Re: Not able to delete mails in 2.4.6

2011-11-24 Thread Bron Gondwana

On Thursday, November 24, 2011 1:05 PM, "Ram"  wrote:
> Hello
> I had upgraded my imap server to 2.4.6

That's not an upgrade ;)  Seriously, 2.4.6 has known bugs.

> Some users keep complaining that delete is not working.
> Even If I use raw Imap commands and delete the message .. the delete 
> flag is not being set
> As a fix , If I remove cyrus.* from all the folders in the users 
> directory and reconstruct then the problem gets solved
> But why does this happen ? How can I debug ?

God that's an awful way to "fix" problems.

> I have noticed that these users have a line "NonJunk" in the 
> cyrus.header file  , Is that any indication of anything ?

That's just a flag.


  Bron Gondwana

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Re: Huge load after update from 2.3.16 to 2.4.12

2011-11-24 Thread Eric Luyten
On Wed, November 23, 2011 10:40 pm, wrote:
> [...]
>> When performing an upgrade from earlier than 2.4.3, all messages are
>> reparsed, and your cache files are re-generated, when a mailbox is first
>> opened. You may be able to increase you syslogging levels to get a better
>> view into what's going on:
> [...]
> Thanx,
> four weeks ago I made a dump and tried a new installation on a test machine,
> but I had no problems.


You probably tested the system's integrity and functionality, and all appeared
fine. What you probably did not generate was the equivalent of a realistic
production load (POP + IMAP + LMTP).
We found ourselves in a similar situation two years ago (with eternal thanks
to Simon Matter who helped us *enormously* with a suggestion written on this
mailing list).

Eric Luyten (now running 2.3 for +70k users with 50M messages, wondering
 what server and I/O load we will observe when upgrading to 2.4)

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Strange cyrus quota problem

2011-11-24 Thread Thomas Kirchtag
I am rather new to cyrus imap. We took over a client who uses it and has a
strange quota problem. One single user keeps getting "Over quota" alerts
although cyrus (as well as the client show very small quota usage (24%...)

The cyrus log file shows sending the alert, a few lines below it shows the
correct quota:

  1 --  Thu Nov 24 10:33:21 2011
  3 >1322127201>3 OK User logged in^M
  4 <1322127201<4 namespace^M
  5 >1322127201>* NAMESPACE (("INBOX." ".")) (("user." ".")) ((""
  6 4 OK Completed^M
  7 <1322127201<5 ID ("name" "Thunderbird" "version" "8.0")^M
  8 >1322127201>* ID ("name" "Cyrus IMAPD" "version" "v2.2.12 2005/02/14
16:43:51" "vendor" "Project Cyrus" "support-url" "
/cyrus" "os" "Linux" "os-version" "2.6.13-15.16-smp" "environment" "Built
w/Cyrus SASL 2.1.21; Running w/Cyrus SASL 2.1.21; Built w/Sleepycat
Software: Berkeley DB 4.3.27: (September  9, 2005); Running w/Sleepycat
Software: Berkeley DB 4.3.27: (September  9, 2005); Built w/OpenSSL
0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005; Running w/OpenSSL 0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005; CMU Sieve 2.2;
DRAC; TCP Wrappers; mmap = shared; lock = fcntl; nonblock = fcntl; a
uth = unix; idle = idled")^M
  9 5 OK Completed^M
 10 <1322127201<6 lsub "" "INBOX.*"^M
 11 >1322127201>* LSUB (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX.Archives"^M

181 * LSUB () "." "INBOX.privat"^M
182 8 OK Completed (0.010 secs 85 calls)^M
183 <1322127201<9 list "" "INBOX"^M
184 >1322127201>* LIST (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX"^M
185 9 OK Completed (0.000 secs 85 calls)^M
186 <1322127201<10 select "INBOX"^M
187 >1322127201>* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen
$Forwarded $label1 $MDNSent wartet wartet_auf_entscheidung $label4 zur_info
Junk $label2 erledigt $label3 NonJunk $label5)^M
188 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen
$Forwarded $label1 $MDNSent wartet wartet_auf_entscheidung $label4 zur_info
Junk $label2 erledigt $label3 NonJunk $label5 \*)]  ^M
189 * 77 EXISTS^M
190 * 0 RECENT^M
191 * OK [UNSEEN 77]  ^M
192 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1307090395]  ^M
193 * OK [UIDNEXT 2680]  ^M
194 * NO [ALERT] Mailbox is over quota^M
195 10 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed^M
196 <1322127201<11 myrights "INBOX"^M
197 >1322127201>* MYRIGHTS INBOX lrswipcda^M
198 11 OK Completed^M
199 <1322127201<12 getacl "INBOX"^M
200 >1322127201>* ACL INBOX  lrswipcda^M
201 12 OK Completed^M
202 <1322127201<13 getquotaroot "INBOX"^M
203 >1322127201>* QUOTAROOT INBOX user.^M
204 * QUOTA user. (STORAGE 2441822 1000)^M
205 13 OK Completed^M

I gather from this that the server sends the "over quota" alert (194 *
NO [ALERT] Mailbox is over quota) and a few lines down the server finds that
the user uses 24% of his quota (204 * QUOTA user. (STORAGE
2441822 1000))

I tried setting the quota to several different values increasing, decreasing
it from the 1, even setting it to none but the result is always as
above. I tried running quota -f and restarting cyrus several times without
any result.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions on this.


PS.: I am aware, that the cyrus version in use is old, yet we cannot change
this at the moment.

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Re: rooling replication and many pop3d

2011-11-24 Thread Oberdan Albertoni
On 24/11/2011 02:07, Andy Bennett wrote:
> Hi,
 I enabled replication between two servers with version 2.4.10 cyrus.
 I set the option for the rolling replication, and it works fine but
 obviously I have a high CPU load.
 Unfortunately after 10 minutes of running processes pop3d increasing
 from 50 to over 200, making the server unusable for customers.
 Can you tell me why this increase is abnormal?
>>> Can you use something like 'top' to work out which processes are
>>> consuming most of the CPU time?
> Thanks for the screenshots.
>> This screenshot of top before  :
> This shows a load average of around 1. That means that, at any given
> point in time over the past 1 and 5 minutes, 1 process has been waiting
> in the run queue, ready to go.
> This therefore not an entirely idle machine. I see you're running a
> nameserver and a few other things: it looks they've been busy on the CPU
> but not excessively so.
> What's more worrying is the 4.5% of CPU time spent "waiting". This time
> is accrued when processes are unable to run due to outstanding IO.
>> and after 20 minutes of rooling replication :
> This shows a load average of around 7 and 30% of CPU time spent in
> iowait. This machine does not seem to be managing well with the IO load
> of rolling replication.
>>> Can you use something like 'vmstat 1' to show us how much I/O there is
>>> on the system?
>> This screenshot of top before  :
> This shows a system that is not reading anything from disk (bi). A small
> number of blocks are being written out to disk (bo). Each line
> represents activity for a period of 1 second, as specified by the
> parameter to 'vmstat'.
>> and after 20 minutes of rooling replication :
> This system is writing to disk but it's very choppy. Sometimes it's
> getting 7,000 blocks out per second and other times it's only 1,000.
> Depending on your block size, this probably represents only a few MB per
> second. The last column shows iowait CPU percentage.. and it's rather large.
> What IO subsystem do you have on this machine? What filesystem are you
> using?

I have  4 HDD 500GB S SATA II
with LSI 8704 ELP SAS
filesystem ext3 mounted with noatime, nodiratime

> The IO on this machine appears to be struggling significantly.
> I did a quick test on my laptop. I have a 2.5", 7,200rpm 200GB disk.
> I ran this in my home directory to cause every file to be read from disk:
> -
> $ find -type f | xargs cat>  /dev/null
> -
> 'vmstat 1' gives lines like this:
> -
> procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system--
> cpu
>   r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy
> id wa
>   1  1   1680  30600272 257568800 12376   576 2141 3424  3  6
> 47 43
>   1  1   1680  32396272 257673600 29988 0 1882 3632  5  7
> 47 41
>   0  1   1680  33868272 257666000 46820 0 2304 4443  4  8
> 48 39
>   1  0   1680  33416272 257860000 36716 0 2067 3733  3  7
> 48 42
>   0  1   1680  34000272 258194400 50432 0 1164 2983  3  6
> 50 42
>   0  1   1680  31876272 258532000 4646464 1223 2964  3  8
> 49 40
>   1  1   1680  30288272 258867200 51712 0 1380 3658  3  7
> 46 43
>   0  1   1680  29836272 259055200 59776 0 1288 3549  4  7
> 47 42
>   0  1   1680  30324272 259294800 58368 0 1287 3568  2  7
> 49 41
>   1  1   1680  30308272 259310800 1280018  917 1673  2  2
> 49 46
> -
> They're an order of magnitude greater than what you're seeing. As you
> can see, I drop a few bi when I start to do bo but that's because I've
> only got a single spindle.
> Please can you run the same test?

this my vmstat after I run the command   find -type f | xargs cat > 
/dev/null  :

> Can you track the source of all those writes in img3?

Please can you tell us more about the type of machine you are trying to 
run this on? Thanks for the info and screenshots so far.

Is a :
n. 2 XEON Clov. 2,33 GHz - X5345
With debian 5.0


Oberdan Albertoni


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Re: rooling replication and many pop3d

2011-11-24 Thread Eric Luyten
On Thu, November 24, 2011 11:52 am, Oberdan Albertoni wrote:

> I have  4 HDD 500GB S SATA II
> with LSI 8704 ELP SAS RAID 6
> filesystem ext3 mounted with noatime, nodiratime

RAID 6 over four disks.

FYI, RAID 6 carries the highest 'write penalty' of all RAID levels.

Rearranging your disks is most likely not a short term solution.
(can probably be done in a weekend's downtime but beware,
 restoring a few million small files takes a LOT more time
 than dumping them to another medium, be it disk or tape)

*If* your system has a fifth drive bay, RAID 1+0 and one hot spare
would have given you a much, much faster mail spool of equal size,
at little extra cost.

Eric Luyten.

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Re: rooling replication and many pop3d

2011-11-24 Thread Andy Bennett

>> What IO subsystem do you have on this machine? What filesystem are you
>> using?
> I have  4 HDD 500GB S SATA II
> with LSI 8704 ELP SAS
> RAID 6
> filesystem ext3 mounted with noatime, nodiratime

> this my vmstat after I run the command   find -type f | xargs cat > 
> /dev/null  :

This is a very sad set of numbers. :-( It's still really, really choppy
and the dead spots don't seem to correlate particularly well with bo

Have you got someone who can help you debug your storage array and
ensure that it's not degraded in some way? Is the battery empty? Are
there any disks which are failing? Do all the disks have their write
caches and retry handling set up correctly?

How old is your file system? Have you been running it near capacity
(>70% full) for long periods of time?

You might be able to tell whether you have a file system problem or an
array problem by comparing your previous vmstat with the results
obtained from 'sudo /sbin/haparm -tT /dev/'. For reference,
on my disk I get:

$ sudo /sbin/hdparm -tT /dev/sda

 Timing cached reads:   3272 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1637.05 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  194 MB in  3.02 seconds =  64.18 MB/sec

I'd certainly not expect anything less from your array. I'd hope for at
least 100MB/sec if not a lot more.



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Re: Strange cyrus quota problem

2011-11-24 Thread Julien Coloos
Le 24/11/2011 11:09, Thomas Kirchtag a écrit :
> I am rather new to cyrus imap. We took over a client who uses it and has a
> strange quota problem. One single user keeps getting "Over quota" alerts
> although cyrus (as well as the client show very small quota usage (24%...)
> ...
> I gather from this that the server sends the "over quota" alert (194 *
> NO [ALERT] Mailbox is over quota) and a few lines down the server finds that
> the user uses 24% of his quota (204 * QUOTA user.  (STORAGE
> 2441822 1000))
> I tried setting the quota to several different values increasing, decreasing
> it from the 1, even setting it to none but the result is always as
> above. I tried running quota -f and restarting cyrus several times without
> any result.


The problem with versions older than 2.3 is that quota data are handled 
through 32-bits variables: signed for limit, unsigned for usage.
In your case quota usage is handled correctly (under the 2^32-1 limit), 
but your quota limit being 1000 KiB triggers the quota alert because 
it is compared to the quota usage in bytes: 1000*1024 exceeds the 
capacity of the 32-bit signed variable.

Actually I believe you are experiencing the same thing that we did with 
2.1.x versions some years ago: when overflowing a 32-bit value, the sign 
bit would be flipped (e.g. 2^31 in a signed variable would become -2^31).
So for example in your case cyrus would believe the actual limit is 
1000*1024 - 2*(2^32)  (variable overflowed two times): the usage 
would thus be around 150%, that is over quota.

So in those old versions you will experience all kind of issues when 
dealing with quota over 2GiB.
Of course the code was reworked since cyrus 2.3 and now works as expected.


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Re: Huge load after update from 2.3.16 to 2.4.12

2011-11-24 Thread Michael Plate
Am 24.11.2011 10:37, schrieb Eric Luyten:
> On Wed, November 23, 2011 10:40 pm, wrote:
> Michael,
> You probably tested the system's integrity and functionality, and all appeared
> fine. What you probably did not generate was the equivalent of a realistic
> production load (POP + IMAP + LMTP).
> We found ourselves in a similar situation two years ago (with eternal thanks
> to Simon Matter who helped us *enormously* with a suggestion written on this
> mailing list).

We've tested just with a few people, and the machine has much more power 
- also it was ONLY IMAP, so this might have been the reason.

Everything runs OK by now, BTW.

> Regards,
> Eric Luyten (now running 2.3 for +70k users with 50M messages, wondering
>   what server and I/O load we will observe when upgrading to 2.4)

Go do some yoga before ;-)



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Enabling IDLE with murder configuration

2011-11-24 Thread Jean-Christophe Delaye

I am testing IDLE feature in our murder configuration (2 murder hosts + 
4 backend servers).

I understand I have to compile imapd with --enable-idled option.
But I wonder on which server(s) i have to start the idled daemon in 
cyrus.conf ? on murder frontend only or imap backend only or both ?
Of course mail clients are all connected to murder frontends only.

Thank you,


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