On 25/11/2016 15:12, Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
Hello Stuart Swales,

Sophi told me about you on IRC.

I am maintaining the GB speller, having added ~25K words since I grabbed
the project two or three years ago:
Yes, I am improving it using my own Hunspell tool.

I have committed the latest version for review in Gerrit:

JanIV said it will be needed another person to review it.

Could you have a look at it?

I tried to add you as a reviewer moments ago but your e-mail address
appeared twice when I typed it and I get an error when I press the add

Thank you!

Kind regards,
       >Marco A.G.Pinto

Hi Marco

I would be happy to review - I've added myself to this issue.

Bit busy today but should get some time to look at this at the weekend.

Best regards and keep up the good work!


Stuart Swales

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