[libreoffice-l10n] Two new strings for 4.4 UI

2015-05-26 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
opinion on it?
She explained:
it was rather unfortunate that a feature (a new field in
Impress) has been implemented for 4.4 but no one really took care that
ODF export and import gets implemented too. What's worse, the feature
has been advertised in 4.4 release notes, while it was of very little
use to the users when they couldn't save and load a document containing
the new field.
Strings and where they appear:
Text [ en-US ] = " (for Impress)


Text [ en-US ] = "" (for Draw)

They're used:
1) as placeholders in ODF export and get substituted by real slide/page
name immediately after ODF import so the user normally doesn't see them,
unless they look into unzipped ODF file
2) in master page view in Impress (menu View -> Master -> Slide master,
and inserting the field therein)

But given the above - 99% of users will never see the (untranslated)
strings, it is no issue to not mark them for translation really ... just
let me know what l10n folks prefer, so we can merge the patch.

Let me know if you agree to merge the strings or if you don't mind about
those strings not marked for translation in 4.4.

Thanks in advance
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Two new strings for 4.4 UI

2015-05-26 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi Sophie,

Sophie wrote on 26-05-15 10:59:

> Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
> opinion on it?
> [...]
> Let me know if you agree to merge the strings 

+1 for merging

> or if you don't mind about those strings not marked for translation in 4.4.

Cor Nouws
GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
- vrijwilliger http://nl.libreoffice.org
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Two new strings for 4.4 UI

2015-05-26 Thread Olivier Hallot
+1, Always.

On 26/05/2015 05:59, Sophie wrote:
> Hi all,
> Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
> opinion on it?
> She explained:
> -
> it was rather unfortunate that a feature (a new field in
> Impress) has been implemented for 4.4 but no one really took care that
> ODF export and import gets implemented too. What's worse, the feature
> has been advertised in 4.4 release notes, while it was of very little
> use to the users when they couldn't save and load a document containing
> the new field.
> -
> Strings and where they appear:
> -
> Text [ en-US ] = " (for Impress)
> and
> Text [ en-US ] = "" (for Draw)
> They're used:
> 1) as placeholders in ODF export and get substituted by real slide/page
> name immediately after ODF import so the user normally doesn't see them,
> unless they look into unzipped ODF file
> 2) in master page view in Impress (menu View -> Master -> Slide master,
> and inserting the field therein)
> But given the above - 99% of users will never see the (untranslated)
> strings, it is no issue to not mark them for translation really ... just
> let me know what l10n folks prefer, so we can merge the patch.
> -
> Let me know if you agree to merge the strings or if you don't mind about
> those strings not marked for translation in 4.4.
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
> Sophie

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibO 5.0: Additional languages for formatting

2015-05-26 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *;

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Kismabo adwa  wrote:
> Hi everybody,  i want u to help me how to  build libreoffice. I have
> being directed by  this
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux  on
> how to build libreoffice I have installed git. then when i try to
> clone with "git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core
> libreoffice ", i  get the following error.
> '
> '
> Cloning into 'libreoffice'...
> fatal: unable to connect to anongit.freedesktop.org:
> anongit.freedesktop.org: Name or service not known

That's a DNS resolving issue and very likely temporary

> how should i solve this?

Try again/check your dns-server configuration

> is it possible to download the source code and copy to /.git directory
> instead of running "git clone
> git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core libreoffice " command?


> i tried it  as following,
> i downloaded source code of libreoffice

The source code tarballs don't contain the repository data. You can
find git bundles in the script above if you prefer to do it manually.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Two new strings for 4.4 UI

2015-05-26 Thread Valter Mura

Il 26/05/2015 11:53, Cor Nouws ha scritto:

Hi Sophie,

Sophie wrote on 26-05-15 10:59:

Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
opinion on it?
Let me know if you agree to merge the strings

+1 for merging

same for me, +1 for merging.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Testing the new Pootle version

2015-05-26 Thread Valter Mura

Il 19/05/2015 09:17, Sophie ha scritto:

Hi all,

The new version of Pootle is now running on a test instance and need to
be fully tested, and for that we need your help :)
If you wish to participate to this testing phase, please send me an
e-mail and I'll give you the link and the list of what we know is not
working yet. Dwayne is currently fixing the few remaining bugs that we
found but we surely have missed some.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help

Hi Sophie,

same pwd as the other?

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Testing the new Pootle version

2015-05-26 Thread அருண் குமார் - Arun Kumar
Hi Valter,

Hi Sophie,
> same pwd as the other?


Thanks & Regards

நுட்பம் நம்மொழியில் தழைக்கச் செய்வோம்

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