audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Jimmy Wilkinson
I’d like to hear a metronome in the MIDI file generated by Lilypond. The best 
thing I can think of is to add a new voice that plays some high short note at 
the beginning of each beat. I’m hoping that there’s a better (easier?) way that 
I haven’t found.  It’d be nice if I could just ask Lilypond to do that and have 
it affect only the MIDI file and not show in the printed score.


Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:51 AM Kenneth Wolcott 

> Hi;
>   I'm looking at the Notation Reference regarding \compressMMRests.
>   I see "R2.*2" (I want 3 bars, cool).
>   I tried "R2.*3", which does not generate a single rest, but a pair of
> rests.
>   I tried "R1*3/4*3", but it generates the same two rests.
>  I have four screenshots attached:
> the first two are to show the problem specifically;
> the second two are the complete original file abd my engraving (so far);
> The fifth is my Lilypond code (so far).
> Code snippet:
>   \compressMMRests { R1*3/4*3 }
>   This is not what the manual shows.
>   What am I doing wrong?
>   Using Lilypond 2.22.2, MacOS, homebrew.
> Thanks,
> Ken Wolcott

Re: audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Hans Aikema

> On 27 Apr 2022, at 09:06, Jimmy Wilkinson  wrote:
> I’d like to hear a metronome in the MIDI file generated by Lilypond. The best 
> thing I can think of is to add a new voice that plays some high short note at 
> the beginning of each beat. I’m hoping that there’s a better (easier?) way 
> that I haven’t found.  It’d be nice if I could just ask Lilypond to do that 
> and have it affect only the MIDI file and not show in the printed score.
> thanks


The typical solution for that is an additional drum staff with high- and low 
woodblocks in parallel to the actual music as shown in a snippet of the snippet 

Its source code ( 
) also shows (in the comments) how 
to make that drum staff only appear in the MIDI and not in the printed sheet by 
using a tag for the ‘midiOnly’ drum staff

In my use I typically work with transferring final arrangements into lilypond 
code so that I know the bar-counts, so I don’t use the makeUnfold function 
defined in that snippet but just use \repeat \unfold as referenced in the 

Kind regards,

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 27/04/2022 à 07:57, Freeman Gilmore a écrit :

What reference manual should I use to write guile 2 for LilyPond?
Thank you, ƒg

All Guile manuals are here:

The one for Guile 2 is listed as "Guile 2.2 (the old stable release 


Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread David Kastrup
Freeman Gilmore  writes:

> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
>> > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?
>> The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
>> apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
>> would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
> Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.  I know that the source code
> (binary) is usually the same for all but I have never worked with
> source code for LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers
> and testers will generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5
> binaries listed below, *Note, the colon should be a period;* and make
> it look like it is not the header for a listing.  I may not b the only
> dummy out there!.

I don't understand what you are saying here and you write things like
"source code (binary)" that make pretty clear that we are still talking
about entirely different things.  So I repeat my question: what would
your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?

David Kastrup

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Tim's Bitstream

> On Apr 26, 2022, at 9:32 PM, Freeman Gilmore  
> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
>> > On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 3:50 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.8. This is termed
>> >> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
>> >> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
>> >> 2.22.2 version.
>> >>
>> >> In this release, dropping Guile 1.8 support has finally become possible
>> >> also for our sources. We'd like to dedicate this release to Ian Hulin
>> >> who was one of the first systematically working on our numerous
>> >> roadblocks for Guile 2 migration after tackling a few other high-level
>> >> problems. In the time spans where his health permitted it, he was able
>> >> to significantly reduce the amount of remaining problems for the Guile 2
>> >> migration after having started working on them in 2010, making the goal
>> >> that we finally reached now more tangible for others to work on after he
>> >> left us in 2015.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> David Kastrup
>> >>
>> >
>> > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?
>> The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
>> apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
>> would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
>> -- 
>> David Kastrup
> Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.   I know that the source code  
> (binary) is usually the same for all but I have never worked with source code 
>  for LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers and testers will 
> generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5 binaries listed below,  
>  Note, the colon should be a period; and make it look like it is not the 
> header for a listing.   I may not b the only dummy out there!.
> Thank you, ƒg

This sounds like a conversation at cross purposes. 

If you want to compile your own binary from source code, download the source 
code and follow the instructions that you will find in the directory (folder in 
Mac terms, don't know which language Windows uses).  

If you just want to install a working application, then download and install 
the appropriate one of the precompiled ones from that list.  This is what I do 
because it is just a lot simpler.I haven't compiled from source in years 
since somebody else volunteers to do that for use with my system.

Linguistically the colon looks fine to me, since it indicates "use one of the 

Hope this helps!

Re: Very large score (for benchmarking purposes)

2022-04-27 Thread Masaki, Akikazu

First sorry to say, I have no score you want.

Processing time remarkably depends on its environment, hardware
performance for example.  However, the time seems to be directly
proportional to "Grob count", which is output with --loglevel=DEBUG.

In a real case I measured, it took 21 seconds to compile a symphonic
piece. (single \score, 236943 grobs)
Your need is larger than six times of that on similar environment.
So I guess you're looking for something like a continuous score of
whole pieces of Orff's Carmina Burana...


On 2022/04/20 8:19, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Hi there,

By any chance, would anybody have a very large score to hand (say,
something taking more than two minutes to compile at least), preferably
running under current versions, or under not too old versions? In
particular, I am testing a change that is mostly relevant for large
\score blocks, so a succession of lots of reasonably-sized \score-s
is not what I am looking for: rather I would prefer one single huge
\score. I know, I can take an existing \score and \repeat unfold 100
it, but I am still interested in comparing with real-world cases. So
this is not a very important request, as I can likely achieve it
with what I already have: it would just save me time if it's only
a matter of sending it for someone.



Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:04 AM Tim's Bitstream 

> On Apr 26, 2022, at 9:32 PM, Freeman Gilmore 
> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
>> > On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 3:50 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.8. This is termed
>> >> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
>> >> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
>> >> 2.22.2 version.
>> >>
>> >> In this release, dropping Guile 1.8 support has finally become possible
>> >> also for our sources. We'd like to dedicate this release to Ian Hulin
>> >> who was one of the first systematically working on our numerous
>> >> roadblocks for Guile 2 migration after tackling a few other high-level
>> >> problems. In the time spans where his health permitted it, he was able
>> >> to significantly reduce the amount of remaining problems for the Guile
>> 2
>> >> migration after having started working on them in 2010, making the goal
>> >> that we finally reached now more tangible for others to work on after
>> he
>> >> left us in 2015.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> David Kastrup
>> >>
>> >
>> > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?
>> The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
>> apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
>> would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
>> --
>> David Kastrup
> Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.   I know that the source code  
> (binary)
> is usually the same for all but I have never worked with source code  for
> LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers and testers will
> generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5 binaries listed
> below,   *Note, the colon should be a period;* and make it look like it
> is not the header for a listing.   I may not b the only dummy out there!.
> Thank you, ƒg
> This sounds like a conversation at cross purposes.
> If you want to compile your own binary from source code, download the
> source code and follow the instructions that you will find in the directory
> (folder in Mac terms, don't know which language Windows uses).
> If you just want to install a working application, then download and
> install the appropriate one of the precompiled ones from that list.  This
> is what I do because it is just a lot simpler.I haven't compiled from
> source in years since somebody else volunteers to do that for use with my
> system.
> Linguistically the colon looks fine to me, since it indicates "use one of
> the following:"
One of the following  binaries.   Sorry, that is the way I read it.
 I understand what is meant now.   But if you do not have a clue what a
binary is then My understanding of english is the header indicates that
there are 5 binaries.It is not my website so leave it as it is.It
has what I am looking for now that I am clear that Lilyond one binaries for
all.   Like you, i am not interested i  the binaries.

> Hope this helps!

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Michael Gerdau
One of the following  binaries.   Sorry, that is the way I read it.  
  I understand what is meant now.   But if you do not have a clue what a 
binary is then My understanding of english is the header indicates that 
there are 5 binaries.    It is not my website so leave it as it is.
It has what I am looking for now that I am clear that Lilyond one 
binariesfor all.   Like you, i am not interested i  the binaries.

Not meaning to be patronizing:
When I encounter a word I do not understand I'll try to look it up.
Searching wikipedia for binary I found:

There under "Computing" you find
- Binary code:
- Binary file:
and as a subsection of Binary file
- Executable:

Reading these should greatly help you understand things.

 Michael Gerdau   email:
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 6:55 AM David Kastrup  wrote:

> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
> > On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
> >
> >> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
> >>
> >> > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?
> >>
> >> The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
> >> apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
> >> would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
> >>
> > Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.  I know that the source code
> > (binary) is usually the same for all but I have never worked with
> > source code for LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers
> > and testers will generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5
> > binaries listed below, *Note, the colon should be a period;* and make
> > it look like it is not the header for a listing.  I may not b the only
> > dummy out there!.
> I don't understand what you are saying here and you write things like
> "source code (binary)"

I worded this wrong. I should have just used the word binaries.I was
mixing the two, disregarding Source code.
I do know the difference.I was looking for a program for windows. Not
being a programmer the header sentence says to use one of the following
binaries{ at least that is how I read it.   So i was asking when the
programs would be listed, not understanding that this was thmn and not
binaries. I have what I need now so no need to go any further with
Thank you for your help with this, ƒg

> that make pretty clear that we are still talking


> about entirely different things.  So I repeat my question: what would
> your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
> --
> David Kastrup

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Carl Sorensen
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 7:31 AM Freeman Gilmore 

> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:04 AM Tim's Bitstream 
> wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2022, at 9:32 PM, Freeman Gilmore 
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>>> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
>>> > On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 3:50 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.8. This is
>>> termed
>>> >> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
>>> >> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
>>> >> 2.22.2 version.
>>> >>
>>> >> In this release, dropping Guile 1.8 support has finally become
>>> possible
>>> >> also for our sources. We'd like to dedicate this release to Ian Hulin
>>> >> who was one of the first systematically working on our numerous
>>> >> roadblocks for Guile 2 migration after tackling a few other high-level
>>> >> problems. In the time spans where his health permitted it, he was able
>>> >> to significantly reduce the amount of remaining problems for the
>>> Guile 2
>>> >> migration after having started working on them in 2010, making the
>>> goal
>>> >> that we finally reached now more tangible for others to work on after
>>> he
>>> >> left us in 2015.
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> David Kastrup
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?
>>> The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
>>> apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
>>> would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?
>>> --
>>> David Kastrup
>> Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.   I know that the source code  
>> (binary)
>> is usually the same for all but I have never worked with source code
>> for LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers and testers
>> will generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5 binaries
>> listed below,   *Note, the colon should be a period;* and make it look
>> like it is not the header for a listing.   I may not b the only dummy out
>> there!.
>> Thank you, ƒg
>> This sounds like a conversation at cross purposes.
>> If you want to compile your own binary from source code, download the
>> source code and follow the instructions that you will find in the directory
>> (folder in Mac terms, don't know which language Windows uses).
>> If you just want to install a working application, then download and
>> install the appropriate one of the precompiled ones from that list.  This
>> is what I do because it is just a lot simpler.I haven't compiled from
>> source in years since somebody else volunteers to do that for use with my
>> system.
>> Linguistically the colon looks fine to me, since it indicates "use one of
>> the following:"
> One of the following  binaries.   Sorry, that is the way I read it.
>  I understand what is meant now.   But if you do not have a clue what a
> binary is then My understanding of english is the header indicates that
> there are 5 binaries.It is not my website so leave it as it is.It
> has what I am looking for now that I am clear that Lilyond one binaries
> for all.   Like you, i am not interested i  the binaries.

LilyPond does *not* have one binary for all.  It has one source code for

I think that there can be a bit of confusion here due to the fact that two
elements in the list aren't binaries.  There are three binaries: GNU/Linux
x86_64, macOS x86_64, and Windows x86_64.  Then there are two other links:
Source code and instructions for building with MacPorts.  Perhaps we could
separate the binaries from the other links.  That's what we do on the
stable download page.



Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:40 AM Michael Gerdau  wrote:

> >> One of the following  binaries.   Sorry, that is the way I read it.
> >   I understand what is meant now.   But if you do not have a clue what a
> > binary is then My understanding of english is the header indicates that
> > there are 5 binaries.It is not my website so leave it as it is.
> > It has what I am looking for now that I am clear that Lilyond one
> > binariesfor all.   Like you, i am not interested i  the binaries.
> Not meaning to be patronizing:
> When I encounter a word I do not understand I'll try to look it up.
> Searching wikipedia for binary I found:
> There under "Computing" you find
> - Binary code:
> - Binary file:
> and as a subsection of Binary file
> - Executable:
> Reading these should greatly help you understand things.
Thanks for sending this information.   My problem is more confusing the
terms, age I guess.
I have what I need.
Thank you, ƒg

> HTH,
> Michael
> --
>   Michael Gerdau   email:
>   GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:03 AM Carl Sorensen 

> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 7:31 AM Freeman Gilmore 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:04 AM Tim's Bitstream 
>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 26, 2022, at 9:32 PM, Freeman Gilmore 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 7:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
 Freeman Gilmore  writes:

 > On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 3:50 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
 >> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.8. This is
 >> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
 >> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
 >> 2.22.2 version.
 >> In this release, dropping Guile 1.8 support has finally become
 >> also for our sources. We'd like to dedicate this release to Ian Hulin
 >> who was one of the first systematically working on our numerous
 >> roadblocks for Guile 2 migration after tackling a few other
 >> problems. In the time spans where his health permitted it, he was
 >> to significantly reduce the amount of remaining problems for the
 Guile 2
 >> migration after having started working on them in 2010, making the
 >> that we finally reached now more tangible for others to work on
 after he
 >> left us in 2015.
 >> --
 >> David Kastrup
 > Is there going to be a non binary version for windows coming soon?

 The source code is the same independent of operating system, so you
 apparently don't mean "source code" when you say "non binary".  What
 would your expectations of a "non binary version for windows" be?

 David Kastrup

>>> Ok i see it now, but this was my problem.   I know that the source code
>>>  (binary) is usually the same for all but I have never worked with source
>>> code  for LilyPond so when I read this, "Documentation writers and
>>> testers will generally want to download the latest binary:" with 5
>>> binaries listed below,   *Note, the colon should be a period;* and make
>>> it look like it is not the header for a listing.   I may not b the only
>>> dummy out there!.
>>> Thank you, ƒg
>>> This sounds like a conversation at cross purposes.
>>> If you want to compile your own binary from source code, download the
>>> source code and follow the instructions that you will find in the directory
>>> (folder in Mac terms, don't know which language Windows uses).
>>> If you just want to install a working application, then download and
>>> install the appropriate one of the precompiled ones from that list.  This
>>> is what I do because it is just a lot simpler.I haven't compiled from
>>> source in years since somebody else volunteers to do that for use with my
>>> system.
>>> Linguistically the colon looks fine to me, since it indicates "use one
>>> of the following:"
>> One of the following  binaries.   Sorry, that is the way I read it.
>>  I understand what is meant now.   But if you do not have a clue what a
>> binary is then My understanding of english is the header indicates that
>> there are 5 binaries.It is not my website so leave it as it is.
>> It has what I am looking for now that I am clear that Lilyond one Windows
>> x86_64.   for all.   Like you, i am not interested i  the binaries.
> LilyPond does *not* have one binary for all.  It has one source code for
> all.
That helps

> I think that there can be a bit of confusion here due to the fact that two
> elements in the list aren't binaries.  There are three binaries: GNU/Linux
> x86_64, macOS x86_64, and Windows x86_64.  Then there are two other
> links: Source code and instructions for building with MacPorts.  Perhaps we
> could separate the binaries from the other links.  That's what we do on the
> stable download page.

So I was wrong from the start.   I was looking for the program for
windows, Windows
x86_64,. not realising that the program I was looking for was a binary
which is compiled from the source code.
Sorry this is all stuff from the past at one time i understood, just
Thank you all for help with this, i have what i need, ƒg


> HTH,
> Carl

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread David Kastrup
Freeman Gilmore  writes:

> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:03 AM Carl Sorensen 
> wrote:
>> LilyPond does *not* have one binary for all.  It has one source code for
>> all.
> That helps
>> I think that there can be a bit of confusion here due to the fact that two
>> elements in the list aren't binaries.  There are three binaries: GNU/Linux
>> x86_64, macOS x86_64, and Windows x86_64.  Then there are two other
>> links: Source code and instructions for building with MacPorts.  Perhaps we
>> could separate the binaries from the other links.  That's what we do on the
>> stable download page.
> So I was wrong from the start.  I was looking for the program for
> windows, Windows x86_64,. not realising that the program I was looking
> for was a binary which is compiled from the source code.  Sorry this
> is all stuff from the past at one time i understood, just confused.

If it's all stuff from the past at one time you understood, there are
likely enough people around for whom this is all stuff from the future
they are yet to understand and it would seem like a bad idea to turn
this into a roadblock for using LilyPond for them.

So you certainly did highlight that we may be relying on an
overabundance of technobabble fluency on our download pages.

There might be a point in trying to sort and rephrase our points of
first contact pages in a manner where installing LilyPond is not going
to be an uphill battle already because of language problems.

David Kastrup

Re: LilyPond 2.23.8 released

2022-04-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
What I saw was confusing  to me and should have been clear to me from  my
background.  That is my fault. I was thinking "binaries'', now i have
to compile, I do not want to do that;   It is worded correctly.True it
would be better to make it simpler to understand for someone that has on
knowledge of programming.   Something like what Carl did but using the word
program instead of binary. .Too many words can have the same effect of
Thank you, ƒg.

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:44 AM David Kastrup  wrote:

> Freeman Gilmore  writes:
> > On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:03 AM Carl Sorensen <
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> LilyPond does *not* have one binary for all.  It has one source code for
> >> all.
> >>
> > That helps
> >
> >>
> >> I think that there can be a bit of confusion here due to the fact that
> two
> >> elements in the list aren't binaries.  There are three binaries:
> GNU/Linux
> >> x86_64, macOS x86_64, and Windows x86_64.  Then there are two other
> >> links: Source code and instructions for building with MacPorts.
> Perhaps we
> >> could separate the binaries from the other links.  That's what we do on
> the
> >> stable download page.
> >>
> >
> > So I was wrong from the start.  I was looking for the program for
> > windows, Windows x86_64,. not realising that the program I was looking
> > for was a binary which is compiled from the source code.  Sorry this
> > is all stuff from the past at one time i understood, just confused.
> If it's all stuff from the past at one time you understood, there are
> likely enough people around for whom this is all stuff from the future
> they are yet to understand and it would seem like a bad idea to turn
> this into a roadblock for using LilyPond for them.
> So you certainly did highlight that we may be relying on an
> overabundance of technobabble fluency on our download pages.
> There might be a point in trying to sort and rephrase our points of
> first contact pages in a manner where installing LilyPond is not going
> to be an uphill battle already because of language problems.
> --
> David Kastrup

Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
That worked!  Thank you!

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 12:06 AM Dimitris Marinakis
> \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:51 AM Kenneth Wolcott  
> wrote:
>> Hi;
>>   I'm looking at the Notation Reference regarding \compressMMRests.
>>   I see "R2.*2" (I want 3 bars, cool).
>>   I tried "R2.*3", which does not generate a single rest, but a pair of 
>> rests.
>>   I tried "R1*3/4*3", but it generates the same two rests.
>>  I have four screenshots attached:
>> the first two are to show the problem specifically;
>> the second two are the complete original file abd my engraving (so far);
>> The fifth is my Lilypond code (so far).
>> Code snippet:
>>   \compressMMRests { R1*3/4*3 }
>>   This is not what the manual shows.
>>   What am I doing wrong?
>>   Using Lilypond 2.22.2, MacOS, homebrew.
>> Thanks,
>> Ken Wolcott

Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 27/04/2022 à 08:46, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit :

the second two are the complete original file abd my engraving (so far);

Unrelatedly to your problem, but in case that helps, "Fanfare,
from 'La Péri'" is slightly inaccurate: the original title
"Fanfare pour précéder La Péri" would translate as "Fanfare to
precede La Péri", i.e. the composer doesn't consider it part of
the work La Péri itself. As far as I can read from the Wikipedia
page in French ,
Dukas composed it as a way to start the performance with a clear
signal that the public should stop chatting and start focusing, due
to the calm start of La Péri itself ... (There is no citation,

Also, there's a small typo in the original you've copied: should
be 'Modérément', not 'Modèrément'.


Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
Hi Jean;

  Your comment is very much appreciated!  I will fix the diacritical
marks in the tempo right away.  I did not know that the Fanfare was
distinct from the Ballet by design, I thought it was only due to
performance history.

 Merci beaucoup :-)

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 3:15 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
> Le 27/04/2022 à 08:46, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit :
> > the second two are the complete original file abd my engraving (so far);
> Unrelatedly to your problem, but in case that helps, "Fanfare,
> from 'La Péri'" is slightly inaccurate: the original title
> "Fanfare pour précéder La Péri" would translate as "Fanfare to
> precede La Péri", i.e. the composer doesn't consider it part of
> the work La Péri itself. As far as I can read from the Wikipedia
> page in French ,
> Dukas composed it as a way to start the performance with a clear
> signal that the public should stop chatting and start focusing, due
> to the calm start of La Péri itself ... (There is no citation,
> though.)
> Also, there's a small typo in the original you've copied: should
> be 'Modérément', not 'Modèrément'.
> Best,
> Jean

Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
HI Jean;

  I think the error you pointed out to me is also in the original I'm
working from, obtained from IMSLP.

  I have corrected my engraving (Tuba, Trumpet 1 and Trumpet 2, so far).

  I would not have known without you pointing it out to me, that this
was an error, since I am totally illiterate (99.%) in French.


On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 3:24 PM Kenneth Wolcott
> Hi Jean;
>   Your comment is very much appreciated!  I will fix the diacritical
> marks in the tempo right away.  I did not know that the Fanfare was
> distinct from the Ballet by design, I thought it was only due to
> performance history.
>  Merci beaucoup :-)
> Ken
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 3:15 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:
> >
> > Le 27/04/2022 à 08:46, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit :
> > > the second two are the complete original file abd my engraving (so far);
> >
> >
> > Unrelatedly to your problem, but in case that helps, "Fanfare,
> > from 'La Péri'" is slightly inaccurate: the original title
> > "Fanfare pour précéder La Péri" would translate as "Fanfare to
> > precede La Péri", i.e. the composer doesn't consider it part of
> > the work La Péri itself. As far as I can read from the Wikipedia
> > page in French ,
> > Dukas composed it as a way to start the performance with a clear
> > signal that the public should stop chatting and start focusing, due
> > to the calm start of La Péri itself ... (There is no citation,
> > though.)
> >
> > Also, there's a small typo in the original you've copied: should
> > be 'Modérément', not 'Modèrément'.
> >
> > Best,
> > Jean
> >
> >
> >

Re: audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> [...]
> The typical solution for that is an additional drum staff with high- and low 
> woodblocks in parallel to the actual music as shown in a snippet of the 
> snippet repository:

In order to be universally useful, shouldn't this functionality be able
to pick up the time signatures and create the appropriate sequence
of "ticks" (strong and weak), roughly similarly to what happens with


> [...]

Re: audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Jimmy Wilkinson
Thanks. That's what I was looking for. I hacked on it a bit.

Re: audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Gilles,

> In order to be universally useful, shouldn't this functionality be able
> to pick up the time signatures and create the appropriate sequence
> of "ticks" (strong and weak), roughly similarly to what happens with beams?

I was thinking the very same thing — seems like a custom performer (or 
engraver?) would be amazing for this. I hope Someone™ likes the idea enough to 
code it up!


Re: audible metronome in MIDI file?

2022-04-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 28/04/2022 à 04:31, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
I was thinking the very same thing — seems like a custom performer (or 
engraver?) would be amazing for this. I hope Someone™ likes the idea 
enough to code it up!

Well, I tried that yesterday: it has become possible to write Scheme
performers with change from David K. in the 2.23 series. I arrived at
the following, but ultimately decided not to post it because there
is a big bad bug: if there is  no note or rest or skip or some sort
of event at a point of time, a tick can't get added there. That makes
it practically unusable. A pity that Global_context::add_moment_to_process
is not Scheme-accessible ...


\version "2.23.9"

#(define (Metronome_performer context)
    ((process-music performer)
 ;; TODO: check is baseMoment is always accurate
 (let ((reg (ly:context-property context 'baseMoment)))
   (when reg
 (let* ((mp (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition))
  ((equal? mp ZERO-MOMENT)
  ((integer? (ly:moment-main (ly:moment-div mp reg)))
   (when strength
 (let* ((source (ly:context-event-source context))
    (cls (ly:make-event-class 'note-event))
    (type (case strength
    ((main) 'hiwoodblock)
    ((secondary) 'lowoodblock)))
    (props `((drum-type . ,type)
 (length . ,reg)))
    (ev (ly:make-stream-event cls props)))
   (ly:broadcast source ev)

\midi {
  \context {
    \name MetronomeTrack
    \type Performer_group
    %% This is veery ugly, but currently it is not possible to
    %% create audio items from Scheme performers, so ...
    \remove Drum_note_performer
    \consists #Metronome_performer
    \consists Drum_note_performer
    midiInstrument = "drums"
  \inherit-acceptability MetronomeTrack DrumVoice

\layout {
  \context {
    \accepts MetronomeTrack
  \context {
    \name MetronomeTrack

%% Awful, but how to do better?? Of course, ideally the Metronome_performer
%% would be on Score level and create audio items itself, but for the time
%% being we have to use Drum_note_performer, which would duplicate drum 

%% from all the score if it were put on Score level ...

#(set! toplevel-music-functions
   (cons (lambda (m)
   \new MetronomeTrack { #(skip-of-length m) }

\score {
  \midi { }
  \layout { }
  \relative c' {
    c'4( d8 e f g a b) c4( b8 a g f e d) c4-. c'-. c,2-^