[libreoffice-l10n] New branches and translation across components

2019-12-12 Thread sophi
Hi all,

Christian has created the 6.4 project in Weblate, therefore master is
now the next 6.5.

He has migrated 6.3 project. (Do not forget to managed your watched
project if you want to have them in your Dashboard).

He has also activated translation across project. It is based on a hash
that Weblate creates based on context and the source string. He limited
the translation to match components of the same name.
In short that means that strings that have the same context will be
translated for all branches at once.

Then he sets priorities for the components (Weblate will decide from
that what end's up in "suggested translations") as follow:
- Help Master: lowest priority
- Help Release branch: low priority
- UI Master: low priority
- UI Release branch: high priority.

Oh and maybe I didn't say: we are running Weblate 3.9.1 now

As usual, feedback and advices are welcome :)
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Glossary in Weblate

2019-12-12 Thread Stanislav Horáček


Dne 09. 12. 19 v 15:52 sophi napsal(a):

Hi Stanislas,

Le 07/12/2019 à 20:35, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :


is it possible to use the glossary in Weblate? I have only access to
the "Browse", "Export glossary" and "History" commands, whereas I
don't see "Add new word" and "Import Glossary" [1].
This feature was available in Pootle (the project "Terminology" was
used for that) and it helps a lot to maintain translation consistency.
It would be nice to upload the terminologies from Pootle to Weblate
automatically, but, of course it would be enough if we can do it

This is now solved, you should be able to add your glossary to Weblate
and edit/modify it.

thanks! The glossary is really available and working.
Some of my thoughts about it:
- glossary is related to particular project, it would be good to have 
one common (requested here [1]),
- match of terms is done by single words, not whole phrases in glossary 
(requested here [2]),
- comments from submitted PO file are removed and not used in glossary, 
even if they would be useful to describe context of different translations.

And I really appreciate the new hardware - the problems with performance 
are now away!

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/1158
[2] https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/2183

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Glossary in Weblate

2019-12-12 Thread sophi
Hi Stanislav,

Le 12/12/2019 à 10:43, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
> Hi,
> Dne 09. 12. 19 v 15:52 sophi napsal(a):
>> Hi Stanislas,
>> Le 07/12/2019 à 20:35, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> is it possible to use the glossary in Weblate? I have only access to
>>> the "Browse", "Export glossary" and "History" commands, whereas I
>>> don't see "Add new word" and "Import Glossary" [1].
>>> This feature was available in Pootle (the project "Terminology" was
>>> used for that) and it helps a lot to maintain translation consistency.
>>> It would be nice to upload the terminologies from Pootle to Weblate
>>> automatically, but, of course it would be enough if we can do it
>>> manually.
>> This is now solved, you should be able to add your glossary to Weblate
>> and edit/modify it.
>> Cheers
>> Sophie
> thanks! The glossary is really available and working.
> Some of my thoughts about it:
> - glossary is related to particular project, it would be good to have
> one common (requested here [1]),

Yes, it's really needed to keep the consistency of the glossary. Also to
benefit from the new strings translated in UI to use in the help files.

> - match of terms is done by single words, not whole phrases in glossary
> (requested here [2]),
> - comments from submitted PO file are removed and not used in glossary,
> even if they would be useful to describe context of different translations.

agreed also, I'll add the request to Weblate.
> And I really appreciate the new hardware - the problems with performance
> are now away!

Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Localization of the Online Android app

2019-12-12 Thread Andras Timar
Hi Cloph,

As we discussed on IRC, the Android app is now based the Online code, and
it lives in the online.git repo. You said that Weblate can handle
strings.xml directly which is great. There are two strings.xml to be


We have pushed a few translations directly already (es, pt-BR, and
pre-existing tr).


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[libreoffice-l10n] A common policy regarding weblate bugs/improvements

2019-12-12 Thread Milos Sramek

with the new hardware Weblate started to be pretty usable. Great! I've
spent some time with it and now and I can see some possibilities for

Do we have a policy how to file issues to Weblate? Just as individuals?
Or, do we as LO have some kind of "special relationship" with Weblate
which would make issues filed in the name of LO "heavier"?



email & jabber: sramek.mi...@gmail.com

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[libreoffice-l10n] After download on localized LO site English donate page opens

2019-12-12 Thread Martin Srebotnjak

where can I report the bug that after downloading from
sl.libreoffice.org/prenosi English donate page opens (instead of Slovenian,
localized one)?

Also, is there a page or a code snippet in 6.4 codebase where all links in
the localized LO of the infobar can be checked? Using Slovenian LO64b1 I
think there are some new or existing infobar messages linked to English
webpages instead of localized ones, so for l10n teams it would be great to
have a link where all these links could be checked.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] After download on localized LO site English donate page opens

2019-12-12 Thread Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
> where can I report the bug that after downloading from
> sl.libreoffice.org/prenosi English donate page opens (instead of Slovenian,

The website mailing list or redmine.documentfoundation.org

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[libreoffice-l10n] Dashboard link leads to project page for all languages instead to components page for language to be translated into

2019-12-12 Thread Michael Wolf


it seems that Weblate has been upgraded to 3.9.1 within the last hour. 
Since then the Dashboard link leads to the project page for all 
languages rather than to the components page for the language to be 
translated into. What a nonsense! I had to check more than one hundred 
components if there are untranslated strings. Until one hour ago the 
dashboard link still led to the component page for my languages Upper 
Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. Please undo this change.

Finally still a request: It would be fine if you upgrade to at least 
3.9.2. AFAIK it includes a feature that is very important for me: It is 
possible then to copy strings of assistant languages to a translation 
string. I translate into two languages and use the other language as 
assistant language Because both languages are similar to each other, I 
can often copy the translated string of the other language.

Thanks and kind regards,


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Dashboard link leads to project page for all languages instead to components page for language to be translated into

2019-12-12 Thread sophi
Le 12/12/2019 à 19:50, Michael Wolf a écrit :
> Hi,
> it seems that Weblate has been upgraded to 3.9.1 within the last hour.
Yes, see my last mail about that and other news :)

> Since then the Dashboard link leads to the project page for all
> languages rather than to the components page for the language to be
> translated into. What a nonsense! I had to check more than one hundred
> components if there are untranslated strings. Until one hour ago the
> dashboard link still led to the component page for my languages Upper
> Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. Please undo this change.

Well, in the dashboard clicking on components leads me to components, so
can you tell me how to avoid that non sense and display components directly?
> Finally still a request: It would be fine if you upgrade to at least
> 3.9.2. AFAIK it includes a feature that is very important for me: It is
> possible then to copy strings of assistant languages to a translation
> string. I translate into two languages and use the other language as
> assistant language Because both languages are similar to each other, I
> can often copy the translated string of the other language.

I can't find the release notes for this version, could you point me to
them. No doubt about the feature that is important for you, I would just
like to check the overall picture :)

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Dashboard link leads to project page for all languages instead to components page for language to be translated into

2019-12-12 Thread Christian Lohmaier
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 7:48 PM Michael Wolf  wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems that Weblate has been upgraded to 3.9.1 within the last hour.

Update to 3.9.1 already happened on Tuesday.

> Since then the Dashboard link leads to the project page for all
> languages rather than to the components page for the language to be
> translated into.

What the dashboard link displays by default depends on your settings.
If you claim you're interested in all languages, you get all languages.

> What a nonsense! I had to check more than one hundred
> components if there are untranslated strings.

You can also tell weblate to not show already translated components by default.

> Until one hour ago the
> dashboard link still led to the component page for my languages Upper
> Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. Please undo this change.

No, what you think you experienced surely is not the case. As said:
3.9.1 is active since Tuesday, not just since a few hours.

> Finally still a request: It would be fine if you upgrade to at least
> 3.9.2.

No such release nor tag yet.


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