[lfs-dev] Chapter 5 Check and Util-Linux commands consistency

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
Check package has:

PKG_CONFIG= ./configure --prefix=/tools

While Util-Linux has:

./configure --prefix=/tools\
--without-systemdsystemunitdir \

PKG_CONFIG in both cases do the same, yet they're used differently. It
would be nice to use one way for all packages, just for consistency.


Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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Re: [lfs-dev] Chapter 5 Check and Util-Linux commands consistency

2014-02-04 Thread Bruce Dubbs
Armin K. wrote:
> Check package has:
> PKG_CONFIG= ./configure --prefix=/tools
> While Util-Linux has:
> ./configure --prefix=/tools\
>  --disable-makeinstall-chown\
>  --without-systemdsystemunitdir \
> PKG_CONFIG in both cases do the same, yet they're used differently. It
> would be nice to use one way for all packages, just for consistency.

Actually I did it differently on purpose to show the variation possible. 
  I suppose that an expanded explanation in both places would be 

   -- Bruce

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Re: [lfs-dev] Chapter 5 Check and Util-Linux commands consistency

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
On 02/04/2014 08:59 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> Check package has:
>> PKG_CONFIG= ./configure --prefix=/tools
>> While Util-Linux has:
>> ./configure --prefix=/tools\
>>  --disable-makeinstall-chown\
>>  --without-systemdsystemunitdir \
>> PKG_CONFIG in both cases do the same, yet they're used differently. It
>> would be nice to use one way for all packages, just for consistency.
> Actually I did it differently on purpose to show the variation possible. 
>   I suppose that an expanded explanation in both places would be 
> appropriate.
>-- Bruce

Okay, fair enough.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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[lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
I've built e2fsprogs and it seems broken in a way with the util-linux
chapter 5 move.

I still don't understand why PKG_CONFIG_PATH has to be exported
seperately. It works here when used inline, ie

LIBS=-L/tools/lib  \
../configure --prefix=/usr \
 --with-root-prefix="" \
 --enable-elf-shlibs   \
 --disable-libuuid \
 --disable-uuidd   \

But then there's another problem. While I'm not a fan of test suites,
I've ran test suite for both cases and it seems rather broken or I've
failed to merge all changes from LFS to LFS Systemd.

-test_filesys: * FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *
-test_filesys: 12/2048 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1303/8192 blocks
-Exit status is 1
+../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
+Exit status is 127

There are several errors like this. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib
doesn't help.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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[blfs-dev] Tex (#4647)

2014-02-04 Thread Ken Moffat
 This ticket lists a whole lot of changes to how we build Tex from
source.  I took it, because I don't (in general) like packages which
use their own static versions of system libs.  But I now see that
the following are external references: GD, t1lib, ZZIPlib, TECkit,
Graphite, and also CLISP (not needed for the main part of Tex, if
I'm now reading the ticket correctly).

 Maybe Pierre spotted this, which is why he said he hadn't got time
before the package freeze - I was thinking "just change the
instructions for the existing package version".  My mistake.

 And more generally, do we want these extra packages if they are
only used by TeX ?  I have no idea about the vulnerabilities history
of any of them, nor how the TeX developers handle upstream changes
to these libs.

 Opinions, please.

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[lfs-dev] Unnecessarry command in Groff instructions

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
In the install command,

mkdir -pv /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22/pdf
make install

The mkdir is not necessarry. make install output has:

test -d /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf \
  || /bin/sh /sources/groff-1.22.2/mkinstalldirs
mkdir -p -- /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf
for f in mom-pdf.pdf; do \
  rm -f /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf/$f; \
  ln -s /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/examples/mom/$f
/usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf/$f; \

It works fine without mkdir -pv before make install here, and the docs
are in the correct place.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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Re: [blfs-dev] Why/Why not systemd

2014-02-04 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
>On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:35:03 +0100
>"Armin K."  wrote:

> If an user logs via SSH or VNC or whatever that's not a "real
> console", logind won't grant such users permissions to use video
> card, audio device, cdrom, usb sticks, etc. I, for one, wouldn't want
> someone to access my cdrom device when he logs in remotely as a
> different user.

Now, the big problem with this from a system design perspective is
that, theoretically, the system should be unified. The CD or USB stick
or whatever gets mounted on the file tree and, theoretically, all users
should have access to that part of the file tree, barring any
file access permission violations.

Same goes with other devices/resources present on the system.

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Re: [blfs-dev] Why/Why not systemd

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
On 02/04/2014 10:59 PM, Aleksandar Kuktin wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:35:03 +0100
>> "Armin K."  wrote:
>> If an user logs via SSH or VNC or whatever that's not a "real
>> console", logind won't grant such users permissions to use video
>> card, audio device, cdrom, usb sticks, etc. I, for one, wouldn't want
>> someone to access my cdrom device when he logs in remotely as a
>> different user.
> Now, the big problem with this from a system design perspective is
> that, theoretically, the system should be unified. The CD or USB stick
> or whatever gets mounted on the file tree and, theoretically, all users
> should have access to that part of the file tree, barring any
> file access permission violations.
> Same goes with other devices/resources present on the system.

Yes, that is actually how it was before. Now udisks and logind handle
that usb stick that was mounted through graphical session is only
readable by that very same session using all kinds of ACL's or what not.
Same goes for all device nodes that are "critical" to a single session.
That's why you don't need to be a member of video or audio or whatever
group to access such device nodes when you use logind. You have the
permission to use the display through filesystem ACL's, and ACL's make
sure that only local session will get to read the file that was "tagged"
as such. Interesting design, I don't really understand it much. The
ConsoleKit had the issue you mentioned, but logind managed to fix it
(for some values of fix it).

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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Re: [lfs-dev] Unnecessarry command in Groff instructions

2014-02-04 Thread Bruce Dubbs
Armin K. wrote:
> In the install command,
> mkdir -pv /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22/pdf
> make install
> The mkdir is not necessarry. make install output has:
> test -d /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf \
>|| /bin/sh /sources/groff-1.22.2/mkinstalldirs
> /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf
> mkdir -p -- /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf
> for f in mom-pdf.pdf; do \
>rm -f /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf/$f; \
>ln -s /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/examples/mom/$f
> /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf/$f; \
> done
> It works fine without mkdir -pv before make install here, and the docs
> are in the correct place.

OK, I'll do that in the test I'm starting.

   -- Bruce

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Re: [lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Bruce Dubbs
Armin K. wrote:
> I've built e2fsprogs and it seems broken in a way with the util-linux
> chapter 5 move.
> I still don't understand why PKG_CONFIG_PATH has to be exported
> seperately.

The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and 
libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point 
in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find 
the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is 
executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the 
PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.

> It works here when used inline, ie
> LIBS=-L/tools/lib  \
> CFLAGS=-I/tools/include\
> ../configure --prefix=/usr \
>   --with-root-prefix="" \
>   --enable-elf-shlibs   \
>   --disable-libblkid\
>   --disable-libuuid \
>   --disable-uuidd   \
>   --disable-fsck\
>   PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/lib/pkgconfig
> But then there's another problem. While I'm not a fan of test suites,
> I've ran test suite for both cases and it seems rather broken or I've
> failed to merge all changes from LFS to LFS Systemd.
> -test_filesys: * FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *
> -test_filesys: 12/2048 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1303/8192 blocks
> -Exit status is 1
> +../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> +Exit status is 127
> There are several errors like this. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib
> doesn't help.

My last build was without tests.  I have to go out for several hours, so 
I'll go ahead now and kick off a build with tests and check.

   -- Bruce
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Re: [lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
On 02/04/2014 11:19 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> I've built e2fsprogs and it seems broken in a way with the util-linux
>> chapter 5 move.
>> I still don't understand why PKG_CONFIG_PATH has to be exported
>> seperately.
> The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and 
> libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point 
> in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find 
> the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is 
> executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.

No, no. I know why is PKG_CONFIG_PATH necessarry, but I don't know why
is it necessary to do

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah

./configure --blah


instead of

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah ./configure blah


./configure blah PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah

The latter works fine for me, but I remember you said that you had some
issues when using it, which I don't exactly remember.

>> It works here when used inline, ie
>> LIBS=-L/tools/lib  \
>> CFLAGS=-I/tools/include\
>> ../configure --prefix=/usr \
>>   --with-root-prefix="" \
>>   --enable-elf-shlibs   \
>>   --disable-libblkid\
>>   --disable-libuuid \
>>   --disable-uuidd   \
>>   --disable-fsck\
>>   PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/lib/pkgconfig
>> But then there's another problem. While I'm not a fan of test suites,
>> I've ran test suite for both cases and it seems rather broken or I've
>> failed to merge all changes from LFS to LFS Systemd.
>> -test_filesys: * FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *
>> -test_filesys: 12/2048 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1303/8192 blocks
>> -Exit status is 1
>> +../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> +Exit status is 127
>> There are several errors like this. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib
>> doesn't help.
> My last build was without tests.  I have to go out for several hours, so 
> I'll go ahead now and kick off a build with tests and check.
>-- Bruce

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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Re: [blfs-dev] Why/Why not systemd

2014-02-04 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
>On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 18:26:35 +0100
>Igor Živković  wrote:

> http://wizardofbits.tumblr.com/post/45232318557/systemd-more-like-shit-stemd

Nevermind the systemd flammage going on in here, the single most
important contribution of this article is that he *proposed an
alternative* in the form of runit! That's huge.

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All of my e-mails are cryptographically signed. Verify them.
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Humans will do just fine.

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Bruce Dubbs
Armin K. wrote:
> On 02/04/2014 11:19 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Armin K. wrote:

>> The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and
>> libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point
>> in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find
>> the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is
>> executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the
>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.
> No, no. I know why is PKG_CONFIG_PATH necessarry, but I don't know why
> is it necessary to do
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah
> ./configure --blah
> instead of
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah ./configure blah
> or
> ./configure blah PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah

In my test logs I have:

+../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I got this even with the export.  I'll investigate tomorrow.  It may be 
that I need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

   -- Bruce
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Re: [lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Armin K.
On 02/05/2014 06:12 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> On 02/04/2014 11:19 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> Armin K. wrote:
>>> The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and
>>> libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point
>>> in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find
>>> the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is
>>> executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the
>>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.
>> No, no. I know why is PKG_CONFIG_PATH necessarry, but I don't know why
>> is it necessary to do
>> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah
>> ./configure --blah
>> instead of
>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah ./configure blah
>> or
>> ./configure blah PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah
> In my test logs I have:
> +../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I got this even with the export.  I'll investigate tomorrow.  It may be 
> that I need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
>-- Bruce

As I said in my original mail, LD_LIBRARY_PATH didn't work for me, but
yet I didn't export it before the build. The check script seems to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to something else.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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Re: [lfs-dev] e2fsprogs

2014-02-04 Thread Bruce Dubbs
Armin K. wrote:
> On 02/05/2014 06:12 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Armin K. wrote:
>>> On 02/04/2014 11:19 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
 Armin K. wrote:
 The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and
 libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point
 in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find
 the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is
 executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the
 PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.

>>> No, no. I know why is PKG_CONFIG_PATH necessarry, but I don't know why
>>> is it necessary to do
>>> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah
>>> ./configure --blah
>>> instead of
>>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah ./configure blah
>>> or
>>> ./configure blah PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah
>> In my test logs I have:
>> +../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> I got this even with the export.  I'll investigate tomorrow.  It may be
>> that I need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
>> -- Bruce
> As I said in my original mail, LD_LIBRARY_PATH didn't work for me, but
> yet I didn't export it before the build. The check script seems to set
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH to something else.

We may need to create temp symbolic links in /usr/lib for the tests. 
Not sure yet.

   -- Bruce

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