Re: OCR software and recommended scanners

2009-03-27 Thread Søren Jensen

I'll say the most accessible OCR program is the HP OCR software which  
comes with the Hp scanners. Then there is ReadIris and Vue-scan which  
also works very well with Voiceover. Vue scan won't work with my hp  
scanner though. I don't know why.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 27/03/2009, at 03.48, Kamal Haffar wrote:

> Hi all:
> What is the most accessible OCR software for Macs? Thanks
> Kamal
> >

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Re: OCR software and recommended scanners

2009-03-27 Thread Simon Cavendish


Is HP OCR softwarre totally compatible with VO? Can you scan  
multilingual material? Can you save it into text files? Can you scan  
two pages at the same time, like an open book?

Thanks in advance, Simon, e-mail privately if you want or if it  
violates the rules of the list.
On 27 Mar 2009, at 07:07, Søren Jensen wrote:

> I'll say the most accessible OCR program is the HP OCR software which
> comes with the Hp scanners. Then there is ReadIris and Vue-scan which
> also works very well with Voiceover. Vue scan won't work with my hp
> scanner though. I don't know why.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 27/03/2009, at 03.48, Kamal Haffar wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> What is the most accessible OCR software for Macs? Thanks
>> Kamal
> >

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Re: OCR software and recommended scanners

2009-03-27 Thread Søren Jensen

Hi Simon.

I'll answer your questions on the list so the other people who might  
be interested also would get my answer.
I'll say yes to all your questions.
When you choose to scan into a text-file, the program ask you if you  
wanna scan another page when you have scanned the first page. When  
you've scanned all the pages, you can click done and then you have to  
save your document.
The program is 100% accessible with VO. The only issue I've had is  
that you can't choose other OCR languages than english. So I can't  
scan a danish text with this program.
Does somebody know if it's possible to scan multible pages with  
ReadIris? I can't figure out how to do it.

Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 27/03/2009, at 09.35, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Soren,
> Is HP OCR softwarre totally compatible with VO? Can you scan
> multilingual material? Can you save it into text files? Can you scan
> two pages at the same time, like an open book?
> Thanks in advance, Simon, e-mail privately if you want or if it
> violates the rules of the list.
> On 27 Mar 2009, at 07:07, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> I'll say the most accessible OCR program is the HP OCR software which
>> comes with the Hp scanners. Then there is ReadIris and Vue-scan which
>> also works very well with Voiceover. Vue scan won't work with my hp
>> scanner though. I don't know why.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 27/03/2009, at 03.48, Kamal Haffar wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> What is the most accessible OCR software for Macs? Thanks
>>> Kamal

> >

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Audio playback with speed control

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

Is there an audio playback application for OSX that will allow me to  
adjust the speed of playback?  It would be ideal if pitch was not  
affected by the change in speed, but not altogether necessary.


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Accessing fillable PDFs

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning again,

Is there a way to access and fill in fillable PDFs with Voiceover?


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RE: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-27 Thread Jonathan Chacón

-Mensaje original-
[] En nombre de E.J. Zufelt
Enviado el: viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009 10:14
Asunto: Python programming on OSX

>Good morning,


>If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear  
>what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation

Well, you can use smultron but you have to manage indentation manually

You can use Eclipse with pydev. I'm trying with eclipse now and it isn't
too bad.

Jonathan Chacón

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Python programming on OSX

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear  
what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation requirements.


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Reading digital braille on Mac

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

Is there a utility for OSX that will allow me to convert electronic  
braille, brf, files to text or any other format that can be read with  


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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-27 Thread James Dietz

I think Justin himself did one way back on Blind Cool Tech. You can
probably find it in the archives page (I think it was published aroune
June 2007).  Sorry if I stole your thunder.


On 3/27/09, E.J. Zufelt  wrote:
> Good evening Justin,
> Can you point us to a resource that may be a good tutorial / starting
> loint for latex?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:16 AM, Justin Harford wrote:
>> Said it before and I'll say it again.  I have produced the best
>> looking documens on my mac.  My work looks far better than it would
>> have if I had stuck with windows, but this has been done with LaTeX.
>> Tables have tended, for this reason, not to be a problem for me.
>> J
>> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
>> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
>> strip.
>> El 26/03/2009, a las 21:10, E.J. Zufelt escribió:
>>> Yes, this one of the few reasons that I cannot switch over to te Mac
>>> for all of my day to day computer uses.  The lack of good support for
>>> tables in word processors and the lack of support for the Firefox
>>> web-
>>> browser.  I really cannot understand how Apple can get away with not
>>> supporting tables.
>>> Everett
>>> On 27-Mar-09, at 12:52 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

 That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages,
 a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had
 emailed developers about this before.


 "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
 tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts

 El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:

> I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a
> table.
> It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
> Tom Frank


> >

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Re: Audio playback with speed control

2009-03-27 Thread Scott Howell

I don't know of one that works outside Terminal, but there is Mplayer,  
but you do have to run it from Terminal and in fact you have to  
compile it. However, I believe there is a way to use iTunes to  
accomplish the same task, but I only heard it was possible, I have not  
done it myself.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 5:11 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> Is there an audio playback application for OSX that will allow me to
> adjust the speed of playback?  It would be ideal if pitch was not
> affected by the change in speed, but not altogether necessary.
> Thanks,
> Everett
> >

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Re: Reading digital braille on Mac

2009-03-27 Thread Ryan Mann

Hello.  I just found a version of NFBtrans for the Mac.
Hope this helps
On Mar 27, 2009, at 5:03 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> Is there a utility for OSX that will allow me to convert electronic
> braille, brf, files to text or any other format that can be read with
> Voiceover?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> >

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Re: Reading digital braille on Mac

2009-03-27 Thread Greg Kearney

I did several solutions for this. They can all be found at

Louis is a free full featured braille translator that can do reverse  
as well as forward translation. It has a full GUI and can handle many  
different braille codes including nemeth math.

I also Ported both NFBtrans and TurboBraille to MacOS X as well both  
of these are command line programs which also support reverse  

All of these are free.

Greg Kearney
535 S. Jackson St.
Casper, Wyoming 82601

On Mar 27, 2009, at 3:03 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> Is there a utility for OSX that will allow me to convert electronic
> braille, brf, files to text or any other format that can be read with
> Voiceover?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> >

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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-27 Thread Esther
Hi Everett,

You asked for a good starting point for LaTeX. Here's what came up  
from using a search at the Mail Archive site for the old list:
is a site that Greg Kearney recommended when asked for accessible  
LaTeX tutorials.
Justin's Blind Cool Tech podcast on LaTeX and TeXShop (a Mac  
application for producing LaTeX documents) is available as a  
downloadable mp3 file at:

or from the Blind Cool Tech podcast page as "Introduction to LaTeX"  

Here are some other Tex/LaTeX resources mentioned in the archives:

is a web page for "TeX on Mac OS X" now in wiki format that describes  
how to get started with TeX on the Mac, find resources, choose and  
install TeX "front ends" ("TeXShop" is probably the best choice for  
VoiceOver users, configured with "pdfTeX" as the output engine,  
because of its integration of PDF generation to Preview and  because  
of the accessibility of its interface tools), use TeX mailing lists,  
etc.  Bring up the links chooser menu and start at the "Getting  
Started Links". You can mark the main page for snapback with Command- 
Option-K, so that you easily return to it with the Command-Option-P  
snapback shortcut.

The TeX Users Group maintains its own web pages at:

The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) is the primary repository  
for distribution of TeX related software through multiple mirror  
sites, and is referenced and linked in pages for the above sites.

A good resource for specific TeX usage questions is maintained at the  
UK List of TeX Frequently Asked Questions on the Web:

Links are provided in order of increasing level/complexity of usage.   
Look at the LaTeX primer and Justin's podcast to get an overview, and  
use the MacTeX wiki pages to see how one would get started and set up.




On Mar 27, 2009, at 1:39 AM, James Dietz wrote:

> I think Justin himself did one way back on Blind Cool Tech. You can
> probably find it in the archives page (I think it was published aroune
> June 2007).  Sorry if I stole your thunder.
> James
> On 3/27/09, E.J. Zufelt  wrote:
>> Good evening Justin,
>> Can you point us to a resource that may be a good tutorial / starting
>> loint for latex?
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:16 AM, Justin Harford wrote:
>>> Said it before and I'll say it again.  I have produced the best
>>> looking documens on my mac.  My work looks far better than it would
>>> have if I had stuck with windows, but this has been done with LaTeX.
>>> Tables have tended, for this reason, not to be a problem for me.
>>> J
>>> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
>>> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts  
>>> comic
>>> strip.
>>> El 26/03/2009, a las 21:10, E.J. Zufelt escribió:

 Yes, this one of the few reasons that I cannot switch over to te  
 for all of my day to day computer uses.  The lack of good support  
 tables in word processors and the lack of support for the Firefox
 browser.  I really cannot understand how Apple can get away with  
 supporting tables.


 On 27-Mar-09, at 12:52 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

> That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages,
> but
> a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had
> emailed developers about this before.
> J
> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts
> comic
> strip.
> El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:
>> I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a
>> table.
>> It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
>> Tom Frank

> >

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reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread christos hux

well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program which  
is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files and  
then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them into  
audio files with iSpeakIt 

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RE: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-27 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.


What is Eclipse? Also, have you tried programming a GUI in python? If so, how?

Rafael Bejarano

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of Jonathan Chacón
Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 5:14 AM
Subject: RE: Python programming on OSX

-Mensaje original-
[] En nombre de E.J. Zufelt
Enviado el: viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009 10:14
Asunto: Python programming on OSX

>Good morning,


>If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear  
>what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation

Well, you can use smultron but you have to manage indentation manually

You can use Eclipse with pydev. I'm trying with eclipse now and it isn't
too bad.

Jonathan Chacón

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RE: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-27 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
I've done a little programming in python, using smultron as my editor. I indent 
by using tabs. It's easy once you get used to it.

Rafael Bejarano

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of E.J. Zufelt
Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 4:13 AM
Subject: Python programming on OSX

Good morning,

If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear  
what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation requirements.


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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good afternoon,

Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?

When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover  
crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the  
preview pane.


On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:

> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program which
> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files and
> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them into
> audio files with iSpeakIt

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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread Eliza Cooper

Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?
> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
> preview pane.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program  
>> which
>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files and
>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them into
>> audio files with iSpeakIt
> >

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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread Esther


I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview pane  
and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are you  
both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.



On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

> Hi,
>Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?
>> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
>> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
>> preview pane.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
>>> which
>>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files  
>>> and
>>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them  
>>> into
>>> audio files with iSpeakIt
> >

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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good afternoon,

Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.


On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi,
> I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview pane
> and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are you
> both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
>>   Eliza
>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?
>>> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
>>> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
>>> preview pane.
>>> Everett
>>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:

 well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
 is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files
 then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
 audio files with iSpeakIt



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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread Greg Kearney

Not sure what version of Safari one is using would have anything to do  
with reading an email message.

Greg Kearney
535 S. Jackson St.
Casper, Wyoming 82601

On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:50 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview  
>> pane
>> and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are you
>> both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
>>>  Eliza
>>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

 Good afternoon,

 Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?

 When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
 crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
 preview pane.


 On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:

> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
> which
> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files
> and
> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
> into
> audio files with iSpeakIt


> >

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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good afternoon,

The preview pane in Mail, along with many other html user interface  
controls in OS X are dependent on some aspects of Safari, similar to  
how some user interface controls in Windows are dependent on Internet  


On 27-Mar-09, at 1:51 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> Not sure what version of Safari one is using would have anything to do
> with reading an email message.
> Greg Kearney
> 535 S. Jackson St.
> Casper, Wyoming 82601
> 307-224-4022
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:50 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview
>>> pane
>>> and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are  
>>> you
>>> both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

 Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
 On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover  
> crash?
> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
> preview pane.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
>> which
>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files
>> and
>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
>> into
>> audio files with iSpeakIt


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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread Esther

Hi Greg,

There have been some problems experienced with VoiceOver interactions  
with mail that are associated with the installation of the Safari 4  
beta.  See the thread on "mail problem with VoiceOver" at the mail  
archive site for this list and use Control-n to read down the thread:



On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> Not sure what version of Safari one is using would have anything to do
> with reading an email message.
> Greg Kearney
> 535 S. Jackson St.
> Casper, Wyoming 82601
> 307-224-4022
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:50 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview
>>> pane
>>> and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are  
>>> you
>>> both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

 Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
 On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover  
> crash?
> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
> preview pane.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
>> which
>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files
>> and
>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
>> into
>> audio files with iSpeakIt

> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-27 Thread Eliza Cooper

I am not using Safari 4 Beta, and read my messages by hitting VO+J  
from my messages table.  I guess that doesn't tell us anything.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> There have been some problems experienced with VoiceOver interactions
> with mail that are associated with the installation of the Safari 4
> beta.  See the thread on "mail problem with VoiceOver" at the mail
> archive site for this list and use Control-n to read down the thread:
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> Not sure what version of Safari one is using would have anything to  
>> do
>> with reading an email message.
>> Greg Kearney
>> 535 S. Jackson St.
>> Casper, Wyoming 82601
>> 307-224-4022
>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:50 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.
>>> Everett
>>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:


 I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview
 and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are
 both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.



 On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
> Eliza
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover
>> crash?
>> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message  
>> voiceover
>> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
>> preview pane.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
>>> which
>>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text  
>>> files
>>> and
>>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
>>> into
>>> audio files with iSpeakIt


> >

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Re: Problem Purchasing Infovox IVox (please help asap)

2009-03-27 Thread Tiffany D

I went on the XP machine using Internet Explorer and still couldn't do
it.  I didn't see any image with kagi.  I used an old version of JFW
and also NVDA.  I'm not sure if System Access to Go or hal can handle
it but I'm getting very frustrated.  This is ridiculous.

On 26/03/2009, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
> Tiffanitsa,
> I have today purchased the Greek voice but I had to do so using
> Windows and Mozilla. I have already spoken on this list about the
> difficulties buying from assistiveware website using voicoever. It
> baffles me that it continues to be the case. If you still have Windows
> on your machine, you might try to purchase he Greek voice using
> internet explorer. The website handling the buying of assistiveware is
> Kagi. When in Windows, look for the image which contains the word
> Kagi. It's not very clear. Again, I am so surprised that assitiveware
> purchasing process is so clumsy.
> Good luck.
> Simon
> On 26 Mar 2009, at 21:52, Tiffany D wrote:
>> Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial has
>> expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
>> computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the
>> online store to purchase it and when I went to the
>> page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how do I
>> order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.
>> >
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Problem Purchasing Infovox IVox (please help asap)

2009-03-27 Thread Esther
Hi Tiffanitsa,

I sent you a reply off-list yesterday as soon as I read your post but  
I'll post again here. The problem for U.S. users is that our  
distribution agent, Origin Instruments, only puts up voices for a few  
languages on their web site and tells you to email them if you want to  
purchase others.  Apparently there's just not much market in the U.S.  
for people who want voices in languages other than English or Spanish,  
so the only voices that are on their downloads pages are (U.S. and  
British) English, (Castilian and U.S.) Spanish, and (Gallic and  
Canadian) French.  Plus, they added Russian (but I think only because  
I purchased that voice).  I actually called in, and also spoke with  
the Tech Support person, Cathy Kingeter, who generated my license.

Here's the contact information:

Origin Instruments Corporation
854 Greenview Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050-2438

Voice: 972-606-8740
FAX: 972-606-8741

And appended below is the part of my query to David Niemeijer about  
how to get the new voices; he just says to drop them an email.  And  
you don't get a Kagi link on the web pages for the U.S. purchase,  
though it appears for Assistiveware purchases elsewhere.  The problem  
is not the screen access -- they just don't have a full list of the  
Infovox iVox voices up anywhere on their purchase pages.




> From: David Niemeijer 
> Date: February 25, 2009 12:29:20 AM HST
> To:
> Subject: Re: New voices for Italian, British, Russian, Greek and  
> Norwegian
> Reply-To:
> Hi Esther,
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> You can purchase online.
>> OK, I assume this goes through Origin Instruments again.  They  
>> usually
>> don't put up the full range of language packages on their web page,
>> but they say we can order any of the Assistiveware products.
> That's correct. Just drop them an email and they should be able to
> sell you Greek.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Tiffany D wrote:

> I went on the XP machine using Internet Explorer and still couldn't do
> it.  I didn't see any image with kagi.  I used an old version of JFW
> and also NVDA.  I'm not sure if System Access to Go or hal can handle
> it but I'm getting very frustrated.  This is ridiculous.
> On 26/03/2009, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
>> Tiffanitsa,
>> I have today purchased the Greek voice but I had to do so using
>> Windows and Mozilla. I have already spoken on this list about the
>> difficulties buying from assistiveware website using voicoever. It
>> baffles me that it continues to be the case. If you still have  
>> Windows
>> on your machine, you might try to purchase he Greek voice using
>> internet explorer. The website handling the buying of assistiveware  
>> is
>> Kagi. When in Windows, look for the image which contains the word
>> Kagi. It's not very clear. Again, I am so surprised that assitiveware
>> purchasing process is so clumsy.
>> Good luck.
>> Simon
>> On 26 Mar 2009, at 21:52, Tiffany D wrote:
>>> Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial  
>>> has
>>> expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
>>> computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the
>>> online store to purchase it and when I went to the
>>> page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how  
>>> do I
>>> order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.

> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Audio playback with speed control

2009-03-27 Thread Esther

Hi Everett,

You probably need to say more about what you need in terms of  
adjusting playback speed, what software you generally use,  and what  
you want to do in terms of adjusting speed in order to get a useful  
answer.  The basic answer is, yes, you can adjust speed of playback  
with existing applications on the Mac, and you can even do so in a way  
that preserves pitch.  For example, you can play faster or slower in  
VLC or QuickTime Player with keyboard shortcuts, but with fairly  
coarse adjustments of speed.  If you bring up the A/V Controls Window  
of QuickTime Player (Command-K), you can separately interact with  
sliders for pitch and playback speed for finer control.  These  
features are also supported in many sound editors like Audacity  
(freeware), Sound Studio, and Amadeus Pro, and also in Garageband, but  
at different levels of complexity and difficulty of implementation  
depending on exactly what level of control you need and for what  

If you want to control speed to learn/listen to music for performance  
(not likely, given the way you've asked your question), you'd be much  
better off looking at specialized software like the Amazing Slow  
Downer from Roni music (or similar products), that will easily let you  
slow down music to learn chord sequences with keyboard shortcuts, and  
also play from CDs with these features enabled.  Scott has used this.

On the other hand, if you want to control playback speed to listen to  
podcasts at a faster rate, then I just do this with QuickTime player  
via AppleScripts that allow me to select tracks in my iTunes library  
and switch player control between iTunes (which doesn't support faster  
playback) and QuickTime Player (which does).  This lets me keep the  
last played position bookmarked.

I think I responded to your post about this in January:
(Re: speed up slow down I tunes)

The AppleScripts that I use for this, and their source (at the Mac OS  
X Hints page) are described in that archived post.  The source post  
with the two scripts (posted by Louie) are also at the end of that post.

If you want to find out how to control speed and pitch in Garageband  
or Audacity you'll have to ask elsewhere, although I know it's  
doable.  Similarly, you can use options supported in third-party sound- 
editing software to do this, probably with more control and ease that  
working directly with QuickTime.  Again, the best solution for you  
depends on what you want to do, what level of control you need, and  
what other software you may have on your machine.  I haven't done much  
with sound editing software for some time, so likely you'll get better  
answers from other list readers.  Also, since the earlier post didn't  
get much response, it may not be relevant to your needs.



On Mar 27, 2009, at 2:10 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I don't know of one that works outside Terminal, but there is Mplayer,
> but you do have to run it from Terminal and in fact you have to
> compile it. However, I believe there is a way to use iTunes to
> accomplish the same task, but I only heard it was possible, I have not
> done it myself.
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 5:11 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> Is there an audio playback application for OSX that will allow me to
>> adjust the speed of playback?  It would be ideal if pitch was not
>> affected by the change in speed, but not altogether necessary.
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
> >

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Re: Problem Purchasing Infovox IVox (please help asap)

2009-03-27 Thread Tiffany D

I just called Origin Instruments and ordered.  The email should be
here some time this afternoon.  The woman Cathy who took my order was
very nice and helpful.  Overall, I had a wonderful experience with

On 27/03/2009, Esther  wrote:
> Hi Tiffanitsa,
> I sent you a reply off-list yesterday as soon as I read your post but
> I'll post again here. The problem for U.S. users is that our
> distribution agent, Origin Instruments, only puts up voices for a few
> languages on their web site and tells you to email them if you want to
> purchase others.  Apparently there's just not much market in the U.S.
> for people who want voices in languages other than English or Spanish,
> so the only voices that are on their downloads pages are (U.S. and
> British) English, (Castilian and U.S.) Spanish, and (Gallic and
> Canadian) French.  Plus, they added Russian (but I think only because
> I purchased that voice).  I actually called in, and also spoke with
> the Tech Support person, Cathy Kingeter, who generated my license.
> Here's the contact information:
> Origin Instruments Corporation
> 854 Greenview Drive
> Grand Prairie, Texas 75050-2438
> Voice: 972-606-8740
> FAX: 972-606-8741
> email:
> And appended below is the part of my query to David Niemeijer about
> how to get the new voices; he just says to drop them an email.  And
> you don't get a Kagi link on the web pages for the U.S. purchase,
> though it appears for Assistiveware purchases elsewhere.  The problem
> is not the screen access -- they just don't have a full list of the
> Infovox iVox voices up anywhere on their purchase pages.
> Cheers,
> Esther
>> From: David Niemeijer 
>> Date: February 25, 2009 12:29:20 AM HST
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: New voices for Italian, British, Russian, Greek and
>> Norwegian
>> Reply-To:
>> Hi Esther,
>> On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Esther wrote:
 You can purchase online.
>>> OK, I assume this goes through Origin Instruments again.  They
>>> usually
>>> don't put up the full range of language packages on their web page,
>>> but they say we can order any of the Assistiveware products.
>> That's correct. Just drop them an email and they should be able to
>> sell you Greek.
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Tiffany D wrote:
>> I went on the XP machine using Internet Explorer and still couldn't do
>> it.  I didn't see any image with kagi.  I used an old version of JFW
>> and also NVDA.  I'm not sure if System Access to Go or hal can handle
>> it but I'm getting very frustrated.  This is ridiculous.
>> On 26/03/2009, Simon Cavendish  wrote:
>>> Tiffanitsa,
>>> I have today purchased the Greek voice but I had to do so using
>>> Windows and Mozilla. I have already spoken on this list about the
>>> difficulties buying from assistiveware website using voicoever. It
>>> baffles me that it continues to be the case. If you still have
>>> Windows
>>> on your machine, you might try to purchase he Greek voice using
>>> internet explorer. The website handling the buying of assistiveware
>>> is
>>> Kagi. When in Windows, look for the image which contains the word
>>> Kagi. It's not very clear. Again, I am so surprised that assitiveware
>>> purchasing process is so clumsy.
>>> Good luck.
>>> Simon
>>> On 26 Mar 2009, at 21:52, Tiffany D wrote:

 Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial
 expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
 computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the online store to purchase it and when I went to the
 page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how
 do I
 order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.


>> >
> >

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Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-27 Thread Chris Blouch

This one slipped past me. Apparently there was a point release at the 
end of January. Poking through the bug notes I didn't see anything Mac 
or VoiceOver related. Anyone else find any improvements? I just 
downloaded it and added a table to a Writer document using Command-F12. 
the resulting table still gave no indication of which column or row I 
was in as I tabbed around. That was one of my big beefs with Writer.


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Re: Audio playback with speed control

2009-03-27 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good afternoon,

Thanks for the response.  That was exactly what I needed to know.  I  
didn't relize VLC ad this feature.  I have an mp3 e-book and wanted to  
speed it up

On 27-Mar-09, at 3:50 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Everett,
> You probably need to say more about what you need in terms of
> adjusting playback speed, what software you generally use,  and what
> you want to do in terms of adjusting speed in order to get a useful
> answer.  The basic answer is, yes, you can adjust speed of playback
> with existing applications on the Mac, and you can even do so in a way
> that preserves pitch.  For example, you can play faster or slower in
> VLC or QuickTime Player with keyboard shortcuts, but with fairly
> coarse adjustments of speed.  If you bring up the A/V Controls Window
> of QuickTime Player (Command-K), you can separately interact with
> sliders for pitch and playback speed for finer control.  These
> features are also supported in many sound editors like Audacity
> (freeware), Sound Studio, and Amadeus Pro, and also in Garageband, but
> at different levels of complexity and difficulty of implementation
> depending on exactly what level of control you need and for what
> purpose.
> If you want to control speed to learn/listen to music for performance
> (not likely, given the way you've asked your question), you'd be much
> better off looking at specialized software like the Amazing Slow
> Downer from Roni music (or similar products), that will easily let you
> slow down music to learn chord sequences with keyboard shortcuts, and
> also play from CDs with these features enabled.  Scott has used this.
> On the other hand, if you want to control playback speed to listen to
> podcasts at a faster rate, then I just do this with QuickTime player
> via AppleScripts that allow me to select tracks in my iTunes library
> and switch player control between iTunes (which doesn't support faster
> playback) and QuickTime Player (which does).  This lets me keep the
> last played position bookmarked.
> I think I responded to your post about this in January:
> (Re: speed up slow down I tunes)
> The AppleScripts that I use for this, and their source (at the Mac OS
> X Hints page) are described in that archived post.  The source post
> with the two scripts (posted by Louie) are also at the end of that  
> post.
> If you want to find out how to control speed and pitch in Garageband
> or Audacity you'll have to ask elsewhere, although I know it's
> doable.  Similarly, you can use options supported in third-party  
> sound-
> editing software to do this, probably with more control and ease that
> working directly with QuickTime.  Again, the best solution for you
> depends on what you want to do, what level of control you need, and
> what other software you may have on your machine.  I haven't done much
> with sound editing software for some time, so likely you'll get better
> answers from other list readers.  Also, since the earlier post didn't
> get much response, it may not be relevant to your needs.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 2:10 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I don't know of one that works outside Terminal, but there is  
>> Mplayer,
>> but you do have to run it from Terminal and in fact you have to
>> compile it. However, I believe there is a way to use iTunes to
>> accomplish the same task, but I only heard it was possible, I have  
>> not
>> done it myself.
>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 5:11 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good morning,
>>> Is there an audio playback application for OSX that will allow me to
>>> adjust the speed of playback?  It would be ideal if pitch was not
>>> affected by the change in speed, but not altogether necessary.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Everett


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Re: Audio playback with speed control

2009-03-27 Thread Esther

Hi Everett,

I think the shortcuts for adjusting playback speed in VLC have only  
coarse increments (Command-"+", Command-"="), and as far as I know   
there isn't another way (e.g. via command line) to achieve finer  
control.  You might want to do some more research on this.  In the  
AppleScripts in the linked previous posts you can just specify the  
speedup rate as a number.  What I use myself are the two AppleScripts  
that were originally posted on the Mac OS X Hints page, and that Louie  
also posted.  (There's an even earlier post in the archives for the  
list that describes those).  I don't use the later "Podfast"  
AppleScript that's a modified version of those posts which I mentioned  
in the January post, although I tested it.  I only included it because  
some people prefer to get something that is downloadable in toto, and  
that doesn't requiring opening up the Script Editor under the  
AppleScript folder under Applications -- even if only to copy and  
paste in the scripts.

Also, if you're interested in mp3 audiobooks, you might want to check  
out OverDrive media console playback of downloadable mp3 audiobooks.   
Marshall Scott forwarded an article about the release of the Mac  
version of OverDrive's media console last November.  This allows you  
to download non-DRM mp3 audiobooks from your local public library and  
play them on your Mac.  The OverDrive media console has its own speed  
control shortcuts.  Participating libraries are in the U.S. and  
Canada, and include the Toronto public library.  So with a public  
library card (or its barcode number), you can access your library's  
online catalog, borrow DRM-free mp3 audiobooks, and even transfer them  
to your iPod during the borrowing period.  Be aware that most of the  
OverDrive library offerings are still in DRM'ed WMA files that only  
play on Windows and can only play on mp3 players that support playback  
of downloaded DRM-protected WMA files -- that's a separate category of  
mp3 players with more restrictive requirements than simply being able  
to play ordinary DRM-protected WMA files.

See this archive post:
(Re: MacDailyNews - Mac software introduced for digital audiobook
downloads from public libraries)

for a brief description of how this works.

Here's another post in that thread:

that describes how to do a search for OverDrive mp3 books from your  
library that can play on the Mac.



On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:08 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Thanks for the response.  That was exactly what I needed to know.  I
> didn't relize VLC ad this feature.  I have an mp3 e-book and wanted to
> speed it up
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 3:50 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Everett,
>> You probably need to say more about what you need in terms of
>> adjusting playback speed, what software you generally use,  and what
>> you want to do in terms of adjusting speed in order to get a useful
>> answer.  The basic answer is, yes, you can adjust speed of playback
>> with existing applications on the Mac, and you can even do so in a  
>> way
>> that preserves pitch.  For example, you can play faster or slower in
>> VLC or QuickTime Player with keyboard shortcuts, but with fairly
>> coarse adjustments of speed.  If you bring up the A/V Controls Window
>> of QuickTime Player (Command-K), you can separately interact with
>> sliders for pitch and playback speed for finer control.  These
>> features are also supported in many sound editors like Audacity
>> (freeware), Sound Studio, and Amadeus Pro, and also in Garageband,  
>> but
>> at different levels of complexity and difficulty of implementation
>> depending on exactly what level of control you need and for what
>> purpose.
>> If you want to control speed to learn/listen to music for performance
>> (not likely, given the way you've asked your question), you'd be much
>> better off looking at specialized software like the Amazing Slow
>> Downer from Roni music (or similar products), that will easily let  
>> you
>> slow down music to learn chord sequences with keyboard shortcuts, and
>> also play from CDs with these features enabled.  Scott has used this.
>> On the other hand, if you want to control playback speed to listen to
>> podcasts at a faster rate, then I just do this with QuickTime player
>> via AppleScripts that allow me to select tracks in my iTunes library
>> and switch player control between iTunes (which doesn't support  
>> faster
>> playback) and QuickTime Player (which does).  This lets me keep the
>> last played position bookmarked.
>> I think I responded to your post about this in January:
>> (Re: speed up slow down I tunes)
>> The AppleScripts that I use for this, and their source (at the Mac OS

deleting emails

2009-03-27 Thread Wendy Mitchell

Hi  Ok, when I am typing a message and decide I don't want to send it  
after all, how do i delete it?

I've tried everything i can think of and then it ends up in my drafts  
and i can just delete it from there.  Any heop apprecited ad I'm  
really pleased that my mail is on here now and love the little noise  
it makes when I send the messages.

 From Wendy.

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Re: deleting emails

2009-03-27 Thread Mark Baxter

Comma and W  will close the message; you will be prompted, and if you  
want to save it to work on later, choose save.  The message will be  
stored in a "drafts," folder.  If not, hit "don't save," and your  
message is gone.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-27 Thread Yvonne Thomson

On 27/03/2009, at 8:13 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear
> what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation  
> requirements.
> Thanks,
> Everett

I've done quite a bit of programming Python on OSX, but I have to  
admit I stopped for a long time. Smultron was just hopeless for me,  
particularly reading other peoples code. The indent support just  
wasn'tup to it.

My only solution turned out to be teaching myself to use Vim and using  
macvim. The learning curve was a bit steap, but it has let me start  
programming in a language I'd all but given up on.

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webkit what is it

2009-03-27 Thread Dean Adams
Hey All,
 Can someone please explain what the webkit is and how it is 
used for us who VO on a mac as I am only a newby to the mac scene I 
have never heard of it so any explanation would be much appreciated.
Regards Dean

!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum !!!
* Email:
* Phone: 02428133758
* Skype: deanadams9
* Mobile: 0428133758

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