Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I’m not sure what screen you are viewing but there should be a balance column 
for every transaction in every account register.

However, you do not enter the balance.

GnuCash calculates it for you.

There probably is no need to start all over, but if you must, simply delete the 
data file after you’ve closed the program. The next time you start, GnuCash 
will open with a blank book, which you’ll need to set up again.

You can also use the File > New File option which will open a blank book, and 
you retain the original should you decide to not delete it quite yet.

> On Jan 8, 2020 w2d8, at 3:51 PM, Harvey Moxness  wrote:
> I hope someone can help   I am new to gnu/cash and trying to set up a simple 
> bookkeeping file, as a chequebook.  When i get to the point of entering 
> transactions, there is no space for "balance" at the end of the entry line.  
> So I must have started the set-up procedure wrong, as the tutorial pictures 
> show a balance at the end of each transaction.  I would like to delete the 
> whole project that I have started, and start again, but I don't see how to do 
> that.  I have used Quicken for years, but Microsoft is dumping its Windows 7, 
> which is the only version I was able to use the Cash Manager 2015 on.  Thank 
> you.   Harvey Moxness

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Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 8 Jan 2020, at 21:51, Harvey Moxness  wrote:
> I hope someone can help   I am new to gnu/cash and trying to set up a simple 
> bookkeeping file, as a chequebook.  When i get to the point of entering 
> transactions, there is no space for "balance" at the end of the entry line.  
> So I must have started the set-up procedure wrong, as the tutorial pictures 
> show a balance at the end of each transaction.  I would like to delete the 
> whole project that I have started, and start again, but I don't see how to do 
> that.  I have used Quicken for years, but Microsoft is dumping its Windows 7, 
> which is the only version I was able to use the Cash Manager 2015 on.  Thank 
> you.   Harvey Moxness

Good morning, Harvey. Welcome to GnuCash.

To answer your question - you can simply delete your unwanted file using 
Windows Explorer - I’m a Mac user, so I’m not sure where a Windows machine will 
store its GC files by default. It will be called XXX.gnucash, where XXX is the 
name you chose for it when you first set it up.

Alternatively, you can use File—>New to create a new one, and ignore the first 
one in future.

However, your problem with the missing opening balance can be resolved without 
deleting anything.

See for 

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Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread david whiting
Hi Harvey,

When you say " When i get to the point of entering transactions, there is
no space for "balance" at the end of the entry line" does this mean that
the register is not showing all the columns? If so, you might just need to
resize the columns you can see by double-clicking on the dividing lines
between the columns (at the top of the columns in the header), especially
at the end of the description column.


On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 at 07:44, Harvey Moxness  wrote:

> I hope someone can help   I am new to gnu/cash and trying to set up a
> simple bookkeeping file, as a chequebook.  When i get to the point of
> entering transactions, there is no space for "balance" at the end of the
> entry line.  So I must have started the set-up procedure wrong, as the
> tutorial pictures show a balance at the end of each transaction.  I
> would like to delete the whole project that I have started, and start
> again, but I don't see how to do that.  I have used Quicken for years,
> but Microsoft is dumping its Windows 7, which is the only version I was
> able to use the Cash Manager 2015 on.  Thank you.   Harvey Moxness
> ___
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David Whiting
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Re: [GNC] Nesting too deep for budget?

2020-01-09 Thread briancady413--- via gnucash-user
 Is this caused by the 26 sub-accounts being marked as 'placeholder' accounts 
during creation?
Not sure, I'm also a newbie,
On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 2:11:50 AM EST, Nate Bargmann  
 I am setting up a budget for this year in my new role as treasurer for
our church.  Ours is simply a spending budget and since we're partners
with another parish there are actually two budgets, but that isn't my
problem at the moment.

Under Expenses I have created the placeholder account Home and under
Home I have created 26 accounts.  All accounts show in the Budget window
but only Home has a cell where I can enter a budget amount.  None of the
26 accounts have a cell for a budget amount.  I had started the budget
before creating the 26 accounts and thinking that was the issue created
a new budget but it shows the same.

I am presently running 3.7 on Debian Testing (3.8 should get here soon
as the 3.8 doc package came in a couple of days ago).  I can provide a
screenshot if that helps


- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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Re: [GNC] Nesting too deep for budget?

2020-01-09 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2020 09 Jan 01:53 -0600, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> This might be an ‘unused’ issue.
> I presume since you’re getting started, none of those 26 accounts have any 
> existing transactions, correct?


> Go to:
> View > Filter By > Other
> and check off:
> Show Unused Accounts
> (optionally) Show Zero Total Accounts
> (optionally) Show Hidden Accounts
> You should now be able to budget for those accounts.

Ahhh, thanks!

> Nesting is not an issue. I have some accounts about 6-7 deep and I can use 
> them in the budget.

Good to know.

> However, I’m curious as to why the ‘Home' account under expenses?
> There are other ways to categorize or tag expenses and while budgets
> don’t work with those methods, if the accounts themselves are unique
> you can include them selectively in various budgets without the need
> to nest them all under a ‘Home’ placeholder. The same goes for various
> reports.

Under Expenses are two placeholders, "Dual Parish" and "Home" where our
parish will eventually be reimbursed by the other one.  "Home" is just a
shorthand we've used for years.

Yes, I'm sure there is more than one way to do all of this.

But stand by, I have a more fundamental question incoming.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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[GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Nate Bargmann
The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
part of the one checking account.

To explain further.

Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
Conceptually I have:

Fund A  $200.00
Fund B  $400.00

Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00

As deposits and withdrawals are made, in order to keep sync with the
bank statement I should just work with the running account total at all

Initially, I thought I should create and transfer funds to additional
Assets accounts, but this doesn't work, as I see it, especially for
reconciliations as the checking balance gets reduced accordingly.  If I
don't track the bank account closely, I'll go insane!

I guess the standing funds will need to be tracked outside of GNU Cash,
perhaps in a spreadsheet.  Their balances will change throughout the
year but not so often as to make this method unmanageable.

The outgoing Treasurer used Quicken/Quick Books (whichever, I don't
know) and he gave me several .qdf-backup files which are naturally not
usable by GNU Cash.  I'm not sure if he understood my request for an
export to .qif.  I'm loathe to buy a Windows 10 computer just for this
so I'm starting from scratch to get going as quickly as possible and
then may try to help him generate a .qif file sometime down the road.
I'm not sure how he tracked the standing/designated balances.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread briancady413--- via gnucash-user
 I have this same question - How to keep distinct funds within a checking 
account balance. Or is there a better-accounting way to do this?

On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 8:05:10 AM EST, Nate Bargmann  
 The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
part of the one checking account.

To explain further.

Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
Conceptually I have:

Fund A        $200.00
Fund B        $400.00
Undesignated    $400.00

Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00

As deposits and withdrawals are made, in order to keep sync with the
bank statement I should just work with the running account total at all

Initially, I thought I should create and transfer funds to additional
Assets accounts, but this doesn't work, as I see it, especially for
reconciliations as the checking balance gets reduced accordingly.  If I
don't track the bank account closely, I'll go insane!

I guess the standing funds will need to be tracked outside of GNU Cash,
perhaps in a spreadsheet.  Their balances will change throughout the
year but not so often as to make this method unmanageable.

The outgoing Treasurer used Quicken/Quick Books (whichever, I don't
know) and he gave me several .qdf-backup files which are naturally not
usable by GNU Cash.  I'm not sure if he understood my request for an
export to .qif.  I'm loathe to buy a Windows 10 computer just for this
so I'm starting from scratch to get going as quickly as possible and
then may try to help him generate a .qif file sometime down the road.
I'm not sure how he tracked the standing/designated balances.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819
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Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread Greg Feneis
And, if all columns' widths are adjusted and not all columns are viewable,
there should be a scroll bar just below all columns that you can use to
shift the columns left and right.

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Pixel 3)

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 02:18 david whiting  wrote:

> Hi Harvey,
> When you say " When i get to the point of entering transactions, there is
> no space for "balance" at the end of the entry line" does this mean that
> the register is not showing all the columns? If so, you might just need to
> resize the columns you can see by double-clicking on the dividing lines
> between the columns (at the top of the columns in the header), especially
> at the end of the description column.
> David
> On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 at 07:44, Harvey Moxness  wrote:
> > I hope someone can help   I am new to gnu/cash and trying to set up a
> > simple bookkeeping file, as a chequebook.  When i get to the point of
> > entering transactions, there is no space for "balance" at the end of the
> > entry line.  So I must have started the set-up procedure wrong, as the
> > tutorial pictures show a balance at the end of each transaction.  I
> > would like to delete the whole project that I have started, and start
> > again, but I don't see how to do that.  I have used Quicken for years,
> > but Microsoft is dumping its Windows 7, which is the only version I was
> > able to use the Cash Manager 2015 on.  Thank you.   Harvey Moxness
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
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> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> --
> David Whiting
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Nesting too deep for budget?

2020-01-09 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2020 09 Jan 05:29 -0600, wrote:
>  Is this caused by the 26 sub-accounts being marked as 'placeholder'
>  accounts during creation?

The 26 accounts are not placeholders in my list.

> Not sure, I'm also a newbie,

It looks like it's not related to nesting per the answer from Adrien.

My assumptions collided with reality elsewhere so this is on hold for
the moment.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Derek Atkins

Use Subaccounts for each fund.
When you reconcile, ensure you check the Include Subaccounts checkbox.

Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On January 9, 2020 8:05:47 AM Nate Bargmann  wrote:

The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
part of the one checking account.

To explain further.

Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
Conceptually I have:

Fund A  $200.00
Fund B  $400.00

Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00

As deposits and withdrawals are made, in order to keep sync with the
bank statement I should just work with the running account total at all

Initially, I thought I should create and transfer funds to additional
Assets accounts, but this doesn't work, as I see it, especially for
reconciliations as the checking balance gets reduced accordingly.  If I
don't track the bank account closely, I'll go insane!

I guess the standing funds will need to be tracked outside of GNU Cash,
perhaps in a spreadsheet.  Their balances will change throughout the
year but not so often as to make this method unmanageable.

The outgoing Treasurer used Quicken/Quick Books (whichever, I don't
know) and he gave me several .qdf-backup files which are naturally not
usable by GNU Cash.  I'm not sure if he understood my request for an
export to .qif.  I'm loathe to buy a Windows 10 computer just for this
so I'm starting from scratch to get going as quickly as possible and
then may try to help him generate a .qif file sometime down the road.
I'm not sure how he tracked the standing/designated balances.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

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[GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Bruce Irving via gnucash-user
>The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
part of the one checking account.

>To explain further.

>Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
Conceptually I have:

>Fund A        $200.00
>Fund B        $400.00
>Undesignated    $400.00
>Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00

What I have done is to have placeholder: CheckingThen under that I'll have Fund 
A, Fund B, General (or Undesignated)Checking  $1,000.00
  Fund A  $200.00  Fund B  $400.00  General  $400.00
This way, you can view or make transactions to each fund while Checking shows 
the total balance.  To reconcile, select Checking and check Sub-accounts. If I 
need to balance the reconciliation, I do NOT use the feature in reconciliation 
as it always puts that transaction in Checking!  I manually make the 
transaction in General

Bruce Preach the Gospel wherever you go.  If necessary, use words.
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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 1/9/2020 8:09 AM, briancady413--- via gnucash-user wrote:

  I have this same question - How to keep distinct funds within a checking 
account balance. Or is there a better-accounting way to do this?


THAT is where you are going wrong (making it hard), trying to do it 
WITHIN the checking account itself.

There are a couple ways of accounting for restricted/dedicated funds. 
Having such funds is a common situation for non-profits. If somebody 
gives the organization money "toward a new computer" (or whatever) while 
the organization gets to deposit that check now it isn't REALLY the 
organization's money till used for the designated purpose.

You really need to read something on "accounting for the non-profit". I 
will describe ONE way of doing it (that will cause no change to 
reconciling the checking account). But which way of doing this really 
depends on the formality of the restriction and the frequency of 
qualifying expenses.

So . let's suppose we will be collecting funds for a while dedicated 
to a major project and formally restricted << if the project abandoned, 
need to return the money or get from each donor a release >> Could do 
this with a liability account named something like "Project A Fund". 
When a donation for this fund comes in, debit checking and credit this 
liability. Also create an account under income "Restricted Funds Used". 
OK, now say the time has come to use those funds. In other words, there 
is an expense that qualifies (is for that purpose of A). Can write the 
check normally, debit the expense and credit checking. But not done yet. 
Also enter a transaction debiting "Project A Fund" and crediting 
"Restricted Funds Used" << if you are very experienced with splits, 
could do in one transaction BUT entering two way splits is tricky >>

But you say, going to be a lot of extra work because instead of saving 
up for one big project this is something ongoing with frequent 
qualifying expenses. Do I have to enter all of these twice? No, you 
might choose a different approach. Let's say there is a "Flower Fund" to 
pay for flowers in front of the altar. Create in the expense account 
"flowers" a child for each quarter. Every week, debit this for the 
flowers bought (the one in the right quarter) and credit checking. Then 
at the end of the quarter, enter just one transaction in the amount of 
the quarter total debiting the liability "Flower Fund" and crediting the 
income account "restricted funds released".

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
I should perhaps add that although there are many methods possible, you 
perhaps might want to rethink explicitly partitioning the checking 
account << doing that for funds kept in the savings account a different 
matter >>

Money is fungible. It isn't specifically money in the checking account 
that is restricted but organizational money, and the restriction means 
that amount must be used for the specific purpose. The "liability" 
method I described is making it clear that "this money is owed to the 
donors" but how is this really different from a member making a loan to 
the organization?

In other words, for cash flow purposes, for determining if a check can 
be written without bouncing, those funds are IN the checking account. 
They can (at least temporarily) be used for something else. And if so 
used not NECESSARILY needing to be replaced. Remember, restriction is at 
the will of the donor. Can always ask a donor or donors to release the 

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread Stephen M. Butler
If in the Journal rather than a specific account register, the balance
will always be zero since each transaction is always balanced.

On 1/9/20 12:03 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> I’m not sure what screen you are viewing but there should be a balance column 
> for every transaction in every account register.
> However, you do not enter the balance.
> GnuCash calculates it for you.
> There probably is no need to start all over, but if you must, simply delete 
> the data file after you’ve closed the program. The next time you start, 
> GnuCash will open with a blank book, which you’ll need to set up again.
> You can also use the File > New File option which will open a blank book, and 
> you retain the original should you decide to not delete it quite yet.
>> On Jan 8, 2020 w2d8, at 3:51 PM, Harvey Moxness  wrote:
>> I hope someone can help   I am new to gnu/cash and trying to set up a simple 
>> bookkeeping file, as a chequebook.  When i get to the point of entering 
>> transactions, there is no space for "balance" at the end of the entry line.  
>> So I must have started the set-up procedure wrong, as the tutorial pictures 
>> show a balance at the end of each transaction.  I would like to delete the 
>> whole project that I have started, and start again, but I don't see how to 
>> do that.  I have used Quicken for years, but Microsoft is dumping its 
>> Windows 7, which is the only version I was able to use the Cash Manager 2015 
>> on.  Thank you.   Harvey Moxness
> ___
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Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Jack Slater
Tried #2 but GNC didn't remember the revised width.

On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:35 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> That is something entirely different.
> There are threads about this issue, though I’m not sure what the situation
> currently is on Win10. There might also be a bug filed on it already. As
> far as I am aware, the registers *should* remember your column width
> settings.
> If not, a temporary work around is:
> 1 - don’t shut down GnuCash
> 2 - don’t close the registers you are interested in before shutting down.
> (they will be re-opened on the next start, and *might* retain your custom
> width)
> Otherwise, it is likely something the devs will have to fix. You can’t
> adjust this with a custom CSS file. (that I am aware of, others may have
> found out how)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 4, 2020 w1d4, at 2:27 PM, Jack Slater 
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm getting in on this thread late and not sure if my question is
> related or not.
> >
> > Latest GC on Win 10. I resize the left column (date) to a wider width.
> When I close and reopen, its back to original width.  Nuisance having to
> resize every time. Can I resize once and then save that format?
> >
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Michael’s answer is what you are looking for with regard to the individual 

As for the QDF issue there are a few options:

A) Find someone who has Intuit software that would do a backup-restore and QIF 
export for you.
B) Use a VM with trial software

On that option-B:

You can get trial versions of Quicken/Quickbooks online and you might even find 
an older disc somewhere. (Someone you know might even have one) Just be sure 
the version you are using is at least as new as the version the backup was made 

You then only need a Windows version that will run that Intuit version, it 
doesn’t necessarily have to be Windows10. But if that is the case, you can 
still download Win10 ISOs for free from Microsoft. (a simple web search will 
turn up the direct link) Family, friends or associates also might have the 
needed Win-whatever install disc laying around.

Then follow these steps:

1) Install VirtualBox (also free)

2) Install the relevant version of Windows in VirtualBox, but don’t worry about 
activation as you won’t need it that long. (be sure to do this once you have 
the Intuit software in hand, Windows will complain if you don’t activate within 
30 days)

3) Install Quicken/Quickbooks trial version or full version as a trial, 
according to what you were able to find.

4) Restore the backup

5) Read this wiki page:

5) Export to QIF according to the recommendations in the wiki

6) Import to GnuCash and make sure all is well

7) Nuke the VM unless you find another use for it, accepting you’ll have to 
deal with the Windows license issue later.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:04 AM, Nate Bargmann  wrote:
> The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
> designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
> part of the one checking account.
> To explain further.
> Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
> two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
> Conceptually I have:
> Fund A$200.00
> Fund B$400.00
> Undesignated  $400.00
> Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00
> As deposits and withdrawals are made, in order to keep sync with the
> bank statement I should just work with the running account total at all
> times.
> Initially, I thought I should create and transfer funds to additional
> Assets accounts, but this doesn't work, as I see it, especially for
> reconciliations as the checking balance gets reduced accordingly.  If I
> don't track the bank account closely, I'll go insane!
> I guess the standing funds will need to be tracked outside of GNU Cash,
> perhaps in a spreadsheet.  Their balances will change throughout the
> year but not so often as to make this method unmanageable.
> The outgoing Treasurer used Quicken/Quick Books (whichever, I don't
> know) and he gave me several .qdf-backup files which are naturally not
> usable by GNU Cash.  I'm not sure if he understood my request for an
> export to .qif.  I'm loathe to buy a Windows 10 computer just for this
> so I'm starting from scratch to get going as quickly as possible and
> then may try to help him generate a .qif file sometime down the road.
> I'm not sure how he tracked the standing/designated balances.
> - Nate

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Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking account balance?

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I forgot to mention, you didn’t say what OS you were on, but apparently it 
isn’t Win10.

If it is Linux or Mac, (you might find a relevant version of Intuit software 
for Mac) you might be able to run the Intuit version you need via Wine. Mileage 
varies and there has been some success. Be sure to check out and 
their app database for possible issues. A cursory glance looks like older 
versions (pre-2005) should work, but newer release will be a tougher nut to 
crack. The VM route might be saner.

You can also remove Wine when you’re done.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 12:21 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> Michael’s answer is what you are looking for with regard to the individual 
> funds.
> As for the QDF issue there are a few options:
> A) Find someone who has Intuit software that would do a backup-restore and 
> QIF export for you.
> B) Use a VM with trial software
> On that option-B:
> You can get trial versions of Quicken/Quickbooks online and you might even 
> find an older disc somewhere. (Someone you know might even have one) Just be 
> sure the version you are using is at least as new as the version the backup 
> was made with.
> You then only need a Windows version that will run that Intuit version, it 
> doesn’t necessarily have to be Windows10. But if that is the case, you can 
> still download Win10 ISOs for free from Microsoft. (a simple web search will 
> turn up the direct link) Family, friends or associates also might have the 
> needed Win-whatever install disc laying around.
> Then follow these steps:
> 1) Install VirtualBox (also free)
> 2) Install the relevant version of Windows in VirtualBox, but don’t worry 
> about activation as you won’t need it that long. (be sure to do this once you 
> have the Intuit software in hand, Windows will complain if you don’t activate 
> within 30 days)
> 3) Install Quicken/Quickbooks trial version or full version as a trial, 
> according to what you were able to find.
> 4) Restore the backup
> 5) Read this wiki page:
> 5) Export to QIF according to the recommendations in the wiki
> 6) Import to GnuCash and make sure all is well
> 7) Nuke the VM unless you find another use for it, accepting you’ll have to 
> deal with the Windows license issue later.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:04 AM, Nate Bargmann  wrote:
>> The issue I am wrestling with is how to deal with what I will call
>> designated funds that our organization tracks internally but are just
>> part of the one checking account.
>> To explain further.
>> Say there is a total checking balance of $1000.00.  Then say there are
>> two standing funds one with $200.00 and the other with $400.00.
>> Conceptually I have:
>> Fund A   $200.00
>> Fund B   $400.00
>> Undesignated $400.00
>> Total (as the bank statement shows) $1000.00
>> As deposits and withdrawals are made, in order to keep sync with the
>> bank statement I should just work with the running account total at all
>> times.
>> Initially, I thought I should create and transfer funds to additional
>> Assets accounts, but this doesn't work, as I see it, especially for
>> reconciliations as the checking balance gets reduced accordingly.  If I
>> don't track the bank account closely, I'll go insane!
>> I guess the standing funds will need to be tracked outside of GNU Cash,
>> perhaps in a spreadsheet.  Their balances will change throughout the
>> year but not so often as to make this method unmanageable.
>> The outgoing Treasurer used Quicken/Quick Books (whichever, I don't
>> know) and he gave me several .qdf-backup files which are naturally not
>> usable by GNU Cash.  I'm not sure if he understood my request for an
>> export to .qif.  I'm loathe to buy a Windows 10 computer just for this
>> so I'm starting from scratch to get going as quickly as possible and
>> then may try to help him generate a .qif file sometime down the road.
>> I'm not sure how he tracked the standing/designated balances.
>> - Nate

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Re: [GNC] how to delete a new file

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Yes, but the column should still be visible.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 10:23 AM, Stephen M. Butler  wrote:
> If in the Journal rather than a specific account register, the balance
> will always be zero since each transaction is always balanced.

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Then I’m in the ‘looks like a bug’ camp.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 10:27 AM, Jack Slater  wrote:
> Tried #2 but GNC didn't remember the revised width.

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Jack Slater
Does this need to be handled differently then so as to get it identified?

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 12:46 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> Then I’m in the ‘looks like a bug’ camp.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 10:27 AM, Jack Slater  wrote:
>> Tried #2 but GNC didn't remember the revised width.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Check on to see if it has been reported yet. You might have to 
get creative with your search phrasing as you never know how someone will word 
a bug. (or just browse them by section) A cursory glance doesn’t show anything 
related so far. There is a bug for invoice windows, but that *might* not affect 
registers if it isn’t the same code being used. It would be better to file a 
separate bug.

You’ll need to create an account there to file the bug.

Please, look for one well, but if you do happen to file a duplicate, it will be 
marked as such and closed, pointing to the earlier report.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 1:01 PM, Jack Slater  wrote:
> Does this need to be handled differently then so as to get it identified?
>> On Jan 9, 2020, at 12:46 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>  wrote:
>> Then I’m in the ‘looks like a bug’ camp.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 10:27 AM, Jack Slater  
>>> wrote:
>>> Tried #2 but GNC didn't remember the revised width.

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[GNC] Danish users?

2020-01-09 Thread Christian Lynbech
Are there any danish users on the list?

I am looking for some advice on good account layouts for a small business.

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Jack Slater
Found it; bug since 2008. That seem really excessive!?

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 1:21 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Check on to see if it has been reported yet. You might
> have to get creative with your search phrasing as you never know how
> someone will word a bug. (or just browse them by section) A cursory glance
> doesn’t show anything related so far. There is a bug for invoice windows,
> but that *might* not affect registers if it isn’t the same code being used.
> It would be better to file a separate bug.
> You’ll need to create an account there to file the bug.
> Please, look for one well, but if you do happen to file a duplicate, it
> will be marked as such and closed, pointing to the earlier report.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 1:01 PM, Jack Slater 
> wrote:
> >
> > Does this need to be handled differently then so as to get it identified?
> >
> >> On Jan 9, 2020, at 12:46 PM, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Then I’m in the ‘looks like a bug’ camp.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Adrien
> >>
> >>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 10:27 AM, Jack Slater 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Tried #2 but GNC didn't remember the revised width.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Bug number?


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 4:15 PM, Jack Slater  wrote:
> Found it; bug since 2008. That seem really excessive!?

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[GNC] (GNU) How to Transition to a New Year

2020-01-09 Thread Richard Claeys
I'm trying to start a new file for the new year and don't see a simple way
to make the change either in the user's manual or the FAQs.  Do I have to
create a new file or can I simply save entries after 1/1/2020 to a new
destination and rename it?  If the answer is in the manual, just point me to
the correct chapter; if not, let me know the simplest way to carry over my
current list of accounts and start a new and separate file or folder.  I'm
sure I'm missing something and could sure use your help.


Thank you in advance,


Richard Claeys

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread David Carlson

There are many bugs open that long or longer.  The developers are limited
with the amount of time that they can donate  to this fine program, so wish
lists and minor annoyances tend to languish.

They would love help from more volunteers.

David Carlson

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 4:33 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Bug number?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 4:15 PM, Jack Slater 
> wrote:
> >
> > Found it; bug since 2008. That seem really excessive!?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] (GNU) How to Transition to a New Year

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Do you *need* to start a new file each year?

While GnuCash has a ‘close the books’ procedure, it is not necessary to use it 
as that is a holdover from the days of pen and paper where physical limitations 
of bound volumes required doing so for organization purposes. (maybe some minor 
security purposes as well) Computers can keep everything in one file and you 
simply run reports for the time periods you need.

If you want to proceed anyway, there are various methods and workflows, but 
that really depends on your reason for doing so in order to determine which 
will be most useful to you.

Yes, you can simply ’save as’ a new file and the old one will not contain newer 
entries. This is the easiest and simplest way to retain your account tree and 
current balance info across all of your accounts and any book-specific 

Some people burn the old file onto a read-only disc for archival purposes along 
with PDF copies of year-end reports, though they can be regenerated by opening 
the file.

You can also just keep the file going and run the ‘close books’ procedure. This 
will close out your income and expense categories to Equity:Retained Earnings. 
Again, this is not necessary, but some people who’ve been doing accounting for 
decades are more comfortable maintaining the habit. There is no real benefit, 
and you will lose the ability to run reports across period boundaries or even 
for prior periods depending on the date of your closing entries. (yearly for 
most people)

You can do either of the above, and start with a fresh file every year, 
recreating your chart of accounts, adding in opening balances from last 
period’s ending balances, etc. Note, if you use the Business Features, you’ll 
need to export-import all of your customers, vendors and employees, and you’ll 
have to figure out a way to handle carryover AP/AR as there is no built-in 
mechanism for doing so. You’d lose all invoice/bill aging data.

If you are tracking investments, especially if you have many of them, I’d 
highly recommend to just stick with the current file. Other’s may report decent 
mileage, but I’d think trying to move ending balances over to a new file and 
then losing historical price information for still-held securities would be a 


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 6:47 PM, Richard Claeys  wrote:
> I'm trying to start a new file for the new year and don't see a simple way
> to make the change either in the user's manual or the FAQs.  Do I have to
> create a new file or can I simply save entries after 1/1/2020 to a new
> destination and rename it?  If the answer is in the manual, just point me to
> the correct chapter; if not, let me know the simplest way to carry over my
> current list of accounts and start a new and separate file or folder.  I'm
> sure I'm missing something and could sure use your help.
> Thank you in advance,
> Richard Claeys

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[GNC] Adjusting Column Widths

2020-01-09 Thread Rhonda Anderson
I am unable to widen the right column where the accounts are listed for
each transaction.  Every time I try it just gets smaller and the full
descriptions of the accounts get shorter and shorter.

Anyone else having this issue?
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Re: [GNC] Adjusting Column Widths

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
What version and what OS?

I just tried to resize and it worked as expected.

Perhaps drag the right-hand header border for the description towards the left 
and let it go. It will snap into place taking up the remaining space. This will 
‘reset’ the Description column. Then try dragging the right-hand header border 
for the account again.

Note, if you are in Double Line mode, you need to drag the border on the second 
line, not the top one as that will instead expand the Reconcile column which 
really doesn’t need to be wider than 1 character.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:17 PM, Rhonda Anderson  wrote:
> I am unable to widen the right column where the accounts are listed for
> each transaction.  Every time I try it just gets smaller and the full
> descriptions of the accounts get shorter and shorter.
> Anyone else having this issue?

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Re: [GNC] Adjusting Column Widths

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Note, you resize by dragging the right-hand border to the right - not the 
left-hand border to the left. Then, since you will likely end up with a 
horizontal scroll bar, ‘reset’ the description column as I described in my 
previous reply.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:32 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> What version and what OS?
> I just tried to resize and it worked as expected.
> Perhaps drag the right-hand header border for the description towards the 
> left and let it go. It will snap into place taking up the remaining space. 
> This will ‘reset’ the Description column. Then try dragging the right-hand 
> header border for the account again.
> Note, if you are in Double Line mode, you need to drag the border on the 
> second line, not the top one as that will instead expand the Reconcile column 
> which really doesn’t need to be wider than 1 character.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:17 PM, Rhonda Anderson  wrote:
>> I am unable to widen the right column where the accounts are listed for
>> each transaction.  Every time I try it just gets smaller and the full
>> descriptions of the accounts get shorter and shorter.
>> Anyone else having this issue?

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-09 Thread Jack Slater
I’d sure help if I was a coder. I appreciate the product. 

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 7:03 PM, David Carlson  wrote:
> Jack,
> There are many bugs open that long or longer.  The developers are limited
> with the amount of time that they can donate  to this fine program, so wish
> lists and minor annoyances tend to languish.
> They would love help from more volunteers.
> David Carlson
>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 4:33 PM Adrien Monteleone <
>>> wrote:
>> Bug number?
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 4:15 PM, Jack Slater 
>> wrote:
>>> Found it; bug since 2008. That seem really excessive!?
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Adjusting Column Widths

2020-01-09 Thread Rhonda Anderson
Thank you so much, that worked.


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 8:39 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Note, you resize by dragging the right-hand border to the right - not the
> left-hand border to the left. Then, since you will likely end up with a
> horizontal scroll bar, ‘reset’ the description column as I described in my
> previous reply.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:32 PM, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> >
> > What version and what OS?
> >
> > I just tried to resize and it worked as expected.
> >
> > Perhaps drag the right-hand header border for the description towards
> the left and let it go. It will snap into place taking up the remaining
> space. This will ‘reset’ the Description column. Then try dragging the
> right-hand header border for the account again.
> >
> > Note, if you are in Double Line mode, you need to drag the border on the
> second line, not the top one as that will instead expand the Reconcile
> column which really doesn’t need to be wider than 1 character.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> >> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:17 PM, Rhonda Anderson 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I am unable to widen the right column where the accounts are listed for
> >> each transaction.  Every time I try it just gets smaller and the full
> >> descriptions of the accounts get shorter and shorter.
> >>
> >> Anyone else having this issue?
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 202, Issue 34

2020-01-09 Thread Bob Hammons

Message: 14
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 19:32:06 -0600
From: Adrien Monteleone 
To: Gnucash Users 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Adjusting Column Widths
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8

What version and what OS?

I just tried to resize and it worked as expected.

Perhaps drag the right-hand header border for the description towards the left 
and let it go. It will snap into place taking up the remaining space. This will 
?reset? the Description column. Then try dragging the right-hand header border 
for the account again.

Note, if you are in Double Line mode, you need to drag the border on the second 
line, not the top one as that will instead expand the Reconcile column which 
really doesn?t need to be wider than 1 character.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:17 PM, Rhonda Anderson  wrote:
> I am unable to widen the right column where the accounts are listed for
> each transaction.  Every time I try it just gets smaller and the full
> descriptions of the accounts get shorter and shorter.
> Anyone else having this issue?

My font got to large and had same trouble.  My fonts in Linux Mint were to 
small at 10 and I went to 20 and had trouble. 15 seems to work

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of 
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 5:32 PM
Subject: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 202, Issue 34

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Tracking designated balances in the total checking
  account balance? (Adrien Monteleone)
   2. Re:  Tracking designated balances in the total checking
  account balance? (Adrien Monteleone)
   3. Re:  how to delete a new file (Adrien Monteleone)
   4. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (Adrien Monteleone)
   5. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (Jack Slater)
   6. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (Adrien Monteleone)
   7.  Danish users? (Christian Lynbech)
   8. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (Jack Slater)
   9. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (Adrien Monteleone)
  10.  (GNU) How to Transition to a New Year (Richard Claeys)
  11. Re:  Chaning left sidebar spacing (David Carlson)
  12. Re:  (GNU) How to Transition to a New Year (Adrien Monteleone)
  13.  Adjusting Column Widths (Rhonda Anderson)
  14. Re:  Adjusting Column Widths (Adrien Monteleone)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 12:21:50 -0600
From: Adrien Monteleone 
To: GNU Cash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Tracking designated balances in the total checking
account balance?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8

Michael?s answer is what you are looking for with regard to the individual 

As for the QDF issue there are a few options:

A) Find someone who has Intuit software that would do a backup-restore and QIF 
export for you.
B) Use a VM with trial software

On that option-B:

You can get trial versions of Quicken/Quickbooks online and you might even find 
an older disc somewhere. (Someone you know might even have one) Just be sure 
the version you are using is at least as new as the version the backup was made 

You then only need a Windows version that will run that Intuit version, it 
doesn?t necessarily have to be Windows10. But if that is the case, you can 
still download Win10 ISOs for free from Microsoft. (a simple web search will 
turn up the direct link) Family, friends or associates also might have the 
needed Win-whatever install disc laying around.

Then follow these steps:

1) Install VirtualBox (also free)

2) Install the relevant version of Windows in VirtualBox, but don?t worry about 
activation as you won?t need it that long. (be sure to do this once you have 
the Intuit software in hand, Windows will complain if you don?t activate within 
30 days)

3) Install Quicken/Quickbooks trial version or full version as a trial, 
according to what you were able to find.

4) Restore the backup

5) Read this wiki page:

5) Export to QIF according to the recommendations in the wiki

6) Import to GnuCash and make sure all is well

7) Nuke the VM unless you find another use for it, accepting you?ll have to 
deal with the Windows license issue later.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 7:04 AM, Nate Bargmann  wrote:
> The issue I am wrestling with i

[GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-09 Thread D via gnucash-user
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash Reports - Comparative Income Statement

2020-01-09 Thread D via gnucash-user

You might explore creating several 2 x 2 multi column reports with the 
individual reports embedded--one for each of your entities, with each row  
putting current and previous year in a column.  Although the multi column 
report can be picky and slow at times, it might meet your needs in this case. 

David T. 

On Jan 9, 2020, 10:45, at 10:45, Bill Dika  wrote:
>Christopher Lam:
>I think this has been fixed in 3.8
>Not possible with this report I'm afraid.
>Thanks for the clarifications.
>Adrienne Monteleone:
>There is a comparison transaction report floating around the list from
>> couple of years ago.
>I think I have seen and tried it but could not get it to work. I am not
>programmer, so am unable to fix it.
>> I’ll try to dig it up and test it out again.
>I'd appreciate knowing if you make any progress on it.
>Budget Report as it has YTD facilities, but you’d still have to run the
>> periods separately and move to spreadsheet to see them together.
>The traditional multi-column report might be of some utility
>Good ideas, but going to a spreadsheet is not an option. I am doing
>financial statements for 5 entities and need a quick ad hoc comparison
>how each entity is doing from month to month and YTD this year compared
>YTD last year and full year this year compared to full year last year.
>Choosing comparison start and end dates for this year and last year for
>report would be ideal and give me the flexibility that I am looking
>Michael D Novack:
>> run the report ten times (once for each year) and export/print.
>This is way too time consuming.
>Thanks to all.
>Bill Dika CPA,CA Retired
>On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 10:57 AM Michael or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
>> On 1/6/2020 8:16 PM, Bill Dika wrote:
>> michael d novack
>> Thanks for the reply. I agree with everything you said but I am not
>> looking for presentation Financial Statements. I am looking to make
>> year to year comparisons with the reporting facility in Gnucash.
>Having ten
>> years of financial data, I would like to make quick comparisons of
>> (year to date) of this year with last year (for various years),
>> exporting and massaging the presentation.
>> If you have NO "presentation requirements" just want to see the
>> data/comparison, run the report ten times (once for each year) and
>> export/print. Run the eleven Balance sheets and do the same. Then in
>> case, you lay one sheet of paper next to the other (for that year's
>> comparison) and then set aside the oldest, slide sheets over, and lay
>> place the next year's.
>> Michael D Novack
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[GNC] Navigation in register window

2020-01-09 Thread Bennie Gibson

Hi all,

Just started using GNUCash and have a basic navigation question. I've 
figured out how to page up/down, tab between columns and hit enter to 
save work in the register but I have been unable to figure out CTRL+HOME 
and CTRL+END (top of register/bottom of register).  Any suggestions on 
where to find this kind of navigation guidance is appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Navigation in register window

2020-01-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The Help Guide documents all of the screens, menus, shortcuts, etc.

The Tutorial & Concepts guide walks you through using GnuCash to keep track of 
various types of finances. There are also a few scattered tidbits concerning 
the UI there. (for example, resizing register columns is located in the 
Tutorial, not the Help for some reason)

It is a good idea to read over both documents at least once to be familiar with 
them and gain some familiarity with the software.

I’d offer a shorter specific answer with the exact shortcut, but as I am stuck 
without an extended keyboard, I don’t use those two.

Another place to look would be the menus, specifically the Action menu. Most of 
them (and that one in particular) will change entries based on the screen in 
view. So viewing a register, you’ll see entries in the Action menu particular 
to account registers and transaction entry. One of them is ‘Blank Transaction’ 
which will take you to the next empty transaction, usually at the bottom of the 
window. (I say usually, because it will default to ’today’, but if you have 
future dated transactions already posted, they will sit below the blank 
transaction, though this is not usual or common practice)

Note that most menu entries have an assigned keyboard shortcut (known as 
‘accelerators’) so you don’t have to use the mouse if you don’t want to.


> On Jan 9, 2020 w2d9, at 1:25 PM, Bennie Gibson  
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just started using GNUCash and have a basic navigation question. I've figured 
> out how to page up/down, tab between columns and hit enter to save work in 
> the register but I have been unable to figure out CTRL+HOME and CTRL+END (top 
> of register/bottom of register).  Any suggestions on where to find this kind 
> of navigation guidance is appreciated.
> Thanks

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