:36 PM
> Subject: Re: selling trekker
> Hey there.  I am selling it for 800 dollars. I have had it for three  
> years and it is sill in good condition.  It has the globalsat 338. I  
> am also giving all of Canada and US maps.  The card is big enough to  
> hold all of Canada.
> It also has Meistro.
> I need to do the sell ASAP.
> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
> Am I ready to see some people there?
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:03 AM
> Subject: Re: selling trekker
> Hi,
> May:
> I too may have a use for it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:43 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi May,
>> Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I  
>> don't have a use for it personally being extremely happy with  
>> mobile geo, but I may know some one who wants one through my  
>> contacts as a trainer.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:
>>> Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives  
>>> me as far as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my  
>>> trekker and maps for the US and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell  
>>> it first in Canada since the transaction can go faster.
>>> If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.
>>> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
>>> Am I ready to see some people there?
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

I'm also a totally blind iPhone user. It works great, and is far more  
accessible and efficient than MobileSpeak with Windows Mobile, which I  
used previously. I recommend joining the VIPhone list at the below  
link if you want a really good idea of how access is for the totally  
blind. There are a lot of us using it.

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


On Jul 18, 2009, at 4:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

And go me! I forgot to include the link to the VIPhone list.  
Brilliant, I am. Here it is.

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


On Jul 18, 2009, at 4:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
> totally blind
> person.
> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility  
> against
> my Nokia s60 device.
> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
> say I'm
> fixed on it yet.
> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with  
> it.
> Cheers
> Simonf.
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Alex Jurgensen


I probalbly will in Snow Leopard given what Apple has made public  
about it.


On 18-Jul-09, at 5:05 PM, peter Apgar wrote:

> Does  the I phone's  two finger flick read all command work on the  
> new mbps?
> Thanks in advance.
> Pete
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Alex Jurgensen
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac  
> take two
> hands?
> Hi,
> It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I  
>> thought
>> it was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference
>> imo between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
>>> keys,
>>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
>>> unlock
>>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
>>> time,
>>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Vic
>>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
 Then you
 don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover


 william lomas wrote:
> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
>> read
>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
>> either
>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
>> would
>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>> Greetings, Anouk,

>>> -- 
>>> ---
>>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>>> vick08
>>> or check my site at
>>> ---

>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
>> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

Typing takes some getting used to on the iPHone, but it works very  
well once you get comfortable with it. I'm texting, Twittering,  
emailing, and all the rest just fine.

My most used apps, as far as those which come with the phone, are, in  
no particular order:

Text Messaging

Of course, I'm using dozens that don't come with the phone, which I  
obtained from the AppStore. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:25 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>> :)
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.

> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Cara Quinn
Actually  the link is:

   lol not as intuitive as Josh's. Hth
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 18, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Josh de Lioncourt  

> And go me! I forgot to include the link to the VIPhone list.  
> Brilliant, I am. Here it is.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 4:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a  
>> totally blind
>> person.
>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /  
>> accessibility against
>> my Nokia s60 device.
>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't  
>> say I'm
>> fixed on it yet.
>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on  
>> with it.
>> Cheers
>> Simonf.
> >

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RE: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Kelly Ford

Although it isn't the same as trying it for a week, it is my understanding
you have 30 days to cancel the contract and return the iPhone.  At least
that's what I was told when I asked at an Apple store.

I've used one for about an hour in two separate sessions, once in a store
and once using a friend's phone.  Within that time basic navigation became
quite easy. I actually had that down in the first session.

I borrowed a friend's phone to try typing again.  I got faster in those 30
minutes but at least to me it will take a bit of practice to get as fast as
I amon my Windows Mobile phone.  That's in no way a criticism of the iPhone.
I'm interested enough to probably go do the 30 day deal.  The touch aspects
of the phone access are compelling to me, assuming the typing can become

-Original Message-
From: Simon Fogarty [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: IPhone accessibility

Thanks again, I'm getting a good feeling about this device, I wish I could
use one for a week before actually purchasing it

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 11:59 p.m.
Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility

Hello Simon,

I'm totally blind and no longer young, but I'm gettng on great with my  
iPhone. I can read mail, compose and send mail, check the weather,  
surf the Net using Safari, get directions to where I want to go using  
either Maps or Navigon, listen to music and audio books, read and send  
text messages, as well as using it for phone calls, of course. Oh yes,  
and I forgot to mention the calendar and address book. I also use the  
iPhone in both French and English.

I hope this reassures you a bit.



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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Esther

Hi Anouk,

You don't need to use a numeric keypad with VoiceOver, but with  
Leopard you have another option of customizing your frequently used  
VoiceOver commands with the NumPad Commander.  I did get a USB keypad,  
the Lenovo 33L3225 Numeric Keypad, so I could learn the NumPad  
Commander sequences with my laptop.  (This also works with Windows and  
with Linux, incidentally).   Most of the time I use VoiceOver from my  
laptop without any attachments.



On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:45, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
>> thought it
>> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
>> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
>>> keys,
>>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
>>> unlock
>>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
>>> time,
>>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Vic
>>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
 Then you
 don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover


 william lomas wrote:
> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
>> read
>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
>> either
>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
>> would
>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>> Greetings, Anouk,

>>> -- 
>>> ---
>>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>>> vick08
>>> or check my site at
>>> ---

>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
>> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread May and Wynter

If I put windows on my mac machine when I get it, do I have to have the 
keypad tha you are talking about to use windows?

May, I'm ready for the stress to end. Off to Edmonton on the 25th.
- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two 

> Hi Anouk,
> You don't need to use a numeric keypad with VoiceOver, but with
> Leopard you have another option of customizing your frequently used
> VoiceOver commands with the NumPad Commander.  I did get a USB keypad,
> the Lenovo 33L3225 Numeric Keypad, so I could learn the NumPad
> Commander sequences with my laptop.  (This also works with Windows and
> with Linux, incidentally).   Most of the time I use VoiceOver from my
> laptop without any attachments.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:45, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
>>> thought it
>>> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
>>> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

 Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
 you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
 them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
 objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
 It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
 especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
 Good luck,

 On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
> Then you
> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
> commands.
> CB
> william lomas wrote:
>> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
>> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
>>> read
>>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
>>> either
>>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
>>> would
>>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,


 I tweet about music and accessibility at
 or check my site at

>>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>>> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
>>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
>>> 07/17/09 18:00:00

>> >
> > 

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread Esther

Hi May,

No, you don't need to have a numeric keypad if you want to put Windows  
on your Mac. The usual issue is that people who put Windows onto  
curremt Mac laptops using VMWare Fusion end up having to remap the  
JAWS insert key to another key.  On the older Mac laptops which had  
embedded numeric keypads, you would use the "0" key of the (embedded)  
number pad. There are a couple of ways to handle key remapping --  
either you use a free program called Spark, which is basically a  
Windows registry hack, and allows you to choose a key from one list  
view window and map it to another key you select in a second list view  
to remap, or you can do this under Fusion preferences with a one-time  
connection to a full-size keyboard, where you physically press the key  
you want to remap. (The Fusion method works for remapping keys in any  
operating system -- could be linux, for example).  This is only an  
issue with the Mac laptop setups where you're not using a full-size  
keyboard, and is easily solved.

I don't have Windows installed on my Mac, but there are several other  
list users who do, and who could answer your questions in more detail.



On Jul 18, 2009, at 17:57, May and Wynter wrote:

> If I put windows on my mac machine when I get it, do I have to have  
> the
> keypad tha you are talking about to use windows?
> May, I'm ready for the stress to end. Off to Edmonton on the 25th.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Esther" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:29 PM
> Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac  
> take two
> hands?
>> Hi Anouk,
>> You don't need to use a numeric keypad with VoiceOver, but with
>> Leopard you have another option of customizing your frequently used
>> VoiceOver commands with the NumPad Commander.  I did get a USB  
>> keypad,
>> the Lenovo 33L3225 Numeric Keypad, so I could learn the NumPad
>> Commander sequences with my laptop.  (This also works with Windows  
>> and
>> with Linux, incidentally).   Most of the time I use VoiceOver from my
>> laptop without any attachments.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:45, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:

 Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
 thought it
 was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference  
 between using it on a laptop or a pc...
 Greetings, Anouk,
 - Original Message -
 From: "Victor Tsaran" 
 Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
 Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
> keys,
> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
> unlock
> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with  
> various
> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
> time,
> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
> Good luck,
> Vic
> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
>> Then you
>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
>> commands.
>> CB
>> william lomas wrote:
>>> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate  
>>> around
>>> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
 Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
 that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it,  
 or a
 document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
 command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
 tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
 handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a  
 slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
 braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
 Greetings, Anouk,

> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> vick08
> or check my site at
> ---


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> >


Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello;  How dificult was it to set up the first time you used it?   
Were you able to transfer your existing address book folders and  
such?  Glad to hear you like it.  Take care, Max
On Jul 18, 2009, at 9:23 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> Typing takes some getting used to on the iPHone, but it works very  
> well once you get comfortable with it. I'm texting, Twittering,  
> emailing, and all the rest just fine.
> My most used apps, as far as those which come with the phone, are,  
> in no particular order:
> Text Messaging
> Calendar
> Email
> Contacts
> Phone
> Safari
> AppStore
> Clock
> Of course, I'm using dozens that don't come with the phone, which I  
> obtained from the AppStore. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>…my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:25 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
>> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
>> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about emails
>> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
>> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text, numbers,
>> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks, Max
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>>> :)
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,  
 totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.

 The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
 totally blind

 I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /  
 my Nokia s60 device.
 And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
 say I'm
 fixed on it yet.
 And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on  




> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-18 Thread May and Wynter

Thanks very much.  I keep this plus other messages regarding this for future 

May, I'm ready for the stress to end. Off to Edmonton on the 25th.
- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two 

> Hi May,
> No, you don't need to have a numeric keypad if you want to put Windows
> on your Mac. The usual issue is that people who put Windows onto
> curremt Mac laptops using VMWare Fusion end up having to remap the
> JAWS insert key to another key.  On the older Mac laptops which had
> embedded numeric keypads, you would use the "0" key of the (embedded)
> number pad. There are a couple of ways to handle key remapping --
> either you use a free program called Spark, which is basically a
> Windows registry hack, and allows you to choose a key from one list
> view window and map it to another key you select in a second list view
> to remap, or you can do this under Fusion preferences with a one-time
> connection to a full-size keyboard, where you physically press the key
> you want to remap. (The Fusion method works for remapping keys in any
> operating system -- could be linux, for example).  This is only an
> issue with the Mac laptop setups where you're not using a full-size
> keyboard, and is easily solved.
> I don't have Windows installed on my Mac, but there are several other
> list users who do, and who could answer your questions in more detail.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 17:57, May and Wynter wrote:
>> If I put windows on my mac machine when I get it, do I have to have
>> the
>> keypad tha you are talking about to use windows?
>> May, I'm ready for the stress to end. Off to Edmonton on the 25th.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Esther" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:29 PM
>> Subject: Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac
>> take two
>> hands?
>>> Hi Anouk,
>>> You don't need to use a numeric keypad with VoiceOver, but with
>>> Leopard you have another option of customizing your frequently used
>>> VoiceOver commands with the NumPad Commander.  I did get a USB
>>> keypad,
>>> the Lenovo 33L3225 Numeric Keypad, so I could learn the NumPad
>>> Commander sequences with my laptop.  (This also works with Windows
>>> and
>>> with Linux, incidentally).   Most of the time I use VoiceOver from my
>>> laptop without any attachments.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:45, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 It is optional with a numpad, but it enhances it.


 On 18-Jul-09, at 5:02 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I
> thought it
> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference
> imo
> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option
>> keys,
>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to
>> unlock
>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with
>> various
>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of
>> time,
>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>> Good luck,
>> Vic
>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.
>>> Then you
>>> don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover
>>> commands.
>>> CB
>>> william lomas wrote:
 you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate

 On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I
> read
> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it,
> or a
> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is
> either
> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but
> would
> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a
> lot
> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
> Greetings, Anouk,


>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>> vick08
>> or check my sit

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