Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: B-Translator

2014-11-14 Thread Anton Meixome
I can't login

Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in
hybridauth_additional_info_form_submit() (line 557 of

Also, a very few languages available, there isn't galician for a try


2014-11-14 20:33 GMT+01:00 Dashamir Hoxha :
> Hi,
> I have a list of all languages like this:
> For each language I need the code, char encoding, nr of plurals,
> and whether it is left-to-right or right-to-left. Could you help me
> with the details of your languages?
> Thanks,
> Dashamir
> On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Dashamir Hoxha  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently I have a made a new release of B-Translator,
>> which is based on Docker and is supposed to be more
>> easy to install:
>> However, I also have 200GB disk space on cloud,
>> so I can also offer free installation and hosting for
>> a few other languages (besides Albanian and French),
>> at least just for testing. It is going to be a subdomain
>> of, like this:
>> with Drupal admin access and with shell access.
>> Anybody would like to give it a try? You need some
>> basic Drupal admin skills (to customize the interface)
>> and maybe basic shell skills.
>> Regards,
>> Dashamir
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle super slow

2016-12-05 Thread Anton Meixome
Me too,

I'm feeling so fisherman.. string by string


2016-12-05 7:39 GMT+01:00 Cheng-Chia Tseng :
> Valter Mura  於 2016年12月5日 週一 上午2:37寫道:
>> Il 04/12/2016 18:04, Giovanni Caligaris ha scritto:
>> > Anyone having the same issue?
>> >
>> > I can bearly do any work.
>> >
>> > -Gio
>> >
>> Hi Giovanni
>> I agree with you and Leif.
> Extremely slow and unbearable.
> Offline translation works and saves more time, but uploading fails on some
> specific  po files. :S
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fixing new spell out numbering styles in LibreOffice 6.1

2018-05-28 Thread Anton Meixome
2018-05-04 19:02 GMT+02:00 Sophie :
> Hi László,
> Le 03/05/2018 à 18:57, Németh László a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> LibreOffice 6.1 will support “spell out” numbering styles of OOXML (One,
>> Two...; First, Second..., 1st, 2nd...),
>> as you can see in the following screen cast (only English, French and
>> German examples):
>> My questions to the native language speakers:
>> 1. Are these numbers correct in your language?

For Galician it's OK too use cardinal number

Un, dous, tres
1, 2, 3

It's usual too the ordinal

Primeiro/a, Segundo/a, Terceiro/a
1º, 2º, 3º
1ª, 2ª, 3ª

>> You can check here, too:
>> index.html#testimonials
> French has different numbering between fr-CH, fr-FR, fr-BE, fr-CA
> example: 'quatre-vingt-onze' in fr-FR is 'nonante et un' in fr-CH,
> fr-BE, fr-CA
>> 2. Do we need to change the default format etc. according to the normal
>> usage of your country/language variant?
>> For example, in the recent implementation, British English and American
>> English differ with the “and”
>> 101 -> “One hundred and one”: en-AU, en-GB, en-IE, en-NZ
>> 101 -> “One hundred one”: en-US etc.
> There is also a difference between fr-FR and the others:
> for example 21 should be written
> vingt et un in fr-FR,  vingt-et-un (with hyphens) in other French.
>> 3. Is it enough to support only a single gender in Spanish etc. languages
>> to cover common outline and page number usage in publishing?

For Galician, yes

Chapter One > Capítulo un
Section One > Sección un

Isn't incorrect "Sección unha" but isn't normal

>> Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph One, or simply One (normal usage
>> in English outline numbering)
> Number is never alone and then there is a gender issue, because book and
> page have not the same gender for example.
> Ordinal number are used before noun (like Première partie for Part One,
> Premier chapitre for Chapter One). Cardinal number without noun are
> quiet never used. Cardinal number with noun are used too (mostly in books).
>> First Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph (less common in English, but
>> default numbering styles cover this, too)

In Galician, isn't normal only the ordinal but cardinal number and noun.

First Book > Libro primeiro
First Page > Páxina primeira, Primeira páxina, (páx. 1ª), Páxina un (1)
First Section > Sección primeira (Sección 1ª ), Primeira sección (1ª
Sección) or Sección 1

>> Note: there is a plan to use similar spell out formats in currency and date
>> formats of Writer, typical in contracts and invoices in several
>> languages. These formats are only supported in Calc yet by the NUMBERTEXT
>> Calc extension (or also in Writer macros via the new
>> service).

Currency: only cardinal, only one gender
Date: only cardinal, only one gender

> Cheers
> Sophie
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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[libreoffice-l10n] Galician list for l10n

2010-10-26 Thread Anton Meixome

I would like to request an official Galician mailing list
(gl) for the l10n translations as soon as possible.

My community is waiting for going up on LibO in this early hour for
the project.



Antón Méixome

Galician coordination of

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New language mailing lists

2010-10-31 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi Sophie and all,

Galician list

> Note that we will need moderators for these lists. If you're language
> is not there and you need dedicated list, just rise your hand for the
> next turn :)

I offers me as moderator for dedicated galician list but it's no available yet.
One hour ago, I already sent an email to the Florian's attention for demand it.

Antón Méixome

> Kind regards
> Sophie
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Status on pootle

2010-10-31 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi André

Thanks for your job. I'm testing this new versión of Pootle doing some
fixes over.
Can you setup my account (meixome) for leadership on Galician language (gl).
I was coordinating Pootle on OOo.og, and I am the Pootle translator too.
Other members on my community is waiting for to do job on LibO :-)


Antón Méixome

Leader of GL

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] localization bug

2010-11-26 Thread Anton Meixome
All ok Rimas,


2010/11/26 Rimas Kudelis :
> Hi all,
> sorry for the delay. I've just updated the Pootle files from git. Hopefully
> this didn't drop any existing translations, but in case it did, please raise
> your hand.
> This update added one string (My AutoText) to the localization files, which
> means all translations are now incomplete again.
> Regards,
> Rimas
> 2010.11.20 01:20, Andras Timar rašė:
>> 2010.11.14. 22:13 keltezéssel, Andras Timar írta:
>>> Conclusion: localized mytext.bau files (currently hu and sl) can be
>>> removed from the source, because they are useless. Don't send more
>>> translations via bugzilla. We need to localize this string elsewhere.
>>> I guess we can "intercept" this string in
>>> sw/source/ui/misc/glossary.cxx and replace it to the localized
>>> equivalent (a new "My AutoText" string should be added to
>>> glossary.hrc/src in order we can localize it normally). I don't have
>>> the patch but I'll work on it.
>> The patch has been pushed to libreoffice-3-3 branch, I updated the pot
>> file and all po files (hu, lt, sh, sl, and sr already have translations
>> for "My AutoText"). Please update the files in Pootle.
>> Thanks,
>> Andras
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle migration

2011-04-12 Thread Anton Meixome
I'm experiencing a horrible performance in Pootle since a couple of days.
Is not possible only affects me

- strings not translated but I can't access to them
- upload  de .po is too slow (more than 2 minutos for 45KB)
- fatal performance of navegation

... Please,


Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
your request.

Error message:
Premature end of script headers:

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 500
Tue Apr 12 15:39:06 2011

2011/4/11 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Christian Lohmaier
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Rimas Kudelis  wrote:
>>> 2011.04.07 20:38, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
>> [seperate worker for export/zip]
>> There don't seem to be any drawbacks, so that's the way to go - this
>> way regular translation will not be blocked/affected by the exporting
>> blocking all available worker slots or all RAM or all CPU
> Unfortunately, real-usage also lets the regular workers grow insanely
> (from standard of around 80/90MB to700MB) - thus I had to reduce the
> lifetime of the regular worker again as well.
> ciao
> Christian
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle migration

2011-04-12 Thread Anton Meixome
At this moment :-(

Pootle: Install

Error: "(1040, 'Too many connections')" while attempting to access the
Pootle database, will try to initialize database.

2011/4/12 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Andras Timar  wrote:
>> 2011/4/12 Anton Meixome :
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm experiencing a horrible performance in Pootle since a couple of days.
>>> Is not possible only affects me
>>> - strings not translated but I can't access to them
>> I experienced the same. Solution: on Settings page you can set how
>> many rows are displayed on one page. When I set it to 50 I had the
>> same problem. I set it to 30 and now it is fine.
>>> - upload  de .po is too slow (more than 2 minutos for 45KB)
>>> - fatal performance of navegation
>> I hope when the help update processes - which has been running in the
>> background since morning - finish, the site will be more responsive.
> The problem is that the update is not run as much in the background
> than it was though, on the contrary it pretty much blocks regular
> operation to to the heavy i/o load it causes.
> This is partially to blame on a bad database design used by pootle,
> and to the fact that the mysqldb currently uses myisam, and that locks
> the whole database table, thus limits concurrency.
> ciao
> Christian
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: help files too large

2011-04-13 Thread Anton Meixome
Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
your request.

Error message:
Premature end of script headers:

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
Wed Apr 13 18:07:41 2011

2011/4/13 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi Sophie, *,
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Sophie Gautier
>  wrote:
>> On 13/04/2011 17:41, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Sophie Gautier
>>>   wrote:
 On 13/04/2011 17:04, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> I am systematically crashing (500) my session when I try to open or
> download one of the "big" help files. Smaller files opens OK.
> Anyone to check if I am not crazy?

 I get a premature end of script whatever I tried to upload a file (UI so
 quiet small) or open one:
 Premature end of script headers:
>>> Please: When /exactly/ do you see this.
>> If I want to overwrite a file for example, when hitting the upload button,
>> after a little while, I get this error message.
> With when I did mean the time, but what exactly the actions are helps
> of course as well to recreate the problem.
> Again: When exactly? At what time did you try it.
> I want to compare that to the time when the mysqldumps are run and to
> see what munin did record for that time, i.e. where the bottleneck is.
>> Well, I need to find a moment where I can upload them anyway :)
> Well, what about just retrying right now?
> ciao
> Christian
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: help files too large

2011-04-13 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi at all,

Sorry Christian, my english is not fluent and that's reason for not
comment in retaill the problems.
Perhaps Friedel can help more here. I think he was supporting the pootle's instalation, that is rolling perfectly.

Can I suggest temporaly hide Help files? Is possible that diff and
mess functions in .po overload the server.


2011/4/13 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi Anton,
> Thanks, for reporting, Christian is currently evaluating what might happen
> with the database.
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> On 13/04/2011 19:13, Anton Meixome wrote:
>> Server error!
>> The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
>> your request.
>> Error message:
>> Premature end of script headers:
>> If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
>> Error 500
>> Wed Apr 13 18:07:41 2011
>> Apache
>> 2011/4/13 Christian Lohmaier:
>>> Hi Sophie, *,
>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Sophie Gautier
>>>   wrote:
>>>> On 13/04/2011 17:41, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Sophie Gautier
>>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>> On 13/04/2011 17:04, Olivier Hallot wrote:
>>>>>>> I am systematically crashing (500) my session when I try to open or
>>>>>>> download one of the "big" help files. Smaller files opens OK.
>>>>>>> Anyone to check if I am not crazy?
>>>>>> I get a premature end of script whatever I tried to upload a file (UI
>>>>>> so
>>>>>> quiet small) or open one:
>>>>>> Premature end of script headers:
>>>>> Please: When /exactly/ do you see this.
>>>> If I want to overwrite a file for example, when hitting the upload
>>>> button,
>>>> after a little while, I get this error message.
>>> With when I did mean the time, but what exactly the actions are helps
>>> of course as well to recreate the problem.
>>> Again: When exactly? At what time did you try it.
>>> I want to compare that to the time when the mysqldumps are run and to
>>> see what munin did record for that time, i.e. where the bottleneck is.
>>>> Well, I need to find a moment where I can upload them anyway :)
>>> Well, what about just retrying right now?
>>> ciao
>>> Christian
>>> --
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: help files too large

2011-04-13 Thread Anton Meixome
2011/4/13 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi Anton, *,
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Anton Meixome  wrote:
>> Sorry Christian, my english is not fluent and that's reason for not
>> comment in retaill the problems.
>> Perhaps Friedel can help more here. I think he was supporting the
>> pootle's instalation, that is rolling perfectly.
> Well, they have tons of RAM (IIRC the server has 12GB of RAM, and is
> only used for pootle) available and can put the whole database into
> RAM without problem, then the drawbacks on how pootle uses the
> database, and also the drawback of having table locks with myISAM
> doesn't impact performance that much.
> But we're running pootle inside a VM, and there is not enough ram on
> the host to allow file caching in this magnitude.
> The problem is that when it needs to access the disk to read the
> database, it can easily come to a point where user A requests data
> that is on block a on the disk, and  user B requests data that is on
> block b, but both are not in RAM at the same time, so it has to
> constantly read stuff from disk - and that is slow. Even worse is when
> some lengthy process is run over the whole database (like when
> uploding files and regenerating statistics, and similar)
>> Can I suggest temporaly hide Help files? Is possible that diff and
>> mess functions in .po overload the server.
> I now tweaked both mysql's parameters as well as the setup of the
> virutalbox VM so that now parts of the databse can be cached by the
> host, so that the VM doesn't need to do real disk i/o anymore (at
> least now to a much lesser extent).
> While not completely eliminating wait times (for example when
> mysqldump is running, it locks the table and thus during mysqldump no
> other accesses to the table are possible), those waiting times should
> now much shorter (as mysqldump completes faster, all other slow
> operations also should complete faster, thus it is less likely to get
> into a "I want block A, but other user wants B, yet another one wants
> D" at the same time.
> ciao
> Christian

It's logical. At this moment it goes very well and sounds as promising.


> --
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[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle down

2011-04-15 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi, Christian and *

Pootle seems down since some hours

The window time for translations is missing and security for job is
being evanescent

Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community & LibO //

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[libreoffice-l10n] About Pootle performance

2011-04-15 Thread Anton Meixome
Friedel, dev of Translate Toolkit and relatives said few days ago when
he is announcing TTK 1.9.0 on his dev maillist

Pootle will regenerate all statistics with the new Translate Toolkit
installed.  More information about the quality checks is here:
Pootle will regenerate this on demand, but if you want to avoid slow
pages for your users, you can use the refresh_stats management command
that will prepare all the quality statistics.

Perhaps aides,

Server still down :(

Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community & LibO //

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle down

2011-04-18 Thread Anton Meixome
Many, many thanx for your hard work, Christian.
I know the hard job it is, especially when the system is puzzling one.
If we shall give you a hand... I will do that you say... ping to IRC
and maillist.

At least, I could finish the main part of my job.

2011/4/17 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Anton Meixome  wrote:
>> Pootle seems down since some hours
> Just to let you know - this time virtualbox VM did freeze/slow down to
> a crawl, as if it would run on a 1Hz processor or something. I suspect
> it has to do with time drift/adjustments and that did screw up the
> guest's timers. (host's monitoring shows a rather bigger-than-usual
> ntp time-difference - not at the same time when the guest's monitoring
> stops, but close enough for me to see a correlation)
> Unfortunately neither the Virtualbox Logfiles as the guest's system
> logs contain anything unusual (and when it did hang/crawl the box was
> still "alive" - ping did work, ssh login worked after loong
> waiting time, I could even issue a "uptime" command, but I had to type
> it blindly, and it took way more than 10 minutes (I don't know, since
> I didn't keep watching)  to see any reaction, but load on the guest as
> well as the host was non-existant, i.e. both were idle, the VM just
> was slow)
> Since it was still responding, I tried to shut it down cleanly,
> sending acpipowerbutton event (and I did see the event in the
> ssh-login shell after a while (the "system is going to shut down"
> message)) - but After as it was still not shut down at 6am, I had to
> kill it (send poweroff). So while I knew about it at the evening, it
> was offline till the next morning - sorry for that, but my hope really
> was that the shutdown would finish. And when you already waited two
> hours, you tell yourself: Just wait a little more, it cannot take
> /that/ much longer - at least the vm still responds to a ping, i.e. it
> is not dead... And after having waited 4 hours "hey, the network stack
> seems down already" (no ping)... But in the end you cannot wait and
> wait, and I set myself the limit of having the VM back online in the
> morning (CEST)... mysql wasn't happy to have been interrupted (so
> mysql was still running and I had to use repair table to flag the
> tables as clean again)
> For the technically inclined: I did set the TSC to be execution-bound
> (VBoxInternal/TM/TSCTiedToExecution) - if a freeze reoccurs (symptoms
> are that you can still ping, but don't get any repsonse of the regular
> webpage, just your browser's timeout message), I'll set a different
> clocksource within the guest, as that also shows up in some similar
> reports as a workaround for VM guest freezes/hangs.
> (If you ask why I set time stamp counter instead of changing the
> guest's clock-source: I remember having problems with another VM and
> its disk-controllers, where it would reduce the disk i/o speed
> dramatically - setting the parameter solved the problem)
> So thanks for the downtime-notice (don't hesitate to also ping me on
> IRC, to make sure I did notice, but don't forget the mail to this
> list, to let others know as well), and sorry for the downtime :-((
> ciao
> Christian
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations from Pootle pushed to git (for 3.4 beta2), bugs to fix

2011-04-19 Thread Anton Meixome

Why some languages has a .err and .log files? other as galician not.
Is for different checks?

I have arrange it at galician.

@Olivier, about problem with styles. We also had this problem (in
spanish translation, there is too). I send a link, in hope give a

Otherwise, In galician translation, rest now a lot of job for
coherence as the imported trasnlation from (from versión 3.2)
is deficient and ignores hundreds improvements we was doing.


2011/4/19 Andras Timar :
> Hello Olivier,
> 2011/4/19 Olivier Hallot :
>> About the check indicated, and looking into other translations, pt-BR has
>> just one (ONE !!!) little false positive. So either I am a genius and
>> extremely carefull guy at my work, or the script failed to pick other
>> errors, as it did for other languages... :-)
>> Can you double check?
> This is not a false positive. You need to translate Heading and Title
> to different words, otherwise you'll have troubles with default styles
> in the localized product. See for example
> Anyway, congratulations for your almost error-free translation. :)
> Best regards,
> Andras
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Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations from Pootle pushed to git (for 3.4 beta2), bugs to fix

2011-04-20 Thread Anton Meixome
Is this string correct? Is very strange

LibreOffice 3.4.x – UI » instsetoo_native / inc_openoffice / windows /



error text goes here error text goes here error text goes here error
text goes here error text goes here error text goes here error text
goes here error text goes here error text goes here error text goes

Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations from Pootle pushed to git (for 3.4 beta3), bugs to fix

2011-04-25 Thread Anton Meixome
Also fixed in  gl (Galician). Thanks, Andras



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[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle down

2011-04-26 Thread Anton Meixome
Pootle is not available from 2-3 hours

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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: Pootle down

2011-04-26 Thread Anton Meixome
The Pootle server still does not respond appropriately to any
operation. Is there anyone out there to investigate?

2011/4/26 Anton Meixome :
> Pootle is not available from 2-3 hours
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Pootle down

2011-04-26 Thread Anton Meixome
2011/4/26 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Rūdolfs Mazurs
>  wrote:
>> Works for me. Is it still an issue?
> Well - yes and no. The VM is rebooted, works fine again, but it was
> the same problem as last time, i.e. the VM slows down to a crawl, as
> it would run on a 1Hz CPU or something like that - it still responds
> to a ping for example, and responds to other requests, but the website
> stuff all will time out. ssh login is still possible when waiting long
> enough (although you cannot work with it, as it takes way to long to
> see any reaction to keypresses), and communication via the Virtualbox
> tools does work as well (it reacts to powerbutton event and poweroff
> events).
> So changing the TSC did not solve the problem. And as the source of
> the problem is unknown, it will probably happen again :-((
> ciao
> Christian
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Yes, the translaton workflow for galician is totally Pootle dependent.
I must consider other way
but I'm a little stubborn and I want to exhaust all possibilities with
Pootle or similar.
Maybe upgrading the software, devoting more resources or by
replicating and splitting the translations?

I have a question. Is there any way to sync all files (UI and Help)
and upload folder by folder or using a zip?
The process may be
- download the global zip from Pootle
- translate off-line, using Virtaal, brother of Pootle
- upload zips by folder (or global, ideally)
- checks

Or sync instances of Pootle...changing to Transifex...

I want use Pootle, in opposition to .sdf because is more transparent
for tracking on my community.
By the way I want offer my remercies to Christian.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] KeyID builds

2011-04-27 Thread Anton Meixome
I confirm too. This build can save and export.

But, I can't understando de keys. They appears as hexadecimal non
decimal. Is different from Now it's hard
Also, which is the howto for find a string with these string keyids ?
Really would be very usefull for translators!

(See attached image)

2011/4/27 Yury Tarasievich :
> Thank you!
> I might add that these builds finally do NOT have the major bug
> (, being unable to save or
> export) which manifested itself on my system, before. Now I'll be able to
> actually try LibreOffice. Let's hope the change won't get reverted. :)
> -Yury
> On 04/27/2011 01:02 PM, Andras Timar wrote:
>> I created KeyID builds (see
> ...
>> These builds are based on LibreOffice 3.4 beta 2 en-US. Three install
> ...
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] KeyID builds

2011-04-27 Thread Anton Meixome
Ahá, Ok Andras,
I was thinking in Pootle.

2011/4/27 Andras Timar :
> 2011/4/27 Anton Meixome :
>> But, I can't understando de keys. They appears as hexadecimal non
>> decimal. Is different from
>> Now it's hard
>> Also, which is the howto for find a string with these string keyids ?
>> Really would be very usefull for translators!
> Wiki has an old screenshot. I don't like these Key IDs either... Hard
> to read them. This is what OOo uses now. I can change them later.
> How to use:
> You want to find for example the File menu in the source. You see that
> key ID is 5wl7ot.
> Search for 5wl7ot in KeyID.sdf. E.g.:
> $ grep 5wl7ot KeyID.sdf
> Now you see where this string is coming from:
> officecfg       registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu
> So it is in officecfg\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI.po.
> Best regards,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations from Pootle pushed to git (for 3.4 rc1), bugs to fix

2011-05-10 Thread Anton Meixome
Thanx Andras,

gl fixed.

The only one problem was untraceable

Log was indicating a missing tag for closure but... this was not the answer.
I had recopy the original string (identical) from source to xmltags
pass the check";>

This is not the first time I find those "problems" ...False positive
from TTK? Hidden caracters on Pootle?

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations from Pootle pushed to git (for 3.4 rc1), bugs to fix

2011-05-11 Thread Anton Meixome
> You had  instead of . I don't know how it looked like in
> Pootle. In the po file it was visible.

Oh, yes, surely I had tired eyes :-)

> Best regards,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] OOo goes to Apache Foundation

2011-06-01 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi Andras,

I understand your position. I think that the Oracle movement means
they want put code out of GPL for a hipotetical future developpement
(propietary, of course).
This and too that they perhaps want split the developpers community
atracting corporative interest to an OOo supported by Apache, but
feading on the developpement of LibO code.
Why they no changed the their license to Apache model, whithout lose
the leadership? I believe that it's not for favor IBM Symphony.
Simply, OOo in their hands is dead but in hands of AF they would do
money eventually.
Who is the fork now?
Apache is a US entity, I am convinced that his weight has also.

Now, from the viewpoint of a minorized language like mine I do not
care if they use the translation that I have done in recent years to I wish IBM would make a Galician version too but do not see
it close. Our best strategy, our weaknes, would make it as possible
for the development of payment is made through the TDF and admit
developing extensions in proprietary code.

Excuss my poor english.

Antón Méixome

2011/6/1 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> Probably you've read the news, OOo code and trademarks were given to
> Apache Foundation. For details start reading
> here:
> and here:
> Let me shortly comment this – wearing my localizer hat. Apache
> Foundation requires Apache License which is not a copyleft license. It
> allows use of the source code – and my translations, too – for the
> development of proprietary software. Incidentally, that's what IBM is
> doing and probably will do in the future: they after all want code
> others wrote for free, while keeping their code proprietary and
> occasionally dumping the unimportant parts to an open core to ease
> maintenance. I feel reluctant to support this scheme.
> Best regards,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Documentation linked to HC2

2011-06-10 Thread Anton Meixome
2011/6/10 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi all,
> I'm in the process to port the documentation files linked to the help files
> (for an example, see this link [1]). May be it should be better to upload it
> on the help files wiki more than on the documentation part one.
> What do you think about it?

I think not, in my opinion because

- The content is cleary write for reference, in deep, especializated,
non manual or guide. Specially for others thirty parts
- Change to help files, implies a notorius charge for priority on localization
- The maintenance for updating, accurate formating and so on, is very complex

Is possible find a list of SQL reserved keywords, in use on LibO in
elsewhere? ADD, ALL, etc

Kind regards,

Antón Méixome

> For information, Andras, I'm also working on the other issues handled by
> LeMoyne Castle.
> [1]
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> --
> Founding member of The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [ANNOUNCE] LibreOffice 3.5 beta0 translation

2011-11-29 Thread Anton Meixome
24 hours, more or less

2011/11/29 Andras Timar :
> Hi Olivier,
> 2011/11/29 Olivier Hallot :
>> So, it appears (IMHO) the search is done in a sort of data cache, but the
>> matches are taken from the database. Lokks like a synch is missing there.
>> Could it be?
> Yes, I'm sure that generation of search indexes does not happen in
> real time, but I don't know much about Pootle internals.
> Best regards,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] locale for an_ES

2011-12-08 Thread Anton Meixome
Enhorabuena y bienvenido a todo el equipo aragonés de parte de mi y
del equipo gallego, que nos reunimos en Trasno
Yo también me sumo al interés por ese proceso de automatización porque
en todas partes tenemos carencia de manpower :-).
Si me permitís también me sumo a ese correo privado.

Un saludo,

Antón Méixome

El día 5 de diciembre de 2011 23:52, Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés
> Thanks to Andras for creating the Aragonese language in pootle, and to Ivan
> for offering us help. Ivan, I'll write to you a private e-mail! :)
> El 05/12/2011 20:33, ivarela escribió:
>> Hola Juan Pablo,
>> enhorabuena por el trabajo que estás realizando. Soy Iñigo Varela, de
>> Softastur, el equipo asturiano.
>> Nosotros ya tenemos hecho nuestro spellchecker hace tiempo. En realidad,
>> se trata de un .oxt que estaba preparado pa OpenOffice, pero no para
>> LibreOffice. Al ver tu correo en la lista, me pregunto si podrías pasarnos
>> los "pasos" necesarios para incluirlo en las "extensions".
>> Por otra parte, si tu grupo empieza a ser activo y os animáis a algún
>> proyecto más, podemos echaros un cable en algunas cosas. Nosotros somos unos
>> 12-15 y toda ayuda es poca. Concretamente, automatizamos el proceso de
>> traducción de LibreOffice (cuando era OpenOffice), y nos ahorramos
>> muchíiiisimo trabajo. Se trata de un traductor automático. No temas, no
>> hablo de Google, es un traductor que tú mismo programas, y quita un 40-60%
>> del trabajo. :D
>> Un saludo.
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[libreoffice-l10n] I can't administrate 3.5 UI in Pootle

2011-12-08 Thread Anton Meixome

Perhaps due to an update I have no more rights for to administrate
some projects in Pootle.

Can anybody checks?

LibreOffice 3.5.x – UI

I get the below message:

Permiso denegado
Non ten permisos aquí para acceder a este proxecto de tradución.

In the others projects all goes fine.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] I can't administrate 3.5 UI in Pootle

2011-12-08 Thread Anton Meixome
2011/12/8 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> 2011/12/8 Anton Meixome :
>> Hi,
>> Perhaps due to an update I have no more rights for to administrate
>> some projects in Pootle.
>> Can anybody checks?
> Can you check it again? I may have solved it.
> Thanks,
> Andras

Yes, fixed.

Thanks Andras

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Quick poll on QA on your localized version

2012-03-21 Thread Anton Meixome
For Galician localization

2012/3/2 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi all,
> This is a quick poll on QA done by your team on the builds in your language,
> please take 5 mn to answer:
> - Are you doing manual tests on the builds?


>        . on the RC only?
>        . using Litmus?
> - Are you running other types of tests
>        .which one?
> - You are not doing any tests
>        . because you're not interested
>        . because you don't have the manpower to run them
Exactly. I must concentrate my efforts in adequation of interface,
advance translation/adaptation in website, spellchecker, plugins,
instalators, news, difussion over my community, etc.
>        . because they are not adapted to your language
>        . because you're not aware of any test
> Thanks a lot for your answers :-)
> Kind regards
> Sophie

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[libreoffice-l10n] Delete Oracle mention in string

2012-03-27 Thread Anton Meixome
I have found in

(Apologize me because I don't know how retrieve the exact general code
reference in Pootle

In this string where survive important references about Oracle


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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community & LibO

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[libreoffice-l10n] Another Oracle mention

2012-03-27 Thread Anton Meixome

I think this maybe other error in UI 3.5

This Evaluation Version has expired. To find out more about %PRODUCTNAME,\n

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please translate main page of Extension site in Pootle

2012-04-17 Thread Anton Meixome
2012/4/15 Andras Timar :
> Hi Sveinn,
> 2012/4/15 Sveinn í Felli :
>> Þann lau 14.apr 2012 10:52, skrifaði Andras Timar:
>>> Hi,
>>> Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
>>> ( in Pootle. It is in the Website
>>> project. Please translate the page, I will pull translations from
>>> there regularly, let's say once a month.


Galician done!

When you can,  active it, please for  - gl -


Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibO Pootle: Why empty strings are there in Extensions for LibO?

2012-05-02 Thread Anton Meixome
2012/5/2 Valter Mura :
> 2012/4/29 Andras Timar 
>> 2012/4/29 Hossein Noorikhah :
>> > Hi,
>> > Please see this:
>> >
>> > There are a lot of empty strings there. Why?
>> Because those .properties files were generated automatically by the
>> developer environment, and developed did not assign values to all
>> possible strings (for example to helptexts).
>> If I were you, I would not work on Extensions module at all, because
>> it is unmaintaned, and there is no proof that translations from there
>> have been ever used. If somebody knows the story differently, please
>> let me know.
> So, in this case, why keeping these strings in the project? Better to drop
> them off, to avoid waste of our precious time :)
> Ciao


> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle engagement with Mozilla

2012-05-03 Thread Anton Meixome
2012/5/3 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> Please read this blog post:
> Let's discuss, if we, the LibreOffice l10n community have feature or
> bugfix requests. If they fit within Mozilla's scope then with our help
> they may be implemented.
> Best regards,
> Andras

Great news, Andras
I hope the best

Transifex is a good tool, of course, but it centralice all. It's a serious risk

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] REMINDER: 3.6 feature freeze and 3.6.0-beta1 release

2012-06-04 Thread Anton Meixome
2012/6/4 Petr Mladek :
> Hi,
> please note that the feature freeze and commit deadline for 3.6.0-beta1
> is today, July 4, 2012.
> The plan is to create the libreoffice-3-6 branch on Tuesday. Then we
> will make sure that it is buildable and usable and create the beta1 tag
> on that branch. It will hopefully happen on Tuesday.
> Please, let me know if you are late with a feature. It is possible to
> wait few hours or one day.
> Please, do not commit too incomplete or broken stuff. beta1 need to be
> usable for testing. Note that there is still possibility to add late
> features with 3 approvals from people with different affiliation.

The hunspell dictionary for each language is concern too?

> The branch will be announced on the mailling list and in the irc
> #libreoffice-dev channel title. Once we have the branch, please cherry
> pick useful fixes from master there. We do not plan to merge between
> the branches. So, we kindly ask everyone to keep master and the branch
> in sync.
> See also
> Best Regards,
> Petr
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [ANNOUNCE] LibreOffice 4.0 templates updated

2012-12-20 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi Andras,
Where is "in Pootle" the templates?

Can somebody activate in Pootle the galician translation for templates?

2012/12/20 Andras Timar 

> Hi,
> I updated LibreOffice 4.0 templates in Pootle and I ran
> update_from_templates for all languages. There are 268 new/modified
> words. All changes are in UI, help did not change this time.
> For those who do not use Pootle:
> Next translations deadline:
> January 6, 2013 for LibreOffice 4.0.0 RC1
> Best regards,
> Andras
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [ANNOUNCE] LibreOffice 4.0 templates updated

2012-12-20 Thread Anton Meixome

Ok, ok I was thinking in another dimension because we have translated the
website templates but it haven't implemented in

I fact, there is something strange here. Are missing in Pootle

If you pick over each file there isn't nothing !

2012/12/20 Andras Timar 

> On 2012.12.20. 21:44, Anton Meixome wrote:
> > Hi Andras,
> > Where is "in Pootle" the templates?
> >
> > Can somebody activate in Pootle the galician translation for templates?
> >
> I meant PO templates also known as POT files. The LibreOffice 4.0 UI
> module was updated.
> Cheers,
> Andras

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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[libreoffice-l10n] Missing translations on UI

2013-02-04 Thread Anton Meixome

I have tested the UI from  v 4.0 (RC3) on Ubuntu and Windows I am noticed
about some lost in translation, here and there. Perhaps 7 ou 8 strings.

I suspect that It's common for all languages. I have checked galician
interface. I think that the exportación process from Pootle is the problem

For example in Standar bar, the unlocalizated opción is with *mark

 *Exit LibreOffice
*Page Width
 *Default Style
  *Default Style

  *Floating Frame

LibreOffice Options

LibreOffice Writer
 Count words
  *Additional separators


Aside, for the windows instalator in the case of minoritary languages (i.e,
with an another language for windows) is non well precise, as require a
relative deep knowlegde for a suitable instalation (first in instalation,
second in LibO).

Can we accurate these process?

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing translations on UI

2013-02-04 Thread Anton Meixome
I Martin and all

The strings non translated in UI are, all of them, translated in Pootle.
So, isn't a problem about Pootle hiding the view for the translator; but as
you say, if for slovenian there is no problem, then I think the problem is
before the compiling process, perhaps in export from Pootle, at least for
some languages as galician.

In spanish this not happen.

For me, it's a blocker. We will have at least a RC4, isn't?

2013/2/4 Martin Srebotnjak 

> I do not have that problem with Slovenian, but I am using my own
> translation system, not Pootle.
> With so many recent reports of strings in Pootle not showing up to
> translators during translation process should be a warning - this is
> something that needs to be addressed IMHO.
> Lp, m.
> 2013/2/4 Anton Meixome :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have tested the UI from  v 4.0 (RC3) on Ubuntu and Windows I am noticed
> > about some lost in translation, here and there. Perhaps 7 ou 8 strings.
> >
> > I suspect that It's common for all languages. I have checked galician
> > interface. I think that the exportación process from Pootle is the
> problem
> >
> > For example in Standar bar, the unlocalizated opción is with *mark
> >
> > File
> >  *Exit LibreOffice
> > View
> >  Zoom
> > *Page Width
> > Insert
> >   Header
> >  *Default Style
> >   Footer
> >   *Default Style
> >
> >   *Floating Frame
> >
> >
> > 
> > LibreOffice Options
> >
> > LibreOffice Writer
> > General
> >  Count words
> >   *Additional separators
> >
> > Format
> >
> >
> >
> > Aside, for the windows instalator in the case of minoritary languages
> (i.e,
> > with an another language for windows) is non well precise, as require a
> > relative deep knowlegde for a suitable instalation (first in instalation,
> > second in LibO).
> >
> > Can we accurate these process?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
> > Galician community LibO & AOO
> >
> > --
> > Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
> > Problems?
> > Posting guidelines + more:
> > List archive:
> > All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted
> >

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Posting guidelines + more:
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Missing translations on UI

2013-02-07 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi Andras,

Maybe, some strings I have finished between 27 - 30 of January.

In my tests over galician UI I saw some areas incomplete. For contrast, I
have checked the spanish UI but it is incomplete too. So, I don't know if
there is a especific problem or not. Is for that what I have questioned.
The Extensión Manager is not well translated in spanish but the options in
Standar Bar, yes. There must be some problem.

Thanx for your attention,


2013/2/6 Andras Timar 

> Hi Anton,
> I checked the sourced of LibreOffice 4.0.0 RC3, and these strings were
> not translated in Galician. I checked what I downloaded from Pootle on
> 2013-01-27, and these strings were not translated there, either. Now I
> see that they are translated in Pootle. Did you translate them in
> between?
> Best regards,
> Andras
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 10:15 PM, Anton Meixome 
> wrote:
> > Well, I agree. It's too late for 4.0. but Sophie, it's true that the
> frame
> > time is very small. We must be more proactive and alert front of
> developpers
> > :-)
> >
> > Another problem that I have see:
> >
> > In Options → Extensión Manager
> >
> > I see in galician and in spanish UI these strings in english, mixed with
> > other well localizated:
> >
> > Type of Extensión
> > Installation Shared User (checkboxes)
> > Add Check for updates
> > Get more extensións online
> >
> >
> > Can somebody confirm for other languages?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2013/2/5 Andras Timar 
> >>
> >> On 2013.02.05. 15:23, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> >> > Andras et al.,
> >> >
> >> > can you confirm that this is one of the products of this:
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Yes, it was the case for the XML Filter Settings dialog. The fix is here
> >> (target: 4.0.1):
> >>
> >> > If so, it seems that the project of this conversion is not totally
> >> > under control in regard to the localization issues - i.e. as we saw in
> >> > the preRC3 versions for 4.0, it happened before. If that is the case -
> >> > there must be some QA control added for every single dialog converted
> >> > that truly all strings were respected in the conversion. It is too
> >> > late to see in the release that there are 5 dialogs that were not
> >> > converted properly (if one of us happens to see it in the UI).
> >> >
> >>
> >> The bug in XML Filter Settings dialog has been there since Nov 16, 2012.
> >> Nobody spotted it. This is not a dialog that we use every day, is it? If
> >> you volunteer to QA commits that do this conversion, it is appreciated.
> >> The commit message usually contains ".ui", so you can filter the commit
> >> list. Also, the following command helps to find these problematic lines:
> >>
> >> git grep '[_A-Z]'
> >>
> >> Unfortunately I ran
> >>
> >> git grep '[A-Z]'
> >>
> >> before 4.0 RCs, so I did not find the cases when the word started with
> >> an accelerator. Probably with these single command we could filter 99%
> >> or even 100% of these type of bugs.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Andras
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
> >> Problems?
> >>
> >> Posting guidelines + more:
> >> List archive:
> >> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> >> deleted
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
> > Galician community LibO & AOO

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Google Play Store - in need of translation

2013-02-08 Thread Anton Meixome
Hi Thorsten,

Here goes the galician translation.

A problem may be in Google Play. There i'not a galician option for select.
(Google ... grrr)
I'm sure this will be the same for many others cultures and languages.


Obteña de balde o aplicativo de control remoto para presentacións de
LibreOffice! O LibreOffice Impress Remote é un aplicativo para interactuar
co presentador de diapositivas desde o seu dispositivo Android - o que
inclúe a visualización de diapositivas, notas de orador e moito máis.

** Teña en conta que precisa ter LibreOffice 4.0.0 na súa distribución
Linux para  que funcione - estea atento á dispoñibilidade de novas
plataformas coa vindeira versión LibreOffice 4.0.1 **

Unha descrición máis detallada dos requisitos e unha guía de usuario paso a
paso está dispoñíbel aquí:

LibreOffice é unha suite de produtividade persoal poderosa, gratuíta e de
código aberto para Windows, Mac e GNU/Linux que lle ofrece seis aplicativos
cheos de recursos para toda a súa produción documental e as súas
necesidades de procesamento de datos: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math e
Base. A asistencia técnica e a documentación son ofrecidas de balde pola
gran e dedicada comunidade de usuarios, colaboradores e desenvolvedores.

Descargue LibreOffice de

LibreOffice, e o LibreOffice Impress Remote, é un software desenvolvido e
xestionado pola comunidade mediante unha organización sen ánimo de lucro,
The Document Foundation.

Este software desenvovérono usuarios, como vostede, que cren nos principios
do software libre e en compartir o seu traballo co mundo sen restricións.
Coñézanos en


2013/2/8 Zeki Bildirici 

> 2013/2/8 Thorsten Behrens :
> > Hi there,
> >
> > with our 4.0.0 release and the new Impress Remote for Android, TDF now
> > has an official Google Play Store - first item there being:
> >
> >
> Hi,
> Here is the Turkish translation:
> ---%<---
> LibreOffice için ücretsiz sunum uzaktan kumanda uygulamasını edinin!
> LibreOffice Impress Uzaktan Kumanda slayt sunumlarınıza Android
> cihazınız üzerinden -slayt ön izleme, konuşmacı notları ve daha
> fazlasını da içerecek şekilde- etkileşlim kurabilmenizi sağlayan bir
> uygulamadır.
> LibreOffice, Windows, Macintosh ve GNU/Linux için güçlü ve ücretsiz
> bir ofis yazılımıdır. LibreOffice, bir ofis yazılımı olmanın ötesinde
> sunduğu bileşenlerle, tam anlamıyla bir kişisel üretkenlik takımıdır.
> LibreOffice'in size sunduğu; Writer(Kelime İşlemci), Calc(Hesap
> Tablosu), Impress(Sunum), Draw(Çizim), Math(Matematik) ve
> Base(Veritabanı) uygulamalarının zengin özellikleriyle, bütün belge
> oluşturma ve veri işleme ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılayabilirsiniz.
> LibreOffice için destek ve belgelendirme ücretsiz olarak;  kullanıcı,
> katkıcı ve geliştiricilerden oluşan  geniş, güçlü ve kararlı
> topluluğumuz tarafından sizlere sunulmaktadır.
> LibreOffice'i adresinden
> indirebilirsiniz.
> LibreOffice ve LibreOffice Impress Uzaktan Kumanda, The Document
> Foundation vakfı tarafından geliştirilen ve topluluk tarafından
> yürütüp geliştirilen yazılımlardır.
> Bu yazılım, özgür yazılımın ilkelerine inanmış ve emeğini dünya ile
> kısıtlanmamış bir biçimde paylaşan sizin gibi kullanıcılar tarafından
> geliştirilmiştir.
> Bizimle adresinde buluşun!
> ---%<--
> Btw,
> In first para what is the meaning of free?
> And the download page may be confusing for people:
> "Download LibreOffice from "
> Most people will go and download the installer and think that they
> will install an free office suit for their Android device.
> Imho:
> "Download LibreOffice from  (For
> Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux)"
> May be better.
> Best regards,
> Zeki
> --
> Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
> Problems?
> Posting guidelines + more:
> List archive:
> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Localisation gone wild

2013-03-11 Thread Anton Meixome
> There's of course also the scenario of a locale you cannot select on any
> OS but which has a LO localisation. Like Oromo, Kashmiri or Bodo which I
> cannot find in the locales on offer in Windows 7 but which have LO
> localizations.

It's a more general situation than the people here are considerating; non
only for languages that unfortunately have not a localizated OS but also in
sociocultural environnement (educational centers, administrative or
corporative infraestructure, low educated generations...) is common you
have a pc with a OS in a regional dominant language installed (spanish in
Spain or latinoamerican countries, for example) but you want install LO in
galician, catalan, aragonese, asturian, euskara, quechua, 

Sometimes you haven't privileges for personalize the OS system (public
employe, student...) or you don't want go so deeply because you are not a

Over WS, our 90% of total users? if the common user follows the standard
wizard (without realize the custom settings) he only will install de
spanish UI.

It's contraintuitive. It's a problem for users not well trained, and it's a
frustating barrier for native lang contributors because the localizated LO
is more dificult for our users.

For WS all language options must be equally accesible. The OS language not
implies you don't want other languages in your applications.

+1 For a independent setup installer

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Google Play Store updates

2013-03-12 Thread Anton Meixome

I want remember to update over F-Droid repo. A month ago, there was a
process in queue for make available de IRC there.

This repo is open to all languages and it's commiting with FOSS. I have
made the galician translation

Anybody in charge, since I'm not a developper and I can't made by myself?

2013/3/12 Thorsten Behrens 

> Mihkel Tõnnov wrote:
> > Still in English.
> >
> Bug filed, will update you with progress.
> Cheers,
> -- Thorsten
> --
> Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
> Problems?
> Posting guidelines + more:
> List archive:
> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to
Posting guidelines + more:
List archive:
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

[libreoffice-l10n] Paste column with data format (DMY) fails

2013-05-07 Thread Anton Meixome
I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc

If I have a list of data in a text file items as

19 Abr, 2013
21 Abr, 2013
20 Mai, 2013
6 Xuñ, 2013
8 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
22 Set, 2013
1 Xan, 2014
23 Xan, 2014
27 Xan, 2014
31 Xan, 2014
14 Feb, 2014
15 Mar, 2014
11 Mai, 2014

and I paste it on Calc, this results

19 Abr, 2013
21 Abr, 2013
20 Mai, 2013
6 Xuñ, 2013
8 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
22 Set, 2013
1 Xan, 2014
23 Xan, 2014
27 Xan, 2014
31 Xan, 2014
11 Mai, 2014

Obviously is incorrect. If somebody compares with month names in english

19 Apr, 2013
21 Apr, 2013
20 May, 2013
6 Jun, 2013
8 Aug, 2013
26 Aug, 2013
26 Aug, 2013
26 Aug, 2013
22 Sep, 2013
1 Jan, 2014
23 Jan, 2014
27 Jan, 2014
31 Jan, 2014
14 Feb, 2014
15 Mar, 2014
11 May, 2014

Results correctly


I have perfoms various test with spanish, portuguese, diferents
formats (with dot, uppercase...)

This problem is no related with auto fill cells in galician. In fact
if I introduce


and extend the autofill lists in the sheet (Tools→Options→LibreOffice
Calc→ Sort lists) results


Working correctly even if the calc interface is set in english



19 Abr, 2013
21 Abr, 2013
20 Mai, 2013
6 Jun, 2013
8 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
22 Set, 2013
1 Jan, 2014
23 Jan, 2014
27 Jan, 2014
31 Jan, 2014
14 Feb, 2014
15 Mar, 2014
11 Mai, 2014

or Spanish

19 Abr, 2013
21 Abr, 2013
20 May, 2013
6 Jun, 2013
8 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
22 Sep, 2013
1 Ene, 2014
23 Ene, 2014
27 Ene, 2014
31 Ene, 2014
14 Feb, 2014
15 Mar, 2014
11 May, 2014



Can somebody test and guide me for filling the bug?


Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

To unsubscribe e-mail to:
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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Paste column with data format (DMY) fails

2013-05-07 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/5/7 Sérgio Marques :
> Hi Anton
> I´m from Portuguese team. Can You explain me how to reproduce this? I can´t
> do it.
> If I Copy/paste the results are the same:
> 19 Abr, 2013
> 21 Abr, 2013
> 20 Mai, 2013
> 6 Jun, 2013
> 8 Ago, 2013
> 26 Ago, 2013
> 26 Ago, 2013
> 26 Ago, 2013
> 22 Set, 2013
> 1 Jan, 2014
> 23 Jan, 2014
> 27 Jan, 2014
> 31 Jan, 2014
> 14 Feb, 2014
> 15 Mar, 2014
> 11 Mai, 2014

Yes, Sérgio

1. In a text editor, copy the items, as simple text (it's important)
2. Select all with mouse, and copy
3. Open Calc
4. Paste inside a cell

Then, appears a dialog (Importación de texto)

- Select the language for import (personalizado) : Portugués
- Inside section "campos", select type of column : Data (DMA), as
tipical for galician or portuguese vs. english (AMD)
- Accept

The result is


because the default format for data in my case is «31/12/99 (= D/MM/YY)»

After, if you want change this format, is simple, you must go to
Format→Cells and in the tab «Númbers» you can choose what you want:
i.e. D "de"  "de" , etc.

Calc can change correctly between formats because the source data went
correctly recognized.

> 2013/5/7 Anton Meixome 
>> I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
>> If I have a list of data in a text file items as
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Xan, 2014
>> 23 Xan, 2014
>> 27 Xan, 2014
>> 31 Xan, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 Mai, 2014
>> and I paste it on Calc, this results
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Xan, 2014
>> 23 Xan, 2014
>> 27 Xan, 2014
>> 31 Xan, 2014
>> 14/02/14
>> 15/03/14
>> 11 Mai, 2014
>> Obviously is incorrect. If somebody compares with month names in english
>> 19 Apr, 2013
>> 21 Apr, 2013
>> 20 May, 2013
>> 6 Jun, 2013
>> 8 Aug, 2013
>> 26 Aug, 2013
>> 26 Aug, 2013
>> 26 Aug, 2013
>> 22 Sep, 2013
>> 1 Jan, 2014
>> 23 Jan, 2014
>> 27 Jan, 2014
>> 31 Jan, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 May, 2014
>> Results correctly
>> 19/04/13
>> 21/04/13
>> 20/05/13
>> 06/06/13
>> 08/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 22/09/13
>> 01/01/14
>> 23/01/14
>> 27/01/14
>> 31/01/14
>> 14/02/14
>> 15/03/14
>> 11/05/14
>> I have perfoms various test with spanish, portuguese, diferents
>> formats (with dot, uppercase...)
>> This problem is no related with auto fill cells in galician. In fact
>> if I introduce
>> xan
>> feb
>> and extend the autofill lists in the sheet (Tools→Options→LibreOffice
>> Calc→ Sort lists) results
>> xan
>> feb
>> Mar
>> Abr
>> Mai
>> Xuñ
>> Xul
>> Ago
>> Set
>> Out
>> Nov
>> Dec
>> Xan
>> (correct)
>> Working correctly even if the calc interface is set in english
>> Compare
>> Portuguese
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Jun, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Jan, 2014
>> 23 Jan, 2014
>> 27 Jan, 2014
>> 31 Jan, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 Mai, 2014
>> or Spanish
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 May, 2013
>> 6 Jun, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Sep, 2013
>> 1 Ene, 2014
>> 23 Ene, 2014
>> 27 Ene, 2014
>> 31 Ene, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 May, 2014
>> Results
>> 19/04/13
>> 21/04/13
>> 20/05/13
>> 06/06/13
>> 08/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 26/08/13
>> 22/09/13
>> 01/01/14
>> 23/01/14
>> 27/01/14
>> 31/01/14
>> 14/02/14
>> 15/03/14
>> 11/05/14
>> Can somebody test and guide me for filling the bug?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
>> Galician community LibO & AOO
>> --
>> To unsubscribe e-mail to:
>> Problems?
>> Posting guidelines + more:
>> List archive:
>> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
>> deleted
> --
> Sérgio Marques

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

To unsubscribe e-mail to:
Posting guidelines + more:
List archive:
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Paste column with data format (DMY) fails

2013-05-07 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/5/8 Anton Meixome :
> 2013/5/7 Sérgio Marques :
>> Hi Anton
>> I´m from Portuguese team. Can You explain me how to reproduce this? I can´t
>> do it.
>> If I Copy/paste the results are the same:
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Jun, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Jan, 2014
>> 23 Jan, 2014
>> 27 Jan, 2014
>> 31 Jan, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 Mai, 2014
> Yes, Sérgio
> 1. In a text editor, copy the items, as simple text (it's important)
> 2. Select all with mouse, and copy
> 3. Open Calc
> 4. Paste inside a cell
> Then, appears a dialog (Importación de texto)
> - Select the language for import (personalizado) : Portugués
> - Inside section "campos", select type of column : Data (DMA), as
> tipical for galician or portuguese vs. english (AMD)
> - Accept
> The result is
> 19/04/13
> 21/04/13
> 20/05/13
> 06/06/13
> ...
> because the default format for data in my case is «31/12/99 (= D/MM/YY)»
> After, if you want change this format, is simple, you must go to
> Format→Cells and in the tab «Númbers» you can choose what you want:
> i.e. D "de"  "de" , etc.
> Calc can change correctly between formats because the source data went
> correctly recognized.

Look this serie

1 Jan, 2012
2 Feb, 2012
3 Mar, 2012
4 Abr, 2012
5 May, 2012
6 Jun, 2012
7 Jul, 2012

seen in Calc


Calc transforms it correctly, even when there are some errors (Feb→Fev; May→Mai)
but, ... these "errors" matchs with english forms...

Reverse ? No, of course. Look

Serie for english with "errors" in portuguese

1 Jan, 2012
2 Feb, 2012
3 Mar, 2012
4 Abr, 2012
5 Mai, 2012
6 Jun, 2012
7 Jul, 2012


4 Abr, 2012
5 Mai, 2012

This is the probe. Calc refuse admit in english "Abr" or "Mai" but
accepts "Feb" or "May" in portuguese.

What do you think about?

The case for galician is worst, because there are more different
nomenclature for months (Xan/Jan, Abr/Apr, Mai/May, Xuñ/Jun, Xul/Jul,
Ago/Aug, Set/Sep, Out/Oct)

>> 2013/5/7 Anton Meixome 
>>> I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
>>> If I have a list of data in a text file items as
>>> 19 Abr, 2013
>>> 21 Abr, 2013
>>> 20 Mai, 2013
>>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>>> 8 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 22 Set, 2013
>>> 1 Xan, 2014
>>> 23 Xan, 2014
>>> 27 Xan, 2014
>>> 31 Xan, 2014
>>> 14 Feb, 2014
>>> 15 Mar, 2014
>>> 11 Mai, 2014
>>> and I paste it on Calc, this results
>>> 19 Abr, 2013
>>> 21 Abr, 2013
>>> 20 Mai, 2013
>>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>>> 8 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 26 Ago, 2013
>>> 22 Set, 2013
>>> 1 Xan, 2014
>>> 23 Xan, 2014
>>> 27 Xan, 2014
>>> 31 Xan, 2014
>>> 14/02/14
>>> 15/03/14
>>> 11 Mai, 2014
>>> Obviously is incorrect. If somebody compares with month names in english
>>> 19 Apr, 2013
>>> 21 Apr, 2013
>>> 20 May, 2013
>>> 6 Jun, 2013
>>> 8 Aug, 2013
>>> 26 Aug, 2013
>>> 26 Aug, 2013
>>> 26 Aug, 2013
>>> 22 Sep, 2013
>>> 1 Jan, 2014
>>> 23 Jan, 2014
>>> 27 Jan, 2014
>>> 31 Jan, 2014
>>> 14 Feb, 2014
>>> 15 Mar, 2014
>>> 11 May, 2014
>>> Results correctly
>>> 19/04/13
>>> 21/04/13
>>> 20/05/13
>>> 06/06/13
>>> 08/08/13
>>> 26/08/13
>>> 26/08/13
>>> 26/08/13
>>> 22/09/13
>>> 01/01/14
>>> 23/01/14
>>> 27/01/14
>>> 31/01/14
>>> 14/02/14
>>> 15/03/14
>>> 11/05/14
>>> I have perfoms various test with spanish, portuguese, diferents
>>> formats (with dot, uppercase...)
>>> This problem is no related with auto fill cells in galician. In fact
>>> if I introduce
>>> xan
>>> feb
>>> and extend the autofill lists in the sheet (Tools→Options→LibreOffice
>>> Calc→ Sort lists) resu

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Paste column with data format (DMY) fails

2013-05-08 Thread Anton Meixome
Thanks Sérgio and Sophie.

The bug is not depending OS nor recent version.

I have fill a bug.

2013/5/8 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi Anton,
> On 07/05/2013 21:57, Anton Meixome wrote:
>> I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
>> If I have a list of data in a text file items as
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Xan, 2014
>> 23 Xan, 2014
>> 27 Xan, 2014
>> 31 Xan, 2014
>> 14 Feb, 2014
>> 15 Mar, 2014
>> 11 Mai, 2014
>> and I paste it on Calc, this results
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 2013
>> 20 Mai, 2013
>> 6 Xuñ, 2013
>> 8 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 26 Ago, 2013
>> 22 Set, 2013
>> 1 Xan, 2014
>> 23 Xan, 2014
>> 27 Xan, 2014
>> 31 Xan, 2014
>> 14/02/14
>> 15/03/14
>> 11 Mai, 2014
>> Obviously is incorrect. If somebody compares with month names in english
> I can reproduce your bug using Galician in the import dialog, I got the
> same result. I'm under debian using LO 4.0.3. To fill your issue, you
> can use the BSA (Bug Submission Assistant). I've also quickly chech
> under Bugzilla and your bug doesn't seem to exist.
> The BSA is reachabl from here :
> the form will guide you to give all the necessary details, but you did
> it already well in your message. Just don't forget to indicate your
> system and your LibreOffice version.
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Bugs to fix in translations

2013-08-20 Thread Anton Meixome
thanx Andras for this check, galician arranged.

It's a bit strange because I remember I have fix it long time ago
(talking about translation for «title / heading» names)

2013/8/19 Andras Timar :
> I uploaded 4.0 report, too:
> Affected locales are:
> am ast be bn bn-IN bo br brx bs cy de dgo dz el es fa fr gl he hi hr
> id it ka kk kok ks ku lo mai mk ml mn mni mr my nb ne nl nn nr nso oc
> om or pa-IN pl pt ro rw sa-IN sat sd sq ss st sv ta tg tn tr ts ug uz
> ve xh zu
> Cheers,
> Andras
> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] L10n of Florian's Windows installer

2013-08-27 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/8/27 Sophie :
> Hi all,
> Florian Reisinger has developed a Windows installer which performs a
> parallel installation of LibreOffice on Windows without using the command
> line. This is really useful for Windows testers or even for those who use
> several versions.
> You can find more information here :
> There is currently some localizations for the installer : da - es - fr - he
> - nl - pt - sl. There is a hundred of strings, some very short.
> If you're interested to add your language, please send a mail here or on the
> qa@ list (in copy of this mail). Thanks!

I'm interested for galician.

> Cheers
> Sophie
> --
> Sophie Gautier 
> Tel:+33683901545
> Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
> The Document Foundation
> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] L10n of Florian's Windows installer

2013-08-28 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/8/27 Sophie :
> Hi Florian, all,
> So Florian, could you add Galician, Italian and Lao to the Gdrive document
> and share it with Anton, Tommy and Anousak?
> @All: you need a gmail account for Florian to share the spreadsheet with you
> (and send this address to Florian), but if this is a problem, just let us
> know and we will send the spreadsheet directly.


My mail   supports Gdrive funcionality. I can see
the spreadsheet but I have no rights for edit, at this time.

@Florian, can you share with me on this account?



> And thanks a lot to all!
> Cheers
> Sophie
> Le 27/08/2013 14:28, Anton Meixome a écrit :
>> 2013/8/27 Sophie :
>>> Hi all,
>>> Florian Reisinger has developed a Windows installer which performs a
>>> parallel installation of LibreOffice on Windows without using the command
>>> line. This is really useful for Windows testers or even for those who use
>>> several versions.
>>> You can find more information here :
>>> There is currently some localizations for the installer : da - es - fr -
>>> he
>>> - nl - pt - sl. There is a hundred of strings, some very short.
>>> If you're interested to add your language, please send a mail here or on
>>> the
>>> qa@ list (in copy of this mail). Thanks!
>> I'm interested for galician.
>>> Cheers
>>> Sophie
>>> --
>>> Sophie Gautier 
>>> Tel:+33683901545
>>> Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
>>> The Document Foundation
>>> --
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> --
> Sophie Gautier 
> Tel:+33683901545
> Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
> The Document Foundation
> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [IMPORTANT] please fix translation bugs by 4.1.2 rc1

2013-08-29 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/8/28 Olivier Hallot :
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Andras
> I am a bit surprised to see
> ERROR: Style name translations must be unique in:
> /home/timar/libreoffice-master/translations/source/pt-BR/sw/source/ui/utlui.po
> Language: pt-BR
> Duplicated translation is: Título
> Because it was fixed in LO 3.4, and I have it well transtaled as "Título
> principal" in LO 4.1.0 .
> Now I can't find "Titulo principal" in LO 4.1 anymore, and thus it
> confirms the error.
> Anyway, I fixed it as in pt-PT and it will become "Título do documento".
> Regards
> Olivier

This is also a confirmation to me. I saw the same problem in
galician... how it was possible?

> Em 28-08-2013 07:40, Andras Timar escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> Translation deadline for LibreOffice 4.1.2 rc1 is 2013-09-01. I
>> downloaded translations from Pootle today and ran pocheck on them. The
>> result is here:
>> Could you please fix bugs by 2013-09-01? Failing to do so will require
>> me to do that, that means I'll have to delete faulty translations
>> (that you may reintroduce later) so really, it is not ideal. Please
>> understand the importance of these bugs, they cause runtime issues. I
>> know that many of these bugs have been there for ages, but now we have
>> a tool to find them, so it is a good time to fix them.
>> Here is the list of affected locales:
>> am as bn-IN bo brx bs cy dgo dz el fa gu he hi id it ka km kn ko kok
>> ks ku lt mai mk ml mn mni mr my ne nl nn nr nso oc om or pa-IN pl
>> pt-BR ro rw sa-IN sat sd si sid sk sl sq ss st sw-TZ ta te tg tn ts ug
>> uk uz vi xh zu
>> Thanks,
>> Andras
> - --
> Olivier Hallot
> Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation
> The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
> Fundação responsável civilmente, de acordo com o direito civil
> Detalhes Legais:
> LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
> +55-21-8822-8812
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -
> 25f5HnEqrD830EYay/DdA8i1lBuFZ3RsLJk4Hp13kbHTzBJ6oqv5q55E7Ij8inj7
> XYAgIhRhgICojFjhkcdNGUFbVxUlQEu/cAkUcc3PschUqLq1JxcaKwjGZeJAzZuz
> NuQv5drLXr3HAHadHhN7naDZMWQdfV1lhzXZ7wzdqh+f03EatG8uA/96xBATTPoC
> GX36a3j5UIDoHcA5NT2szQ+aSzCHdHjjFhTUniXepdKFsjkOndkLvL0ozs5GU02F
> T4IJhMkxwXHGWj7N77jWop0cFD9gechrxV2DlWUT3PbYBWniRD39W3oXU/NyAZo=
> =09r6
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of Impress Remote mobile app

2013-11-18 Thread Anton Meixome

Can you setup galician too?

You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in galician, since years)

My hope ... I'm talking f-droid repository

2013/11/18 Andras Timar :
> Strings have changed so much, that you cannot transfer more than 1-2
> words anyway. And total wordcount is 259.
> Best regards,
> Andras
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Mihovil Stanic
>  wrote:
>> I expected that much, but how do we transfer translation from old folder to
>> new?
>> It's 100% translated in LO 4.1.
>> Best regards,
>> Mihovil
>> Dana 17.11.2013 17:22, Andras Timar je napisao:
>>> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov
>>>  wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Mihovil Stanic
> What's the difference between "libo_ui / android" folder and "android"
> project?
> Isn't that same app?

 Good day,
 As I understand, the android folder will be moved out of libo_ui project.
>>> android folder in libo_ui is from libreoffice-4-1 branch. Next version
>>> of the app will be released from master branch. When we will translate
>>> LIbreOffice 4.2 UI, it will not contain android folder.
>> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of Impress Remote mobile app

2013-11-18 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/11/18 Joan Montané :
> Hi all,
> 2013/11/18 Anton Meixome 
>> Andras,
>> Can you setup galician too?
>> You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
>> with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
>> it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in galician, since years)
>> My hope ... I'm talking f-droid repository
> Android is a litle nightmare about locales supporting, and force tying
> app's locale to OS locale is not the optimal solution, because user only
> can select locales based on a list defined by device manufacturer. That's
> is, same Android release (4.2) can show different locales based on
> manufacturer (Samsung, LG, Sony...), or a locale currently supported wasn't
> supported in older Android releases.
> For sample. Catalan locale (ca-ES) is supported by Android upstream
> project, but it's removed by some manufacturers and was'nt supported in
> Android 2.x and 3.x releases, :((
> IMHO, the best approach is add a drop-box select menu in "Impress remote
> control" settings to allow customization of app's language menu. With this
> option enabled we have two benefits:
> 1st.- "Impress Remote" language is not tied to Android language.
> 2nd.- Unsupported Android locales (or removed by manufacturer) can be
> supported by "Impress Remote". Currently, only languages with 2 letters are
> supported by resource packaging system. See [2].
> Yours,
> Joan Montané
> [1]
> [2]
> --
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In galician you can find manufactures as Sony and cable carriers like
-R- that offer galician versións of android, too.

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO & AOO

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Old TM removed from Pootle

2014-11-05 Thread Anton Meixome
Remove the old TM from


2014-11-05 11:04 GMT+01:00 Christian Kühl :
> Hi Sophie!
> Am 05.11.2014 um 10:17 schrieb Sophie:
>> So for those who would like to see their old TM removed from Pootle,
>> please answer this message with your language code in it :) Thanks!
> German (de) is up to date with translation so there is no need to keep
> old translation in Pootle for 4.1 and 4.2 any longer.
> Regards,
> Christian.
> --
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Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
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