Re: Manual search returns results from wrong version

2012-10-16 Thread Phil Holmes
It's a common header, used on all the web pages, and therefore uses the same 
version number throughout.  Non-trivial to change.

Phil Holmes

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nick Payne 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 11:50 PM
  Subject: Manual search returns results from wrong version

  Going to the manual page for 2.16 ( and 
entering a search term (eg I tried "footnote") in the search box at upper right 
returns hits in the 2.17 manuals. The search presented to Google is: footnote


  lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "Janek Warchoł" 
To: "David Nalesnik" ; "Thomas Morley" 
; "David Kastrup" ; "LilyPond 

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:53 AM
Subject: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working


David Nalesnik's function correcting tuplet number placement on kneed
beams throws an error with Lilypond 2.17.5 (it works with 2.16.0):

Drawing systems.../home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26:
In procedure * in expression (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam #)):
/home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26: Wrong type: ()

line 44 reads:
(beam-gap (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam 'gap)))

i have no idea why this doesn't work.  I had looked for commits that
said something about gaps, but hadn't find anything.  Maybe it's
related to some commits about grob-properties:

Author: David Kastrup 
Date:   Mon Sep 24 11:59:42 2012 +0200

   Issue 2856: Get along with use of grob-property instead of
grob-property-path in overrides


Author: Keith OHara 
Date:   Wed Aug 29 12:47:47 2012 -0700 outdated comment


David's function is in the attachment.


Since you're running this on the development version, you could narrow down 
the problematic commit with git bisect.

Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 119, Issue 52

2012-10-16 Thread Kevin Patrick Barry
> Have you had a look at either balloon help or footnotes:
> Nick

Yes I use the balloons all the time (they're great).  If I could attach an
arrow to the line they produce then that would go a long way to making
things easier. The only other problem is that, since they expect markup at
the end of the line, they 'push' other staves away, preventing me from
drawing an arrow from a note on one staff to a note on another, for example.

I never considered using footnotes; I'll look into it now and see, thank
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread David Nalesnik
Hi Janek,

>> David Nalesnik's function correcting tuplet number placement on kneed
>> beams throws an error with Lilypond 2.17.5 (it works with 2.16.0):
>> Drawing systems.../home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26:
>> In procedure * in expression (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam #)):
>> /home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26: Wrong type: ()
>> line 44 reads:
>> (beam-gap (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam 'gap)))

Checking the Internals Reference, it looks like 'gap has been renamed
'beam-gap, so changing that line should fix the problem.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread Thomas Morley
2012/10/16 David Nalesnik :
> Hi Janek,
>>> David Nalesnik's function correcting tuplet number placement on kneed
>>> beams throws an error with Lilypond 2.17.5 (it works with 2.16.0):
>>> Drawing systems.../home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26:
>>> In procedure * in expression (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam #)):
>>> /home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26: Wrong type: ()
>>> line 44 reads:
>>> (beam-gap (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam 'gap)))
> Checking the Internals Reference, it looks like 'gap has been renamed
> 'beam-gap, so changing that line should fix the problem.
> -David

Hi David,

'beam-gap is now a pair.
So I'm not sure if it should be
(car (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))
(interval-length (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))

Currently I haven't found a proper documentation:

git grep beam-gap

Documentation/misc/CHANGES-1.3:beams on whole notes.  'beam-gap' had been rename
Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-2.1:   lines for falling into beam-gap.
lily/  Interval gap_lengths = robust_scm2interval (me->get_property ("be
lily/   "beam-gap "
scm/define-grob-properties.scm: (beam-gap ,number-pair? "Size of a gap in a
scm/define-grobs.scm:   (beam-gap . ,ly:beam::calc-beam-gap)

Quoting "Documentation/misc/CHANGES-1.3":



* Chord tremolo fixes: shift beams vertically on whole notes.  Center
beams on whole notes.  'beam-gap' had been renamed to 'gap', but only
for reading.

I'm investigating further.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread David Kastrup
Thomas Morley  writes:

> 2012/10/16 David Nalesnik :
>> Hi Janek,
 David Nalesnik's function correcting tuplet number placement on kneed
 beams throws an error with Lilypond 2.17.5 (it works with 2.16.0):

 Drawing systems.../home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26:
 In procedure * in expression (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam #)):
 /home/janek/desk/tuplet_numers_on_kneed_beams.ily:44:26: Wrong type: ()

 line 44 reads:
 (beam-gap (* 0.5 (ly:grob-property beam 'gap)))
>> Checking the Internals Reference, it looks like 'gap has been renamed
>> 'beam-gap, so changing that line should fix the problem.
>> -David
> Hi David,
> 'beam-gap is now a pair.
> So I'm not sure if it should be
> (car (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))
> or
> (interval-length (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))
> Currently I haven't found a proper documentation:
> git grep beam-gap
> Documentation/misc/CHANGES-1.3:beams on whole notes.  'beam-gap' had
> been rename
> Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-2.1:   lines for falling into beam-gap.
> lily/ Interval gap_lengths = robust_scm2interval
> (me->get_property ("be
> lily/   "beam-gap "
> scm/define-grob-properties.scm: (beam-gap ,number-pair? "Size of a gap in 
> a
> scm/define-grobs.scm:   (beam-gap . ,ly:beam::calc-beam-gap)

> * Chord tremolo fixes: shift beams vertically on whole notes.  Center
> beams on whole notes.  'beam-gap' had been renamed to 'gap', but only
> for reading.
> I'm investigating further.

commit d8dfa746ead381a80901106b9c9b079dc9b5d004
Author: Mike Solomon 
Date:   Fri Aug 31 09:27:17 2012 +0200

Uses a heuristic to determine if chord tremolos collide with accidentals.

This heuristic makes several assumptions about when a chord tremolo
will collide with accidentals. It must be between whole notes, it
must be in the staff, and it must be an ascending major third or lower.
The heuristic is entirely contained in Beam::whole_note_close_chord_tremolo,
which should be modified if other cases involving chord tremolos arise.

I just love it when only loosely related API and functionality changes
are sneaked in with other stuff.

The only documentation is

+ (beam-gap ,number-pair? "Size of a gap in a @code{Beam}.")

without any explanation of why a size would be a number _pair_.

The whole commit contains two comment lines among several hundred lines
of code.  One is the following:

+//-- for whole note chord tremolos
+Beam::whole_note_close_chord_tremolo (Grob *me)
+  if (!scm_is_integer (me->get_property ("gap-count")))
+return false;
+  extract_grob_set (me, "stems", stems);
+  for (vsize i = 0; i < stems.size (); i++)
+if (Stem::duration_log (stems[i]))
+  return false;
+  Grob *staff = Staff_symbol_referencer::get_staff_symbol (me);
+  if (staff)
+  Grob *outside_stems[2] = {Stem::extremal_heads (stems[0])[DOWN],
+Stem::extremal_heads (stems.back ())[DOWN]};
+  Interval lines = Staff_symbol::line_span (staff);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+  Real my_pos = Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position 
+  if (my_pos > lines[UP] + 1)
+return false;
+  else if (my_pos < lines[DOWN] - 1)
+return false;
+  return (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (Stem::extremal_heads 
(stems.back ())[DOWN])
+  - Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (Stem::extremal_heads 
+ < 2;

Which obviously fully and exhaustively explains what the function is
supposed to be doing, how it fits with the rest of the code, what the
rationale for writing it was, and what and how it does this based on
what assumptions.

Of course, the change of the beam API is mentioned nowhere.  Not even in
the commit message.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread David Nalesnik
Hi Harm,

> 'beam-gap is now a pair.
> So I'm not sure if it should be
> (car (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))
> or
> (interval-length (ly:grob-property grob 'beam-gap))
> Currently I haven't found a proper documentation:
> git grep beam-gap

Thank you for pointing this out!  Here, your first suggestion will
work.  Using the example in Janek's file, I get '(0.8 . 0.8) for
'beam-gap, so interval-length would of course return 0.0.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread David Nalesnik

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:20 AM, David Kastrup  wrote:


> Of course, the change of the beam API is mentioned nowhere.  Not even in
> the commit message.

Unfortunately I missed it, since I searched at the savannah site by commit.


lilypond-user mailing list

Cross-staff stems

2012-10-16 Thread Peter O'Doherty

Hi list,

Is there an effective (and relatively straightforward) way (is there 
perhaps a template?) to notate percussion scores where each instrument 
has its own staff and the stems cross the staffs where necessary to link 
notes on different instruments in one rhythmic group?

Many thanks,

-> Peter O'Doherty

lilypond-user mailing list

Essays with Musical Examples

2012-10-16 Thread Keehun Nam
Dear LilyPond Users,

How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples? In
the past I've exported to a high quality PNG and scaled the image down to
the appropriate size but that inevitably ended up with musical examples
that had different sized staff (even though I tried my best to get them as
close as possible!) I'm talking about just a measure or two that lives
within the text (as a "Figure 1.4", etc). Can LaTeX papers be typeset in
LilyPond? (I noticed there was an extension for TeXShop).

Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cross-staff stems

2012-10-16 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "Peter O'Doherty" 

To: "lilypond-user" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 4:13 PM
Subject: Cross-staff stems

Hi list,

Is there an effective (and relatively straightforward) way (is there 
perhaps a template?) to notate percussion scores where each instrument has 
its own staff and the stems cross the staffs where necessary to link notes 
on different instruments in one rhythmic group?

Many thanks,

You should be able to adapt:

Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Essays with Musical Examples

2012-10-16 Thread Francisco Vila
2012/10/16 Keehun Nam :
> Dear LilyPond Users,
> How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples?

Start here:

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Essays with Musical Examples

2012-10-16 Thread james

On Oct 16, 2012, at 5:21 PM, Keehun Nam wrote:

> Dear LilyPond Users,
> How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples? In 
> the past I've exported to a high quality PNG and scaled the image down to the 
> appropriate size but that inevitably ended up with musical examples that had 
> different sized staff (even though I tried my best to get them as close as 
> possible!) I'm talking about just a measure or two that lives within the text 
> (as a "Figure 1.4", etc). Can LaTeX papers be typeset in LilyPond? (I noticed 
> there was an extension for TeXShop).
> Thank you,
> Keehun

If you're comfortable with LaTeX, lilypond-book may be just what you want.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread Janek Warchoł
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 2:20 PM, David Kastrup  wrote:
> commit d8dfa746ead381a80901106b9c9b079dc9b5d004
> Author: Mike Solomon 
> Date:   Fri Aug 31 09:27:17 2012 +0200
> Uses a heuristic to determine if chord tremolos collide with accidentals.
> This heuristic makes several assumptions about when a chord tremolo
> will collide with accidentals. It must be between whole notes, it
> must be in the staff, and it must be an ascending major third or lower.
> The heuristic is entirely contained in 
> Beam::whole_note_close_chord_tremolo,
> which should be modified if other cases involving chord tremolos arise.
> I just love it when only loosely related API and functionality changes
> are sneaked in with other stuff.

Well, it's not only Mike's fault - we failed to provide any feedback:
Anyway, thanks for finding the cause of the problem and the solution!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Essays with Musical Examples

2012-10-16 Thread Keehun Nam
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:48 AM, james wrote:

> On Oct 16, 2012, at 5:21 PM, Keehun Nam wrote:
> > Dear LilyPond Users,
> >
> > How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples?
> In the past I've exported to a high quality PNG and scaled the image down
> to the appropriate size but that inevitably ended up with musical examples
> that had different sized staff (even though I tried my best to get them as
> close as possible!) I'm talking about just a measure or two that lives
> within the text (as a "Figure 1.4", etc). Can LaTeX papers be typeset in
> LilyPond? (I noticed there was an extension for TeXShop).
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Keehun
> If you're comfortable with LaTeX, lilypond-book may be just what you want.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 119, Issue 54

2012-10-16 Thread Kevin Patrick Barry
> Dear LilyPond Users,
> How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples? In
> the past I've exported to a high quality PNG and scaled the image down to
> the appropriate size but that inevitably ended up with musical examples
> that had different sized staff (even though I tried my best to get them as
> close as possible!) I'm talking about just a measure or two that lives
> within the text (as a "Figure 1.4", etc). Can LaTeX papers be typeset in
> LilyPond? (I noticed there was an extension for TeXShop).
> Thank you,
> Keehun

You can set the line width in LilyPond to be the same as your textwidth in
LaTeX (it depends on the options you use in LaTeX - experimentation will
get you the result you want; I use 135 normally, and 155 for documents with
the 'fullpage' package) and the resulting .png output should require no
scaling (I always output at 600 dpi - I don't know if that makes a
difference).  For incorporating musical examples into essays I have found
this preferable to using lilypond-book, which seems more suited to
producing score books.

Kevin Barry
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Steven,
no, those notes are not (at least not exactly) simultaneous to the
Can't they be called "stroked out notes?"

2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 

> Mr. Thomas:
> ** **
> Well the little note, the acciaccatura (with the stroke) is play
> simultaneously as the note to which it is attached. Of course, this can be
> done only on instruments, e.g. the piano, that can play two tones at the
> same time. The term comes from the Italian meaning “crushed.” So the two
> notes are “crushed” together with the acciaccatura released immediately.**
> **
> ** **
> Mark
> ** **
> *From:* Stefan Thomas []
> *Sent:* Monday, October 15, 2012 1:38 PM
> *To:*; Mark Stephen Mrotek
> *Subject:* Re: how to call these notes?
> ** **
> Do You say in english
> acciacaturas: as fast as possible?
> 2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 
> Mr. Thomas:
> Actually the musical term is in Italian. It is acciaccatura. If the little
> note does not have the stroke it is called an appoggiatura and is played a
> little bit before the principal note.
> Mark Stephen Mrotek
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Stefan
> Thomas
> *Sent:* Monday, October 15, 2012 7:11 AM
> *To:* lilypond-user
> *Subject:* how to call these notes?
> Dear community,
> I would like to know, how You can call in english those small, stroked out
> notes, which have to be played as fast as possible.
> I think, grace notes is not exactly the proper name.
> I have a small example provided, which uses different note-types. The idea
> is to notate different kinds of rubato.
> \version "2.16.0"
> smaller =  { \set fontSize = #-3 }
> normalheads = { \unset fontSize \revert NoteHead #'stencil }
>  squaredheads = { \unset fontSize \override NoteHead #'stencil =
> #(lambda (grob)
>(grob-interpret-markup grob
>  (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2la"))) }
> Music = \relative g' {
>   \cadenzaOn
>   \smaller g16[ ges f ] \normalheads  b2
>   \smaller bes16[ as g ]
>\squaredheads  8  \normalheads a4.
>\smaller dis,16[-\markup{ \postscript #"0.2 setlinewidth 0  1.5  moveto
> 3 4   rlineto stroke" }  e f ]
>\normalheads fis1
> }
> \markup {
>   \wordwrap {
>   Small note heads: to be played a little faster. Square note heads: to be
>   played a little slower.Grace notes: as fast as possible.}
> }
> \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver   } { \Music }
> ** **
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread David Rogers
Appoggiatura is a term in composition for a particular kind of note
that doesn't belong to the harmony.
Acciaccatura ("crushed") is a playing technique that composers can request.

Neither one is really the name of this little note.

The little note isn't stroked OUT, because "stroked out" would mean
"disregard". It does have a stroke through it, just the word "out" is
not the best.
Appoggiaturas are very often notated with the little note *with* the
stroke through it, especially in older scores. ("Appoggiaturas don't
have strokes through them" is a modern rule that very often doesn't
apply.) Acciaccaturas have the stroke-through notation almost all the

I have heard, but have no reference to back it up, that the stroke
through an 8th-note stem was once simply another way to write a
sixteenth note.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread Owain Sutton
I've never heard 'stroke out notes' before. I've always taken 'acciaccatura' 
and 'grace note' to be synonyms.

Regarding whether the notes have a slash/stroke: if they do, then they're 
certainly grace notes. If they don't, however, the context sometimes will 
suggest that they are still this rather than appogiaturas, as not all 
publishers diligently followed a particular house style, let alone scribes!

On 18:29, Tue 16 Oct 2012, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 18:29:25 +0200
> From: Stefan Thomas 
> Subject: Re: how to call these notes?
> To:, Mark Stephen Mrotek 
> List-Id: LilyPond user discussion 
> Dear Steven,
> no, those notes are not (at least not exactly) simultaneous to the
> following.
> Can't they be called "stroked out notes?"
> 2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 
> > Mr. Thomas:
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > Well the little note, the acciaccatura (with the stroke) is play
> > simultaneously as the note to which it is attached. Of course, this can be
> > done only on instruments, e.g. the piano, that can play two tones at the
> > same time. The term comes from the Italian meaning “crushed.” So the two
> > notes are “crushed” together with the acciaccatura released immediately.**
> > **
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > *From:* Stefan Thomas []
> > *Sent:* Monday, October 15, 2012 1:38 PM
> > *To:*; Mark Stephen Mrotek
> > *Subject:* Re: how to call these notes?
> >
> > ** **
> >
> > Do You say in english
> > acciacaturas: as fast as possible?
> >
> > 2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 
> >
> > Mr. Thomas:
> >
> >  
> >
> > Actually the musical term is in Italian. It is acciaccatura. If the little
> > note does not have the stroke it is called an appoggiatura and is played a
> > little bit before the principal note.
> >
> >  
> >
> > Mark Stephen Mrotek
> >
> >  
> >
> > *From:* [mailto:
> >] *On Behalf Of *Stefan
> > Thomas
> > *Sent:* Monday, October 15, 2012 7:11 AM
> > *To:* lilypond-user
> > *Subject:* how to call these notes?
> >
> >  
> >
> > Dear community,
> > I would like to know, how You can call in english those small, stroked out
> > notes, which have to be played as fast as possible.
> > I think, grace notes is not exactly the proper name.
> > I have a small example provided, which uses different note-types. The idea
> > is to notate different kinds of rubato.
> >
> > \version "2.16.0"
> > smaller =  { \set fontSize = #-3 }
> > normalheads = { \unset fontSize \revert NoteHead #'stencil }
> >  squaredheads = { \unset fontSize \override NoteHead #'stencil =
> > #(lambda (grob)
> >(grob-interpret-markup grob
> >  (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2la"))) }
> > Music = \relative g' {
> >   \cadenzaOn
> >   \smaller g16[ ges f ] \normalheads  b2
> >   \smaller bes16[ as g ]
> >\squaredheads  8  \normalheads a4.
> >\smaller dis,16[-\markup{ \postscript #"0.2 setlinewidth 0  1.5  moveto
> > 3 4   rlineto stroke" }  e f ]
> >\normalheads fis1
> > }
> > \markup {
> >   \wordwrap {
> >   Small note heads: to be played a little faster. Square note heads: to be
> >   played a little slower.Grace notes: as fast as possible.}
> > }
> > \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver   } { \Music }
> >
> > ** **
> >

> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread David Rogers
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Owain Sutton  wrote:
> I've always taken 'acciaccatura' and 'grace note' to be synonyms.

I think that's probably correct. Which means that "grace note" would
not be the best name for this notation either.

I jokingly propose Lnwl.

(Little note with line)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread David Rogers
I don't have any of the engraving manuals - what is this note called
in those books? It would probably be better to go along with the
"industry standard name", even if that name turns out not to be


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
Mr. Thomas:


What I presented was the technical term used by classical musicians. In the
modern world you could call them anything that communicates.


A more detailed explanation, in various languages, is available at





From: Stefan Thomas [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 9:29 AM
To:; Mark Stephen Mrotek
Subject: Re: how to call these notes?


Dear Steven,
no, those notes are not (at least not exactly) simultaneous to the
Can't they be called "stroked out notes?"

2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 

Mr. Thomas:


Well the little note, the acciaccatura (with the stroke) is play
simultaneously as the note to which it is attached. Of course, this can be
done only on instruments, e.g. the piano, that can play two tones at the
same time. The term comes from the Italian meaning "crushed." So the two
notes are "crushed" together with the acciaccatura released immediately.




From: Stefan Thomas [] 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 1:38 PM
To:; Mark Stephen Mrotek
Subject: Re: how to call these notes?


Do You say in english 
acciacaturas: as fast as possible?

2012/10/15 Mark Stephen Mrotek 

Mr. Thomas:


Actually the musical term is in Italian. It is acciaccatura. If the little
note does not have the stroke it is called an appoggiatura and is played a
little bit before the principal note.


Mark Stephen Mrotek


[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark] On Behalf Of
Stefan Thomas
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 7:11 AM
To: lilypond-user
Subject: how to call these notes?


Dear community,
I would like to know, how You can call in english those small, stroked out
notes, which have to be played as fast as possible.
I think, grace notes is not exactly the proper name.
I have a small example provided, which uses different note-types. The idea
is to notate different kinds of rubato.

\version "2.16.0"
smaller =  { \set fontSize = #-3 }
normalheads = { \unset fontSize \revert NoteHead #'stencil }
 squaredheads = { \unset fontSize \override NoteHead #'stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
   (grob-interpret-markup grob
 (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2la"))) }
Music = \relative g' {
  \smaller g16[ ges f ] \normalheads  b2
  \smaller bes16[ as g ] 
   \squaredheads  8  \normalheads a4.  
   \smaller dis,16[-\markup{ \postscript #"0.2 setlinewidth 0  1.5  moveto 3
4   rlineto stroke" }  e f ]
   \normalheads fis1
\markup { 
  \wordwrap {
  Small note heads: to be played a little faster. Square note heads: to be
  played a little slower.Grace notes: as fast as possible.}
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver   } { \Music }



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "David Rogers" 
To: "Owain Sutton" ; "Stefan Thomas" 
; ; "Mark Stephen 

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: how to call these notes?

I don't have any of the engraving manuals - what is this note called
in those books? It would probably be better to go along with the
"industry standard name", even if that name turns out not to be


Curiously, Gould has no entry for acciaccatura - certainly not in the index. 
She calls all notes with diagonal strokes grace notes (including the beamed 
versions) and others appoggiaturas.  She has no grace notes without slurs.

Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to call these notes?

2012-10-16 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear all,
thanks for Your help and for Your explanations!

2012/10/16 Phil Holmes 

> - Original Message - From: "David Rogers" <
> To: "Owain Sutton" ; "Stefan Thomas" <
>>; ; "Mark Stephen
> Mrotek" 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: how to call these notes?
>  I don't have any of the engraving manuals - what is this note called
>> in those books? It would probably be better to go along with the
>> "industry standard name", even if that name turns out not to be
>> perfect.
>> --
>> David
> Curiously, Gould has no entry for acciaccatura - certainly not in the
> index. She calls all notes with diagonal strokes grace notes (including the
> beamed versions) and others appoggiaturas.  She has no grace notes without
> slurs.
> --
> Phil Holmes
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplet numbers on kneed beams - David's function stopped working

2012-10-16 Thread
On 16 oct. 2012, at 18:49, Janek Warchoł  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 2:20 PM, David Kastrup  wrote:
>> commit d8dfa746ead381a80901106b9c9b079dc9b5d004
>> Author: Mike Solomon 
>> Date:   Fri Aug 31 09:27:17 2012 +0200
>>Uses a heuristic to determine if chord tremolos collide with accidentals.
>>This heuristic makes several assumptions about when a chord tremolo
>>will collide with accidentals. It must be between whole notes, it
>>must be in the staff, and it must be an ascending major third or lower.
>>The heuristic is entirely contained in 
>> Beam::whole_note_close_chord_tremolo,
>>which should be modified if other cases involving chord tremolos arise.
>> I just love it when only loosely related API and functionality changes
>> are sneaked in with other stuff.
> bang.
> Well, it's not only Mike's fault - we failed to provide any feedback:
> Anyway, thanks for finding the cause of the problem and the solution!
> Janek

Hey all,

Just saw this.  Is all that needs to happen a convert-ly rule?  I can likely do 
that next week.  Otherwise, if it's a more involved bug, we can look into 
reverting the commit and I'll investigate it whenever I have time.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Manual search returns results from wrong version

2012-10-16 Thread Marek Klein
2012/10/16 Nick Payne 

>  Going to the manual page for 2.16 (
> and entering a search term (eg I tried "footnote") in the search box at
> upper right returns hits in the 2.17 manuals. The search presented to
> Google is:
> footnote

Thank you for the report, this has been added as

bug squad member
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Manual search returns results from wrong version

2012-10-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 09:02:18AM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> It's a common header, used on all the web pages, and therefore uses the same 
> version number throughout.  Non-trivial to change.

Shouldn't it be v2.16, though?  It's safer to point to v2.16
rather than v2.17.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Score/Part creating tool

2012-10-16 Thread Mark Witmer

Hi all,

After going through the work of specifying parts and score for a whole
lot of pieces, I decided to put together a script that would do it for
me. The result has been pretty useful so I thought I'd share it with
everyone else. Basically, it gives you a scheme function you can call
with a list of instruments grouped together in the desired contexts;
layouts, paper, and header block information; and other odds and ends
specific to your piece. The result is a score and/or parts depending on
what you ask for. It also has some functions for quickly including cues
from other parts in the score.

I started by looking at an older project called OrchestralLily and
decided I'd prefer to make something from scratch. It takes a pretty
different approach in a few ways.

It's a little too big to make a useful snippet, so I put it in a";>git
repository. Documentation is in the readme. Feel free to make
suggestions or let me know if it's of use to anyone.


Mark Witmer

MM Candidate, Music Composition/Piano Performance
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Music Theory/Aural Skills
Bowling Green State University

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Score/Part creating tool

2012-10-16 Thread Mark Witmer
Sorry, quick follow-up... the link should be

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:08 PM, Mark Witmer  wrote:

> Hi all,
> After going through the work of specifying parts and score for a whole
> lot of pieces, I decided to put together a script that would do it for
> me. The result has been pretty useful so I thought I'd share it with
> everyone else. Basically, it gives you a scheme function you can call
> with a list of instruments grouped together in the desired contexts;
> layouts, paper, and header block information; and other odds and ends
> specific to your piece. The result is a score and/or parts depending on
> what you ask for. It also has some functions for quickly including cues
> from other parts in the score.
> I started by looking at an older project called OrchestralLily and
> decided I'd prefer to make something from scratch. It takes a pretty
> different approach in a few ways.
> It's a little too big to make a useful snippet, so I put it in a  href="";>git
> repository. Documentation is in the readme. Feel free to make
> suggestions or let me know if it's of use to anyone.
> Cheers,
> Mark Witmer
> MM Candidate, Music Composition/Piano Performance
> Graduate Teaching Assistant, Music Theory/Aural Skills
> Bowling Green State University
lilypond-user mailing list

Multi-measure rests and counter in piano staff

2012-10-16 Thread Helge Kruse
When playing in an orchestra it's important to count rests. To make this 
tasks easier you can write numbers into rest measures.

Especially for a piano staff it gives a calm picture when the empty 
space between the staves is used. The attached picture shows this 
starting at Allegretto. Further it would be good to have the number of 
multi-measure rests between the staves.

How can I write _one_ multi measure rest number in piano staff between 
the staff lines?
How can I add a counter starting at a measure n and counting to measure 
n+x? This should not be the current bar number but an arbitrary counter. 
If this is not supported, how can I place the counter numbers to the 
middle of the piano staff?


\version "2.16.0"

up = \relative c' {
  R1*20 \mark "E" R1*26 | R1*3
  \time 6/4
  \tempo Allegretto
  a'2.\ppp r | r a | r a

down = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  R1*20  R1*26 | R1*3^\markup{rall.}
  \time 6/4
  a'2. r | r a | r a

\score {
  \new PianoStaff  {
  \new Staff { \compressFullBarRests \up }
  \new Staff { \compressFullBarRests \down }

Description: Adobe PDF document
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