+1, Always.

On 26/05/2015 05:59, Sophie wrote:
> Hi all,
> Bubli asked about two strings that could be added to 4.4. What's your
> opinion on it?
> She explained:
> -----------------
> it was rather unfortunate that a feature (a new field in
> Impress) has been implemented for 4.4 but no one really took care that
> ODF export and import gets implemented too. What's worse, the feature
> has been advertised in 4.4 release notes, while it was of very little
> use to the users when they couldn't save and load a document containing
> the new field.
> -----------------
> Strings and where they appear:
> -----------------
> Text [ en-US ] = "<slide-name> (for Impress)
> and
> Text [ en-US ] = "<page-name>" (for Draw)
> They're used:
> 1) as placeholders in ODF export and get substituted by real slide/page
> name immediately after ODF import so the user normally doesn't see them,
> unless they look into unzipped ODF file
> 2) in master page view in Impress (menu View -> Master -> Slide master,
> and inserting the field therein)
> But given the above - 99% of users will never see the (untranslated)
> strings, it is no issue to not mark them for translation really ... just
> let me know what l10n folks prefer, so we can merge the patch.
> -----------------
> Let me know if you agree to merge the strings or if you don't mind about
> those strings not marked for translation in 4.4.
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
> Sophie

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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