At 13:28 29-10-08, you wrote:
>Selon John Frankish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My apologies if this is the wrong list for this post..
> >
> > Due to the fact that lfs SVN-20081028 uses gcc-4.3 and a 2.6.27
> > kernel, which both contain various ps3 specific optimisation
> > possibilities, I'm very interested by the idea of building an lfs
> > system on a Playstation 3 using ydl-6 as a host.
> >
> > I've found almost nothing ps3 specific on the lfs site - other than
> > some sbu information proving that somebody must have been successful
> > - are there any lfs/ps3 guidelines/tips/howtos around that might
> > avoid some blundering around in the dark?
> >
> > Note I'll almost certainly go ahead anyway...
> >
> > John
> >
>On ipcop svn, we are able to build for ppc-32 mostly following lfs 
>I should say I don't know if ps3 is a 32 or a 64b system.
>Our instructions are in overall not far from lfs instructions from a few weeks
>ago (but the form sligthly differ related to lfsmake-like files usage).
>We actually stay on gcc-4.2 and the move from 2.6.25 to 2.6.27 
>kernel is not yet
>The only big problem we have is that our initramfs is bigger than 6MB and even
>with most recent yaboot git version, this does not boot (tested on a G3 350).
>For a build on a dedicated machine, that should be easy to reduce 
>drivers number
>and so initramfs size, so it simply work again.
Thanks for the link Gilles

The ps3 cell processor is 64bit, but ydl-6 is compiled 32bit. Due to 
the ps3 memory limitation - 256MB - I'm not sure building a 64bit lfs 
system would be a good idea...


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