Re: [libreoffice-l10n]

2015-06-09 Thread Maniacco, Diego
This should mean that, for every language and context (example: the menues), 
the accelerators group must be first decided, remembering that for each context 
no duplicate must be present.


| Diego Maniacco (Südtiroler Informatik AG - Informatica Alto Adige SpA)
| Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige
| Tel +39 0471 566 159

On 09/06/15 07:53, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:

It is an accelerator, just as tilde, it is used in some dialogs

Lp, m.
9. jun. 2015 07:39 je oseba "Veneto ABC" 

I need a little help, please: what does the symbol "_" added in some words
to be translated?
Thankyou for your answers.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n]

2015-06-09 Thread
In your case, you can probably cheat and closely follow what Italian has picked
asaccelerators/hotkeys, they probably had the manpower to check them all.

> On 09 June 2015 at 09:22 "Maniacco, Diego" 
> wrote:
> This should mean that, for every language and context (example: the menues),
> the accelerators group must be first decided, remembering that for each
> context no duplicate must be present.
> diego
> --
> +---
> | Diego Maniacco (Südtiroler Informatik AG - Informatica Alto Adige SpA)
> | Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto
> Adige
> | Tel +39 0471 566 159
> +---
> On 09/06/15 07:53, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> It is an accelerator, just as tilde, it is used in some dialogs
> Lp, m.
> 9. jun. 2015 07:39 je oseba "Veneto ABC"
>  napisala:
> Hi,
> I need a little help, please: what does the symbol "_" added in some words
> to be translated?
> Thankyou for your answers.
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n]

2015-06-09 Thread Valter Mura

Il 09/06/2015 10:22, Maniacco, Diego ha scritto:

This should mean that, for every language and context (example: the menues), 
the accelerators group must be first decided, remembering that for each context 
no duplicate must be present.


AFAIK, where no accelerator present, it is automatically assigned by the 
build software.

On 09/06/15 07:53, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:

It is an accelerator, just as tilde, it is used in some dialogs

Lp, m.
9. jun. 2015 07:39 je oseba "Veneto ABC" 

I need a little help, please: what does the symbol "_" added in some words
to be translated?
Thankyou for your answers.

Open Source is better!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Localization Sprint Help

2015-06-09 Thread Ani Peter

Hi Eris,

Nice to hear about your interest in organizing a localization sprint. 
Localization sprints help to get people involved and contribute the 
whole dedicated time at the sprint for translating. This involves more 
of discussions and interactions within the community, effective & 
productive and quality translations helping to increase the translation 
percentage too.

Am sorry I could not understand the website and the language. I am from 
India and have listed down how we do things here. Hope this could be of 
some help to you.

In India, we organize such L10n sprints both online & through physical 
meetups. You need to decide first how the task is to be divided - Maybe 
each person take one module/folder depending on the size or maybe you 
can assign one file to each, whichever works for you guys!! To start 
with you can have online sprints.

Requirements for online sprints :

1. Discuss with your community members and fix a date and time in such a 
way that you get more participation. (Maybe it can be one or two days 
event too depending on your time)

2. Decide an IRC channel to conduct this online sprint.
3. Inform the community well in advance and make sure you communicate to 
all through mailing lists, social media etc
4. Get all the participants on this IRC channel on the date and at the 
time decided.
5. Take a roll call, get each others names, then give all an 
introduction on how things work in your community and about the 
Libreoffice translation project (If there are any new members this is 
6. Start working on the files/folders decided. You can discuss on IRC 
whenever people have doubts on certain strings or phrases or word 
meanings and get going.
7. Please note it would be good to note down the translation start 
status so that you can measure the amount of work completed and how much 
you have achieved end of the day/sprint.

Requirement for physical meetups :

1. Decide on a venue with good internet connection where you can 
accommodate all the participants (All participants must bring their 
laptops else if the venue is any school or college lab, ensure you have 
enough number of systems with all the translation requirements)

2. Fix a date and time (Could be one or two day event)
3. If you have new members, give a small session on how translation 
projects work in your community, about the guidelines and style guides 
you use for translations. As per requirement you can decide on the 
amount of time to be spend for this session.

4. Get going with the translations as mentioned above.

Hope you have got an idea about how we work during such sprints here. 
Let me know if this was of any help or if you have any questions, would 
be more than happy to help.

All the best.

Best regards
Ani Peter
Libreoffice - Malayalam (ml) Community

On 06/09/2015 12:12 PM, Sophie wrote:

Hi Eris,
Le 09/06/2015 08:23, Europian man a écrit :

Hi everybody

I am Eris Hoxha and i want to make a localization sprint for the Albanian
language, as far as it needs translating. I would like some tips,
suggestions or ideas for the event as far as i have no previous experience
on that.

Albanian team is using an alternative site to manage their translation,
you may want to reach them here:
As for the sprint, maybe other will have ideas, I've never done that.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Issues in l10N process / Master

2015-06-09 Thread Olivier Hallot
Sorry to insist... but some changed strings were not in Pootle for 5.0.

On 22/05/2015 15:47, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> I have translated all the UI for Master (pt-Br).
> I also changed many unique ellipsis buttons (...) with some more
> meaningfull strings, as in
> One example is replacing "..." by "Similarities..." in the Find &
> Replace dialog for writer, here
> These changes where not ported to Pootle Master, and I have not seen
> them for translation. They are marked translatable, though.
> Incidentally I suspect this also resurfaces bug
> which I suspect has the same root.

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n]

2015-06-09 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I really like that idea.

It is in the ethos of Open Source and maybe gets a "good enough" result

If similar languages grouped together in that way then individual languages
could always re-adjust later if they really needed to.  As a non-translator
and lurker it is the sort of problem i would never have thought about but
that could easily prove to be a total nightmare.  I wonder if Microsoft
have sorted it out in any relevant language (i'm guessing they don't do
Celtic Scottish but maybe for Italian and other such "Romance"(? is that
even a group?) languages) and if so whether it is easy to find a full
listing of what they choose - and if they have whether it is relevant to
try to use their listings.  So many "if"s!  Any one of which would be a
"blocker".  So, i think the idea of using some other Open Source team's
list or ideas is bound to be MUCH better.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 9 June 2015 at 09:30,  wrote:

> In your case, you can probably cheat and closely follow what Italian has
> picked
> asaccelerators/hotkeys, they probably had the manpower to check them all.
> Michael
> > On 09 June 2015 at 09:22 "Maniacco, Diego"  >
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > This should mean that, for every language and context (example: the
> menues),
> > the accelerators group must be first decided, remembering that for each
> > context no duplicate must be present.
> >
> > diego
> >
> > --
> >
> +---
> > | Diego Maniacco (Südtiroler Informatik AG - Informatica Alto Adige SpA)
> > | Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano -
> Alto
> > Adige
> > | Tel +39 0471 566 159
> >
> +---
> >
> > On 09/06/15 07:53, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> >
> > It is an accelerator, just as tilde, it is used in some dialogs
> >
> > Lp, m.
> > 9. jun. 2015 07:39 je oseba "Veneto ABC"
> >  napisala:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I need a little help, please: what does the symbol "_" added in some
> words
> > to be translated?
> > Thankyou for your answers.
> >
> > --
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> > All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> > deleted
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe e-mail to:
> > Problems?
> >
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> > All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted
> --
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> Problems?
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[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle Guarani

2015-06-09 Thread Giovanni Caligaris


I just logged in to the new Pootle server and I noticed that there is 
two different Guarani's for LO 4.4 UI (Guarani Paraguayan - Gug) and LO 
Master UI (Guarani Old - Gn). I was wondering which one should I 
continue working on? Which one is the one that will be released for the 
5.0 version?

New Pootle looks great



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