
Dne 09. 12. 19 v 15:52 sophi napsal(a):
Hi Stanislas,

Le 07/12/2019 à 20:35, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :

is it possible to use the glossary in Weblate? I have only access to
the "Browse", "Export glossary" and "History" commands, whereas I
don't see "Add new word" and "Import Glossary" [1].
This feature was available in Pootle (the project "Terminology" was
used for that) and it helps a lot to maintain translation consistency.
It would be nice to upload the terminologies from Pootle to Weblate
automatically, but, of course it would be enough if we can do it

This is now solved, you should be able to add your glossary to Weblate
and edit/modify it.

thanks! The glossary is really available and working.
Some of my thoughts about it:
- glossary is related to particular project, it would be good to have one common (requested here [1]), - match of terms is done by single words, not whole phrases in glossary (requested here [2]), - comments from submitted PO file are removed and not used in glossary, even if they would be useful to describe context of different translations.

And I really appreciate the new hardware - the problems with performance are now away!

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/1158
[2] https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/2183

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