On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:15 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:

> However, your original posting stated:
> > (Alternatively, if there's a way to make book-titling.ily do a
> > ragged-last-bottom for each piece, that would save even more work).
> Have you actually tried
> \layout {
>   ragged-last-bottom = ##t
> }
> before anything else?  That should be taken as starting point for all
> following \layout blocks.

Thanks for your help.

I can't pretend to have a very firm grasp of scoping in lilypond, but I
have now (re-)tried by putting this \layout block in various places,
including before the \include for each piece.  I've also tried inserting
it in Nicolas Sceaux's example at the bottom of the book-titling.ily
code (snippet 368).  All without success, alas.

-- Graham
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