Re: WANTED: Design for documentation (Photoshop power users!)

2008-09-14 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2008-09-14 um 05:18 schrieb Patrick McCarty:

The clickable links are:

* Notation Reference
* one big page (for the Notation Reference)
* Developers resources

Looks good so far, but I'd suggest to make the underlining of links a  
bit less annoying, esp. in the navigation frame where there are lots  
of them.

Something like:

a {
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #be6;

a:hover {
change the text color like you do
hide the underlining/border if you wish, I'd rather not

Perhaps increase the font size of  to match the surrounding text?

Regarding the tables, e.g. "Note names in other languages":
I'd suggest

th, td {
vertical-align: top;
text-align: left;
border-bottom: 1px solid #be6;

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets (was: GDP for kids :)

2007-09-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2007/9/21, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > In German the word is "Tupel" vs. "Duole", "Triole", "Pentole" etc.
> > I never really heard "Tupel" in musical context, only mathemathically.
> > My musical lexicon doesn't know it - but my favourite online
> > dictionary doesn't know "tuplet" either.
> Yeah, I may be spreading unsubstantiated rumours here, but the term
> seems definitely to have shown up first in English (rather than FR or
> DE) and I *think* it actually originated in an early version of the
> Finale user manual (God help us). I've never been able to verify this
> last bit, but, if true, it would at least explain why the word doesn't
> seem to exist in any EN dictionaries yet.
> Henning, is das (?) Tupel the same word that gets used in math to talk
> about ordered collections of  stuff like (17, 18, 29)? EN has "tuple"
> for such things ... and "tuplet" (with the final t) seems to be a
> completely novel musical term backformed from triplet, quadruplet,
> quintuplet, [s|h]extuplet, etc. Maybe DE has to make due with only one
> form of the word? Or possibly you guys could borrow in "Tuplet"? Or
> perhaps that simply looks absurd ...

As Mark Knoop wrote, (indeed "das") "Tupel" is normally a vector and
as a musical term seems to be as common as "tuplet".
For the German tuplets named Duole, Triole, Quartole, Quintole/Pentole
etc. the neologism would have to be "die Tupole", but I guess that's

Greetlings, Hraban
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Any suggestions on unfolding "D.S. al Coda" repeats

2007-09-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2007/9/24, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> To generate a complete midi from a score, I need to unfold "D.S. al
> Coda" repeats. Any suggestions how to do this?

There is no automagical way to do it (at least there wasn't when I
asked last time).

Try to split your voives in several parts, assign them to variables
and use different sections (and sets of those variable-bound music) to
construct print and midi output.

I use that e.g. for rounds - the PDF should just show the one voice,
but the MIDI plays the whole harmony. In this case it's simple, I just
use the same voice several times, offset by some rests.

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Professional LilyPond users?

2007-11-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2007/11/1, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The reason I use LaTeX is that I know LaTeX very well as a typesetting
> engine for mathematical documents and therefor I´m used to it. However
> LaTeX isn´t too comfortable for this, but it works. I´m very
> interested in trying ConTeXt -- I hope, I´ll find the time to have a
> try.

see (/LilyPond)

ConTeXt can do everything what LaTeX does WRT math. It just uses a
completely different layout approach - you don't use document classes
but define your layout yourself. Most features that are in usual LaTeX
packages are in ConTeXt's core, and some more in additional modules.
So the interface is much more coherent.
But of course ConTeXt is a moving target (at least WRT newest
features) and lacks printed documentation. At the moment the big move
to LuaTeX binds most of the core developers' time.

> The main strength of using a system like LaTeX compared to a DTP
> software is that one can write scripts to manage the whole creation
> process. I didn´t want to do this with InDesign or something like
> that.

You can also control ID or QXP with scripts, there are several
possibilities, on OSX I use Python with the appscript module (Apple
Events) to remote control ID; on WinXP I used Python with win32com
(COM API); for an other workflow I create text files with ID tags or
XML files and import those into ID. You can do similar stuff with QXP
(XPress tags, perhaps also XML).

Sorry, it gets more and more OT here... ;-)

> Do you know if there is a way to get PDF/X3-compatible files out of
> ConTeXt? With LaTeX, I didn´t manage this. [PDF/X3 is a standard for
> PDF files needed in pre-press.]

We should discuss such on TeX-D-L or NTG-Context.
AFAIK that's not a (mis)feature of LaTeX or ConTeXt, but of pdfTeX.
You can convert a TeX PDF into PDF/X with Acrobat Pro, though. Perhaps
it's possible to include the ICC profiles and additional information
with some pdfTeX primitives, but AFAIK nobody yet managed to create a
standards compliant PDF/X-3 yet. In fact, you seldom need one, because
songbooks are normally black&white...

Greetlings, Hraban
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamics

2008-02-08 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2008/2/8, Marco Pagliari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm creating MIDI files for my choir. How can I set different volume
> levels
> for each section, to make one be in evidence among the others?

Just add some volume marker like \mp \pp \ff to the first note.

see perhaps also a sample how I apply different "general" dynamics to
different voices in the \midi section:

Grüßlinge vom Südsee!
Henning Hraban Ramm
Meierhofstrasse 11
CH-8274 Tägerwilen
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: free LilyPond advertising

2008-02-25 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2008/2/25, Hans Aberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 24 Feb 2008, at 21:46, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> > I'm using a key map described here:
> >   <>
> On Mac OS X, keyboard layouts can be created using Ukelele>, though I don't know if the sound generation
> is possible. :-)

As far as I can see, what Nicolas describes is definitely *not* possible
with a OS keyboard layout; his interesting solution uses processing features
of Emacs.
(My homebrew OSX keymap is interesting, too, but doesn't speak LilyPond...)

Grüßlinge vom Südsee!
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert text encodings (was: Old LilyPond versions)

2008-04-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2008-04-08 um 20:28 schrieb Graham Percival:

You're talking about the old LaTeX accents -> utf-8 ?

Manual conversion is necessary with current convert-ly.  I can
think of three ways to automate it.  They're all kind-of hackish,
but they'd work in theory.  It just needs somebody to translate
that theory into practice.

Conversion of "LaTeX encoding" to any other encoding, esp. UTF-8 is  
I've a little script ready for such - but it converts whole files, I  
don't know if it will affect LilyPond commands.

you can download the "mab2bib" archive, it includes "".

Just rename that to "" (or any other encodings, like  
"latin12utf" or "macroman2utf", it analyzes its filename when called).

It should work with all encodings that Python knows of. Normally  
LaTeX is not one of them, so the also included "" must reside  
in the same directory.

Have fun!

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert text encodings (was: Old LilyPond versions)

2008-04-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2008-04-08 um 23:24 schrieb Graham Percival:

You're talking about the old LaTeX accents -> utf-8 ?

Manual conversion is necessary with current convert-ly.  I can
think of three ways to automate it.  They're all kind-of hackish,
but they'd work in theory.  It just needs somebody to translate
that theory into practice.

Conversion of "LaTeX encoding" to any other encoding, esp. UTF-8 is
I've a little script ready for such - but it converts whole files, I
don't know if it will affect LilyPond commands.

you can download the "mab2bib" archive, it includes "".

This was option #3.  :)

Just this script can save some time.  Ideally, somebody would spend  

hours modifying this script so that it only looks inside \markup or
\lyrics or something like that.  Then perhaps another two hours to
integrate it with convert-ly -- or, if that's not possible/ideal, dump
it somewhere on the web and get our convert-ly docs to point to it  
as a

"helper script" for a particularly difficult transistion.

I'm not offering to do any of this, but if somebody else is  

I'm quite willing to mentor them and help them through these steps.

I can look into that - would you remember me in the first week of May?

Looking at the code I'd first change all strings (error messages  
etc.) to unicode objects - there's gettext involved, and you must  
expect that some other language needs more than plain ASCII, beside  
the possibility of non-ASCII characters in path and file names...

Greetlings from Lake Constance!
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Note chart

2005-10-13 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2005-10-11 um 21:27 schrieb David Bobroff:
This is probably not strictly a LilyPond question.  I suspect I'll  
some LaTeX graphing package or other, one that makes trees.  Then I  

to hang feta note glyphs on the tree.

Perhaps have a look at pstricks or MetaPost (esp. Hans Hagen's MetaFun): (general) 
index.pdf (trees) (links)

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Proper Text output (kerning etc.)

2005-11-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2005-10-29 um 10:57 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:
As an elucidation:  you should use fonts which are distributed  
as .ttf files, like Verdana. Getting fonts working which are  
distributed as dfonts or inside Resource forks, is something that  
I'd love to work on that as a sponsored feature.

dfonts work, but only if they contain only one font.

I played around with fontconfig configuration, so that I got its  
fonts.cache-1 file everywhere I store fonts (texmf trees etc.), but  
these fonts never get used by LilyPond, regardless of format (TTF or  
anything else).

Don't know if the bug's in fontconfig/pango or LilyPond.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

New ConTeXt module

2009-03-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Dear music typesetters,

I just uploaded a new version of the LilyPond module for ConTeXt  
(including MkIV, LuaTeX), see

It works now with LilyPond 2.12 and fixes some bugs - i.e. all  
settings should work now, and with

\lilypond[fragment=yes,time=no,clef=no]{c''8 d'' e'' f'' g''}

it should now produce proper fragments (snippets).

ConTeXt is a modern alternative to LaTeX.
This module allows the direct embedding of LilyPond code in ConTeXt  
sources, similar to lilypondbook with LaTeX - but ConTeXt calls  
LilyPond by itself, if the score was changed, no preprocessing needed.

Greetlings from Lake Constance!
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Article in German LinuxUser magazine

2009-09-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/9/21 Alexander Kobel :
> Und für "das täglich Brot" eines Chor- oder Orchesterleiters -
> einfache, vierstimmige Chorsätze und Stimmenauszüge für einzelne
> Instrumente - ist LilyPond schon für Fast-Neueinsteiger das schnellste
> Programm, dass ich bisher gesehen habe. Kein Griff zur Maus ist
> notwendig, die Ausgabe kann sofort für die Musiker vervielfältigt
> werden. Alternativ läßt sich auch eine MIDI-Eingabe einrichten. Und
> wer mit musikalischer Notation vertraut ist, für den sind die
> Notennamen auch buchstabiert bald ganz natürlich - dank \include
> "" sogar mit h statt b.
> [Es wird erwähnt, dass LilyPond den englischen
> (bzw. alles-außer-deutschen) Bezeichner für das "h" verwendet - mit
> genausoviel Text hätte man allerdings auch das \include ""
> erklären können.]

Thank you for the effort!
The letter looks good, but I'd leave out the MIDI input (even if
someone's working on midi2ly again), and at least in my installation
of 1.13 there's no (must investigate further...)
For the chords \germanChords is working.


lilypond-user mailing list

ChordNames position broken in 2.13.4?

2009-10-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
with 2.13.4 my ChordNames line appears at seemingly random positions
above or within the staff, i.e. the vertical positions is different in
every line, but all chords in that line align; in 2.13.3 and 2.12.10
it works.
Is this a known bug?

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chordnames tweaking again

2009-10-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/10/21 Carl Sorensen :
>> I don't understand enough Scheme to avoid "ees" - do you?
> I assume you want to get Es for E flat major and es for e flat minor.
> (I'm not sure about this -- I'm totally american in my chord experience).

Yes, exactly.

>>         (cond
>             ((and (= alteration FLAT) (= (car n-a) 2)) (make-simple-markup
> "s"))
>>            ((= alteration FLAT) (make-simple-markup "es"))
> Note: code above is untested, but it illustrates the principle.

Thank you! I'll check it as soon as I get to my own computer...

>> (2) Different, probably easier problem:
>> I must display some alterations as follows:
>> f:dim => f-
>> f:aug => f5+
>> f:maj7 => f7+
> Probably the easiest way to do these is to use a custom chord name
> exceptions list.  See the snippet Chord name exceptions in Customizing chord
> names of section 2.7.2 of the docs.
>  #Customizing-chord-names>

Of course I found this in the docs, but it looks like the exceptions
mechanism is only meant for your own additions, not for overriding

I'll try.

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chordnames tweaking again

2009-10-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/10/22 Carl Sorensen :
>>> >> #Customizing-chord-names>
>> Of course I found this in the docs, but it looks like the exceptions
>> mechanism is only meant for your own additions, not for overriding
>> defaults?
> chord-name-exceptions overrides defaults.  If you make a complete exceptions
> list, you'll have a complete chord-name scheme.

Good, I'll try.
Perhaps we could make the docs a tiny bit clearer about that.

Another approach: Is there a possibility to "just print" any
modification, regardless if it has any meaning, like



Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Converting note name language

2009-10-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/10/22 Akira :
> I want to convert a English note name ly file into a German one.
> I got a ly file of a piece from the Mutopia Project to transcribe into
> woodwind quintet.
> The ly file uses English note name(c-d-e-f-g-a-b) though I want to use
> German one(c-d-e-f-g-a-h).
> I tried to replace "b" for "h" and "bes" for "b" with a text editor,
> but it didn't work.
> How can I convert the note name language using convert-ly or something?

Without changing your input, just use
within your ChordNames context.

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Replacement suggestions for Century Schoolbook?

2013-01-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-07 um 10:14 schrieb Urs Liska:

> I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for Century 
> Schoolbook.
> So (to finally get to the point) I'd be happy about suggestions for good free 
> text fonts to use with LilyPond.
> They should be well equipped in terms of language support and have a good 
> array of weights and spacings.

Hi Urs,
I nearly always use TeX Gyre Schola for the lyrics in my lead sheets and 
songbooklets - mostly the same as Century Schoolbook, because it’s very good 
readable even under bad light conditions.
Other Open Source fonts I like very much are e.g. Gentium, Antykwa Toruńska and 
TeX Gyre Pagella (Palatino), but I wouldn’t recommend them for lyrics.
The only Open Source fonts with several weights that I would recommend, is TeX 
Latin Modern, even if it looks rather old fashioned; but I like the sans serif, 
e.g. for chord names.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Replacement suggestions for Century Schoolbook?

2013-01-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-07 um 12:14 schrieb David Kastrup:

> Henning Hraban Ramm  writes:
>> Am 2013-01-07 um 10:14 schrieb Urs Liska:
>>> I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for
>>> Century Schoolbook.
>>> So (to finally get to the point) I'd be happy about suggestions for
>>> good free text fonts to use with LilyPond.
>>> They should be well equipped in terms of language support and have a
>>> good array of weights and spacings.
>> Hi Urs,
>> I nearly always use TeX Gyre Schola for the lyrics in my lead sheets
>> and songbooklets - mostly the same as Century Schoolbook, because it’s
>> very good readable even under bad light conditions.
> Wouldn't those be pretty much exactly the same as the URW++ clones of
> Century Schoolbook, except for supporting a larger character set?

Yes, and probably a bit better metrics.

> And quite possibly more weights, so that might address one perceived
> shortcoming.

No. E.g. there's no free variant of Palatino Semibold.

Of course there *are* Open Source fonts with more weights, but I know none that 
I can recommend - most I tried have too bad metrics, and others I didn’t try 
Perhaps have a look at Venturis ADF (Utopia lookalike):

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Replacement suggestions for Century Schoolbook?

2013-01-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-07 um 15:01 schrieb Peter Crighton:

> Could you explain to me why you think Gentium isn’t suitable for
> lyrics? I’m using it (Gentium Book Basic) for my lyrics and am quite
> satisfied with it:
> But maybe I’m missing some important issues … I’m not that much of a
> typographer.

Gentium is great and I use it e.g. as base font of a Unitarian church magazine, 
with its "human" look-and-feel I find it very suitable.
But for lyrics I want a bit more contrast and clarity. (If we have songs in 
that magazine, I also use Gentium, of course.)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Replacement suggestions for Century Schoolbook?

2013-01-08 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-08 um 11:36 schrieb Alexander Kobel:

> On 01/08/2013 11:23 AM, Josiah Boothby wrote:
>>>> I'd like to collect some suggestion for a replacement font for
>>>> Century Schoolbook.
>> [...]
>> Another source of open fonts that may be of sufficient quality for use
>> in scores is Arkandis Digital Foundry[4].
>> [...]
>> 4.
> What do you think about Tribun and Romande there? Tribun comes with a 
> condensed variant (IIRC, I used it a few times for tight lyrics), and 
> Romande's No. 2 even seems to be specifically designed with sheet music in 
> mind, if I'm not mistaken by the little I remember of French:
> [ from ]
>> Romande No2 a été réalisée pour servir à la
>> rédaction de partitions musicales. Elle offre une
>> chasse légèrement condensée et une hauteur globale
>> quelque peu réduite par rapport à la version
>> d'origine.
> Of course, this alone doesn't mean it's the best font out there for your 
> needs...

Romande is a nice font, but its fancy details don’t enhance its readability, 
esp. at small sizes.
Tribun is very close to Times New Roman (I don’t like that too much), but its 
condensed variant may fit Urs’ needs.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondbook package useful?

2013-01-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-16 um 11:20 schrieb Urs Liska:

> Hi list,
> I'm just starting my first try with lilypond-book.
> I see that I have to enter the code in my latex document, process this 
> document with lilypond-book and then compile the resulting file to get my 
> final pdf document.
> But do I see correctly that I can't compile my original file with latex 
> anymore (because of the undefined environment/command)?
> I find this inacceptable, because I want to be able to compile my original 
> document at any time during its development.

Hi Urs,
if you're not married to LaTeX, I'd suggest ConTeXt - I use its filter module 
to call LilyPond during TeX "compiler" runs (and it’s intelligent enough to 
recompile only changed LilyPond sections).
This workflow works good for my songbooklets, but I guess you'd need some 
tweaking if you need to embed a lot of little snippets. And AFAIR it doesn’t 
support multi page scores as well, but we should be able to add support for 
that with a bit of Lua code.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondbook package useful?

2013-01-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-18 um 15:14 schrieb Urs Liska:

> Am 18.01.2013 14:29, schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
>>> But do I see correctly that I can't compile my original file with latex 
>>> anymore (because of the undefined environment/command)?
>>> I find this inacceptable, because I want to be able to compile my original 
>>> document at any time during its development.
>> Hi Urs,
>> if you're not married to LaTeX,
> I'm married to fontspec ;-)
> Therefore I use XeLaTeX so far.
> Does ConTeXt also support fontspec?

No. ConTeXt has full OpenType support without additional packages (AFAIK 
there’s no other program at all that supports so much OpenType features - have 
a look at the OrientalTeX project that achieves Qur’an typography with ConTeXt, 
 Of course you can also use TrueType or PS Type 1 fonts. It's normally enough 
if they're installed system-wide (like with XeTeX) or lay around in your 
project directory.

Greetlings, Hraban
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Column #'keep-inside-line = ##t
\context { \Staff
\override TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\context { \ChordNames
chordChanges = ##t
chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t
chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup-text-alteration #t)
majorSevenSymbol = \markup{ 7+ }

--- 8< ---


Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 11:37 schrieb David Kastrup:

> What are the performance characteristics?  One point of LilyPond-book is
> that it compiles a large number of fragments with a single run of
> LilyPond.  That makes, for example, compilation times of our manuals
> less unbearable.

LilyPond gets called for every single snippet (but only once, as long as it 
doesn’t change or move), so it’s probably not suitable for a manual. But it’s 
good enough for my songbooks.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 12:17 schrieb David Kastrup:

>>> What are the performance characteristics?  One point of LilyPond-book is
>>> that it compiles a large number of fragments with a single run of
>>> LilyPond.  That makes, for example, compilation times of our manuals
>>> less unbearable.
>> LilyPond gets called for every single snippet (but only once, as long
>> as it doesn’t change or move),
> Move?

The snippet buffers are just numbered, so if you insert one before the first, 
all others will get re-rendered, too.
I guess we could change that behaviour, e.g. use keywords or some UID per 
I’ll discuss that with Aditya (author of t-filter).

>> so it’s probably not suitable for a manual. But it’s good enough for
>> my songbooks.
> What would be involved to make it collect jobs?  Doing more than one job
> on a single call is not a prerequisite of LilyPond.  Now LilyPond-book
> also sifts out duplicates which is nice when compiling a dozen
> translations.  Demanding that from Context would likely be excessive
> (though I think that the underlying engines can do checksums).  But
> combining several files on a single command line?  That does not sound
> too unreasonable.

The filter modules uses MD5 checksums to find changed snippets.
If I understand it right, ATM LilyPond is called for every single snippet, and 
the resulting PDF is placed immediately (so the buffer file could even get 
overwritten later). If we would collect those buffers, ConTeXt couldn’t check 
the size of the resulting image (PDF) and would need another run.
I have no idea what the best approach would be. I can live with the current 
(rather slow) speed; TeX still needs more time than LilyPond, while I don’t 
change or move a lot of my songs.

But at least my usage of t-filter only uses one-page LilyPond snippets. With a 
bit of Lua to detect the results of a LP run it shouldn’t be that complicated 
to use single system images like lilypond-book.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-20 um 12:49 schrieb David Kastrup:

> Henning Hraban Ramm  writes:
>> But at least my usage of t-filter only uses one-page LilyPond
>> snippets. With a bit of Lua to detect the results of a LP run it
>> shouldn’t be that complicated to use single system images like
>> lilypond-book.
> It would be interesting to figure out the minimum requirements to let
> LilyPond-book offer a generic (namely, not backend-specific) interface
> to image-including applications, and how to best pass information (XML?
> line-based?).

Wasn’t there already some output file that just contains the number of 
generated lines?
Cant’t check at the moment, my children need me...

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 19:39 schrieb Stefan Thomas:

> Dear Henning,
> thanks for Your explanations, but I couldn't manage a working piece of code, 
> untortunately.
> As You suggested, I've saved Your code as t-lilyfilter.tex. In which folder 
> shall I store it?

As long as you're testing: in your project folder.
Later you might want to move it to a generic location e.g. 

> And where in the file should be the line "\usemodule[lilyfilter]"?

Somewhere before \startlilypond

> I've tried it with the following code:
> \setupoutput[pdftex]

You normally don’t need that.

> \setupbodyfont[plr,11pt]
> \mainlanguage[de]
> \language[de]

If you set german as mainlanguage, you don’t need to switch to german.

>  \usemodule[lilyfilter]
> \starttext
> \title{Title}
> This is some text
> \startlilypond
> \relative{c4 d e f g1 }
> \stoplilypond
> \stoptext

Otherwise this should work so far.

What’s your problem? Which ConTeXt distribution (TeX Live? Standalone?) and 
version? What did you call (texexec = MkII or context = MkIV?) What were the 
error messages?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 12:45 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:

> The snippet buffers are just numbered, so if you insert one before the first, 
> all others will get re-rendered, too.
> I guess we could change that behaviour, e.g. use keywords or some UID per 
> buffer.
> I’ll discuss that with Aditya (author of t-filter).

Ok, it’s as simple as adding [name=something] to \startlilypond, e.g. 
[name=\currentcomponent]; it’s currently not possible to set that as default or 
to insert a different numbering mechanism.

I’m working on a sample to use single system inclusion instead of whole page 
inclusion, will document that at

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 23:02 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:

> I’m working on a sample to use single system inclusion instead of whole page 
> inclusion, will document that at

Ok, there’s now an example how to include all pages of a multi-page score. It 
uses a bit of Lua code, so works only with ConTeXt MkIV (based on LuaTeX).

I thought LilyPond used to write single EPS for every line when using 
lilypond-book. (I’d like to do the page breaking with TeX.)
Do I mis-remember? I couldn’t find an appropriate command line switch.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-21 um 10:05 schrieb Wim van Dommelen:

>> The snippet buffers are just numbered, so if you insert one before the 
>> first, all others will get re-rendered, too.
>> I guess we could change that behaviour, e.g. use keywords or some UID per 
>> buffer.
>> I’ll discuss that with Aditya (author of t-filter).
> Could you use the md5? In one of the temporary files it is already stored, so 
> it is calculated (file xxx.tmp.md5 contains the md5 hash of xxx.tmp which is 
> a lilypond source-file, stored in the temporary directory)
> If the files are not numbered (sequentially) but named according to the md5 
> hash there should be no need to re-render any already done piece of code 
> after any move. Disadvantage would be that with many changes (of a piece of 
> Lilypond code) lots of different files will float around (because a change of 
> the md5 will loose view on the original one). But that can be solved by some 
> regular cleaning.

Without changing the filter module we can’t access the MD5 before the buffer 
and the hash are written to files, and then the name is already there.

See my other mail (yesterday night): Since we can’t set a "default buffer name 
conversion"* but can set a single buffer's name, we can (and I will) just go 
that route.

> it’s as simple as adding [name=something] to \startlilypond, e.g. 
> [name=\currentcomponent]

*) Aditya told me, when I asked if I can set e.g. [name=\currentcomponent] as 
> The name key is reset at every `\startexternalfilter`; otherwise it will be 
> difficult to mix `name=` with normal usage.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-01-21 um 22:29 schrieb Julien Rioux:

> On 20/01/2013 6:12 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
>> I thought LilyPond used to write single EPS for every line when using 
>> lilypond-book. (I’d like to do the page breaking with TeX.)
>> Do I mis-remember? I couldn’t find an appropriate command line switch.
> I think you accomplish that by adding this to your snippet:
> \include ""

Thanks for the hint! I just copied the setup to my project’s include file, and 
it works - but I don’t understand why - and what part I could perhaps leave out:

> %% toplevel \book gets output per page,
> %% everything else gets output per system/title
> #(define default-toplevel-book-handler
>   print-book-with-defaults-as-systems )
> #(define toplevel-book-handler
>   (lambda ( . rest)
>   (set! output-empty-score-list #f)
>   (apply print-book-with-defaults rest)))
> #(define toplevel-music-handler
>   (lambda ( . rest)
>(apply collect-music-for-book rest)))
> #(define toplevel-score-handler
>   (lambda ( . rest)
>(apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))
> #(define toplevel-text-handler
>   (lambda ( . rest)
>(apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))
> #(set! output-empty-score-list #t)

Do I need all of this to get single-line output files?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: context and lilypond

2013-01-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-01-20 um 23:02 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:

> I’m working on a sample to use single system inclusion instead of whole page 
> inclusion, will document that at

Ok, this works now:
Using the code from "Multi Page Filter Setup" and "Sample Include File", 
LilyPond writes single-line EPS/PDF, and ConTeXt can do the page breaking.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A must-see for anybody on this list

2013-02-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-02-10 um 19:29 schrieb Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

> On 02/10/2013 05:21 PM, Luca Rossetto Casel wrote:
>> Another one,
> Does anyone know anything about the computer engraving software shown in this 
> second video?  I don't recognize it, but it's striking how similar it looks 
> to Lilypond.

No it doesn’t ;-)
It’s SCORE, see

It’s about as similar to LilyPond as LinoSetting is to TeX - both are just 
command based typesetting systems, but the syntax differs like between two 
programming languages.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A must-see for anybody on this list

2013-02-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-02-10 um 21:18 schrieb

> I assumed SCORE, too, but this would imply Sibelius if that was Henle we were 
> looking at in the second video:
> Also, Sibelius keyboard input does bear a number of similarities with 
> LilyPond input syntax.

Ah, sorry, I didn’t know Sibelius had a text mode.
I found references that implied Henle used SCORE (but can’t find them again).

But I didn’t pay attention to some important details:
- The video is from 1997.
- The desktop is X/Motif (or similar), not Windows 3.1.
- The operator uses MIDI keyboard input.

So it’s probably MusicTeX or an early MusiXTeX.
LilyPond wasn’t released before 1998.

Ah, but Sibelius started 1986 on Acorn RISC OS, and released in 1993. The last 
Sibelius version for Acorn was in 1998.
We can’t see the computer in the video. The different screenshots of RISC OS 
that I found don’t resemble that in the video, but are close enough that it 
might be possible.

Neither with MusiXTeX nor with Sibelius I could find a reference to MIDI 
keyboard input.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hushing up Sibelius news?

2013-02-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-02-22 um 19:16 schrieb Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

> (Apologies to David, I hit "Reply" instead of "Reply List" when first writing 
> this response.)
> On 02/22/2013 12:10 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
>> If the file format describes exactly how the finished score will appear,
>> what will happen with the spacing when transposing?  Presumably it is
>> ingrained into the file, so how will everything get retrofitted?
> I think his point was that _no_ file format ever describes exactly how the 
> finished score would appear

No? We have PDF. Maybe they have too.  >:->>

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hushing up Sibelius news?

2013-02-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-02-22 um 22:42 schrieb Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

> On 02/22/2013 09:02 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
>>> I think his point was that _no_ file format ever describes exactly how the 
>>> finished score would appear
>> No? We have PDF. Maybe they have too.  >:->>
> Write once, read many, edit difficult ;-)

Of course, but that’s one file format that "describes exactly how the finished 
score would appear". Like XPS. Or TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF etc. ;-)
Compare with classical engraving plates: Write once, print many, edit mostly 
impossible ;-)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Excellent paper on 'Copyfraud'

2013-03-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-03-09 um 12:50 schrieb David Kastrup:

>> It's exactly these things: articulations, editorial annotations,
>> expressive marks, that are under frequently copyright.
> Also the actual image.  

Only in some legislations, e.g. not in Germany, Switzerland and Austria (DACH), 
but e.g. in the UK, AFAIK.

Keyword "sweat of the brow" - it’s not a piece of art, but of handicraft (you 
may call that an art, too...)

> It's probably safest to start from an "Urtext".

... as long as you're not sure about the legislation of your publication.

> Now those go to a lot of pain to create a canonical version from
> possibly conflicting manuscripts, and that is a lot of work, too.  But
> it's not creative expression and thus should not be copyrightable
> content.  Naturally I am not a lawyer, and you should remember that with
> a host of lawyers at the disposal of publishing houses, being in the
> right is only able to moderately tilt the balance of a court case
> outcome anyway, and even winning it may lead to your bankruptcy.


> If more people refused to say "I agree" to completely outrageous
> conditions, maybe the legal departments of publishers would start
> reining their drug usage in somewhat.


Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pseudo-handwritten font

2013-03-15 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2013-03-15 um 10:06 schrieb TaoCG:

> This is all very interesting, I'd love to have a jazz style font in LilyPond,
> though I don't particularly like the Sigler Jazz font. I much prefer their
> Swing font.
> I was still wondering if there won't be any license issues if the font is
> redrawn manually since in the end everyone familiar with the Sigler fonts
> will recognize it as such or some might even say: "Hey look, they're using
> the same jazz font as Finale/Sibelius."

No, the look of a font isn’t copyrighted, but the name is sometimes a trademark 
- that’s why a lot of lookalikes exist whose names point to the original, like 
"Zurich" or "Swiss" for "Helvetica".

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Pseudo-handwritten font

2013-03-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2013-03-16 um 00:29 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen:

>> Am 2013-03-15 um 10:06 schrieb TaoCG:
>>> This is all very interesting, I'd love to have a jazz style font in 
>>> LilyPond,
>>> though I don't particularly like the Sigler Jazz font. I much prefer their
>>> Swing font.
>>> I was still wondering if there won't be any license issues if the font is
>>> redrawn manually since in the end everyone familiar with the Sigler fonts
>>> will recognize it as such or some might even say: "Hey look, they're using
>>> the same jazz font as Finale/Sibelius."
>> No, the look of a font isn’t copyrighted, but the name is sometimes a 
>> trademark - that’s why a lot of lookalikes exist whose names point to the 
>> original, like "Zurich" or "Swiss" for "Helvetica".
> When you compare these fonts closely, you will see they are lookalikes, but 
> there are small differences.

Of course, since they are only lookalikes. But some even use (more or less) the 
same metrics, like URW Nimbus Sans and its derivates (e.g. TeX Gyre Heros). On 
the other hand Arial uses mostly the same metrics, but has visible differences.

> It's not only the name of the font that is copyrighted.

It is.
At least in Germany and Switzerland, but AFAIK in all European jurisdictions, 
fonts aren’t copyrightable, if you believe it or not. The "Vienna Agreement for 
the Protection of Type Faces and their International Deposit" was only ratified 
by Germany and France (maybe UK) and therefore isn’t active, since it has to be 
ratified by at least 5 underwriters.
In the USA and most other countries there are no correspondent laws.
The name of a font *may* be protected as a trademark (Helvetica is, Feta is 
BUT in Europe a NEW font has an automatic patent protection of three years.

Quoted after 
(sorry, didn’t look after Dutch or English parallels).

> But just like with music-copyright it's not always easy to tell when a font 
> is "inspired by ..." or "stolen from ...".

That’s a different subject.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI track names

2015-08-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-07-31 um 19:44 schrieb Vaughan McAlley :

> On 31 July 2015 at 17:23, David Kastrup  wrote:
>> Vaughan McAlley  writes:
>>> Is there any way of setting track names from
>>> within Lilypond?
>>> (A MIDI track name is a meta-event FF 03 (variable length) then the name
>>> string. It looks like :uniqueContext0 is some default that should be able
>>> to be overridden).
>> Have you tried naming your Staff contexts?
> Ha ha, I haven’t named a context in a while, but it did the trick. Thanks!

Hi, sorry for hijacking this thread, but my question is related (I think):

The title of my songs, as shown e.g. QuickTime player, is always „control 
track“, even if I name everything in my source - is there a way to fix this? 
I.e. what else should I name?

Greetlings, Hraban
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI track names

2015-08-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-08-03 um 20:28 schrieb David Kastrup :

>> The title of my songs, as shown e.g. QuickTime player, is always
>> „control track“, even if I name everything in my source - is there a
>> way to fix this? I.e. what else should I name?
> From lily/
> void
> Control_track_performer::initialize ()
> {
>  control_track_ = new Audio_staff;
>  announce_element (Audio_element_info (control_track_, 0));
>  string id_string = String_convert::pad_to (gnu_lilypond_version_string (), 
> 30);
>  add_text (Audio_text::TRACK_NAME, "control track");
>  add_text (Audio_text::TEXT, "creator: ");
>  add_text (Audio_text::TEXT, id_string);
> }
> That looks like you are out of luck here.  No idea what happens when the
> Control_track_performer gets removed but I doubt it's useful.

Thank you for looking into that!

I guess since it’s C code, one cannot simply override a few things (like the 
„add_text“ lines) from a score source?

Has the control track performer access to the metadata from \header{}?
In that case, I suggest to default the name to header’s „title“ setting.
What do you think?

Greetlings, Hraban
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI track names

2015-08-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-08-04 um 16:03 schrieb David Kastrup :

> Heikki Tauriainen  writes:
>>>> In that case, I suggest to default the name to header’s „title“
>>>> setting.  What do you think?
>>> Could work.  Haven't looked into MIDI a lot though.
>> Using properties from the \header block (which sounds in principle
>> like a nice idea) is probably made more complicated by the fact that
>> the title metadata in a \header block can be arbitrary LilyPond
>> markup, and not necessarily a plain string that could be passed
>> through directly to the MIDI output file (and still get "acceptable"
>> output).
> Markup stripping should be a solved problem since we prepare PDF
> metadata in the same manner.

Then pretty please implement it!
A different possibility to set the MIDI title, as Heikki suggested, would also 
be ok.
I found no tool (in MacPorts, that is) that can make such fixes to MIDI files.
Do you still accept donations?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI track names

2015-08-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-08-05 um 05:01 schrieb Heikki Tauriainen :

 Using properties from the \header block (which sounds in 
 like a nice idea) is probably made more complicated by the fact 
 the title metadata in a \header block can be arbitrary LilyPond
 markup, and not necessarily a plain string that could be passed
 through directly to the MIDI output file (and still get 
>>> Markup stripping should be a solved problem since we prepare PDF
>>> metadata in the same manner.
> Indeed.  Thanks for the hint, David!
>> Then pretty please implement it!
> I've submitted a patch for review at <


Greetlings, Hraban
--- (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
I’m now 42, singer/songwriter and collector of German and international folk 
music. Former scout and LARP bard. Otherwise media designer and programmer.

I’m using LilyPond on OSX since summer 2005, previously with different editors 
(Smultron, TextWrangler, Eclipse), since maybe two years exclusively with 

Mostly I prepare lead sheets and songbooklets for me and my friends and family 
from songs that I like and some of my own.
Since I also like to work with ConTeXt (a modern alternative to LaTeX that 
makes good use of LuaTeX), I’ve my own workflow to combine both (see
So I mostly engrave existing music, often with my own arrangements, but need 
LilyPond also as a composition tool (I need to hear the MIDI to be able to get 
the rhythm notation right or to test arrangements).

I just released my first CD, see (everything in 
German); notes are available, LilyPond sources on request.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF Links in Windows

2015-10-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-10-05 um 16:42 schrieb James :

>>> "Custom protocol handlers aren't supported by Adobe Reader X and later
>>> for security reasons."
>> Is this definitive?
>> Then this should be added to the documentation somewhere (CCing to
>> bug-lilypond).
>> Urs
> Do we have an example of a PDF that he is trying to use here?
> I use a number of different readers at work and they all behave
> differently and on different operating systems. The information "Custom
> protocol handlers aren't supported by Adobe Reader X and later for
> security reasons." isn't very explanatory in the context of LilyPond.
> To help the bug squad could you articulate more clearly what is needed
> here than just forwarding some thread from another list?
> It puts people off trying to find out the information to create or
> investigate the different behaviour. I've already spent 10 mins trying
> to work out what the *specific* problem is, how it relates to LP and how
> to even validate this isn't just something on someone's own environment
> that might not be a problem elsewhere.

On OSX, my old Acrobat Pro 9 as well as Adobe Reader 11 try to open LilyPond’s 
"textedit://" links with LilyPad, after asking if they may or should block such 
attempts. So the "security reasons" seem to apply only on Windows (I don’t 
believe that, there are enough security issues open on OSX).
I would like to know if and where I can change that protocol handler 

Greetlings, Hraban
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RFC: new location for openLilyLib repository

2015-11-12 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2015-11-13 um 04:22 schrieb ciconia :

> Exactly those drawbacks, and a some more:
> - People would have to register on your site in order contribute, while at
> least a substantial part of them are already on github.
> - Github is also kind of the place to hang among younger developers, so you
> risk losing that crowd if you wish to attract them to contribute.
> - What about backup?
> If your basic motive is reorganising the code, I think you don't really gain
> anything from moving it away from github to your own server. Let's put it
> like this, I'm sure you'd rather be coding than maintaining your gitlab
> installation.
> I say go with option a. You could use the existing github organisation and
> just add repositories to it.

Why not combine the options? Use GitHub as long as it makes sense, but always 
keep a mirror on OLL server.

Then you can use any automation you want on your own server but still use the 
better publicity of GitHub.

If it makes sense, I can also provide a mirror, since I run Gitlab on my server 
anyway, even if I’m not keen on more maintenance work.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi on a mac (from a blind user)

2016-02-26 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2016-02-26 um 16:41 schrieb Teerilahti Esko :

> For that, I installed Qsynth, which is so called software syntheziser, and 
> runs in the background.
> If youy choose this, you need to start that first, then in Frescobaldi’s 
> Preferences -> Midi settings, choose qsynth from the pop-up list, for player 
> output.

And unfortunately you need to do this setup every time, Frescobaldi doesn’t 
seem to be able to detect QSynth’s MIDI port.

But I wonder if a GUI tool like Frescobald is really suitable for a blind user?

Greetlings, Hraban
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unfold: volta for typesetting, unfold for MIDI generation?

2016-03-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2016-03-30 um 16:43 schrieb Johannes Waldmann :

> What is the recommended way to obtain the following behaviour
> from one and the same source code:
> repeats typeset as "\repeat volta N"
> (so the page is not filled with duplicates)
> but MIDI generated as with "\repeat unfold N"
> (so the duplicates are heard).

You need two different \score sections for MIDI and PDF output like here:
and employ \unfoldRepeats for MIDI.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: simple editor for windows

2009-12-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/12/16 Stefan Thomas :
> I'm searching for a simple text-editor for windows. It is for the computer
> in my music-school.
> It is an old machine and lilypondtool, because it requires java, doesn't
> work on it.

On my WinXP installation in a VM I use Notepad++, it's fast enough and
a good programming editor.
But AFAIK there's no syntax highlighting setup for LilyPond yet.
(Here's an old one:

I guess your Notepad problem is due to Unix line endings. AFAIK
Notepad still can't cope with UTF-8 (and you'll need that encoding for
umlauts etc.)

(I write my LilyPond files in Smultron on OSX.)

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I want to *force* spacing

2009-12-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2009/12/18 Fredrik Carlén :
> (without \skip) | RLRRLRLL | (with skip) |RLRR LRL|L . SkipMusic and SkipEvent
> are fillers that "take up duration" as per the page
> . I suppose I'd like a filler that does *not* take up duration. I cannot find
> such a filler, but surely there must be one? At least there *should* be one,

Does it help if you just \break the lines manually?

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Incorrect Lilypond version

2010-01-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
2010/1/19 hsweet :
> I've installed what I think should be Lilypond 2.12 every way I can dream
> up, the installation messages say it's installing 2.12. but lilypond -v
> still thinks it 2.10.33.
> This is on a machine running Ubuntu 9.10.

Probably you've another version installed.
Check "which lilypond" and the install path!

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Any progress in chord name design?

2010-03-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-03-17 um 21:43 schrieb James Bailey:

As far as I know, nothing has happened. If you like, you can  
subscribe to the issue on the tracker and be notified when something  
happens with it.:

Thanks for the hint. I posted to patch to this tracker issue.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond output in other programs

2010-05-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-05-09 um 13:45 schrieb Patrick Schmidt:

this should probably be listed in Usage 4.4:
LilyPond can be integrated in Google Wave, WordPress, SPIP and  

Of course you can include LilyPond PDFs into "everything", like print  
layouts (Scribus, InDesign, XPress...)

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font not embedded in pdf

2010-05-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-05-28 um 10:33 schrieb Thomas Scharkowski:

in a lilypond document (2.13.21) I use a true type font for the  
title and barnumbers (RomanSmc-regular).
When printing I noticed that the font is replaced by another font,  
the spacing is incorrect. On screen the correct font is shown.
I printed the same pdf under windows and it worked (of course only  
because the font in question is installed there).
Next I noticed that in the pdf properties > fonts RomanSmc-Regular  
is listed but not marked as embedded.
I looked at another pdf in which I had used the same font some time  
ago (in December 2007, LilyPond 2.11.34) - here the font is embedded.

Did I overlook something or might this be a bug in the newer LilyPond?

TrueType and OpenType fonts can define that they must not get  
embedded. A lot of older fonts (mostly made with Fontographer) has  
this flag mistakenly set to an undefined value. Adobe says this should  
be interpreted as "don't embed".

I don't know but can imagine that LilyPond started to obey this embed  
flag, while Inkscape and older LilyPond don't. This is just a wild  

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Removing or modifying the Lilypond footer at the bottom of PDF

2010-06-13 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-06-12 um 21:44 schrieb Disc Magnet:

At the bottom of every PDF generated by lilypond, this notice is
present, "Music engraving by LilyPond 2.12.2—". Can
this notice be removed or replaced with some other notice? If so, how?

A pity that you got some answers. I wanted to tell you "you have to  
register LilyPond first; you register as a LilyPond user by reading  
the manual".


Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rendering umlauts fails

2010-06-14 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-06-14 um 17:40 schrieb Michael Käppler:

Hi all,
after using Lilypond a long time on a Linux machine I now tried out
the Win build. There I encounter a problem which I have never seen
on Linux AFAIK. If I use Lyrics containing umlauts, sometimes Lily
only doesn't show them, sometimes aborts with plenty of messages  
like this:

Programmierfehler: invalid UTF-8 string
Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken

It also reports:

Programmierfehler: Glyph hat keinen Namen, aber Zeichensatz  

Glyph U+ wird übersprungen, Datei C:/Program Files

I've set enc=utf8 in my vimrc.

Check with another editor if your file really is in UTF-8 encoding, I  
doubt it.

Seems also that your shell isn't configured for UTF-8 output.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website 24-hour test

2010-06-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-06-29 um 15:56 schrieb Graham Percival:

Please send feedback to lilypond-user; you can find more information
on our page about Contact.

Note: There are a few known problems with translations. If you are a
non-English speaker, you may prefer to view the old lilypond website

What means "Help wanted: obvious css issue to be dealt with. :("?
I found it at
(Didn't search all pages for more occurrences.)

Otherwise great work! Thank you all!

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website 24-hour test

2010-06-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-06-29 um 20:43 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 08:33:51PM +0200, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:

What means "Help wanted: obvious css issue to be dealt with. :("?
I found it at
(Didn't search all pages for more occurrences.)

In this case, it means that if you have a browser window less than
about 1000 pixels, important information about the
 exec DIR/...
line is covered up by the picture in the right column.

We need either smaller margins, or smaller font, or something.
This should be done by CSS if at all possible; if not, we'll look
at changing the texinfo source.

Ah, didn't check a smaller window.

Add to lilypond-web.css:

pre.smallexample {
white-space: pre-wrap;

That wraps long lines, if necessary. (Doesn't work in IE<8 and FF<3.1,  

Some "continuing line" sign like ↵ would be nice, but I don't  
think we can achieve that just with CSS.

pre.smallexample:after { /* not the right thing */
content: ↵

Can you perhaps place a light paragraph sign at the end of every   
line somehow with the texinfo converter?

Then one would distinguish wrapped lines by not having that sign.
But that would complicate copying such examples.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [announcement] Elysium - LilyPond IDE for Eclipse

2010-07-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-01 um 02:24 schrieb Dénes Harmath:

if there are any Eclipse fans out there, here's some good news: I'm
happy to announce the early alpha release of Elysium, an Eclipse  
plugin for
editing LilyPond scores. Features include automatic transitive  
integrated Score View, two-way point-and-click and much more. For  
more info,
see The software and the website is very  
much work
in progress; any kind of feedback is welcome, so feel free to report  
bugs and

enhancement requests at

Good idea. But please add information about the required Eclipse  
version (3.6 only?) to your install page - I'm on Aptana Studio (3  
beta, based on Eclipse 3.5.2) and fear that wouldn't work...

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [announcement] Elysium - LilyPond IDE for Eclipse

2010-07-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-01 um 09:45 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool):

Why another tool? Why not contribute to something existing?

e.g. because jEdit is ugly (unusable GUI IMO, at least on MacOS); I  
never managed to get LilyPondTool running, but didn't try too hard,  
because, see above

e.g. because Frescobaldi is Linux-only
e.g. because it's nice to use one ring, eh, IDE for all

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Exporting to .ly through midi or Music-xml

2010-07-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-01 um 16:15 schrieb fauban:

I have just downloaded the latest version of Lilypond (v.2.12.3) and  



Am I not doing it correctly, or is it a bug?

Python 3 isn't yet supported - and won't for a long time, I guess.
Try Python 2.6 or 2.7 instead.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: install on shared host without root access?

2010-07-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-02 um 04:14 schrieb Vijith Assar:

I'm trying to install LilyPond on my cheap shared server account so I
can use the MediaWiki extension. I've changed the LilyPond location
called by MediaWiki by using the $wgLilypond variable as described in
the extension's documentation such that LilyPond now resides in my
home directory. This should be fine according to what I've read, but
the host is still telling me I need a more expensive plan which allows
root access in order to get it working.

I get the following error when I try to render LilyPond notation in
MediaWiki (though with any number of different absolute or relative
URLs, since I've tried all the possible permutations):

LilyPond error:
sh: /lilypond/lilypond: No such file or directory

What am I doing wrong? Is my host correct in stating that root access
is required?

/lilypond must be wrong, must be /home/you/lilypond or the like

- where did you install LilyPond?
- to what value did you set $wgLilypond? (I guess you need the  
absolute path)
- does LilyPond run in the shell? (I don't think you can make it work  
without shell access)

I don't know anything about the MediaWiki extension, though.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Exporting to .ly through midi or Music-xml

2010-07-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-02 um 10:41 schrieb fauban:

C:\Documents and Settings\Joan\Desktop\Exps>midi2ly Cant.mid
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Program Files\Lilypond\usr\bin\", line 50, in  

   import midi
ImportError: No module named midi

Can you tell me what's wrong?

I guess you've to be in the same directory as, otherwise it  
can't find (the midi module belongs to LilyPond, it's not in  
the general Python path).

Maybe there's also a problem with spaces in the path, don't know.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: install on shared host without root access?

2010-07-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-07-03 um 08:58 schrieb Vijith Assar:

OK, progress! It was the home directory thing, as HHR suggested.


I replaced the $wgLilypond variable with just "/" and the error  
changed to "/ is a directory." Then I changed it to "/lilypond/" and  

back to "no such file or directory."

Why do you insist to start at root ("/")? If you dont have root  
access, you can't access anything at root. Sounds logical?

Maybe you have a chroot'ed environment where / is mapped to something  
like /home/youraccount, but that would surprise me.

me=`basename $0`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lilypond/usr/lib"
exec "/lilypond/usr/bin/$me" "$@"

I guess you need the absolute path to your lilypond installation - and  
that won't be at root!

Further, you can't expect to run anything own in a "super cheap"  
shared hosting environment, and this is not the place to discuss web  
hosting details.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with sheet music format

2010-08-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-17 um 09:58 schrieb Alexander Kobel:

[...] fretboard diagrams. [...]
A rough example (less the slashes can be found here:

You are looking for something like this:

I'm not a guitar player, so I usually don't pay any attention on  
fretboards, but this makes me wonder:
I can't remember to have seen fret diagrams without the bottom line  
indicating the last fret (i.e., all diagrams I know are "closed" at  
their bottom, as is shown in the example Stephen quoted.  This is  
not the case for LilyPond's diagrams: the bottom line is missing,  
i.e. the diagrams are "open".  Is this intentional / more correct /  
the "real" way to write fretboards, or merely a possible bug?

As a guitar player I know both types and like the open one better -  
your guitar neck isn't closed at that fret...

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

More PDF metadata

2010-08-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Is it possible to insert PDF metadata (pdfmarks) into LilyPond's  
PostScript output?

I'd like to use existing LilyPond header information to fill the PDF  
header, say

[   /Title (header:title)
/Author (header:poet / header:composer)
/Subject (perhaps header:instrument, header:lastupdated)
/Keywords (from other fields, e.g. Mutopia's header:maintainerWeb)
/DOCINFO pdfmark

Further it would be good to put structural information as bookmarks  
into the PDF, esp. for bigger works.

I'd suggest to include that into LilyPond proper, otherwise I'd like  
to know how I can do it.
I guess I could write an EPS containing the PostScript commands and  
include that, but LilyPond should be able to do it somehow internally...

More about pdfmark: 
bibel_d_pdfmark_1x1.pdf (German)

The same already was asked in 2007:
(Seems the poster got no answer.)

There also was a thread on adding pdfmarks for each bar number:
(Seems nothing came out of that?)

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating pngs bounded to example size

2010-08-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-28 um 16:25 schrieb Mike Solomon:

xactly.  thanks!

Problem with -dpreview is only, that you get just the first line of  
longer pieces - of course that's intended, but with --png you always  
get an uncropped PNG.

I resolved it in my LilyPond call script using ImageMagick:

convert $1.png -trim +repage $1.png

But I wanted the background to be transparent, that wasn't really easy:

# see
convert $1.png \( +clone -fx 'p{0,0}' \) -compose Difference - 
composite -modulate 100,0 +matte $1_difference.png
convert $1_difference.png -bordercolor black -border 5 -threshold 10% - 
blur 0x0.7 $1_mask.png
convert $1.png -bordercolor white -border 5 $1_mask.png +matte - 
compose CopyOpacity -composite -trim +repage $1.png

rm $1_difference.png $1_mask.png

And for the records, here's my complete LilyPond runner (for MacOS X):


# I rename the apps to be able to chose between different versions
if [ -e $1.pdf ]; then
rm $1.pdf

"$LILYBIN" -dmidi-extension=mid -fpdf -fpng -dresolution=116 -djob- 
count=3 $ || growlnotify -n LilyPond -a $LILYAPP -d Error -t  
"LilyPond" -m "$1 failed"

#"$LILYBIN" -dmidi-extension=mid -dbackend=svg -djob-count=3 $
# -dpreview -dno-include-book-title-preview

if [ -e $1.pdf ]; then
growlnotify -n LilyPond -a $LILYAPP -d Info -t "LilyPond" -m "$1 ready"
open $1.pdf
	growlnotify -n LilyPond -a $LILYAPP -d Error -t "LilyPond" -m "$1 no  
PDF found"

if [ -e $1.mid ]; then
open $1.mid
if [ -e $ ]; then
rm $
#if [ -e $1.preview.eps ]; then
#   rm $1.preview.eps
if [ -e $1.png ]; then
# see
	convert $1.png \( +clone -fx 'p{0,0}' \) -compose Difference - 
composite -modulate 100,0 +matte $1_difference.png
	convert $1_difference.png -bordercolor black -border 5 -threshold 10%  
-blur 0x0.7 $1_mask.png
	convert $1.png -bordercolor white -border 5 $1_mask.png +matte - 
compose CopyOpacity -composite -trim +repage $1.png

    #open $1.png
rm $1_difference.png $1_mask.png

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OS X fonts

2010-08-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-28 um 23:02 schrieb Tim McNamara:


lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x

was suggested as a way to look at the fonts Lilypond has available.   
Doing this from the command line on my Mac (10.4.11 FWIW), I got:

[tim ~]$ lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x
GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path

I remember this error, but not the reason...
On my current 10.5.8 the command works flawlessly (even if slow,  
because it must scan several trees).

And is Lilypond also not locating anything else in /Applications/*  ?

LilyPond uses fontconfig; you can setup your font directories in  
~/.fonts.conf; mine looks this:


~/FontExplorer\ X/Font\ Library
/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Fonts

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OS X fonts

2010-08-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-29 um 06:18 schrieb Tim McNamara:

[tim ~]$ lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x
GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path

I remember this error, but not the reason...
On my current 10.5.8 the command works flawlessly (even if slow,  
because it must scan several trees).

Forgot to say I'm using the same 2.12.3 LilyPond.

LilyPond uses fontconfig; you can setup your font directories in  
~/.fonts.conf; mine looks this:


~/FontExplorer\ X/Font\ Library
/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Fonts

Thank you.  Looking in ~/ I find the directory .fontconfig and the  
file .fonts.cache-1 as well as the file .lilypond-fonts.cache-2

.fonts.conf is absent in my system as far as I can find.  Is there  
any need to include .lilypond-fonts.cache-2 in this file?

No, fontconfig writes its cache files everywhere. I don't know how  
important the cache setting in .fonts.conf is.
Perhaps important: I've LilyPond's binary directory in my PATH (/ 
Applications/music/ to be able to  
call convert-ly etc.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: More PDF metadata

2010-08-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-30 um 01:50 schrieb M Watts:

On 08/29/2010 12:33 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:

Is it possible to insert PDF metadata (pdfmarks) into LilyPond's
PostScript output?

I use pdftk for this (and other cool stuff)

To add metadata, you write a text file that looks like


(or possibly extract the info from your .ly with some sed incantation)

Hm, needed a while for the incantation:

echo "InfoKey: Title" > $1_pdfinfo.txt
	sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*title.* \"\(.*\)\"\s*$/InfoValue: \1/p'  
$ >> $1_pdfinfo.txt

echo "InfoKey: Author" >> $1_pdfinfo.txt
	sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*poet.* \"\(.*\)\"\s*$/InfoValue: \1/p'  
$ >> $1_pdfinfo.txt

echo "InfoKey: Composer" >> $1_pdfinfo.txt
	sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*composer.* \"\(.*\)\"\s*$/InfoValue: \1/p'  
$ >> $1_pdfinfo.txt

echo "InfoKey: Subject" >> $1_pdfinfo.txt
	sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*source.* \"\(.*\)\"\s*$/InfoValue: \1/p'  
$ >> $1_pdfinfo.txt

pdftk $1.pdf update_info $1_pdfinfo.txt output $1.pdf
#open $1.pdf
rm $1_pdfinfo.txt

I was too tired for trying more tricks to get poet and composer  
together into the Author field; sed doesn't understand "or" patterns  
like (poet|composer)

But I still think LilyPond could do this internally...

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: More PDF metadata

2010-08-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-08-30 um 20:40 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:

	sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*title.* \"\(.*\)\"\s*$/InfoValue: \1/p'  
$ >> $1_pdfinfo.txt

sed chokes on UTF-8
\s at the end is from the wrong regex syntax (PCRE, I guess)

This works:

sed -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*title[[:blank:]=]*\"\(.*\)\"[[:blank:]]*$/ 
InfoValue: \1/p'

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool users on Mac?

2010-09-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-09-09 um 20:38 schrieb Seth Williamson:

Error running external command
See the activity log about the problem
Cannot run program "/Applications/ 
bin/lilypond" (in directory "/Applications/ 
Resources/bin"): error=13, Permission denied

That looks like jEdit would try to run "/App.../bin/lilypond" relative  
to "/App.../bin", which is nonsense, but shouldn't give problems if  
the binary path is absolute.

"Permission denied" looks more like you installed LilyPond with sudo  
or an admin user: try

sudo chmod a+x /Applications/*
if that doesn't help, perhaps
sudo chmod -R a+rw /Applications/

Can you run lilypond in the shell (

BTW jEdit/l...@mac:
I just don't like jEdit - horrible Java GUI... It fits neither Mac nor  
I mostly edit my sources in Smultron and compile in the shell - posted  
my runner script lately.
I used to use the late LilyPad (after my little donation it passed  
away), but mostly switched its auto-preview feature off, since it  
never catched just that state that I wanted to see.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: something like scorch for lilypond?

2010-09-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-09-21 um 08:50 schrieb Stefan Thomas:

can be done something similar to scorch-plugin by sibelius with  
lilypond? Perhaps in combination with lilypond-book and the beamer- 
class of latex?

You expect us to know Sibelius, Scorch and LaTeX-beamer all at once?
Please tell us what you want to achieve.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: something like scorch for lilypond?

2010-09-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-09-21 um 20:15 schrieb Stefan Thomas:

Dear Henning,
 Scorch is a plugin, ...

I could have found out of course with a short web search. I just  
wanted to point out that the OP should ask questions in a way that a  
helpful reader doesn't need to do a web search to understand the  

I really hate questions like "how can I achieve what Some-Other- 
Software does with your program" - on our ConTeXt mailing list it's  
usually "how can I do with ConTeXt exactly what Some-LaTeX-Package  
Hello, this is *not* a list on Sibelius or LaTeX or whatever, and this  
community normally works with *our* software of choice and won't know  
every other piece of code out there.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: something like scorch for lilypond?

2010-09-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-09-22 um 00:01 schrieb Marc E. Schonbrun:

It was a feature request. What's wrong with that?

Nothing, if it would have been one.
See the post by D’Arcy J.M. Cain.

I'll keep quiet now and leave the role I tried to Grumpy Graham - as  
someone who can't help a lot here, I'm not in the position of making  
snappy comments.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond on iPad

2010-09-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-09-28 um 10:32 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen:

I lost the original thread, but there was a posting recently about  
someone dreaming about an iPad music/score app using Lilypond. But  
the way Apple thinks about publishing and licensing 3rd party  
software does not match very well with GNU open source ideas.

If you mean a complete and usable LilyPond on the iPad, that's  
probably not really viable, see this report on porting TeX to the iPad  
(and LilyPond AFAIK works similar to TeX):
(Abstract: It's possible to run TeX, but typing is a pain, and due to  
Apple's restrictions file handling is very ugly, and you must close  
the app after every compile run.)

The other idea was AFAIR a MIDI player with note display - a  
completely different animal.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \chordmode chords jumping about on PDF using Mac OSX

2010-10-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-10-20 um 22:06 schrieb Valentin Villenave:

That is an awesome bug. I don't get the complaint about insane min  
spring distance, but I do get the jumping around. I wouldn't even  
know how to add this to the tracker. This also happens on 2.13.36,  
which is where I tested it.

Very odd. Can't reproduce on GNU/Linux, the PDF compiles just fine  

Can someone else reproduce it?

OSX 10.5.8 Intel here.

With 2.12.3  output is constant and all seems well.
With 2.13.31 output is constant, but the F chord is missing.
With 2.13.36 output is constant and all seems well.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
as far as I scanned the thread nobody analyzed the problem of the shifted 
umlaut diacritic.

You might look up „composed“ vs. „decomposed“ Unicode - e.g. OSX uses (or used 
to use in previous versions) decomposed Unicode, where always „composing“ 
diacritics are used, opposite to complete glyphs. (That caused me some headache 
when I read directory trees with a Python script and wrote TeX markup from it, 
while TeX didn’t understand composed Unicode glyphs. Of course Python’s Unicode 
handling can fix it, but you have to know about it.)

So, I guess some software on your way decomposed your umlauts, and your PDF 
viewer can’t cope with it - did you try another PDF viewer? Is the display the 
same on different OSs?
If it’s in all viewers, the problem may be again in your version of pango.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-19 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-01-17 um 14:56 schrieb Simon Bailey :

> somewhere in bouncing between OS X, linux and (seldom) windows, this
> umlaut became decomposed. or was entered decomposed. (I can't remember
> which computer i wrote _those_ lines of code on). Didn't really matter
> whether I was viewing the file on OS X (with preview) or evince on
> linux -- the umlaut was shifted and two squares, rather than 2 round
> dots over the U. sooo:

Ok, if it’s on all platforms, then it’s not a problem of decomposed Unicode, 
because some platforms can cope with it.

Would you send me your source file off-list, that I can have a look into it?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Off-topic: Automatically create rehearsal files from SATB midi file

2014-01-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-22 um 03:35 schrieb

> Federico Bruni:
>> 2014/1/21 Vaughan McAlley 
>>> On 20 January 2014 07:09, Colin Campbell  wrote:
>>>> \set Score.midiPanPosition = #RIGHT
>>>> \set Staff.midiPanPosition = #LEFT
>>> This is missing in the 2.18 changes, so I didn’t know about it until
>>> now. Very nice!
>> It's not even documented yet:

Good hints!
Can you explain the difference between Pan and Balance?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-23 um 20:35 schrieb Davide Liessi :

> The patch is now in MacPorts.

Great, it works again! Thank you (all of you) very much!

I have two little complaints with Frescobaldi on OSX, that didn’t change in all 
the versions I tried:

- If I start the program by opening a .ly file, Frescobaldi starts, but the 
file doesn’t open.

- There seems to be no keyboard shortcut to get to the end of the line, that’s 
very inconvenient. The „End“ key is going to the end of the file, as usual on 
Mac, but Cmd-Right (Meta-Right), the usual key for end of line, changes the 
tab. I didn’t look into the code yet - in the preferences I can’t change those 

Should I open two tickets?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-01-24 um 16:11 schrieb Davide Liessi :

> Dear Hraban,
> 2014/1/24 Henning Hraban Ramm :
>> - If I start the program by opening a .ly file, Frescobaldi starts, but the 
>> file doesn’t open.
> There was this problem in previous versions, but it should be solved
> in 2.0.13: on my machine I can either open a file with Open with... >
> Frescobaldi or double click on a file associated with Frescobaldi or
> drag and drop the file over Frescobaldi's icon in the dock and
> Frescobaldi starts correctly and opens the file.
> What happens exactly? What is the version you are using? Are you using
> the application bundle created by MacPorts?

If Frescobaldi already runs and I doubleclick a .ly file, it opens correctly.
But if FB is not yet running, it just starts, but doesn’t open the file.

The FB icon in Finder doesn’t accept any files, just in the dock. But if the 
app isn’t running, dragging on the dock icon just brings FB to front.

I use today’s MacPorts dev version on OSX 10.9.

Maybe these lines in the system log are related, I get them with every try to 

24.01.14 17:19:03,384[1]: (org.macports.rsyncd[31909]) Exited 
with code: 2
24.01.14 17:19:03,385[1]: (org.macports.rsyncd[31913]) 
open("/opt/local/var/log/rsyncd.log", ...): 2: No such file or directory
24.01.14 17:19:03,401 rsyncd[31915]: rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 
1) at clientserver.c(1056) [Receiver=3.0.9]
24.01.14 17:19:12,954 Finder[425]: [QL] Can't get plugin bundle info at 

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-24 um 15:54 schrieb Jacques Menu :

> Hello Hraban,
> I found that one: Ctrl-left/right arrow move the cursor to the beginning or 
> end of the current line.

On my machine these are set as „move one workspace to left/right“. 
Unfortunately you can’t re-map those keys, just disable. But since I can 
address the spaces also with ^1 ^2 ^3, disabling is feasible.
Thank you for the hint!
But I would appreciate default Mac editing keys in Frescobaldi anyway.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-25 um 07:21 schrieb Steve Noland :

> Dear Davide,
> I am using the latest MacPorts installation under MacOS 10.8.4., with the 
> latest stable LilyPond.   I am experiencing variable results.
> When I drag a file (as saved by LilyPond) to the Frescobaldi icon 
> in the dock, Frescobaldi opens and loads the file, but does not automatically 
> call LilyPond.

FB is not supposed to run LilyPond automatically at start.

> When I manually execute LilyPond, it runs to completion and the log displays 
> in Frescobaldi, but there is no display in the Music View.  Same if I load 
> the file into Frescobaldi via the File/Open dialog.  However, if I open 
> Frescobaldi empty, and load another .ly file (e.g.", it 
> compiles and displays in the Music View window.

This is a different error, related to the poppler library and QT4. The PDF view 
should work again if you re-install (or even just update all outdated ports).

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-01-25 um 00:20 schrieb Davide Liessi :

Dear Davide,

thank you for your effort!

>> If Frescobaldi already runs and I doubleclick a .ly file, it opens correctly.
>> But if FB is not yet running, it just starts, but doesn’t open the file.
> Your description is very similar to what used to happen.
> So either 10.9 needs something else to solve the problem or you are
> using an old application bundle.

No, I checked. Just uninstalled frescobaldi-devel, there was no application 
bundle left.
Cleaned the port and re-installed.

> If you enter the following line in the Terminal, does Frescobaldi open the 
> file?
> open -a /Applications/MacPorts/ /path/to/

No, it doesn’t - it starts but doesn’t open the file, as before. If FB is 
already running, it works.

A quick googling reveals no known argv emulation issues on Mavericks.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Semi-transparent color in Lilypond

2014-01-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-27 um 16:19 schrieb pls :

> please reply to the list!
> On 27.01.2014, at 09:59, Rupert Snook  wrote:
>> Thanks Patrick and Harm for the suggestions! These could work as 
>> workarounds, but still not exactly what I'm after. I'm looking for a color 
>> that has an opacity / transparency channel, and this channel could be set 
>> between 0% (fully transparent) and 100% (fully opaque). 
>> If that's not possible, maybe a work around could be to import a pre made 
>> graphic that was already semi-opaque.

Transparency is not possible in PostScript, but just in PDF - you can „inject“ 
it with pdfmarks, though. Maybe it would be possible to load a definition with 
a handwritten EPS.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-27 um 16:43 schrieb Eluze :

> David Kastrup wrote
>> Uh, this is awkward, but you do know that the LilyPond distribution
>> comes with a program called lilymidi which you can use like
>> lilymidi --pretty somefile.midi
>> in order to get a readable representation of a Midi file?
> but - at least here - it doesn't produce more than the help information

On my LilyPond 2.18.0 on OSX (Intel) 10.9 there’s a wrong MIDI library in 

$ lilymidi --pretty something.mid
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/music/", line 
250, in 
go ()
  File "/Applications/music/", line 
231, in go
midi_data = read_midi (midi_file)
  File "/Applications/music/", line 
67, in read_midi
import midi
 2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

 mach-o, but wrong architecture

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-01-27 um 18:58 schrieb Johan Vromans :

> David Kastrup  writes:
>> Ugh.  Can we collect feedback on the various platforms?  For me, stuff
>> works fine.  That would be Ubuntu 13.10 on i386.
> 2.16.0 works fine on Fedora 17.
> 2.18.0 gives

On OSX (Intel, 10.9) also 2.16.2 is broken:

$ LilyPond\ aeiou.mid 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./LilyPond", line 237, in 

go ()
  File "./LilyPond", line 218, in go
midi_data = read_midi (midi_file)
  File "./LilyPond", line 67, in 
import midi
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/music/LilyPond, 2): no 
suitable image found.  Did find:
/Applications/music/LilyPond mach-o, but 
wrong architecture

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using manually installed fonts on OSX

2014-03-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-03-03 um 04:27 schrieb Kevin Patrick Barry :

> I have installed a font on my system (Cardo) and would like my musical
> examples to use the same font as the document they will appear in.
> LilyPond, however, doesn't seem to recognise that the font exists on
> my system.  I can use it fine in LibreOffice, and XeTeX, and it
> appears in my font book, where it is a user-installed font. Perhaps
> that means it is kept somewhere that LilyPond isn't looking?
> ...
> Is there any way to get this font working in LilyPond?  It is a
> TrueType font. I am using OSX 10.9.2 and LilyPond 2.18.  A minimal
> example would be something like:
> \relative {
>  c_\markup { \override #'(font-name . "Cardo") text }
> }

Do you find an entry for Cardo in the list from 
lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x
Maybe it’s called Cardo-Regular or the like.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using manually installed fonts on OSX

2014-03-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-03-03 um 15:15 schrieb Kevin Patrick Barry :

>> Do you find an entry for Cardo in the list from
>> lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x
>> ?
>> Maybe it's called Cardo-Regular or the like.
> Cardo doesn't appear anywhere in the list, but I can use it just fine
> in other programs.
> I tried it today on my Ubuntu machine and experienced the same
> problem. I tried running fc-cache -f and then deleting the lilypond
> font cache, but even still it doesn't appear as an option. Also I
> can't find it anywhere on my machine, not in the usual folders
> (/usr/share/fonts, /usr/local/share/fonts, ~/.fonts - the last one
> doesn't even exist on my system), which makes me wonder where the
> system put it at all. Normal file searches yield nothing.

Ok, check your ~/.fonts.conf (might be also ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf), 
mine on OSX looks like this:


~/FontExplorer\ X/Font\ Library
/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Fonts

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: minor chords

2014-03-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
I wonder why the notation of minor as lowercase seems to be only known in 
German folk circles ...
(I’m glad I could nag some of you long enough to make it possible in LilyPond.)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The pleasantry of Lilyponding

2014-04-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-04-02 um 03:41 schrieb Nathan Ho :

> Complex contemporary scores are especially fun to engrave. I guess
> this explains why I sometimes typeset Brian Ferneyhough or George
> Crumb just to kill time.

Amazing. My patience doesn’t last so long, I’m happy with one or two song 
sheets :-)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Henle Music font

2014-09-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-09-07 um 03:44 schrieb Abraham Lee :

> On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Nicolai Pfeffer  
> wrote:
>> Hi Abraham!
>> I’m a clarinetist and music editor from Cologne, Germany and I’ve worked as 
>> an engraver for some of the major German publishing houses. I highly 
>> appreciate your effort of creating a Henle-like music font for public use. 
>> Since I presume that their current fonts are all copyrighted it might be 
>> best to imitate the old font from the Würzburg Stürtz engraving company. 
> Thank you for the information! Yeah, I think we don't want to imitate the 
> current Henle font for the reasons you describe. Sounds like you have quite a 
> lot of experience with Henle. I look forward to your feedback in the future!

At least in most of Europe and the USA there’s no copyright on the look of 
fonts at all, just sometimes a trademark on the name. That’s why there exist so 
much clones under different names.

The rationale behind the „missing“ copyright is somewhat complicated (I 
previously explained it at least once on this list), but it goes like „if it 
would be a work of art, then you could not easily read it“ (so it might apply 
for extraordinary titling fonts).

The 1973 "Vienna Agreement for the Protection of Type Faces and their 
International Deposit“ should solve the legal problem but was never ratified.

On the other hand in the EU there is a 3-year-copyright on newly published 

In the UK and some other legislations there exists a copyright on „sweat of the 
brow“, that is valid for fonts (but lasts only 25 years), plus a copyright on 
the design of books (typographical arrangement of published editions).

In Germany there’s also no copyright on the design of sheet music or notes (but 
of course on the edition of a piece), even if some publishers claim it.

German Wikipedia:
English Wikipedia (not so extensive):


Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: postscript point

2014-09-11 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-09-11 um 16:44 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen :

> But my question is about something else. Reading NR 5.4.3 (Lilypond 2.18) I 
> read: "points, 1/72.27 of an inch"
> I have always learnt that a postscript point is defined as exactly 1/72 of an 
> inch. Where does the (small) difference come from?

LilyPond, like TeX, uses traditional Didot points. Didn’t check, but you get PS 
points probably with \bp (big point).
Some of the few remnants of LilyPond’s previous TeX dependency.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with PDF/A-1b?

2014-10-15 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-10-15 um 08:26 schrieb Vaughan McAlley :

> I want to try to produce PDF/A-1b files from Lilypond to submit to the 
> Australian Music Centre ( It looks like it 
> would be possible to do this by exporting to Postscript and using Ghostscript:
> Has anyone done this and have any tips or pitfalls before I start on this 
> journey myself?

The only thing missing in LilyPond’s PDF files is the XMP metadata mark of 
PDF/A-1(b). Every other requirement is fulfilled, as soon as you disable links.
#(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click))

The reasons they give against „regular“ PDFs are not valid, at least for 
LilyPond’s PDFs - I guess they experienced some really bad data (maybe scanned 
scores in PDFs, but even that wouldn’t require printing and re-scanning). 
Probably they just don’t know what they’re talking about - I had similar 
nonsensical requirements from several printshops.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with PDF/A-1b?

2014-10-15 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-10-15 um 19:10 schrieb James :

>> The reasons they give against „regular“ PDFs are not valid, at least for 
>> LilyPond’s PDFs - I guess they experienced some really bad data (maybe 
>> scanned scores in PDFs, but even that wouldn’t require printing and 
>> re-scanning). Probably they just don’t know what they’re talking about - I 
>> had similar nonsensical requirements from several printshops.
> Some printshop's pre-press setting equipment/software can be very specific 
> when having to deal with PostScript files (including PDFs) and outputting 
> them to plate or film. That's not the fault of the print shops (they are not 
> 'computer' literate as such usually, but know what a PDF file is).
> That's not to say it will be an issue, but it won't hurt to ask why they ask 
> for such specific requirements and glean if it is because they are told to or 
> that is what they always require (which usually indicates the pre-process 
> software they use will check (for whatever it checks for) when processing the 
> files) or if there is a technical issue they can tell you.
> I cannot speak for all print shops but have had experience with malformed PS 
> files in the past when I used to work at a 'printshop'. It can cost a lot of 
> money if a file is processed and the material that comes out at the other end 
> is garbage - aluminium plates or film costs a lot of money for them and their 
> margins are small enough as it is, assuming they are litho printing than just 
> 'laser printing' (even so the ink still costs them money).

Hi James,
of course not every printshop is incompetent. But I’m a printing engineer who 
knows the PDF specs as well as their application in prepress. I used to work in 
printshops and prepress agencies most of my professional life (now 
self-employed), and often had to prepare data for the printshops that my 
customers chose. A big one e.g. requested PDFs as single pages with all text 
transformed to curves, others didn’t want bleed or didn’t manage to keep 100% 
size (because they "printed" to film using Acrobat’s page size adaption), color 
management is over the head of most (I know it’s difficult, but you can’t avoid 
professional knowledge forever) etc. And "of course" they don’t understand the 
error messages of their workflow software … :-(

I stop here since it’s off topic on this list, besides ranting doesn’t help 
anyone ;-)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with PDF/A-1b?

2014-10-15 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2014-10-16 um 01:24 schrieb Noeck :

>> The only thing missing in LilyPond’s PDF files is the XMP metadata mark of 
>> PDF/A-1(b).
> Would it be much work to implement that?
> LilyPond seems to write file metadata like the title. The format is
> PDF-1.4, for example.

It’s a different kind of metadata, in XMP format.

Of course LilyPond *could* embed that, but I don’t think it would make sense, 
since LilyPond can’t ensure that the PDF really complies to any standard (PDF/X 
would be another interesting one). E.g. you could embed any custom PostScript 
code or EPS pictures that totally break standards compliance. Also, LilyPond 
defines colors as device dependent, that means, black is only defined as being 
black, without a color profile or output intent. (Please read up on the basics 
of color management, if you’d like to know more.)

If you need to deliver a standard, you must be able to check on it and maybe 
enforce it, e.g. using Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I just checked a PDF from LilyPond 2.18.2:
* The color definition is device dependent. As long as you only use black, 
that’s no real problem, but violates the PDF/A (and PDF/X) requirements.
* XMP metadata is missing, but LilyPond sets an author in the „general“ 
metadata, that also violates PDF/A.
* There’s a tiny error in PDF code, a missing EOL marker. I guess that’s a 
GhostScript issue that hurts nobody, but the standard.

Acrobat can fix that automatically, you must just decide on a suitable color 
profile. If I save as PDF/A-1b, file size grows from 51 kb to 559 kB (due to 
the embedding of a color profile).

So, to support one of the standards, LilyPond would need to embed XMP metadata 
and color profiles that most of its users won’t need and that blow up the file 
size. Additionally, you’d need to decide which color profile (output intent) to 
use, any default would be wrong for some users, e.g. most office printers would 
prefer a sRGB profile, but some would make your black a grey due to conversion; 
for offset printing you probably need an „uncoated“ profile (matte paper), but 
the standards differ at least between Europe (FOGRA) and the USA (SWOP?). 
The few people who depend on a special PDF standard should be able to care for 
that themselves or employ someone who knows.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Feedback Request for Music Fonts

2014-10-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2014-10-20 um 23:02 schrieb Abraham Lee :

> Personally, I agree with your comment about LilyJAZZ. While there is a 
> certain personality behind it, I don't think I'd use it for a large score. 
> However, I think there are lots of people who would, so that's cool! I've got 
> another font done that looks more like a hand-copyist style--very consistent, 
> not extravagant or embellished like LilyJAZZ, designed for clarity. I've 
> attached a small sample image to give you a taste of what I mean :) Any true 
> hand-copyists out there?

Hey, that’s a good one!
I saw no reason to replace Emmentaler, but I might use this new hand font, it 
fits my songbooks. (Nalada, is it?)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Produce just a small png file

2010-11-19 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-11-19 um 09:00 schrieb -Eluze:

This works:
lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts --png

But eps backend still makes useless .tex and .texi files.
And the PNG has an opaque background.
In my wrapper script I make PDF, MID and PNG with one LilyPond call:

lilypond -dmidi-extension=mid -fpdf -fpng -dresolution=116 -djob- 

... and use ImageMagick to get a transparent background (becomes a bit  
blurred, though):;a=blob_plain;;hb=master

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: My Lilypond Chart Template

2010-12-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-11-29 um 22:15 schrieb hsweet:

This is a template I've been slowly evolving to use for charts for  
my band.

As a bit of inspiration, these are my templates:;a=tree is the one I actually use, most settings are in was the previous version.
These are commented only in German. is nearly the same as, but with  
comments in English.

In contrary/addition to yours...
- separate scores for print and MIDI, to be able to influence them  
independently (e.g. unfoldRepeats and dynamics)

- lyrics of all verses in two columns
- different structure

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

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