Re: [libreoffice-l10n] @Pootle developers... and it can help us here

2014-12-03 Thread khagaroth
Yep, Pootle is too fragile in my experience. I personally prefer Weblate.
Its development was started exactly because Pootle was too buggy and it
turned out to be a more than adequate replacement. And the direct
integration into git/mercurial is just cool.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Sérgio Marques 

> 2014-12-03 9:46 GMT+00:00 Sophie :
> > Hi Olivier,
> > Le 03/12/2014 10:37, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
> > > I opened an enhancement suggestion to Pootle that may be of our
> interest
> > > & collaboration
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Thanks for this enhancement request, it's a nice one :)
> > For information, I've joined the team directly and the Amagama server
> > should be updated next week meaning that suggestions on Pootle and
> > Virtaal will be LibreOffice ones and no more old ones.
> >
> > After that, I'll try to have our Pootle instance upgraded to the new
> > version. There are several things they have to check before to make sure
> > we don't loose previous functionality.
> >
> Please be very sure that all works fine. I´m also translating lxde on their
> pootle instance and I must say that works worse than what we have now in
> LibO.
> Mainly the problems are related with statistics not being updated and it is
> showing words and sentences needing translating/review poorly.  For
> instance, a component is missing x translations. When we click on that x
> number, we get "No results found". This could be misleading, especially in
> LibO project beacause ot its size.
> Regards
> >
> > Cheers
> > Sophie
> > --
> > Sophie Gautier
> > Tel:+33683901545
> > Co-founder - Release coordinator
> > The Document Foundation
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> --
> Sérgio Marques
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] @Pootle developers... and it can help us here

2014-12-03 Thread khagaroth
Er, you mean offline translation? Of course it supports offline

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Sophie  wrote:

> Hi,
> Le 03/12/2014 18:27, khagaroth a écrit :
> > Yep, Pootle is too fragile in my experience. I personally prefer Weblate.
> > Its development was started exactly because Pootle was too buggy and it
> > turned out to be a more than adequate replacement. And the direct
> > integration into git/mercurial is just cool.
> But Weblate is web only, so it's a no-go for us.
> Cheers
> Sophie
> --
> Sophie Gautier
> Tel:+33683901545
> Co-founder - Release coordinator
> The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: Getting rid of 'oldref' in the help files

2016-12-16 Thread khagaroth
> it seems the goal is to move away from .xhp to .xhtml
> I hope you meant HTML 5, because XHTML is a dead end (and good riddance).

html does not have markup for some of the semantics that we have (and need)
> in the help files (like  or  to name few)

Both  and  are part of HTML 5 and there is a good chance
the other things are as well.

there are many ways how to describe the same thing in html ('s and 's
> vs.  and  vs. 's with css vs. who-knows-what)

CSS is the preferred way, its the same as with styles and direct formatting
in Writer.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate, where we stand currently

2019-11-19 Thread khagaroth
On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 5:14 PM sophi  wrote:

> - The main problem seems that we can't download all files in one step,
> here also Christian is looking at a way to download via Gerrit and avoid
> using command line and API.
Use Weblate 3.9.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate, where we stand currently

2019-11-19 Thread khagaroth
On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 8:15 PM sophi  wrote:

> Thanks for your feedback, did you tested it? I see: 'Added ZIP download
> for more translation files' in the release notes, but does it allow to
> add all files of project to a zip?
Yes it downloads a ZIP of the whole project / component / language
depending where in the project hierarchy you use the download option.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 3.5.0 translation deadline

2012-01-24 Thread khagaroth
2012/1/24 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> Tagging of rc2 is due today, I pushed translations to git yesterday. Please
> find the error logs at
Czech translation fixed now.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Testing current pootle translation

2012-02-24 Thread khagaroth
Of course the best option would be if LO switched to pure gettext so
that we could simply put updated MO files to the language folder and
immediately see the changes. But converting the whole thing to gettext
would probably be a pretty big (and tedious and uninteresting)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.1 RC1 available

2012-02-27 Thread khagaroth
The options tree in Writer in Czech language is completely messed up
after the re-added basic fonts options, but this is probably just
because the translations weren't updated yet (which they should be, at
least in Czech language, considering the added strings were translated
the same day they were added).

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Quick poll on QA on your localized version

2012-03-02 Thread khagaroth
Not really doing any tests, apart from checking if the translations
are correct, or as a side-effect of trying various functions when
searching where the hell* is that stupid string that can be translated
several different ways in my language. So I'm really testing only the
functionality I need to check during translation.
I'm only checking the beta and RC releases, main reason is lack of
time and not enough knowledge to do my own test builds, not to mention
the difficulty to make compiling work on Windows. I'm not aware about
any existing testing infrastructure.

* On this note, it would be great if there was a file listing all the
dialogs (and how to get them displayed) with string IDs that are used
on each particular dialog.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Sophie Gautier
> Hi all,
> This is a quick poll on QA done by your team on the builds in your language,
> please take 5 mn to answer:
> - Are you doing manual tests on the builds?
>        . on the RC only?
>        . using Litmus?
> - Are you running other types of tests
>        .which one?
> - You are not doing any tests
>        . because you're not interested
>        . because you don't have the manpower to run them
>        . because they are not adapted to your language
>        . because you're not aware of any test
> Thanks a lot for your answers :-)
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> --
> Founding member of The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing features in Pootle

2012-03-05 Thread khagaroth
The best thing to do is post bugs/feature request on under the pootle product.

At least the navigation with keyboard shortcuts should be available in
pootle 2.2 (apart from other useful UI changes and a relatively big
speedup). It's true the search function needs a rather thorough
revamp, it doesn't function very well, it for example cannot be
depended on because it isn't guaranteed to find all strings and it's a
pity it doesn't support some more advanced searches. But hopefully 2.2
will fix even some of the search annoyances.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bugs in LibreOffice 3.5.2 rc1 translations

2012-03-19 Thread khagaroth
Czech is now fixed.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] To Slavic l10n Teams

2012-04-06 Thread khagaroth
Confirmed with Czech language.With that test file, all the accented
letters disappear after resaving the file.

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Milos Sramek  wrote:
> Dňa 06.04.2012 13:26, Martin Srebotnjak  wrote / napísal(a):
>> Hi,
>> yesterday I noticed this bug:
>> I ask Slavic l10n teams (maybe it affects only latin-based ones) for
>> help to check if they see the same behaviour also with their text with
>> "č" and "Č" characters.
>> Thanks,
>> m.
> Hi,
> I confirm it in Slovak - newline is added in front of č (but not Č)
> other accented characters are OK
> tested on the latest daily LOdev 3.6.0alpha0+
> Miloš
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] To Slavic l10n Teams

2012-04-06 Thread khagaroth
(Damn, I was in the middle of editing the above post and lost a
sentence due an accidental click on send)

I added a new test file to the bug, with that file after a Save as,
all the accented letters disappear.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please translate main page of Extension site in Pootle

2012-04-14 Thread khagaroth
Czech translation is done. But to add to the above post by Oliver, the
wording in a few messages (not only the above mentioned one) is far
from optimal, even a non-native English speaker like me can notice

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] errorlog of 3.5.3 rc1 translations

2012-04-19 Thread khagaroth
Czech translation fixed.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle engagement with Mozilla

2012-05-04 Thread khagaroth
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 8:16 PM, Andras Timar  wrote:
> Hi,
> Please read this blog post:
> Let's discuss, if we, the LibreOffice l10n community have feature or
> bugfix requests. If they fit within Mozilla's scope then with our help
> they may be implemented.
> Best regards,
> Andras

The part that needs most improvement is the search. Right now it's
abysmally bad.

Then it would be nice to have things like suggested fuzzy matches,
tag/variable highlighting in the _translation_ not only in the source
and some more quality checks (especially consistency checks).

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle engagement with Mozilla

2012-05-07 Thread khagaroth
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Dwayne Bailey  wrote:
> On 04/05/2012 09:55, khagaroth wrote:
>> tag/variable highlighting in the _translation_ not only in the source
> Nice, I also want that.  Not sure it is on our scope though.

Yes, this would be really helpful for LO, it is a real pain to
fix/translate the (xml based) help files without syntax highlighting.
Combined with the bad quality of the source xml (causing a lot of
false positives on the checks), I'm actually thinking if it wouldn't
be easier to translate the xml files directly using some xml editor
(and simultaneously fix the source).

>> and some more quality checks (especially consistency checks).
> We already have a lot of quality checks.  By consistency do you mean
> something like check that I have translated X as Y consistently?  We have
> tools for doing that offline, but online in Pootle :(
> I'm not sure how many people use the Terminology suggestion feature of
> Pootle? That helps a lot of teams maintain consistency.
> But back to checks.  If you have ideas for reducing false positives, new
> checks, or improving checks then please let us know.  They are not that hard
> to write but even if you can express them in a simple pseudo code taking
> source and target text then we can quite easily implement them.

Yes, that's what I mean with consistency checks. The external tool I
use does have two checks, one checking that a particular source has
always the same translation and the other, that one particular
translation is used only for one particular source.

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[libreoffice-l10n] Extensions page translation bug

2012-06-05 Thread khagaroth
The sentence 'LibreOffice Extensions are tools that can be added
or removed independently...' on the extension page home page is only
partially translated (only the bold part). I have noticed it on Czech
translation, but all the other languages have the same problem, except
for German, that one is different, because it doesn't have the bold
part bold and the whole sentence is translated.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation errors before 3.6.0 beta2

2012-06-17 Thread khagaroth
Fixed for Czech translation, but the translation is still ongoing,
Hopefully no new errors pop up before you pull.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 3.6 strings are frozen

2012-07-04 Thread khagaroth
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Andras Timar  wrote:
> Pootle update is in progress.

I looked at pootle now, and I have seen quite a number of things I
already translated to be empty/untranslated (both in UI and help).
Fortunately, I did have the files saved locally, so I fixed the UI
translation just by uploaded them, but the help file was already
completely unnecessarily retranslated by another user (he is just
about to finish while I'm typing this). I wonder what went wrong.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] REMINDER: Release 3.6.0-rc2 from libreoffice-3-6 branch

2012-07-17 Thread khagaroth
Then perhaps the toplevel tree entries shouldn't be selectable anymore
and clicking on them should move the selection to (and display) the
first corresponding subitem.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Olivier Hallot
> Hash: SHA1
> I don't think I know someone who actually read these blablabla. :-)
> Em 17-07-2012 08:46, Andras Timar escreveu:
>> 2012/7/17 Valter Mura :
>>> Hi All,
>>> maybe this is a silly question: I noticed that in Options dialog
>>> introduction text for the leading pages (LIbreOffice, Load/Save,
>>> Linguistic, and so on) is not present anymore.
>>> (I didn't read the new features for 3.6, so maybe I missed something.)
>>> Is it normal or a bug to be solved?
>> I remember that someone wanted to kill them. Maybe the time has come. :)
>> Andras
> - --
> Olivier Hallot
> Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation
> The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
> Fundação responsável civilmente, de acordo com o direito civil
> Detalhes Legais:
> LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
> +55-21-8822-8812
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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 3.6.0 RC4 test builds available

2012-07-29 Thread khagaroth
I just installed RC4 and the bug of not starting on first run (only
the splash shows up and then nothing) is back (it was there for 3.5
and then fixed if I remember correctly).

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bug in pootle?

2012-08-17 Thread khagaroth
This happened for me in Czech language on a few files too (for example
in Askbot djangojs.po). I fixed this by downloading the files an
translating them offline, then uploading back.
Speaking about Askbot, the PO files contain some suspicious strings
that don't look correct (for example use-these-chars-in-tags) and
don't correspond to the strings in the source files on Askbot git. And
I remember seeing a cutoff multiline string, where only the first line
was in the PO file. That might bee worth a look too.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [BUG 52288] DATE: Allow truncated date inputs from numeric keyboard

2012-08-31 Thread khagaroth
>(from the bug)
> A suggestion: I'd like to see the "old" behaviour as a default:

NO! Definitely not. The old behavior was such a pain and it's a
godsend that it's finally fixed. Don't even consider such a stupid
idea. I can't even count how many silent/hidden data losses this
caused (especially on CSV import).

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Requesting to add Website and Extensions projects to Belarusian language

2012-09-05 Thread khagaroth
There isn't much point in translating the extensions site right now,
it isn't working.

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[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle OCSP server errors

2012-09-07 Thread khagaroth
Quite often I get a

The OCSP server returned unexpected/invalid HTTP data.

(Error code: sec_error_ocsp_bad_http_response)

error when accessing pootle. This doesn't happen every time, but often
enough to be annoying, because it makes the server inaccessible.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle OCSP server errors

2012-09-07 Thread khagaroth
Well, then it's interesting that lo pootle is the only secure site I
get this error on.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Albanian

2012-09-14 Thread khagaroth
Re the integration with git: LO should check WebLate, it has great git
integration features (ie all translations are treated as git commits)
and was developed to avoid all the pootle related problems, and even
though pootle 2.2 should fix most of the annoyances, it would still be
a good idea to check if WebLate wasn't a better solution for the LO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Website project updated

2012-09-24 Thread khagaroth
Updated Czech language.

>> Is "install" a verb or a noun in this string?
>> What is replaced by "%s" in runtime?
> Hi Joan,
> It's a noun and %s is replaced by AppUp (see
> ).

If AppUp is the only possibility, why the variable then?

PS: Could someone from the web team have a look at the extension site,
the translations don't work for that one.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Website project updated

2012-09-24 Thread khagaroth
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Sérgio Marques  wrote:
> 2012/9/24 khagaroth 
>> PS: Could someone from the web team have a look at the extension site,
>> the translations don't work for that one.
> Pootle reports them as outdated

As Rimas already noted, I do mean the extension _website_, not the
pootle project. As I remember, the translations worked, then someone
tried to do some changes to the extension site without making a backup
(really good idea) and botched the job, forcing him to restore from
some older backup and since then, the translations don't work.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle Feature Request Survey

2012-11-04 Thread khagaroth
Voted. I guess the highest priority should be given to TM (preferably
with sentence level segmentation and matching using per language
optimized tokenizers) and auto propagation as that helps with
translation and makes it easier to have consistent translations. The
option to have screenshots is also a great idea, it is a chore (and
sometimes impossible) to find some rarely used functions and if the
string is something that can have several different translations
depending on context one sometimes ends up only guessing what the
translation should be.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle upgrade

2012-11-07 Thread khagaroth
Unlike the current format, the glade UI files can be be translated
using gettext, so do you plan to finally switch LibreOffice to
gettext, so that we can have the possibility to test translations
without having to recompile the whole univers (ie something most
translator are not capable to do)?

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle pilot server

2012-11-08 Thread khagaroth
I didn't find a functional problem when I quickly sweeped through it
(will test more thoroughly a bit later), but some of the active
elements (Show timeline, Add comment etc.) using the LO green are a
bit too faint and hard to see in their inactive state so that could
use some tweaking. Also the completion status bars use different
lengths, that seems to be intentional and depends on number of
strings, but it looks like it doesn't work 100%, ie in Czech UI
project, all the status bars are too short.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [ANNOUNCE] Start of LibreOffice 4.0 translation

2012-11-16 Thread khagaroth
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Zeki Bildirici  wrote:
> Having 2 branches doubles the work for untranslated work.

Most strings are still the same, so you can translate in one branch,
download the files and upload them in the other branch. This doesn't
work 100% (it for example can't overwrite fuzzy strings with unfuzzied
ones), or didn't in 2.1.6, perhaps it's fixed in the new 2.2, I didn't
try yet. It's a pity pootle doesn't support translation propagation
between branches like some other online translators, for example

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[libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle - unfiltered search option?

2012-11-20 Thread khagaroth
Did anyone find a way to search for a string and then edit strings adjacent
to the found one? This was easy in old pootle, but I'm unable to find a way
to do that in the new one. Now it only shows string matching the search
term and switching to a different filter option doesn't help as that skips
to the first string on first page instead of staying on the current one. If
this is really not supported, fixing errors will be a real pain.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle - unfiltered search option?

2012-11-20 Thread khagaroth
Thanks, you saved me. I wonder if that's a feature (I can't find it
documented anywhere) of if it works just by pure luck.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Mihkel Tõnnov  wrote:

> 2012/11/20 khagaroth 
> > Did anyone find a way to search for a string and then edit strings
> adjacent
> > to the found one? This was easy in old pootle, but I'm unable to find a
> way
> > to do that in the new one. Now it only shows string matching the search
> > term and switching to a different filter option doesn't help as that
> skips
> > to the first string on first page instead of staying on the current one.
> If
> > this is really not supported, fixing errors will be a real pain.
> >
> For me the only thing that seems to work is to middleclick on the "Unit
> 123456789" link at the bottom, i.e. open it in a new tab.
> Mihkel
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [The Document Foundation – Pootle server] message by Konrad K

2012-12-22 Thread khagaroth
This is an old problem. The search in pootle is (and always was) pretty
broken. You simply cannot trust it  to return all relevant results.

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:40 AM,  wrote:

> Hi
> Why search engine in pootle cant find the new strings e.g. : "drift",
> "spot", "rebate" ?
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Pootle] How can we select the "next" term found by search

2012-12-30 Thread khagaroth
On the navigation bar before previous and next unit buttons, there is the
current unit number link. Click on that with middle mouse button and it
will open a new window/tab with the current unit in unfiltered view, so you
can edit surrounding units that were inaccessible in the filtered view.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Naruhiko Ogasawara wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to do very easy task but I couldn't found out how to do that.
> What I want is:
> 1. Search word and found a term (e.g. "forward|fd" in LibreLogo [1]).
> 2. Then following terms also need to fixed, so I want to move to the next
> term.
> However, button "Next unit" doesn't work for this situation because the
> button want to find next term which hit the previous search.
> And in search mode, I can't click any other terms in my display.
> Sometimes Unit IDs are not increase step-by-step, so my current answer is
> search again with the next term's string... it's not good for me.
> Anyone know how I can do that?
> Possibly Pootle should have such functionality (search a term, then move
> to next).  Please let me know if I lost a very easy point.
> Thanks, and sorry poor English ;)
> [1]
> --
> Naruhiko Ogasawara (
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] What dictionaries are installed with LibO 4.0 RC1?

2013-01-14 Thread khagaroth
It's a feature. I don't know why you think the previous behavior was a good
thing, you are definitely a minority, most people found it annoying. But
that said, there is still the possibility, that the selection chosen for a
particular locale isn't optimal, so if you miss some dictionary for your
locale, feel free to file a bug.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Joan Montané  wrote:

> Hi,
> testing LibO 4.0 RC1, we (Catalan team) have found that only few
> dictionaries are installed by default Windows installation, based on locale
> settings. That's fine? Is this change a feature? or is it a bug? I can
> remember in previous versions all dictionaries were installed, IMHO it was
> a good option.
> Regards,
> Joan Montané
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations of the main page

2013-01-15 Thread khagaroth
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:

> If you imagine - copy pasting or moving some page here and there in
> the wiki structure or changing wording here and there is an easy job
> in the wiki, but for translators this could mean many empty strings in
> Pootle of something that has been already almost fully translated.

That's just pootle/translate being  lame. Any sane translation tool is able
to cope with the simple changes like moved sentences and simple one or two
word edits. And the better ones use things like tokenizers (lucene) and
sentence level segmentation to get things right even on bigger changes. But
I agree that until someone puts some effort into pootle in this regard,
it's better not to attempt it.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Localisation gone wild

2013-03-10 Thread khagaroth
If you are implying you use a W7 install that's detected as not being
genuine, the you have much bigger problems than badly detected
localization. There are at least 3 ways to permanently and undetectably
activate a pirated W7 system and still pass genuine checks. If you are not
passing, it means two things. First, the one who installed the system is an
idiot, because he can't even steal properly. And second, he used some crack
produced by a third rate script kiddo, and you have a 99% chance your
system is acting as a nice bot slave. Since you are already using a pirated
version, just nuke it, download a clean install ISO of W7 (you can check
it's clean using hashes from MS) and register using a proper and clean
method, like DAZ loader.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 4.1 translation heads-up

2013-05-17 Thread khagaroth
That's to be hoped for, but Pootle isn't exactly great at this (mildly
said), so I'm rather sceptical. After being bitten by this several times
(not only with LO), I now keep a local copy of the Pootle files, so in the
worst case I will be able to do my own leveraging.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Sérgio Marques wrote:

> That would be awesome.
> Please make a post here the day before merge so we don´t do any work that
> could be lost.
> Regards
> 2013/5/17 Andras Timar 
> > Hi,
> >
> > LibreOffice 4.1 is approaching. In order to reduce the amount of
> > translation work, I would like to smartly migrate 4.0 translations to
> > 4.1 in Pootle. Many source code changes happened, including the
> > transition from .src format dialogs to .ui format dialogs. Hopefully
> > old translations can be leveraged in high proportion. That means that
> > you'll have less to translate and you will not have to translate
> > things that you already have done.
> >
> > This will happen sometimes next week. At the same time 3.6
> > translations will be removed from Pootle in order to save resources.
> > 4.0 and 4.1 will be there.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Andras
> >
> > --
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> --
> Sérgio Marques
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 4.1 translation heads-up

2013-05-25 Thread khagaroth
So from the first look about 50% of missing strings are things that were
already translated. And I have seen missing translations (really missing,
not even marked as fuzzy) where the only difference is a dot at the end of
a sentence, which is both silly and sad. Hurray for pointless work.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:14 PM, khagaroth  wrote:

> That's to be hoped for, but Pootle isn't exactly great at this (mildly
> said), so I'm rather sceptical. After being bitten by this several times
> (not only with LO), I now keep a local copy of the Pootle files, so in the
> worst case I will be able to do my own leveraging.
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Sérgio Marques wrote:
>> That would be awesome.
>> Please make a post here the day before merge so we don´t do any work that
>> could be lost.
>> Regards
>> 2013/5/17 Andras Timar 
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > LibreOffice 4.1 is approaching. In order to reduce the amount of
>> > translation work, I would like to smartly migrate 4.0 translations to
>> > 4.1 in Pootle. Many source code changes happened, including the
>> > transition from .src format dialogs to .ui format dialogs. Hopefully
>> > old translations can be leveraged in high proportion. That means that
>> > you'll have less to translate and you will not have to translate
>> > things that you already have done.
>> >
>> > This will happen sometimes next week. At the same time 3.6
>> > translations will be removed from Pootle in order to save resources.
>> > 4.0 and 4.1 will be there.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Andras
>> >
>> > --
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>> >
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>> >
>> --
>> Sérgio Marques
>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 4.1 translation heads-up

2013-05-26 Thread khagaroth
Unless you used hidden copy field, you sent this reply only to me, not to
the mailing list, so Andras would not see it. I'm reposting it to fix that.
But the search function is broken anyway, it doesn't find half of the
things even if it's "working" and since it uses really awkward syntax, it
treats some common words/chars as stopwords/keywords (for example 'to',
'or', any kind of parenthesis etc.).

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Mateusz Zasuwik wrote:

> 2013/5/25 khagaroth 
>> So from the first look about 50% of missing strings are things that were
>> already translated. And I have seen missing translations (really missing,
>> not even marked as fuzzy) where the only difference is a dot at the end of
>> a sentence, which is both silly and sad. Hurray for pointless work.
> I must agree with that. Also another problem are simple characters like
> "<, >, =, =>, E, N, Y, PDF, comma sign" etc. It should be copied
> automatically.
> @Andras
> Could you refresh database (or something like that)? Search engine in
> Pootle doesn't work properly and I can't find anything, even my new
> translations.

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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.1.0 Beta1 available

2013-05-26 Thread khagaroth
Is anyone else getting a crash (no error message) when selecting Format ->
Character..., Format -> Paragraph... etc. etc.? (Win7 x64)

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 1:04 AM, Thorsten Behrens <> wrote:

> Dear Community,
> The Document Foundation is pleased to announce the first Beta release
> of our new LibreOffice 4.1. The upcoming 4.1 will be our sixth major
> release in two and a half years, and comes with a nice set of new
> features. Please be aware that LibreOffice 4.1 Beta1 is not ready yet
> for production use, you should continue to use LibreOffice 4.0.3 for
> that.
> For further milestones towards 4.1, please refer to our release plan
> timings here:
> The release is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our QA
> builds download page at
> Should you find bugs, please report them to the FreeDesktop Bugzilla:
> A good way to assess the release candidate quality is to run some
> specific manual tests on it, our TCM wiki page has more details:
> For other ways to get involved with this exciting project - you can
> e.g. contribute code:
> translate LibreOffice to your language:
> or help with funding our operations:
> A list of known issues and fixed bugs with 4.1.0 Beta1 is available
> from our wiki:
> Let us close again with a BIG Thank You! to all of you having
> contributed to the LibreOffice project - this release would not have
> been possible without your help.
> Yours,
> The Document Foundation Board of Directors
> The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle upgrade

2013-06-19 Thread khagaroth
Same problem with Czech language, it is fully translated, but LO pootle
does have many strings that are still in English. No such problem on the
official pootle server. And I checked the .po file in the 2.5.0 tag on
github and it _contains_ the full translation, so no clue why it isn't used.

It's a pity they didn't fix the breadcrumb ordering before releasing 2.5.0,
the project -> language instead of language -> project order is a pain.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Andras Timar  wrote:

> On 06/19/2013 11:00 AM, صفا الفليج wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The new version is awesome, Thanks for your hard work :)
> > But there is some missing strings in the pootle project, I mean in the
> pootle server.
> > "Delete this folder..." is not translated here, but I saw that it is
> translated in the pootle source code. There is so
> >
> Well, I checked out the 2.5.0 tag, if the translation was not there,
> then it's not there in our instance. We can, however, update
> translations, but first let's make sure it is working normally.
> Cheers,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: Text in UI, we do not understand

2013-07-13 Thread khagaroth
"Purple pipe" is a gradient name. You can find in Draw under Format -> Page
-> Background.

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Mateusz Zasuwik  wrote:

> 2013/7/13 Leo Moons :
> > Elements Dock
> Hey
> This command show new sidebar in Math (find it in menu View)
> "Elements dock" mean "Show/embed window with math's elements"
> By the way. Anyone know what mean "Purple pipe" from
> File: svx/source/dialog.po
> Context: sdstring.src RID_SVXSTR_GRDT67 string.text
> Where can I find it?
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Askbot translation

2013-07-13 Thread khagaroth
The 'd' and 's' are printf format specifiers. 'd' means decimal, 's' means
string. They should be left alone unless you want to break things.

As for the missing plural forms, that's caused by wrong plural forms entry
in the .po header. It should be:

Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 &&
n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:

>  Hi,
> not shure what to do with some Askbot strings:
> https://translations.****
> askbot/translate.html#page=2
> On Pootle string has tri boxes (for singular, dual and plural), but I'm
> not translating online, using Poedit. When download .po files, Poedit does
> not recognize all three forms, just two of them: Form 0 and Form 1.
> Since this is not a Poedit mailing list, I wonder why downloaded .po file
> has only msgstr[0] "" and msgstr[1] ""? Can I manualy add msgstr[2] "" to a
> django.po file?
> Next what I need to know what is a purpose of "d" in %(max_tags)d? Should
> that be unchanged in translation or should be translated? Samo thing with
> "s" outside the brackets in %(tags)s (https://translations.**
> ..
> Krunoslav
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Quality in l10n

2013-12-03 Thread khagaroth
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Sophie  wrote:

> > Also, Polish translation is periodically changed without our knowledge
> > and consent. Last time I remember someone has superseded all "Liczba"
> > with "Ilość" (first one is for countable, second for uncountable; it's
> > like changing "many" to "much" in English). There were some releases
> > that embarrass Polish translation team before we have learned about this
> > change.
> I believe you but I don't know how that can happen. I understand it's
> really frustrating and that should never happen again. Please tell here
> if you see some strings changed again, we should seriously investigate
> this.

​That's probably Pootle. It can grandiosely ​screw up on merges/updates,
especially when strings with alternative translations are involved. This
and the fact that it "forgets" translations because it has pretty much
nonexistent fuzzy matching is the main reason I keep a local SVN repository
of all Pootle project I work on. Diffing PO files is a pain, but still
better than having broken translations and having to repeatedly retranslate
something I already translated.
It's still possible this wasn't the case of course. Newer versions of
Pootle include a timeline function, that shows who and how changed the
string. If it doesn't contain a corresponding entry, it's Pootle to blame,
if it does, well, you can lynch the guilty individual to your heart's

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] localization of converted dialogs for 4.3

2014-02-20 Thread khagaroth
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Cor Nouws  wrote:

> The idea is that the people that work in pootle, having to translate
> dialogs that are sometimes strange to them, can look at how it was
> before the conversion to ui.

A much better idea would be if someone actually converted the current
strings to the new format, so that we don't have to retranslate tons of
stuff just because of minor changes like a different accelerator character.
Though Pootle will probably screw up on update anyway, so I will have to
work with my offline translation memory and, unlike Pootle, OmegaT actually
has a working fuzzy matching and doesn't screw up on alternative
translations, so it will be an nonissue.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Can LibO be Customised to be Downloaded in a Native Language?

2014-08-04 Thread khagaroth
The installer isn't in English, it's multilingual. And it should select the
system language by default (this definitely works for Czech language). If
it doesn't work for you languages, it's either a bug, or the translation
isn't complete enough, and it was decided not to use it by default.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:

> Hi :)
> It's English (US) too.  If i want English (GB) or anywhere else then i have
> to configure LibreOffice even though i specifically downloaded a non-US
> one.
> Also it seems difficult to get LibreOffice in anything other than English
> (US) on Gnu&Linux too.  Well, maybe not difficult for people on these
> mailing-lists but anything that is not the default is too difficult for
> most wide-eyed-end-users.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 1 August 2014 04:46, Elanjelian Venugopal  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This applies to downloading Windows versions.
> >
> > I find that English is used as the default language even for builds that
> > are downloaded from native language sites -- in my case, from
> > . The users are expected to do a customised
> > installation where they need to select the UI language. This doesn't seem
> > right to me, and doesn't give a seem-less user experience.
> >
> > I wonder why the native language is not provided as the default language?
> > After all we have translated all the relevant strings in Pootle. What is
> > the issue here? Is there something that the Tamil L10N team should do?
> >
> > Thanks for your assistance.
> > -e.
> >
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: What are the strings in Curly brackets {...}?

2014-11-03 Thread khagaroth
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Jesper Hertel 
> I think what Safa meant was whether the curly brackets have any technical
> meaning that we should be aware of. That is, whether they are treated in a
> special way by the system.
> And I believe that was a very good question. I am still looking forward to
> someone giving a clear and full answer to it.
>  Den 01/11/2014 15.16 skrev "anne-ology" :

 The full answer is:
> >
> > From: Urmas 
> > Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 4:49 AM
> > Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: What are the strings in Curly brackets
> > {...}?
> > To:
> >
> > They mark the part of the string which can be omitted if there is no
> > [parameters] value available inside them.


The file [1] is being held in use {by the following process: [2]}.

Now if [2] resolves to "explorer.exe" for example, then the resulting
string will be printed as:

The file example.txt is being held in use by the following process:

But if [2] is not known and resolves to empty sting, then the resulting
string will be:

The file example.txt is being held in use.

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