Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Paul Hodges
Is LilyPond installed with administrative rights?  That's a common reason for 
drag and drop not to work (it's forbidden in that case).


 From:   Ben Eisenstein  
 Sent:   03/07/2022 23:48 
 Subject:   Lilypond not generating PDF 

I installed Lilypond pn Windows 10. I followed the intstructions   of 
updating the path. Then I put the file on the desktop.   Then 
placed it's icon over the Lilypond icon. 
Two files were created: test and test-tmp-9972888, 
This is the content of test:
# -*-compilation-*-
 Processing `C:/Users/Ben/Desktop/'
 Interpreting music...
 Preprocessing graphical objects...
 Finding the ideal number of pages...
 Fitting music on 1 page...
 Drawing systems...
 Converting to `/Users/Ben/Desktop/test.pdf'...
The tst-temp file starts with:
 %%Creator: LilyPond 2.22.1
 %%Pages: 1
 %%PageOrder: Ascend
 %%Orientation: Portrait
 %%DocumentMedia: a4 595.28 841.89 80 () ()
 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font C059-Bold
 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font C059-Roman
 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Emmentaler-20
Any ideas as to what could be wrong? 

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Andrew Bernard
I do know know how to _not_ install it with admin rights as the sole 
user, me, has admin permissions. I don't see that one should have to 
make a non admin user for LilyPond, and if so, why is it not in the 
basic instructions? It is not mentioned as far as I can see.


Paul Hodges wrote on 4/07/2022 5:46 PM:
Is LilyPond installed with administrative rights?  That's a common 
reason for drag and drop not to work (it's forbidden in that case).

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 04/07/2022 à 10:26, Andrew Bernard a écrit :
I do know know how to _not_ install it with admin rights as the sole 
user, me, has admin permissions. I don't see that one should have to 
make a non admin user for LilyPond, and if so, why is it not in the 
basic instructions? It is not mentioned as far as I can see.

About amending the basic instructions, it's become moot anyway, because 
in 2.23 we don't provide an 'app', just binaries that you can use on the 
terminal or from an editor like Frescobaldi.

Even in 2.22, I would strongly recommend not using drag-and-drop, which 
is inconvenient, but Frescobaldi.


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Andrew Bernard
I'm only doing this ion behalf of the OP. But I'm sure he'd agree with 
me that this is confusing, as one normally expects basic initial 
instructions to have been tested and work. Especially since this is the 
Stable Release.

I see from searching that the issue is with elevated and non elevated 
permissions. OK. But this is pretty fundamental isn't it?


Jean Abou Samra wrote on 4/07/2022 6:43 PM:
About amending the basic instructions, it's become moot anyway, 
because in 2.23 we don't provide an 'app', just binaries that you can 
use on the terminal or from an editor like Frescobaldi.

Even in 2.22, I would strongly recommend not using drag-and-drop, 
which is inconvenient, but Frescobaldi.

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 04/07/2022 à 10:50, Andrew Bernard a écrit :
I'm only doing this ion behalf of the OP. But I'm sure he'd agree with 
me that this is confusing, as one normally expects basic initial 
instructions to have been tested and work. Especially since this is 
the Stable Release.

The LilyPad app was suffering from multiple issues in addition to being 
too minimalistic to be usable, and that is why it has been dropped in 2.23.

I see from searching that the issue is with elevated and non elevated 
permissions. OK. But this is pretty fundamental isn't it?

Speaking for myself, it's the first time I hear about it (or I do not 
remember the previous discussions). Re "this is pretty fundamental": 
what conclusion do you draw from it? Keeping things working for 
different systems is just a lot of effort. Do you volunteer to go update 
the installation instructions for the new binaries 
( and test them on 
Linux + macOS + Windows? That would be very welcome (no irony intended).


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Paul Hodges
Still can't get it right!  



 From:   Paul Hodges  
 To:   lilypond-user  
 Sent:   04/07/2022 14:13 
 Subject:   Re: Lilypond not generating PDF 

From:   Andrew Bernard  

I do know know how to _not_ install it with admin rights as the sole  
user, me, has admin permissions.

Sorry, I expressed it loosely.  As you determined, the issue is specifically 
Extended Permissions - which, however, are selected in Windows with the menu 
item "Run as Administrator" (even if you are already administrator).


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Paul Hodges

From:   Andrew Bernard  

I do know know how to _not_ install it with admin rights as the sole  
user, me, has admin permissions.

Sorry, I expressed it loosely.  As you determined, the issue is specifically 
Extended Permissions - which, however, are selected in Windows with the menu 
item "Run as Administrator" (even if you are already administrator).


Re: Multimeasure rest shape and polymeter

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 04/07/2022 à 06:20, Adam M. Griggs a écrit :

Hello list,

\enablePolymeter seems to be messing with multimeasure rests. In
particular, MM rests with the shape of a breve rest are being rendered
as semibreve MM rests. Please see the following code:

\version "2.23.10"

music =
\time 2/2
\time 3/1
\time 2/2

\new Staff
{ \skip 1*3 <> ^ "as expected" }
\layout {}

\new Staff
<> ^ "\enablePolymeter"
{ \skip 1*3 <> ^ "semibreve rests" }
\layout { \enablePolymeter }

Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you.

I agree that it's a bug. I've filed

See there for a possible workaround.


Re: question concerning arranger tool

2022-07-04 Thread Gilles Thibault

Le 2022-06-20 14:12, Stefan Thomas a écrit :

Dear community,
I try to understand more of the arranger tool, have a look at
Could someone give an instructional example, what the functions 

can do and how it works?
I generally think taht there should be more examples in the docs. I'm
willing to help in this regard but therefore I sould understand a bit 

of the staff.

Sorry one again to answer so late.

copy-out :

- An instrument 'instru has a section of his music (for ex from bar 11 
to bar 19) that comes back several times.

  (copy-out 'instru 11 19 40 60 80)

=> the section 11-19 is copied to bar 40 then to bar 60 then to bar 80.

- If all instrument of your score have their section 11-19 repeated :

   all = #'(fl1 fl2 oboe1 oboe2 cl1 cl2 ..)

   (copy-out all 11 19 40 60 80)

=> the section 11-19 of each instrument is copied to bar 40, 60, 80

- If a piece of music has a section repeated but transposed to a fifth 
higher for example, you have to use (copy-out-with-func func) instead :

  (let ((5th (set-transp 0 4 0))) ; 4 notes above = a fith
((copy-out-with-func 5th) all 1 20 80))

=> the section 1-20 of each instrument is copied to bar 80 but 
transposed a fifth higher.

Hope that helps.


Another midi issue

2022-07-04 Thread Omer Katzir
For some reason I can’t generate pdf and midi at the same time, I must % the 
midi block or it won’t generate the pdf file. I got it working on other file 
similar to this one, but I can’t find out why it won’t do the same with the 
current one. I know it’s a lame question but I looked into the documentation 
and couldn’t find the right answer. 

All your help is appreciated.

Omer Katzir


\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = “"
  subsubtitle = “"
  composer = "Omer Katzir"
  tagline = "Omer Katzir";

upper = \relative c' {
  \time 3/4
  \tempo 4 = 96 
  \key c \major

A a a a a 


lower = \relative c {
  \key c \major
C c c c c c 

\score { 
\new StaffGroup = "tab with traditional" <<
  \new Staff = "guitar traditional" <<
\clef "treble_8"
\context Voice = "upper" \upper
\context Voice = "lower" \lower
  \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
\context TabVoice = "upper" \upper
\context TabVoice = "lower" \lower
\midi { }

Re: Another midi issue

2022-07-04 Thread Knute Snortum
If you include the \midi {} block in your \score, you must also include a
\layout {} to get a PDF.

Knute Snortum

On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 9:54 AM Omer Katzir  wrote:

> For some reason I can’t generate pdf and midi at the same time, I must %
> the midi block or it won’t generate the pdf file. I got it working on other
> file similar to this one, but I can’t find out why it won’t do the same
> with the current one. I know it’s a lame question but I looked into the
> documentation and couldn’t find the right answer.
> All your help is appreciated.
> Omer Katzir
> %%%
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header {
>   title = “"
>   subsubtitle = “"
>   composer = "Omer Katzir"
>   tagline = "Omer Katzir";
> }
> upper = \relative c' {
>   \time 3/4
>   \tempo 4 = 96
>   \key c \major
>   \voiceOne
> A a a a a
> }
> lower = \relative c {
>   \key c \major
>   \voiceTwo
> C c c c c c
> }
> \score {
>   <<
> \new StaffGroup = "tab with traditional" <<
>   \new Staff = "guitar traditional" <<
> \clef "treble_8"
> \context Voice = "upper" \upper
> \context Voice = "lower" \lower
>   >>
>   \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
> \context TabVoice = "upper" \upper
> \context TabVoice = "lower" \lower
>   >>
> >>
>   >>
> \midi { }
> }

Re: filter the nth note

2022-07-04 Thread Gilles Thibault

Le 2022-06-19 10:58, Stefan Thomas a écrit :

allNotes= { c'8 g' e' g' d' g' f' g' c' g' e' g'   }
someNotes = { c' d' c' }
In other words: I would like to filter out every 4th note of allNotes, 

that I could do in combination with changePitch (see 

patI = { c8 r r4 }
someNotes =  { \cPI { \someNotes s } }
Thanks for Your help,

"" provides a special function to play with the order of 
notes in a sequential music : tweak-notes-seq

(see page 25 of )
You just need here a little trick :

\version "2.22.0"
\include ""

global = { \time 2/4 s2*8 }
#(init '(instru))


allNotes= { c'8 g' e' g'
d' g' f' g'
c' g' e' g' }

#(define (note->skip note) ; the trick function for tweak-notes-seq
"Transforms any music to a single skip"
   (make-music 'SkipEvent))

someNotes = #(tweak-notes-seq `(1 ,(cons 4 note->skip))

patI = { c8 r r4 }
#(rm 'instru 1 (cp1 someNotes))  % cp1 = cp patI = \changePitch \patI

\new Staff { << \global \instru >> }

%% =>  { c' r8 r4
%%   d' r8 r4
%%   c' r8 r4 }

explanation :
  (tweak-notes-seq '(1 4) allNotes) would make a sequential music,
 taking from allNotes the following notes :
   1st 4th 5th 8th 9th 12th...
  (tweak-notes-seq `(1 ,(cons 4 note->skip)) allNotes) do the same
 but note 4,8,12 etc are transformed into a skip
  a skip for changePitch means "skip the current pattern note and go
  to the next note (or here return to the beginning of the pattern)"

  The number 4 is needed to let tweak-notes-seq knowing the length of 
the loop

Gilles (trying to make up for lost time)

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-04 1:50 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:

I see from searching that the issue is with elevated and non elevated

Where do you see this?  Drag-and-drop is a simple feature of the Windows 
shell that should require no special permission.

What are the details of the LilyPond shortcut on the desktop?  Which 
executable does it reference?  Does it specify any additional arguments? 
 What is the start directory?  etc.

For additional diagnostics and troubleshooting, I would recommend 
reviewing the behavior logged by Process Monitor [1] (from 
Sysinternals).  In particular, take note of any errors originating from 
LilyPond or its child processes.


-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Paul Hodges
Blocking dropping onto elevated targets from a non-elevated desktop has been a 
security feature of UAC since it was introduced a decade and a half ago.  You 
can remove the restriction by running with UAC turned off, which the 
security-minded will of course advise you not to do, and many people have no 
clue about anyway (it is, however, the way I run my machine, because I choose 
how to control my security myself).

Alternatively, you can get a third-party file manager, run it with elevated 
permissions, and then drop and drop within it - but you can't elevate Windows 
Explorer to try to get the same effect.


 From:   Aaron Hill  

On 2022-07-04 1:50 am, Andrew Bernard wrote: 
> I see from searching that the issue is with elevated and non elevated 
> permissions. 
Where do you see this?  Drag-and-drop is a simple feature of the Windows  
shell that should require no special permission. 

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread David Wright
On Mon 04 Jul 2022 at 23:03:14 (+0100), Paul Hodges wrote:
>  From:   Aaron Hill  
> > On 2022-07-04 1:50 am, Andrew Bernard wrote: 
> > > I see from searching that the issue is with elevated and non elevated 
> > > permissions. 
> >  
> > Where do you see this?  Drag-and-drop is a simple feature of the Windows  
> > shell that should require no special permission. 
> Blocking dropping onto elevated targets from a non-elevated desktop has been 
> a security feature of UAC since it was introduced a decade and a half ago.  
> You can remove the restriction by running with UAC turned off, which the 
> security-minded will of course advise you not to do, and many people have no 
> clue about anyway (it is, however, the way I run my machine, because I choose 
> how to control my security myself).
> Alternatively, you can get a third-party file manager, run it with elevated 
> permissions, and then drop and drop within it - but you can't elevate Windows 
> Explorer to try to get the same effect.

This, and workarounds, is discussed here, but I'm not a Windows user
so I can't comment on its accuracy:


error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Thomas Morley
Currently I'm doing some huge scheme-coding.

Again and again I get error messages like:

$ lilydevel
GNU LilyPond 2.23.9 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `'
Parsing...srfi/srfi-1.scm:432:2: In procedure last:
In procedure car: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting pair): ()

This is a SHITTY message!
For now I switch back to a guile-1 version where I get:

$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.22.1
Processing `'
Parsing./ In procedure last in
expression (map last v-r-m-elts-raw):
../ Wrong type argument in position 1
(expecting pair): ()

That's an error message, helpful and pointing to the problem.

Alas, it's easy to predict I'll use features not available in older versions.
What to do then?

Looking through srfi/srfi-1.scm? Ok, bullshit. (statement just for fun LOL)
Looking through hundreds of code lines?
Really? Even using advanced searching features ...

Any hope it will improve?


Re: error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

On 7/5/22 00:22, Thomas Morley wrote:

Currently I'm doing some huge scheme-coding.

Again and again I get error messages like:

$ lilydevel
GNU LilyPond 2.23.9 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `'
Parsing...srfi/srfi-1.scm:432:2: In procedure last:
In procedure car: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting pair): ()

This is a SHITTY message!

Agreed, I've been annoyed by this too. We have a real problem

For now I switch back to a guile-1 version where I get:

$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.22.1
Processing `'
Parsing./ In procedure last in
expression (map last v-r-m-elts-raw):
../ Wrong type argument in position 1
(expecting pair): ()

That's an error message, helpful and pointing to the problem.

Alas, it's easy to predict I'll use features not available in older versions.
What to do then?

Looking through srfi/srfi-1.scm? Ok, bullshit. (statement just for fun LOL)
Looking through hundreds of code lines?
Really? Even using advanced searching features ...

Any hope it will improve?

Yes. We should be using compile rather than primitive-eval to run Scheme
code. But before that we need to check the performance impact, and
possibly that will reveal we need to hide it behind an option. And we
need to check that this behaves the same w.r.t. modules, which are a
complicated grey area that also changed in Guile 2. And to find a way
to have line numbers make sense; last time I looked, the Overlay_string_port
hack didn't work anymore for some reason.

In short: there's a fair bit of work to be done. The problem is actually
tracked in


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-04 3:03 pm, Paul Hodges wrote:

Blocking dropping onto elevated targets from a non-elevated desktop
has been a security feature of UAC since it was introduced a decade
and a half ago.

You can remove the restriction by running with UAC
turned off, which the security-minded will of course advise you not to
do, and many people have no clue about anyway (it is, however, the way
I run my machine, because I choose how to control my security myself).

Alternatively, you can get a third-party file manager, run it with
elevated permissions, and then drop and drop within it - but you can't
elevate Windows Explorer to try to get the same effect.

LilyPond does not require nor does it request elevation.

The UAC limitation you refer to is irrelevant, as that only concerns 
cross-application behavior where one process has a lower privilege 
level.  There would be no such problem when you are dragging and 
dropping files within the shell itself, as would be the case when 
dropping onto a desktop shortcut.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 00:34 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra :

I just detected I can't compile my code with 2.22. any more, due to
the internal changes in \repeat volta.
Ofcourse it could have been any other change as well.
Should I code for both lily-versions, just to get helpful error
messages? Well, no, thanks.

> We have a real problem here.

You are a master of understatement.

Does it help to use master, not byte-compiled?
Could check myself, to tired now, though.


Re: error handling

2022-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

On 7/5/22 01:10, Thomas Morley wrote:

Am Di., 5. Juli 2022 um 00:34 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra :

I just detected I can't compile my code with 2.22. any more, due to
the internal changes in \repeat volta.
Ofcourse it could have been any other change as well.
Should I code for both lily-versions, just to get helpful error
messages? Well, no, thanks.

We have a real problem here.

You are a master of understatement.

I sense the long coding day behind this sentence ... :)

Does it help to use master, not byte-compiled?

Short answer: no.

Slightly less short answer: what matters is the way LilyPond executes
the code in the file, not the way it executes its internal code.
Also, bytecode is precisely what gives you the error locations.

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Andrew Bernard
I'm sorry, I don't understand this. Dragging on the desktop to 
the LilyPond icon on the desktop fails to produce the PDF output. Both 
on Windows 10 and 11.

What I also completely fail to understand is given that this has 
apparently never worked, why the instructions for 2.22 stable release 
say to do this, and that people are advised explicitly to choose the 
stable release if they want, well, stability and presumably correct 

Now it's all very well saying the new version has dropped the app 
because it was limited, but it was good enough for a very long time, an 
also, obviously, this is not mentioned in the manual for the stable release.

Are we still updating 2.22? Can I volunteer to remove that section from 
the installation page?

To a large extent I don't care. I don't use Windows for LilyPond. But I 
am sure there are many who do. It's a bad UX to have the first steps in 
the instructions fail. It's enough for people to remove the program 
right away, if that's the opening overture.

As to using a different file manager, well the whole point is that this 
is a problem on the desktop, and it's convenient to have working files 
on the desktop for quick and easy access.


Aaron Hill wrote on 5/07/2022 8:41 AM:

The UAC limitation you refer to is irrelevant, as that only concerns 
cross-application behavior where one process has a lower privilege 
level.  There would be no such problem when you are dragging and 
dropping files within the shell itself, as would be the case when 
dropping onto a desktop shortcut.

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Ben Eisenstein
I was finally able to get a PDF. I had to run command shell in 
administrative mode. Then switch to the directory the test file was in. 
I was then able to run

Thank you for the clue that it was a permissions issue.

I would suggest changing the Windows instructions or at least indicate 
that it should be run in command shell at the elevated level. But if 
this is all going to change in the next release, then maybe not worth 
the effort.


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Andrew Bernard

The question, when will 2.22 be replaced? Not soon?

I have volunteered to update the instructions, if I am allowed.

I run XYplorer. It's a great file explorer program, (paid). Running that 
as administrator drag and drop works.

But in the process I found out that some links do not show up. I 
searched and found something I did not know and I suspect most people do 
not know. The Windows user desktop is a merged view of two desktop folders:


The LilyPond link goes in the Public desktop.

Why Microsoft does this I have no idea.


Ben Eisenstein wrote on 5/07/2022 10:19 AM:
I was finally able to get a PDF. I had to run command shell in 
administrative mode. Then switch to the directory the test file was 
in. I was then able to run

Thank you for the clue that it was a permissions issue.

I would suggest changing the Windows instructions or at least indicate 
that it should be run in command shell at the elevated level. But if 
this is all going to change in the next release, then maybe not worth 
the effort.


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-04 5:07 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't understand this. Dragging on the desktop to
the LilyPond icon on the desktop fails to produce the PDF output. Both
on Windows 10 and 11.

That is a different issue than the UAC drag-and-drop limitation that was 
mentioned.  Elevated permissions is almost certainly a red herring, and 
something bigger is likely being masked.

I will take a look and see what is going on.  Just give me some time, as 
I will need to set up a test environment first.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-04 5:49 pm, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2022-07-04 5:07 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't understand this. Dragging on the desktop to
the LilyPond icon on the desktop fails to produce the PDF output. Both
on Windows 10 and 11.

That is a different issue than the UAC drag-and-drop limitation that
was mentioned.  Elevated permissions is almost certainly a red
herring, and something bigger is likely being masked.

I will take a look and see what is going on.  Just give me some time,
as I will need to set up a test environment first.

As expected, elevation is masking an underlying issue.

The desktop shortcut is wrong.  It specifies a start directory of 
"C:\Users\Public\Desktop" which is coincidently the location in which 
the shortcut is created.  The public desktop is a special directory 
transparently replicated to all individual user desktops.  By design, it 
does not offer write permission to users.

LilyPond is failing to compile because it attempts to create a temporary 
file at that location.  Open question: Why is LilyPond not using the 
%TEMP% directory for such things?

Leaving the start directory field blank within the shortcut appears to 
fix things.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Andrew Bernard
We are getting to the nub of it. When you save the file you have 
to save it to C:\Users\\Desktop not the default which is 
C:\Users\Public\Desktop. And make the start directory in the link 
C:\Users\\Desktop (making it blank did not work for me).


Re: Lilypond not generating PDF

2022-07-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2022-07-04 8:03 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote:

We are getting to the nub of it. When you save the file you
have to save it to C:\Users\\Desktop not the default which is
C:\Users\Public\Desktop. And make the start directory in the link
C:\Users\\Desktop [...]

Nothing should ever be defaulting to the public desktop.  Under normal 
operation, that folder will not have write permissions.  In fact, it 
should be a hidden folder and not normally visible.

Since users are able to remap their profile directory, a path like 
%userprofile%\Desktop would be better, however users with OneDrive 
enabled would find their desktop at %userprofile%\OneDrive\Desktop.

(making it blank did not work for me)

When I drag-and-drop a file onto a shortcut without a start directory, 
the current directory is getting set based on the file being dragged.  I 
see the same behavior when dropping onto the target program itself.

-- Aaron Hill