Lyric-notehead alignment problem
[apologies - I originally sent this to lilypond-bugs, I shouldn't have] I'm getting lyrics left-aligned to noteheads with autobeaming off. I'm looking for normal alignment (first vowel of syllable). See the attached .png - it seems to be left-aligning every syllable except for the last syllable on a beam. This is a stripped down snippet that compiles and illustrates the problem I've got: \version "2.10.13" \score { << \new Voice = "alaw" \relative c'' { \time 2/4 \key g \minor \clef treble \autoBeamOff bes8[ d d c] | bes[ d ees d16 d] | \bar "||" } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { Ar8 ddydd Sul aeth Dic yn ben -- noeth16 mewn } >> } Is this a bug, or my problem? Can I fix it? Am I doing something totally wrong (I'm a lilypond starter). I realise that my notation is unusual (my beaming doesn't indicate melismas), but I'm copying an 18th century original, and it needs to stay that way. Also, with languages with a different vowel set (this is Welsh!) is there a way I can tell lilypond about these so that the 'first vowel notehead alignment' works properly with 'aeouiwy' - the Welsh vowel set? Thanks. -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
I guess it would also help if I actually included the png snippet... -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
You have not associated the lyrics to the melody. You should use lyricsto or addlyrics, see the doc. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Bertalan Fodor wrote: You have not associated the lyrics to the melody. You should use lyricsto or addlyrics, see the doc. But I thought that wouldn't work with manual note durations. I'm manually beaming, and my beams don't mean melismas. So I'm following what the doc says here: taking into account that this page: says "notes are considered a melisma if they are manually beamed" What I'm missing is this: \set associatedVoice = #"alaw" in the \lyricmode section, but it makes no difference if I add it (I took it out to make the snippet shorter - I shouldn't have, really). -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau Senior Systems Analyst Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC - Speaking personally, not for NLW ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
It's not a bug. The lyrics syllables are considered as melisma syllables, so the are aligned left. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Bertalan Fodor wrote: It's not a bug. The lyrics syllables are considered as melisma syllables, so the are aligned left. Thanks for the reply, Bertalan - much appreciated. So there's no way to achieve what I want? Ie, manually beamed notes with a syllable per note within a beam aligned normally under the note? If I go back to automatic beaming, it works, but splits the beams differently from what I want. If there's no workaround... can I make a feature request? Or am I asking for something extremely unusual? -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau Senior Systems Analyst Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC - Speaking personally, not for NLW ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Which LilyPond for Mac G3 (Pismo) running OS 10.4.7
David Rogers wrote: On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:25:06 -0700, Paul Scott wrote: Does Mac no longer use carriage for end of line since OSX. That seem to be the case from the command line. You are exactly correct. The vast majority of new files you will create, with just about any OS X app, will have Unix-style line endings. Most of the good text editors have added a function to convert either way in case you run into trouble with something - but mainly you should stick to the Unix style. Thanks, Paul ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
I don't understand. If you say \autoBeamOff, a8[ b] will be regarded as a melisma. So the lyrics for it will be only one syllable, like, this4 Bert Illtud Daniel írta: Bertalan Fodor wrote: It's not a bug. The lyrics syllables are considered as melisma syllables, so the are aligned left. Thanks for the reply, Bertalan - much appreciated. So there's no way to achieve what I want? Ie, manually beamed notes with a syllable per note within a beam aligned normally under the note? If I go back to automatic beaming, it works, but splits the beams differently from what I want. If there's no workaround... can I make a feature request? Or am I asking for something extremely unusual? ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
You may also be mislead by something. If you want manual beaming, you don't have to say \autoBeamOff, just use a[ b c d] If you still want to leave 8th notes without automatic beams, without saying \autoBeamOff you can set up something like this: #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 8) Bert Illtud Daniel írta: Bertalan Fodor wrote: It's not a bug. The lyrics syllables are considered as melisma syllables, so the are aligned left. Thanks for the reply, Bertalan - much appreciated. So there's no way to achieve what I want? Ie, manually beamed notes with a syllable per note within a beam aligned normally under the note? If I go back to automatic beaming, it works, but splits the beams differently from what I want. If there's no workaround... can I make a feature request? Or am I asking for something extremely unusual? ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Problems with Midi
OK, I'm gonna try this again ... A few days ago, I wrote the list asking a question about midi, and saw that my message came out in the digest, but I've got no help about it, so here's my question again: I'm arranging a hymn for barbershop chorus, and frequently want to check my work to make sure I get the unique barbershop harmonies correct. I was playing the midi file (with simple piano -- instrument is not important). This was working fine until I introduced some 'divisi' voices in the last stanza. Then, all of a sudden the midi file seemed only to contain (or at least, only to play) the lower staff notes. Nothing I do seems to help this -- I can't play the full piece. I've tried with the jEdit LilyPond Tool interface, and with WinAmp -- both sound the same. When I compile, I get no warnings about anything going wrong, nor do I have any problem with the PDF display. I *would* appreciate faster compile times, but I'm told I need more RAM for that, so I'll settle for fixing my midi ... I am using LilyPond 2.11.14, jEdit 4.3pre9, LilyPond Tool, and Windoze XP Pro. My file follows my signature. Thanks for your help. Fr. Gordon Gilbert+ \header { filename = "" enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert" composer = "Traditional American Melody" poet = "words: Rev'd John Newton, 1779" arranger = "arr. Gordon Gilbert 2007" date="" title = "Amazing Grace" subtitle = "Arr. for Barbershop Chorus" metre = "" meter = \metre copyright = "Public Domain" style = "Hymn" mutopiacomposer = \composer mutopiapoet=\poet maintainer = "" maintainerEmail = "" lastupdated = "2007/02/04" } \version "2.11.14" \paper{ #(set-paper-size "letter") } global= { \time 3/4 \key g \major } tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' { \voiceOne %\override NoteHead #'color = #grey %\override Stem #'color = #grey %\override Beam #'color = #grey { \partial 4 d4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 d2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2. r2. r r r \new Voice = tenorDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r b4 b r4 r d'4 d'4 dis' e'2. c'4 b2. r4 % } }} } lead=\context Voice = "lead" \relative c' { \voiceTwo \override NoteHead #'color = #red \override Stem #'color = #red \override Beam #'color = #red { \partial 4 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.^ "x"( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. a ^ \markup \italic {"Bridge"} g g f2 \key b \major \transpose g b' { d4 \time 4/4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g2. e4 d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 d'1 ~ d'2. b4 d'2 ~ d'8( b8) d'( b) g2. d4 e2 ~ e8 ( g8) g( e) d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g1 ~ g2. g4 ^ \markup \italic {"Tag"} a ^ \fermata b ^ \fermata c' ^ \fermata r8 ^ \fermata d'8 d'1 ~ d' ^ \fermata } \bar "||" } } bari = \context Voice = "bari" \relative c' { \voiceOne \partial 4 d,4 g2 g4 g2 b4 c2 g4 g2 a4 b2 b4 cis2 a4 d2( a4 a2) g4 g2 g4 d2 g4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 g4 d'2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 b4 a2 a4 d2 a4 a2 g4 b2 b4 d2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 fis2 ^ \markup \italic {"Bluesy - Baris, go for the 7ths!"} fis4 c'2 b4 bes2 bes4 g2 a4 b2 b4 g2 g4 d2 a'4 a2 g4 g2 g4 d2 b'4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. r2. r r r \new Voice = bariDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r d d r r g, g, } }} bass = \context Voice = "bass" \relative c { \voiceTwo \partial 4 d4 g,2 b4 d2 fis4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 a2 cis,4 d2( e4 fis d) d b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2 d4 g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 a,2 c4 b2.( a2) d4 g2 g4 b2 b4 c2 a4 g4( g) fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2 d4 g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 f2 fis4 e2 e4 a,2 cis4 d2( e4 fis d) d b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2. g2. c, b' fis2 \key b \major \new Voice = bassDivisi { \voiceTwo \transpose g b { d4 g2. b4 d2. b,4 c2. e4 g2. fis4 e2. e4 a,2. cis4 d2.( e4 fis2 d4) d b,2. d4 g,2. b,4 c2. e4 g2. fis4 e2. e4 d2( e4) fis g2.( c4 g,2.) g4 c b, a, r8 g, g,1 ~ g, } }} accomp=\chordmode { r4 g2 g4:/b g2:/d b4:7 c2 c4:6/e g2 d4:/fis e2.:m a2:9 a4:/cis d2. d2.:7 } stanzaa = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." A -- ma -- zing Grace
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Bertalan Fodor wrote: You may also be mislead by something. If you want manual beaming, you don't have to say \autoBeamOff, just use a[ b c d] You're right. This is where I'm going wrong - I understood that I would need autobeaming switched off to be able to manual beam. This is my mistake. Thank you for putting me right. I now have the output that I need. Much appreciated! -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau Senior Systems Analyst Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC - Speaking personally, not for NLW ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Controlling the very first bit of "preferatory" spacing?
Hi, This is obscure, but I figure it can't hurt to ask ... In this rhythmic snippet, the "perferatory" spacing on only the very first system collapses down to nothing (compared to the remaining three systems). Is there any way to control this amount of system-initial spacing and make it equal that of the remaining three systems? (It seems to me there was something about this somewhere in the manual, but I'm coming up blank.) FWIW, I think this only happens if you're using a RhythmicStaff with proportional notation. %%% BEGIN %%% \version "2.11.16" \layout { indent = #0 } \new Score \with { proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32) } { \new RhythmicStaff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } { \repeat unfold 4 { c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 c'16 \break } } } %%% END %%% -- Trevor Bača [EMAIL PROTECTED] system-initial-spacing.png Description: PNG image ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Illtud Daniel> writes: > See the attached .png - it seems to be left-aligning every syllable > except for the last syllable on a beam. > Does this work? The beaming is the same as in your .png, and the lyrics are properly aligned, as near as I can tell. % Beginning of Lilypond file \version "2.10.5" % WinXP mylyr = \lyricmode { Ar ddydd Sul aeth Dic yn ben -- noeth mewn } mymus = {bes8 [ d d c ] | bes [ d ees d16 d] |} \score { \relative c'' { \time 2/4 \key g \minor \clef treble % \autoBeamOff \mymus \bar "||"} \addlyrics {\mylyr} } %% End of snippet Carl Sorensen ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Carl, Does this work? The beaming is the same as in your .png, and the lyrics are properly aligned, as near as I can tell. % \autoBeamOff Yes, it was my fault - I didn't understand that I didn't need to disable autobeaming to use manual beams. It's pretty clear from the documentation, I shouldn't have missed it. -- Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau Senior Systems Analyst Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC - Speaking personally, not for NLW ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Citando Illtud Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > So there's no way to achieve what I want? Ie, manually > beamed notes with a syllable per note within a beam aligned > normally under the note? Yes, there is just use this property: \set ignoreMelismata = ##t Ar8 ddydd Sul aeth Dic yn ben -- noeth16 mewn Eduardo P.S. Taken from "Lyrics to multiple notes of a melisma" Have a good day! ___ Nas suas férias, de um telefone fixo ou do celular, faz um 21. A Embratel tem tarifas muito baratas para você ligar para quem você gosta, contar como estão as férias e economizar. Faz um 21 e aproveite. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Problems with Midi
Fr Gilbert: I typeset your example as is on version 2.11.13 on a Mac OS X. I got pdf output (in spite of errors) but no midi. Then I moved the close bracket for the \score command from before the \layout to the end of the file. I re-typeset. Got the midi file. And it sounded complete. In the midi section of the manual it says the midi should be inside \score. Maybe that is the issue. Good luck. Fred Leason fredleason at gmail dot com On Feb 6, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: OK, I'm gonna try this again ... A few days ago, I wrote the list asking a question about midi, and saw that my message came out in the digest, but I've got no help about it, so here's my question again: I'm arranging a hymn for barbershop chorus, and frequently want to check my work to make sure I get the unique barbershop harmonies correct. I was playing the midi file (with simple piano -- instrument is not important). This was working fine until I introduced some 'divisi' voices in the last stanza. Then, all of a sudden the midi file seemed only to contain (or at least, only to play) the lower staff notes. Nothing I do seems to help this -- I can't play the full piece. I've tried with the jEdit LilyPond Tool interface, and with WinAmp -- both sound the same. When I compile, I get no warnings about anything going wrong, nor do I have any problem with the PDF display. I *would* appreciate faster compile times, but I'm told I need more RAM for that, so I'll settle for fixing my midi ... I am using LilyPond 2.11.14, jEdit 4.3pre9, LilyPond Tool, and Windoze XP Pro. My file follows my signature. Thanks for your help. Fr. Gordon Gilbert+ \header { filename = " " enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert" composer = "Traditional American Melody" poet = "words: Rev'd John Newton, 1779" arranger = "arr. Gordon Gilbert 2007" date="" title = "Amazing Grace" subtitle = "Arr. for Barbershop Chorus" metre = "" meter = \metre copyright = "Public Domain" style = "Hymn" mutopiacomposer = \composer mutopiapoet=\poet maintainer = "" maintainerEmail = "" lastupdated = "2007/02/04" } \version " 2.11.14" \paper{ #(set-paper-size "letter") } global= { \time 3/4 \key g \major } tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' { \voiceOne %\override NoteHead #'color = #grey %\override Stem #'color = #grey %\override Beam #'color = #grey { \partial 4 d4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 d2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2. r2. r r r \new Voice = tenorDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r b4 b r4 r d'4 d'4 dis' e'2. c'4 b2. r4 % } }} } lead=\context Voice = "lead" \relative c' { \voiceTwo \override NoteHead #'color = #red \override Stem #'color = #red \override Beam #'color = #red { \partial 4 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.^ "x"( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. a ^ \markup \italic {"Bridge"} g g f2 \key b \major \transpose g b' { d4 \time 4/4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g2. e4 d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 d'1 ~ d'2. b4 d'2 ~ d'8( b8) d'( b) g2. d4 e2 ~ e8 ( g8) g( e) d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g1 ~ g2. g4 ^ \markup \italic {"Tag"} a ^ \fermata b ^ \fermata c' ^ \fermata r8 ^ \fermata d'8 d'1 ~ d' ^ \fermata } \bar "||" } } bari = \context Voice = "bari" \relative c' { \voiceOne \partial 4 d,4 g2 g4 g2 b4 c2 g4 g2 a4 b2 b4 cis2 a4 d2( a4 a2) g4 g2 g4 d2 g4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 g4 d'2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 b4 a2 a4 d2 a4 a2 g4 b2 b4 d2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 fis2 ^ \markup \italic {"Bluesy - Baris, go for the 7ths!"} fis4 c'2 b4 bes2 bes4 g2 a4 b2 b4 g2 g4 d2 a'4 a2 g4 g2 g4 d2 b'4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. r2. r r r \new Voice = bariDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r d d r r g, g, } }} bass = \context Voice = "bass" \relative c { \voiceTwo \partial 4 d4 g,2 b4 d2 fis4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 a2 cis,4 d2( e4 fis d) d b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2 fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2 d4 g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 g2
RE: Problems with Midi
This might not be much help, but I tried your file on 2.8.6 (which I am still using) with a rearrangement of the \midi \layout and \score to suit the 2.8.6 format and it seemed to produce correct pdf and midi, although I didn't get the tempo right. Here's the midi file for you to check. Trevor -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Father Gordon Gilbert Sent: 06 February 2007 16:56 To: Subject: Problems with Midi OK, I'm gonna try this again ... A few days ago, I wrote the list asking a question about midi, and saw that my message came out in the digest, but I've got no help about it, so here's my question again: I'm arranging a hymn for barbershop chorus, and frequently want to check my work to make sure I get the unique barbershop harmonies correct. I was playing the midi file (with simple piano -- instrument is not important). This was working fine until I introduced some 'divisi' voices in the last stanza. Then, all of a sudden the midi file seemed only to contain (or at least, only to play) the lower staff notes. Nothing I do seems to help this -- I can't play the full piece. I've tried with the jEdit LilyPond Tool interface, and with WinAmp -- both sound the same. When I compile, I get no warnings about anything going wrong, nor do I have any problem with the PDF display. I *would* appreciate faster compile times, but I'm told I need more RAM for that, so I'll settle for fixing my midi ... I am using LilyPond 2.11.14, jEdit 4.3pre9, LilyPond Tool, and Windoze XP Pro. My file follows my signature. Thanks for your help. Fr. Gordon Gilbert+ \header { filename = " " enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert" composer = "Traditional American Melody" poet = "words: Rev'd John Newton, 1779" arranger = "arr. Gordon Gilbert 2007" date="" title = "Amazing Grace" subtitle = "Arr. for Barbershop Chorus" metre = "" meter = \metre copyright = "Public Domain" style = "Hymn" mutopiacomposer = \composer mutopiapoet=\poet maintainer = "" maintainerEmail = "" lastupdated = "2007/02/04" } \version " 2.11.14" \paper{ #(set-paper-size "letter") } global= { \time 3/4 \key g \major } tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' { \voiceOne %\override NoteHead #'color = #grey %\override Stem #'color = #grey %\override Beam #'color = #grey { \partial 4 d4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 d2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2 d,4 b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2 a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2 d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2 a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2. r2. r r r \new Voice = tenorDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r b4 b r4 r d'4 d'4 dis' e'2. c'4 b2. r4 % } }} } lead=\context Voice = "lead" \relative c' { \voiceTwo \override NoteHead #'color = #red \override Stem #'color = #red \override Beam #'color = #red { \partial 4 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.^ "x"( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2 b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2 d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. a ^ \markup \italic {"Bridge"} g g f2 \key b \major \transpose g b' { d4 \time 4/4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g2. e4 d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 d'1 ~ d'2. b4 d'2 ~ d'8( b8) d'( b) g2. d4 e2 ~ e8 ( g8) g( e) d2. d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g1 ~ g2. g4 ^ \markup \italic {"Tag"} a ^ \fermata b ^ \fermata c' ^ \fermata r8 ^ \fermata d'8 d'1 ~ d' ^ \fermata } \bar "||" } } bari = \context Voice = "bari" \relative c' { \voiceOne \partial 4 d,4 g2 g4 g2 b4 c2 g4 g2 a4 b2 b4 cis2 a4 d2( a4 a2) g4 g2 g4 d2 g4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 g2 g4 d'2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 b4 a2 a4 d2 a4 a2 g4 b2 b4 d2 b4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2 d4 fis2 ^ \markup \italic {"Bluesy - Baris, go for the 7ths!"} fis4 c'2 b4 bes2 bes4 g2 a4 b2 b4 g2 g4 d2 a'4 a2 g4 g2 g4 d2 b'4 c2 a4 g2 a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. r2. r r r \new Voice = bariDivisi { \voiceOne \transpose g b' { r4 r d d r r g, g, } }} bass = \context Voice = "bass" \relative c { \voiceTwo
Re: Problems with Midi
Fred, Thanks so much for such a simple solution. Funny thing is, I didn't change the \score section *or* the \layout or the \midi section. I simply introduced some new notes and parts, when the midi quit working. But it works fine now, thank you very much. BTW, what errors were you getting when you compiled it? I get no errors on my system -- it compiles fine, although I now realise I've got a lot of note-reworking to do now ... Blessings, Fr. Gordon+ -- Fr. Gordon Gilbert Penetanguishene, ON ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Problems with Midi
Trevor, Thanks for your help. Actually, Fred gave me a very simple fix -- move the curly brace for the end of the \score section to the very end of the piece -- and it worked -- now I'm on my way. Blessings, Fr. Gordon+ -- Fr. Gordon Gilbert Penetanguishene, ON ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Problems with Midi
Fr Gordon I'm glad that was simple. Here are the errors. I don't understand them at all and they didn't seem to have an effect. Pango complaints. I have pango 1.14.2_0 on the system and all the pango stuff that came with LilyPond. No matter. Also, I only got chords on the first line of the PDF. LIke I said, if it works for you, then go for it. Processing `' Parsing... Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][71] Preprocessing graphical objects... (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GDEF table 85 (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GPOS table 85 (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GSUB table 85 (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GDEF table 85 (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GPOS table 85 (process:27548): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GSUB table 85 Interpreting music... MIDI output to `Midi2.midi'... Layout output to `'... Converting to `Midi2.pdf'... On Feb 6, 2007, at 6:01 PM, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Fred, Thanks so much for such a simple solution. Funny thing is, I didn't change the \score section *or* the \layout or the \midi section. I simply introduced some new notes and parts, when the midi quit working. But it works fine now, thank you very much. BTW, what errors were you getting when you compiled it? I get no errors on my system -- it compiles fine, although I now realise I've got a lot of note-reworking to do now ... Blessings, Fr. Gordon+ -- Fr. Gordon Gilbert Penetanguishene, ON ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Problems with Midi
Yeah, Fred, I don't know what the Pango stuff is, either, but I get none of that on my compiles. The chords are only on the first line of the piece -- I haven't completed them yet, and won't until I complete the score. My daughter belongs to the Sweet Adelines chorus, and she has been helping their director to figure out some of the musicological stuff, so I'll put them in for their benefit, once the piece is exactly as I want it. Blessings, Fr. Gordon+ -- Fr. Gordon Gilbert Penetanguishene, ON ___ lilypond-user mailing list
"Ossia" measures at the start of a system
Hello to everybody! I'm typesetting a Mozart's aria with a preceding recitativo and I would like to add some "ossia" measures to suggest appoggiature. Most of these measures are actually only bits of a measure (such as the first two quaters). I've followed the manual suggestion about ossia measures ( I'm using version 2.10.16) and I've almost obtained my goal. I've found only a problem: when an "ossia" measure appears at the very start of a system, it is connected to the other staves by the start delimiter. Is there a way to avoid this and let the "ossia" measure (and its invisible "ossia" staff) alone as it is, for instance, in the middle of a system? This is a bit snippet to explain the situation I'm trying to modify: SNIPPET BEGINS % \version "2.10" \score { << \new Staff = ossia \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" fontSize = #-2 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t firstClef = ##f } \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff \stopStaff s1*4 \break | \startStaff c8 b \stopStaff s2. | s1*4 } \new Staff \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff r4 r8 g g g a b | c4 r r2 | R1*2 | b8 b d b c4 r | R1*4 } >> } % SNIPPET ENDS %% In the resulting pdf, at the start of the second system, there's an "ossia" measure connected with the other staff as if it were a normal staff. Is there a way to avoid this? Thank you all for your kindness! Gianluca D'Orazio -- Dimagrire in 30 Giorni, Soddisfatti o Rimborsati! Clicca qui ___ lilypond-user mailing list