Am 24.11.2011 10:37, schrieb Eric Luyten:
> On Wed, November 23, 2011 10:40 pm, wrote:
> Michael,
> You probably tested the system's integrity and functionality, and all appeared
> fine. What you probably did not generate was the equivalent of a realistic
> production load (POP + IMAP + LMTP).
> We found ourselves in a similar situation two years ago (with eternal thanks
> to Simon Matter who helped us *enormously* with a suggestion written on this
> mailing list).

We've tested just with a few people, and the machine has much more power 
- also it was ONLY IMAP, so this might have been the reason.

Everything runs OK by now, BTW.

> Regards,
> Eric Luyten (now running 2.3 for +70k users with 50M messages, wondering
>               what server and I/O load we will observe when upgrading to 2.4)

Go do some yoga before ;-)


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