Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Old TM removed from Pootle
Please remove the old TM from British English (en_GB) Thanks Stuart On 05/11/2014 09:17, Sophie wrote: > Hi all, > > So for those who would like to see their old TM removed from Pootle, > please answer this message with your language code in it :) Thanks! > Cheers > Sophie -- Stuart Swales -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted
Re: [libreoffice-l10n] 4.3 and 4.4 projects removal from Pootle
Happy for en-GB 4.3 and 4.4 to be removed Stuart -- Stuart Swales -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted
[libreoffice-l10n] Re: Approve (review) the GB speller
On 25/11/2016 15:12, Marco A.G.Pinto wrote: Hello Stuart Swales, Sophi told me about you on IRC. I am maintaining the GB speller, having added ~25K words since I grabbed the project two or three years ago: Yes, I am improving it using my own Hunspell tool. I have committed the latest version for review in Gerrit: JanIV said it will be needed another person to review it. Could you have a look at it? I tried to add you as a reviewer moments ago but your e-mail address appeared twice when I typed it and I get an error when I press the add button. Thank you! Kind regards, >Marco A.G.Pinto --- -- Hi Marco I would be happy to review - I've added myself to this issue. Bit busy today but should get some time to look at this at the weekend. Best regards and keep up the good work! Stuart -- Stuart Swales -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted
Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [en_GB] typo in a string
On 27/12/2016 14:03, Sophie wrote: Hi Stuart, Could you have a look at this issue? It seems it has been fixed locally in git but then overwritten by updates Thanks in advance Cheers Sophie Fixed in Pootle again. Curious how it keeps resurfacing. Cheers Stuart -- Stuart Swales -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted
[libreoffice-l10n] English (British) Pootle request
Please could you assign permissions for English (British) to Pootle for me? Sorry for being so late to the party but I should be able to upload by the Sunday deadline! username: sswales Thanks Stuart (also OOo en-GB lead) -- Stuart Swales -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***
Re: [libreoffice-l10n] English Localisation group
Hi Marc I'm not aware of a specific group that exists to this end. Both I and my predecessor on OOo have concentrated on getting the UI and HC2 translated into British English for en-GB locale users and then getting this QAed and distributed such that it is the variant naturally picked up by those users. I'm a bit concerned with LO that we haven't got this sussed yet as 'English' users will typically pick up a en-US installer and not even bother (or know) to look for a language pack. I've not bothered with translated web pages for en-GB as the differences I've found with OOo, say, are trivial enough to pass over. Anyone from en-ZA wish to comment? Cheers Stuart On 13/12/2010 19:52, Marc Paré wrote: Is there such a thing as an English localisation group? As more language groups participate in building our software/communities/site, there may be times when the English language groups may need to translate documentation in its own language. Just curious. Marc -- Stuart Swales -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***
Re: [libreoffice-l10n] More Pootle news: NLPSolver localization enabled for ru, oc, ko, en_GB, ja; libo33_test project deleted
Thanks Rimas, but I don't seem to have translate permissions for the en-GB extensions! Stuart On 26/12/2010 17:06, Rimas Kudelis wrote: Hello, I took liberty to enable translating the NLPSolver extension for a few more languages: ru, oc, ko, en_GB, ja. All these languages belong to the top 10 in libo33 project, and all except ja have libo33 translated fully. Note that this does not mean you necessarily have to translate the extension, but I just thought that maybe you would, upon seeing new translatable content. ;) Also, to help avoid confusion, I decided to remove the libo33_test project from Pootle. All its files are backed up, just in case, but it won't be visible and translatable in Pootle anymore. Best regards, Rimas -- Stuart Swales -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***
Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Localizations of UI and help - what languages does LibO support?
I used to submit en-GB sdf via issue for l10n integration for OOo releases. I didn't bother Pavel for en-GB DEV300 builds as I could do my own test builds as needed. Once we get LO 3.3 out of the way, I'd like to get en-GB into Pootle and get rid of the mega-l10n repo. (even though it will involve a bit of retooling at this end) Stuart On 09/01/2011 11:00, Andras Timar wrote: 2011.01.09. 8:26 keltezéssel, Sophie Gautier írta: Hi Andras, On 09/01/2011 01:45, Andras Timar wrote: [...] The problem is that we cannot say that he always have more up-to-date translations that OOo hg (or LibreOffice git). I did not check all files, but some seemed to be older then ours, other seemed to be more complete/more up-to-date. It would be the best, if locale owners told us what to use, but unfortunately not all of them showed up in l10n mailing list. So I'm afraid we cannot make sure about all of these locales before 3.3. I CC-ed l10n list, maybe some teams can reply and clarify the situation. For the next release (maybe even for 3.3.1) we need to find and ask all locale maintaners (and ask them to support LibreOffice, too, of course :)). Is it possible that you extract their mail address from the header? If yes, I'll mail them to ask a status of their localization. Thanks for your work :) Hi Sophie, There is no header in these files (they are in sdf format not in po). You can get names from and maybe you can find their e-mail address somewhere (e.g. on It would be great, if you mailed them. Thanks! Andras -- Stuart Swales -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***
[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 3.3.x en-GB for Pootle integration
Please find a fully updated Pootle file set for 3.3.x en-GB for integration (derived from merging translations with the new SDF, updating where needed and running through oo2po) Regards Stuart Swales -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***