
Just announcing that the strings & UI freeze for frogr 0.8 [1] is
officially starting right now, so it's safe from now on to update the
already existing strings from the code, as well as pages and screenshots
from the manual.

Get the latest PO files for UI translations at:

Get the latest PO files for the User Guide at:

And their current status status at:

I'm planning to release frogr 0.8 in two weeks time, hopefully before
Christmas, so it would be nice to get the translations updated by then.

Please notice that this is the first version of frogr implementing
support for the beautiful "Applications menu", and that some items in
the "menu bar" have also been moved around and reorganized to make it
all more consistent with other apps.

>From my side, I'll concentrate in testing, bugfixing and stabilization
tasks during these weeks.

Thanks a lot!

[1] http://live.gnome.org/Frogr

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