On 02/04/2014 11:19 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> I've built e2fsprogs and it seems broken in a way with the util-linux
>> chapter 5 move.
>> I still don't understand why PKG_CONFIG_PATH has to be exported
>> seperately.
> The disable- prevents e2fsprogs from building/installing libuuid and 
> libblkid, but it still needs them and with the change and at this point 
> in building packages in Chapter 6, it needs the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to find 
> the libraries.  Somewhere in the process, install I think, a program is 
> executed that needs to find libuuid, libblkid, so that's why the 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH is exported.

No, no. I know why is PKG_CONFIG_PATH necessarry, but I don't know why
is it necessary to do

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah

./configure --blah


instead of

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah ./configure blah


./configure blah PKG_CONFIG_PATH=blah

The latter works fine for me, but I remember you said that you had some
issues when using it, which I don't exactly remember.

>> It works here when used inline, ie
>> LIBS=-L/tools/lib                  \
>> CFLAGS=-I/tools/include            \
>> ../configure --prefix=/usr         \
>>               --with-root-prefix="" \
>>               --enable-elf-shlibs   \
>>               --disable-libblkid    \
>>               --disable-libuuid     \
>>               --disable-uuidd       \
>>               --disable-fsck        \
>>               PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/lib/pkgconfig
>> But then there's another problem. While I'm not a fan of test suites,
>> I've ran test suite for both cases and it seems rather broken or I've
>> failed to merge all changes from LFS to LFS Systemd.
>> -test_filesys: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
>> -test_filesys: 12/2048 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1303/8192 blocks
>> -Exit status is 1
>> +../e2fsck/e2fsck: error while loading shared libraries: libblkid.so.1:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> +Exit status is 127
>> There are several errors like this. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib
>> doesn't help.
> My last build was without tests.  I have to go out for several hours, so 
> I'll go ahead now and kick off a build with tests and check.
>    -- Bruce

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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