Re: Raspberry Reader set to launch after the summer

2009-03-26 Thread Alex Jurgensen


It will be able to handle PDFs hopefully, and also documents directly  
off flatbed and document feeding scanners. As for an engine it uses  
Multi-Scan processing capabilities.


On 25-Mar-09, at 9:31 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> I have a few questions about your scanning software.  What types of
> documents will the program be able to read?  Will it have something
> like Buck Scan in Open Book?  What OCR engine will you be using with
> your software?  The engine that Open Book uses has really good
> recognition.  When I scan documents in Open Book, they come out really
> good.  What about PDF documents that are actually scanned images.
> What will the program do with these?
> Thanks.
> Ryan
> On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:48 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> All,
>> I'm very exited to post the lates news from inside the
>> conference table if you will.
>> We plan to have a free scanner softwear out over the summer code  
>> named
>> Raspberry Reader. It will be based on our in-testing provend VIP-
>> Toolkit technology. It will run on the Mac with full support for
>> Voiceover.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
> >

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Re: Raspberry Reader set to launch after the summer

2009-03-26 Thread John J Herzog

Hi Alex,
Will raspberry reader have drivers from the twain sane project  
incorporated into it? For those that don't know, twain sane is an  
effort  to get most compatible twain scanners working on mac, even if  
there is no official driver. It sounds cool, but I have no clue how to  
compile things despite reading the directions. I assume many others  
would have this problem too, and would have scanners only officially  
supported in windows that they'd want to use for mac.

Just a suggestion,


On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:59 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> It will be able to handle PDFs hopefully, and also documents directly
> off flatbed and document feeding scanners. As for an engine it uses
> Multi-Scan processing capabilities.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 25-Mar-09, at 9:31 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>> I have a few questions about your scanning software.  What types of
>> documents will the program be able to read?  Will it have something
>> like Buck Scan in Open Book?  What OCR engine will you be using with
>> your software?  The engine that Open Book uses has really good
>> recognition.  When I scan documents in Open Book, they come out  
>> really
>> good.  What about PDF documents that are actually scanned images.
>> What will the program do with these?
>> Thanks.
>> Ryan
>> On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:48 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> All,
>>> I'm very exited to post the lates news from inside the
>>> conference table if you will.
>>> We plan to have a free scanner softwear out over the summer code
>>> named
>>> Raspberry Reader. It will be based on our in-testing provend VIP-
>>> Toolkit technology. It will run on the Mac with full support for
>>> Voiceover.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,

> >

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2009-03-26 Thread Wendy

hi, just a quickie, I've been using firefox on my windows computer, will 
this work on the mac please?

>From Wendy.
Member of 

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VO not reading when composing in Mail

2009-03-26 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

I believe that this may have been mentioned before on this list, but  
was not verified or resolved.

I am using OS X 10.5.6 and Safari 4beta.

If I am composing a message in Mail there are times that VO will stop  
reading both what I am typing and what I have already typed.  I can  
confirm, by moving away from the edit control and back into it (read  
all) that what I am typing is showing up.

Any thoughts on what could be causing this?


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Re: ichat question

2009-03-26 Thread chantel cuddemi

I don't think that worked.
On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:09 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Press enter on the one your want, or rather Return and then Return
> again to send it.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 25-Mar-09, at 8:33 PM, chantel cuddemi wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I have an ichat question. When you are in teh smiley picker menu, is
>> there any way to pick the one you want, and then send it to the  
>> person
>> you are chatting with?
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Tia,
>> Chantel.
> >

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Re: VO not reading when composing in Mail

2009-03-26 Thread Cara Quinn

   -Morning Everett!

   Yes, this apparently has something to do with the version of the  
html rendering engine used in the new Safari 4 beta.  I've been able  
to restore the proper behavior by tabbing out of, and then back into  
the message body while editing / reading / composing a message.

You may need to rinse / repeat!  

HTH and have a lovely day!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 26, 2009, at 7:42 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

Good morning,

I believe that this may have been mentioned before on this list, but
was not verified or resolved.

I am using OS X 10.5.6 and Safari 4beta.

If I am composing a message in Mail there are times that VO will stop
reading both what I am typing and what I have already typed.  I can
confirm, by moving away from the edit control and back into it (read
all) that what I am typing is showing up.

Any thoughts on what could be causing this?


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New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread Tom K

Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of ddr3 
ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get here so I 
can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it without 
losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"

Tom K. 

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Re: New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread chantel cuddemi

Welcome to the world of the mac. If you ever need help feel free to  
ask us.
On Mar 26, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Tom K wrote:

> Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of  
> ddr3
> ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get  
> here so I
> can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it  
> without
> losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"
> Tom K.
> >

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Re: New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hey Tom; Welcome to the list!

   I'll be including this info in the list welcome message very soon,  
but for now, here is our latest revision of MacVisionaries etiquette,  
so to speak.  

   If anything doesn't make sense or you just have any questions at  
all regarding list policy and such, do feel free to email me off-list  
anytime at:

   Have an awesome day! -Congrats on your Mac, and enjoy the list!…


Cara  :)

What is Off-topic for MacVisionaries?

• Non-Mac-related postings

• For Sale postings.  We're working on a site area(s) for this, so for  
the moment, please do keep this sort of thing off the list and email  
me privately if you have items for sale.

• One line responses such as 'thank you' 'I agree' or 'Me too.'

• Notes asking for people to follow you on Twitter or be your friend  
on FaceBook or other social Networking sites.

• Notes asking people to contact you on Skype or asking if you can  
contact someone on Skype.  If someone needs assistance, please write  
them off list or have them write you.  We're working on a Skype  
directory of users willing to help people, so for now, please keep  
this off the list.

• Notes with no answers in them.  I.E.  If you're really not sure how  
you can help someone with a question they've asked, then simply don't  
post.  Let someone who does know, or has a good idea help that  
person.  there's no harm in letting a question rest for a while if  
there's no immediate answer.

• Posts asking about list policy, posts asking if your post got  
through, or test messages.  Do not post these sorts of things to the  
list.  Write me off-list instead.

What is On-Topic for MacVisionaries?

• Anything Mac-related!  :)

• Any questions from new / experienced users regarding anything at all  
on their Macs or Apple products.

• Any actual answers to such above questions.  If you have a guess,  
try it yourself first.  If it works, then by all means, post it as an  
answer to the list!  :)

• Any warnings, or things to avoid doing which cause VO to not speak  
or crash.  (or cause problems with a user's access tech)  Preferably,  
it would also be nice to post a work-around for a problem if you know  

• Any news articles, Web Sites, or blog entries which are Mac / Apple  
related, or that have some 'real' involvement with such.  I.E.  is  
there a real honest connection between the two?  Is the item you're  
posting really going to interest or impact a Mac / VO user?

• Your own Mac / VO / Apple experiences!  Feel free to post anything  
that you've experienced or are experiencing (good or bad) having to do  
with your Mac use, (with or without VO) your use of Apple products, or  
your experiences with Apple or at an Apple store.

• Questions or concerns about a future Mac or Apple purchase.  Feel  
free to ask anything you like about Apple / Mac before you buy!  :)

View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 26, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Tom K wrote:

Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of  
ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get  
here so I
can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it  
losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"

Tom K.

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Re: New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread Chris Blouch

Might I suggest broadening the topic to include iPod/iPhone/Apple 
related stuff as well? Someday I hope we'll have lots to talk about 
related to the iPhone but in the meantime the iPod is a common topic on 
the list although not exactly VO related.


Cara Quinn wrote:
>Hey Tom; Welcome to the list!
>I'll be including this info in the list welcome message very soon,  
> but for now, here is our latest revision of MacVisionaries etiquette,  
> so to speak.  
>If anything doesn't make sense or you just have any questions at  
> all regarding list policy and such, do feel free to email me off-list  
> anytime at:
>Have an awesome day! -Congrats on your Mac, and enjoy the list!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> What is Off-topic for MacVisionaries?
> • Non-Mac-related postings
> • For Sale postings.  We're working on a site area(s) for this, so for  
> the moment, please do keep this sort of thing off the list and email  
> me privately if you have items for sale.
> • One line responses such as 'thank you' 'I agree' or 'Me too.'
> • Notes asking for people to follow you on Twitter or be your friend  
> on FaceBook or other social Networking sites.
> • Notes asking people to contact you on Skype or asking if you can  
> contact someone on Skype.  If someone needs assistance, please write  
> them off list or have them write you.  We're working on a Skype  
> directory of users willing to help people, so for now, please keep  
> this off the list.
> • Notes with no answers in them.  I.E.  If you're really not sure how  
> you can help someone with a question they've asked, then simply don't  
> post.  Let someone who does know, or has a good idea help that  
> person.  there's no harm in letting a question rest for a while if  
> there's no immediate answer.
> • Posts asking about list policy, posts asking if your post got  
> through, or test messages.  Do not post these sorts of things to the  
> list.  Write me off-list instead.
> What is On-Topic for MacVisionaries?
> • Anything Mac-related!  :)
> • Any questions from new / experienced users regarding anything at all  
> on their Macs or Apple products.
> • Any actual answers to such above questions.  If you have a guess,  
> try it yourself first.  If it works, then by all means, post it as an  
> answer to the list!  :)
> • Any warnings, or things to avoid doing which cause VO to not speak  
> or crash.  (or cause problems with a user's access tech)  Preferably,  
> it would also be nice to post a work-around for a problem if you know  
> it.
> • Any news articles, Web Sites, or blog entries which are Mac / Apple  
> related, or that have some 'real' involvement with such.  I.E.  is  
> there a real honest connection between the two?  Is the item you're  
> posting really going to interest or impact a Mac / VO user?
> • Your own Mac / VO / Apple experiences!  Feel free to post anything  
> that you've experienced or are experiencing (good or bad) having to do  
> with your Mac use, (with or without VO) your use of Apple products, or  
> your experiences with Apple or at an Apple store.
> • Questions or concerns about a future Mac or Apple purchase.  Feel  
> free to ask anything you like about Apple / Mac before you buy!  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Tom K wrote:
> Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of  
> ddr3
> ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get  
> here so I
> can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it  
> without
> losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"
> Tom K.
> >   

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Re: VO not reading when composing in Mail

2009-03-26 Thread Søren Jensen


If you press shift tab to go out of the text field and then tab again  
to enter the text field it should work. I hope Apple will fix this soon.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 26/03/2009, at 15.42, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> I believe that this may have been mentioned before on this list, but
> was not verified or resolved.
> I am using OS X 10.5.6 and Safari 4beta.
> If I am composing a message in Mail there are times that VO will stop
> reading both what I am typing and what I have already typed.  I can
> confirm, by moving away from the edit control and back into it (read
> all) that what I am typing is showing up.
> Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> >

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Re: firefox

2009-03-26 Thread Dan Eickmeier

No, firefox is unfortunately not accessible at this current time .   
Hopefully, developers are working to make it accessible.  A friend of  
mine that attended the CSUN conference this year, and who is on this  
list as well, I believe spoke with somebody involved with the  
development of firefox,and  they said that they are definitely looking  
at its accessibility on the mac side.
On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Wendy wrote:

hi, just a quickie, I've been using firefox on my windows computer, will
this work on the mac please?

 From Wendy.
Member of

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Re: extracting audio from .avi files?

2009-03-26 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Yeah, AHP isawesome!  .  I love it.
On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:15 AM, Jessi Rathwell wrote:

thanks. I've heard so much about audio hijack pro and have never
checked it out yet. maybe I'll grab a demo and do this. that seems
like the easiest way to do it!
and thanks for the belated BDay wishes, hehe.
On 25-Mar-09, at 2:23 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Jessi,,
> Long time no talk. Anywas Audio HighJack Pro Demo does this
> wonderfully for things under 10 minutes it is free.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 25-Mar-09, at 1:32 AM, Jessi Rathwell wrote:
>> hey guys
>> I was just looking through a random folder of stuff on my external
>> hard drive and I found a video of a live version of my favourite song
>> ever, "ready for love." by India.Arie. don't ask me how I forgot I
>> had
>> a live version of my favourite song, lol. it was tucked away in a
>> folder called "random music!" haha. shows how organized I am.
>> but oh my gosh, this performance is amazing!!! I *need* it on my
>> IPod I was just wondering if there's a way to extract the audio
>> out of it and convert it to mp3? it's .avi right now. I know you can
>> do this in goldwave on the pc, but I don't wanna boot up my pc if I
>> don't have too.
>> thanks. I can see this moving its way up my top 25 most played in no
>> time!!! so good

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Re: New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread Jessi Rathwell

hey Tom,
welcome to the group!! it's good to see you here, another GDB lounge  
member!! :)
I hope you enjoy your mac!!! I'm sure you will, I've been enjoying  
mine for the past year!!! feel free to ask if you have any questions,  
but I'm sure it won't be hard for you to learn the basics and you'll  
be on your way in no time!!
On 26-Mar-09, at 8:03 AM, Tom K wrote:

> Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of  
> ddr3
> ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get  
> here so I
> can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it  
> without
> losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"
> Tom K.
> >

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Re: New Mac man in town!

2009-03-26 Thread Cara Quinn

   Chris and others.  As I mention already in the below list, it's  
fine to discuss 'any Apple product' -I'm sorry you may have missed  
that.  Is there a way I can better explain this so it will make sense  
to you?…

   Also, to the list, just as one last reminder here, I would really  
suggest you send these sorts of questions / comments to me off the  
list, as I also already mention.

   Thanks very much for taking time to read the list of on and off  
topic items, and I'm looking forward to us simply getting back to a  
nice flow of conversation at a level we can all live with! :)

   Have an awesome day!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 26, 2009, at 8:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Might I suggest broadening the topic to include iPod/iPhone/Apple
related stuff as well? Someday I hope we'll have lots to talk about
related to the iPhone but in the meantime the iPod is a common topic on
the list although not exactly VO related.


Cara Quinn wrote:
>   Hey Tom; Welcome to the list!
>   I'll be including this info in the list welcome message very soon,
> but for now, here is our latest revision of MacVisionaries etiquette,
> so to speak.  
>   If anything doesn't make sense or you just have any questions at
> all regarding list policy and such, do feel free to email me off-list
> anytime at:
>   Have an awesome day! -Congrats on your Mac, and enjoy the list!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> What is Off-topic for MacVisionaries?
> • Non-Mac-related postings
> • For Sale postings.  We're working on a site area(s) for this, so for
> the moment, please do keep this sort of thing off the list and email
> me privately if you have items for sale.
> • One line responses such as 'thank you' 'I agree' or 'Me too.'
> • Notes asking for people to follow you on Twitter or be your friend
> on FaceBook or other social Networking sites.
> • Notes asking people to contact you on Skype or asking if you can
> contact someone on Skype.  If someone needs assistance, please write
> them off list or have them write you.  We're working on a Skype
> directory of users willing to help people, so for now, please keep
> this off the list.
> • Notes with no answers in them.  I.E.  If you're really not sure how
> you can help someone with a question they've asked, then simply don't
> post.  Let someone who does know, or has a good idea help that
> person.  there's no harm in letting a question rest for a while if
> there's no immediate answer.
> • Posts asking about list policy, posts asking if your post got
> through, or test messages.  Do not post these sorts of things to the
> list.  Write me off-list instead.
> What is On-Topic for MacVisionaries?
> • Anything Mac-related!  :)
> • Any questions from new / experienced users regarding anything at all
> on their Macs or Apple products.
> • Any actual answers to such above questions.  If you have a guess,
> try it yourself first.  If it works, then by all means, post it as an
> answer to the list!  :)
> • Any warnings, or things to avoid doing which cause VO to not speak
> or crash.  (or cause problems with a user's access tech)  Preferably,
> it would also be nice to post a work-around for a problem if you know
> it.
> • Any news articles, Web Sites, or blog entries which are Mac / Apple
> related, or that have some 'real' involvement with such.  I.E.  is
> there a real honest connection between the two?  Is the item you're
> posting really going to interest or impact a Mac / VO user?
> • Your own Mac / VO / Apple experiences!  Feel free to post anything
> that you've experienced or are experiencing (good or bad) having to do
> with your Mac use, (with or without VO) your use of Apple products, or
> your experiences with Apple or at an Apple store.
> • Questions or concerns about a future Mac or Apple purchase.  Feel
> free to ask anything you like about Apple / Mac before you buy!  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Tom K wrote:
> Hi all, I just bought a Mac mini used with a 2.0 processor, 2 gig of
> ddr3
> ram, its running Lepard, and much more.  I'm waiting for it to get
> here so I
> can have fun trying to learn how to use it.  Lets hope I can do it
> without
> losing all my hair! "Big Grin!"
> Tom K.

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Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-26 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Yeah I tried  things like that as well, but it was a time consuming  
experience, and i hope, that Apple can improve on it to make it a lot  
easier then it currently is.  .
On Mar 24, 2009, at 3:29 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Hmmm. I had never actually tried to do a restore. So if I go into time  
machine and do VO-F2 twice and can pick the Time Machine Controls.  
Once there I can arrow around to find the current date, cancel,  
forward and back. The main problem is each time I VO-Space on the back  
button focus moves to the new window showing the state of my drive at  
that point in time. Similar problem when I try to interact with the  
time slider. My focus keeps getting yanked to to finder window. That  
said, I was able to set a VO hotspot on the back button and sort of  
pound it into submission, but going back any significant distance in  
time this way was painful.


Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> I haven't  figured out a way to use the restore features of time
> machine as described in help either.  Although maybe there are tricks
> to it that i'm not aware of?  not sure.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Dan wrote:
> Hello,
> If you mean running Time Machine from the desktop and selecting a
> particular backup option and then use the Restore button, I've not
> been able to do that with VO. There was a discussion about this a few
> weeks back. The problem is that we are not able to use the graphical
> representation on the right of the screen to select the restore
> option. However, we can go to the particular backup file and then copy
> it back to where we want it. This is why I use the restore from the
> install DVD.
> I'm sure others will have other opinions on this subject and I hope
> they present them. Because it would really be nice if we could use the
> Time Machine restore function, just as it
> is explained in help.
> Perhaps there is a way to do this and I just am not aware of it.
> This is the beauty of lists like this one. We can all help others and
> we've all seen examples of this, time and time again.
> Dan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I haven't tried it but I would think that once your system is
>> restored you should be able to pull up Time Machine and revert back
>> to a previous point in time. In other words, unless the current
>> backup is of a totally broken system, you can restore that to get
>> back up and running and then use Time machine to revert things, or
>> am I missing something.
>> CB
>> Dan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just one other thing. I hope I'm not confusing the situation for
>>> others.
>>> In previous discussions, several people mentioned doing the restore
>>> this way. If you reinstall the OS and restart to the setup screen,
>>> then, you only have one time machine restore option and that's the
>>> most recent backup. I don't remember having choices for different
>>> backup dates. And I think that's where the problem is. However, if
>>> you
>>> do the restore directly from the Install DVD, you will have the
>>> different backup files to choose from.
>>> Dan
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, John Panarese wrote:
 Hi Dan,
   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago
 when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was  
 before 10.5.6.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
> earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
> 10.5.6.
> I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
> screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick
> restore.
> then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the
> backup I
> want, they are always available. All the way from my original
> backup
> to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the
> next
> option.
> Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.
> Dan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>>Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
>> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
>> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when  
>> you
>> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the
>> setup
>> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
>> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a
>> specific
>> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.
>> However,
>> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could  
>> not
>> get
>> this particular option to work.
>> Take Care

Iwork and document formatting question

2009-03-26 Thread John J Herzog

Hi listers,
I have a question about Iwork 2009. How can you apply certain  
formatting attributes to text that do not have a keyboard shortcut?  
Take double spacing for example. I can highlight any text I want with  
voiceover, but double spacing does not have a specific keyboard  
shortcut. Furthermore, when I have selected text, and stop interacting  
with it so I can move to the spacing button, it is dimmed. The same is  
true of all other formatting options, they're all dimmed.
Using voiceover, how is it possible to apply formatting that does not  
have a keyboard shortcut, such as double spacing? Also, on a related  
note, how can I tell what page of a document I'm on?


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Re: xcode issue

2009-03-26 Thread Michael Babcock

where do i get the newest version from?

On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Get the newest version. Sometimes the project iteself is borken.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 25-Mar-09, at 4:24 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:
>> hi mac users;
>> have any of you seen this issue? When ever i attempt to open Xcode it
>> crashes with out even appearing to open. Any ideas?
>> With  best Regards
>> Michael A. Babcock
>> work site:
>> blog:
>> twitter: creepyblindy
>> aim: ginnyslove2007
>> yahoo: blindy_2004
>> msn:
>> Michael Babcock
>> GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
>> Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 54121
>> email:
>> administrative e-mail:
>> url:
> >

Michael Babcock
GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 54121
administrative e-mail:

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Re: xcode issue

2009-03-26 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hi Michael, you can get the latest version of XCode and XCode tools  
(one disc image) from the downloads section of:

   YOu'll need an account, which is free.


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Michael Babcock wrote:

where do i get the newest version from?

On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Get the newest version. Sometimes the project iteself is borken.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 25-Mar-09, at 4:24 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:
>> hi mac users;
>> have any of you seen this issue? When ever i attempt to open Xcode it
>> crashes with out even appearing to open. Any ideas?
>> With  best Regards
>> Michael A. Babcock
>> work site:
>> blog:
>> twitter: creepyblindy
>> aim: ginnyslove2007
>> yahoo: blindy_2004
>> msn:
>> Michael Babcock
>> GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
>> Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 54121
>> email:
>> administrative e-mail:
>> url:

Michael Babcock
GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 54121
administrative e-mail:

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Re: VO not reading when composing in Mail

2009-03-26 Thread Esther

Hi Everett,

As Cara mentioned, I believe the consensus was that the mail problems  
are related to the Safari 4 beta, and users have either dealt with  
this by uninstalling this app (and presumably going back to using the  
recent WebKit nightly builds to take advantage of the fixes that went  
into Safari 4), or they've been tabbing away from and then back into  
the mail message body to restore VO's proper behavior.

The secondary mail archive has been activated for this list since the  
end of February, so you can go to the first post in the thread about  
mail problems with VO at:

and then use the Control-N access key to read each successive next  
post in the thread. (Netscape and Internet Explorer users who are  
still using Windows can substitute their browser's access key -- e.g.,  
Alt-N to read the next message in the thread).  You can read through  
the various responses, and the final comment by Scott about how the  
core framework for the Safari 4 beta also affects the Mail app.



On Mar 26, 2009, at 4:58 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   -Morning Everett!
>   Yes, this apparently has something to do with the version of the
> html rendering engine used in the new Safari 4 beta.  I've been able
> to restore the proper behavior by tabbing out of, and then back into
> the message body while editing / reading / composing a message.
> You may need to rinse / repeat!  
> HTH and have a lovely day!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 7:42 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
> Good morning,
> I believe that this may have been mentioned before on this list, but
> was not verified or resolved.
> I am using OS X 10.5.6 and Safari 4beta.
> If I am composing a message in Mail there are times that VO will stop
> reading both what I am typing and what I have already typed.  I can
> confirm, by moving away from the edit control and back into it (read
> all) that what I am typing is showing up.
> Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> >

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Re: iniciate links menu causes VO to crash

2009-03-26 Thread Chris Blouch

I'm on 10.5 with the non-beta Safari and the link chooser list came up 
fine for me. It did take a bit to get around. Probably because the page 
is 890K, which is rather huge.


Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> I'm using the Safari 4 beta, and it worked fine here.
> Although the weird thing was, VO said interact with group, and I'm not  
> even in groups mode.  On Mar 25, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Justin Harford wrote:
> Strage thing for you guys to try.
> Go to
> Interact with the HTML content and press VO U to bring the links menu
> up and VO crashes.  I'm using the latest build of webkit.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
> strip.
> >

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Re: firefox

2009-03-26 Thread Wendy Mitchell

ok, well, guess what, I've got my mail set up on here now so this is  
my first ever message written on my mac.  Next job how do I change  
this so that it doesn't read everycharacter I write.  I have it set to  
none on my windows computer.  Just about to send my my first mail  
message now.
On 26 Mar 2009, at 16:07, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> No, firefox is unfortunately not accessible at is current time .
> Hopefully, developers are working to make it accessible.  A friend of
> mine that attended the CSUN conference this year, and who is on this
> list as well, I believe spoke with somebody involved with the
> development of firefox,and  they said that they are definitely looking
> at its accessibility on the mac side.
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Wendy wrote:
> hi, just a quickie, I've been using firefox on my windows computer,  
> will
> this work on the mac please?
> Thanks.
> From Wendy.
> Member of
> >

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Re: firefox

2009-03-26 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hey Wendy;  Congrats.  You just completed one of the ones that gave me  
the most trouble. lol  Go into your vo settings and change it from  
character to word.  Welcome to list, Max
On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:16 PM, Wendy Mitchell wrote:

> ok, well, guess what, I've got my mail set up on here now so this is
> my first ever message written on my mac.  Next job how do I change
> this so that it doesn't read everycharacter I write.  I have it set to
> none on my windows computer.  Just about to send my my first mail
> message now.
> On 26 Mar 2009, at 16:07, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> No, firefox is unfortunately not accessible at is current time .
>> Hopefully, developers are working to make it accessible.  A friend of
>> mine that attended the CSUN conference this year, and who is on this
>> list as well, I believe spoke with somebody involved with the
>> development of firefox,and  they said that they are definitely  
>> looking
>> at its accessibility on the mac side.
>> On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Wendy wrote:
>> hi, just a quickie, I've been using firefox on my windows computer,
>> will
>> this work on the mac please?
>> Thanks.
>> From Wendy.
>> Member of
> >

Max Ivey Jr.
The Midway Marketplace
Office 936-273-6960
Cell 281-989-0448
yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace

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Re: firefox

2009-03-26 Thread chantel cuddemi

If you press control option v, you will adjust your characters  
If you arrow down, you will hear it say words, character and words,  
and nothing. Select nothing, and then, press enter. Voice over will  
say, "Stop adjusting typing echo.
If you want to make this a permanent change, simply press vo f eight  
to open the voice over utility. Intreact with the table, and vo to the  
right till you hear it say verbosity. Stop interacting, and vo till  
you hear it say something about your charcter echo. Choosethe nothing  
setting, and close the window with command w.
On Mar 26, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Wendy Mitchell wrote:

> ok, well, guess what, I've got my mail set up on here now so this is
> my first ever message written on my mac.  Next job how do I change
> this so that it doesn't read everycharacter I write.  I have it set to
> none on my windows computer.  Just about to send my my first mail
> message now.
> On 26 Mar 2009, at 16:07, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> No, firefox is unfortunately not accessible at is current time .
>> Hopefully, developers are working to make it accessible.  A friend of
>> mine that attended the CSUN conference this year, and who is on this
>> list as well, I believe spoke with somebody involved with the
>> development of firefox,and  they said that they are definitely  
>> looking
>> at its accessibility on the mac side.
>> On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Wendy wrote:
>> hi, just a quickie, I've been using firefox on my windows computer,
>> will
>> this work on the mac please?
>> Thanks.
>> From Wendy.
>> Member of
> >

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Problem Purchasing Infovox IVox (please help asap)

2009-03-26 Thread Tiffany D

Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial has
expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the online store to purchase it and when I went to the
page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how do I
order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.

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Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread Tom Frank

I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a table.  
It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?

Tom Frank

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Re: Problem Purchasing Infovox IVox (please help asap)

2009-03-26 Thread Simon Cavendish


I have today purchased the Greek voice but I had to do so using  
Windows and Mozilla. I have already spoken on this list about the  
difficulties buying from assistiveware website using voicoever. It  
baffles me that it continues to be the case. If you still have Windows  
on your machine, you might try to purchase he Greek voice using  
internet explorer. The website handling the buying of assistiveware is  
Kagi. When in Windows, look for the image which contains the word  
Kagi. It's not very clear. Again, I am so surprised that assitiveware  
purchasing process is so clumsy.

Good luck.

On 26 Mar 2009, at 21:52, Tiffany D wrote:

> Today, I went into the Infovox IVox program and saw that my trial has
> expired.  It's still speaking so I'm not sure if, when I restart my
> computer, it will stop working or what.  Anyway, I went to the
> online store to purchase it and when I went to the
> page for the program it only offered me a few languages.  So how do I
> order the Dimitris voice for Greek if it's not on there?  Thanks.
> >

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Re: Raspberry Reader set to launch after the summer

2009-03-26 Thread Alex Jurgensen






On 26-Mar-09, at 1:35 AM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Will raspberry reader have drivers from the twain sane project
> incorporated into it? For those that don't know, twain sane is an
> effort  to get most compatible twain scanners working on mac, even if
> there is no official driver. It sounds cool, but I have no clue how to
> compile things despite reading the directions. I assume many others
> would have this problem too, and would have scanners only officially
> supported in windows that they'd want to use for mac.
> Just a suggestion,
> John
> On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:59 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It will be able to handle PDFs hopefully, and also documents directly
>> off flatbed and document feeding scanners. As for an engine it uses
>> Multi-Scan processing capabilities.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 25-Mar-09, at 9:31 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>> I have a few questions about your scanning software.  What types of
>>> documents will the program be able to read?  Will it have something
>>> like Buck Scan in Open Book?  What OCR engine will you be using with
>>> your software?  The engine that Open Book uses has really good
>>> recognition.  When I scan documents in Open Book, they come out
>>> really
>>> good.  What about PDF documents that are actually scanned images.
>>> What will the program do with these?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ryan
>>> On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:48 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 I'm very exited to post the lates news from inside the
 conference table if you will.

 We plan to have a free scanner softwear out over the summer code
 Raspberry Reader. It will be based on our in-testing provend VIP-
 Toolkit technology. It will run on the Mac with full support for



> >

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OCR software and recommended scanners

2009-03-26 Thread Kamal Haffar

Hi all:

What is the most accessible OCR software for Macs? Thanks


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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread Justin Harford

That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages, but  
a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had  
emailed developers about this before.


"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already  
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic  

El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:

> I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a table.
> It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
> Tom Frank
> >

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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Yes, this one of the few reasons that I cannot switch over to te Mac  
for all of my day to day computer uses.  The lack of good support for  
tables in word processors and the lack of support for the Firefox web- 
browser.  I really cannot understand how Apple can get away with not  
supporting tables.


On 27-Mar-09, at 12:52 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

> That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages, but
> a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had
> emailed developers about this before.
> J
> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
> strip.
> El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:
>> I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a table.
>> It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
>> Tom Frank

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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread Justin Harford

Said it before and I'll say it again.  I have produced the best  
looking documens on my mac.  My work looks far better than it would  
have if I had stuck with windows, but this has been done with LaTeX.   
Tables have tended, for this reason, not to be a problem for me.


"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already  
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic  

El 26/03/2009, a las 21:10, E.J. Zufelt escribió:

> Yes, this one of the few reasons that I cannot switch over to te Mac
> for all of my day to day computer uses.  The lack of good support for
> tables in word processors and the lack of support for the Firefox web-
> browser.  I really cannot understand how Apple can get away with not
> supporting tables.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 12:52 AM, Justin Harford wrote:
>> That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages,  
>> but
>> a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had
>> emailed developers about this before.
>> J
>> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
>> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
>> strip.
>> El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:
>>> I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a  
>>> table.
>>> It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
>>> Tom Frank

> >

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Re: Tables in Pages

2009-03-26 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening Justin,

Can you point us to a resource that may be a good tutorial / starting  
loint for latex?


On 27-Mar-09, at 1:16 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

> Said it before and I'll say it again.  I have produced the best
> looking documens on my mac.  My work looks far better than it would
> have if I had stuck with windows, but this has been done with LaTeX.
> Tables have tended, for this reason, not to be a problem for me.
> J
> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
> strip.
> El 26/03/2009, a las 21:10, E.J. Zufelt escribió:
>> Yes, this one of the few reasons that I cannot switch over to te Mac
>> for all of my day to day computer uses.  The lack of good support for
>> tables in word processors and the lack of support for the Firefox  
>> web-
>> browser.  I really cannot understand how Apple can get away with not
>> supporting tables.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 12:52 AM, Justin Harford wrote:
>>> That would be treu.  Though it is not a matter of tables in pages,
>>> but
>>> a matter of tables in wordprocessors in general with VO.  I had
>>> emailed developers about this before.
>>> J
>>> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
>>> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts  
>>> comic
>>> strip.
>>> El 26/03/2009, a las 15:43, Tom Frank escribió:

 I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a
 It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?

 Tom Frank


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