Hi Tiffanitsa,

I sent you a reply off-list yesterday as soon as I read your post but  
I'll post again here. The problem for U.S. users is that our  
distribution agent, Origin Instruments, only puts up voices for a few  
languages on their web site and tells you to email them if you want to  
purchase others.  Apparently there's just not much market in the U.S.  
for people who want voices in languages other than English or Spanish,  
so the only voices that are on their downloads pages are (U.S. and  
British) English, (Castilian and U.S.) Spanish, and (Gallic and  
Canadian) French.  Plus, they added Russian (but I think only because  
I purchased that voice).  I actually called in, and also spoke with  
the Tech Support person, Cathy Kingeter, who generated my license.

Here's the contact information:

Origin Instruments Corporation
854 Greenview Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050-2438

Voice: 972-606-8740
FAX: 972-606-8741
email: supp...@orin.com

And appended below is the part of my query to David Niemeijer about  
how to get the new voices; he just says to drop them an email.  And  
you don't get a Kagi link on the web pages for the U.S. purchase,  
though it appears for Assistiveware purchases elsewhere.  The problem  
is not the screen access -- they just don't have a full list of the  
Infovox iVox voices up anywhere on their purchase pages.




> From: David Niemeijer <li...@assistiveware.com>
> Date: February 25, 2009 12:29:20 AM HST
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: New voices for Italian, British, Russian, Greek and  
> Norwegian
> Reply-To: li...@assistiveware.com
> Hi Esther,
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> You can purchase online.
>> OK, I assume this goes through Origin Instruments again.  They  
>> usually
>> don't put up the full range of language packages on their web page,
>> but they say we can order any of the Assistiveware products.
> That's correct. Just drop them an email and they should be able to
> sell you Greek.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Tiffany D wrote:

> I went on the XP machine using Internet Explorer and still couldn't do
> it.  I didn't see any image with kagi.  I used an old version of JFW
> and also NVDA.  I'm not sure if System Access to Go or hal can handle
> it but I'm getting very frustrated.  This is ridiculous.
> On 26/03/2009, Simon Cavendish <simon.cavend...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Tiffanitsa,
>> I have today purchased the Greek voice but I had to do so using
>> Windows and Mozilla. I have already spoken on this list about the
>> difficulties buying from assistiveware website using voicoever. It
>> baffles me that it continues to be the case. If you still have  
>> Windows
>> on your machine, you might try to purchase he Greek voice using
>> internet explorer. The website handling the buying of assistiveware  
>> is
>> Kagi. When in Windows, look for the image which contains the word
>> Kagi. It's not very clear. Again, I am so surprised that assitiveware
>> purchasing process is so clumsy.
>> Good luck.
>> Simon
>> On 26 Mar 2009, at 21:52, Tiffany D wrote:
>>> Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial  
>>> has
>>> expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
>>> computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the
>>> Assistiveware.com online store to purchase it and when I went to the
>>> page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how  
>>> do I
>>> order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.
> >

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