Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread Kerry Painter

I know what you mean and from the little bit I heard on the live demo last 
night I think and Iphone would be a lot slower for a VI user.  I know I go 
like lightening on my simbion.  If they introduce this technology to the 
IPod touch in the autumn as some people think they might, I'd definitely 
give that a whirl.

Probably the best kept financial secret in the UK
What's it all about

From: "Victor Tsaran" 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:28 AM
Subject: Re: IPhone Wows

> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is
> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I cannot
> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I truly
> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is something
> I'd love to see more companies do.
> Vic
> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but have
>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all accessible.
>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off
>> the shelf solution.
>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was shocked.
>>> It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.
>>> I love the phone.
>> >
> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> or check my site at
> ---
> >

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The big obsession with the IPhone 3gS?

2009-06-25 Thread william lomas

Hi all,

I am not sure why people are so obsessed with the IPhone 3gS,  
particularly in the UK since the tarrifs are rediculously priced.
The reasons why in my view it is good are
•it is the first talking touch-screen IPhone
but what else? smile
my n eighty 2 cellular telephone in my view is far more superior as
•if i want the KNFB reader on it, I can
•I have GPS on it
•i have a web browser on it

Also the camera on the IPHone is not as high as that on an n eighty  
two which is the same price
Sorry to be off topic

p.s. what is the subscription address for the VI IPhone users  
discussion group?

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Fwd: Mobileme and a novice

2009-06-25 Thread Simon Cavendish

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Simon Cavendish 
> Date: 25 June 2009 10:20:38 BST
> To:
> Subject: Mobileme and a novice
> Dear Listers,
> Is there some comprehensive knowledge article or a series of  
> articles on mobileme? I've just taken out a trial subscription but  
> I'm not sure from the reading I've done I actually understand its  
> potential.
> Also, Public folder is a part of mobileme and so the IDisc. I don't  
> quite understand how they work and whether it is better to have my  
> public folder password-protected or not?
> Having subscribed to mobileme, I now have an icon on my desktop with  
> my mobileme ID as title. Does this folder actually reside on my  
> Macbook, or is it situated somewhere in cloud computing? If it is  
> somewhere on the internet, is it safe?
> Mobileme interface is not particularly compatible with Voiceover  
> when accessed through the Internet. Has anyone got any suggestions  
> or strategies?
> If there's been a discussion on our group on these subjects, can  
> anyone provide some directions? I feel a bit of a dummy asking such  
> basic questions but a lot of the stuff on the Internet is full of IT  
> vocabulary and hence somewhat opaque.
> Thanks for any help.
> With best wishes
> Simon

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Re: Mobileme and a novice

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Howell
Simon, first the iDisk can reside on the machine or not. This is a  
preference in System Preferences under the Mobile Me tab. Now here are  
some things to consider. First if you keep a copy of your iDisk on  
your Mac, you will give up 20Gb of drive space. Since I just use my  
private iDisk to store stuff, I just copy it by hand and therefore, it  
isn't using my local drive. Now of course the tradeoff is if you keep  
the local iDisk on your machine, it will be updated automatically and  
you would have to take no action to sync stuff.
THere again are other ways such as using Backup and that would take  
care of needing to sync the two disks.
Now the public portion of the disk is really up to you if you want to  
put a password on it. I chose to do so, but I rarely have used it and  
if I put something out there for someone or a group of people, I don't  
necessarily want just anyone to have access to it. I know Apple is  
working on improving the accessibility of the site and it is better  
than it was, but yes it has a way to go. I don't know of one specific  
article or series of articles that would answer all of your questions,  
but I say start with help and maybe do a little searching on Google  
perhaps and well I'm sure others here will have some answers.

On Jun 25, 2009, at 5:24 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Simon Cavendish 
>> Date: 25 June 2009 10:20:38 BST
>> To:
>> Subject: Mobileme and a novice
>> Dear Listers,
>> Is there some comprehensive knowledge article or a series of  
>> articles on mobileme? I've just taken out a trial subscription but  
>> I'm not sure from the reading I've done I actually understand its  
>> potential.
>> Also, Public folder is a part of mobileme and so the IDisc. I don't  
>> quite understand how they work and whether it is better to have my  
>> public folder password-protected or not?
>> Having subscribed to mobileme, I now have an icon on my desktop  
>> with my mobileme ID as title. Does this folder actually reside on  
>> my Macbook, or is it situated somewhere in cloud computing? If it  
>> is somewhere on the internet, is it safe?
>> Mobileme interface is not particularly compatible with Voiceover  
>> when accessed through the Internet. Has anyone got any suggestions  
>> or strategies?
>> If there's been a discussion on our group on these subjects, can  
>> anyone provide some directions? I feel a bit of a dummy asking such  
>> basic questions but a lot of the stuff on the Internet is full of  
>> IT vocabulary and hence somewhat opaque.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mobileme and a novice

2009-06-25 Thread A-Pro Studio
Hi Simon,

I will try to give an overview over the MObileMe service

First of all, the main settings for MobileMe is found if you go to  
System Preferences and press the MObileMe button there. You will find  
settings for the account, sync, iDisk and BackToMyMac. All settings  
here are fully accessible.

The sync settings is for syncing your contact and calender data, your  
mail prefs and mail boxes, your key chains and other preferences on  
your Mac so that you can imagine that you have a copy of all this  
stored in your MobileMe area on the internet, and each time you hook  
up your Mac, another Mac, an iPhone etc etc. and this unit has your  
MobileMe username and password set, they will be synced. If you change  
the data on one place, the same data will be changed on all the other  
units. Be aware, that you can decide exactly what to sync and what to  
not sync, so you have full control here. You can sync the data  
manually or automatically. Enough about sync for now...

The iDisk is just like a home folder on the internet. It contains all  
the folders you know so well from your home folder, like Documents,  
Pictures, Movies, Music, Public etc. etc. If you like, you can  
organize your data the same way you organize them on your Mac, with  
the difference that you can access your data from anywhere. The idea  
is that you can browse your data just like if you browse in Finder.

The public folder is the only folder that is available to other  
people. The rest of your data is secure, only accessible with your  
username and password, but the content you put in the public folder,  
may be accessed via internet - either with a separate password if you  
decide it to be setup that way - or open to anyone that knows your  
username, if you decide it to be setup that way. The password you  
choose should be different than your MobileMe password, since you may  
give it to friends, co-workers etc etc.

Finally, you can use your iDisk in two different ways on your Mac. If  
you check a checkbox in your MobilMe/iDisk preferences named "keep a  
local copy" or something like that, your Mac will create a disk image  
stored locally on your Mac, so that you can access your iDisk data on  
your Mac, even when you are not connected to internet. If you use  
iDisk this way, the content on the disk image will be automatically  
synced with the content on internet. You may call this an automatic  
backup of your work, and if you would like a local backup, you can  
simply drag a copy of the disk image over to an external drive.
You asked about the image on your desktop, and here is the answer; if  
you do not run a local copy of iDisk, this drive is actually the iDisk  
on internet. If you use the alternative with a local synced copy of  
your iDisk, this will be the local drive, and the backup is processed  
in the background.

BackToMyMac is simply a way to reach your Mac from anywhere on the  
internet in a safe and quick way. You can reach your Mac at home from  
your Mac at work much easier than with other methods.
Nothing of this part of the service, depends on the web interface. You  
can control all this right from your Mac.
Sorry for a long explanation, but I currently do not have a link to  
documentation here. The staff at the MobileMe service, is however very  
nice and quick in their response, so if you find the support link on 
  - they might be able to help you even better.

HOpe this was at least of some help. ;-)
Take care,
John André

On 25. juni. 2009, at 11.24, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Simon Cavendish 
>> Date: 25 June 2009 10:20:38 BST
>> To:
>> Subject: Mobileme and a novice
>> Dear Listers,
>> Is there some comprehensive knowledge article or a series of  
>> articles on mobileme? I've just taken out a trial subscription but  
>> I'm not sure from the reading I've done I actually understand its  
>> potential.
>> Also, Public folder is a part of mobileme and so the IDisc. I don't  
>> quite understand how they work and whether it is better to have my  
>> public folder password-protected or not?
>> Having subscribed to mobileme, I now have an icon on my desktop  
>> with my mobileme ID as title. Does this folder actually reside on  
>> my Macbook, or is it situated somewhere in cloud computing? If it  
>> is somewhere on the internet, is it safe?
>> Mobileme interface is not particularly compatible with Voiceover  
>> when accessed through the Internet. Has anyone got any suggestions  
>> or strategies?
>> If there's been a discussion on our group on these subjects, can  
>> anyone provide some directions? I feel a bit of a dummy asking such  
>> basic questions but a lot of the stuff on the Internet is full of  
>> IT vocabulary and hence somewhat opaque.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
> >


Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread kaare dehard

I think that whether we love it or hate it, touch screen technology is  
going to become more prevalent as time passes, and the blind community  
in general terms will have to adapt as a basic requirement now that  
the technology is becoming accessible.

This reminds me of when we went from a commandline interface to a gui.  
I myself went kicking and screaming at the time as I recall but as I  
accustomed myself to the changes I learned to deal with them in a way  
that permitted me to continue productivity.

On 24-Jun-09, at 11:28 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is
> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I  
> cannot
> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I  
> truly
> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is  
> something
> I'd love to see more companies do.
> Vic
> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but  
>> have
>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all  
>> accessible.
>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off
>> the shelf solution.
>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was  
>>> shocked.
>>> It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.
>>> I love the phone.
> -- 
> ---
> I tweet about music and accessibility at
> or check my site at
> ---
> >

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2009-06-25 Thread william lomas

hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the IPhone to  
control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on certain  
types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread kaare dehard

only multi-touch track pads are able to be used in this application. A  
lot of the gestures described are multi touch such as the rotor and  
even flicking...Hi will As I understand things from the feature set,
On 25-Jun-09, at 7:36 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the IPhone to
> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on certain
> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
> will
> >

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Simon Cavendish

I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:

>   hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the IPhone to
> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on certain
> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
> will
> >

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Re: The big obsession with the IPhone 3gS?

2009-06-25 Thread Kerry Painter

You sure you want to subscribe Will? haha.  Kerry
Probably the best kept financial secret in the UK
What's it all about

From: "william lomas" 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:01 AM
To: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS X by 
the blind" 
Subject: The big obsession with the IPhone 3gS?

> Hi all,
> I am not sure why people are so obsessed with the IPhone 3gS,
> particularly in the UK since the tarrifs are rediculously priced.
> The reasons why in my view it is good are
> •it is the first talking touch-screen IPhone
> but what else? smile
> my n eighty 2 cellular telephone in my view is far more superior as
> •if i want the KNFB reader on it, I can
> •I have GPS on it
> •i have a web browser on it
> etc
> Also the camera on the IPHone is not as high as that on an n eighty
> two which is the same price
> Sorry to be off topic
> WIll
> p.s. what is the subscription address for the VI IPhone users
> discussion group?
> >

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Chesworth

dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are
quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
back, assuming that won't be supported?

On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the IPhone to
>> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on certain
>> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>> will
>> >
> >

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Dean Wilcox

My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac or 
Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the mouse.

At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:

>dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are
>quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
>back, assuming that won't be supported?
>On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> >
> > I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> > On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>  hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the IPhone to
> >> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on certain
> >> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
> >> will
> >>
> >> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date: 
>06/22/09 06:54:00

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Re: Some first impressions with the iphone

2009-06-25 Thread John Denning

My wife who is low vision has one, has all along. I spent a few hours  
yesterday working with it, under VO. At first I had a time with the  
keyboard. But then the more I used it the better I got. And when I  
turned on key echo I really improved. I have BIG hands, and fat  
thumbs. But really started doing OK on the keyboard.

Only place I had a problem and I think this may have been a bug. I was  
able to create a new note. But I could not go back and edit a note.  
Never could get the text entry to come up. Said to dbl tap to edit,  
never would open for edit.

But I did searches, added notes, edited the text I just entered, sent  
an email, and modified settings. All using only VO.


Now I'd like an enterprising developer to make a simple app that I can  
toggle between sets of settings. Say a set with no Accessibility, one  
with Zoom and Invert, and one with VO. An app that I can have on the  
home page easily reached so I don't have to drill down in the settings.

On Jun 21, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Jed Barton wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Anyone else on here gotten the new iphone?
> Here are some of my first impressions.  I in all fairness have to  
> play with
> it more in a quieter place.
> Coming from smart phone world where you have a keyboard, I really  
> was not
> that impressed with it.
> It probably takes some getting use to, but the touch screen is a  
> killer.
> If it had an actual keyboard it would probably be easier.\
> I just found that trying to type messages was hard cause you can  
> lose your
> place quite easily.
> Anyone else try it out?

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Howell

Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place of a  
standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of  
that place.
On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac or
> Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the  
> mouse.
> At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:
>> dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are
>> quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
>> back, assuming that won't be supported?
>> On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
>>> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
>>> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:

 hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the  
 IPhone to
 control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on  
 types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?


>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
>> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >

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Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Howell

I for one embrace any new technology because I see it as a challenge  
and a way to learn something new. Additionally, I also see this as an  
opportunity to find new ways to leverage technology for bettering the  
lives of others. I was not so sure initially about the whole gui deal,  
but I quickly discovered that both the command line and gui offered  
distinct enhancements to my productivity. So, you just have to give it  
a chance.

On Jun 25, 2009, at 7:39 AM, kaare dehard wrote:

> I think that whether we love it or hate it, touch screen technology is
> going to become more prevalent as time passes, and the blind community
> in general terms will have to adapt as a basic requirement now that
> the technology is becoming accessible.
> This reminds me of when we went from a commandline interface to a gui.
> I myself went kicking and screaming at the time as I recall but as I
> accustomed myself to the changes I learned to deal with them in a way
> that permitted me to continue productivity.
> On 24-Jun-09, at 11:28 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is
>> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I
>> cannot
>> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I
>> truly
>> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is
>> something
>> I'd love to see more companies do.
>> Vic
>> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but
>>> have
>>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all
>>> accessible.
>>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real  
>>> off
>>> the shelf solution.
>>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
 I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was
 It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.

 I love the phone.

>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at 
>> vick08
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Ipod touch 3g?

2009-06-25 Thread william lomas


I am not usually a person who likes to predict  the future, but it  
would seem logical to me that, given the enormous popularity of the  
IPhone 3gS, that the IPOD touch 3g will be available hopefully by the  
end of the year.
 From what I understand, an IPod touch is meerly an IPhone minus the  
phone portions and camera. If so this wil solve the problem for those  
of us who want a touch screen device with web browsing, facebook,  
email, skype, calendar, voice recognition etc. but who do not wish to  
have a phone, for whatever reasons.

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Dean Wilcox

I'm mainly asking because afterreading the new features list in Snow 
Leopard the trackpad jestures with VO seem to be quite a big step in 
possibly speeding up a few commands.  I wonder if desktop users using 
VO would be slightly left behind.

At 13:58 25/06/2009, you wrote:

>Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place of a
>standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of
>that place.
>On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
> >
> > My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac or
> > Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the
> > mouse.
> >
> > At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:
> >
> >> dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are
> >> quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
> >> back, assuming that won't be supported?
> >>
> >> On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> >>> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
> >>>
>  hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the
>  IPhone to
>  control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on
>  certain
>  types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>  will
> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >> No virus found in this incoming message.
> >> Checked by AVG -
> >> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
> >> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >
> >
> > >
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date: 
>06/22/09 06:54:00

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Re: Ipod touch 3g?

2009-06-25 Thread Dean Wilcox

The Touch seems much more affordable too.  It won't be called the 3G 
though as with it not being a phone it won't receive 3G signals.

At 14:35 25/06/2009, you wrote:

> Hello
>I am not usually a person who likes to predict  the future, but it
>would seem logical to me that, given the enormous popularity of the
>IPhone 3gS, that the IPOD touch 3g will be available hopefully by the
>end of the year.
>  From what I understand, an IPod touch is meerly an IPhone minus the
>phone portions and camera. If so this wil solve the problem for those
>of us who want a touch screen device with web browsing, facebook,
>email, skype, calendar, voice recognition etc. but who do not wish to
>have a phone, for whatever reasons.
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date: 
>06/22/09 06:54:00

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Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread Chris Blouch
My manager and I went over to the ATT store yesterday to play with 3GS 
for the first time. We probably fiddled for about 30 minutes and within 
that time could do quite a bit of basic stuff. The first snag was 
getting VO turned on which required sighted assistance since the phones 
were cabled down at a kiosk and not hooked up to iTunes on a desktop. On 
another podcast there was a question about whether Apple has some kind 
of voice command to turn VO on but nobody knew if it existed or what it 
was. That said, once VO was on it took a little bit to get the hang of 
three finger flicking and to realize that double tap meant to hold on 
the thing you want to action and then tap with another finger. We also 
had to be careful with making sure we didn't hold the phone totally 
horizontal as sometimes it would flip into portrait mode, moving 
everything around. Typing was a bit difficult but improved as time went 
by such that it seemed like it would become quite usable given some 
practice. 30 minutes or so wasn't enough but it was already getting 
easier. Main thing was that the keys were very small in portrait so 
putting a thumb down flat covered several keys. Finger tips worked much 
better but finger nails didn't work. We actually launched a random 3rd 
party app called Dictionary which was already on the phone and it worked 
just fine, which was a nice touch since it probably predates VO on the 
iPhone. One snag was that when deleting characters in a text box it 
wasn't always obvious what characters were about to be deleted, but 
maybe we missed some cues in the somewhat noisy store. Anyway, it seems 
very positive that in only a short bit of fiddling around the universal 
access interface was usable and we could get stuff done.


Victor Tsaran wrote:
> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is 
> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I cannot 
> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I truly 
> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is something 
> I'd love to see more companies do.
> Vic
> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but have
>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all accessible.
>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off
>> the shelf solution.
>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was shocked.
>>> It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.
>>> I love the phone.

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Chris Blouch
Maybe there is a multitouch USB trackpad that would be supported.


Dean Wilcox wrote:
> I'm mainly asking because afterreading the new features list in Snow 
> Leopard the trackpad jestures with VO seem to be quite a big step in 
> possibly speeding up a few commands.  I wonder if desktop users using 
> VO would be slightly left behind.
> At 13:58 25/06/2009, you wrote:
>> Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place of a
>> standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of
>> that place.
>> On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac or
>>> Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the
>>> mouse.
>>> At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:
 dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are
 quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
 back, assuming that won't be supported?

 On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
>> hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the
>> IPhone to
>> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on
>> certain
>> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>> will
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
 06/22/09 06:54:00
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date: 
>> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >

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Strange Safari bug...

2009-06-25 Thread Mike

Hi list:

I'm running the latest Safari update and I've just encountered a
strange bug.
This is the 1ST time I've experienced and problems with any of the
Safari versions.
When I try to access the apple store from the site, Safari
Anyone else experience this? What's a possible fix?



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Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Howell

Actually the type of tap where you put one finger down and tap with  
the other is a split tap. Double tap litterly means tap with two  
fingers and there is a oh rhythm to it if you will. All and all it  
really sounds impressive and I can't wait to get my grubby hands on  
one. :)
On Jun 25, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> My manager and I went over to the ATT store yesterday to play with  
> 3GS for the first time. We probably fiddled for about 30 minutes and  
> within that time could do quite a bit of basic stuff. The first snag  
> was getting VO turned on which required sighted assistance since the  
> phones were cabled down at a kiosk and not hooked up to iTunes on a  
> desktop. On another podcast there was a question about whether Apple  
> has some kind of voice command to turn VO on but nobody knew if it  
> existed or what it was. That said, once VO was on it took a little  
> bit to get the hang of three finger flicking and to realize that  
> double tap meant to hold on the thing you want to action and then  
> tap with another finger. We also had to be careful with making sure  
> we didn't hold the phone totally horizontal as sometimes it would  
> flip into portrait mode, moving everything around. Typing was a bit  
> difficult but improved as time went by such that it seemed like it  
> would become quite usable given some practice. 30 minutes or so  
> wasn't enough but it was already getting easier. Main thing was that  
> the keys were very small in portrait so putting a thumb down flat  
> covered several keys. Finger tips worked much better but finger  
> nails didn't work. We actually launched a random 3rd party app  
> called Dictionary which was already on the phone and it worked just  
> fine, which was a nice touch since it probably predates VO on the  
> iPhone. One snag was that when deleting characters in a text box it  
> wasn't always obvious what characters were about to be deleted, but  
> maybe we missed some cues in the somewhat noisy store. Anyway, it  
> seems very positive that in only a short bit of fiddling around the  
> universal access interface was usable and we could get stuff done.
> CB
> Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is
>> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I  
>> cannot
>> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I  
>> truly
>> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is  
>> something
>> I'd love to see more companies do.
>> Vic
>> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but  
>>> have
>>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all  
>>> accessible.
>>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real  
>>> off
>>> the shelf solution.
>>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
 I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was  
 It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.

 I love the phone.

> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Howell

Perhaps initially, but there is always a possibility that some form of  
trackpad or new type of keyboard will be introduced. I have no clue of  
what may or may not be coming down the road, but it seems to me there  
is two possibilities. One being the jesters are going to be really  
intended for touch screen devices, such as the iPhone, perhaps iPod  
Touch, and maybe a tablet machine and then the more conventional input  
methods of keyboards and the like for desktop machines. And then of  
course laptops, which sort of fall in between both segments if you  
will. Of course I'm merely speculating and thus talking out of a  
specific orifice, but not afraid to admit it. :) Speculation is half  
the fun.

On Jun 25, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> I'm mainly asking because afterreading the new features list in Snow
> Leopard the trackpad jestures with VO seem to be quite a big step in
> possibly speeding up a few commands.  I wonder if desktop users using
> VO would be slightly left behind.
> At 13:58 25/06/2009, you wrote:
>> Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place  
>> of a
>> standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of
>> that place.
>> On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac  
>>> or
>>> Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the
>>> mouse.
>>> At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:
 dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads  
 quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
 back, assuming that won't be supported?

 On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
>>hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the
>> IPhone to
>> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on
>> certain
>> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>> will


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
 06/22/09 06:54:00

>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
>> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >

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Desktop Control over the Internet

2009-06-25 Thread Mike

Hi all:

I just had to receive some support over the internet, from Audible.
Of course, through all the exceptings, I had to download an applit.
After finishing the support, I can't seem to find that applit
Should I be concerned? For those that haven't used it, It's some what
VO accessible, just make sure you click the last button over to
The buttons are not announced . It was a guess and it worked.
The live assistant chat on the audible site is full accessible.


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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Not a chance. You can already purchase external Trackpads for Lappies  
and esktops alike.


On 25-Jun-09, at 8:05 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> I'm mainly asking because afterreading the new features list in Snow
> Leopard the trackpad jestures with VO seem to be quite a big step in
> possibly speeding up a few commands.  I wonder if desktop users using
> VO would be slightly left behind.
> At 13:58 25/06/2009, you wrote:
>> Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place  
>> of a
>> standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of
>> that place.
>> On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac  
>>> or
>>> Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the
>>> mouse.
>>> At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:
 dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads  
 quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years
 back, assuming that won't be supported?

 On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
>>hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the
>> IPhone to
>> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on
>> certain
>> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>> will


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
 06/22/09 06:54:00

>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
>> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >

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Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Greg Kearney

Yes put those trackpad are not multi touch track pads and so will not  
work with VO.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Not a chance. You can already purchase external Trackpads for Lappies
> and esktops alike.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 25-Jun-09, at 8:05 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>> I'm mainly asking because afterreading the new features list in Snow
>> Leopard the trackpad jestures with VO seem to be quite a big step in
>> possibly speeding up a few commands.  I wonder if desktop users using
>> VO would be slightly left behind.
>> At 13:58 25/06/2009, you wrote:
>>> Oh it is possible a future keyboard may include or take the place
>>> of a
>>> standard keyboard. You just never know  what is going to come out of
>>> that place.
>>> On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

 My next computer will probably be a Mac but I was thinking an iMac
 Minny.  It'd be nice if Apple produced a trackpad in place of the

 At 12:56 25/06/2009, you wrote:

> dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads
> are
> quite a recent thing?  I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few  
> years
> back, assuming that won't be supported?
> On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish   
> wrote:
>> I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon
>> On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william lomas wrote:
>>>   hi i read in snowleopard one can use the jestures as in the
>>> IPhone to
>>> control the mac will this work on a macbook or or is only on
>>> certain
>>> types of macs, that have the multitouch trackpad?
>>> will

> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
> 06/22/09 06:54:00


>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG -
>>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.87/2195 - Release Date:
>>> 06/22/09 06:54:00
> >

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Re: Strange Safari bug...

2009-06-25 Thread Dan

This is a known problem.
Use Webkit's nightly builds. The store works just fine if you access  
it with Webkit.
On Jun 25, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Mike wrote:

> Hi list:
> I'm running the latest Safari update and I've just encountered a
> strange bug.
> This is the 1ST time I've experienced and problems with any of the
> Safari versions.
> When I try to access the apple store from the site, Safari
> crashes.
> Anyone else experience this? What's a possible fix?
> Thanks:
> Mike
> >

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Safari Is Critically Broken

2009-06-25 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Dear accessibility team et al:

I am the web accessibility consultant for my organization.

One of the developers frought it to my attention that VoiceOver and  
Safari 4.x have problems associating labels with elements in forms,  
particularily the text input fields. Further research revealed that  
about 90% of the site which was nearly all accessible has been lost  
because the text fields all lost their labels with Voiceover.

Text cases also revealed that VoiceOver requires a "title" attribute  
in a text input field to label it, such as on 
  . I can appreciate why this is done, because it gives better  
customizing of field labels, but unfortunately, when none is present,  
VO does not fall back to labels as expected.

Is there anything I can do to remedy this?


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Subscribing to this mailinglist

2009-06-25 Thread Søren Jensen


I'm really sorry to ask this question again, since it has ben answered  
A friend of mine has just asked me how to join this mailinglist. I  
went to to find out, because I have forgot how  
to do it. Then I saw that the site has totally changed to the Google  
groups interface, and now I can't find any information about the  
mailinglist on the website. So how does someone join this mailinglist?
Please answer me off the list to avoid spamming the list with answers  
which has already been answered before.
I've searched on Google, but I didn't got any useful results...
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

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Re: Subscribing to this mailinglist

2009-06-25 Thread ben mustill-rose

A quick (5 second) brouse of yeelds a link
intitled "apply for group membership" which directs to

On 25/06/2009, Søren Jensen  wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm really sorry to ask this question again, since it has ben answered
> before.
> A friend of mine has just asked me how to join this mailinglist. I
> went to to find out, because I have forgot how
> to do it. Then I saw that the site has totally changed to the Google
> groups interface, and now I can't find any information about the
> mailinglist on the website. So how does someone join this mailinglist?
> Please answer me off the list to avoid spamming the list with answers
> which has already been answered before.
> I've searched on Google, but I didn't got any useful results...
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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RE: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread peter Apgar
next time you go in,   tap twice quickly with three fingers.  this turns
voice over on and off.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: IPhone Wows

My manager and I went over to the ATT store yesterday to play with 3GS for
the first time. We probably fiddled for about 30 minutes and within that
time could do quite a bit of basic stuff. The first snag was getting VO
turned on which required sighted assistance since the phones were cabled
down at a kiosk and not hooked up to iTunes on a desktop. On another podcast
there was a question about whether Apple has some kind of voice command to
turn VO on but nobody knew if it existed or what it was. That said, once VO
was on it took a little bit to get the hang of three finger flicking and to
realize that double tap meant to hold on the thing you want to action and
then tap with another finger. We also had to be careful with making sure we
didn't hold the phone totally horizontal as sometimes it would flip into
portrait mode, moving everything around. Typing was a bit difficult but
improved as time went by such that it seemed like it would become quite
usable given some practice. 30 minutes or so wasn't enough but it was
already getting easier. Main thing was that the keys were very small in
portrait so putting a thumb down flat covered several keys. Finger tips
worked much better but finger nails didn't work. We actually launched a
random 3rd party app called Dictionary which was already on the phone and it
worked just fine, which was a nice touch since it probably predates VO on
the iPhone. One snag was that when deleting characters in a text box it
wasn't always obvious what characters were about to be deleted, but maybe we
missed some cues in the somewhat noisy store. Anyway, it seems very positive
that in only a short bit of fiddling around the universal access interface
was usable and we could get stuff done.


Victor Tsaran wrote: 

I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is 

the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I cannot 

say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I truly 

appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is something 

I'd love to see more companies do.


On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:


My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got

her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but have

had some. So far I'm impressed also.

I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and

invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various

settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and

normal? I know how to zoom in and out.

Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required

to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all accessible.

I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off

the shelf solution.

On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was shocked.

It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.

I love the phone.



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"MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread peter Apgar

Have you used one yet?  The future of  p d a phones is definatly   touch

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Victor Tsaran
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: IPhone Wows

I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is the
first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I cannot say
that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I truly
appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is something I'd
love to see more companies do.

On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got 
> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but have 
> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and 
> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various 
> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and 
> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required 
> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all accessible.
> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off 
> the shelf solution.
> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was shocked.
>> It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.
>> I love the phone.
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at or
check my site at

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Re: IPhone Wows

2009-06-25 Thread Victor Tsaran

See, actually, I love switch to GUI interfaces the minute they came on. 
I mean, I still do command-line when I have to but this is not for 
Do agree with you about touch screens though. We can't avoid them -- 
this is why I applaud Apple for their efforts. I was just pointing out 
that I didn't think this interface is as efficient for us as the keyboard.
On 6/25/2009 4:39 AM, kaare dehard wrote:
> I think that whether we love it or hate it, touch screen technology is
> going to become more prevalent as time passes, and the blind community
> in general terms will have to adapt as a basic requirement now that
> the technology is becoming accessible.
> This reminds me of when we went from a commandline interface to a gui.
> I myself went kicking and screaming at the time as I recall but as I
> accustomed myself to the changes I learned to deal with them in a way
> that permitted me to continue productivity.
> On 24-Jun-09, at 11:28 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> I think IPhone 3GS is a wonderful tool for low vision people -- it is
>> the first truly accessible phone where everything is magnified. I
>> cannot
>> say that I would cash out for IPhone as a blind user though. But I
>> truly
>> appreciate Apple's pushing envelope with technology -- this is
>> something
>> I'd love to see more companies do.
>> Vic
>> On 6/21/2009 10:50 AM, John Denning wrote:
>>> My wife who is a high partial has had an iPhone all along. So we got
>>> her a new 3GS phone Friday. I've not had a lot of time on it, but
>>> have
>>> had some. So far I'm impressed also.
>>> I need to read some instructions though. I can turn on the Zoom, and
>>> invert. But I believe there is a way to easily jump between various
>>> settings. Like is there a gesture to switch between inverted and
>>> normal? I know how to zoom in and out.
>>> Trying to get my employer to spring for the phone since I'm required
>>> to have a mobile phone. They one they got me is NOT at all
>>> accessible.
>>> I can make the text a tiny bit larger is all. So get me this real off
>>> the shelf solution.
>>> On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:02 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
 I played with the iPhone that was on display. Wow, ... I was
 It felt like a natural use, expecially in Calculator.

 I love the phone.

>> --
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at
>> or check my site at
>> ---
> >


I tweet about music and accessibility at
or check my site at

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