Illtud Daniel <illtud.daniel <at>> writes:

> See the attached .png - it seems to be left-aligning every syllable
> except for the last syllable on a beam.

Does this work?  The beaming is the same as in your .png, and the lyrics are
properly aligned, as near as I can tell.

%  Beginning of Lilypond file

\version "2.10.5"  % WinXP

mylyr = \lyricmode {
        Ar ddydd Sul aeth
        Dic yn ben -- noeth mewn

mymus = {bes8 [ d d c ] | bes [ d ees d16 d] |}

\score  {

        \relative c''
         \time 2/4
         \key g \minor
         \clef treble

%         \autoBeamOff
        \bar "||"}
        \addlyrics {\mylyr}

%% End of snippet

Carl Sorensen

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