Le 2022-06-20 14:12, Stefan Thomas a écrit :
Dear community,
I try to understand more of the arranger tool, have a look at
Could someone give an instructional example, what the functions
can do and how it works?
I generally think taht there should be more examples in the docs. I'm
willing to help in this regard but therefore I sould understand a bit
of the staff.
Sorry one again to answer so late.
copy-out :
- An instrument 'instru has a section of his music (for ex from bar 11
to bar 19) that comes back several times.
(copy-out 'instru 11 19 40 60 80)
=> the section 11-19 is copied to bar 40 then to bar 60 then to bar 80.
- If all instrument of your score have their section 11-19 repeated :
all = #'(fl1 fl2 oboe1 oboe2 cl1 cl2 ......)
(copy-out all 11 19 40 60 80)
=> the section 11-19 of each instrument is copied to bar 40, 60, 80
- If a piece of music has a section repeated but transposed to a fifth
higher for example, you have to use (copy-out-with-func func) instead :
(let ((5th (set-transp 0 4 0))) ; 4 notes above = a fith
((copy-out-with-func 5th) all 1 20 80))
=> the section 1-20 of each instrument is copied to bar 80 but
transposed a fifth higher.
Hope that helps.