Re: [GNC] Reconciliation

2020-01-02 Thread Jeffrey Tsang
There is an open bug:

which describes a way to force an edit on a reconciled split without
unreconciling it.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 11:23 PM Johann George  wrote:

> If I correct a typo in an already reconciled transaction, version 3.7 of
> GnuCash seems to change the status of that transaction to unreconciled.  Is
> there any way I can prevent this from happening?  A previous version would
> simply warn me that I was changing an already reconciled transaction but
> would let me do it without affecting the reconciliation status.
> Thanks much.
> Johann
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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Finbar Mahon
I fully appreciate everything you say. My suggestion was only posted to 
see if there was any way that 'amateurs' like myself who use it under 
Windows 10 on a PC, can feel happy.

Of course there are no guarantees, even with expensive bought software, 
that is why I left more than one other accounting product. I normally 
wait to see if there is an 'uproar' even with MS so-called upgrades.

David's explanation and sequencing information in the post above is 
invaluable, than you so much.


On 01/01/2020 17:37, Greg Feneis wrote:

Happy New Year, All

Perhaps a better strategy is for the ordinary user to do the waiting.  As
is the case with a variety of software, both FOSS and commercial, you take
some risk when immediately installing and running newly released software.
It's just too complicated to test for all possible contingencies.  Seems
like the developers have to make the best compromise between development
efforts and checking for every possible issue.  Don't forget, everyone
working on this project is doing it to benefit everyone for free.  They
somewhat rely on users to test and report back about their issues.

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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread Elmar

This is what's confusing: GC seems to have several folders on the linux side




Should all of them have the same contents?  And if so, why the 
duplication?  Or is one or more of these left over from when I upgraded 
from version 2.6 to 3.7?

- Elmar

On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:

That makes sense, the aqbanking stuff lives in its own folder, ~/.aqbanking.

See if you have both ~/.gnucash and ~/.config/gnucash with only one of them 
having saved-reports-2.8.
If neither, then that's the file you want from your Windows config.

BTW, what does CTD expand to?

John Ralls

On Jan 1, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Elmar  wrote:

Update - aqbanking data is NOT lost, just all the reports.  The program says I 
have none saved, and need to create some.

On 1/1/20 4:46 PM, Elmar wrote:

Just had a CTD when trying to modify a save report while running in linux (my 
default OS), and now all my reports and all my aqbanking info is gone (Linux 
Mint 19.1, Version: 3.5 Build ID: git 3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: 1.47GC 
).  However, since I dual boot, on the windows side, all the reports and 
aqbanking info is still there!  The data file is fine, happily. What do I need 
to copy over from where in win7 to where  in the linux file system to get my 
linux side working again? - Elmar

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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread Elmar
My actual data file is on a separate drive, btw : 

On 1/2/20 7:59 AM, Elmar wrote:
This is what's confusing: GC seems to have several folders on the 
linux side




Should all of them have the same contents?  And if so, why the 
duplication?  Or is one or more of these left over from when I 
upgraded from version 2.6 to 3.7?

- Elmar

On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:
That makes sense, the aqbanking stuff lives in its own folder, 

See if you have both ~/.gnucash and ~/.config/gnucash with only one 
of them having saved-reports-2.8.

If neither, then that's the file you want from your Windows config.

BTW, what does CTD expand to?

John Ralls

On Jan 1, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Elmar  wrote:

Update - aqbanking data is NOT lost, just all the reports. The 
program says I have none saved, and need to create some.

On 1/1/20 4:46 PM, Elmar wrote:
Just had a CTD when trying to modify a save report while running in 
linux (my default OS), and now all my reports and all my aqbanking 
info is gone (Linux Mint 19.1, Version: 3.5 Build ID: git 
3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: 1.47GC ).  However, since I dual 
boot, on the windows side, all the reports and aqbanking info is 
still there!  The data file is fine, happily. What do I need to 
copy over from where in win7 to where  in the linux file system to 
get my linux side working again? - Elmar

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[GNC] Gnucash V3.x NSTextInputClient protocol non-compliance

2020-01-02 Thread KUSUMOTO Norio
Thank you for your replay, John!

(It is very difficult to draw attention to the issue of internationalization 
of text input. However, if you can imagine the practicality of accounting 
software that can not input virtually non-numeric text without copying and 
pasting from other applications, you will understand our disappointment.)

> 2020/01/02 13:21、John Ralls のメール:
> The known problem with Japanese and Chinese IMs is documented at 
> there's a work-around, 
> though with Japanese it's a bit cumbersome than with Chinese especially on a 
> desktop where you have to move your hands to get to the mouse or trackpad: 
> Finish typing your string with a space, which may bring up a final selection 
> box. Double-click on the selection in the box if it does. Regardless then 
> double click in the field that you're filling in before tabbing to or 
> clicking in another field. In Chinese one need simply end the string with a 
> space bar before tabbing to the next field.

When we use IM to input Japanese, we use the cursor keys to specify where to 
the translations. Mouse actions cannot substitute for these actions.

> I just tried press-and-hold in Apple Mail with the Hiragana IM to see what's 
> supposed to happen. Holding a letter key down does raise a window, but only 
> after the key starts repeating. The same effect is achieved by typing the 
> letter twice, so I don't think that there's a feature there.

You can select a variation of characters by long pressing only when you use the 
keyboard, not when you select Hiragana IM.
I gave this example because I wanted to say that it is not a limited issue when 
a language to input using IM, such as Japanese.

> The underlying problem is due to difficulty integrating IMs with our 
> specialized tab, return, and arrow key handling for deciding when to commit 
> transactions, look for accounts, and process calculations.

I worked on NSTextInputClient support for a programming language development 
last year. (It's not written in C.) It can do tab-driven completion, have the 
same key 
combinations as IM, or perform return based execution. I implemented it to 
passing events to the IDE when I was interacting with IM.

I'm not familiar with the internationalization of GTK, but I think there should 
be a way 
to deal with similar situations because they should be a variety of 


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[GNC] Possible bug (Re: subaccounts tabs vs windows)

2020-01-02 Thread Stan Brown
On 2020-01-01 19:51, Adrien Monteleone wrote:> Nope, it’s a preference:
> Preferences > Register Defaults > Other Defaults > Register opens in a
new window.
> Un-check it.

Out of curiosity, I tried _checking_ it, because my accounts have always
opened in tabs and I was curious if I'd prefer it the other way. But I
accidentally discovered a bug. I have 2.6.19, so there's no point in my
entering a bug report, but maybe somebody would like to try it in 3.8 to
make sure it's not a bug there too.

1. I started with these two settings:
Register Defaults: Register opens in a  new window - NOT set
Windows » Tab Position - Top

2. I opened GC and my accounts file, and ticked (selected) Register
opens in a new window.

3. Right-clicked a split in an existing account register, and selected
Jump. The account opened in a new window, as expected.

4. In Preferences » Windows, changed tab position to Left. GC crashed.

I suspect it was changing tab position when one tab was in a separate
window that caused the problem.

Stan Brown
Tompkins County, New York, USA

On 2020-01-01 19:51, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Nope, it’s a preference:
> Preferences > Register Defaults > Other Defaults > Register opens in a new 
> window.
> Un-check it.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 1, 2020 w1d1, at 6:36 PM, Phil Reynolds  wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> New to the list with this msg
>> Win 10, 3.8
>> All subaccounts open in a new window, not a tab
>> Reverted to 3.3 ... no help. Switch is in data not program
>> Thanks, ptf
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Re: [GNC] How to work with paypal transaction reports?

2020-01-02 Thread
Yes, that is sadly true. I tried two times to get answers from them but their
hotline agents didn't even know some of the classification tags that PayPal
uses in the reports. 

In the meantime, i found a german financial software provider that has a
really good PayPal import, where it even show you directly the fees for
transactions, something you would also need to do manually in GC.

Heres hoping V4.0 fixes Paypal :D

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Re: [GNC] subaccounts tabs vs windows

2020-01-02 Thread Derek Atkins

Adrien Monteleone  writes:

> The preferences shouldn’t change.
> I’ve never seen that with GnuCash, or any other app on any OS.
> If any existing preference changed on any update/upgrade, and you
> weren’t warned about it during the process, I’d consider that a bug.
> It is unknown so far if the OP made this change and forgot, or wasn’t
> aware of the implications, or if indeed 3.8 altered the preference
> setting. It has been many moons since I fresh installed GnuCash, but I
> don’t ever recall that preference being selected by default.

It is certainly possible that the *default* setting for a preference can
change between releases (although more likely it'll change between major
releases).  Also, the list of prefs can change between major releases.
But if a user has set a preference, then gnucash wont change that out
from under the user, at least during minor release updates and hopefully
even during major release updates.  :)


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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: [GNC] v3.8 AQBanking in the US

2020-01-02 Thread chris graves

Yes, the symptoms I'm experiencing seem to be the same.


> On Jan 1, 2020, at 8:21 PM, Derek Robinson via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> We may be talking about the same issue - is the behavior what I described in 
> my post earlier today?
> John Ralls ( or anyone else who might know ) - any idea where the link 
> between an AqBanking account and the corresponding GC account is stored?
> Derek
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [GNC] v3.8 AQBanking in the US

2020-01-02 Thread Derek Robinson via gnucash-user
I’ll check that piece of configuration over the weekend (and I never knew the 
xml could be uncompressed ... thanks Frank Ellenberger!)

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 11:40 AM, chris graves  wrote:
> Derek,
> Yes, the symptoms I'm experiencing seem to be the same.
> Chris
>> On Jan 1, 2020, at 8:21 PM, Derek Robinson via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> We may be talking about the same issue - is the behavior what I described in 
>> my post earlier today?
>> John Ralls ( or anyone else who might know ) - any idea where the link 
>> between an AqBanking account and the corresponding GC account is stored?
>> Derek
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [GNC] "?" symbol pre fixed with all balances in my account balances

2020-01-02 Thread Keshava M P
Thank you very much, Adrien.
In a separate  thread, I saw creating gtk-3.0.css  and it worked and
changed the fonts also. But when I try entering *₹ *symbol (Here, I typed
this with the combination CTRL+ALT+4 with keyboard as English (India) on
Windows 10), I am simply not able to do it.

Firstly, CTRL+ALT+4 does not work in currency edit window.
Secondly, if I copy "₹" symbol from a word document and paste, after
clicking OK, it is back to "?" symbol.
In your mail, you had said "It is possible to customize the unicode glyph".
Any idea about how to do that?

Thanks in advance.

On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 at 22:35, Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> I’m not versed on settings.ini syntax, but you might need to quote the
> font name so it doesn’t see it as 2 fonts. ("Calibre 14" instead of
> “Calibre" and “14")
> Also, check your currency list in GnuCash and the assigned symbol for
> Rupee there. It is possible to customize the unicode glyph. The wrong one
> might be assigned. Finally, you also might find it easier to either change
> your Windows locale currency (if that works for you) to Rupee, or else try
> to assign a 4th or 5th level keyboard key to the Rupee so you can type it
> without needing the ALT+x method. (you would use the ALT key with some
> other like CTRL in a combo)
> Finally, GnuCash uses GTK+ and not the Windows UI directly. GTK+ does not
> support the ALT+x input method. (which is Windows specific) It does support
> entering Unicode hex codes though. See this:
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Dec 13, 2019 w50d347, at 4:56 AM, Keshava M P 
> wrote:
> >
> > I tried the same.
> > First I ran a query in Google "fonts that support Rupee symbol".  Got
> > confirmation that now windows came with support for Rupee symbol and we
> > could directly type rupee in applications like say Word - by typing 20b9
> > followed by Alt+x. So, by this logic, I thought if I change in
> settings.ini
> > (gnucash on windows 10), this problem would be solved. Here is my
> > settings.ini:
> >
> > [Settings]
> > gtk-xft-antialias=1
> > gtk-xft-hinting=1
> > gtk-xft-hintstyle=hintfull
> > gtk-xft-rgba=rgb
> > #introduced by MPK for rupee symbol
> > gtk-font-name=Calibri 14
> >
> >
> > But still, no luck. Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks for your help.
> > Regards,
> > Keshava
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M P Keshava
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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 5:39 AM, Elmar  wrote:
> Sorry - "crash to desktop" - the program simply vanishes from the screen.
> On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:
>> BTW, what does CTD expand to?

Thanks, but please remember to copy the list on all replies.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash V3.x NSTextInputClient protocol non-compliance

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls via gnucash-user


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> On Jan 2, 2020, at 5:38 AM, KUSUMOTO Norio  wrote:
> Thank you for your replay, John!
> (It is very difficult to draw attention to the issue of internationalization 
> of text input. However, if you can imagine the practicality of accounting 
> software that can not input virtually non-numeric text without copying and 
> pasting from other applications, you will understand our disappointment.)
>> 2020/01/02 13:21、John Ralls のメール:
>> The known problem with Japanese and Chinese IMs is documented at 
>> there's a work-around, 
>> though with Japanese it's a bit cumbersome than with Chinese especially on a 
>> desktop where you have to move your hands to get to the mouse or trackpad: 
>> Finish typing your string with a space, which may bring up a final selection 
>> box. Double-click on the selection in the box if it does. Regardless then 
>> double click in the field that you're filling in before tabbing to or 
>> clicking in another field. In Chinese one need simply end the string with a 
>> space bar before tabbing to the next field.
> When we use IM to input Japanese, we use the cursor keys to specify where to 
> separate 
> the translations. Mouse actions cannot substitute for these actions.

Is that because the cursor-key gestures are an ingrained part of typing or is 
there something about the operation of the IM that I'm missing?

Regardless, I understand that having to use the mouse when typing is 
undesirable, I offered it only as a workaround until I find time to work on 
this some more. 

>> I just tried press-and-hold in Apple Mail with the Hiragana IM to see what's 
>> supposed to happen. Holding a letter key down does raise a window, but only 
>> after the key starts repeating. The same effect is achieved by typing the 
>> letter twice, so I don't think that there's a feature there.
> You can select a variation of characters by long pressing only when you use 
> the 'U.S.' 
> keyboard, not when you select Hiragana IM.
> I gave this example because I wanted to say that it is not a limited issue 
> when using 
> a language to input using IM, such as Japanese.

A long keypress just types the letter when I use the US keyboard. 

>> The underlying problem is due to difficulty integrating IMs with our 
>> specialized tab, return, and arrow key handling for deciding when to commit 
>> transactions, look for accounts, and process calculations.
> I worked on NSTextInputClient support for a programming language development 
> environment 
> last year. (It's not written in C.) It can do tab-driven completion, have the 
> same key 
> combinations as IM, or perform return based execution. I implemented it to 
> suppress 
> passing events to the IDE when I was interacting with IM.
> I'm not familiar with the internationalization of GTK, but I think there 
> should be a way 
> to deal with similar situations because they should be a variety of 
> applications.

The Gtk input module is and 
it mostly wraps NSTextInputClient. It hasn't been updated in a few years and so 
it has gotten a little out of sync with Apple's code, but the problem with tab, 
return, and arrow keys is GnuCash's fault: For the most part I think that the 
IM works correctly except in the register, but you're a far better judge of 
that than I am. Does it work the way you expect in dialog boxes?

John Ralls

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[GNC] Default Invoice Config

2020-01-02 Thread Axel Essbaum

In GNC 3.6 (macOS Mojave) I created a configuration for invoices, saved it 
under the name "Default", and then every invoice I printed (to a PDF file) 
automatically adopted this configuration.

In 3.7 this appears to no longer work.  I have to manually open the 
configurations listing and select the Default configuration for every invoice.  
Tedious, obviously.

Anyone know what's changed?  How does one set the Default config for invoices 
in 3.7?

- Axel

Axel Essbaum

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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls via gnucash-user
~/.gnucash is left over from GC 2.6. The other two are for different purposes 
(and I forgot that when I wrote the earlier message), see

 ~/.gnucash should have saved-reports-2.4 only, ~/.local/share/gnucash should 
have both saved-reports-2.4 and saved-reports-2.8.

John Ralls

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 4:59 AM, Elmar  wrote:
> This is what's confusing: GC seems to have several folders on the linux side
> /home//.config/gnucash
> /home//.gnucash
> /home//.local/share/gnucash
> Should all of them have the same contents?  And if so, why the duplication?  
> Or is one or more of these left over from when I upgraded from version 2.6 to 
> 3.7?
> - Elmar
> On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:
>> That makes sense, the aqbanking stuff lives in its own folder, ~/.aqbanking.
>> See if you have both ~/.gnucash and ~/.config/gnucash with only one of them 
>> having saved-reports-2.8.
>> If neither, then that's the file you want from your Windows config.
>> BTW, what does CTD expand to?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Jan 1, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Elmar  wrote:
>>> Update - aqbanking data is NOT lost, just all the reports.  The program 
>>> says I have none saved, and need to create some.
>>> On 1/1/20 4:46 PM, Elmar wrote:
 Just had a CTD when trying to modify a save report while running in linux 
 (my default OS), and now all my reports and all my aqbanking info is gone 
 (Linux Mint 19.1, Version: 3.5 Build ID: git 3.5+(2019-03-30) 
 Finance::Quote: 1.47GC ).  However, since I dual boot, on the windows 
 side, all the reports and aqbanking info is still there!  The data file is 
 fine, happily. What do I need to copy over from where in win7 to where  in 
 the linux file system to get my linux side working again? - Elmar
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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-02 Thread boldstripe
Thanks for the explanation, David. I think I may have been a bit over-zealous
in my sudo use at the first stages of the procedure; that is perhaps what
caused the permissions issue when I did not 'sudo' later on.

I also run Gnucash inside Debian Buster virtual machines on both my Mac and
Windows machines (as well as the native apps), so at some stage I will have
to repeat this build operation there. When I do, I will try and be more
careful about my sudo use and see if I can build without problems; I'll
report back in due course. Now I know a bit more about how it should go, I
would also like to see how much can be done without resort to
buster-backports. Because these are virtual machines, which I can clone
(backup) before I start, it will be a bit easier to experiment with.

Buster has been out more than six months now and I may be ready soon for an
upgrade to Bullseye ('testing' in Debian) soon. By then v3.8 may have
reached the repository with a bit of luck.

A big thank you to whoever updated the 'Building on Linux' wiki
documentation, which was much improved over the last time I tried to build
Gnucash myself.

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[GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-02 Thread Paul Kroitor
Hello, and happy New Year to all of you using whatever the name is for the 
calendar that just started the year 2020!

I am trying to produce an annual statement for a counter-party with whom we 
have a current account. It's set up in GnuCash as a liability account, as 
generally the balance is in their favour.

In 2018, which was the first year the account was open, it was easy: I made a 
simple report - a modified Transaction Report - that listed all the 
transactions, and a total. But for 2019, I am having a problem creating it, 
because it should start with the opening balance (the total at the end of the 
2018 report) and then run forward from there. The only way I can see to have 
the prior balance is to include all historical transactions (or as per the Ps. 

In Quicken (for example), a register report will always have an "Opening 
Balance" line which will be the total of all the transactions prior to the 
start date of the report. But I cannot find any way to achieve the same result 
in GnuCash. Am I missing something?

Thanks as always for all thoughts,

[PS: I know I could move the total liability to somewhere else on Dec 31st, and 
then move it back on Jan 1st - a sort of a manual book closing, but for a 
liability rather than income / expenses - but these seems tedious and 
error-prone. However, I'll use this work-around if there's no way to achieve it 
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Re: [GNC] Possible bug (Re: subaccounts tabs vs windows)

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I can duplicate your result.

I’ve also discovered that having the register open in a new window at the time 
you move the tabs is not a requirement. You just need to have had one opened 
before changing the tab position. (I had closed my extra window before the 
crash happened)

Also, the crash won’t happen *until* you open a register in a separate window. 
Changing tab position otherwise is just fine.

I’m using 3.8 on MacOS Catalina, so this is still a current bug.

I’ve filed it here:


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 9:15 AM, Stan Brown  
> wrote:
> On 2020-01-01 19:51, Adrien Monteleone wrote:> Nope, it’s a preference:
>> Preferences > Register Defaults > Other Defaults > Register opens in a
> new window.
>> Un-check it.
> Out of curiosity, I tried _checking_ it, because my accounts have always
> opened in tabs and I was curious if I'd prefer it the other way. But I
> accidentally discovered a bug. I have 2.6.19, so there's no point in my
> entering a bug report, but maybe somebody would like to try it in 3.8 to
> make sure it's not a bug there too.
> 1. I started with these two settings:
>   Register Defaults: Register opens in a  new window - NOT set
>   Windows » Tab Position - Top
> 2. I opened GC and my accounts file, and ticked (selected) Register
> opens in a new window.
> 3. Right-clicked a split in an existing account register, and selected
> Jump. The account opened in a new window, as expected.
> 4. In Preferences » Windows, changed tab position to Left. GC crashed.
> I suspect it was changing tab position when one tab was in a separate
> window that caused the problem.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Stan Brown

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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread Elmar
Since I am running only version 3.7 in both linux and win7, I can safely 
delete .gnucash entirely, right?

And in other news - I got my reports back :)  Thank the computer gods 
for backups and redundancies.

On 1/2/20 2:36 PM, John Ralls wrote:

~/.gnucash is left over from GC 2.6. The other two are for different purposes 
(and I forgot that when I wrote the earlier message), see

  ~/.gnucash should have saved-reports-2.4 only, ~/.local/share/gnucash should 
have both saved-reports-2.4 and saved-reports-2.8.

John Ralls

On Jan 2, 2020, at 4:59 AM, Elmar  wrote:

This is what's confusing: GC seems to have several folders on the linux side




Should all of them have the same contents?  And if so, why the duplication?  Or 
is one or more of these left over from when I upgraded from version 2.6 to 3.7?

- Elmar

On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:

That makes sense, the aqbanking stuff lives in its own folder, ~/.aqbanking.

See if you have both ~/.gnucash and ~/.config/gnucash with only one of them 
having saved-reports-2.8.
If neither, then that's the file you want from your Windows config.

BTW, what does CTD expand to?

John Ralls

On Jan 1, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Elmar  wrote:

Update - aqbanking data is NOT lost, just all the reports.  The program says I 
have none saved, and need to create some.

On 1/1/20 4:46 PM, Elmar wrote:

Just had a CTD when trying to modify a save report while running in linux (my 
default OS), and now all my reports and all my aqbanking info is gone (Linux 
Mint 19.1, Version: 3.5 Build ID: git 3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: 1.47GC 
).  However, since I dual boot, on the windows side, all the reports and 
aqbanking info is still there!  The data file is fine, happily. What do I need 
to copy over from where in win7 to where  in the linux file system to get my 
linux side working again? - Elmar

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Re: [GNC] Possible bug (Re: subaccounts tabs vs windows)

2020-01-02 Thread Stan Brown

On 2020-01-02 15:08, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Stan, I can duplicate your result.
> I’ve also discovered that having the register open in a new window at
> the time you move the tabs is not a requirement. You just need to
> have had one opened before changing the tab position. (I had closed
> my extra window before the crash happened)
> Also, the crash won’t happen *until* you open a register in a separate> 
> window. Changing tab position otherwise is just fine.
> I’m using 3.8 on MacOS Catalina, so this is still a current bug. I’ve filed 
> it here: 

Great -- thanks, Adrien!

Stan Brown
Tompkins County, New York, USA
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Re: [GNC] "?" symbol pre fixed with all balances in my account balances

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user

Read the Wikipedia article I linked. It takes you directly to the section on 
entering Unicode characters in X11 apps. You have to use the X11 CTRL+SHIFT+U 
key combo procedure, the Windows combo of CTRL+ALT will *not* work. Note, there 
are *two* methods in X11, the first you hold the combo down while typing the 
code, the second, you release the combo first then type the code, then hit 
ENTER. There is also a variation of that second method. Read over that 
Wikipedia entry carefully and try them all till you get one that works for you.

As for customizing the currency symbol:

1. Open Tools > Security Editor
2. Make sure ’Show National Currencies’ is checked at the bottom left
3. Expand the currency list
4. Find your currency
5. See if the symbol shows correctly
6. If not, with that currency selected, click the Edit button
7. Type, or copy/paste your desired symbol in the Display symbol field and 
click the OK button

Note, when I look at my currency list, I see symbols for all currencies that 
have them defined. (some have letter abbreviations) Of those that have symbols 
(many in foreign character sets to mine) I see symbols for all of them, not one 
is replaced by a question mark. In particular Indian Rupee has the proper 
symbol for me. The other countries which use Rupees all seem to be set to ₨. 
(or SR in the case of the Seychelles)


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 11:12 AM, Keshava M P  wrote:
> Thank you very much, Adrien.
> In a separate  thread, I saw creating gtk-3.0.css  and it worked and changed 
> the fonts also. But when I try entering ₹ symbol (Here, I typed this with the 
> combination CTRL+ALT+4 with keyboard as English (India) on Windows 10), I am 
> simply not able to do it. 
> Firstly, CTRL+ALT+4 does not work in currency edit window. 
> Secondly, if I copy "₹" symbol from a word document and paste, after clicking 
> OK, it is back to "?" symbol.
> In your mail, you had said "It is possible to customize the unicode glyph". 
> Any idea about how to do that?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Keshava
> On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 at 22:35, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> I’m not versed on settings.ini syntax, but you might need to quote the font 
> name so it doesn’t see it as 2 fonts. ("Calibre 14" instead of “Calibre" and 
> “14")
> Also, check your currency list in GnuCash and the assigned symbol for Rupee 
> there. It is possible to customize the unicode glyph. The wrong one might be 
> assigned. Finally, you also might find it easier to either change your 
> Windows locale currency (if that works for you) to Rupee, or else try to 
> assign a 4th or 5th level keyboard key to the Rupee so you can type it 
> without needing the ALT+x method. (you would use the ALT key with some other 
> like CTRL in a combo) 
> Finally, GnuCash uses GTK+ and not the Windows UI directly. GTK+ does not 
> support the ALT+x input method. (which is Windows specific) It does support 
> entering Unicode hex codes though. See this: 
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Dec 13, 2019 w50d347, at 4:56 AM, Keshava M P  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > I tried the same.
> > First I ran a query in Google "fonts that support Rupee symbol".  Got
> > confirmation that now windows came with support for Rupee symbol and we
> > could directly type rupee in applications like say Word - by typing 20b9
> > followed by Alt+x. So, by this logic, I thought if I change in settings.ini
> > (gnucash on windows 10), this problem would be solved. Here is my
> > settings.ini:
> > 
> > [Settings]
> > gtk-xft-antialias=1
> > gtk-xft-hinting=1
> > gtk-xft-hintstyle=hintfull
> > gtk-xft-rgba=rgb
> > #introduced by MPK for rupee symbol
> > gtk-font-name=Calibri 14
> > 
> > 
> > But still, no luck. Any suggestions?
> > 
> > Thanks for your help.
> > Regards,
> > Keshava

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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls
Yes, if you don't need to use GC 2.x you can safely delete ~/.gnucash.

John Ralls

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 12:29 PM, Elmar  wrote:
> Since I am running only version 3.7 in both linux and win7, I can safely 
> delete .gnucash entirely, right?
> And in other news - I got my reports back :)  Thank the computer gods for 
> backups and redundancies.
> On 1/2/20 2:36 PM, John Ralls wrote:
>> ~/.gnucash is left over from GC 2.6. The other two are for different 
>> purposes (and I forgot that when I wrote the earlier message), see 
>>  ~/.gnucash should have saved-reports-2.4 only, ~/.local/share/gnucash 
>> should have both saved-reports-2.4 and saved-reports-2.8.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Jan 2, 2020, at 4:59 AM, Elmar  wrote:
>>> This is what's confusing: GC seems to have several folders on the linux side
>>> /home//.config/gnucash
>>> /home//.gnucash
>>> /home//.local/share/gnucash
>>> Should all of them have the same contents?  And if so, why the duplication? 
>>>  Or is one or more of these left over from when I upgraded from version 2.6 
>>> to 3.7?
>>> - Elmar
>>> On 1/1/20 6:57 PM, John Ralls wrote:
 That makes sense, the aqbanking stuff lives in its own folder, 
 See if you have both ~/.gnucash and ~/.config/gnucash with only one of 
 them having saved-reports-2.8.
 If neither, then that's the file you want from your Windows config.
 BTW, what does CTD expand to?
 John Ralls
> On Jan 1, 2020, at 3:27 PM, Elmar  wrote:
> Update - aqbanking data is NOT lost, just all the reports.  The program 
> says I have none saved, and need to create some.
> On 1/1/20 4:46 PM, Elmar wrote:
>> Just had a CTD when trying to modify a save report while running in 
>> linux (my default OS), and now all my reports and all my aqbanking info 
>> is gone (Linux Mint 19.1, Version: 3.5 Build ID: git 3.5+(2019-03-30) 
>> Finance::Quote: 1.47GC ).  However, since I dual boot, on the windows 
>> side, all the reports and aqbanking info is still there!  The data file 
>> is fine, happily. What do I need to copy over from where in win7 to 
>> where  in the linux file system to get my linux side working again? - 
>> Elmar
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone

The Transaction Report has some aggregation and sorting features in the Options 
> Sorting tab, and you can refine the view in Options > Display. You might play 
with those till you find something close to what you are looking for.

Optionally, export or copy/paste your report to a spreadsheet and manipulate 
from there.

Another option is the Vendor Report (if you’ve set the counter-party up that 
way) You would get a ‘balance forward’ and then each transaction since then for 
whatever period you are reporting for. Of course, this requires use of the 
business features for all associated transactions.

An alternative to manually ‘closing’ the account (and then reversing that) 
would be to report just for the current desired period (say 2019), then move 
the resulting report to a spreadsheet and add the balance forward manually 
there. If you need the balance calculated, just run a separate report for the 
beginning of your book to 12/31/18 and take the bottom line grand total to your 

The Vendor Report is likely what you are looking for, but again, that would 
require a different workflow than manual transactions. It may or may not be 
worth it to you to refactor that transaction history accordingly, or else just 
switch to that for 2020.


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 1:45 PM, Paul Kroitor  wrote:
> Hello, and happy New Year to all of you using whatever the name is for the 
> calendar that just started the year 2020!
> I am trying to produce an annual statement for a counter-party with whom we 
> have a current account. It's set up in GnuCash as a liability account, as 
> generally the balance is in their favour.
> In 2018, which was the first year the account was open, it was easy: I made a 
> simple report - a modified Transaction Report - that listed all the 
> transactions, and a total. But for 2019, I am having a problem creating it, 
> because it should start with the opening balance (the total at the end of the 
> 2018 report) and then run forward from there. The only way I can see to have 
> the prior balance is to include all historical transactions (or as per the 
> Ps. below).
> In Quicken (for example), a register report will always have an "Opening 
> Balance" line which will be the total of all the transactions prior to the 
> start date of the report. But I cannot find any way to achieve the same 
> result in GnuCash. Am I missing something?
> Thanks as always for all thoughts,
> Paul
> [PS: I know I could move the total liability to somewhere else on Dec 31st, 
> and then move it back on Jan 1st - a sort of a manual book closing, but for a 
> liability rather than income / expenses - but these seems tedious and 
> error-prone. However, I'll use this work-around if there's no way to achieve 
> it programmatically.]

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Fred Smith
On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 01:54:30PM -0600, boldstripe wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation, David. I think I may have been a bit over-zealous
> in my sudo use at the first stages of the procedure; that is perhaps what
> caused the permissions issue when I did not 'sudo' later on.
> I also run Gnucash inside Debian Buster virtual machines on both my Mac and
> Windows machines (as well as the native apps), so at some stage I will have
> to repeat this build operation there. When I do, I will try and be more
> careful about my sudo use and see if I can build without problems; I'll
> report back in due course. Now I know a bit more about how it should go, I
> would also like to see how much can be done without resort to
> buster-backports. Because these are virtual machines, which I can clone
> (backup) before I start, it will be a bit easier to experiment with.
> Buster has been out more than six months now and I may be ready soon for an
> upgrade to Bullseye ('testing' in Debian) soon. By then v3.8 may have
> reached the repository with a bit of luck.
> A big thank you to whoever updated the 'Building on Linux' wiki
> documentation, which was much improved over the last time I tried to build
> Gnucash myself.


I'm helping my wifeto move off Win7 (she won't use Win10) to ubuntu,
and I set her up with 18.04 Mate.

I did a build of 3.8 on her new installation t'other day and it went
with no trouble at all, except I had to tell cmake not to try to build
the sql parts. And that was no biggie.

She doesn't use many of the advanced features, so I don't expect her
to have big problems...I built her a 3.1 (on Centos) back when it was
new and she had no issues with it either so I don't expect any on 3.8

Thanks to the hard-working Gnucash team!


 Fred Smith -- -
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
 heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
-- Matthew 7:21 (niv) -
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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-02 Thread boldstripe
Postscript: I was missing the Help and Concepts Guide, which I solved as

It took me several attempts, following instructions I found in INSTALL, READ
ME and elsewhere. In the end, I believe this is the part of what I did which
actually worked:

1. Download gnucash-docs from
2. Extract
3. Open extracted directory in terminal
4. Install build dependencies: `sudo apt-get build-dep gnucash-docs`
5. `make`
6. `sudo make install`

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Re: [GNC] v3.8 AQBanking in the US

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls
OFX seems to be a broken in AQBanking 6, which as I explained earlier I 
provided in the Windows and Mac bundles to support the recent changes in 
Germany's FinTS system. Here's what my testing found:

* OFX users and accounts aren't migrated to the new ~/.aqbanking/settings6 
directory so the AQBanking Setup Wizard is initially unpopulated. 
* Trying to migrate the files oneself doesn't work very well, one must set them 
up by hand.
∑* One can create users but not edit them.
* The Fetch Accounts button in the create user assistant works. The select user 
drop down in the edit account dialog does not, so if you don't fetch the 
accounts from the bank when you set up the user then you must edit the 
configuration files by hand.
* The debug logging messages from Gwenhywfar aren't very helpful.
* The associations made in the Online Banking Setup Assistant don't show in the 
assistant but they are made, so that the menu items in Actions>Online Actions 
are enabled for the account. However, the select account dialog still comes up 
the first time you try to get transactions anyway. 
* Once everything is set up, getting transactions seems to work but the end 
result is a matcher window with only a single 0-value and 0-date transaction.
* Setting AQBANKING_LOGLEVEL=info or debug does nothing.
* Setting AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL=info produces a single additional message:
'* 13:20:06  WARN  
  159: Overriding loglevel for AqOFXConnect with "info"'. Pretty useless.
* GWEN_LOGLEVEL=debug produces a lot of output but little of it is of much help.

FWIW made no difference.

I don't know how much of that's fixable from GnuCash. Martin said last week 
that he's suspended development of OFX so anything that isn't is presumably 
broken forever. 

John Ralls

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 9:08 AM, Derek Robinson via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> I’ll check that piece of configuration over the weekend (and I never knew the 
> xml could be uncompressed ... thanks Frank Ellenberger!)
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 2, 2020, at 11:40 AM, chris graves  wrote:
>> Derek,
>> Yes, the symptoms I'm experiencing seem to be the same.
>> Chris
>>> On Jan 1, 2020, at 8:21 PM, Derek Robinson via gnucash-user 
>>>  wrote:
>>> We may be talking about the same issue - is the behavior what I described 
>>> in my post earlier today?
>>> John Ralls ( or anyone else who might know ) - any idea where the link 
>>> between an AqBanking account and the corresponding GC account is stored?
>>> Derek
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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[GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Greg W
In the most recent release this change was made:

[gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain
meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals. The
5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.

That change removed the "total" row from budgets making it very hard to
ensure that budgets are balanced or that there are no unallocated funds.
Example of the old behavior:

Income: 100
Expenses: 30
Liabilities: 20
Assets: 10
Total: 40

Using that total row I could tell there were 40 units that needed allocated
somewhere. How can I accomplish this given the recent changes? If I make a
change and accidentally allocate 1000 to Assets in the new version it just
updates the assets total row and doesn't otherwise indicate the budget is
out of balance.

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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-02 Thread Christopher Lam
If it's a single-creditor liability account, you could try adding the
Display/Running Balance. However it doesn't quite give you the 'balance
brought forward' prior to the first printed transaction.

On Thu, 2 Jan 2020 at 19:55, Paul Kroitor  wrote:

> Hello, and happy New Year to all of you using whatever the name is for the
> calendar that just started the year 2020!
> I am trying to produce an annual statement for a counter-party with whom
> we have a current account. It's set up in GnuCash as a liability account,
> as generally the balance is in their favour.
> In 2018, which was the first year the account was open, it was easy: I
> made a simple report - a modified Transaction Report - that listed all the
> transactions, and a total. But for 2019, I am having a problem creating it,
> because it should start with the opening balance (the total at the end of
> the 2018 report) and then run forward from there. The only way I can see to
> have the prior balance is to include all historical transactions (or as per
> the Ps. below).
> In Quicken (for example), a register report will always have an "Opening
> Balance" line which will be the total of all the transactions prior to the
> start date of the report. But I cannot find any way to achieve the same
> result in GnuCash. Am I missing something?
> Thanks as always for all thoughts,
> Paul
> [PS: I know I could move the total liability to somewhere else on Dec
> 31st, and then move it back on Jan 1st - a sort of a manual book closing,
> but for a liability rather than income / expenses - but these seems tedious
> and error-prone. However, I'll use this work-around if there's no way to
> achieve it programmatically.]
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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-02 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 1/2/2020 5:33 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:

If it's a single-creditor liability account, you could try adding the
Display/Running Balance. However it doesn't quite give you the 'balance
brought forward' prior to the first printed transaction.

I will tell you how I would do this. It would be easy for me, because I 
don't insist that that the final printed version be printed from within 

I would use the suggestion above, but set the date range to include the 
last transaction before. I would export the resulting report.. I would 
then edit the date of that last transaction to be the start date, change 
its description to "opening balance" and it's amount to zero/blank << it 
is the running balance after this transaction that is the starting 
balance >>

I would then print THAT (or send THAT by electronic means

Michael D Novack

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[GNC] Locating Data and Log Files SINCE UPDATING to 3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Dr. Timothy B. Jones


I just had my first heart failure since become a user of GNUCASH five years
ago.  While I have doing so I have found a huge problem I am
very confused about and don't know how to correct.  Please note:


1.  Windows 10 Home Version.on December 19
2.  I used GNUCash, saved and exited as usual without problem.
3.  UPDATED GnuCash Version on the morning of December 31 to 3.8. and
shortly thereafter entered new program, everything looked fine and added a
new invoice, posted new payment and updated counters for new year.  I then
logged off.
4.  Today, January 2, 2020, I launched and got an error that the current
data file in the history list was no longer available. Did I want to delete
it from history list.  I replied no and repeated to same result.
5.  Next I went to my backup files and the latest backup file was the
file from December 19.  With no where to go, I saved as to my file name of
TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash and made sure we were pointing to my GNUCASH data
folder on my desktop...seemed to save just fine.  I closed GNUCASH and
reopened it..also with no problems.
6.  Next I went to my GNUCASH data folder on my desktop and the lastest
files there were December 19, 2019.  Where are the later files??
7.  I relaunched GNUCASH and this time I attempted to save to my stick
drive.  When I did so (using Save As in GNUCASH) it opened the last save
location which is my GNUCASH Data folder on my desktop and not only were the
files listed there, so were the files from December 31, 2019.  In other
words, I can only see the files AFTER December 19 IF I open the software and
open the "Save As" window.   YIKES!!!  
8.  I returned to the GNUCASH Data folder and made sure my settings were
such that no files were hidden..and yet I still cannot see any files made
after the update or after December 19.
9.  As one last thing...I used File Explorer to search
"TimothyBJonesEdD" "TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash" and "GNUCASHBKUP" and none of
these searches produced ANY files created AFTER the update!  I cannot figure
this out...the are like phantom files with no way to verify they are there
or to backup to an alternate drive for safety.   The dependent variable here
is I UPDATED version to 3.8.


Can anyone help or shed any light on this or help me fix?

Thank you! tbj

Timothy B. Jones, Ed.D.

Author, International Speaker & Principal Consultant



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Re: [GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Christopher Lam via gnucash-user

On Thu, 2 Jan 2020 at 21:45, Greg W  wrote:

> In the most recent release this change was made:
> [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
> previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain
> meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals. The
> 5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.
> That change removed the "total" row from budgets making it very hard to
> ensure that budgets are balanced or that there are no unallocated funds.
> Example of the old behavior:
> Income: 100
> Expenses: 30
> Liabilities: 20
> Assets: 10
> Total: 40
> Using that total row I could tell there were 40 units that needed allocated
> somewhere. How can I accomplish this given the recent changes? If I make a
> change and accidentally allocate 1000 to Assets in the new version it just
> updates the assets total row and doesn't otherwise indicate the budget is
> out of balance.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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Re: [GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user
I haven’t yet delved into my 2020 budget, but certainly, the lack of an overall 
total should be restored as it is critical to the budgeting process.

I consider this a regression of sorts. (in terms of reduced functionality, not 
necessarily, the return of a previously solved bug)

Was this an accident? Oversight? Intentional design?


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 3:43 PM, Greg W  wrote:
> In the most recent release this change was made:
> [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
> previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain
> meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals. The
> 5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.
> That change removed the "total" row from budgets making it very hard to
> ensure that budgets are balanced or that there are no unallocated funds.
> Example of the old behavior:
> Income: 100
> Expenses: 30
> Liabilities: 20
> Assets: 10
> Total: 40
> Using that total row I could tell there were 40 units that needed allocated
> somewhere. How can I accomplish this given the recent changes? If I make a
> change and accidentally allocate 1000 to Assets in the new version it just
> updates the assets total row and doesn't otherwise indicate the budget is
> out of balance.
> Thanks,
> Greg

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Re: [GNC] Locating Data and Log Files SINCE UPDATING to 3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Per #3, on Jan 2, did you start GnuCash by:

A) Opening GnuCash and letting *it* open your most recently used file.
B) Double-clicking your intended file which will (allegedly) start GnuCash with 
the specified file.

Option A *should* have opened the most recent file which *should* have been the 
one with data from 12/31. (option B should have as well)

Once it is established which method you used, more accurate and specific advice 
can be given.

As well, check your data files. Do you see that one is dated 12/31/19? either 
as part of the file name or as a last modified date? *That* would be your most 
‘correct’ data file. (presuming you have no additional entries in some other 
file or you are willing to re-enter them into this one)

Per your #7, I suspect you saved your work from 12/31 on your external.

*HOW* you choose to open GnuCash may determine *which* most recent file is 
found and opened.

Let’s go one step at a time and deal with A/B above FIRST.


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 5:57 PM, Dr. Timothy B. Jones 
>  wrote:
> Greetings:
> I just had my first heart failure since become a user of GNUCASH five years
> ago.  While I have doing so I have found a huge problem I am
> very confused about and don't know how to correct.  Please note:
> 1.Windows 10 Home Version.on December 19
> 2.I used GNUCash, saved and exited as usual without problem.
> 3.UPDATED GnuCash Version on the morning of December 31 to 3.8. and
> shortly thereafter entered new program, everything looked fine and added a
> new invoice, posted new payment and updated counters for new year.  I then
> logged off.
> 4.Today, January 2, 2020, I launched and got an error that the current
> data file in the history list was no longer available. Did I want to delete
> it from history list.  I replied no and repeated to same result.
> 5.Next I went to my backup files and the latest backup file was the
> file from December 19.  With no where to go, I saved as to my file name of
> TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash and made sure we were pointing to my GNUCASH data
> folder on my desktop...seemed to save just fine.  I closed GNUCASH and
> reopened it..also with no problems.
> 6.Next I went to my GNUCASH data folder on my desktop and the lastest
> files there were December 19, 2019.  Where are the later files??
> 7.I relaunched GNUCASH and this time I attempted to save to my stick
> drive.  When I did so (using Save As in GNUCASH) it opened the last save
> location which is my GNUCASH Data folder on my desktop and not only were the
> files listed there, so were the files from December 31, 2019.  In other
> words, I can only see the files AFTER December 19 IF I open the software and
> open the "Save As" window.   YIKES!!!  
> 8.I returned to the GNUCASH Data folder and made sure my settings were
> such that no files were hidden..and yet I still cannot see any files made
> after the update or after December 19.
> 9.As one last thing...I used File Explorer to search
> "TimothyBJonesEdD" "TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash" and "GNUCASHBKUP" and none of
> these searches produced ANY files created AFTER the update!  I cannot figure
> this out...the are like phantom files with no way to verify they are there
> or to backup to an alternate drive for safety.   The dependent variable here
> is I UPDATED version to 3.8.
> Can anyone help or shed any light on this or help me fix?
> Thank you! tbj
> Timothy B. Jones, Ed.D.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Christopher Lam

Yes an unfortunate minor regression while fixing a severe bug, because
until now I could not understand why the totals section included budget
equity values.

On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 01:15, Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I haven’t yet delved into my 2020 budget, but certainly, the lack of an
> overall total should be restored as it is critical to the budgeting process.
> I consider this a regression of sorts. (in terms of reduced functionality,
> not necessarily, the return of a previously solved bug)
> Was this an accident? Oversight? Intentional design?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 3:43 PM, Greg W  wrote:
> >
> > In the most recent release this change was made:
> >
> > [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
> > previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of
> uncertain
> > meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals.
> The
> > 5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.
> >
> > That change removed the "total" row from budgets making it very hard to
> > ensure that budgets are balanced or that there are no unallocated funds.
> > Example of the old behavior:
> >
> > Income: 100
> > Expenses: 30
> > Liabilities: 20
> > Assets: 10
> > Total: 40
> >
> > Using that total row I could tell there were 40 units that needed
> allocated
> > somewhere. How can I accomplish this given the recent changes? If I make
> a
> > change and accidentally allocate 1000 to Assets in the new version it
> just
> > updates the assets total row and doesn't otherwise indicate the budget is
> > out of balance.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Greg
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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Re: [GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user
I thought that was discussed, but delving into the bug threads and others 
linked therein, I see the issue a bit more clearly.

Certainly, I think the current underlying approach is the more sane one long 
term with a few kinks to be worked out.

I (sadly and apologetically) still haven’t worked out a way to test dev 
versions on MacOS without disrupting my normal installation, but I can test 
non-OS specific changes via VMs. (I can certainly build maint or other branches 
in Ubuntu) If anyone has any suggestions or tips for testing maint and other 
builds on the MacOS front *without disturbing my normal stable installation* , 
they are certainly appreciated.

I’m getting ready next week to work on my 2020 budgets, so now would be a good 
time to do some testing.

Let me know what types of things you’d like to see answers to and I’ll do what 
I can. (in a Linux version for now, as noted)


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 7:26 PM, Christopher Lam  
> wrote:
> Yes an unfortunate minor regression while fixing a severe bug, because until 
> now I could not understand why the totals section included budget equity 
> values.
> On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 01:15, Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> I haven’t yet delved into my 2020 budget, but certainly, the lack of an 
> overall total should be restored as it is critical to the budgeting process.
> I consider this a regression of sorts. (in terms of reduced functionality, 
> not necessarily, the return of a previously solved bug)
> Was this an accident? Oversight? Intentional design?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 3:43 PM, Greg W  wrote:
> > 
> > In the most recent release this change was made:
> > 
> > [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
> > previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain
> > meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals. The
> > 5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.
> > 
> > That change removed the "total" row from budgets making it very hard to
> > ensure that budgets are balanced or that there are no unallocated funds.
> > Example of the old behavior:
> > 
> > Income: 100
> > Expenses: 30
> > Liabilities: 20
> > Assets: 10
> > Total: 40
> > 
> > Using that total row I could tell there were 40 units that needed allocated
> > somewhere. How can I accomplish this given the recent changes? If I make a
> > change and accidentally allocate 1000 to Assets in the new version it just
> > updates the assets total row and doesn't otherwise indicate the budget is
> > out of balance.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Greg

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 12:09 PM boldstripe 

> Someone helpfully placed .deb packages for Gnucash 3.8 here (today):
> There are old postings on the mail list that explain how to use these.

Just after I saw this message the other day I successfully downloaded and
built the Debian version 3.8b package on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04. I haven't
tested it a lot, but after adjusting for some libraries, it does build,
install, and run without errors. I presume it should build for Ubuntu
derivative distributions, too.

I got the following error on the first try:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: Unmet build dependencies: libaqbanking-dev (>=
5.99.43) libgwengui-gtk3-dev (>= 4.99.24)

SO all I had to do to get the package to build was

1) Created source directory & downloaded packages
  $ mkdir ~/src/gnucash
  $ cd ~/src/gnucash
  $ dget

2) Made the usual changes to debian/changelog to indicate a non-maintainer
version for Ubuntu
  $ cd gnucash-3.8b/
  $ dch --nmu
[Modified the version number to 1:3.8b-1~ubuntu18.04.1 then wrote out the
bullet points for my changes]

3) Changed the compiler flags in debian/rules (because of the older
compiler in Bionic)
   $  sed -i 's/export DEB_CXXFLAGS/#export DEB_CXXFLAGS/' debian/rules

4) Changed debian/control lines for the package versions available in
  ,libaqbanking-dev (>= 5.7.8-1)
  ,libgwengui-gtk3-dev (>= 4.20.0-1)

5) Built it
  $ dpkg-buildpackage

6) Installed it
  $ cd ..
  $ dpkg -i *.deb *.ddeb

(I presume the Debian package maintainer specified the more recent package
versions to fix particular bugs so I would expect there might be some
subtle issues I haven't encountered yet.)

P.S.: I know the procedure above is too terse for beginners. I hope to put
a more explicit procedure in the wiki soon.

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Re: [GNC] Locating Data and Log Files SINCE UPDATING to 3.8

2020-01-02 Thread D via gnucash-user
I would step a little bit further back and ask the OP to describe a little more 
fully his setup, especially with regards to the folder on which he has 
previously stored his data. It seems possible that his data is stored in a 
location that is currently not available. Similarly, perhaps there are (or 
were) multiple folders with similar names on the desktop?

David T.

On January 3, 2020, at 6:52 AM, Adrien Monteleone 

Per #3, on Jan 2, did you start GnuCash by:

A) Opening GnuCash and letting *it* open your most recently used file.
B) Double-clicking your intended file which will (allegedly) start GnuCash with 
the specified file.

Option A *should* have opened the most recent file which *should* have been the 
one with data from 12/31. (option B should have as well)

Once it is established which method you used, more accurate and specific advice 
can be given.

As well, check your data files. Do you see that one is dated 12/31/19? either 
as part of the file name or as a last modified date? *That* would be your most 
‘correct’ data file. (presuming you have no additional entries in some other 
file or you are willing to re-enter them into this one)

Per your #7, I suspect you saved your work from 12/31 on your external.

*HOW* you choose to open GnuCash may determine *which* most recent file is 
found and opened.

Let’s go one step at a time and deal with A/B above FIRST.


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 5:57 PM, Dr. Timothy B. Jones 
>  wrote:
> Greetings:
> I just had my first heart failure since become a user of GNUCASH five years
> ago.  While I have doing so I have found a huge problem I am
> very confused about and don't know how to correct.  Please note:
> 1.Windows 10 Home Version.on December 19
> 2.I used GNUCash, saved and exited as usual without problem.
> 3.UPDATED GnuCash Version on the morning of December 31 to 3.8. and
> shortly thereafter entered new program, everything looked fine and added a
> new invoice, posted new payment and updated counters for new year.  I then
> logged off.
> 4.Today, January 2, 2020, I launched and got an error that the current
> data file in the history list was no longer available. Did I want to delete
> it from history list.  I replied no and repeated to same result.
> 5.Next I went to my backup files and the latest backup file was the
> file from December 19.  With no where to go, I saved as to my file name of
> TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash and made sure we were pointing to my GNUCASH data
> folder on my desktop...seemed to save just fine.  I closed GNUCASH and
> reopened it..also with no problems.
> 6.Next I went to my GNUCASH data folder on my desktop and the lastest
> files there were December 19, 2019.  Where are the later files??
> 7.I relaunched GNUCASH and this time I attempted to save to my stick
> drive.  When I did so (using Save As in GNUCASH) it opened the last save
> location which is my GNUCASH Data folder on my desktop and not only were the
> files listed there, so were the files from December 31, 2019.  In other
> words, I can only see the files AFTER December 19 IF I open the software and
> open the "Save As" window.   YIKES!!!  
> 8.I returned to the GNUCASH Data folder and made sure my settings were
> such that no files were hidden..and yet I still cannot see any files made
> after the update or after December 19.
> 9.As one last thing...I used File Explorer to search
> "TimothyBJonesEdD" "TimothyBJonesEdD.gnucash" and "GNUCASHBKUP" and none of
> these searches produced ANY files created AFTER the update!  I cannot figure
> this out...the are like phantom files with no way to verify they are there
> or to backup to an alternate drive for safety.   The dependent variable here
> is I UPDATED version to 3.8.
> Can anyone help or shed any light on this or help me fix?
> Thank you! tbj
> Timothy B. Jones, Ed.D.

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Re: [GNC] Locating Data and Log Files SINCE UPDATING to 3.8

2020-01-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-user
I suspected the same per #7

But I thought it pertinent to get the usual workflow understood first. 
Correcting for that, and then understanding storage locations *should* lend the 
proper solution, or towards the establishment of a bug.

I’m leaning to procedure and juggling of storage locations being the issue.

Certainly, a full description of OS and file layout wouldn’t hurt, and would 
likely aid a speedy successful recommendation.


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 9:29 PM, D  wrote:
> I would step a little bit further back and ask the OP to describe a little 
> more fully his setup, especially with regards to the folder on which he has 
> previously stored his data. It seems possible that his data is stored in a 
> location that is currently not available. Similarly, perhaps there are (or 
> were) multiple folders with similar names on the desktop?
> David T.

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash V3.x NSTextInputClient protocol non-compliance

2020-01-02 Thread KUSUMOTO Norio via gnucash-user

> Please remember to copy the list in all replies.

I am sorry that my reply is to both an individual and this mailing list. This 
because I didn't realize that the mailing list was not included in the original 
you wrote. This can be confirmed by the fact that your first reply is not 
included in 
the mailing list archive. ;-)

> A long keypress just types the letter when I use the US keyboard. 

I think this is because the reproduction method was not well conveyed to you 
because my expression was inappropriate. In particular, my expression of 
was bad.

I prepared an image to show that.

> The Gtk input module is 
> and 
> it mostly wraps NSTextInputClient. It hasn't been updated in a few years and 
> so it has gotten a little out of sync with Apple's code, but the problem with 
> tab, return, and arrow keys is GnuCash's fault: For the most part I think 
> that the IM works correctly except in the register, but you're a far better 
> judge of that than I am. Does it work the way you expect in dialog boxes?

Oh! it's not so bad that the text input in the dialog box.
This is a bright spot for improving Gnucash 3.x. If we can mediate between IM 
Gnucash for events, we can improve the situation.

It was my misunderstanding that the item of the account does not accept the 
separator by the cursor key. However, I can't do it in dialog boxes.

The variation input by holding down the 'a' key is also accepted in the text 
area of the dialog box, but there is a problem that the original 'a' is left in 
to the selected characters. It seems to me that 'replacementRange' does not 
work well.


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Re: [GNC] Gnucash V3.x NSTextInputClient protocol non-compliance

2020-01-02 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 8:43 PM, KUSUMOTO Norio  wrote:
> Hi,
>> Please remember to copy the list in all replies.
> I am sorry that my reply is to both an individual and this mailing list. This 
> happened 
> because I didn't realize that the mailing list was not included in the 
> original reply 
> you wrote. This can be confirmed by the fact that your first reply is not 
> included in 
> the mailing list archive. ;-)

Indeed it doesn't. Sorry, I should pay closer attention to my own mail.
>> A long keypress just types the letter when I use the US keyboard. 
> I think this is because the reproduction method was not well conveyed to you 
> because my expression was inappropriate. In particular, my expression of 
> was bad.
> I prepared an image to show that.

No, that wasn't the problem: Windows uses keyboard for that and I understood 
that you meant the US key layout. I use the option key to select keys and 
wasn't familiar with the held key method of character selection. I found that explains that it applies only to 
letters with variations. In western languages that's the vowels plus y, s, l, 
z, c, and m. My randomly-selected letters to test it weren't on the list so I 
didn't get it.

>> The Gtk input module is 
>> and it mostly wraps NSTextInputClient. It hasn't been updated in a few years 
>> and so it has gotten a little out of sync with Apple's code, but the problem 
>> with tab, return, and arrow keys is GnuCash's fault: For the most part I 
>> think that the IM works correctly except in the register, but you're a far 
>> better judge of that than I am. Does it work the way you expect in dialog 
>> boxes?
> Oh! it's not so bad that the text input in the dialog box.
> This is a bright spot for improving Gnucash 3.x. If we can mediate between IM 
> and 
> Gnucash for events, we can improve the situation.
> It was my misunderstanding that the item of the account does not accept the 
> conversion 
> separator by the cursor key. However, I can't do it in dialog boxes.
> The variation input by holding down the 'a' key is also accepted in the text 
> input 
> area of the dialog box, but there is a problem that the original 'a' is left 
> in addition 
> to the selected characters. It seems to me that 'replacementRange' does not 
> work well.

The problems with input everywhere but the register are Gtk imquartz.c 
problems. Let's work out the register problems first and then we can create an 
issue at and work on imquartz.c.

ISTM that the biggest problem is GnuCash grabbing the tab, return, and arrow 
keys when you're trying to select a character. That strikes me as a keyboard 
focus problem: The IM's selection window should be getting those key events; 
the reason is probably that event response in Cocoa is bottom-up and in Gtk 
(Gdk really) it's top-down: The top-level window gets the event and decides to 
handle it or pick a child to pass it to. GnuCash's register is grabbing the 
tab, return, and cursor-key events instead of passing them through. It needs to 
not do that when the imcontext is active.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-02 Thread Colin Law
Yes, of course the browser is irrelevant. I am so used to everything being
a web app that I forgot that gnucash is not.


On Thu, 2 Jan 2020, 00:56 Adrien Monteleone, 

> Bill,
> There was a long thread last fall (2018) about css. I think the title
> makes it appear to be dealing with fonts, but it also covered lots of the
> UI, and in particular we covered the padding in tabs. Unfortunately, I
> don’t recall off hand the exact declarations to use. (are they not in the
> wiki gtk page?)
> If you find that list thread but are still stumped, report back here and
> I’ll see what I can dig up. (and then put it in the wiki if it in fact
> isn’t there)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> p.s. - Colin, the browser shouldn’t make a difference as it is a separate
> app entirely and GnuCash doesn’t use it for the UI. Really, the OS
> shouldn’t either. The padding is spec’d specifically, but font size might
> make a difference if the padding is set in ems.
> > On Jan 1, 2020 w1d1, at 4:31 PM, Colin Law  wrote:
> >
> > I see what you mean.  On Ubuntu with Waterfox browser they are much
> tighter
> > packed (gnucash 3.6).
> >
> > Colin
> >
> > On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 17:00, William Marshall  wrote:
> >
> >> Colin,
> >>
> >> I can’t do a conventional capture, since I need things highlighted by
> >> selection and mouse activity to show what I mean, but here’s a photo
> from
> >> me phone of what I'm talking about.  Notice first that “USAA Sav” is
> >> selected and see how high the top and bottom boundary are for that
> >> selection.  Then notice that my mouse is hovering over “USAA Visa” and
> see
> >> that it has the same excessive (to my eye) top and bottom boundaries.
> >> ALSO, notice that there is a separator between the two.  I’d really
> like to
> >> scrunch everything together like it used to be.
> >>
> >> I really appreciate any help you can provide.
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Jan 1, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Colin Law  wrote:
> >>
> >> Can you post a screenshot showing exactly what you mean?
> >>
> >> Colin
> >>
> >> On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 00:55, William Marshall via gnucash-user
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I don’t know if this is the right pace to ask this or not, and I’m sure
> >> it’s already been asked many times, but Googling for solutions hasn’t
> >> provided me any relief.  How do I reduce the spacing on the left sidebar
> >> that lists the accounts and reports that I’ve opened?  Right now, they
> way
> >> spread out vertically, which happened when I switched to GnuCash 3.X.
> I’m
> >> currently using GnuCash for Mac version 3.7, Build ID: 3.7+(2019-09-07).
> >>
> >> Thank you,
> >> Bill Marshall
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > 
> ___
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