Re: [BUG] ide-tape is readonly here

2001-04-13 Thread Mike Dresser
back down to 2.2.19, and you'll find you can read your tapes.  From what
Andre explains, the HP Colorado 7/14 and 10/20 aren't completely compliant
with standards.  If you run 2.2.19 and the ide patches, you'll have the
same problems.

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Ed Tomlinson wrote:

> Hi,
> Upgraded to ac5 tonight.  Problems with 8139too.o
> caused a few crashes and scrambled a few files.
> Restoring them was fun.  Seems that while ide-tape
> can write to my 'HP Colorado 20G' drive, it gets
> an I/O error when it trys to read...  If I flip to 
> ide-scsi and friends (much slower for backups btw)
> the restore works.
> What is needed to debug this?
> Ed Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -
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Re: [rfc] Near-constant time directory index for Ext2

2001-02-20 Thread Mike Dresser
the way i'm reading this, the problem is there's 65535 files in the directory
/where/postfix/lives.  rm * or what have you, is going to take forever and
ever, and bog the machine down while its doing it.  My understanding is you
could do the rm *, and instead of it reading the tree over and over for every
file that has to be deleted, it just jumps one or two blocks to the file that's
being deleted, instead of thousands of files to be scanned for each file

Jeremy Jackson wrote:

> > In article <01022020011905.18944@gimli>,
> > Daniel Phillips  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Earlier this month a runaway installation script decided to mail all its
> > >problems to root.  After a couple of hours the script aborted, having
> > >created 65535 entries in Postfix's maildrop directory.  Removing those
> > >files took an awfully long time.  The problem is that Ext2 does each
> > >directory access using a simple, linear search though the entire
> > >directory file, resulting in n**2 behaviour to create/delete n files.
> > >It's about time we fixed that.
> In the case of your script I'm not sure this will help, but:
> I've seen /home directories organised like /home/a/adamsonj,
> /home/a/arthurtone, /home/b/barrettj, etc.
> this way (crude) indexing only costs areas where it's needed,
> without kernel modification. (app does it)  What other placed would we
> need indexing *in* the filesystem?
> -
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Re: 2.2.18 IDE tape problem, with ide-scsi

2001-02-27 Thread Mike Dresser
> > ASC/ASCQ of 0x20/0x00 means "Invalid command operation code". So the
> > drive is rejecting a command sent to it by the driver. If the other
> > drive that is working is identical to seemingly non-working one, maybe
> > this drive is going bad.
> >
> Thanks for the error identification.  The other drive is of a
> *different* model.  This drive showed this behavior from the day I
> bought it.  The drive could be going bad, but I doubt it.  Is it
> possible that this manufacturer (Conner) has some peculiar
> implementation of the spec?  I recall reading on this list sometime
> back of similar workarounds to unusual drives.

When you go to 2.4.x, you'll likely run into the problem of your HP 14Gb not able to 
restore anymore.  Same as if you apply the
linux-ide patches to 2.2.x

Mike Dresser
Windsor Machine & Stamping

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Re: 2.2.18 IDE tape problem, with ide-scsi

2001-02-27 Thread Mike Dresser
Camm Maguire wrote:

> Greetings!  You are certainly right here, at least in part.  The ide
> patches for 2.2 definitely impair tape operation on these boxes.
> There was a crude workaround suggested on this list to use the
> ide-scsi driver -- this basically worked, but gave *many* error
> messages in the kernel log, and was significantly less reliable than
> stock 2.2.18.  I'm still using ide-scsi out of inertia, but I suspect
> that ide-tape might be just fine with stock 2.2.18 too.  And when I
> saw some support for the ALI chipset, the decision was clear to drop
> the latest ide stuff.
> This has been the situation for some time.  Is this going to be
> resolved soon?

Wish i knew, I'm praying that 2.2.19 hasn't/doesn't implement the ide patches like 
2.4.x did.  If so, and a major problem is found in
2.2.18, then I have to maintain another machine running 2.2.18 to restore tapes.  Also 
means i'd have to stop using taper or dump,
and stick to tar only, as both want to read the tape back in at some point.


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Re: 2.2.18 IDE tape problem, with ide-scsi

2001-02-27 Thread Mike Dresser
Andre Hedrick wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Mike Dresser wrote:
> > When you go to 2.4.x, you'll likely run into the problem of your HP 14Gb not able 
>to restore anymore.  Same as if you apply the
> > linux-ide patches to 2.2.x
> Because the HP 14Gb is not a standard QIC device.

any change of a work-around then?

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Re: 2.2.18 IDE tape problem, with ide-scsi

2001-02-28 Thread Mike Dresser
I ran into a problem with tar and taper, with blocking, so what i do is backup a 128k 
file of emptiness, to guarantee that the last
block of the real backup fit.

> Restoring a tape typically then says 'gunzip: unexpected end of
> file'.  My guess was that the last fractional block of 32k wasn't
> flushed to the drive.  Of course, if I'm having media troubles
> indicated by the first error above, then something else could be
> happening, I suppose.  But does erroneous block flushing in the driver
> sound like a possibility?

Mike Dresser

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Re: PROBLEM: 128M memory OK, but with 192M sound card es1391 trouble

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Dresser
Sorry if this has been asked of you before, but what happens if you put just
the 64 meg module in?

> Bug Report
> --
> 1. 128M memory OK, but with 192M the sound card generate a noise while
> use the DSP.
> 2. i got the problem when I just put more 64M memory to the my machine.
> With 128M the problem is not present, but with 192M it is. The only
> difference is the memory quantity, or in other words, the additional slot
> occupied by the new memory card.

My instinct is the pc100 ram being run at 133.  Sometimes you get away with
it(my pre-ratings, but supposed to be pc66 - hyundai ram runs at 100 just
fine, but won't go any higher), and maybe your new 64 megger can't do it.

Mike Dresser

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Re: IDE0 /dev/hda performance hit in 2217 on my HW

2000-11-14 Thread Mike Dresser
check if DMA mode is still on, on your hard drive.  I'm trying to remember if
that behaviour changed for 2.2.17

LA Walsh wrote:

> I skimmed over the archives and didn't find a mention of this.  I thought
> I'd noticed this when I first installed 2217, but I was too busy to verify
> it at the time.
> Simple case:
> Under 2216, I can do a 'badblocks /dev/hda1 X'.  Vmstat shows about
> 10,000K/s average.  This is consistent with 'dd' operations I use to copy
> partitions for disk mirroring/backup.
> Under 2217, the xfer speed drops to near 1,000K/s.  This is for both
> 'badblocks'
> and a 'dd' if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=256k.  In both instances, I notice
> a near 90% performance degredation.
> Haven't tried any latest 2.2.18's -- has there been any work that might
> have fixed this problem in 2218.  Am I the only person who noticed this?
> I.e. -- maybe it's something peculiar to my HW (Inspiron 7500),
> IBM DARA-22.5G HD.
> --
> L A Walsh| Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Voice/Vmail: (650) 933-5338
> -
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Re: Advanced Linux Kernel/Enterprise Linux Kernel

2000-11-14 Thread Mike Dresser
Michael Rothwell wrote:

> Just some thoughts from 35 years ago. Please add your $0.02.

What's that $0.02 worth after 35 years of inflation?


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Re: 2.4 test10 error reading from HP colorado 7/14 Gb tape

2000-11-29 Thread Mike Dresser
I  reported this a few weeks ago or so, it seems that HP 7/14's are not exactly
standard.  First is the proprietory tape size.  Second is that the drive doesn't
support locking the tape in, but reports it as possible.  At least, that's what i
gather from Jens's posting.

To be honest, I'm not sure the drives are worth fixing   Unreliable media,
unreliable tape drives.  I've got two dead out of 10, in under a year.  And half a
dozen tapes or so.  Plus, under 2.2.17+ide, the tape drive wouldn't restore tapes.
Something weird about the tape drive again.  Had to boot up under plain 2.2.17 to
read my tapes.

Eckhard Jokisch wrote:

> >
> > # tar -tvf  /dev/ht0
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 8, key = 5, asc = 2c, ascq = 0
> >
> > A search on shows that I am not the only one to have
> > experienced this and that it did not occur with previous versions of
> > ide-tape.c. The same error occurs with a non-modular kernel build.
> >
> I experience the same with OnStream DI30 - but these errors occure in 2.2.17 as
> well. In my oppinion they show up in fewer cases with 2.4-test10.
> The error is not quite"stable" because it occures on different tape positions
> (filenames) when I retension the tape three aor four times befor writing to it.
> I checked the tapes on a Windows machine and they seem to be o.k..
> Eckhard Jokisch
> -
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Re: DMA for triton again...

2000-11-30 Thread Mike Dresser
> computer: Chipset 430FX / Triton / PIIX, disk Western Digital Caviar AC21600H 
>Firmware code F6 (no UDMA, some WD docs show DMA mw2, some PIO4...), kernel 2.2.17 
>with ide patch and PIIX enabled, DMA by default, generic DMA, and couple others. Did 
>not try 'bad DMA-firmware (EXPERIMENTAL)'. dmesg (relevant - in my view - lines):
> BIOS DOES identify the hard disk and the CD-ROM correctly, although it is pretty old 
>and no newer version is available.

Running a basically similar system here, DataExpert 8551, with a modified Award (was 
originally an ami) bios from
Chipset is a 430FX, Same hard drive as what you have.  Pentium 133, 48 meg ram.  
Kernel 2.2.17 with raid patch, and ide patch.  Shares the ide cable with a WDC 850 meg 
drive as slave.

monitor:~# hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

 setting using_dma to 1 (on)
 using_dma=  1 (on)

> hdparm -d1 returns:
>  /dev/hda:
>   setting using_dma to 1 (on)
>   HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted
>   using_dma=  0 (off)


 Model=WDC AC21600H, FwRev=24.09P07, SerialNo=WD-WM3362938634
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec SpinMotCtl Fixed DTR>5Mbs FmtGapReq }
 RawCHS=3148/16/63, TrkSize=57600, SectSize=600, ECCbytes=22
 BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=128kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 CurCHS=3148/16/63, CurSects=3173184, LBA=yes, LBAsects=3173184
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:160,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}
 PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 *mdma2

so my firmware is actually one version older than yours, and allows me to set DMA.  
And has the associated speed increase/lower cpu

>   Model=DW CCA1206H0, FwRev=420.P980,
>  SerialNo=DWW-3M63

What brand is your motherboard?

Mike Dresser

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Re: DMA for triton again...

2000-11-30 Thread Mike Dresser
Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> Thanks!
> > Chipset is a 430FX, Same hard drive as what you have.  Pentium > 133, 48 meg ram.  
>Kernel 2.2.17 with raid patch, and ide patch.
> I don't think I need tha raid patch, do I?

No, its just left overs from my playing with a Promise Ultra/66 card.  Even without 
the raid and ide patches, i can use DMA

> Intel Morrison64 (not Morrison32!) aka Advanced/MN (in some sources Advanced/AL). 
>BIOS AMI 1.00.03.CA0 (upgraded to 1.00.04.CA0).

Opposite side of the spectrum from the utter crap this DataExpert is. =)  Had to get a 
modified bios, to get a 13.6 gig to exist in the machine without locking it up
on the POST.  Yes, you can tell it no bios, but without the ide patches, it's _very_ 

> What version of hdparm are you using? By the output it looks like 3.9, patched? Did 
>DMA work from the very beginning? Can you send me a copy of your .config file?

standard hdparm 3.9, from debian woody.  The difference is i used -i, instead of -I, i 
think.  I'll see how mangled my .config is.
Looks somewhat clean, a few modules i don't use.  I'll send it in a seperate email.

I've got maybe 3 or 4 of these machines in service as backup servers for small lans.  
Small 1.6 gig boot drive, 13.6 gig data drive, a cdrom, and a IDE 7/14 gig HP
tape drive.  Speeds aren't too bad, and DMA seems to work on the parts that support it.

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Re: DMA for triton again...

2000-12-01 Thread Mike Dresser
You're going to get a chuckle out of this one, i think.  I was using my main 
fileserver at home(different box from
the ones we're talking about)last night, and figured i'd poke around, do some speed 
benchmarks for the hell of it.  At
one point months, i had everything running in DMA mode, drives are doing 20ish meg a 
second transfers.  Had to replace
my EDO 128 meg dimm with a 32 meg SDRAM stick, because quite frankly, EDO dimms suck 
at 100fsb. :P  So anyways, i
check, and lo and behold, my system is running all the drives in non-DMA mode.  THE 
HORROR!  I was wondering why the
network sucked :)  So i do some poking around.. Dumped the IDE patches, didn't make a 
difference.  Put the ide patches
back in, started playing in the bios.  Finally fixed it.  I was getting the same 
operation not permitted, that you
were,until i got that bios setting.  My mission tonight will be to find which one it 
was =)  The weird part is that
this is a 591 Apollo Pro chipset, not the FX.  But it's making me wonder if it's 
something similar in your bios!
I know it wasn't the actual UDMA setting in the bios, i'm wondering what it was 
though.  I'll put a keyboard on it,
and poke around tonight or this weekend.

Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> > I'll see how mangled my .config is.
> > Looks somewhat clean, a few modules i don't use.  I'll send it in a > seperate 
> Thanks a lot, Mike! I can see couple of differences already, will try tonight... and 
>will let you know tomorrow...
> Cheers
> Guennadi
> -
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Re: DMA for triton again...

2000-12-01 Thread Mike Dresser

Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> Hi
> > will try tonight... and will let you know tomorrow...
> ... Nop, it didn't work. Mike and everybody having experience / knowledge of Western 
>Digital Caviar AC21600H... If you compare WD's documents at:
> and
> they, respectively ,say:
> UDMA if CCC is A8-AG (AH is not UDMA), D5-D7, Bx, or Cx All others -- PIO Mode 4
> and
> 16.6 MB/s (burst Mode 4 PIO) *
> 16.6 MB/s (burst Mode 2 DMA) **
> 33.3 MB/s (Mode 2 Ultra DMA) ***
> *Max PIO burst rate is specified at 16.6 MB/s using the IORDY signal.
> **Max DMA and multi-word DMA burst rate is specified using the DMARQ and DMACK 
> ***Mode 2 Ultra DMA is supported in the following firmware revisions (CCC Codes: A8, 
>AA, AC, AD, AG, D5, D6, D7, Bx, Cx).
> Which one is true? Do non-UDMA AC21600H (I've got CCC F6) support DMA?
> Is it possible to find out where hdparm -d1 is stopped? Maybe by compiling it with 
>-g and debugging... As far as I understand, BIOS is not an issue, since ide.txt says, 
>that Linux doesn't use BIOS when working with hard drives...
> Thanks
> Guennadi
> -
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Well, per my other email, i found a case where the bios DID matter.  Yes, the AC21600H 
supports DMA.  Even my dinosaur 850 meg in that same box, works in dma mode, and does 
get a little bit faster.  They're so slow in the first place
that it doesn't make much transfer rate difference, but the cpu load goes way down.

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Re: AX64 too (was: Re: Dma problems - Aopen Ax34pro VIA chipset seagate drive)

2000-12-01 Thread Mike Dresser
I've got a motherboard with the same Via686a chipset, and i've never had a
problem with DMA when it's enabled.
Using a pair of 20 gig IBM drives on the secondary, and a 3.2 quantum primary,
17.2 gig maxtor.  All using DMA, all work.  Using ultra/33, I wasn't even
aware this chipset is ultra/66 capable, until last night.  Going to acquire an
ultra/66 cable, and test udma/66 mode tonight.  And find out what bios setting
makes the thing not _allow_ dma at all.

System used to be flaky with networking, did some memory timing adjustments,
seems to be ok now.
Celeron 300@450, 32 meg sdram.


Model=IBM-DJNA-352030, FwRev=J58OA30K, SerialNo=GQ0GQF07566
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs }
 RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=34
 BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=1966kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=39876480
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}
 PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.48 seconds = 86.49 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.33 seconds = 14.78 MB/sec

Not too bad for an old 20 gig. Same speeds whether i have -c3 -u1 or not.

Turn DMA off, it gets slow though

Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.50 seconds = 85.33 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 14.90 seconds =  4.30 MB/sec

Jesus Cea Avion wrote:

> Please, if you respond, send me a copy to my mailbox, too.
> > Status: kernel 2.4.0-test10 (no patches added)
> > Problem: getting dma problems - having to run system with no dma
> > for disc access - seems to be a bus mastering problem.
> > Hardware: Aopen AX34Pro mother board, Via chipset with via686a,
> > Seagate Baracuda ATA66 20GB disc - Latest Bios for motherboard
> > Sony CDU4811 cdrom
> I have a comparable problem with an Aopen AX64 motherboard. Chipset
> via686a.

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Re: DMA !NOT ONLY! for triton again...

2000-12-04 Thread Mike Dresser
Now, the question is, can we trust a hard drive manufacturer support tech to know what 
they're talking about, with evidence to the contrary? :)

Somewhat like the 6 days i spent with a Cisco 802 and an 804, trying to get a link up. 
 Set it to National ISDN-1, dial 9 before dialing outbound number.  Connection comes 
up, but receive light is on, almost solid.  I figure I got the wrong switch type, so i 
give AT&T a call.  Bell tech comes out, finds out the line wasn't physically punched 
down into the block properly.

AT&T tells me it's a Northern DMS-100, and don't dial 9.  I set it up, can't get the 
connection to come up.  Invalid bear-caps.  I put the 9 back in, AT&T gives me a call, 
tells me to stop dialing 9.

Bell gets a call.  Turns out, it IS a National ISDN-1, and you're supposed to dial 9.  
Seems that if you don't dial 9, it goes through AT&T's VOICE system.  For an ISDN 
call.  As you can tell, this doens't work.  :P  So after 6 days of learning more about 
cisco than I really wanted to, I get the link up.

Moral of the story?

Never trust a manufacturer. :)  That, and don't listen to your boss, when he keeps 
saying my Cisco Config must be bad, or the router is DOA.  Trust your instincts.

Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> -Original Message-An interesting addition:
> I've just got a reply from WD - they say my disk only supports PIO4 and not DMA...
> > I'm taking the case off the machine right now, i can guarantee you its not UDMA 
>compatible, simply because this thing was made in early1997. :)
> >
> > Here we go:
> >
> > MDL WDAC21600-00H
> > P/N 99-004199-000
> > CCC F3 20 FEB 97
> >
> > I've got various of these hard drives in service, for the last 4 years.  Many run 
>in windows pc's, and DMA mode in osr2 and newer, works, and is noticeablely faster.
> >
> > Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:
> >
> > > Glad all this discussion helped at least one of us:-))
> > >
> > > As for me, as I already mentioned in my last posting - I don't know why BIOS 
>makes the difference (as in your case) if ide.txt says it shouldn't?! Ok, chipset, 
>perhaps, is fine. But what about the hard drive? You told you had WDC AC21600H. Can 
>you PLEASE check waht CCC is marked on its label? PLEASE! I am trying to get an 
>answer from WD on this, but not yet alas...
> > >
> > > And - COME ON, GUYS! - somebody MUST know the answer - how to spot the guilty 
>one - kernel configuration / BIOS / chipset / disk???
> > >
> > > Guennadi
> > >
> > > > back in, started playing in the bios.  Finally fixed it.  I was getting > the 
>same operation not permitted, that you
> > > > were,until i got that bios setting. But it's making me
> > > > wonder if it's something similar in your bios!
> > > > I know it wasn't the actual UDMA setting in the bios, i'm
> > > > wondering what it was though.  I'll put a keyboard on it,
> > > > and poke around tonight or this weekend.
> >
> >

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Re: DMA !NOT ONLY! for triton again...

2000-12-04 Thread Mike Dresser
Well, i just checked ide-dma.c, and the WDC 21600 isn't listed.  31600 is, but no
I've been using the 21600 for awhile now with DMA enabled, under reasonable load,
and it seems to hold up.
Guennadi: I don't suppose you can get your hands on a different size/brand drive
long enough to plug it in, and see if it allows DMA?

Alan Cox wrote:

> Certain older WDC drives are explicitly blacklisted due to firmware bugs.
> WDC put out firmware upgrades but given no answer from them on how to be sure
> a drive was upgraded we play safe

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Re: HPT366 + SMP = slight corruption in 2.3.99 - 2.4.0-11

2000-12-04 Thread Mike Dresser
Agreed.  I've got one of these beasts running NT Server, dual 433 non o/c,
4x12.7 gig software raid. Before i put the Promise Ultra/33 card in, i was
using the HPT366.  Random lockups every couple weeks.  Stopped using the
HPT366, machine is stable now.  In hindsight, I think the HPT366 was the cause
of the Onstream 50 gig drive that locked up frequently too, before i shipped
that back to Onstream.  One thing that did help on stability was putting a cpu
fan on the chipset.

Dan Hollis wrote:

> Your 1 success out of maybe 500-1000 peoples failures. Not exactly a great
> average for this motherboard. BP6 is notorious for instability, HPT366 on
> it is about 50% of the problems.
> -Dan

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issues with ide-tape under 2.4.x and with 2.2.x+ide patches

2000-11-02 Thread Mike Dresser
(originally posted to linux-tape@vger, but i figure more people read
this list )


Hoping someone can help.  I'm running Debian 2.2, tar (GNU tar)
1.13.17.  Hardware is a celeron 300, Abit BH6, but repeats itself on all
hardware i've tested(old dataexpert 8551/8661's, abit be6, some via686a
box at home, gigabyte mb's, you name it)

I'm currently running 2.4.0test10, running backups onto an IDE HP 7/14
gb drive.  Using  tar -cpvf /dev/ht0 myfiles backs up fine, no errors.


promise:~# tar -tf /dev/ht0
tar: /dev/ht0: Cannot read: Input/output error
tar: At beginning of tape, quitting now
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

and from dmesg:
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  8, key =  5, asc = 2c, ascq =  0
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0

(normal, i get those cause of the lock drive/unlock drive, which the
drive doesn't support)

If i bounce back to 2.2.17(18-18 as well), and do the exact same
command, I can read my tapes again.  But I lose support for the Promise
Ultra/66 in the machine.  So.  I go back to 2.2.17, put in the ide
patches.  I can't read my tapes again.  Take out the patches.  Tapes
restore fine.  So I'm wondering what changed with Andre's patches, and
also with 2.4.x?

I also ran into the same issues, back when i was playing with 2.2.17,
using taper 6.9b, leading me to suspect it's not tar's fault.  Just
tried dump, aside from it not agreeing with my /dev/md0 device, it backs
up fine, can't restore.

I get the same results with a Seagate IDE 10/20 drive.

ide-tape is compiled as a module, but IIRC it does the same behaviour as
built in.

Yes, the proper solution is buy a DDS-3 drive and a handful of tapes.
But my cheap employer doesn't want to spend the money to do it right.

Hoping for a solution,
Mike Dresser

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Re: issues with ide-tape under 2.4.x and with 2.2.x+ide patches

2000-11-03 Thread Mike Dresser
(forgot to CC: this to the list when i replied to Jens, and decided to add
another paragraph)

I just tried my Seagate drive, and i can read my tapes in it.  If i swap
over to the HP, i can't read the tapes.  I'll look today, whether the
Seagate replies with a bunch of those I/O Errors.  It's not like i'm doing
anything but working on making this damn tape drive work =)

Considering the HP 7/14 gig format is already a proprietory format(
THANKS HP! ), it wouldn't surprise me if something else is non
standard.  It's weird that i can read 7/14 gig tapes in the 10/20 Seagate
though.  Nice of Seagate to include support for someone else's mistake =)

Jens Axboe wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 02 2000, Mike Dresser wrote:
> > I'm currently running 2.4.0test10, running backups onto an IDE HP 7/14
> > gb drive.  Using  tar -cpvf /dev/ht0 myfiles backs up fine, no errors.
> >
> > But..
> >
> > promise:~# tar -tf /dev/ht0
> > tar: /dev/ht0: Cannot read: Input/output error
> > tar: At beginning of tape, quitting now
> > tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> >
> > and from dmesg:
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  8, key =  5, asc = 2c, ascq =  0
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0
> >
> > (normal, i get those cause of the lock drive/unlock drive, which the
> > drive doesn't support)
> Interesting, and this is test10? I submitted a patch for test10 to
> not attempt prevent-removal commands in the ide-tape drives that
> do not support it. If this is indeed test10, that would mean that
> the HP drive misreports that capability. It'd be nice to know.
> --
> * Jens Axboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * SuSE Labs

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Re: issues with ide-tape under 2.4.x and with 2.2.x+ide patches

2000-11-06 Thread Mike Dresser
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  8, key =  5, asc = 2c, ascq =  0
> > ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key =  5, asc = 20, ascq =  0
> >
> > (normal, i get those cause of the lock drive/unlock drive, which the
> > drive doesn't support)
> Interesting, and this is test10? I submitted a patch for test10 to
> not attempt prevent-removal commands in the ide-tape drives that
> do not support it. If this is indeed test10, that would mean that
> the HP drive misreports that capability. It'd be nice to know.


promise:~/crap# uname -a
Linux promise 2.4.0-test10 #4 Mon Oct 30 17:16:16 EST 2000 i686 unknown

And i think my clock chip is drifting, it's actually the 6th of November. =)

Anyways.. Spent 15 minutes trying to figure out why it couldn't read the
tape, and kept giving me the errors.  Then i remembered the whole point of
this bug-report WAS about it not reading tapes.  It's Monday morning, but my
brain is still out there in the wild blue yonder. :)

I'm interested in why the HP drive won't read tapes, but if i swap in my
Seagate, it reads them just fine.  Well, aside from media errors.  Seems HP
can't build a tape drive OR tape media that is reliable =)

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Re: Fw: UDMA on 815e chipset

2001-01-03 Thread Mike Dresser
> Even though I see the error message, I think that UDMA 4 / ATA 66 must actually have 
>been set, because hdparm now reports cache reads at 143.82 MB/sec and disk reads at 
>15.76 MB/Ssec. hdparm also reports that the HDD is in UDMA mode 4.

This seems low, I have a pair of IBM DJNA-352030 20 gig's in a machine at home, that 
cache reads at 86.49(celeron 300@450, probably a slower machine than yours, would 
account for the lower numbers), disk reads score at 14.78, in Ultra/33 mode.(my mb
doesn't support ultra/66).
 It's been so long since i bought the hard drives, that i can't remember if they're 
5400 rpm or 7200.  Either way, it's doing better than that controller is running your 
7200 rpm 30'er.

> Much the same thing happens if I try for ATA 100 / UDMA 5 by substituting -X69.  
>hdparm now reports that the drive is in UDMA mode 5, but I do not see any improvement 
>in transfer speeds, from which I assume that my kernel cannot go higher than ATA 66.

Don't forget that no IDE drive out there, at this time, can saturate even Ultra/66.  
Unless you've got the newest and greatest, even Ultra/33 is wide enough for a single 
drive, unless you take into account the fact the cache can dump that whole
512k/2048k/whathaveyou at double the speed.
Granted, once you get two drives on the channel, Ultra/66 and 100 start making a 
difference, if they can share the channel efficiently.


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Re: Microsoft ZERO Sector Virus, Result of Taskfile WAR

2001-03-06 Thread Mike Dresser
Sorry Andre, but this one's a hoax.

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Andre Hedrick wrote:

> > >This virus acts in the following manner: It sends
> > >itself automatically to all contacts on your list
> > >with the title "A Virtual Card for You". As >soon as
> > >the supposed virtual card is opened, the computer
> > >freezes so that the user has to reboot.
> > >When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are
> > >pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus
> > >permanently destroying the hard disk.

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Re: 5Mb missing...

2001-03-14 Thread Mike Dresser
Alex Baretta wrote:

> [alex@localhost /home]$ free -m
>  total   used   free sharedbuffers
> cached
> Mem:   251209 42 60
> 61 92
> I strongly doubt this can be a bug in the kernel. Could anyone
> explain to me why this might happen?

grep Memory /var/log/kern.log

You've got your kernel itself loading into ram, reserved memory, etc.

I've got 48 meg in this test box of mine, and a free -m shows 46, a free shows
47356.  Divided by 1024, gives 46, when rounded off.  So yes, free -m is
correct.  That 251 meg is what's available to use, after your kernel loads,


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Re: UDMA 100 / PIIX4 question

2001-03-21 Thread Mike Dresser

> I decided to play around a little further.  First, I deleted the "ide0=ata66" from 
>lilo.conf and second I ran bonnie a lot more times.  I found that after the deletion 
>I occasionally (say one time in three or four), saw block reads a little over 3 
>KB/sec.  I then tried running bonnie from "/" rather than from a subdirectory.  The 
>result is block reads of better than 3 KB/sec every time - the record is 37558.  
>Maybe I should have knowm to run it from root.

Keep in mind that drives have different transfer rates depending on where on the drive 
you read from.

mike dresser

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Re: ide-tape problems with 2.4.0

2001-01-29 Thread Mike Dresser
I ran into this problem awhile ago on a HP 7/14 as well, with the ide patches
as far back as 2.2.17.  Reported it, didn't get much in responses though :/

I'm just about at the point of giving up on the drives, but not due to Linux.
Those drives are not very durable, tend to die within a year around here.
Tapes last even less.  I've sent 4 drives out of 12 back to HP in the last
year, so far.

Robert-Jan Oosterloo wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a HP Colorado 4/8GB Travan tape streamer. Under 2.2.18 it works
> perfect. But under 2.4.0 it doesn't seem to want to read from the tape
> anymore.
> When I do a tar tvf /dev/tape, I get an I/O error and in syslog messages
> like:
> Jan 29 17:10:23 ijsland kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  8, key =
> 5, asc = 2c, ascq =  0.
> But writing to the tape works fine.
> Is this a known problem?
> Thanks!
> Robert-Jan
> -
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Re: Version 2.4.1 cannot be built.

2001-01-31 Thread Mike Dresser
> ftp> ls mak*

> make:
> -rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp   1030393 Jun 24  2000 make-3.79.1.tar.gz

> ftp> get make-3.79.1.tar.gz

get make/make-3.79.1.tar.gz

You missed the make: it did just before it listed the contents of make/

Just tried it myself with make/make-3.79.1.tar.gz, works.  Now, if i'd remembered to 
turn on bin mode, I'd have
a useable file.

Mike Dresser

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Re: ATAPI Tape Driver Failure in Kernel 2.4.4, More

2001-05-10 Thread Mike Dresser
Mark Bratcher wrote:

> This all works OK in kernel 2.2.17. But it fails in 2.4.4.
> > hdd: HP COLORADO 20GB, ATAPI TAPE drive

I did my own playing with 2.4.x on the 14gb model of this tape drive, all i've managed
to do is be able to write to the tape, but not read from it.  Even in 2.2.x, putting 
IDE patches in, breaks it.  Apparently the HP's aren't completely ATAPI compatible

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