Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "save and load a list of gradient files"?

2014-11-29 Thread anne-ology
   I agree with you, Jesper;
   manual after manual these computer guys have used convoluted
language which makes it next to impossible to understand what's what - I
gave up years ago reading these manuals learning instead by sitting down,
opening up whatever program & checking all those menu options along the top.

From: Jesper Hertel 
Date: Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 7:32 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] "save and load a list of gradient files"?
To: LibreOffice Localization Mailing List 

This English string looks weird:

"You can define your own gradients and modify existing gradients, as well
as save and load a list of gradient files." (

"[S]ave and load a list of gradient files"? Save and load a list of files?

Shouldn't that be "save and load files with lists of gradients" or
something similar?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "save and load a list of gradient files"?

2014-12-01 Thread anne-ology
   Commendations to you, Jesper.

   Now, I've just 'searched' for the definition of 'gradient files'
only to find
   site after site dealing with color imaging  ???
  but nary a site dealing with defining this concept  ;-(

   Therefore, I would suggest that LO's page first define this concept
  then re-word this convoluted sentence to one which the layman can
readily understand  ;-)

   Here's hoping that someone will define this concept ...
   and here's sending you, Jesper, all the best in your many

From: Jesper Hertel 
Date: Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "save and load a list of gradient files"?
To: anne-ology 

2014-11-29 23:36 GMT+01:00 anne-ology :

   I agree with you, Jesper;
>manual after manual these computer guys have used convoluted
> language which makes it next to impossible to understand what's what - I
> gave up years ago reading these manuals learning instead by sitting down,
> opening up whatever program & checking all those menu options along the
> top.

Well, that is also the way I learn new programs. :-)

But now I decided to be a translator, and part of it is translating the
help file, so I am trying to do my best with that. But then I need to be
sure I understand the original English text.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Follow-up on en_US changes

2014-12-02 Thread anne-ology
   sounds as if you, Sophie, will be as sharp next year as you've been;
   congratulations to you.

From: Sophie 
Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 7:57 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Follow-up on en_US changes

Hi all,

Opening a new thread on the changes on the en_US version, I propose to
follow-up on the project@ list so we could associate the developers and
design teams and discuss together how to handle that in our workflow.
Some changes are necessary and the en_US version has to be maintained
too but that shouldn't have an impact or at least, as limited as
possible on the l10n work.

I'm not sure it's the good moment to open the discussion now because we
are all catching dead lines, but I propose to do it on week 2 next year,
after the hard code freeze for 4.4.0.
Is it ok for you all? if yes, I'll open a ticket on Redmine.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Meaning of Proofed?

2015-01-04 Thread anne-ology
   In printing context, 'proofed' means it's ready to be printed in
some form.

   This sentence:
  'No language is selected in the proofed section'
 therefore is grammatically in-correct -
  (1) language is not proofed, although the written language can be
  (2) proofed is not synonymous with proof-read, although while
editing one can proof-read for accuracy;
   therefore, I would assume whoever wrote this line, probably meant to
say something to the effect that
   no language has been selected nor has the content been
proof-read and therefore is not ready to be printed.

From: Mihovil Stanić 
Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 6:44 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Meaning of Proofed?
"No language is selected in the proofed section."

What does "proofed" means and what is context?

Best regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The annual report needs you!

2015-10-07 Thread anne-ology
   Congratulations to you, & all !

From: Sophie 
Date: Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 7:32 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] The annual report needs you!
To: "" , "" <>, LibreOffice-l10n <>, "" <>, libreoffice-dev <>, LibreOffice-QA <>

Hi all,

This is this time of the year where we need to complete the annual
report. Please, take the time to write some lines about your own
achievements, project and/or those of your project, community.
We need to have an impressive annual report again and it's only because
of you that it will reflect our vibrant community :)

So, stop everything else and start writing here:
You can add parts, subtitle, projects, anything you see that will be
important for this report.

Big thank you in advance!
Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] irc channel for L10n and NLP projects

2015-10-09 Thread anne-ology
   Sounds as if you had a successful conference;
  & hoping so.

   Would this new channel be for final LO versions?;
  what's a channel? possibly another subscriber list?

   Curiously wondering,

From: Sophie 
Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 2:54 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] irc channel for L10n and NLP projects
To: "" <>, LibreOffice-l10n <>

Hi all,

After the workshop at the conference, we discussed opening an irc
channel for l10n and NLP exchanges. What name do we take for this
channel? LibreOffice-L10N-NLP or LibreOffice-NLP?

Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bad placeholders in a string

2015-10-25 Thread anne-ology
   Assuming you have been seeing the same as I've seen at times ...
  but I usually see 20% ... this has nothing to do with LO, it's
has something to do with MsFt;
   why 'they' (whomever  ;-) )
 want to switch the URLs to ones which are not workable, I have no
idea -
  it's frustrating to have to eliminate those extraneous additions

From: Mihkel Tõnnov 
Date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 4:28 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Bad placeholders in a string
To: libreoffice-l10n 

Hi all,

I keep stumbling accross this string:
"DDE link to % for % area % are not available."

Currently it has key-ID "5Uf9f" on master, and context "app.src
STR_DDE_ERROR string.text".

Could someone clarify what those %s stand for?
(And ideally, they should be changed into proper placeholders that could be
moved around in the translated sentence if need be.)

Best regards,
Estonian team

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] What does this sentence mean?

2015-10-27 Thread anne-ology
   It means the writer didn't take the time to explain what he meant
  always reminds me of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's (Lewis Carroll)

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Q] What does this sentense mean? "If given
the number to whose multiple the value is rounded, else -1 or 1 depending
on sign of Number."
To: Andras Timar 
Cc: Jihui Choi , l10n 

Hi :)
Blimey!  The OASIS description does make it a lot easier to understand.
It's still difficult to wrap my head around!  I can see why it was tricky
trying to get that down to such a short summary!  Could that original
queried summary be expanded easily?  I'd guess not but jic my guess is
wrong i think it's worth asking.  I take it that space there is seriously
limited (otherwise the original summary would have been longer, i'm sure)?

Andras' examples make it MUCH clearer, to me, than either of the
descriptions.  I think they are the only thing that could improve the Oasis
description.  Thanks Andras, that was brilliant! :)

There is another native English-speaker who joined this mailing list a
couple of years ago specifically to try to help with questions like this.
So, please don't be afraid to ask :)  This one was possibly tooo technical
but in the past we had a whole spate of ones that were much easier to
answer.  I'm not sure if it's possible to simplify the Oasis description
but if it's needed i'm sure Anne or others would be happy to help.

Good luck and many regards from
Tom :)

On 27 October 2015 at 08:38, Andras Timar  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 9:18 AM, Jihui Choi  wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'm translating LibO UI master from pootle.
> > I faced a sentence which I couldn't understand at all.
> > Is anyone helps me?
> >
> > UI master - sc - source - ui - src -
> > 1451 line : "If given the number to whose multiple the value is rounded,
> > else -1 or 1 depending on sign of Number."
> >
> > I guess this is about rounding or ceiling numbers. but that's all. no
> idea.
> >
> >
> You can read the standard, maybe it is clearer:
> Some examples:
> =CEILING(23.2,1) is 24
> =CEILING(23.2,5) is 25
> =CEILING(23.2,9) is 27
> Regards,
> Andras

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Q] What does this sentense mean? "If given the number to whose multiple the value is rounded, else -1 or 1 depending on sign of Number."

2015-10-27 Thread anne-ology
   Still a non-sensical sentence;
  reminds me ... [well, see my previous e-mail  -;)  ]

From: dinar qurbanov 
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Q] What does this sentense mean? "If given
the number to whose multiple the value is rounded, else -1 or 1 depending
on sign of Number."
To: Tom Davies 
Cc: Andras Timar , Jihui Choi ,

(i had written this only to one address (email) , i did not see they
are several, and now i copy to all including mailing list.)

i think there are missing commas, and different words used for one
thing. it should be:

If given, the number to whose multiple the Value is rounded, else -1
or 1 depending on sign of the Value.

2015-10-27 13:24 GMT+03:00 Tom Davies :
> Hi :)
> Blimey!  The OASIS description does make it a lot easier to understand.
> It's still difficult to wrap my head around!  I can see why it was tricky
> trying to get that down to such a short summary!  Could that original
> queried summary be expanded easily?  I'd guess not but jic my guess is
> wrong i think it's worth asking.  I take it that space there is seriously
> limited (otherwise the original summary would have been longer, i'm sure)?
> Andras' examples make it MUCH clearer, to me, than either of the
> descriptions.  I think they are the only thing that could improve the
> description.  Thanks Andras, that was brilliant! :)
> There is another native English-speaker who joined this mailing list a
> couple of years ago specifically to try to help with questions like this.
> So, please don't be afraid to ask :)  This one was possibly tooo technical
> but in the past we had a whole spate of ones that were much easier to
> answer.  I'm not sure if it's possible to simplify the Oasis description
> but if it's needed i'm sure Anne or others would be happy to help.
> Good luck and many regards from
> Tom :)
> On 27 October 2015 at 08:38, Andras Timar  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 9:18 AM, Jihui Choi  wrote:
>> > Hello.
>> >
>> > I'm translating LibO UI master from pootle.
>> > I faced a sentence which I couldn't understand at all.
>> > Is anyone helps me?
>> >
>> > UI master - sc - source - ui - src -
>> > 1451 line : "If given the number to whose multiple the value is
>> > else -1 or 1 depending on sign of Number."
>> >
>> > I guess this is about rounding or ceiling numbers. but that's all. no
>> idea.
>> >
>> >
>> You can read the standard, maybe it is clearer:
>> Some examples:
>> =CEILING(23.2,1) is 24
>> =CEILING(23.2,5) is 25
>> =CEILING(23.2,9) is 27
>> Regards,
>> Andras

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] What does mean "Search Formatted Display String"

2015-11-16 Thread anne-ology
   To me that line means -
  to search for formatted displays which I would assume would
include programs, full & partial;
   although the 'string' inclusion, I assume means only partial.

   If it has to do with cells, then I would assume it means something
else - as  ???

   Sounds as if the latter, therefore I would suggest a re-writing of
the wording to say what it means.

   Well, I still do all my accounting off-line  ;-)

From: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 
Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] What does mean "Search Formatted Display
To: Mihkel Tõnnov 
Cc: Jean-Baptiste Faure , libreoffice-l10n <>

2015-11-15 12:08 GMT-06:00 Mihkel Tõnnov :

> I was wondering about its meaning as well, when I first saw the string.
> Perhaps the wording could be improved so it would be clearer -- something
> like "Match cell format"?

Suits me. +1
I’ll rename the option shortly, if no other suggestions come up.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Another possible typo in libo_help/scalc/01.po - Unit #100764095

2016-01-04 Thread anne-ology
   without the 'a', that sentence would be grammatically *in*correct.

From: Jean-Baptiste Faure 
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 2:06 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Another possible typo in libo_help/scalc/01.po
- Unit #100764095
To: Libreoffice ln10 


func_countifs.xhp par_id738533068520 help.text
keyID (comment) : CNQBL

Text to be translated : If E2 = pen, the function returns 1, because the
link to the cell is substituted with its content and it works as a
function above.

I am afraid that "it works as a function above" would be incorrect. Why
"a" function?

Best regards.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "Hit apply to update" string

2016-01-18 Thread anne-ology
   Well, whoever typed this must have meant to type whatever would send
the message  ;-)

   If this typist had edited his message before posting, then he could
have corrected the error;
  but, alas, editing seems to be an out-dated idea in this world of
ever increasing speed to accomplish whatever even though oftentimes taking
the time to edit saves time in the long-run by avoiding having to redo the
project to correct the errors.

From: Stanislav Horáček 
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:16 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] "Hit apply to update" string
To: L10n 


could anyone explain meaning of this new string in 5.1?

"Hit apply to update"
ID: rEEs5

I suppose it is a placeholder text for user agent information (Tools -
Options - LibreOffice - Online updates) which appears when the user agent
is changed (although I don't know how it can be changed) - but there is no
"apply" to be hit...


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice on the cloud - Open365

2016-04-24 Thread anne-ology
   silly is as silly does;

  although now I have some questions:

 (1) when would one use LO on-line?
 (2) if one places everything on-line, then when these satellites
falter - or fail - how would one retrieve their data?

 to me, this 'only being on-line' thinking leaves me with the same
thought as when these skyscrapers - continually being built even taller -
are situated in the midst of concreted land ... what will they do if the
electricity should go off for whatever reason? - the elevators won't
operate, their 'phones won't operate, they don't have a pantry of food
staples, ... ... ... ???

From: Giovanni Caligaris 
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 5:15 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice on the cloud - Open365
To: LibreOffice-l10n 

Has anyone seen this?

Looks pretty cool, it has all the LO features.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice on the cloud - Open365

2016-04-24 Thread anne-ology
   yes, I agree.

   With these external hard-drives, it's quite simple to save whatever
to these, taking mere seconds to so do as well.

From: Michael Bauer 
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice on the cloud - Open365
To: anne-ology ,

Well, the answer to both in a sense is "in circumstance which at the moment
force you on to Google Docs or Office 365". While I agree that the cloud is
over-hyped, it has it's uses. And as always, regular backups are the thing,
because whether the cloud or your local system, stuff *will* get fried at
the most inconvenient moment.

So yes, I'd love LO in an online form ... if the localizations come with it.


Sgrìobh anne-ology na leanas 24/04/2016 aig 20:13:

   silly is as silly does;

  although now I have some questions:

 (1) when would one use LO on-line?
 (2) if one places everything on-line, then when these satellites
falter - or fail - how would one retrieve their data?

 to me, this 'only being on-line' thinking leaves me with the same
thought as when these skyscrapers - continually being built even taller -
are situated in the midst of concreted land ... what will they do if the
electricity should go off for whatever reason? - the elevators won't
operate, their 'phones won't operate, they don't have a pantry of food
staples, ... ... ... ???

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Take the opportunity to award a community member!

2016-05-14 Thread anne-ology
   I tried to ditto another's award to you, Sophie, for all you've done
for LO - but I guess that's not possible,

   So let me express my thanks to you here;
  may you continue as you are - truely beautiful in all respects.

From: Sophie 
Date: Thu, May 12, 2016 at 11:14 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Take the opportunity to award a community
To: "" ,
LibreOffice-l10n , LibreOffice-QA <>, "" <>

Hi all,

Maybe you have seen that there is currently a campaign to award each
other with barnstars on the wiki here:

We currently have very few awards on this page but I'm sure there is
somebody you want to thank for some help or some work he/she has done in
your area or in your team.
So don't be shy, a 'thank you', whatever the form, is always something
we are happy to receive :)
Thanks a lot in advance for your participation!
Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Corrected failing checks in one version doesn't migrate to next version

2013-07-04 Thread anne-ology
   Assuming you're properly saving your corrections,
then I see only one possibility  ;-(

   I sure hope there's a 3rd alternative.

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 2:55 AM, Nilamdyuti Goswami wrote:

> I noticed the failing checks like accelerators, newlines etc that I
> corrected in LibreOffice 4.0 for Assamese language were also there in
> LibreOffice 4.1 and I had to correct them again. It means that the changes
> were not migrated when LibreOffice got updated from 4.0 to 4.1. Also I
> noticed that after I corrected all the accelerator failing checks in
> LibreOffice 4.0, a week later 15 accelerator errors came up. Can someone
> throw some light into this?
> Regards,
> Nilamdyuti Goswami

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [BUG] Fomula SYD description

2013-07-20 Thread anne-ology
   What a great example of a convoluted expression -
which keeps us, the laymen, from completely understanding this
world of electronics  ;-)

   'arithmetically declining'  ???
could be referring to that 'new math', huh  ;-)

   To simplify matters -
[yes, the Keep It Simple S method  ;-)  ]

  how about changing 'Compute the amount of depreciation at a given
period of time using the Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method.'
  to read, To compute depreciation, use the
Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method.

From: Mihovil Stanic 
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 4:23 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] [BUG] Fomula SYD description
To: LibreOffice-l10n 

Current description:Calculates the arithmetically declining value of an
asset (depreciation) for a specified period.
Oasis description: Compute the amount of depreciation at a given period of
time using the Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method.

Name of formula is SYD (Sum-of-the-Years-Digits) and it isn't mentioned at
all in formula description. I used Oasis description as refference for my
translation and I think english string should be changed also.

Best regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Function IRR description

2013-07-20 Thread anne-ology
   You're so right  :-)

   But to simplify even further, how about having it read, To compute
the internal rate of return - profit.

From: Mihovil Stanic 
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 5:09 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Function IRR description
To: LibreOffice-l10n 

Currect desc: Returns the actuarial rate of interest of an investment
excluding costs or profits.
Oasis desc = MS Office desc: Compute the internal rate of return for a
series of cash flows.**office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-**

I for one studied economics and had a hard time finding out waht actuarial
means... As far as I understood it it's math based on statistics and
That can be in some way applied to this formula, but it's
t complicated description. Why can't it be just
like it's in Oasis and MS Office?

Best regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [BUG] Fomula SYD description

2013-07-20 Thread anne-ology

From: Mihovil Stanic 
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [BUG] Fomula SYD description

Dana 20.7.2013. 18:31, Mirosław Zalewski je napisao:

 On 20/07/2013 at 17:16, "anne-ology"  wrote:
>  What a great example of a convoluted expression -
>>  which keeps us, the laymen, from completely understanding
>> this
>> world of electronics  ;-)
> Actually it has nothing to do with "electronics"; rather exchange and
> market.
> Personally, I favor precise and hermetic language. People who need certain
> information will understand; people who don't, they don't care.
>  I'm also in favor of writing it in language which people who needs it
will understand. But some descriptions are complicated without reason.

Best regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-11 Thread anne-ology
   The best one I've seen - and used - is tied in with FireFox;
   I tested it in French, Latin, Italian, Spanish to & from English
& found the translations were good.

   Actually, I've been pleased with all of FireFox's add-ons (although
I must admit I've only used a mere handful compared to all they seem to
have and/or produce.)

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:42 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: "L10n@Global.LibreOffice.Org" 

Hi :)
Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be the only
place that might have relevant experience and expertise about this issue.

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large documents
produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some Odt files of up to
60 pages per "chapter" and those chapters get combined to form books of
300-600 pages.

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't access
most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a good work-flow

Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any good
suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
Regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-11 Thread anne-ology
   It works with LO, websites, ...

   I don't know what the TradeMark [ what else is TM ??? ] is, but it
can be located by going to FireFox's various add-ons.

   I don't know what format, but when downloading it will tie in with
FireFox so will fit whichever computer.

From: Sophie Gautier 
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: anne-ology 

Le 11 oct. 2013 20:10, "anne-ology"  a écrit :

>The best one I've seen - and used - is tied in with FireFox;
>I tested it in French, Latin, Italian, Spanish to & from
> & found the translations were good.
Are you sure you managed ODF files ? And has it a TM ? In what format ?

>Actually, I've been pleased with all of FireFox's add-ons (although
> I must admit I've only used a mere handful compared to all they seem to
> have and/or produce.)

Never seen that, could you share the link and also what is the output
Kind regards

> From: Tom Davies 
> Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:42 AM
> Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
> To: "L10n@Global.LibreOffice.Org" 
> Hi :)
> Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be the only
> place that might have relevant experience and expertise about this issue.
> Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large documents
> produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some Odt files of up
> 60 pages per "chapter" and those chapters get combined to form books of
> 300-600 pages.
> At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't access
> most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a good
> too.
> Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any good
> suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
> Regards from
> Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread anne-ology

   BTW  ;-)
 re. acronymns ... this may be the main reason I don't like
these silly things; TM was an abbreviation for many years prior to any
computer  ;-)

From: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: anne-ology 
Cc: Sophie Gautier , ""
, Tom 

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:52 PM, anne-ology  wrote:

>I don't know what the TradeMark [ what else is TM ??? ] is, but it

“TM” stands for Translation Memory. :-)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread anne-ology
   ah, yes, and that's another reason I dis-like acronymns ... they can
be mis-interpreted as typos  ;-)

   BTW - I see you too have discovered FireFox' add-ons ... ... ...
[way too many to count]

   You also brought up a very important point in translating - thanks!
jokes, puns, ... any play-on-words should be avoided, if
possible, due to the embarrassing situations which may occur.
   This is one of the reasons, many foreigners find English a
complicated language to learn - where we (English) get confused remembering
what gender objects are  ;-)
[it can be sometimes quite amusing to watch translators,
including signers - try it sometime when you have a moment  ;-)  ]

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos , anne-ology <>
Cc: Sophie Gautier , ""

Hi :)
Ahh, i thought it was a typo for MT = Machine Translator

Firefox has a lot of different add-ons that are quite good MTs.  Quite a
few combine Google Translate with various other engines. My current
favourite is "Quick Translate" but for ages i used "Foxlingo" and "IM
Translate" but there are others.

In LibreOffice or OpenOffice got to
Tools - Options - Internet - "Browser Plugin"
and tick the box in order to open ODF documents in a web-browser.  Then
when you try to open the file or download it then it opens in the
web-browser.  If you want to open a local file (on one your machine) or
even on your network file-shares then you can right-click and choose "Open
With ..." and then choose to open the document in a web-browser.

With "Quick Translate" when select an area or block of text or even a
single word a spinning globe appears near the start of the selected text.
 Clicking on that starts a spinning wheel in the bottom right and that
eventually brings up a translation.  You can change the default language it
translates into and the MT usually correctly guesses the language used in
the web-page.

However i am sure everyone has examples of situations that MTs can't
handle.  One stupid example is a story/joke in my country.
"A man and a giraffe went into a pub and both got very drunk.  The giraffe
tripped over and fell asleep.  The man started to walk out the pub but the
barman said "You can't leave that layin' there".  The man said "It's not a
lion.  It's a giraffe" and left".  In normal speech people often use
contractions so "laying" ends up sounding like "lion" but it also sounds
like lying.  So now if someone accuses someone else of telling an untruth
then another person might try to diffuse the tension by saying "It's not a
lion it's a giraffe".  If the 1st person had wanted to avoid the tension
then they would have accused the person of telling a giraffe, as in "that's
a giraffe" or they might say "Pull the other one" (or the more complete
"Pull the other one it's got bells on") in reference to a bizarre pagan
ritual which has been trivialised over the centuries to the point of
becoming a joke.

One US president went to visit a certain war-torn city and wanted to say
that he felt so much sympathy / empathy for their plight that he felt he
almost was one of them.  Unfortunately he mispronounced it slightly and
ended up saying something like
"I am a small sausage"
So now when someone claims to be an inhabitant of anywhere they might
accidentally (or deliberately) say it in such a way that various people
laugh at the hinted reference although many people probably don't remember
the original story, but might still find it amusing without really knowing

There are some "not so funny" (means exactly the opposite of funny)
examples such as when you finally get to an answer and solve a problem
there is one combination of words that was the code-name of an "operation"
to commit genocide.  A human translator would carefully avoid the phrase or
quickly rearrange the words possibly resulting in something that looks
clunky to people "with perfect English".

Sometimes stories spring up in certain groups or at certain times and then
might vanish shortly after or might so swiftly become so deeply embedded
within the language that not using them looks clunky.  We now have "txtin
language" (no e otherwise it changes the meaning) and 24/7 and a verb,
"mobile" has become a noun.

Machine translators are never going to be able to keep up with all of them
because some appear and vanish too fast or are too subtle or has too many
nuances some of which may have more or less strength due to context or
recent events in the world.  Humans don't always keep up either but are

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Locale for Bamabara / Bamanankan

2013-11-08 Thread anne-ology
   yes, stick to the English system;
  then these dates would not become so complicated.
 [why Americans flipped the date is an odd mystery  ;-) ]

   Sticking with the English system, historians - including
genealogists - are happier;
  and the world seems to be as well  ;-)

   Going with the sticky, mysterious American-way, then no one is
certain whether the 1-12 numbers refer to the day or the month  ;-)

   Therefore, my system - and some others - use 'day - month - year'
spelling out the month with 3 letters  ;-)

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Locale for Bamabara / Bamanankan
To: jjmeric 
Cc: LibreOffice-l10n 

Hi :)
In England we do that long date the other way around

Friday, 8th November 2013

but we rarely use that.  It's more normal to see slight contractions
of it such as "Fri 8th" but it would be impossible to manage all the
different such contractions that different people use for different
things.  It's easier to get the full version and cut it down or just
type it.  The far more usual way of writing the date here in the Uk is
8-11-2013, or to increase the risk of misreading it 8/11/2012 with the
/s looking a lot like 1s quite often.  We have to have the longer date
available for odd people even though most of us don't use it.

Is that similar in your West African culture or is it that the longer
format never gets used by anyone?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 8 November 2013 07:52, jjmeric  wrote:
> Hi all! Good morning / A' ni sɔgɔma
> I have submitted a locale for this West African language, however I have
> afterthoughts :
> My doubts are on two points
> - It's not clear to me how the long format date parameters ties things
> together, I certainly do not want to have a long format that looks
> like
> Friday, November 8th, 2013
> translated as
> Juma, Nowamburu 8th, 2013
> - Collations/Index key character range :
> There are a four extra characters in Bambara, and 3 missing from the A-Z
> range. I have submitted it as a string:
> but maybe I should have added extra spaces between characters:
> A B C D E Ɛ F G H I J K L M N Ɲ Ŋ O Ɔ P R S T U W Y Z
> or maybe I should have put it this way:
> A-E Ɛ F-N Ɲ Ŋ O Ɔ P R-U W Y Z
> I may have made other mistakes : thanks for help and tips.
> JJ
> PS : yes I have read
> and used the great LocaleGen program at
> but the latter does not give visual feedback of the settings (and idea for
> improvement?)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Locale for Bamabara / Bamanankan

2013-11-08 Thread anne-ology
   Well, not all Americans  ;-)
the genealogists are finding this causes problems.

   Oh, here's another 'tangent' for "y'all" ...
What's black & white and red all over? ... will those born post
the internet know this one?

   from the goofy corner,

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Locale for Bamabara / Bamanankan
To: anne-ology 
Cc: Méric JJ , LibreOffice-l10n <>

Hi :)
Sadly that would be like LO refusing to handle MS formats.  Americans
wouldn't be able to cope with the way the rest of the entire world
"does it wrong" and they might even find it a blocker for talking to
the rest of the world.  I think most of us realise Americans do it the
wrong way around and just have to cope with it.

Anyway this is a tangent to the main issue which is whether the one
language really needs a long format and if they do they are hopefully
free to re-arrange it to a way that does make sense to them.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 8 November 2013 16:06, anne-ology  wrote:

>yes, stick to the English system;
>   then these dates would not become so complicated.
>  [why Americans flipped the date is an odd mystery  ;-) ]
>Sticking with the English system, historians - including
> genealogists - are happier;
>   and the world seems to be as well  ;-)
>Going with the sticky, mysterious American-way, then no one is
> certain whether the 1-12 numbers refer to the day or the month  ;-)
>Therefore, my system - and some others - use 'day - month - year'
> spelling out the month with 3 letters  ;-)
> From: Tom Davies 
> Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 6:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Locale for Bamabara / Bamanankan
> To: jjmeric 
> Cc: LibreOffice-l10n 
> Hi :)
> In England we do that long date the other way around
> Friday, 8th November 2013
> but we rarely use that.  It's more normal to see slight contractions
> of it such as "Fri 8th" but it would be impossible to manage all the
> different such contractions that different people use for different
> things.  It's easier to get the full version and cut it down or just
> type it.  The far more usual way of writing the date here in the Uk is
> 8-11-2013, or to increase the risk of misreading it 8/11/2012 with the
> /s looking a lot like 1s quite often.  We have to have the longer date
> available for odd people even though most of us don't use it.
> Is that similar in your West African culture or is it that the longer
> format never gets used by anyone?
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 8 November 2013 07:52, jjmeric  wrote:
>> Hi all! Good morning / A' ni sɔgɔma
>> I have submitted a locale for this West African language, however I have
>> afterthoughts :
>> My doubts are on two points
>> - It's not clear to me how the long format date parameters ties things
>> together, I certainly do not want to have a long format that looks
> american
>> like
>> Friday, November 8th, 2013
>> translated as
>> Juma, Nowamburu 8th, 2013
>> - Collations/Index key character range :
>> There are a four extra characters in Bambara, and 3 missing from the A-Z
>> range. I have submitted it as a string:
>> but maybe I should have added extra spaces between characters:
>> A B C D E Ɛ F G H I J K L M N Ɲ Ŋ O Ɔ P R S T U W Y Z
>> or maybe I should have put it this way:
>> A-E Ɛ F-N Ɲ Ŋ O Ɔ P R-U W Y Z
>> I may have made other mistakes : thanks for help and tips.
>> JJ
>> PS : yes I have read
>> and used the great LocaleGen program at
>> but the latter does not give visual feedback of the settings (and idea
>> improvement?)

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2013-11-23 Thread anne-ology
   in agreement with you  ;-)

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:10 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Corrections to

Hello @ll,
when I look at
I found the following text:

This is the same dialog box as if you select All cells
in the first sub menu entry Condition.Apply a color
scale to a range consist of displaying a bicolor or tricolor
gradient on this range depending on the value of each cell. A
typical example might be an array of temperatures, lower blue
colored, warmer red with a gradient nuances to the intermediate

. Should this not be

This is the same dialog box as if you select All cells
in the first sub menu entry Condition. Apply a color
scale to a range, that consists of displaying a two-colored or
tricolor gradient on this range depending on the value of each cell.
A typical example might be an array of temperatures, lower blue
colored, warmer red with a gradient nuances to the intermediate

? See the missing space between the ".Apply" ... ;) And as
far as I found out "colored" is the en_US variant (en_GB would be
"coloured" ... ;) ) the term "bicolor" should be then "two-colored",
or am I wrong ;?

But still ... I am not sure, what this paragraph wants to tell me
... :( I am having difficulties to translate the sentence

Apply a color scale to a range consist of displaying a bicolor or
tricolor gradient.

(and maybe the rest, but this I will see, if I find an adequate
translation for this sentence ... ;) ). Could someone explain it to
me, please?

Heaven, n.:
A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk
of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while
you expound your own.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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2013-11-24 Thread anne-ology

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 11:07 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Corrections to

Good morning Anne, *,

On Sonntag, 24. November 2013 02:24 anne-ology wrote:

>in agreement with you  ;-)

and with what part in particular? That the text is hardly
intelligible or my questions about the different use of "color" or
... ;?
Have a nice day

The meek don't want it.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Can someone explain, please?

2013-12-08 Thread anne-ology
   Your version makes sense;

   as for the convoluted original text, I have no clue as to what
it means.

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 11:30 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Can someone explain,

Hello @ll,
If you go to
then the text reads

If two adjacent text ranges' all border properties are identical
(same style, width, color, padding and shadow), then those two
ranges will be considered to be part of the same border group and
rendered within the same border in the document.

If two adjacent text ranges share a border, all border properties
are identical (same style, width, color, padding and shadow). Those
two ranges will be considered to be part of the same border group
and rendered within the same border in the document.

? I seem to understand, what this text wants to tell the well-
disposed reader / translator, but ... It sounds a little bit strange
to me ... ;) Or am I completely wrong here with my version of the
text? If I am, it would be nice, if someone can explain it for me,
as I want to translate as precise as possible ... ;)
Sorry for the inconvenience

The world has many unintentionally cruel mechanisms that are not
designed for people who walk on their hands.
-- John Irving, "The World According to Garp"

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Can someone explain, please?

2013-12-09 Thread anne-ology
   If that's what the initial convoluted text means, then just state it
- simply as you've done here  ;-)

From: Stanislav Horáček 
Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Can someone explain,


the original text seems to be pretty clear for me. Let's see an example:
Write a word, select the first half of this word and set simple border (4
edges, black line) for the selection. You will see a rectangle around the
first half.
Then select the second half of the word and set the same border again. You
will not see two rectangles, but only one around whole word.
But if you choose different border properties for the second half (e.g. red
line) you will get two rectangles, one black and one red.


Dne 9.12.2013 05:02, Thomas Hackert napsal(a):

 Good morning Anne, *,
> On Montag, 9. Dezember 2013 01:22 anne-ology wrote:
>> Your version makes sense;
> thank you for you comment :)
>  as for the convoluted original text, I have no clue as
>> to what
>> it means.
> O.K. Than I hope, someone else could either explain or correct it
> ... ;)
> Have a nice day

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Re: no idea! :( Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Ask for explanation of "weight" from starmath

2013-12-26 Thread anne-ology
   Here's the 'search' URL -

  in summary, it's something within LO;
 beyond that ... well, I'll be watching for further messages pertaining to
this interesting aspect of this program for further details.

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 10:13 AM
Subject: no idea! :( Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Ask for explanation of "weight"
from starmath
To: Cheng-Chia Tseng 
Cc: Libreoffice Translation List 

Hi :)
Is there any chance of someone giving us some context about this?  The
surrounding sentence or paragraph or even the general topic-heading
might be enough but at the moment i have no idea
Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 December 2013 16:00, Cheng-Chia Tseng  wrote:
> There is a string "weight" from starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui (#CDcBD).
> I am wondering what is this string actually means.
> Is that something like font weight? or line weight? or something else?
> I could not translate this word as I do not have enough information. :S
> Thanks.
> --
> Cheers,
> by Cheng-Chia Tseng

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Some hickups in English strings

2014-01-04 Thread anne-ology
   yes, indeed.

From: Stanić Mihovil 
Date: Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Some hickups in English strings
To: Sérgio Marques 
Cc: LibreOffice-l10n , "Oliver (Libreoffice)" <>

When you say subscript or superscript, isn't top and bottom implied and not

Dana 4. 1. 2014. 03:15 "Sérgio Marques"  je

> And another one:
> File: starmath/source.po
> Context: commands.src RID_INT_FROMX_HELP string.text
> Comments: SCvrE
> "Integral Subscript Top" should be "Integral Subscript Bottom"
> But what I really loved to see was "xxx with Top Index", "xxx with Bottom
> Index" and "xxx with Top/Bottom Index" instead of "xxx Superscript Top",
> "xxx Subscript Bottom" and "xxx Sup/Sub script".
> It´s easier to understand (I think)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

2014-01-04 Thread anne-ology
   Lime was a term used in surveying limits where Limit is a
mathematical term -

   well, that's how I was taught,   ;-)

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 9:11 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

Hello @ll,
I am not sure, if someone else has reported it the last days (sorry,
I lost track, when what was reported the last days ... :( ), but at


commands.src RID_LIM_FROMX_HELP string.text


I found the words

Lime Subscript Bottom

. Is it really "Lime"? A short search in the web seems to indicate,
that this would be a sort of stone, tree etc. The mathematical term
seems to be "Limit" (though I found "Limes" as well, so I am not
completely sure here, sorry ... :( ). Could someone explain it to me
(and then it would be nice, if – given that it is an error – this
could be fixed in the English text :) ), what is used in English?

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

2014-01-05 Thread anne-ology
   lim is an abbreviation for limit,
  where, in surveying, lime is a term used -

   I learned this tidbit back-when in school - in mathematics - as well
as history;
   if I were to refresh my calculus knowledge, I probably could
answer your question, but that was years ago.

   Yet historically, this term - lime - is used when you research any
of those surveyors of yesteryear;
   as George Washington in his teen years, studying surveying with
his step brothers  ;-)

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:10 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

Hello Anne, *,

On Samstag, 4. Januar 2014 16:44 anne-ology wrote:

>Lime was a term used in surveying limits where Limit is a
> mathematical term -

when I insert "lim from{3} {5}" in Math's command window, what would
be the "Lime" and what would be the "Limit" in this case, then? I am
not sure, if I understand you right here ... :( Is this "lim" in
this case representing "Lime" or "Limit" here? Or would be "Lime"
the term for this whole "lim from{3} {5}"-thingie?

>well, that's how I was taught,   ;-)

How many years ago ;? At school, in your job, at university?
Thanks for answer

In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

2014-01-05 Thread anne-ology
   I think lime is an old term used in surveying, yet not being a
surveyor I don't know for sure;
  I've never run across it except in older texts - 18th C or
before  ;-)

   Since most people today probably think lime is a green-skinned fruit
  which gave its name to the Royal British Navy's 'Limeys' due to
saving them from the scurvy,
  it's probably not a good choice to use in the LO documents

From: Thomas Hackert 
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:16 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

Hello Tom, *,

On Samstag, 4. Januar 2014 16:53 Tom Davies wrote:

> In calculus "lim" is often short for "Limit" or "Limits" because
> the word has to be written so many times and often in tiny
> writing.

still, I am not sure, if

>> Lime Subscript Bottom
>> . Is it really "Lime"? A short search in the web seems to
>> indicate, that this would be a sort of stone, tree etc. The
>> mathematical term seems to be "Limit" (though I found "Limes" as
>> well, so I am not completely sure here, sorry ... :( ). Could
>> someone explain it to me (and then it would be nice, if – given
>> that it is an error – this could be fixed in the English text :)
>> ), what is used in English? TIA

I am right here ... :( Should this "Lime" be "Limit" instead? Or is
it rightly used here?
Still confused

Democracy is a form of government in which it is permitted to wonder
aloud what the country could do under first-class management.
-- Senator Soaper

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"

2014-01-05 Thread anne-ology
   Thank you for this explanation;
   now this term in surveying makes sense.

From: Martin Srebotnjak 
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"
To: Tom Davies 
Cc: anne-ology , LibreOffice-l10n <>


"lim" is an international mathematical symbol for "limes" (Latin), not for
"limit" (English).
The notation "lim" was not "invented" by an American, but by a German -
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass.

So by writing it is "short for "Limit"" and shortened in this way because
it is "written so many times and often in tiny writing" you just made my
day (or should I say evening?).

Lp, m.

2014/1/4 Tom Davies 

Hi :)
> In calculus "lim" is often short for "Limit" or "Limits" because the
> word has to be written so many times and often in tiny writing.
> So, i think i am agreeing with Anne-ology there :)
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 4 January 2014 15:44, anne-ology  wrote:

> >Lime was a term used in surveying limits where Limit is a
> > mathematical term -
> >
> >well, that's how I was taught,   ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Thomas Hackert 
> > Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 9:11 AM
> > Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] [Math] "Lime" or "Limit"
> > To:
> >
> >
> > Hello @ll,
> > I am not sure, if someone else has reported it the last days (sorry,
> > I lost track, when what was reported the last days ... :( ), but at
> >
> > 
> > File:
> >
> > starmath/source.po
> > Context:
> > commands.src RID_LIM_FROMX_HELP string.text
> > Comment:
> >
> > qoyMy
> > 
> >
> > (or
> >
> > )
> > I found the words
> >
> > 
> > Lime Subscript Bottom
> > 
> >
> > . Is it really "Lime"? A short search in the web seems to indicate,
> > that this would be a sort of stone, tree etc. The mathematical term
> > seems to be "Limit" (though I found "Limes" as well, so I am not
> > completely sure here, sorry ... :( ). Could someone explain it to me
> > (and then it would be nice, if – given that it is an error – this
> > could be fixed in the English text :) ), what is used in English?
> > TIA
> > Thomas.
> >

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] AskBot should now support list tags per localization

2014-05-13 Thread anne-ology
   To what are you referring?;
I think I must have missed something.

   What's 'AskBot investment'? ... what are 'list tags/localization'?
... ... ...

   Curiously confused,

From: Florian Effenberger 
Date: Tue, May 13, 2014 at 7:05 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] AskBot should now support list tags per


as part of our AskBot investment, one of the next tasks has been dealt
with: AskBot should now support list tags per localization.

Please let me know if everything is working as expected, and report errors
back to me. We will continue to improve AskBot, the next improvements are
already on the agenda.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Nonprinting Characters and AutoSpellcheck tooltips

2014-06-23 Thread anne-ology
   Well done.

From: Jay Philips 
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:37 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Nonprinting Characters and AutoSpellcheck
To: LibreOffice-l10n 

Hi All,

I came across the tooltip 'Nonprinting Characters' in Writer and i think
it should be changes to 'Non-printing Characters' or 'Non-printable
Characters', as nonprinting is not a valid english word, even in
libreoffice's spellcheck. :)

Also came across the tooltip 'AutoSpellcheck' and think it should be
changed to 'Auto Spellcheck' or 'Automatic Spellcheck'.

I'm mentioning this in the mailing list as i didnt see any means to make
suggestions for english (US) in the translation website.

Jay Philips

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Big Thank You page

2014-06-25 Thread anne-ology
   Well done.

From: Sophie 
Date: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 8:46 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Big Thank You page
To: "" , "" <>, LibreOffice-l10n <>

Hi all,

We would like to draw a 'big thank you' page with the names of the
people who are contributing in the native language projects but don't
show up in any of our listing.
Could you help us to put this list in place and help to maintain it?

I've open the page here:
I've added a FR example (the most simple for me ;-) so don't hesitate to
add your NLP names or send me the info to be added, I'll take care of it.

When it will be filled, we would like to attach it to the next PR to
send a strong message to the media and put the projector on our NLP
contributors :)
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Let me know if you have any question or remark.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Could string wording be improved?

2014-08-13 Thread anne-ology
   yes, I agree with you.

From: Michael Bauer 
Date: Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 8:03 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Could string wording be improved?
To: LibreOffice l10n 

I was helping someone last night who wants to switch their business IT to
LO but was having a lot of trouble with converting a letter template to LO.
I learned a lot about styles... but that aside, I also ran into a string
which I feel is not worded as well as it could be, it's this:

Perhaps I'm still misinterpreting the string "Same content on first page"
but I struggled a lot trying to figure out what this setting actually does.
It's partly to do with the fact that when you create a new page, the header
is Default Header and not First Page. So when I tried to suppress the
Header on subsequent pages, I initially did not attempt to untick this box.

In the end, the right 'constellation' seems to be (to have a header only on
the first page) to use First Page on the first page and leave "Same content
on first page" ticked and to use Default on subsequent pages and to untick
"Same content on first page". Now I'm not sure if the First Page header
should actually display this setting but from the point of view of using
this in subsequent pages, it occurred to me that wording this "Display same
content as on first page" (might even need caps if it refers to the style)
would have been clearer.

The reason I'm posting this on l10n is because I was initially worried I
had messed up the translation but turns out I didn't - but I was wondering
how other languages translated this and if it works in other locales or if
there also is a comprehension problem?


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[libreoffice-l10n] queries ...

2014-08-28 Thread anne-ology
   ... what do these messages (see below) really mean?;
  I've been getting them in the
yet these seem nonsensical since those list a subject line
which means nothing to me.

   I've also gotten them in the list
yet these too seem nonsensical since those list a subject line
which means nothing to me.

   And now this list starts with these  ;-)

   This message does not list a subject line, but has one of those
ubiquitous numbers which I still don't understand how to locate.

   BTW - how does one unsubscribe from the

Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:00 PM
Subject: Bouncing messages from

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the 
mailing list.

Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this
message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your

Here is the list of the bounced messages:
- 8076

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] queries ...

2014-09-01 Thread anne-ology
   yes, I agree, Dennis,
  these have nothing to do with any I may have sent since they come
when I haven't sent anything.

   Therefore, Christian, I would like to know what is happening 'behind
the scenes' that would cause these nonsensical messages.

   Surely someone - on these lists - knows what's causing these ... why
they appear -
   I would assume it may be connected to the SPAM which accumulates
on the list at times  ;-(

From: Dennis Roczek 
Date: Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] queries ...

Hi Christian,

well it expalins what had happend. But it doesn't explain to fix it or to
recieve the not recieved mails. (I do get these mails also from time to


Dennis Roczek

Am 01.09.2014 14:28, schrieb Christian Lohmaier:

 Hi *,
> Am 28.08.2014 16:31 schrieb "anne-ology" :
>> ... what do these messages (see below) really mean?;
>>I've been getting them in the
>> list
>>  yet these seem nonsensical since those list a subject line
>> which means nothing to me.
> A bounce is a message that could not be delivered and is returned back to
> whoever sent it. In this case gmail refuses to accept mails from yahoo
> users. Yahoo uses DMARC and as the list modifies Tue message, the signature
> attached to the original mail gets invalid.Yahoo has determined that those
> messages should not be accepted b other mail servers. Gmail respects that,
> thus it bounces.
> The mailing list doesn't know why the mail got sent back and assumes your
> address has become invalid. But before unsubscribing you right away, it
> sends you the probe message. On the one hand to check whether your address
> is still valid, and on the other hand to let you know that you didn't
> receive one of the mails that were sent to the list.
> Hope that this explains what's happening..
> Ciao
> Christian

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] queries ...

2014-09-01 Thread anne-ology
   I assume this makes sense to you;
  but it's 'all Greek to me'  ;-)

   How can sending a message retrieve another message ???

From: Sigrid Carrera 
Date: Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] queries ...
To: Dennis Roczek 

Hi Dennis, all,

 from the help mail for this list: 

Anyone can retrieve message number N from the list's archive by sending a
message to  (change the N to the number
of the desired message).

I hope, that is enough to explain how to get this message?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] PT > EN translation needed for bug report

2014-09-11 Thread anne-ology
   All have already been well translated.

   Yet I have a question for this list - just before someone else
translated each of these, that inane-one made the same - & silly - comment
why is that guy allowed on these lists since all he seems to do
is cause trouble ???

From: Nino Novak 
Date: Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] PT > EN translation needed for bug report

Could please someone understanding Portuguese have a look at these bugs and
translate them:


(proof of concept, QA + l10n lists)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close Firefox?

2014-09-23 Thread anne-ology
   To insure a proper(?) installation,
   these programs want all other programs, including browsers, to
be shut down first.

   In this way, you should be receiving a bug-free(?) program that
works according to its maker  ;-)

From: Mihovil Stanic 
Date: Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 4:03 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close Firefox?

Installing LO 4.3.2 RC2 now and installation stoped with message that it
needs to close Firefox to continue!?
Why would LO have anything with Firefox? Some new changes?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close Firefox?

2014-09-23 Thread anne-ology
   The simplest method to close these programs, should be to click on
each from the taskbar -
  saving anything which hasn't been ...
 then later they open right back up  ;-)
   [mere seconds  ;-) ]

   BTW - I don't know what Apple-Mobile is, but ITunes - as well as
other programs which happen to get into the start-up menu - can be removed
by clearing that and/or going into their individual properties/options and
re-setting that aspect -
  when these programs are installed, they'll ask whether you want
short-cuts and where these should be -
 [I always refuse the option to add to the start-up menu  ;-)]

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:30 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close
To: Mihovil Stanic 
Cc: Andras Timar , LibreOffice-l10n <>

Hi :)
Windows often grumbles if you try to install anything without first closing
down ALL open programs.  Yesterday i had to use the;
Ctrl Alt Delete (dangerous right?) - Task manager
to force-quit iTunes and Apple-Mobile!!

I'd wasted a bit of time trying to poke around inside iTunes and in the
"Start" menu to try to stop iTunes from starting up at every boot-up but
apparently it doesn't like people to do that and 'needs' to run all the

I was about to uninstall the Apple-mobile thing because the user has often
grumbled about his Android phone but just before doing so asked "So your
phone IS an Android then?".  He said "Yes". So i clicked the uninstaller to
start.  Then he added "It's a bloody Android iPhone".  So i hastily
cancelled!!  I can see this repair job is going to be tricky!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 September 2014 10:17, Mihovil Stanic  wrote:

> Thank you for answer.
> Don't see any LO plugins or addons in my FF.
> I have only Java plugins and every addon installed was manualy installed
> by me.
> Mihovil
> 19.09.2014 u 11:09, Andras Timar je napisao/la:
>  On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Mihovil Stanic 
>> wrote:
>>> Installing LO 4.3.2 RC2 now and installation stoped with message that it
>>> needs to close Firefox to continue!?
>>> Why would LO have anything with Firefox? Some new changes?
>>>  LibreOffice provides a browser plugin (for ages, it's just been
>> removed from master).
>> Regards,
>> Andras

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close Firefox?

2014-09-23 Thread anne-ology
   In the listing of programs - through 'all programs' there's a
folder(?) which includes any that are included in start-up ...

   I was told way-back-when that having anything in that, merely slowed
down the machine;
  it's simple enough to open any program as needed  ;-)
 [leaving those shortcuts you use often on the desktop is as easy
as having them continually open & using RAM even when not being used  ;-)  ]

From: Tom Davies 
Date: Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close
To: anne-ology 
Cc: Mihovil Stanic , LibreOffice-l10n <>

Hi :)
with iTunes i hunted around for at least an hour in all it's menu's and
there was no option anywhere that let me set it to not start at boot-up.
There was nothing in the equivalent of
"All Programs" - Start menu - Start
I'm sure i could have figured a way to force it but then i remembered how
to kill processes through task-manager so i just did that instead.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 September 2014 15:35, anne-ology  wrote:

>The simplest method to close these programs, should be to click on
> each from the taskbar -
>   saving anything which hasn't been ...
>  then later they open right back up  ;-)
>[mere seconds  ;-) ]
>BTW - I don't know what Apple-Mobile is, but ITunes - as well as
> other programs which happen to get into the start-up menu - can be removed
> by clearing that and/or going into their individual properties/options and
> re-setting that aspect -
>   when these programs are installed, they'll ask whether you want
> short-cuts and where these should be -
>  [I always refuse the option to add to the start-up menu  ;-)]
> From: Tom Davies 
> Date: Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice installation wants to close
> Firefox?
> To: Mihovil Stanic 
> Cc: Andras Timar , LibreOffice-l10n <
> Hi :)
> Windows often grumbles if you try to install anything without first closing
> down ALL open programs.  Yesterday i had to use the;
> Ctrl Alt Delete (dangerous right?) - Task manager
> to force-quit iTunes and Apple-Mobile!!
> I'd wasted a bit of time trying to poke around inside iTunes and in the
> "Start" menu to try to stop iTunes from starting up at every boot-up but
> apparently it doesn't like people to do that and 'needs' to run all the
> time.
> I was about to uninstall the Apple-mobile thing because the user has often
> grumbled about his Android phone but just before doing so asked "So your
> phone IS an Android then?".  He said "Yes". So i clicked the uninstaller to
> start.  Then he added "It's a bloody Android iPhone".  So i hastily
> cancelled!!  I can see this repair job is going to be tricky!
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 19 September 2014 10:17, Mihovil Stanic  wrote:
> > Thank you for answer.
> > Don't see any LO plugins or addons in my FF.
> > I have only Java plugins and every addon installed was manualy installed
> > by me.
> >
> > Mihovil
> >
> > 19.09.2014 u 11:09, Andras Timar je napisao/la:
> >
> >  On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Mihovil Stanic 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Installing LO 4.3.2 RC2 now and installation stoped with message that
> it
> >>> needs to close Firefox to continue!?
> >>> Why would LO have anything with Firefox? Some new changes?
> >>>
> >>>  LibreOffice provides a browser plugin (for ages, it's just been
> >> removed from master).
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Andras
> >>

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] What are the strings in Curly brackets {...}?

2014-10-31 Thread anne-ology
   Those brackets are used to enclose certain material;
[well, in the non-computer world at least  ;-)  ]

   Forinstance if there's a group of whatever which belong together,
use { or } or {} ;
   where if there's some word(s) to be set apart from the rest of
the group/paragragh, use [] ;

   Therefore, one might find some set enclosed with []
  and then find multiple sets enclosed as [ [ ... ] [ ... ] [ ... ]

From: Safa Alfulaij 
Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 3:55 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] What are the strings in Curly brackets {...}?


I'm reviewing the Arabic translations.
What are exactly the {} brackets?
Like in:
The file [2][3] is being held in use {by the following process: Name: [4],
ID: [5], Window Title: [6]}. Close that application and retry.
The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file [2] because the
file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system
for this program to work correctly. {{Package version: [3], OS Protected
version: [4]}}

Can I add another {} brackets in the string if I need them?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: What are the strings in Curly brackets {...}?

2014-11-01 Thread anne-ology
   well, the meaning can be deduced without what's within the brackets
yet the bracketed information is there to add to the data.

   The same could be said for footnotes  ;-)

   BTW - I was an English major & have written & edited many an
article  ;-)

From: Urmas 
Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 4:49 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: What are the strings in Curly brackets

"Safa Alfulaij":

 What are exactly the {} brackets?

They mark the part of the string which can be omitted if there is no
[parameters] value available inside them.

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