Building SVN-20081028 on a Playstation 3

2008-10-29 Thread John Frankish

My apologies if this is the wrong list for this post..

Due to the fact that lfs SVN-20081028 uses gcc-4.3 and a 2.6.27 
kernel, which both contain various ps3 specific optimisation 
possibilities, I'm very interested by the idea of building an lfs 
system on a Playstation 3 using ydl-6 as a host.

I've found almost nothing ps3 specific on the lfs site - other than 
some sbu information proving that somebody must have been successful 
- are there any lfs/ps3 guidelines/tips/howtos around that might 
avoid some blundering around in the dark?

Note I'll almost certainly go ahead anyway...


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Re: Building SVN-20081028 on a Playstation 3

2008-10-29 Thread John Frankish
At 13:28 29-10-08, you wrote:
>Selon John Frankish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My apologies if this is the wrong list for this post..
> >
> > Due to the fact that lfs SVN-20081028 uses gcc-4.3 and a 2.6.27
> > kernel, which both contain various ps3 specific optimisation
> > possibilities, I'm very interested by the idea of building an lfs
> > system on a Playstation 3 using ydl-6 as a host.
> >
> > I've found almost nothing ps3 specific on the lfs site - other than
> > some sbu information proving that somebody must have been successful
> > - are there any lfs/ps3 guidelines/tips/howtos around that might
> > avoid some blundering around in the dark?
> >
> > Note I'll almost certainly go ahead anyway...
> >
> > John
> >
>On ipcop svn, we are able to build for ppc-32 mostly following lfs 
>I should say I don't know if ps3 is a 32 or a 64b system.
>Our instructions are in overall not far from lfs instructions from a few weeks
>ago (but the form sligthly differ related to lfsmake-like files usage).
>We actually stay on gcc-4.2 and the move from 2.6.25 to 2.6.27 
>kernel is not yet
>The only big problem we have is that our initramfs is bigger than 6MB and even
>with most recent yaboot git version, this does not boot (tested on a G3 350).
>For a build on a dedicated machine, that should be easy to reduce 
>drivers number
>and so initramfs size, so it simply work again.
Thanks for the link Gilles

The ps3 cell processor is 64bit, but ydl-6 is compiled 32bit. Due to 
the ps3 memory limitation - 256MB - I'm not sure building a 64bit lfs 
system would be a good idea...


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gcc-4.3.2 build fails

2008-11-01 Thread John Frankish

I'm trying to build on a playstation 3 with yellow dog linux v6

Although binutils-2.18 builds OK, gcc-4.3.2 fails after the first 
bootstrap pass succeeds and then gcc tries to compile a second 
version of itself. The failure is "gcc compiler cannot build 
executables" - config.log does not give too many clues...

Note that I'm obliged to build using 
LDFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGS='-m32'  otherwise gcc-4.2.2 tries to build 
a 64-bit version of itself and fails looking for gnu/stubs-64.h - 
glibc and the rest of the ydl system is 32-bit. The host gcc is 
gcc-4.1.1 (I think).

Any suggestions where I might be going wrong?


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Re: gcc-4.3.2 build fails

2008-11-02 Thread John Frankish
At 21:22 01-11-08, you wrote:
>John Frankish wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to build on a playstation 3 with yellow dog linux v6
> >
> > Although binutils-2.18 builds OK, gcc-4.3.2 fails after the first
> > bootstrap pass succeeds and then gcc tries to compile a second
> > version of itself. The failure is "gcc compiler cannot build
> > executables" - config.log does not give too many clues...
> >
> > Note that I'm obliged to build using
> > LDFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGS='-m32'  otherwise gcc-4.2.2 tries to build
> > a 64-bit version of itself and fails looking for gnu/stubs-64.h -
> > glibc and the rest of the ydl system is 32-bit. The host gcc is
> > gcc-4.1.1 (I think).
>-m32 only specifies what types of _binaries_ to produce. This means that
>   when you build gcc with -m32, it will produce a 32-bit binary gcc
>(provided  you have 32-bit libs, which you do), but the gcc you build
>will still be configured for a 64-bit machine and when you run it, it
>will attempt to build for that architecture. Because you don't have
>64-bit libs, it will fail.
>You can't build 64-bit without first building a 64-bit libc, and you
>can't build 32-bit unless you modify your host settings.
>If you want to build LFS as 32-bit, you _might_ get away with hacking
>the output of uname to trick the build system into thinking you're
>running on a 32-bit host, but a saner approach would be to build a
>32-bit only kernel.
>If you want to build LFS as 64-bit, there is an approach that currently
>works pioneered by DIY-Linux which involves cross-compiling your first
>glibc and then building natively after that. I have some notes on that
>method and have started adapting it to LFS, but I haven't published
>anything yet.
>Otherwise, as was already mentioned, CLFS should be able to help you in
>the right direction, too.
Thanks for the feedback

I'd be interested in the notes to build a 64-bit LFS to play around 
with if you'd like somebody to act as a guinea pig for them


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Re: gcc-4.3.2 build fails

2008-11-02 Thread John Frankish
At 11:00 01-11-08, you wrote:
>On Saturday 01 November 2008 02:49:24 John Frankish wrote:
> > Any suggestions where I might be going wrong?
>Have you had a chance to look at the clfs project yet? The build method
>and support structure looks to be in place to guide you through the
>type of build you have in mind.
>Good luck,
Thanks for the pointers.

If I understand correctly, due to the fact that the ps3 has a 64-bit 
cpu/kernel and 32-bit os, I would need to cross-compile to get either 
a 64-bit os or a 32-bit os? Which would be better to use on the host 
system - the ydl-6 gcc-4.1.1. or IMB cell SDK-3 ppu-gcc? 

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Re: gcc-4.3.2 build fails

2008-11-05 Thread John Frankish
At 22:55 05-11-08, you wrote:
>On Sun, Nov 02, 2008 at 01:55:25AM -0800, Trent 
>Shea wrote: > On Saturday 01 November 2008 
>23:59:36 John Frankish wrote: > > If I 
>understand correctly, due to the fact that the 
>ps3 has a 64-bit > > cpu/kernel and 32-bit os, I 
>would need to cross-compile to get either > > a 
>64-bit os or a 32-bit os? Which would be better 
>to use on the host > > system - the ydl-6 
>gcc-4.1.1. or IMB cell SDK-3 ppu-gcc? > > I 
>don't have any experience with this; I have not 
>looked at the cell > processor in any great 
>detail, but if it is anything like the amd64, > 
>which allows you to run 32bit kernel/os, you 
>should be able to boot a > 32bit distro and 
>build away following the LFS instructions. > Or, 
>if it's anything like the various versions of 
>the 970 ('G5' in apple speak) the kernel will 
>refuse to build unless you set it for 64-bits 
>(and have a 64-bit (cross-) gcc (C only) and 
>binutils. I've done that in the past for ppc 
>(32) userspace on ppc64.  Some packages in the 
>base system may produce obscure issues doing 
>that, so not all of my builds succeeded. > 
>Whichever you choose it will have to be based on 
>a little bit of > research, and usage 
>analysis. > Dunno about the usage analysis (a 
>lot of us build our own systems "because we can" 
>or "because it's there"), but research is 
>definitely needed.  'linux32' can be helpful if 
>configure thinks it's on a 64-bit machine. As 
>was said earlier, clfs might be (a little) more 
>useful - I'm not willing to talk about the 
>detail here, it's definitely O/T (we haven't 
>even got x86_64 into LFS yet). For a machine 
>with only limited memory, I guess building a 
>32-bit userspace is probably a lot more 
>practical than 64-bit (e.g. the toolchain 
>packages build much bigger files on 64-bit 
>powerpc than on x86). ĸen -- das eine Mal als 
>Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce -- 
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I've just started the clfs

Version SVN-20081102-PowerPC64-Multilib build 
alongside ydl-6 on the ps3 - lets see how it goes...


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Re: libusb and usbutils

2008-12-29 Thread John Frankish
At 12:14 29-12-08, you wrote:
>We have a problem with libusb and usbutils.
>libusb has released 1.0.0 on 2008-12-13.
>usbutils is at version 0.73 released on 2007-10-24.
>usbutils configure  wants a function, usb_get_string_simple(), that is not in
>libusb-1.0.0.  There are functions libusb_get_string_descriptor() and
>libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() vi in the new libusb.  The 
>second seems to
>use the same parameters as usb_get_string_simple().
>As I see it, there are a few things that we can do.
>1.  Just leave out usbutils for now.
>2.  Revert to the earlier version of libusb.
>3.  Try to hack usbutils to use the new libusb.  Looking at the code, this is
>non-trivial and I don't have the time or inclination to do it.
>4.  Try to install both the old and new versions simultaneously.
>5.  There is a libusb-compat-0.1 compatibility layer.  It aims to 
>look, feel and
>behave exactly like libusb-0.1. As it is a replacement, you cannot install it
>alongside libusb-0.1 on the same system.
>There have only been about 4 messages since January in the usbutils 
>mailing list
>(none since September) so it is not very active.  Waiting for a new 
>release may
>take a long time.
>The following packages use libusb:
>It's unlikely that any use the new libusb.
>Opinions on what to do?  I'm leaning toward #5.
>-- Bruce

I could be wrong, but I think I took libusb from svn/git/cvs and 
things compiled OK.


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"mount --bind" with rootfs

2009-04-13 Thread John Frankish
As per Chapter 6.2.2 of SVN-20090401 where the host (tinycorelinux) runs 
entirely in ram I get this:

# mount --bind /dev /mnt/sdc1/dev
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail  or so

I understand this is something to do with rootfs (the ,dev option is set for 
sdc1), but cannot find how to get around it - I'd be grateful for any 

Thanks, John
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RE: "mount --bind" with rootfs

2009-04-14 Thread John Frankish

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ken Moffat
Sent: 14 April, 2009 17:30
To: LFS Developers Mailinglist
Subject: Re: "mount --bind" with rootfs

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 06:52:53AM +0200, John Frankish wrote:
> As per Chapter 6.2.2 of SVN-20090401 where the host (tinycorelinux) runs 
> entirely in ram I get this:
> # mount --bind /dev /mnt/sdc1/dev
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev,
> missing codepage or helper program, or other error
> In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
> dmesg | tail  or so
> I understand this is something to do with rootfs (the ,dev option is set for 
> sdc1), but cannot find how to get around it - I'd be grateful for any 
> suggestions
> Thanks, John
> --
 This probably belongs on lfs-support.

 The only time I saw anything like this (trying to mount ext4, in
that case I had to rebuild some things) the explanation was indeed
in syslog, so please check what that says.

 The problem is probably your host system - tinycorelinux is based
on busybox.  I guess any error message in the syslog will show that
the configuration of busybox in tinycorelinux doesn't support the
--bind option for mount.

Thanks for the feedback

In fact I'd replaced busybox mount with the full gnu version so it's not that 
(but since /tools/bin is already at the front of the path by this stage it 
would use the version there?). Since posting, I experimented with installing 
the host (tinycorelinux) as per a "traditional" linux installation, rather than 
un-packing it to ram on boot and "mount --bind" works in this mode.

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RE: kernel compression with lzma

2009-06-19 Thread John Frankish

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tobias Gasser
Sent: 20 June, 2009 04:10
To: LFS Developers Mailinglist
Subject: Re: kernel compression with lzma

Bruce Dubbs schrieb:
> Tobias Gasser wrote:
>> kernel 2.26.30 allows compression with gz, bz2 and lzma
>> my current kernel-sizes:
>> gzip 1913696
>> bzip21820944
>> lzma 1605712
> When the smallest disk dive you can get right now is about 160G, does 215K
> really make a difference?

good argument. (btw: i still can order new 80gb 3.5" or 30gb 2.5", but
your argument keeps valid even with a 4gb ssd)

but as the kernel maintainers decided to make this option available, i
think we should offer the tools to use it.

>> i propose to include the xz and not lzma in
>> the book to be able to compress the kernel with any method the user
>> wishes.
> I would think a more logical place would be BLFS.

i don't mind.

as the kernel compile does not check wether lzma is possible but just
starts compiling resulting in a failure at the very end, i propose at
least a hint in the kernel section about not to use lzma unless the
corresponding chapter from blfs is done.

within the next days i'll rebuild my usb-rescue-stick with a compressed
kernel. maybe it will boot a little faster...

Try tinycorelinux as a usb rescue stick  - I have to insert "waitusb" to slow 
the boot down (and the kernel is gz compressed)...
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gcc and "-fomit-frame-pointer"

2011-09-13 Thread John Frankish


Just an observation, but compiling gcc-4.6.1 like this, i.e. with 
"-fomit-frame-pointer" results in a gcc which produces compiled output +/-15% 
larger (after stripping) than using gcc compiled without "-fomit-frame-pointer" 
when compiling with CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe"

Note that (per gcc docs) as from gcc-4.6.x, using the optimization -Ox (i.e. 
-Os, -O2, etc) automatically causes "-fomit-frame-pointer" to be used and the 
./configure switch "--enable-frame-pointer" is required to reverse this.

I don't know if "-fomit-frame-pointer" produces compiled output that is more 
efficient (i.e. runs more quickly), but a +/-15% size increase is significant - 
even the gcc compiled by a gcc without "-fomit-frame-pointer" will be 
significantly smaller...

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[lfs-dev] Latest svn fails to compile gcc pass 1

2013-03-25 Thread John Frankish
Using lfs svn-20130320

I get the error below at chapter 5.5. gcc-4.7.2 - pass 1.

If I omit "--with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include", then things fail 
looking for $LFS/usr/include and if I create $LFS/tools/include, then things 
fail looking for headers which have not yet been installed to 

I would have thought "--without-headers" would have prevented this behavior, 
but apparently not.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received


../gcc-4.7.2/configure --target=$LFS_TGT --prefix=/tools --with-sysroot=$LFS 
--with-newlibc --without-headers --with-local-prefix=/tools 
--with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-shared 
--disable-multilib --disable-decimal-float --disable-threads 
--disable-libmudflap --disable-libssp --disable-libgomp --disable-libquadmath 
--enable-languages=c --with-mpfr-include=$(pwd)/../gcc-4.7.2/mpfr/src 

The directory that should contain system headers does not exist:
make[2]: *** [stmp-fixinc] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-build/gcc'
make[1]: *** [all-gcc] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-build'
make: *** [all] Error 2

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Re: [lfs-dev] Latest svn fails to compile gcc pass 1

2013-03-25 Thread John Frankish
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:lfs-dev-
>] On Behalf Of Pierre Labastie
> Sent: Monday, 25 March, 2013 17:16
> To: John Frankish; LFS Developers Mailinglist
> Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] Latest svn fails to compile gcc pass 1
> Le 25/03/2013 11:47, John Frankish a écrit :
> > --
> >
> > ../gcc-4.7.2/configure --target=$LFS_TGT --prefix=/tools --with-
> sysroot=$LFS --with-newlibc ...
> >
> >
> The switch is --with-newlib, not newlibc. That is the switch which prevents
> the build system to look for the headers dir...
> Regards
> Pierre



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