Re: Need help with \force-hshift or \shiftO... (off, on, onn, onnn, etc.)

2022-03-28 Thread Paul Hodges
I think you mean \mergeDifferentlyDotted


 From:   Mats Bengtsson  
 To:   , Kevin Cole  
 Sent:   28/03/2022 7:50 
 Subject:   Re: Need help with \force-hshift or \shiftO... (off, on, onn, onnn, 


On 2022-03-28 03:54, Kevin Cole wrote:
   Ah. I think you're right. And, when I do what you suggested in the
minimal example, it works as described: Your example looks like the
image I sent. But when I inject it into the full score I get the
attached, which still merges the dotted eighth with the sixteenth at
the start of the measure.
You don't happen to have a \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn somewhere in   your 
full score code, do you? 

Re: Placing stanza's at repeat

2022-03-28 Thread Jogchum Reitsma

Op 27-03-2022 om 22:33 schreef Carl Sorensen:

Hi, Jogchum,

Please use Reply All to keep the messages on the user list.

Oeps, not or the first time

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM Jogchum Reitsma  

Op 27-03-2022 om 20:14 schreef Carl Sorensen:

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 10:31 AM Jogchum Reitsma


Brahms' Waldesnacht has an intro stanza number one, and after
that a
twice repeated melody, with stanza's 2 and three.

How can I achieves those stanza's to begin at the repeat?

Not too much time; you already had things set up very well to allow 
the changes to be made easily.  It's just easier to see the structure 
if you have fewer notes and lyrics...

So I understand the \set associatedVoice isn't usable for this

I'm not sure exactly why the \new Voice = "sopra_repeat" doesn't cause 
the lyrics to start at the beginning of the repeat.   I'd guess it has 
to do with having the \new Voice inside an automatically generated 
Voice context (when you put \soprano inside  the Staff, a Voice is 
created.  And then you create a new Voice inside that 
automatically-created Voice, so I assume things get confused.

I ran a little test to see the differences between using \set 
associatedVoice and \lyricsto.  I can make them both work.  See the 
attached code.  But not that in both cases, I separate the notes from 
the contexts, and I explicitly create my contexts, which I think is 
good practice.



This works indeed, and also when one changes the associated voice to m2, 
and place it in the lyrThree-part:

\version "2.22.1"

musI = \relative {c'4 d e f}
musII = \relative {g'4 a b c}

lyrI = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "1. " One one one one}
lyrII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "2. " Two two two two}
lyrIII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "3. " Three three three three}

 \new Staff {
   \new Voice = "m1" \musI
   \new Voice = "m2" \musII
    \new Lyrics="lyrOne" {
%  \set associatedVoice = "m1"
  {  \lyrI
 \lyrII }
    \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
    \set associatedVoice = "m2"
    \lyricsto "m2" { \lyrIII}
   >> % end of music

 } % end of score

As so many times, I learned a lot again. For example, the 
#(skip-of-length construct was new to me.

regards, Jogchum

version "2.22.1"

musI = \relative {c'4 d e f}
musII = \relative {g'4 a b c}

lyrI = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "1. " One one one one}
lyrII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "2. " Two two two two}
lyrIII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "3. " Three three three three}

    \new Staff {
      \new Voice = "m1" \musI
      \new Voice = "m2" \musII
   \new Lyrics="lyrOne" {
     \set associatedVoice = "m1"
     {  \lyrI
        \lyrII }
   \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
     \lyricsto "m2" { \lyrIII}
  >> % end of music

} % end of score

    \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "m1" {\musI \musII}
      \new NullVoice = "m2"  {
        #(skip-of-length musI)

   \new Lyrics="lyrOne" \lyricsto "m1" {
     { \lyrI
        \lyrII }
   \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
     \lyricsto "m2" {\set stanza = "3. " \lyrIII}
  >> % end of music

} % end of score

Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Jogchum Reitsma

Op 28-03-2022 om 07:29 schreef Kevin Pye:

(OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 to be precise)

So I've downloaded 2.23.7 and untarred into 
~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7, created a symbolic link from 
~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7/bin/lilypond to ~/bin/lilypond, and get the 

> ~/bin/lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)

Copyright (c) 1996--2022 by
Han-Wen Nienhuys 
Jan Nieuwenhuizen 
and others.

This program is free software.  It is covered by the GNU General Public
License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
under certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more

> ~/bin/lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
Uncaught exception:
Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to 
find file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit gracefully 
when init is in progress; aborting.

Aborted (core dumped)

(with the same result whether the file exists or not).


> ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7/bin/lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
warning: cannot find file: `'
fatal error: failed files: ""

So it works if run directly from the installation directory, but not 
via a symbolic link.

Any ideas?


Hi Kevin,

I would throw this question on the opensuse-support list., since it's 
more OS-related than lilypond specific,I would think.

I don't have the expertise to tell what goes wrong here, but it could be 
something with relative paths, which are different in case one starts 
from another point in the file system.

I'm on Opensuse Tumbleweed, and there the version of lilypond is kept 
reasonably actual.

regards, Jogchum

Re: Need help with \force-hshift or \shiftO... (off, on, onn, onnn, etc.)

2022-03-28 Thread Kevin Cole
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 4:42 AM Paul Hodges  wrote:
> I think you mean \mergeDifferentlyDotted
>> From: Mats Bengtsson 
>> You don't happen to have a \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn somewhere in your full 
>> score code, do you?

Ah. I had both: Due to my continued inability to hold the whole of it
in my head, I've been working from a Frankensteinian template that I
cobbled together which, up until now, has worked for the stuff I've
been transcribing. The template had both \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn and
\mergeDifferentlyDottedOn. (I don't recall which scores in the book
wanted those.) Anyway, I removed both and all is looking good now.


Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson


On 2022-03-28 12:02, Jogchum Reitsma

  Op 28-03-2022 om 07:29 schreef Kevin

(OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 to be precise)

So I've downloaded 2.23.7 and untarred into
  ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7, created a symbolic link from
  ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7/bin/lilypond to ~/bin/lilypond, and
  get the following...

~/bin/lilypond --version 
  GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2) 
  Copyright (c) 1996--2022 by 
  Han-Wen Nienhuys 
  Jan Nieuwenhuizen 
  and others. 
  This program is free software.  It is covered by the GNU
  General Public 
  License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute
  copies of it 
  under certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty'
  for more 

  GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2) 
  Uncaught exception: 
  Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path"
  "Unable to find file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9")
  #f)Cannot exit gracefully when init is in progress;
  Aborted (core dumped)

(with the same result whether the file
exists or not).


  GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2) 
  warning: cannot find file: `' 
  fatal error: failed files: ""

So it works if run directly from the installation
  directory, but not via a symbolic link.

Any ideas?


  Hi Kevin,
  I would throw this question on the opensuse-support list.,
since it's more OS-related than lilypond specific,I would think.
  I don't have the expertise to tell what goes wrong here, but it
could be something with relative paths, which are different in
case one starts from another point in the file system.
  I'm on Opensuse Tumbleweed, and there the version of lilypond
is kept reasonably actual.

I just tried doing a similar soft link in Ubuntu and I get
  exactly the same error message, so it's most likely not OS



Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Carl Sorensen
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 6:56 AM Mats Bengtsson 

> On 2022-03-28 12:02, Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
> Op 28-03-2022 om 07:29 schreef Kevin Pye:
> (OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 to be precise)
> So I've downloaded 2.23.7 and untarred into ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7,
> created a symbolic link from ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7/bin/lilypond to
> ~/bin/lilypond, and get the following...
> > ~/bin/lilypond --version
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
> Copyright (c) 1996--2022 by
> Han-Wen Nienhuys 
> Jan Nieuwenhuizen 
> and others.
> This program is free software.  It is covered by the GNU General Public
> License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
> under certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more
> information.
> > ~/bin/lilypond
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
> Uncaught exception:
> Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to find
> file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit gracefully when init
> is in progress; aborting.
> Aborted (core dumped)
> (with the same result whether the file exists or not).
> However...
> > ~/Software/lilypond-2.23.7/bin/lilypond
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
> warning: cannot find file: `'
> fatal error: failed files: ""
> So it works if run directly from the installation directory, but not via a
> symbolic link.
> Any ideas?
> Kevin.
> Hi Kevin,
> I would throw this question on the opensuse-support list., since it's more
> OS-related than lilypond specific,I would think.
> I don't have the expertise to tell what goes wrong here, but it could be
> something with relative paths, which are different in case one starts from
> another point in the file system.
> I'm on Opensuse Tumbleweed, and there the version of lilypond is kept
> reasonably actual.
> I just tried doing a similar soft link in Ubuntu and I get exactly the
> same error message, so it's most likely not OS related.

Just a wild guess.  Do you have ~/bin/lilypond in your path?


Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson


On 2022-03-28 15:35, Carl Sorensen



  I just tried doing a similar soft link in Ubuntu and I
get exactly the same error message, so it's most likely
not OS related.

  Just a wild guess.  Do you have ~/bin/lilypond in your


Yes, that's the soft link that I added in my previous attempt,
  but it doesn't matter. If I remove the link from ~/bin/, instead
  add a link from /tmp/lilypond and call it, I get the same error:
> /tmp/lilypond 
  GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2) 
  Uncaught exception: 
  Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable
  to find file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit
  gracefully when init is in progress; aborting. 
  Abort (core dumped) 



Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 6:55 AM Mats Bengtsson  wrote:
> On 2022-03-28 15:35, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>> I just tried doing a similar soft link in Ubuntu and I get exactly the same 
>> error message, so it's most likely not OS related.
> Just a wild guess.  Do you have ~/bin/lilypond in your path?
> Carl
> Yes, that's the soft link that I added in my previous attempt, but it doesn't 
> matter. If I remove the link from ~/bin/, instead add a link from 
> /tmp/lilypond and call it, I get the same error:
> > /tmp/lilypond
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2)
> Uncaught exception:
> Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to find file 
> ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit gracefully when init is in 
> progress; aborting.
> Abort (core dumped)
> /Mats

I know it doesn't solve the symlink problem, but here is what my
~/bin/lilypond looks like, and it works fine:


$LY_HOME/lilypond $@

If I want another version of LilyPond to execute, I can issue the commands:

$ export LY_HOME=/home/knute/lilypond/lilypond-2.22.2/bin
$ lilypond --version

GNU LilyPond 2.22.2

Knute Snortum

Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion
On Mon, 2022-03-28 at 16:29 +1100, Kevin Pye wrote:
> (OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 to be precise)
> So I've downloaded 2.23.7 and untarred into ~/Software/lilypond-
> 2.23.7, created a symbolic link from ~/Software/lilypond-
> 2.23.7/bin/lilypond to ~/bin/lilypond, and get the following...
> [...]
> > ~/bin/lilypond 
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.7 (running Guile 2.2) 
> Uncaught exception: 
> Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to
> find file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit gracefully
> when init is in progress; aborting. 
> Aborted (core dumped)

Correct, the relocation doesn't follow symlinks, I've opened For the time being,
you'll need to create a wrapper shell script that just calls lilypond
with its full path.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 28/03/2022 à 21:10, Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion a écrit :

Correct, the relocation doesn't follow symlinks, I've opened For the time being,
you'll need to create a wrapper shell script that just calls lilypond
with its full path.

Relatedly, I am seeing hardcoded paths apparently coming from
your computer in the binaries. Is that expected?

$ ~/lilypond2.23.7/bin/lilypond scheme-sandbox
scheme@(#{ g102}#)> %load-path
$1 = ("/home/jean/lilypond2.23.7/share/lilypond/2.23.7/scm" 


Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion
On Mon, 2022-03-28 at 21:14 +0200, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 28/03/2022 à 21:10, Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion a écrit :
> > Correct, the relocation doesn't follow symlinks, I've opened
> > For the time being,
> > you'll need to create a wrapper shell script that just calls lilypond
> > with its full path.
> Relatedly, I am seeing hardcoded paths apparently coming from
> your computer in the binaries. Is that expected?
> $ ~/lilypond2.23.7/bin/lilypond scheme-sandbox
> [...]
> scheme@(#{ g102}#)> %load-path
> $1 = ("/home/jean/lilypond2.23.7/share/lilypond/2.23.7/scm" 
> "/home/jean/lilypond2.23.7/share/guile/2.2" 
> "/home/lily/lilypond-2.23.7/release/binaries/dependencies/install/guile-2.2.7/share/guile/2.2"
> "/home/lily/lilypond-2.23.7/release/binaries/dependencies/install/guile-2.2.7/share/guile/site/2.2"
> "/home/lily/lilypond-2.23.7/release/binaries/dependencies/install/guile-2.2.7/share/guile/site"
> "/home/lily/lilypond-2.23.7/release/binaries/dependencies/install/guile-2.2.7/share/guile")

Yes, it's the place where I build the binaries in my VM. I think you
can partly see the same with the GUB binaries. Not for %load-path
though, where it actually includes /usr/share/guile/1.8 from the
system, which is arguably worse - including a non-existing path at
least doesn't do any harm. At some point, I'll maybe go through all
dependencies and teach them that they should forget about the place
where they were built / installed.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: LilyPond 2.23.7 released

2022-03-28 Thread Federico Bruni
On Sat, Mar 26 2022 at 22:36:05 +0100, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions 
on LilyPond development  wrote:

Starting with this release, LilyPond requires Guile 2.2

Can anybody remind me how to build guile2 alongside guile1.8? And which 
precautions should I take?

I use to build the latest lilypond dev version alongside the stable 
version in Frescobaldi flatpak package.

Until 2.24 is released, I must build both versions of guile.

Re: Running 2.23.7 on Linux

2022-03-28 Thread David Wright
On Mon 28 Mar 2022 at 21:10:03 (+0200), Lilypond-User wrote:

> Correct, the relocation doesn't follow symlinks, I've opened
> For the time being,
> you'll need to create a wrapper shell script that just calls lilypond
> with its full path.

… or even an alias. (Debian.)


Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread Christopher Heckman
I have a request concerning Lilypond that has bothered me for a while,
but which I haven't seen any one else complain about. It is the
cascade of error messages you get when you leave out a right-brace or
some other symbol.

Maybe this could be added as an option to lilypond?

lilypond --cascade-level=N

which, for any given line, prints the first N error messages, and
after that a message saying that further error messages have been
suppressed. A default value for N might be 3 or 4.

What does everyone think?

--- Christopher Heckman

Re: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread David Santamauro

From: lilypond-user  
on behalf of Christopher Heckman 
Date: Monday, March 28, 2022 at 7:11 PM
Subject: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages
I have a request concerning Lilypond that has bothered me for a while,
but which I haven't seen any one else complain about. It is the
cascade of error messages you get when you leave out a right-brace or
some other symbol.

Maybe this could be added as an option to lilypond?

lilypond --cascade-level=N

which, for any given line, prints the first N error messages, and
after that a message saying that further error messages have been
suppressed. A default value for N might be 3 or 4.

What does everyone think?

--- Christopher Heckman

Re: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread David Kastrup
Christopher Heckman  writes:

> I have a request concerning Lilypond that has bothered me for a while,
> but which I haven't seen any one else complain about. It is the
> cascade of error messages you get when you leave out a right-brace or
> some other symbol.
> Maybe this could be added as an option to lilypond?
> lilypond --cascade-level=N
> which, for any given line, prints the first N error messages, and
> after that a message saying that further error messages have been
> suppressed. A default value for N might be 3 or 4.
> What does everyone think?

The problems from followup errors do not magically disappear because
they are not reported.  The only thing that would make sense is better
error recovery (which is pretty hard but can partly be achieved by
inserting "error" productions matching typical error scenarios into the
grammar: that causes a more targeted recovery and is arguably
underutilised in LilyPond's grammar) but not pretending to be fine.

The problem with the followup errors is that there is no way that
LilyPond can actually be sure that they are followup errors.

Good heuristics for error recovery productions in the grammar are tricky
to do, and since they are only relevant for erroneous input, they tend
not to be assigned a high priority.

On the other hand, I found excellent error recovery to be of high
importance when the normal workflow was sucking a stack of punch cards
through the reader and then checking your output shelf hours later for a
stack of line printer paper with the results of your compilation (and
hopefully execution, possibly accompanied by a post mortem dump listing
the COMPASS assembly instructions running into problems).

I rarely find myself working an error log off sequentially these days
rather than just restarting compilation after fixing a limited set of

David Kastrup

Re: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread Christopher Heckman
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 4:58 PM David Kastrup  wrote:
> Christopher Heckman  writes:
> > I have a request concerning Lilypond that has bothered me for a while,
> > but which I haven't seen any one else complain about. It is the
> > cascade of error messages you get when you leave out a right-brace or
> > some other symbol.
> >
> > Maybe this could be added as an option to lilypond?
> >
> > lilypond --cascade-level=N
> >
> > which, for any given line, prints the first N error messages, and
> > after that a message saying that further error messages have been
> > suppressed. A default value for N might be 3 or 4.
> >
> > What does everyone think?
> The problems from followup errors do not magically disappear because
> they are not reported.  The only thing that would make sense is better
> error recovery (which is pretty hard but can partly be achieved by
> inserting "error" productions matching typical error scenarios into the
> grammar: that causes a more targeted recovery and is arguably
> underutilised in LilyPond's grammar) but not pretending to be fine.

I'm not saying that LilyPond should say that everything is fine, just
that it not report every single error for a line. If you have 8 or 9
errors on one line, there's something wrong a basic level.

For instance, suppose I misspell markuplist on line 94. The next few
errors look like error: unknown escaped string: `\markuplst'

\markuplst { error: syntax error, unexpected
'{', expecting '.' or '='
   { error: unknown escaped string:

\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: string outside of text
script or \lyricmode

\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: Chapter
\new-chapter {
   Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: The
\new-chapter { Chapter 1.
  The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: Basic
\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The
  Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: Syntactic
\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic
Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: Structure
\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic
  Structure } error: unknown escaped string: `\flushpar'

\flushpar { error: string outside of text
script or \lyricmode

--- (If you're upset that this is looks illegible in an email, then
you understand my point; it doesn't look much nicer in a Terminal set
to 108 characters wide.)

What I'm saying is that the errors for line 100 should look like the
following instead (when N = 4) --- error: unknown escaped string:

\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: string outside of text
script or \lyricmode

\new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: Chapter
\new-chapter {
   Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } error: not a note name: The
\new-chapter { Chapter 1.
  The Basic Syntactic Structure }
Warning: Lilypond has possibly suppressed further error messages for line 100. error: unknown escaped string: `\flushpar'

\flushpar {

--- and so on.

> The problem with the followup errors is that there is no way that
> LilyPond can actually be sure that they are followup errors.

True, but if you have a cascade of errors on a particular line, you
definitely need to fix what's causing the cascade. Once you've done
this, and you re-run Lilypond, it will now report only the errors that
aren't followups.

--- Christopher Heckman

> Good heuristics for error recovery productions in the grammar are tricky
> to do, and since they are only relevant for erroneous input, they tend
> not to be assigned a high priority.
> On the other hand, I found excellent error recovery to be of high
> importance when the normal workflow was sucking a stack of punch cards
> through the reader and then checking your output shelf hours later for a
> stack of line printer paper with the results of your compilation (and
> hopefully execution, possibly accompanied by a post mortem dump listing
> the COMPASS assembly instructions running into problems).
> I rarely find myself working an error log off sequentially these days
> rather than just restarting compila

Re: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread Martín Rincón Botero

  +1. I think making it customizable (with a --cascade-level parameter) 
wouldn't add much value considering developing effort, though. Lilypond, like 
Python f. ex., should simply report the first error (and ideally immediately 
abort compilation).   



> On Mar 29, 2022 at 2:36 AM,   (>  wrote:
>  On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 4:58 PM David Kastrupwrote:  >   > 
>  Christopher Heckmanwrites:  >   >   >  I 
> have a request concerning Lilypond that has bothered me for a while,  >   >  
> but which I haven't seen any one else complain about. It is the  >   >  
> cascade of error messages you get when you leave out a right-brace or  >   >  
> some other symbol.  >   >   >   >  Maybe this could be added as an option to 
> lilypond?  >   >   >   >  lilypond --cascade-level=N  >   >   >   >  
> which, for any given line, prints the first N error messages, and  >   >  
> after that a message saying that further error messages have been  >   >  
> suppressed. A default value for N might be 3 or 4.  >   >   >   >  What does 
> everyone think?  >   >  The problems from followup errors do not magically 
> disappear because  >  they are not reported. The only thing that would make 
> sense is better  >  error recovery (which is pretty hard but can partly be 
> achieved by  >  inserting "error" productions matching typical error 
> scenarios into the  >  grammar: that causes a more targeted recovery and is 
> arguably  >  underutilised in LilyPond's grammar) but not pretending to be 
> fine.  >  I'm not saying that LilyPond should say that everything is fine, 
> just that it not report every single error for a line. If you have 8 or 9 
> errors on one line, there's something wrong a basic level. For instance, 
> suppose I misspell markuplist on line 94. The next few errors look like 
> error: unknown escaped string: 
> `\markuplst' \markuplst { error: syntax 
> error, unexpected '{', expecting '.' or '=' \markuplst { 
> error: unknown escaped string: 
> `\new-chapter' \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: string outside of text script or 
> \lyricmode \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: Chapter 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: The 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: Basic 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: Syntactic 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: Structure 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: unknown escaped string: 
> `\flushpar' \flushpar { error: string 
> outside of text script or \lyricmode --- (If you're upset that this is looks 
> illegible in an email, then you understand my point; it doesn't look much 
> nicer in a Terminal set to 108 characters wide.) What I'm saying is that the 
> errors for line 100 should look like the following instead (when N = 4) --- 
> error: unknown escaped string: 
> `\new-chapter' \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: string outside of text script or 
> \lyricmode \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: Chapter 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } 
> error: not a note name: The 
> \new-chapter { Chapter 1. The Basic Syntactic Structure } Warning: Lilypond 
> has possibly suppressed further error messages for line 100. 
> error: unknown escaped string: 
> `\flushpar' \flushpar { --- and so on.  >  The problem with the followup 
> errors is that there is no way that  >  LilyPond can actually be sure that 
> they are followup errors.  >  True, but if you have a cascade of errors on a 
> particular line, you definitely need to fix what's causing the cascade. Once 
> you've done this, and you re-run Lilypond, it will now report only the errors 
> that aren't followups. --- Christopher Heckman  >  Good heuristics for error 
> recovery productions in the grammar are tricky  >  to do, and since they are 
> only relevant for erroneous input, they tend  >  not to be assigned a high 
> priority.  >   >  On the other hand, I found excellent erro

Re: Feature request: Fix cascading error messages

2022-03-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 29/03/2022 à 08:46, Martín Rincón Botero a écrit :
+1. I think making it customizable (with a --cascade-level parameter) 
wouldn't add much value considering developing effort, though. 
Lilypond, like Python f. ex., should simply report the first error 
(and ideally immediately abort compilation).

I strongly disagree :-)

When there is an error, the default should be to continue as long as 
possible. For large projects where the compilation takes time, you want 
to have some viewable output even if there is a glitch somewhere. I also 
think you are overestimating the "developing effort" -- such an option 
would be absolutely trivial to add. I am not sure it is worth it though. 
As David said, hiding errors is always a heuristic process. I think this 
would be better addressed by a convenient "jump to first error" button 
in Frescobaldi.
