Request for translating a new GNOME app (gnome-extras): frogr

2011-01-17 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Last week I moved my pet project 'frogr: a Flickr Remote Organizer for
GNOME' to the GNOME infrastructure [1] and, following Claudio Saavedra's
suggestion (and some documentation as well [2]) I'm now formally asking
to the translators team for adding this new app to the gnome-extras
moduleset at the "Damnes Lies about GNOME" platform [3]

Find the most recent POTFILES and .po files (not up to date, just
generated) in the git repository at:

The application is currently on feature freeze towards the next 0.4
release, but I dare not to say that the is also in string freeze yet,
since I just stopped today adding features and still some things might
change. However, the fact is that I foresee that only a few strings
could change since now till the release day, so that's why I'm now
asking for this and not before.

In other words, no string freeze yet, but pretty safe to start
translating it anyway in case you want to, since I don't think big
changes will happen in that regard.

So that's all, I guess. Just let me know of any doubt/question you have
regarding to this request. 



gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Request for translating a new GNOME app (gnome-extras): frogr

2011-01-18 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 11:32 +0100, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Le mardi 18 janvier 2011 à 00:13 +0100, Mario Sanchez Prada a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Last week I moved my pet project 'frogr: a Flickr Remote Organizer for
> > GNOME' to the GNOME infrastructure [1] and, following Claudio Saavedra's
> > suggestion (and some documentation as well [2]) I'm now formally asking
> > to the translators team for adding this new app to the gnome-extras
> > moduleset at the "Damnes Lies about GNOME" platform [3]
> Hi Mario,
> Here it is:


I'll let you know then when the project reaches its string freeze, so
people will be able to translate a 100% stable codebase. [*]


[*] As I said yesterday, no big changes are planned but still some
affecting translation might happen, such as the recent idea coming from
Claudio about renaming "album" -> "set" all around, to be coherent with
Flickr naming.

gnome-i18n mailing list

String freeze for frogr 0.4

2011-01-21 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

After finishing the last pending bits and deeply reviewing all the
features, code and translatable strings one last time, I'm now
announcing that the feature & string freezes for frogr [1] 0.4 are
officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to update the
already existing translations, as well as to add as many others as the
translation teams find interesting to add.

Get the latest PO files at:

And their current status status at:

I'm planning to release frogr 0.4 in two weeks time (ideally during
FOSDEM) so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

>From my side, and of course besides other duties, I'll concentrate in
bugfixing and stabilization tasks only during these two weeks.

Thanks a lot!

PS: This is the first time I announce a string freeze on this mailing
list so, even if I think I've read all the documentation related to the
topic, please feel free to point anything out that you want.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Italian translation

2011-04-26 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 20:46 +0200, Cristian Marchi wrote:
> I attach the updated po file for Italian translation.

Thank you very much Cristian for the update in the translation. However,
since we switched to the GNOME infrastructure, I think it's better if we
always handle translations through the "Damned Lies" platform at So, if you could get in contact with the italian team in
there and handle the translation through them that would be awesome :-)

You could even request to be part of the GNOME Italian team for
translations, which would be very convenient so you could directly
commit your translations to the repository.

I'm CCing this mail to gnome-i18n so they can help you with this.


gnome-i18n mailing list

String freeze for frogr 0.5

2011-05-02 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Now announcing, at least that the feature & string freezes for frogr [1]
0.5 are officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to
update the already existing translations, as well as to add as many
others as the translation teams find interesting to add.

By the way, sorry to all translators that were these last days trying to
keep the files updated while I was continuously changing them last week,
it was not my intention to bother anyone, so excuse me for the "moving
target" thing :-)

Get the latest PO files at:

And their current status status at:

I'm planning to release frogr 0.5 in two-three weeks time (max deadline
28th of May, but it could happen earlier) so it would be nice to get the
translations updated by then.

>From my side, and of course besides other duties, I'll concentrate in
bugfixing and stabilization tasks only during these weeks.

Thanks a lot!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: String freeze for frogr 0.5

2011-05-23 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
Hi again,

On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 23:09 +0200, Mario Sanchez Prada wrote:
> [...]
> I'm planning to release frogr 0.5 in two-three weeks time (max deadline
> 28th of May, but it could happen earlier) so it would be nice to get the
> translations updated by then.

Just a quick mail to say that I'm planning on releasing frogr 0.5 on
Friday this week so now letting you know in case you want (and can) to
update the very few translations that are not finished yet.

Of course, I understand translation teams have a lot of work to do so
please do not take this as a demand, just like a "humble ping" to help
you reach the deadline in case it helps. 

Anyway, the truth is that at the moment the stats are already really
good (so I'd already be more than happy releasing right now), with 9
translations 100% finished, 5 more around 85% and 1 on 78%, which I
consider as "almost complete", and then we have just two other
translations at 57% and 32% that would be those needing more love for
the upcoming release.

Thanks a lot for your work translating frogr. I still can hardly believe
is already translated to so many languages!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: String freeze for frogr 0.5

2011-05-23 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
Hi again,

On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 23:09 +0200, Mario Sanchez Prada wrote:
> I'm planning to release frogr 0.5 in two-three weeks time (max deadline
> 28th of May, but it could happen earlier) so it would be nice to get the
> translations updated by then.

Just a quick mail to say that I'm planning on releasing frogr 0.5 on
Friday this week so now letting you know in case you want (and can) to
update the very few translations that are not finished yet.

Of course, I understand translation teams have a lot of work to do so
please do not take this as a demand, just like a "humble ping" to help
you reach the deadline in case it helps. 

Anyway, the truth is that at the moment the stats are already really
good (so I'd already be more than happy releasing right now), with 9
translations 100% finished, 5 more around 85% and 1 on 78%, which I
consider as "almost complete", and then we have just two other
translations at 57% and 32% that would be those needing more love for
the upcoming release.

Thanks a lot for your work translating frogr. I still can hardly believe
is already translated to so many languages!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Please add the frogr manual to D-L

2011-05-30 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 20:22 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Le dimanche 29 mai 2011 à 18:10 +0200, Łukasz Jernaś a écrit :
> > 2011/5/29 Mario Blättermann :
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > the frogr module [1] has a Mallard based manual. It isn't complete yet,
> > > but already worth translating (currently 56 strings, including 4
> > > pictures). Please would somebody add it to the D-L view?
> > 
> > Hi Mario!
> > 
> > If you add the help files to the build system they should get included
> > on D-L as far as I remember, the attached patch should help.
> Not always, it depends on how the initial setup of the module has been
> done in D-L. I just added the missing bit.
> However you're right in that the build system is currently broken for
> the help part of frogr.
> I wonder if it wouldn't be better to use the new itstool based build
> system, as Shaun has recently done with gnome-user-docs [1].
> [1]
> Claude

The addition of those new files to frogr is still work in progress, in
the way that we just added the .page files (and some pictures) to the
source tree and we still lack some needed changes to integrate them into
the build process for the project, as you have noticed.

The plan so far was that Pierre (the contributor who filed the bug and
provided the initial .page files) provided those needed changes to
integrate it in the build process, which is something that he already
did (see [1])... but now you mentioned this about a new build system for
the documentation perhaps that patch he proposed would need more

Thing is that, as I have no idea about these kind of (help related)
topics, I'm not sure about what would be the good next step to make so,
so it would be awesome if someone with more knowledge could take a look
to the bug currently tracking down these new additions to frogr, and
comment on the patches that Pierre are sending there:

Also, as I said Pierre in there, please feel free to commit whatever you
want to frogr related to the addition of these new documentation related
files. That probably would be faster (and safer) that relying on me to
review and commit changes :-) (after all, I don't have the proper
knowledge for that yet)

Last, but not least, please accept my apologies if adding these new
files without integrating them into the build+translations machinery
annoyed you in some way. If that's a problem because of some reason (I
don't know, perhaps it broke something in the l10n machinery), we could
always withdraw those files by now, keep iterating in the bug, and apply
them back once an "atomic" patch is ready.



gnome-i18n mailing list

String freeze for frogr 0.6

2011-07-23 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Now announcing that the feature & string freezes for frogr 0.6 [1] are
officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to update the
already existing translations and pages from the manual, as well as to
add as many others as the translation teams find interesting to add.

With regard to the User Manual, please notice that some screenshots
('preferences' and 'edit details' dialogs) have changed since the moment
when the initial files were added under help/ so it would be needed to
update those too, not just the strings. Sorry about that :(

Get the latest PO files for UI translations at:

Get the latest PO files for the User Guide at:

And their current status status at:

As usual, I'm planning to release frogr 0.6 in two-three weeks time,
probably on August the 5th, and not later than the 12th (max deadline),
so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

>From my side, and of course besides other duties, I'll concentrate in
testing, bugfixing and stabilization tasks during these weeks.

Thanks a lot!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: String freeze for frogr 0.6

2011-08-05 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
Hi again,

On Sat, 2011-07-23 at 13:44 +0200, Mario Sanchez Prada wrote:
> [...]
> With regard to the User Manual, please notice that some screenshots
> ('preferences' and 'edit details' dialogs) have changed since the moment
> when the initial files were added under help/ so it would be needed to
> update those too, not just the strings. Sorry about that :(

I just have pushed some work by Pierre-Yves LUYTEN (Thanks!) who kindly
updated the user manual to match the current state of frogr (both
regarding to new/changed sections and images), which means good news for
frogr as now the user manual is correct, but bad news for translations,
since the current state of most of them has dropped down to 44%.

However I think you all will agree it's better to ship frogr with a
partly translated but correct manual than with a fully translated but
incorrect one, so I hope you won't feel desires to kill me by now :-)

> As usual, I'm planning to release frogr 0.6 in two-three weeks time,
> probably on August the 5th, and not later than the 12th (max deadline),
> so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

I was thinking during all the week about releasing frogr 0.6 today, but
since there's actually not any hurry to do it, and considering I just
screwed up the translations for the user manual some minutes ago, I will
wait some more days (deadline next friday) to give you time to update
them, in case you want to do it and it's feasible.

Otherwise, as I said before, frogr 0.6 will be shipped as it is now and
we'll have plenty of time to complete the translations fro the next
release, or even in an intermediate one.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.7

2012-04-12 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Now announcing that the strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.7 [1] is
officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to update the
already existing strings from the code, as well as pages and screenshots
from the manual.

Get the latest PO files for UI translations at:

Get the latest PO files for the User Guide at:

And their current status status at:

I'm planning to release frogr 0.7 in two-three weeks time, probably on
April the 27th, and ideally not later than May the 4th (max deadline),
so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

>From my side, and of course besides other duties, I'll concentrate in
testing, bugfixing and stabilization tasks during these weeks.

Thanks a lot!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.7

2012-04-27 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada
On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 12:35 +0200, Mario Sanchez Prada wrote:
> I'm planning to release frogr 0.7 in two-three weeks time, probably on
> April the 27th, and ideally not later than May the 4th (max deadline),
> so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

I'm afraid I will have to delay the release of frogr two weeks (will try
to do it before May the 18th) due to unavoidable and more prioritary
tasks I need to take care of as well.

Just letting you know.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.8

2012-12-04 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Just announcing that the strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.8 [1] is
officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to update the
already existing strings from the code, as well as pages and screenshots
from the manual.

Get the latest PO files for UI translations at:

Get the latest PO files for the User Guide at:

And their current status status at:

I'm planning to release frogr 0.8 in two weeks time, hopefully before
Christmas, so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

Please notice that this is the first version of frogr implementing
support for the beautiful "Applications menu", and that some items in
the "menu bar" have also been moved around and reorganized to make it
all more consistent with other apps.

>From my side, I'll concentrate in testing, bugfixing and stabilization
tasks during these weeks.

Thanks a lot!


gnome-i18n mailing list

Strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.9

2013-12-15 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Just announcing that the strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.9 [1] is
starting right now, so it should be safe from now on to update the
already existing strings from the code, as well as pages and screenshots
from the manual.

Get the latest PO files for UI translations at:

Get the latest PO files for the User Guide at:

And their current status status at:

As a reference, I'm planning to release frogr 0.9 in 1-3 weeks time,
hopefully before the new year. It will depend on how much spare time I
manage to get during that (usually busy) period :)

>From my side, I'll concentrate in testing, bugfixing and stabilization
tasks during these weeks.



gnome-i18n mailing list

About the "About frogr" translation

2018-11-06 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

I've just pushed a commit to remove the application menu [1] in accordance to 
the "Application Menu Retirement" initiative [2], and as part of that change I 
modified the string "About" in the menu (now the hamburger menu) to be "About 
frogr", as those guidelines recommend... meaning that there are now a bunch of 
translations at 99% with that one string missing.

I'm planning to make a release of frogr in the next days/weeks and it would be 
great if the i18n teams could get that fixed, since it's very visible being in 
the hamburger menu. I fixed en_GB, es_ES, gl_ES, pt_PT, pt_BR and fr_FR myself, 
but there are others I dare not touch, for obvious reasons :-)

Many thanks in advance,

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: About the "About frogr" translation

2018-11-09 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

Apparently I had my IMAP folders + filters all messed up and I thought I didn't 
receive this email at all, and discussed this with Alexandre privately based on 
the ML archives... so summing up here the conclusion.

On 7/11/18 17:00, Alexandre Franke wrote:
> [...]
>> I've just pushed a commit to remove the application menu [1] in accordance 
>> to the "Application Menu Retirement" initiative [2], and as part of that 
>> change I modified the string "About" in the menu (now the hamburger menu) to 
>> be "About frogr", as those guidelines recommend... meaning that there are 
>> now a bunch of translations at 99% with that one string missing.
> That change is only supposed to happen for 3.32. It is fine to do it
> already in master, but no 3.30 release should be affected. You should
> have a gnome-3-30 branch that is not affected.

As clarified to Alexandre, frogr is not a core GNOME App and doesn't follow 
GNOME 6-month schedule, just a simpler "release when its ready" policy, along 
with its own release numbers (1.4 the latest one). As such, and considering 
it's such a small application with little development happening, it's a bit 
overkill to do a gnome-3-30 branch to deal with this and instead I'll simply 
keep the change in master and include it in the next stable release whenever it 
happens (in the next weeks, hopefully).

It's true that's a bit too quick for a non-code app to adopt this change, but I 
have no clue of when I'll have time to do it in the future, so I rather release 
it sooner than later :-).

>> I'm planning to make a release of frogr in the next days/weeks and it would 
>> be great if the i18n teams could get that fixed, since it's very visible 
>> being in the hamburger menu. I fixed en_GB, es_ES, gl_ES, pt_PT, pt_BR and 
>> fr_FR myself, but there are others I dare not touch, for obvious reasons :-)
> If you’re talking about a 3.30 release, see my remark above. If you’re
> talking about a 3.31 release, then not being translated is not a big
> deal and it is fine for translators to wait until closer to the 3.32
> freeze. Also, you shouldn’t ever “fix” translations.

As mentioned to Alexandre, being a native Galician & Spanish speaker who also 
speaks English and a bit of Portuguese (and even very little French), combined 
with the fact that it was such a simple string to fix, I thought it would 
qualify as a "trivial change" and went ahead precisely to avoid bothering those 
i18 teams.

But, as Alexandre wisely pointed out, that has other problems such as skipping 
the normal workflows and risking a worsened QA process, so I think it was wrong 
for me to do it and I openly apologize for that. Thanks Alexandre for pointing 
it out.

Thanks everyone!
gnome-i18n mailing list

String freeze for frogr 1.5

2018-11-15 Thread Mario Sanchez Prada

After the mess up with my previous email last week, I'm sending a more formal 
email to make it explicit that i18n strings in frogr are frozen now (been since 
a week ago, though, but maybe that was not entirely clear).

Most translations are over 90% completed now and quite a few around the 
98%-100% mark, but if you want to help improve that ratio please do it before 
November the 23rd, since I'll be releasing frogr 1.5 right after that date 

Relevant links:

Many thanks,
gnome-i18n mailing list