Inverted signs on tranaction report

2017-05-26 Thread François Duclos

Hi all,
when I open a credit account's register (ie liability, equity, revenue) 
it rightly shows credit balances as positive. But on a transaction 
report with those accounts selected (in order to print or send as pdf) 
same credit balances now show as negative, and debit balances such as an 
overdrawn director's fund account as positive. The exact opposite to 
what shows in the open register, very confusing and to my understanding 
surely not proper. Nothing to do with ticking or not sign reverse 
option. I have spent a lot of time searching on line for explanations 
and workaround but cannot find anything relevent (apologies if it's 
there and I did not find it).
Any help well apreciated, I would love to stop apologizing about it to 
the folks I send the pdfs to!

Thanks in advance, FD
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Re: Inverted signs on tranaction report

2017-05-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone

The Transaction Report also has this option. It’s on the Display tab near the 

This allows you to produce a report without regard to your system settings so 
you can accommodate whomever you are sending the report to without having to 
change your preferences for the interface.

Hope that helps,


> On May 25, 2017, at 4:31 AM, François Duclos  wrote:
> Hi all,
> when I open a credit account's register (ie liability, equity, revenue) it 
> rightly shows credit balances as positive. But on a transaction report with 
> those accounts selected (in order to print or send as pdf) same credit 
> balances now show as negative, and debit balances such as an overdrawn 
> director's fund account as positive. The exact opposite to what shows in the 
> open register, very confusing and to my understanding surely not proper. 
> Nothing to do with ticking or not sign reverse option. I have spent a lot of 
> time searching on line for explanations and workaround but cannot find 
> anything relevent (apologies if it's there and I did not find it).
> Any help well apreciated, I would love to stop apologizing about it to the 
> folks I send the pdfs to!
> Thanks in advance, FD
> ___
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How to find and fix entry miss-dated to previous year (in General Ledger)

2017-05-26 Thread doncram
​Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data, it's
possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new
transaction.​  If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it?

Under Tools / General Ledger, i can see and edit General Ledger entries
dated in 2017.  I added a few new entries there, accidentally-on-purpose
dated April 1, 2015, and hit enter.  Poof! they disappear upon entry,
cannot be seen.  I know they were accepted, because Reports / Assets &
Liabilities / Balance Sheet reflects the changes to asset and liability
accounts, in report labelled "Balance Sheet 12/31/2017".

Trying to see the expense account changes, I run Reports / Income & Expense
/ Income Statement, but the report labelled "Income Statement For Period
Covering 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017" doesn't show the 2015 expenses.  (Q1:
how can I see an Income Statement for all time, or for 2015-2017, or for

Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
Journal, I find that works, yay!  I can see the 2015 entries.

Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
Ledger states "Transaction Report: / No accounts selected  / This
report requires accounts to be selected in the report options. / Edit
report options".  Clicking on "Edit report options" seems to allow me to
change a start date range for a report named "Transaction Report", but that
has no effect.  Same if I change the report field to "General Ledger".
 (Q2:  how can I get any General Ledger report that I can see?)

I would like to see the entries in a General Ledger editing window and
correct their dates, but I see no way to open such an edit window showing
them.  (Q3: How can a 2015 General Ledger entry be changed?)  Note, I do
see that I could compose reversing entries and enter them for the same 2015
dates, to undo the accidental entries, but it would be far more
straightforward to just correct the General Ledger entries directly, like
can be done for 2017 entries.

Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Don
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Re: How to find and fix entry miss-dated to previous year (in General Ledger)

2017-05-26 Thread Derek Atkins
Hi Don,

On Fri, May 26, 2017 4:43 pm, doncram wrote:
> ​Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data,
> it's
> possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new
> transaction.​  If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it?

This is where account reconciliation comes in VERY VERY handy!  (see below)

> Trying to see the expense account changes, I run Reports / Income &
> Expense
> / Income Statement, but the report labelled "Income Statement For Period
> Covering 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017" doesn't show the 2015 expenses.  (Q1:
> how can I see an Income Statement for all time, or for 2015-2017, or for
> 2015?)

Report Options -> General -> select the starting/ending dates.

> Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
> Journal, I find that works, yay!  I can see the 2015 entries.
> Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
> Ledger states "Transaction Report: / No accounts selected  /
> This
> report requires accounts to be selected in the report options. / Edit
> report options".  Clicking on "Edit report options" seems to allow me to
> change a start date range for a report named "Transaction Report", but
> that
> has no effect.  Same if I change the report field to "General Ledger".
>  (Q2:  how can I get any General Ledger report that I can see?)

You need to select appropriate accounts and dates.  It sounds like you're
not doing that.

> I would like to see the entries in a General Ledger editing window and
> correct their dates, but I see no way to open such an edit window showing
> them.  (Q3: How can a 2015 General Ledger entry be changed?)

By default the GL only shows the current month.  You can change the
current view by:

View -> Filter By...  -> [Date]  -> [Show All]

>   Note, I do
> see that I could compose reversing entries and enter them for the same
> 2015
> dates, to undo the accidental entries, but it would be far more
> straightforward to just correct the General Ledger entries directly, like
> can be done for 2017 entries.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Don

If you know the Asset/Liability account, and if you reconcile it, you
could open up that account register, go to View -> Filter By... ->
[Status] and then uncheck Reconciled.  This will hide all reconciled
splits from that account which SHOULD leave your errant transaction at the

Obviously this requires that you reconcile.  If you don't reconcile then
this trick wont work and it'll be much much harder to find your error.

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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-26 Thread AC
Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
charges or payments for a set of accounts?  For example I want to
generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while
excluding the payments.  Using the transaction report I don't see a way
to do this.

Alternatively would be a report that sums the columns of charges and
payments independently so I could see the number I want at the bottom.
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Re: How to find and fix entry miss-dated to previous year (in General Ledger)

2017-05-26 Thread doncram
Thanks Derek Atkins on all my questions.

To myself, about how:
*With a given Income Statement or other report open, select Edit / Report
Options, then General to change date range, then hit Apply, and the report
*If a General Ledger report shows "Edit report options", you can click on
that directly, or select Edit / Report Options, and go to Accounts tab and
select All accounts.
*In the Tools / General Ledger, the date range is accessed by View (rather
than Edit) / Filter By / Date.

I will have a think about whether using Reconcile is something you could do
as part of your own approach to "close" a period, in a way that you could
later track down accidental additions as Derek suggests.  I notice the
Filter By / Status tab allows you to choose to select ledger entries by any
combination of "Unreconciled", "Reconciled", "Cleared", "Voided" and
"Frozen" statuses.

I don't know what "Frozen" means yet, or whether that can be used in your
own approach to closing a period.  Neither Help nor the Tutorial and
Concept Guide within GnuCash shows any result when searching on "Frozen" or
"Freeze" as a possible keyword.

Thanks so much for helping me along!  I did try to look for info in the
documentation but wasn't successful, before asking.  --Don

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Derek Atkins  wrote:

> Hi Don,
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 4:43 pm, doncram wrote:
> > ​Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data,
> > it's
> > possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new
> > transaction.​  If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it?
> This is where account reconciliation comes in VERY VERY handy!  (see below)
> [snip]
> > Trying to see the expense account changes, I run Reports / Income &
> > Expense
> > / Income Statement, but the report labelled "Income Statement For Period
> > Covering 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017" doesn't show the 2015 expenses.  (Q1:
> > how can I see an Income Statement for all time, or for 2015-2017, or for
> > 2015?)
> Report Options -> General -> select the starting/ending dates.
> > Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
> > Journal, I find that works, yay!  I can see the 2015 entries.
> >
> > Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
> > Ledger states "Transaction Report: / No accounts selected  /
> > This
> > report requires accounts to be selected in the report options. / Edit
> > report options".  Clicking on "Edit report options" seems to allow me to
> > change a start date range for a report named "Transaction Report", but
> > that
> > has no effect.  Same if I change the report field to "General Ledger".
> >  (Q2:  how can I get any General Ledger report that I can see?)
> You need to select appropriate accounts and dates.  It sounds like you're
> not doing that.
> > I would like to see the entries in a General Ledger editing window and
> > correct their dates, but I see no way to open such an edit window showing
> > them.  (Q3: How can a 2015 General Ledger entry be changed?)
> By default the GL only shows the current month.  You can change the
> current view by:
> View -> Filter By...  -> [Date]  -> [Show All]
> >   Note, I do
> > see that I could compose reversing entries and enter them for the same
> > 2015
> > dates, to undo the accidental entries, but it would be far more
> > straightforward to just correct the General Ledger entries directly, like
> > can be done for 2017 entries.
> >
> > Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Don
> If you know the Asset/Liability account, and if you reconcile it, you
> could open up that account register, go to View -> Filter By... ->
> [Status] and then uncheck Reconciled.  This will hide all reconciled
> splits from that account which SHOULD leave your errant transaction at the
> top.
> Obviously this requires that you reconcile.  If you don't reconcile then
> this trick wont work and it'll be much much harder to find your error.
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-26 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote:
> Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
> charges or payments for a set of accounts?  For example I want to
> generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while
> excluding the payments.  Using the transaction report I don't see a way
> to do this.


IIRC the transaction report options account selection tab has a Filter By... 

If your credit card only has payments from your bank account, then you can 
Filter by... Exclude transactions from... Bank


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Re: A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-26 Thread AC
On 2017-05-26 16:35, Maf. King wrote:
> On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote:
>> Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
>> charges or payments for a set of accounts?  For example I want to
>> generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while
>> excluding the payments.  Using the transaction report I don't see a way
>> to do this.
> Hi,
> IIRC the transaction report options account selection tab has a Filter By... 
> section.
> If your credit card only has payments from your bank account, then you can 
> Filter by... Exclude transactions from... Bank

Thanks that gets me halfway there.  I suppose it's probably not possible
to combine both and filter on payments (e.g. report on credit cards and
the bank account both of which have "charges" and skip any payments into

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GnuCash mobile

2017-05-26 Thread Steve
Before I get flamed, I throw myself on the mercy of the gawds and acknowledge
that I've posted on this subject before...

Not talking about the ("un-official") GnuCash app that allows you to record
transactions and upload them to "real" GnuCash...
The drum beat to get a "real" mobile application really is a screamer, and
increases each and every day.  As with others, I spend less and less time on
my laptop, more and more time on my phone, not having access to my GnuCash
account is becoming increasingly inconvenient.  As much as I "luv" GnuCash,
having to go back to my laptop to update it, is increasingly a pain.

Just venting.  And yes, I know all the usual reasons why it doesn't exist,
and why it's not likely to exist for the foreseeable future, and I totally
get that those valuable souls who have spent their time and energies on this
program, only have so much to give...  Just sayin', the drum beat makes me
want to look for a solution even though I'm totally happy with GnuCash...

I can't be the only one feeling the increasing need to get this void
filled...I really need a mobile app that represents the present, not
contingent on being manually updated to reflect it...

I now officially crawl back into my crevice...

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Re: GnuCash mobile

2017-05-26 Thread Derek Atkins
Would you be willing to pay $5/month for such a service?   $10?

On May 26, 2017 7:33:45 PM EDT, Steve  wrote:
>Before I get flamed, I throw myself on the mercy of the gawds and
>that I've posted on this subject before...
>Not talking about the ("un-official") GnuCash app that allows you to
>transactions and upload them to "real" GnuCash...
>The drum beat to get a "real" mobile application really is a screamer,
>increases each and every day.  As with others, I spend less and less
>time on
>my laptop, more and more time on my phone, not having access to my
>account is becoming increasingly inconvenient.  As much as I "luv"
>having to go back to my laptop to update it, is increasingly a pain.
>Just venting.  And yes, I know all the usual reasons why it doesn't
>and why it's not likely to exist for the foreseeable future, and I
>get that those valuable souls who have spent their time and energies on
>program, only have so much to give...  Just sayin', the drum beat makes
>want to look for a solution even though I'm totally happy with
>I can't be the only one feeling the increasing need to get this void
>filled...I really need a mobile app that represents the present, not
>contingent on being manually updated to reflect it...
>I now officially crawl back into my crevice...
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity or typos.
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RE: Issues with Importing Invoices

2017-05-26 Thread Bruce Danielson
Nelson – on a whim, today at work I decided to import my 34 June 1 invoices, 
opening date today but invoice date and due date June 1, with posting fields 
filled in – worked like a charm.  So I have to plug in invoice numbers, but 
that’s ok.


You’re right about the header row forcing commas as without the header row and 
without invoice numbers, Excel deletes the blank column A when saving.  I 
opened the file in a text editor and placed a leading comma in both rows, but 
then got the same error as if I omitted invoice numbers with a header row (ID 
Not Set).


To tell the truth, I could not import customers from my work PC, but it worked 
the first try on my home PC.  At work all the fields to the right of Ship Name 
got shifted 1 field to the right, like if there were one too many commas in the 
file – but at home it worked perfect using the same csv file.  Weird.


SO – I’m importing and posting, all one step.  Thanks Nelson, all is good.

I appreciate your help & suggestions.




From: Nelson Handcock [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 8:03 PM
To: Bruce Danielson
Subject: Re: Issues with Importing Invoices


Glad to hear you got it working!


If you google "gnucash counters" or look in the online tutorial guide you might 
find some hints that may help you get that aspect working.


I guess having a header row for the invoice import forces all the optional 
fields as having blank values and also forces the required number of commas 
into each row, thereby making sure the file is in the correct format for the 
import function. If you open the file in wordpad/notepad then you'll see all 
the comma's in the data rows - I'm guessing these might not have been there in 
your original file.


The customer import may not have so many optional fields and therefore what you 
had in your file was valid right from the start. 


It's up to you if you post your invoices as a separate activity to importing 
them - but if you fill the "posting" fields in file as well then it's all done 
for you when you run the import.



Cheers, Nelson



On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:47 PM, Bruce Danielson  

Nelson – OK, I just copied your exact header row and tried importing but with 
no ID’s (Invoice Number blank) – I got errors that No ID Set (or something like 

So, I plugged in Invoice Numbers – and it worked.  2 invoices to 2 users, 
perfect, just as you would expect.  I then posted both and all is well.


So – it won’t self-generate invoice numbers, and it needs the header row, I can 
live with all that.


BTW - When I imported 32 customers, it self-generated customer numbers, and I 
did not have a header row.  But hey, who cares?


Thanks Nelson, this has been a learning experience.  We can consider this issue 




Thx Nelson – Let me try filling in the header row & see if it helps with the 
customer number at all.  That is the central issue right now.

When I post invoices on June 1, I don’t want all 34 to go to C001 (or whoever 
is first on the list).  So I’m trying just these two customers to see if I can 
get this to work.


I have the latest version 2.6.16 loaded on both PC’s.  I updated both when I 
had the idea to try this on the water club.


If you think of any reason I get both invoices going to customer C033, please 
let me know.  Any idea would help.

And I’ll let you know if & when I get some success.


Thx Again Nelson,




From: Nelson Handcock [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:57 PM

To: Bruce Danielson
Subject: Re: Issues with Importing Invoices


Hi Bruce,


In no particular order


Please check your version of gnucash - most recent version is 2.6.16. It's best 
to keep up to date.


Tou can't delete an invoice - but if it's left as not posted then it won't show 
in any of the accounts. It's a bit annoying but it's always been that way AFAIK.



I suggest you firstly complete the remaining columns out to 'V', and then try 
again If GST is not relevant for you then leave columns O, P and Q blank. You 
might want to change your invoice numbers to something else first - to ensure 
Gnucash doesn't get confused with existing invoices.


Due Date can be set to the same as Date Posted - I add 7 days to mine but you 
don't have to if you don't want to.


Yes - if you keep the first column blank then that could well fix your 
auto-generate invoice numbers. Another way is to open the csv file using 
Wordpad, and adding a comma in the first character position to each line (if 
you don't want to add the header row)



It's very strange that you are getting the second invoice with the C033 
customer - that has not been my experience.


Hope this helps


Thanks & Regards,



On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Bruce Danielson  

Hey Nelson – I totally get all t

Re: GnuCash mobile

2017-05-26 Thread Steve
Personally, I'd be willing to pay $100+ per year for the app.  I don't expect
it to be free, I'm thrilled that for the past number of years since leaving
Quicken, that I have a program that "works".  To have that information
available to me wherever I am?  Hard to put a price on it.  Hard for me to
imagine that if one is able to translate the current program to a mobile
app, that it would not get wide adoption with whatever reasonable monthly

I'm just saying that with each passing day, having a program that is
anchored to a desktop or laptop computer, makes increasingly less sense. 
Perhaps progress is being made behind the scenes, I sure hope so.

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Re: How to find and fix entry miss-dated to previous year (in General Ledger)

2017-05-26 Thread Chris Serella
I know this probably isnt the answer your looking for, but I found by keeping 
seperate yearly books this will never crop up. If a wrong date is entered then 
its going to the top of the book so I can find and correct it.

As i am in the UK i just have to remember to change the date in preferences 
because its absolute, US tax dates are not the same I believe.

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of doncram 
Sent: 26 May 2017 21:43
Subject: How to find and fix entry miss-dated to previous year (in General 

Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data, it's
possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new
transaction.  If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it?

Under Tools / General Ledger, i can see and edit General Ledger entries
dated in 2017.  I added a few new entries there, accidentally-on-purpose
dated April 1, 2015, and hit enter.  Poof! they disappear upon entry,
cannot be seen.  I know they were accepted, because Reports / Assets &
Liabilities / Balance Sheet reflects the changes to asset and liability
accounts, in report labelled "Balance Sheet 12/31/2017".

Trying to see the expense account changes, I run Reports / Income & Expense
/ Income Statement, but the report labelled "Income Statement For Period
Covering 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017" doesn't show the 2015 expenses.  (Q1:
how can I see an Income Statement for all time, or for 2015-2017, or for

Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
Journal, I find that works, yay!  I can see the 2015 entries.

Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General
Ledger states "Transaction Report: / No accounts selected  / This
report requires accounts to be selected in the report options. / Edit
report options".  Clicking on "Edit report options" seems to allow me to
change a start date range for a report named "Transaction Report", but that
has no effect.  Same if I change the report field to "General Ledger".
 (Q2:  how can I get any General Ledger report that I can see?)

I would like to see the entries in a General Ledger editing window and
correct their dates, but I see no way to open such an edit window showing
them.  (Q3: How can a 2015 General Ledger entry be changed?)  Note, I do
see that I could compose reversing entries and enter them for the same 2015
dates, to undo the accidental entries, but it would be far more
straightforward to just correct the General Ledger entries directly, like
can be done for 2017 entries.

Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Don
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RE: Issues with Importing Invoices

2017-05-26 Thread Nelson Handcock
Thanks for the update. Good to see another happy gnucash camper!

On 27 May 2017 10:04 a.m., "Bruce Danielson"  wrote:

> Nelson – on a whim, today at work I decided to import my 34 June 1
> invoices, opening date today but invoice date and due date June 1, with
> posting fields filled in – worked like a charm.  So I have to plug in
> invoice numbers, but that’s ok.
> You’re right about the header row forcing commas as without the header row
> and without invoice numbers, Excel deletes the blank column A when saving.
> I opened the file in a text editor and placed a leading comma in both rows,
> but then got the same error as if I omitted invoice numbers with a header
> row (ID Not Set).
> To tell the truth, I could not import customers from my work PC, but it
> worked the first try on my home PC.  At work all the fields to the right of
> Ship Name got shifted 1 field to the right, like if there were one too many
> commas in the file – but at home it worked perfect using the same csv
> file.  Weird.
> SO – I’m importing and posting, all one step.  Thanks Nelson, all is good.
> I appreciate your help & suggestions.
> Bruce
> *From:* Nelson Handcock []
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 25, 2017 8:03 PM
> *To:* Bruce Danielson
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Issues with Importing Invoices
> Glad to hear you got it working!
> If you google "gnucash counters" or look in the online tutorial guide you
> might find some hints that may help you get that aspect working.
> I guess having a header row for the invoice import forces all the optional
> fields as having blank values and also forces the required number of commas
> into each row, thereby making sure the file is in the correct format for
> the import function. If you open the file in wordpad/notepad then you'll
> see all the comma's in the data rows - I'm guessing these might not have
> been there in your original file.
> The customer import may not have so many optional fields and therefore
> what you had in your file was valid right from the start.
> It's up to you if you post your invoices as a separate activity to
> importing them - but if you fill the "posting" fields in file as well then
> it's all done for you when you run the import.
> Cheers, Nelson
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:47 PM, Bruce Danielson 
> wrote:
> Nelson – OK, I just copied your exact header row and tried importing but
> with no ID’s (Invoice Number blank) – I got errors that No ID Set (or
> something like that).
> So, I plugged in Invoice Numbers – and it worked.  2 invoices to 2 users,
> perfect, just as you would expect.  I then posted both and all is well.
> So – it won’t self-generate invoice numbers, and it needs the header row,
> I can live with all that.
> BTW - When I imported 32 customers, it self-generated customer numbers,
> and I did not have a header row.  But hey, who cares?
> Thanks Nelson, this has been a learning experience.  We can consider this
> issue closed.
> Bruce
> Thx Nelson – Let me try filling in the header row & see if it helps with
> the customer number at all.  That is the central issue right now.
> When I post invoices on June 1, I don’t want all 34 to go to C001 (or
> whoever is first on the list).  So I’m trying just these two customers to
> see if I can get this to work.
> I have the latest version 2.6.16 loaded on both PC’s.  I updated both when
> I had the idea to try this on the water club.
> If you think of any reason I get both invoices going to customer C033,
> please let me know.  Any idea would help.
> And I’ll let you know if & when I get some success.
> Thx Again Nelson,
> Bruce
> *From:* Nelson Handcock []
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:57 PM
> *To:* Bruce Danielson
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Issues with Importing Invoices
> Hi Bruce,
> In no particular order
> Please check your version of gnucash - most recent version is 2.6.16. It's
> best to keep up to date.
> Tou can't delete an invoice - but if it's left as not posted then it won't
> show in any of the accounts. It's a bit annoying but it's always been that
> way AFAIK.
> I suggest you firstly complete the remaining columns out to 'V', and then
> try again If GST is not relevant for you then leave columns O, P and Q
> blank. You might want to change your invoice numbers to something else
> first - to ensure Gnucash doesn't get confused with existing invoices.
> Due Date can be set to the same as Date Posted - I add 7 days to mine but
> you don't have to if you don't want to.
> Yes - if you keep the first column blank then that could well fix your
> auto-generate invoice numbers. Another way is to open the csv file using
> Wordpad, and adding a comma in the first character position to e

RE: Trial Balance does not include amount of Return of Capital Investment splits

2017-05-26 Thread Chris Good
From: John Ralls [] 
Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 1:33 AM
To: Chris Good> >
Cc: GnuCash User Mailing List> >
Subject: Re: Trial Balance does not include amount of Return of Capital 
Investment splits




To represent an actual Return of Capital you'd do something like

$400 DR Assets:Current Assets:Bank1

$400 CR Assets:Investments:Brokerage1:Stock1 Memo: Return of Capital

$400 CR Assets:Investments:Brokerage1:Stock1 Memo: Reduction in basis 0 shares, 
0 price

$400 DR Income:Deferred Income:Reduction in basis of investments


Hi John,


I tried your suggested Return of Capital but unfortunately the TB now shows 
(after just the buy and RoC):


$900 DR Assets:Current Assets:Bank1

$500 DR Assets:Investments:Brokerage1:Stock1

$1000 CR Equity:Opening Balances
$400 DR Income:Deferred Income:Reduction in basis
DR Total $1,800
CR Total $1,000

There is no Unrealized Gains/Losses line (as expected).


There doesn’t seem to be a way to record a RoC and still have a correct 
Advanced Portfolio Report (APR) & TB.

It still seems to me that, as the (APR) correctly deala with the RoC as I first 
detailed, so should the Trial Balance. Shall I raise a bug/enhancement? Maybe 
some Scheme/C guru will want to scratch their itch.

I’ll have more of a look when I get time, but so far, I just get confused when 
trying to follow the code - I think I’ll need to run the engine code in a 
debugger to really see what it’s doing.


Regards, Chris Good

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