Commendations to you, Jesper.

       Now, I've just 'searched' for the definition of 'gradient files'
only to find
           site after site dealing with color imaging  ???
          but nary a site dealing with defining this concept  ;-(

       Therefore, I would suggest that LO's page first define this concept
          then re-word this convoluted sentence to one which the layman can
readily understand  ;-)

       Here's hoping that someone will define this concept ...
           and here's sending you, Jesper, all the best in your many

From: Jesper Hertel <>
Date: Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] "save and load a list of gradient files"?
To: anne-ology <>

2014-11-29 23:36 GMT+01:00 anne-ology <>:

       I agree with you, Jesper;
>            manual after manual these computer guys have used convoluted
> language which makes it next to impossible to understand what's what - I
> gave up years ago reading these manuals learning instead by sitting down,
> opening up whatever program & checking all those menu options along the
> top.

Well, that is also the way I learn new programs. :-)

But now I decided to be a translator, and part of it is translating the
help file, so I am trying to do my best with that. But then I need to be
sure I understand the original English text.


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