Re: note head / stem mismatch with LV Golden Age

2016-02-16 Thread tisimst
I'm probably the only one who can help here. Can you send me the file that
is causing the problem and show me a picture of what you are seeing? That
will help a lot to diagnose and fix this properly.


On Monday, February 15, 2016, Flaming Hakama by Elaine [via Lilypond] <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone had a diagnosis and/or treatment for this
> problem.
> I am using the LV Golden Age font for a chart that has both rhythmic
> notation (using slash note heads) and pitched notation.
> When I specify the slash note head, the stems no longer attach to the
> notes.
> Below is a minimal example.
> Please let me know if you have any clues.
> \version "2.19.15"
> #(define-public (add-notation-font fontnode name music-str brace-str
> factor) (begin (add-music-fonts fontnode name music-str brace-str
> feta-design-size-mapping factor) fontnode))
> \paper { #(define notation-fonts (list (list 'lv-goldenage "lv-goldenage"
> "lv-goldenage") )) #(begin (for-each (lambda (tup) (add-notation-font fonts
> (car tup) (cadr tup) (caddr tup) (/ staff-height pt 20))) notation-fonts)) }
> clave = \relative c' { b4 r8 b r4 b | r4 b b r | }
> claveTumbao = {
> \override = #'slash
> \override NoteHead.font-size = #-4
> \clave \clave
> }
> %  Default note heads works fine.
> \score {
> \new Staff {
> \clef bass
> \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
> \mark \markup "Default note heads"
> \stemUp \claveTumbao
> }
> }
> %  LV Goldenage note heads don't match up with stems.
> %  Is there a way to lengthen the stems, or move them to the left?
> %  or move the note heads to the right?
> \score {
> \new Staff {
> \clef bass
> \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
> \mark \markup "Golden Age note heads"
> \stemUp \claveTumbao
> }
> \layout {
> \override NoteHead #'font-family = #'lv-goldenage
> }
> }
> Thanks,
> David Elaine Alt
> 415 . 341 .4954   "*Confusion is
> highly underrated*"
> [hidden email] 
> skype: flaming_hakama
> Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> [hidden email] 
> --
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> To start a new topic under User, email
> To unsubscribe from Lilypond, click here
> .

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Sent from the User mailing list archive at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Esko Teerilahti  writes:

> Hi !
> I noticed that there is no key signature in the midi file.

It is here.

The file

\version "2.18.2"

\score {
\key a\major
  \midi { }

produces a Midi file that, printed with lilymidi --pretty, shows

Filename: gaga.midi
MIDI format:  1 (one or more simultaneous tracks)
Divisions:1536 per whole note
#Tracks:  2

Track 1:
Time 0:
Track name: control track
Text:   creator: 
Text:   GNU LilyPond 2.18.2   
Time signature: 4/4, metronome 3/16
Tempo:  100 msec/quarter
End of Track

Track 2:
Time 0:
Track name: \new:
Control mode change: 0, 7100
Key signature: A major
Note on: Channel 0, C3(48)
Time 1536: 
Note off: Channel 0, C3(48)
End of Track

So you need to figure out why your program does not see this.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Esko Teerilahti
Thnks for the answer ! 
Interesting, I have it in here, taken from some example

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key a \major
  \tempo 4=120

Time and tempo are there in midi but not the key.

David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 10.48:

> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
>> Hi !
>> I noticed that there is no key signature in the midi file.
> It is here.
> The file
> \version "2.18.2"
> \score {
>  {
>\key a\major
>  }
>  \midi { }
> }
> produces a Midi file that, printed with lilymidi --pretty, shows
> Filename: gaga.midi
> MIDI format:  1 (one or more simultaneous tracks)
> Divisions:1536 per whole note
> #Tracks:  2
> Track 1:
>Time 0:
>Track name: control track
>Text:   creator: 
>Text:   GNU LilyPond 2.18.2   
>Time signature: 4/4, metronome 3/16
>Tempo:  100 msec/quarter
>End of Track
> Track 2:
>Time 0:
>Track name: \new:
>Control mode change: 0, 7100
>Key signature: A major
>Note on: Channel 0, C3(48)
>Time 1536: 
>Note off: Channel 0, C3(48)
>End of Track
> So you need to figure out why your program does not see this.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Esko Teerilahti  writes:

> Thnks for the answer ! 
> Interesting, I have it in here, taken from some example
> global = {
> \time 4/4
> \key a \major
> \tempo 4=120
> }

That's not an output producing example.  Nobody can guess where you are
going to call \global.

> Time and tempo are there in midi but not the key.

More likely time and tempo are in the _control_ track whereas the key
(which needs not be the same across tracks) is in the individual
instruments' tracks.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Esko Teerilahti
Sorry, missed the point, here it is as a whole


global = {
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4=120
  \key a\major

melody =  \relative c'' {
  e4. e8~ e4. d8 r4 r8 e8 a4 h4 \bar ".|:"h4 cis8 cis8 r2|
  r4 r8 e,8 a4 h8 c8~ c1~ c8 r8 r8 d,8 g4 a4 a4
  h8 h8 r2 r4 r8 d,8 g4 a8 b8~ b2 d8 b8 f8 e8 r4 c4 b2 c4 b8 c8 r2 \break 
  r4 a4h8 a8 gis8 a8~ a2 gis8 h8 gis8 a8 r4 a4 h8 a8 h8 e8~ e2 e8 fis8 e8 d8 r2 
r4 r8 a8~a4. as8~ as4. gis8 r4 r8 e'8 a4 h4

\score {
\new Staff { \melody }
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 11.05:

> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
>> Thnks for the answer ! 
>> Interesting, I have it in here, taken from some example
>> global = {
>> \time 4/4
>> \key a \major
>> \tempo 4=120
>> }
> That's not an output producing example.  Nobody can guess where you are
> going to call \global.
>> Time and tempo are there in midi but not the key.
> More likely time and tempo are in the _control_ track whereas the key
> (which needs not be the same across tracks) is in the individual
> instruments' tracks.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Esko Teerilahti  writes:

> Sorry, missed the point, here it is as a whole

Parsing... error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
  e4. e8~ e4. d8 r4 r8 e8 a4 
 h4 \bar ".|:"h4 cis8 cis8 r2|

I'm not really interested in fixing this up since you probably missed
the point anyway:

> David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 11.05:
>> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
>>> Time and tempo are there in midi but not the key.
>> More likely time and tempo are in the _control_ track whereas the key
>> (which needs not be the same across tracks) is in the individual
>> instruments' tracks.

Did you bother to check this?

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread BB
Sorry for my late response. Thanks for your help!

On 15.02.2016 16:44, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
1) try \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot) 
(orientation . #'landscape)))

Thank you (orientation . #'landscape) works nice!

2) How should it look like?
I found I can do it simply this way, as long as the finger dots are 
large enough so one can read it without a magnifier:

%#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)

\markup {

" "

\override #'(size . 10 )

\override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot) (orientation 
. #'landscape)))

\fret-diagram-verbose #`(

(place-fret 6 5 "R/3")

(place-fret 5 4 "III/2")

(place-fret 4 2 "V1/1")



Would be nice to avoid the cutoff of the nut and the ii. The nut should 
be printed as a thicker line. In the example case the missing first fret 
should be shown for my special needs in this case? The beginning 
practicioner might find the fret more easily.

I tried

(place-fret 0 0 "") and

(place-fret 0 1 "") But that makes a barree. I do not know how to avoid 

I woundered, that

(place-fret 0 -1 "")

works and does not give an error?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Pierre Perol-Schneider  writes:

> 1) try \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot)
> (orientation . #'landscape)))

#'landscape ?

Can't imagine that to work.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
\override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot) (orientation .

... it did work acually

2016-02-16 11:16 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup :

> Pierre Perol-Schneider  writes:
> > 1) try \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot)
> > (orientation . #'landscape)))
> #'landscape ?
> Can't imagine that to work.
> --
> David Kastrup
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-02-16 10:46 GMT+01:00 BB :
> Sorry for my late response. Thanks for your help!
> On 15.02.2016 16:44, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
> 1) try \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot)
> (orientation . #'landscape)))
> Thank you (orientation . #'landscape) works nice!
> 2) How should it look like?
> I found I can do it simply this way, as long as the finger dots are large
> enough so one can read it without a magnifier:
> %#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
> \markup {
> " "
> \override #'(size . 10 )
> \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot) (orientation .
> #'landscape)))
> \fret-diagram-verbose #`(
> (place-fret 6 5 "R/3")
> (place-fret 5 4 "III/2")
> (place-fret 4 2 "V1/1")
> )
> }
> Would be nice to avoid the cutoff of the nut and the ii. The nut should be
> printed as a thicker line. In the example case the missing first fret should
> be shown for my special needs in this case? The beginning practicioner might
> find the fret more easily.

\override #'(fret-diagram-details
  ((finger-code . in-dot)
   (orientation . landscape)
   (fret-count . 5)))


> I tried
> (place-fret 0 0 "") and
> (place-fret 0 1 "") But that makes a barree. I do not know how to avoid
> this.
> I woundered, that
> (place-fret 0 -1 "")
> works and does not give an error?
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread BB
Works! Try:

%#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)

\markup {

" "

\override #'(size . 10 )

\override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot) (orientation 
. #'landscape)))

\fret-diagram-verbose #`(

(place-fret 6 5 "R/3")

(place-fret 5 4 "III/2")

(place-fret 4 2 "V1/1")



On 16.02.2016 11:16, David Kastrup wrote:

Pierre Perol-Schneider  writes:

1) try \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot)
(orientation . #'landscape)))

#'landscape ?

Can't imagine that to work.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rotate fretdiagram and add fingering above

2016-02-16 Thread BB
Many thanks for all help. Works nice!

On 16.02.2016 11:24, Thomas Morley wrote:

(fret-count . 5)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Johan Vromans
On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 10:40:58 +0100
David Kastrup  wrote:

q> Parsing...
> error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
>   e4. e8~ e4. d8 r4 r8 e8 a4 
>  h4 \bar ".|:"h4 cis8 cis8 r2|

Oh dear :)

> I'm not really interested in fixing this up since you probably missed
> the point anyway:
> ...
> Did you bother to check this?

OP did not inspect the midi, OP did mention that the LP midi imported into
Finale does not have a signature.

BTW: The key signature is in the track, as it should be. It imports
correctly into RoseGarden (with signature).

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is there a bug in the way Lilypond handles staccatos?

2016-02-16 Thread Simon Albrecht
On 16.02.2016 07:22, Helge Kruse wrote:

Maybe I'm wrong. But how are slurs related to stccatos?

This was only a typo, corrected by Devin in a parallel post.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hello Federico, 

Thanks for your tip. 
I did play a bit with \paper {score-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 7} and I 
found that it worked quite well in the ME but a bit less so in my "real" file 
(which also contains a larger score) even when I set the value to 0.

But I'll keep it in my "toolbox".

Thanks again.

Best regards,
Robert lackstone

On 15 Feb 2016, at 18:28 , Federico Bruni  wrote:

> Il giorno lun 15 feb 2016 alle 17:52, Robert Blackstone 
>  ha scritto:
>> What can I do to diminish the vertical space between the score and the next 
>> text block? Or better, make the vertical space underneath the score the same 
>> as that above the score.
> Play with this:
> \paper {
> score-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 7
> }
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Klaus,

Thanks for this tip. Indeed these are all very small score blocks and inserting 
them as a markup element gave the best result in the "real" file.
Concerning your second tip, inserting \markup \vspace #-1, I must confess that 
whatever I tried, I could not get it to do something. I really do not know 
where to insert it. But it does not matter at the moment.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

Robert Blackstone 

On 15 Feb 2016, at 21:39 , Klaus Blum  wrote:

> Hi Robert, 
> Robert Blackstone-3 wrote
>> What can I do to diminish the vertical space between the score and the
>> next text block? 
> if your score block is short enough to not require a page break, you can
> also insert it as a markup element:
> %
> \markup \score {
>  \layout {
>indent = 7.5\cm
>  }
>  \relative c'
>  {
>\new Staff {
>  \omit Staff.TimeSignature \clef treble \key c \major
>  c d e f
>  }
> } % End score
> \markup \vspace #-1 % In that case, you can even do things like this...  :-)
> %
> Cheers, 
> Klaus
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the User mailing list archive at
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

glissando without start note?

2016-02-16 Thread BB
With stringed instruments a playing technique (mainly in Rock, Pop, 
Blues, Jazz) to get some acoustic effect is to slide up a string to a 
defined fret without a real starting fret. I tried a noatation:

% 1st trial



\glissando e'''2 |


% glissando does not work

For optical reasons I tried to make the rest to a starting point of the 
glissando - does not work?

% 2nd trial



\once \hide NoteHead

\once \hide Stem

\grace g'

\glissando e'''2 |


% \grace to avoid bar time length problem !

That works but it is optical not stisfacting, I would say it is ugly.

% 3rd trial



\once \hide NoteHead

\once \hide Stem

< r4 \grace g'>

\glissando e'''2



That would come close to my intention, but does not work either.

Is there any nice solution?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Teerilahti Esko
Always something missing, when I try to be short.
I also have there definition
 \language ”suomi”  (finnish)
so ”h" is same as b, please do not stick to that.

I didn’t yet get the lilymidi to work (missing, for some reason)

I looked at the hex dump, and Yes, there is 
FF 59 02 03 = Key signature ,  3 sharps = A major.

However, I still do not understand why Finale Songwriter or MidiYogi cannot 
find it.
They can find it from midifiles, produced by other tools.

There might be something else ’non-standard’ which makes those to ignore some 
of the information.

Desperately looking for proper midi file analyser (for Mac)


Johan Vromans  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 14.07:

> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 10:40:58 +0100
> David Kastrup  wrote:
> q> Parsing...
>> error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
>>  e4. e8~ e4. d8 r4 r8 e8 a4 
>> h4 \bar ".|:"h4 cis8 cis8 r2|
> Oh dear :)
>> I'm not really interested in fixing this up since you probably missed
>> the point anyway:
>> ...
>> Did you bother to check this?
> OP did not inspect the midi, OP did mention that the LP midi imported into
> Finale does not have a signature.
> BTW: The key signature is in the track, as it should be. It imports
> correctly into RoseGarden (with signature).
> -- Johan
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Teerilahti Esko  writes:

> Always something missing, when I try to be short.
> I also have there definition
>  \language ”suomi”  (finnish)
> so ”h" is same as b, please do not stick to that.
> I didn’t yet get the lilymidi to work (missing, for some reason)
> I looked at the hex dump, and Yes, there is 
> FF 59 02 03 = Key signature ,  3 sharps = A major.
> However, I still do not understand why Finale Songwriter or MidiYogi
> cannot find it.
> They can find it from midifiles, produced by other tools.
> There might be something else ’non-standard’ which makes those to
> ignore some of the information.


 More likely time and tempo are in the _control_ track whereas the key
 (which needs not be the same across tracks) is in the individual
 instruments' tracks.

>> Did you bother to check this?

Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control


David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Paul Booker
Regarding LSR item 623:

I'm sure I had this working with v2.18.2 but not having any luck with v2.19.36

In Win 8.1 I get an error message:

/lily/, Line 243

Expression: scm_is_null(value) || scm_is_eq(value, marker)

I've only narrowed the problem down to the function

scaleCustomClefStencilTwo =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* ((sz (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size 0.0))
   (mult (magstep sz)))
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil) 
mult mult 

lilypond-user mailing list

variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Graham King
I'm working on a book containing twelve short single-movement quintets,
originally with the intention of assembling them into a single volume
with book-titling.ily.  However, being unable to make book-titling.ily
deliver a ragged-last-bottom margin for each of the twelve quintets, I'm
now trying to migrate to using \book { \score { ... } \score ... }.

Here's the problem:

\version "2.19.35"
\book {
  music = \relative { c' d e f }
  \score {

fails with: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING  
  music = \relative { c' d e f } error: unknown escaped string: `\music'
/ error: unrecognized string, not in text
script or \lyricmode


\version "2.19.35"
music = \relative { c' d e f }  
\book {
  \score {

works fine.

To avoid having to restructure a number of files, it would be very handy
to be able to use the former layout (defining music = { ... }, and a
number of other variables, within \book but outside \score).  Is there a
way to achieve that? 
(Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).

-- Graham
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Esko Teerilahti
David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:

> Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control
I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.

In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature 
available’, regardless which track I selected.

Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value, 
regardless which track I selected.

Then I found the Event examiner. 
In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track (as you 
pointed out).

Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control track !
And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is in the 
control track. 

So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file. 


> -- 
> David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissando without start note?

2016-02-16 Thread Robin Bannister
BB wrote:

With stringed instruments a playing technique (mainly in Rock, Pop,
Blues, Jazz) to get some acoustic effect is to slide up a string to a
defined fret without a real starting fret.

Have a look at

This was probably based on my old scoop stencil,
which uses a brackettips glyph (as initially proposed by Lewis Overton).
You can find an updated version of that here:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Esko Teerilahti
Small addition to this.

When I added the Key signature into the control track, now also Finale 
Songwriter can read it.

t. Esko

Esko Teerilahti  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 16.28:

> David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:
>> Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control
> I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.
> In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature 
> available’, regardless which track I selected.
> Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value, 
> regardless which track I selected.
> Then I found the Event examiner. 
> In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track (as you 
> pointed out).
> Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control track !
> And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is in the 
> control track. 
> So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file. 
> Esko
>> -- 
>> David Kastrup
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Esko Teerilahti  writes:

> David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:
>> Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control
> I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.
> In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature
> available’, regardless which track I selected.
> Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value,
> regardless which track I selected.
> Then I found the Event examiner. 
> In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track
> (as you pointed out).
> Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control track !
> And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is
> in the control track.
> So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file. 

i have no copy of the Midi standard so have to go by hearsay.  For
example, in> it

Key Signature

FF 59 02 sf mi

sf is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps (+ve)
that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1 = 1 flat, 0 =
key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).  mi is a byte specifying a major (0) or
minor (1) key.

For a format 1 MIDI file, Key Signature Meta events should only
occur within the first MTrk chunk.

Note the last paragraph.  It may be that LilyPond is not heeding the
standard here (somebody would need to check a copy of the standard to be
sure, and the standard costs money).  A standard which, by the way,
would seem stupid since key signatures _may_ well be different for
different tracks.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Paul Morris
> On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Paul Booker  wrote:
> I've only narrowed the problem down to the function

Hi Paul,  Can you send a full but tiny example that we can run/test with 
LilyPond?  See:

That will make it easier to see what’s going on.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "David Kastrup" 

To: "Esko Teerilahti" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

Esko Teerilahti  writes:

David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:

Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control


I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.

In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature
available’, regardless which track I selected.

Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value,
regardless which track I selected.

Then I found the Event examiner.
In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track
(as you pointed out).

Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control track !
And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is
in the control track.

So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file.

i have no copy of the Midi standard so have to go by hearsay.  For
example, in> it

   Key Signature

   FF 59 02 sf mi

   sf is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps (+ve)
   that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1 = 1 flat, 0 =
   key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).  mi is a byte specifying a major (0) or
   minor (1) key.

   For a format 1 MIDI file, Key Signature Meta events should only
   occur within the first MTrk chunk.

Note the last paragraph.  It may be that LilyPond is not heeding the
standard here (somebody would need to check a copy of the standard to be
sure, and the standard costs money).  A standard which, by the way,
would seem stupid since key signatures _may_ well be different for
different tracks.

David Kastrup

If I use Noteworthy (my favoured entry program) I can enter different key 
signatures for each instrument and this saves and loads them as entered.  If 
I export as midi, the key signature for both instruments is changed to be 
that for the first instrument.

With Sibelius, it appears impossible to use different key signatures: enter 
a signature for instrument one, and it is copied to all the other 

Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Urs Liska

Am 16.02.2016 um 17:29 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> - Original Message - From: "David Kastrup" 
> To: "Esko Teerilahti" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:09 PM
> Subject: Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?
>> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
>>> David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:

 Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the


>>> I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.
>>> In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature
>>> available’, regardless which track I selected.
>>> Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value,
>>> regardless which track I selected.
>>> Then I found the Event examiner.
>>> In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track
>>> (as you pointed out).
>>> Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control
>>> track !
>>> And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is
>>> in the control track.
>>> So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file.
>> i have no copy of the Midi standard so have to go by hearsay.  For
>> example, in> it
>> says
>>Key Signature
>>FF 59 02 sf mi
>>sf is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps (+ve)
>>that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1 = 1 flat, 0 =
>>key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).  mi is a byte specifying a major (0) or
>>minor (1) key.
>>For a format 1 MIDI file, Key Signature Meta events should only
>>occur within the first MTrk chunk.
>> Note the last paragraph.  It may be that LilyPond is not heeding the
>> standard here (somebody would need to check a copy of the standard to be
>> sure, and the standard costs money).  A standard which, by the way,
>> would seem stupid since key signatures _may_ well be different for
>> different tracks.
>> -- 
>> David Kastrup
> If I use Noteworthy (my favoured entry program) I can enter different
> key signatures for each instrument and this saves and loads them as
> entered.  If I export as midi, the key signature for both instruments
> is changed to be that for the first instrument.

Which seems to confirm David's conclusion ...

> With Sibelius, it appears impossible to use different key signatures:
> enter a signature for instrument one, and it is copied to all the
> other instruments.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Graham King
oops, just found the simple fix (I think):

\version "2.19.35"

music = { \relative { c' d e f }}
\book {
  \score {

One extra pair of braces around the music expression.

Apologies for the noise.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Graham King  writes:

> oops, just found the simple fix (I think):
> \version "2.19.35"
> music = { \relative { c' d e f }}
> \book {
>   \score {
> \music
>   }
> }
> One extra pair of braces around the music expression.

Have you actually _read_ your question?

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Graham King
On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 18:36 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:

> Graham King  writes:
> > oops, just found the simple fix (I think):

> Have you actually _read_ your question?

Yes, read the question, but failed to read the rubbish I put forward as
a "simple fix".  Too much going round in circles in my head !  Thanks
for pointing it out.  The original question stands.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Graham King  writes:

> On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 18:36 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Graham King  writes:
>> > oops, just found the simple fix (I think):
>> Have you actually _read_ your question?
> Yes, read the question, but failed to read the rubbish I put forward as
> a "simple fix".  Too much going round in circles in my head !  Thanks
> for pointing it out.  The original question stands.

The \book block does not really have a scope of its own.  Its \paper
block does, but that is not in-scope in the scores.

However, your original posting stated:

> (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
> ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).

Have you actually tried

\layout {
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
following \layout blocks.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Paul Booker
Paul Morris> writes:

> > On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Paul Booker> wrote:
> > 
> > I've only narrowed the problem down to the function
> Hi Paul,  Can you send a full but tiny example that we can run/test with
LilyPond?  See:
> That will make it easier to see what’s going on.
> -Paul
> ___

Thanks Paul 
Good point. I should also offer the full path of the error message:

Line 243

Expression:scm_is_null (value) || scm_is_eq (value, marker)

The tiny example here is taken from LSR 623, and you can uncomment the line
in the "music" variable which switches between overrides to invoke the error.
I've included (commented out) the original scaled staves which demonstrate
the capacity of the function:

\version "2.19.36"
customClefStencil = 
`(path 0.1
  `(moveto 0 0
curveto 0 1 0.7 2.5 1.5 1.5
lineto 1.5 -3
 (cons 0 1.5)
 (cons -3 2))
scaleCustomClefStencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* ((sz (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size 0.0))
   (mult (magstep sz)))
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil) 
mult mult
music =
\relative c' {
  \override Staff.Clef.stencil = \customClefStencil
  %\override Staff.Clef.stencil = \scaleCustomClefStencil
  c1 g1
\new Staff 

\new Staff \with {
fontSize = #-3
\override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
\override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -3)
  \new Staff 
\new Staff \with {
fontSize = #2
\override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep 2)
\override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep 2)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Esko Teerilahti
I also made a quick test with Finale Songwriter. 
I created a simple woodwind-quintet composition from the template and exported 
to midi file. Key signature is in the control track and has only one value,
eventhough there is e.g. one  Bb instrument in the quintet.

Finale Songwriter then fails to correctly import the same midi file.

So, after all, do  not know what is the correct way. It seems that midi files 
are not meant or thought-to-be-used like this.
The main thing is that they play correctly, because pitch and time  etc. are 
correct anyway. Notation is another issue.

Phil Holmes  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 18.29:

> - Original Message - From: "David Kastrup" 
> To: "Esko Teerilahti" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:09 PM
> Subject: Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?
>> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
>>> David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:
 Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the control
>>> I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.
>>> In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key signature
>>> available’, regardless which track I selected.
>>> Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key value,
>>> regardless which track I selected.
>>> Then I found the Event examiner.
>>> In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument track
>>> (as you pointed out).
>>> Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control track !
>>> And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it is
>>> in the control track.
>>> So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file.
>> i have no copy of the Midi standard so have to go by hearsay.  For
>> example, in> it
>> says
>>   Key Signature
>>   FF 59 02 sf mi
>>   sf is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps (+ve)
>>   that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1 = 1 flat, 0 =
>>   key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).  mi is a byte specifying a major (0) or
>>   minor (1) key.
>>   For a format 1 MIDI file, Key Signature Meta events should only
>>   occur within the first MTrk chunk.
>> Note the last paragraph.  It may be that LilyPond is not heeding the
>> standard here (somebody would need to check a copy of the standard to be
>> sure, and the standard costs money).  A standard which, by the way,
>> would seem stupid since key signatures _may_ well be different for
>> different tracks.
>> -- 
>> David Kastrup
> If I use Noteworthy (my favoured entry program) I can enter different key 
> signatures for each instrument and this saves and loads them as entered.  If 
> I export as midi, the key signature for both instruments is changed to be 
> that for the first instrument.
> With Sibelius, it appears impossible to use different key signatures: enter a 
> signature for instrument one, and it is copied to all the other instruments.
> --
> Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?

2016-02-16 Thread Urs Liska

Am 16. Februar 2016 20:44:30 MEZ, schrieb Esko Teerilahti :
>I also made a quick test with Finale Songwriter. 
>I created a simple woodwind-quintet composition from the template and
>exported to midi file. Key signature is in the control track and has
>only one value,
>eventhough there is e.g. one  Bb instrument in the quintet.
>Finale Songwriter then fails to correctly import the same midi file.
>So, after all, do  not know what is the correct way. It seems that midi
>files are not meant or thought-to-be-used like this.

What you would probably want to use is MusicXML. Unfortunately MusicXML export 
is still *very* rudimentary, implemented as a start in Frescobaldi.


>The main thing is that they play correctly, because pitch and time 
>etc. are correct anyway. Notation is another issue.
>Phil Holmes  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 18.29:
>> - Original Message - From: "David Kastrup" 
>> To: "Esko Teerilahti" 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:09 PM
>> Subject: Re: There is no key signature in the generated Midi file ?
>>> Esko Teerilahti  writes:
 David Kastrup  kirjoitti 16.2.2016 kello 15.30:
> Your screen shot of MidiYogi _clearly_ shows you looking in the
 I Did many times but wasn’t smart enough, and nor is the MidiYodi.
 In my own example, main window (in screenshot) shows ’no key
 available’, regardless which track I selected.
 Then I tried with other midi file, and it shows the correct key
 regardless which track I selected.
 Then I found the Event examiner.
 In my own example It shows the Key signature in the instrument
 (as you pointed out).
 Whereas, with the other midifile, Key signature IS in the control
>track !
 And the main window only seems to show the key signature, when it
 in the control track.
 So anyway, there is Key signature in the generated midi file.
>>> i have no copy of the Midi standard so have to go by hearsay.  For
>>> example, in>
>>> says
>>>   Key Signature
>>>   FF 59 02 sf mi
>>>   sf is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps (+ve)
>>>   that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1 = 1 flat, 0 =
>>>   key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).  mi is a byte specifying a major (0)
>>>   minor (1) key.
>>>   For a format 1 MIDI file, Key Signature Meta events should only
>>>   occur within the first MTrk chunk.
>>> Note the last paragraph.  It may be that LilyPond is not heeding the
>>> standard here (somebody would need to check a copy of the standard
>to be
>>> sure, and the standard costs money).  A standard which, by the way,
>>> would seem stupid since key signatures _may_ well be different for
>>> different tracks.
>>> -- 
>>> David Kastrup
>> If I use Noteworthy (my favoured entry program) I can enter different
>key signatures for each instrument and this saves and loads them as
>entered.  If I export as midi, the key signature for both instruments
>is changed to be that for the first instrument.
>> With Sibelius, it appears impossible to use different key signatures:
>enter a signature for instrument one, and it is copied to all the other
>> --
>> Phil Holmes 
>lilypond-user mailing list

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-02-16 21:40 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :

> The LSR-snippet is wrong in this regard.
> But 2.18.2 was more lax tolerating such things than new devel-versions.
> I'll correct the LSR-snippet.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-02-16 19:40 GMT+01:00 Paul Booker :
> Paul Morris> writes:
>> > On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Paul Booker> wrote:
>> >
>> > I've only narrowed the problem down to the function
>> Hi Paul,  Can you send a full but tiny example that we can run/test with
> LilyPond?  See:
>> That will make it easier to see what’s going on.
>> -Paul
>> ___
> Thanks Paul
> Good point. I should also offer the full path of the error message:
> /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/mingw/src/
> g--lilypond.git-release-unstable/lily/,
> Line 243
> Expression:scm_is_null (value) || scm_is_eq (value, marker)
> The tiny example here is taken from LSR 623, and you can uncomment the line
> in the "music" variable which switches between overrides to invoke the error.
> I've included (commented out) the original scaled staves which demonstrate
> the capacity of the function:
> \version "2.19.36"
> customClefStencil =
>   #(ly:make-stencil
> `(path 0.1
>   `(moveto 0 0
> curveto 0 1 0.7 2.5 1.5 1.5
> lineto 1.5 -3
> closepath)
>   'round
>   'round
>   #t)
>  (cons 0 1.5)
>  (cons -3 2))
> scaleCustomClefStencil =
> #(lambda (grob)
> (let* ((sz (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size 0.0))
>(mult (magstep sz)))
> (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil)

Here you set the stencil-property.

>   (ly:stencil-scale
> customClefStencil
> mult mult
> music =
> \relative c' {
>   \override Staff.Clef.stencil = \customClefStencil
>   %\override Staff.Clef.stencil = \scaleCustomClefStencil
Here you try to do it again.
But \scaleCustomClefStencil returns #!!
This will be visible if you look at the output of:

  \override Staff.Clef.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
  (display (scaleCustomClefStencil grob))

>   c1 g1
> }
> \new Staff
> \music
> %{
>   <<
> \new Staff \with {
> fontSize = #-3
> \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
> \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -3)
> }
> \music
>   \new Staff
>   \music
> \new Staff \with {
> fontSize = #2
> \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep 2)
> \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep 2)
> }
> \music
>   >>
> %}
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Try instead:

scaleCustomClefStencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(let* ((sz (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size 0.0))
   (mult (magstep sz)))
mult mult)))
music =
\relative c' {
  \override Staff.Clef.stencil = \scaleCustomClefStencil
  c1 g1

The LSR-snippet is wrong in this regard.
But 2.18.2 was more lax tolerating such things than new devel-versions.
I'll correct the LSR-snippet.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-16 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-02-16 13:34 GMT+01:00 Robert Blackstone :
> Hi Klaus,
> Thanks for this tip. Indeed these are all very small score blocks and 
> inserting them as a markup element gave the best result in the "real" file.
> Concerning your second tip, inserting \markup \vspace #-1, I must confess 
> that whatever I tried, I could not get it to do something. I really do not 
> know where to insert it. But it does not matter at the moment.
> Thanks again.
> Best regards,
> Robert Blackstone
> On 15 Feb 2016, at 21:39 , Klaus Blum  wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Robert Blackstone-3 wrote
>>> What can I do to diminish the vertical space between the score and the
>>> next text block?
>> if your score block is short enough to not require a page break, you can
>> also insert it as a markup element:
>> %
>> \markup \score {
>>  \layout {
>>indent = 7.5\cm
>>  }
>>  \relative c'
>>  {
>>\new Staff {
>>  \omit Staff.TimeSignature \clef treble \key c \major
>>  c d e f
>>  }
>> } % End score
>> \markup \vspace #-1 % In that case, you can even do things like this...  :-)
>> %
>> Cheers,
>> Klaus

An additional thought.
To get page-breaking text and scores in markup you could use the
relevant markup-list-commands in \markuplist { ... }

\version "2.19.36"

\markuplist {
  \line {
Some comments in the original language.
   \hspace #14
   \italic { The same translated into some other language.}

  \override-lines #'(baseline-skip . 12)
  \column-lines {
\score-lines {
  \new Staff
\relative c' \repeat unfold 20 { c4 d e f \break }
  \layout {
indent = 7.5\cm
short-indent = 7.5\cm
line-width = 110
\context {
  \omit TimeSignature
} % End score

  \line {
Other comments in the original language.
\hspace #14
\italic { The same translated into some other language. }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Paul Booker
> Done.

> Cheers,
>   Harm

That's great,
Thanks Thomas.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Graham King
On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:15 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:

> However, your original posting stated:
> > (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
> > ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).
> Have you actually tried
> \layout {
>   ragged-last-bottom = ##t
> }
> before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
> following \layout blocks.

Thanks for your help.

I can't pretend to have a very firm grasp of scoping in lilypond, but I
have now (re-)tried by putting this \layout block in various places,
including before the \include for each piece.  I've also tried inserting
it in Nicolas Sceaux's example at the bottom of the book-titling.ily
code (snippet 368).  All without success, alas.

-- Graham
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread David Kastrup
Graham King  writes:

> On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:15 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> However, your original posting stated:
>> > (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
>> > ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).
>> Have you actually tried
>> \layout {
>>   ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>> }
>> before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
>> following \layout blocks.
> Thanks for your help.
> I can't pretend to have a very firm grasp of scoping in lilypond, but I
> have now (re-)tried by putting this \layout block in various places,
> including before the \include for each piece.  I've also tried inserting
> it in Nicolas Sceaux's example at the bottom of the book-titling.ily
> code (snippet 368).  All without success, alas.

"before anything else" means before anything else.  Namely first.
Particularly before loading book-titling.ily.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Graham King
On Wed, 2016-02-17 at 00:20 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:

> Graham King  writes:
> > On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:15 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> > 
> >
> >> 
> >> However, your original posting stated:
> >> 
> >> > (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
> >> > ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).
> >> 
> >> Have you actually tried
> >> 
> >> \layout {
> >>   ragged-last-bottom = ##t
> >> }
> >> 
> >> before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
> >> following \layout blocks.
> >> 
> >
> > Thanks for your help.
> >
> > I can't pretend to have a very firm grasp of scoping in lilypond, but I
> > have now (re-)tried by putting this \layout block in various places,
> > including before the \include for each piece.  I've also tried inserting
> > it in Nicolas Sceaux's example at the bottom of the book-titling.ily
> > code (snippet 368).  All without success, alas.
> "before anything else" means before anything else.  Namely first.
> Particularly before loading book-titling.ily.

I've tried it at the top of the master file that I compile to create the
PDF containing all the pieces:

  \version "2.19.32"
  #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
  \layout {
   ragged-last-bottom = ##t

The last page of each piece is still as if ragged-last-bottom were ##f.
The final piece might be affected but I can't tell because it fills the
last page with systems anyway.

Thanks for the clarification, but I'm thinking we're flogging a dead
horse in trying to get book-titling.ily to do this.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: variables in \book { }

2016-02-16 Thread Ben Strecker

Have you tried putting each score inside it’s own \bookpart?

The documentation for ragged-last-bottom says:

 <> <>If this is set to false, then the last page, and the last page in each 
section created with a \bookpart block, will be vertically justified in the 
same way as the earlier pages.

If I’m reading that correctly, that means that unless each score is in a 
bookpart, ragged-last-bottom only applies to the very last page.


> On Feb 16, 2016, at 7:21 PM, Graham King  wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-02-17 at 00:20 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Graham King>> 
>> writes:
>> > On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:15 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> > 
>> >
>> >> 
>> >> However, your original posting stated:
>> >> 
>> >> > (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
>> >> > ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).
>> >> 
>> >> Have you actually tried
>> >> 
>> >> \layout {
>> >>   ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>> >> }
>> >> 
>> >> before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
>> >> following \layout blocks.
>> >> 
>> >
>> > Thanks for your help.
>> >
>> > I can't pretend to have a very firm grasp of scoping in lilypond, but I
>> > have now (re-)tried by putting this \layout block in various places,
>> > including before the \include for each piece.  I've also tried inserting
>> > it in Nicolas Sceaux's example at the bottom of the book-titling.ily
>> > code (snippet 368).  All without success, alas.
>> "before anything else" means before anything else.  Namely first.
>> Particularly before loading book-titling.ily.
> I've tried it at the top of the master file that I compile to create the PDF 
> containing all the pieces:
>   \version "2.19.32"
>   #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
>   \layout {
>ragged-last-bottom = ##t
> }
> The last page of each piece is still as if ragged-last-bottom were ##f.  The 
> final piece might be affected but I can't tell because it fills the last page 
> with systems anyway.
> Thanks for the clarification, but I'm thinking we're flogging a dead horse in 
> trying to get book-titling.ily to do this.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

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Accessing header information for use in a Scheme script

2016-02-16 Thread Rafael Ramirez Morales

I'm trying to access the information of the values in the \header section.

I would like to use these values (if defined) to generate automatically a

More specifically, given a value for the copyright in the header, I wanted
to generate a variable with the copyright notice (in the example, define a
copyrightUse variable with preset text.)

%% BEGIN miniscript

#(define license-alist '(
  ( "Public Domain" . "free to duplicate,
distribute, modify, and perform" )
  ( "Copyright" . "All rights reserved." )

#(if (assoc 'copyright license-alist)
 (define copyrightUse
   (cdr (assoc copyright license-alist)))
 (define copyrightUse "Unknown copyright status. Some or all rights

%% END miniscript

The miniscript works so long as the 'copyright variable is manually defined
(as a string) elsewhere. What I would like is to get the value for
'copyright directly from the header.

I have tried many things, including the fromproperty approach and the ideas
in the snippet in the repositories markupWithHeader... to no avail. Alas,
it seems the header variables get wrapped up is something that I have not
been able to unravel in order to reach the naked value.

The basic idea (which I would like to apply to any header field) would be:
1/ test if the variable is defined in header or not.
If not defined, maybe propose a default value.
2/ test if the variable is markup or not.
If it is markup, probably leave it as-is...
3/ If the variable is a string, get that value and proceed to compare said
value to, for example, a list of standard values, and then go crazy making
derived markups or other subroutines based on this information.

If anyone has a solution, idea, or a solid push in a good direction, my
very badly banged head would greatly appreciate.
lilypond-user mailing list

Arbitrary number of arguments in Scheme function?

2016-02-16 Thread Peter Crighton

I am working on a Scheme function that improves ties when writing in
rhythmic notation (improvisationOn). Now I have the problem that I
don’t know how many post events a duration might have – my current
function works only for one event (the tie).
Can this function be made more general for an arbitrary number of post
events? And ideally I’d also like it to be expecting either
ly:duration? or ly:music?, since I might also be writing c8~, instead
of 8~.

\version "2.19.33"

tieFixSlash = #(define-music-function (parser location rhythm
tie)(ly:duration? ly:event?)
   \shape #'((0.5 . 0) (0.5 . 0) (0.8 . 0) (0.8 . 0)) Tie
   $rhythm $tie
   \once \override TieColumn.tie-configuration = #'((2 . 1))

\new Voice \with {
  \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
} {
  8 8 8 \tieFixSlash 8~ 8 8 8 8 |
  8 8 8 \tieFixSlash 8(~ 8 8 8 8) |

Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany

lilypond-user mailing list

tweaking accidental padding within KeySignature

2016-02-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

I’m hoping to control the padding of accidentals within a KeySignature — 
specifically, I want to loosen/increase the spacing a little bit — but I can’t 
seem to find the right incantation. Any hints/links would be appreciated.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using path expressions to override stencils

2016-02-16 Thread Paul Morris
Hi Paul, 

If you are using 2.19 you might want to use "make-path-stencil” instead.  (It 
is not in 2.18 and so not in the LSR yet. Although maybe we should add it 
commented out?)  It calculates the extents of the stencil for you so you don’t 
have to specify them.  See below.


\version "2.19.36"

customClefStencilOne =
  `(path 0.2
 `(rmoveto 0 0
rcurveto 0 0.75 1 0.75 1 0
rcurveto 0 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -1 0
rcurveto -1 0 -1 1.5 -0.5 1.5
rmoveto 0.5 -1.5
rcurveto -1 0 -1 -1.5 -0.5 -1.5
rmoveto 0.5 1.5
rmoveto 1 0
rcurveto 2.5 0 2.5 4 4 4
rmoveto -4 -4
rcurveto 2.5 0 2.5 -4 4 -4))
  (cons -0.5 1)
  (cons -3 5))

customClefStencilTwo =
  '(rmoveto 0 0
 rcurveto 0 0.75 1 0.75 1 0
 rcurveto 0 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -1 0
 rcurveto -1 0 -1 1.5 -0.5 1.5
 rmoveto 0.5 -1.5
 rcurveto -1 0 -1 -1.5 -0.5 -1.5
 rmoveto 0.5 1.5
 rmoveto 1 0
 rcurveto 2.5 0 2.5 4 4 4
 rmoveto -4 -4
 rcurveto 2.5 0 2.5 -4 4 -4)
  0.2 ;; line thickness
  1 ;; x-axis scaling factor
  1 ;; y-axis scaling factor
  #f ;; filled path or not?

\markup \stencil #customClefStencilOne
\markup " "
\markup " "
\markup \stencil #customClefStencilTwo

lilypond-user mailing list

moving slur attachment points globally

2016-02-16 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

Is it possible to have slurs start at the “4:30” position of the left notehead, 
and end at the “7:30” position of the right notehead (where “textbook slurs” 
would begin and end at the “6:00” position of both noteheads)?

If so, what is the general setting that would make this happen automatically 
(as opposed to me \shape-ing each one manually/individually)?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Cross-staff phrase marks

2016-02-16 Thread Hilary Snaden
Are Bezier curves practical for making inter-voice and cross-staff
phrase marks in LilyPond? It looks as though this could be quite
labour-intensive, so any pointers or examples before I start could be

It's for a piano piece where a long melody moves between soprano, alto
and tenor voices. The phrase marks aren't particularly long but they are
very curvy.


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