Op 27-03-2022 om 22:33 schreef Carl Sorensen:
Hi, Jogchum,

Please use Reply All to keep the messages on the user list.
Oeps, not or the first time....

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM Jogchum Reitsma <j.reit...@hccnet.nl> wrote:

    Op 27-03-2022 om 20:14 schreef Carl Sorensen:

    On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 10:31 AM Jogchum Reitsma
    <j.reit...@hccnet.nl> wrote:


        Brahms' Waldesnacht has an intro stanza number one, and after
        that a
        twice repeated melody, with stanza's 2 and three.

        How can I achieves those stanza's to begin at the repeat?

Not too much time; you already had things set up very well to allow the changes to be made easily.  It's just easier to see the structure if you have fewer notes and lyrics...

    So I understand the \set associatedVoice isn't usable for this

I'm not sure exactly why the \new Voice = "sopra_repeat" doesn't cause the lyrics to start at the beginning of the repeat.   I'd guess it has to do with having the \new Voice inside an automatically generated Voice context (when you put \soprano inside  the Staff, a Voice is created.  And then you create a new Voice inside that automatically-created Voice, so I assume things get confused.

I ran a little test to see the differences between using \set associatedVoice and \lyricsto.  I can make them both work.  See the attached code.  But not that in both cases, I separate the notes from the contexts, and I explicitly create my contexts, which I think is good practice.



This works indeed, and also when one changes the associated voice to m2, and place it in the lyrThree-part:

\version "2.22.1"

musI = \relative {c'4 d e f}
musII = \relative {g'4 a b c}

lyrI = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "1. " One one one one}
lyrII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "2. " Two two two two}
lyrIII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "3. " Three three three three}

     \new Staff {
       \new Voice = "m1" \musI
       \new Voice = "m2" \musII
    \new Lyrics="lyrOne" {
%      \set associatedVoice = "m1"
      {  \lyrI
         \lyrII }
    \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
            \set associatedVoice = "m2"
            \lyricsto "m2" { \lyrIII}
   >> % end of music

 } % end of score

As so many times, I learned a lot again. For example, the #(skip-of-length construct was new to me.

regards, Jogchum

version "2.22.1"

musI = \relative {c'4 d e f}
musII = \relative {g'4 a b c}

lyrI = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "1. " One one one one}
lyrII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "2. " Two two two two}
lyrIII = \lyricmode {\set stanza = "3. " Three three three three}

    \new Staff {
      \new Voice = "m1" \musI
      \new Voice = "m2" \musII
   \new Lyrics="lyrOne" {
     \set associatedVoice = "m1"
     {  \lyrI
        \lyrII }
   \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
     \lyricsto "m2" { \lyrIII}
  >> % end of music

} % end of score

    \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "m1" {\musI \musII}
      \new NullVoice = "m2"  {
        #(skip-of-length musI)

   \new Lyrics="lyrOne" \lyricsto "m1" {
     { \lyrI
        \lyrII }
   \new Lyrics ="lyrThree" {
     \lyricsto "m2" {\set stanza = "3. " \lyrIII}
  >> % end of music

} % end of score

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