string change announce
Dear translators and documentors, I have just committed a fix for the bug #399988, which adds an error message with one new string to the Eye of GNOME. The relevant code fragment is in the file shell/main.c, and reads: + dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, +GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, +GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, +GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, +_("Couldn't load image '%s'."), +eog_image_get_caption (image)); Thank you very much! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[Fwd: broken gtk+ build due to missing .po file]
Hi, I tried to contact directly to the person who did that commit, but I got the message returned, so I forward it here in case he is subscribed to the list. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- Begin Message --- Hi, GTK+ build is currently broken, due to a [EMAIL PROTECTED] file missing in po-properties/. You need to add that file for GTK+ to build properly (please read the instructions in the file, just above the ALL_LINGUAS line). I've temporarily removed the ALL_LINGUAS entry (rev. 17389 and 17390) to fix the build, but you should either add the missing file soon or remove the po/[EMAIL PROTECTED] file. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- End Message --- ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
release notes spanish translation
Hi, As we couldn't find anyone already working on the translation to Spanish of the release notes, Diego and I have started doing so. If you are from the spanish translation team or have already started working on this, please let us know. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
errata in release-notes.
Hi, There's a little typo in the release notes, where it says "Loqeundo", it should say "Loquendo". (C/release-notes.xml:108). I send this notice so that translators fix it in their translations, if possible. Thanks! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
reminder: libgnomeui and libgnome have been branched for 2.18
Hi, I am not libgnome{ui} maintainer nor developer, but wanted to remind that these modules have been branched for 2.18, and it seems this is not yet reflected in damned-lies. Greetings! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
new gyrus release soon
Dear friends, I'll be doing a new release of gyrus, my pet project, during this week. If any of you want to share some localization love with it, I'd appreciate it. You can find it under the module gyrus in damned-lies. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Batch-checkout SVN po folders
On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:07 +0200, Yannig MARCHEGAY wrote: > I try to add > > eval `ssh-agent -s` > ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa > $SHELL > ssh-agent -k > exit > > just before "done" in his script but it does not work :-( Could you send us the error messages you get or the reasons why it doesn't work? Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Translating GNOME 2.18 or 2.20?
Quoting Vincent Untz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi, > > Claude was asking me if it was still useful to translate GNOME 2.18. > That's a really good question. > > We released GNOME 2.18.3 last week, so there is no more GNOME 2.18 > planned. Unless there is a really critical bug in their module, I don't > think module maintainers will release new tarballs. Distributors of > GNOME could use new translations appear in svn, but, well, to be honest, > I don't think they will. IMHO, there *could be* some releases in some modules which have changes in svn which, for one or another reason, are not yet released (hi eog!). Maybe looking for these in svn could help. But I think it's really low priority compared to 2.20 translations. Claudio > > Therefore, I'd recommend to translators to stop focusing on translating > 2.18, and work on 2.20 instead (but feel free to ignore what I say ;-)) > > Vincent > > -- > Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�s. > ___ > gnome-i18n mailing list > > > > -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Este correo fue enviado por ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: confusing string in divifund
On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 17:03 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote: > Στις 26-07-2007, ημέρα Πεμ, και ώρα 10:32 -0400, ο/η Claudio Saavedra > έγραψε: > > On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 13:05 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote: > > > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need > > > to > > > have saved" 150 euros. > > > > > > It may be an issue for some languages that the object is not always at > > > the end of the sentence. > > > > It is an issue. At least in German (if I still remember German grammar) > > it's tricky to translate. > > > > Looking the code it seems the complete sentence is something like > > > > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will > > need to have saved %s by the date %s" , > > > > so it's even trickier. > > > > Instead of trying to be as creative as possible in order to translate > > such unfriendly strings, you should file bugs. I've done this in the > > past a couple of times, developers have always been friendly and fixed > > the issues. > > This is a good example to try to suggest here how it should be tackled, > then document on for developers to reference. > Please be constructive on the following: > > > Let's assume that we have the following message and we want to make it > possible to translate in different languages, including languages that > follow a different order from "subject verb object". > > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need to > have saved %s by the date %s" > > In this case we can use "positional arguments" as described in > > > The above message is then converted in the source code to > > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need to > have saved %1$s by the date %2$s" > > Another example is > from > "You run for %d minutes along the %s route with team %s." > to > "You run for %1$d minutes along the %2$s route with team %3$s." > > Sometimes it is good to break messages in smaller parts. However, in > this example it is better to leave as a single message, due to the > sentence structure. I'd add something like "Also, breaking a message in smaller parts could make harder for translators, who are not supposed to dig into the code, to understand its meaning." And also, if more experienced translators and grammar freaks (like me) agree, "As a rule of thumb, never break a sentence." Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: confusing string in divifund
On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 13:05 +0100, Simos Xenitellis wrote: > "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need > to > have saved" 150 euros. > > It may be an issue for some languages that the object is not always at > the end of the sentence. It is an issue. At least in German (if I still remember German grammar) it's tricky to translate. Looking the code it seems the complete sentence is something like "From your budget and the amount you've already spent, you will need to have saved %s by the date %s" , so it's even trickier. Instead of trying to be as creative as possible in order to translate such unfriendly strings, you should file bugs. I've done this in the past a couple of times, developers have always been friendly and fixed the issues. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
eog: marked forgotten string for translation
Szia, dear translators! I've marked a forgotten string for translation in the gnome-2-20 branch of eog. Just letting you know, as this is not a string freeze break. 2007-10-25 Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * src/eog-error-message-area.c: (create_error_message_area): Mark a forgotten string for translation. Fixes bug #490065 (Kelemen Gabor). Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Start translating
El mar, 06-11-2007 a las 10:15 +0700, Joakim Lagerqvist escribió: > Hi everybody, > > I would like to start translating gnome into Lao language which I > believe has not been made yet. It seems like there is a (inactive) Lao team: > > As a start, I would like to focus on translating menus of the desktop > environment and the most common used programs. Could anyone here point > me into the right direction when it comes to documentation on to proceed > with this and perhaps tools and recommendations. A good start would be to contact the current Lao coordinator (listed in that page). There's also a bit of info (probably outdated, so take it with a grain of salt) in this page: Other translators can give you more extensive help :-) Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: eog-plugins
El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 16:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > > Sure. If we follow the same scheme as gedit/gedit-plugins, eog-plugins > should be placed in the Extra release set. Right ? Sounds right to me. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Hi, Can we get eog-plugins in Damned Lies? Thank you! Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: eog-plugins
El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 20:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > Le vendredi 23 novembre 2007 à 16:11 -0300, Claudio Saavedra a écrit : > > El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 16:55 +0100, Claude Paroz escribió: > > > > > > Sure. If we follow the same scheme as gedit/gedit-plugins, eog-plugins > > > should be placed in the Extra release set. Right ? > > > > Sounds right to me. > > Done. Thank you. Is there any reason why there's no useful information in the module page? Are we missing something? Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
strings added to eog [Fwd: eog r4300 - in trunk: . src]
Hi, I installed the attached patch in EOG, adding a few translatable strings. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- Begin Message --- Author: csaavedra Date: Wed Jan 9 19:05:06 2008 New Revision: 4300 URL: Log: 2008-01-09 Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * src/eog-window.c: Add tooltips to the actions. Fixes bug #496464. Modified: trunk/ChangeLog trunk/src/eog-window.c Modified: trunk/src/eog-window.c == --- trunk/src/eog-window.c (original) +++ trunk/src/eog-window.c Wed Jan 9 19:05:06 2008 @@ -3384,91 +3384,91 @@ static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_image[] = { { "FileSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save"), "s", - NULL, + N_("Save changes in currently selected images"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_save) }, { "FileOpenWith", NULL, N_("Open _with"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Open the selected image with a different application"), NULL}, { "FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As..."), "s", - NULL, + N_("Save the selected images with a different name"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_save_as) }, { "FilePageSetup", "document-page-setup", N_("Page Set_up..."), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Setup the page properties for printing"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_page_setup) }, { "FilePrint", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print..."), "p", - NULL, + N_("Print the selected image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_print) }, { "FileProperties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("Prope_rties"), "Return", - NULL, + N_("Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_properties) }, { "EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, N_("_Undo"), "z", - NULL, + N_("Undo the last change in the image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_undo) }, { "EditFlipHorizontal", "object-flip-horizontal", N_("Flip _Horizontal"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Mirror the image horizontally"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_flip_horizontal) }, { "EditFlipVertical", "object-flip-vertical", N_("Flip _Vertical"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Mirror the image vertically"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_flip_vertical) }, { "EditRotate90", "object-rotate-right", N_("_Rotate Clockwise"), "r", - NULL, + N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_rotate_90) }, { "EditRotate270", "object-rotate-left", N_("Rotate Counterc_lockwise"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_rotate_270) }, { "SetAsWallpaper", NULL, N_("Set As _Wallpaper"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_wallpaper) }, { "EditMoveToTrash", "user-trash", N_("Move to _Trash"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Move the selected image to the trash folder"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_move_to_trash) }, { "ViewZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "plus", - NULL, + N_("Enlarge the image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_in) }, { "ViewZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "minus", - NULL, + N_("Shrink the image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_out) }, { "ViewZoomNormal", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_100, N_("_Normal Size"), "0", - NULL, + N_("Show the image at its normal size"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_normal) }, { "ViewZoomFit", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, N_("Best _Fit"), NULL, - NULL, + N_("Fit the image to the window"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_fit) }, { "ControlEqual", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "equal", - NULL, + N_("Enlarge the image"), G_CALLBACK (eog_window_cmd_zoom_in) }, { "ControlKpAdd", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_(&quo
103% translated?
Hi, How can gnome-extras be 103% translated to Spanish? :-) Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Approving of string freeze breaks (was: Re: Fwd: String additions to 'gnome-keyring.HEAD')
El vie, 15-02-2008 a las 10:34 -0300, Jonh Wendell escribió: > > Indeed. Which makes me think if it's time to change some policies. > Either teams do start translating *before* the freeze (in order to > file bugs in time), or we should change the term 'freeze' by a new > one. IMHO, string change announce period should be a good time for teams to start translating. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: eog r4375 - in branches/gnome-2-18/help: . da
Hi kennethn, El sáb, 16-02-2008 a las 20:55 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: > Author: kennethn > Date: Sat Feb 16 20:55:34 2008 > New Revision: 4375 > URL: > > Log: > Adden Danish translation > > Added: >branches/gnome-2-18/help/da/ >branches/gnome-2-18/help/da/da.po > Modified: >branches/gnome-2-18/help/ChangeLog >branches/gnome-2-18/help/ Not sure why you added the documentation's translation to the 2-18 branch, but we are no longer maintaining that version. We'd appreciate if you could add it to trunk instead, so that it is available once 2.22 is released. Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Weird google result when searching for "gnome bugzilla"
El dom, 17-02-2008 a las 14:13 +0100, Kenneth Nielsen escribió: > Hey everybody > I'm writing to this list even though this question isn't only > pertaining to translation, but that is the way I found it. > I haven't bookmarked the gnome bugzilla site therefore I always find > it via google. So I fire up google and search for "gnome bugzilla". > The first result in the list is the correct one but > the description of the link is weird, because it makes it look like > it's only the bugtracker for Gimp. The text on the link is this > > Gnome Ticket Reports - Package Gimp > List of known bugs in Gimp. > > Does anybody know why this happens? That may make it more difficult > for new people to find the bugtracker and obviously we don't want that > to happen. Originally I though it was due to the restructuring of the > website, which is why I haven't reported it before, because this > "error" has been there for quite a while, at least a year. I reported it a about a year ago (#410413). Olav provided an explanation while he closed it as NOTABUG. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Rethinking "Supported language"
El mar, 19-02-2008 a las 14:55 +0100, Wouter Bolsterlee escribió: > 2. Developers will generally use those programs in English anyway. > I dare to say that there is not a single Dutch speaking user that > wants to a program such as Glade or Accerciser in Dutch. Translating > lots of strings that will never be visible to users is just a waste of > time. Note that most translation teams have very limited resources. I have to disagree, Wouter. That's probably the reality in Europe and most of the developed countries, but vouching for developing countries, I can say for sure that there are tons of developers who are not proficient with English, or that would feel more comfortable using the development tools in their own language. Claudio, who lives in a country with awfully few English speakers. -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: make distcheck error for at-spi
El lun, 25-02-2008 a las 19:35 +0800, Li Yuan escribió: > Hi, > > I am the maintainer of at-spi. When I released at-spi today I found > an > error generated: [...] > > is a file generated during build > process. Do we need to add such kind of files in POTFILES.skip? I don't > know what should be done. Yes, I think that you need to add it to the POTFILES.skip. We do that in EOG with similar generated files. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Typo in anjuta
El jue, 28-02-2008 a las 23:48 +0100, Johannes Schmid escribió: > > > We have a typo in anjuta, see > > > I guess I won't get a string freeze break approval for it but it would > be nice if the en_* teams could fix it for english users! I suppose you could easily fix it and update all the .po files with some sed magic to avoid those strings to be marked as fuzzy? Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Typo in anjuta
El vie, 29-02-2008 a las 15:32 +0200, Ihar Hrachyshka escribió: > > Are you shure there are no such languages where "tpyo" can be the > right symbol sequence in translation messages? You can always add enough context for the match to be unique. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: cheese description
El dom, 02-03-2008 a las 00:46 +0100, Daniel G. Siegel escribió: > > extremely short (menu, deskop files): "Cheese Webcam Application" I personally don't like it, as it doesn't describe what the application is for in the usual imperative way. Why not simply "Take pictures and videos from your webcam"? Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: can't submit to gnome-pkgview
El mié, 05-03-2008 a las 20:07 +0100, dooteo escribió: > > A valid MAINTAINERS file is required. See > (134-1) It's only that. You should file a bug against that package, or poke the maintainer to add the MAINTAINERS file. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: eog r4455 - tags/EOG_2_22_0/po
El lun, 10-03-2008 a las 15:24 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: > Author: rahulb > Date: Mon Mar 10 15:24:55 2008 > New Revision: 4455 > URL: > > Log: > Updated Marathi Translations > > Modified: >tags/EOG_2_22_0/po/ChangeLog >tags/EOG_2_22_0/po/mr.po You are not supposed to commit to this branch, because this is intended to be a snapshot of the eog 2.22.0 release, and nothing more. You should commit instead to the branches/gnome-2-22 branch, so that your work appears in the 2.22.1 release. So please, revert that commit and commit to the appropriate branch. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Feature and string break request
El lun, 17-03-2008 a las 23:01 +0100, Vincent Untz escribió: > > I think this is totally acceptable and something we want to see > happen. > > In a stable release? >From a marketing point of view, note that it could also mean that it gets less media attention than it deserves, as it's not mentioned in current release notes nor in the many articles out there about 2.22. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: terminos....
El vie, 09-05-2008 a las 10:30 +, Dokuro escribió: > Siempre causa mucho revuelo modificar traducciones a palabras que no > siempre se han utilizado en ingles o español, que son generalmente > extrañas de un idioma a otro, podríamos hacer una lista de > incongruencias en lo que a mi respecta de ingles a español, empezando > por aquí... The appropriate list to discuss the translation of terms to Spanish is [EMAIL PROTECTED] . I'm adding that list to the CC. gnome-i18n is intended to discuss general issues regarding internationalization of applications and other related efforts coordination. English is the main language. Greetings, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Translator credits (to maintainers)
El vie, 18-07-2008 a las 23:18 +0300, Yair Hershkovitz escribió: > We are all volunteers here, working as a best effort service. There is > no guarantee that either of the ChangLog and "Last Translators" > entries > are accurate. If two different people update the same .po file between two releases, only the second one will be listed in the Last-Translator field, so there's no much guarantee that everyone will get their credits on a NEWS file. But, you can always make sure to add your name in the "translator-credits" string translation. No one is going to remove you from there, and you'll get your credits for eternity and beyond. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Translator credits (to maintainers)
El lun, 21-07-2008 a las 13:10 +0200, Petr Kovar escribió: > > > But, you can always make sure to add your name in the > > "translator-credits" string translation. No one is going to remove > you > > from there, and you'll get your credits for eternity and beyond. > > Sure, as long as there's any "translator-credits" string in the > catalog. ;-) If there's not, file bugs. That's certainly something translators should complain about. The semantics of "Last-Translator:" won't allow an accurate credit assignment, so I'd rather make sure that I am in the "translator-credits" string translation. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Typo in ekiga
El mié, 13-08-2008 a las 23:15 +0200, Ignacio Casal Quinteiro escribió: > Ekiga did not manage to configure your network settings automatically. > You canstill use Ekiga, but you need to configure your network > settings manually. The right channel for this would be to file a bug in bugzilla under the Ekiga component. It is recommended that you do it that way. Greetings, Claudio > -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Igalia ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Typo in gtkhtml package
On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 14:39 +0530, Sweta Kothari wrote: > Hi, > A minor typo in gtkhtml package. > > Details below: > module name:gtkhtml > String number: 115 > > String: _Emoticon > > error: > "Emoticon" should be "Emotion" This not really the place to report this, you should use bugzilla and file a bug on the gtkhtml component. Now, if you ask me, I wouldn't be that sure that it's a bug, they could actually be referring to an emoticon (:-), :-(, :-D, etc). -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
hard code freeze break request for eog
Hi, There's a bug in the Eye of GNOME since the gio migration that won't allow a user to set an image as the background wallpaper[1]. Even worse, a user setting the wallpaper will get an ugly plain color as background... We have a patch to fix that[2], but unfortunately we didn't manage to review this in time before code freeze. Even worse, there are two strings that need to be added in order to fully fix this: - "Only local images can be used as wallpapers" - "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in your computer" These strings will only be shown when a user tries to set as wallpaper an image that is not locally in the computer, but the patch is required also for local images. The Eye of GNOME team, therefore, requests to break all possible freezes, and in return, we compromise to: 1. Translate these strings to es, de, and pt_BR ourselves. 2. Get a really kicking ass image viewer for the next releases, 3. Buy Vincent some icecream in next guadec The EOG Team [1] [2] -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: hard code freeze break request for eog
El vie, 19-09-2008 a las 13:21 -0400, Luis Villa escribió: > > Why not just copy it for them automatically? Isn't there a standard > background directory now to put things in anyway? To complement what Felix already said: this bug was reported way to late to write a patch to really copy the image locally. We will most likely do this in trunk once we have branched for 2.24. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
new strings added to EOG
Hi, We had to add two strings to eog in order to fix Bug 552109 – won't set wallpaper These strings are: + "Only local images can be used as wallpapers" + "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in your computer" and will only show up in a dialog if a user tries to set as wallpaper a remote file. The es translation was already uploaded, and we will probably handle the de and pt_BR, if the translators for these teams are too busy :-) Greetings, and sorry for this really late change. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Modified strings up to release date
El lun, 22-09-2008 a las 09:00 +0200, Jorge González escribió: > > I already pleaded with no success for a doc freeze at least 2-3 days > > before each release (be it .0, .1 ...). It's simply a question of > > respect for translators. But as long as GNOME doesn't consider > > translated work as first-class citizen, it won't happen :-( > yes, I also see at as a question of respect, perhaps we could do some > spam, we are quite a lot of translators ;) You should raise this to release-team or at least to desktop-devel-list. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Igalia ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: GNOME 2.24 release when
On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 12:16 +0200, Kenneth Nielsen wrote: > I know I know, its annoying as hell when people as that. > I was just wondering if anybody could give me an _estimate_ of how > many hours I have to finish the release notes. It's more probably that you will have proper feedback if you hang in #release-team in irc. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: eog r4803 - in tags/EOG_2_24_0/help: . de
On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 13:33 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Author: mariobl > Date: Fri Sep 26 13:33:25 2008 > New Revision: 4803 > URL: > > Log: > Updated German translation > > > Modified: >tags/EOG_2_24_0/help/ChangeLog >tags/EOG_2_24_0/help/de/de.po You don't commit into *tags*, but into branches. We don't have a branch yet. Please revert. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: GNOME 2.24: Worst release cycle I have been a part of [l10n/i18n]
El dom, 12-10-2008 a las 14:08 +0200, Kenneth Nielsen escribió: > Hello my fellow GNOME enthusiasts > [...] > A set of interesting stats. > === > > This is a list of modules, which the GNOME status page has told us on > the gnome-i18n list, that there has been made changes to AFTER string > freeze on Sep. 1 and until release. (I already sorted the ones out we > were told were false alarms). > > eog 21. sep. > gtk+ 19. sep. > hamster-applet 17. sep. > cheese 15. sep. > tomboy 15. sep. > glib 15. sep. > hamster-applet 15. sep. > anjuta 15. sep. > hamster-applet 15. sep. > gnome-utils 8. sep. > mousetweaks 6. sep. > anjuta 4. sep. > gnome-session 4. sep. > deskbar-applet 3. sep. > > Now I count 14 changes in there and _11_ individual modules. I would like to point out that probably all of those changes were approved by the i18n team, as requested by our procedures. If you consider some of those breaks to be unjustified, then you could have expressed your opinion during the freeze break requests evaluation. As a translator, I am sure your opinion would be well considered before the approvals were given. > 's in there. Ok let my say this once so clearly that even a 10 year > old should be able to under stand it. IT DOES NOT MATTER FOR > TRANSLATORS whether it is technically a string freeze or not, new > strings means that we will have to update the module once more, and > really there are better things to spend our time on. Not knowing about > the freezes and old patches! Come on, you are asked to stay of of the > strings for 20 freaking days each release, how difficult can that be! > How difficult can it be? Well, far from ideal, for sure. Translators work is hard, I know that, and I respect it enourmosly. Seriously. But let's not trivialize the fact that it's also hard for us to handle issues smoothly during the development cycles. Just as volunteer translators, volunteer developers also have a life and sometimes you can't get your hands on the issues in the most appropriate moment. Life sucks, but believe me that we all make our best effort to make it suck as less as possible. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
eog branched for 2.24
Hi all, eog has been branched for 2.24. The stable branch is now gnome-2-24. New stuff for 2.26 will land in trunk. Plans include dropping libglade, dropping libgnome-desktop, setting remote images as wallpapers, (maybe?) a clutter backend, bug fixes, and some ice cream. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: R-T doesn't care about i18n? (was: Problem with committing to gnome-screensaver)
El jue, 12-02-2009 a las 12:30 +0100, Luca Ferretti escribió: > [1] but little shocked for recent "I'm myself and I don't care about > GNOME community rules" events :( I think the most important thing to learn from these "events" is that when you delay a community-based decision so long, people start making decision on their own and moving forward. It is completely understandable that some maintainers may get tired of waiting for a decision from the community and simply decide what they think it's best for their own projects, even if this may eventually hurt other parts of the process. If we as a community can't agree on something like this and move forward, we will be facing the risk of fragmentation over and over again. Let's not allow this to happen and let's make a decision soon. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: String additions to 'evolution.gnome-2-14'
On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 10:24 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote: > Am Montag, den 04.05.2009, 08:03 + schrieb GNOME Status Pages: > > This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on: > > > > > > There have been following string additions to module 'evolution.gnome-2-14': > > > > + ""{0}" has delegated the meeting. Do you want to add the > > delegate "{1}"?" > > + "Are you sure you want\nto delete contact (%s)?" > > + "Are you sure you want\nto delete contact list (%s)?" > > I can't see any changes in > . > This posting seems to be triggered by Gil's recent ca.po commits to 2.14 > - something wrong in the scripts? Same has been happening with gnome-2-18 branches for some applications, among these eog. Can't remember the others now.. Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Permission to fix typo in libgda
El jue, 10-09-2009 a las 13:21 -0400, Og Maciel escribió: > Take 2? Why do you ask in gnome-i18n when it's a bug in the library? You should file a bug.. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[eog] (34 commits) Created branch gnome-2-32
The branch 'gnome-2-32' was created. Summary of new commits: 018205a... Embed page setup in the print dialog 6fbd5c6... Force-show icons for recent file list in File menu 4da0b15... Make silent build more silent 674f62c... Add --version command line parameter 64213a2... Render SVGs using librsvg when filtering is enabled 1549c27... Use rsvg_handle_set_base_uri to resolve relative path. 2067420... Add simple printing support for SVGs 0748599... Reorder menu items to make menus more intuitive and less co af92dcb... Make strings during image opening consistent with menu item 589d86a... Make libegg code and EogWindow GSEAL-compatible. See bug 60 4aa9d57... Generate separator pixbuf using an offscreen window 72f24e4... Make EogThumbNav GSEAL-compatible f93419a... Make EogPluginEngine GSEAL-compatible 0c943a3... Constify transform lookup table f7d398d... Make the easy parts of EogScrollView GSEAL-compatible ceadfd9... Finish making EogScrollView GSEAL-compatible. d9bd352... Add fallback background color support to EogScrollView c38a223... Cleanup the updating code for the two bg color fields in Eo 849cb98... Fix API docs about new background color property 42746ad... Delete SVG background when changing transparency settings 8d0adcc... Possibly delete the SVG background when changing the backgr f3c1286... Update totem-scrsaver from upstream 01326f3... Adapt to GDBus API change 768fce1... Depend on GIO 2.25.9 for latest GDBus patches 9f9a189... Update to include eog-application.c 306e44c... Add toolbar button to pause the slideshow a68169b... Re-add P as shortcut to pause the slideshow 13113a2... Remove frame around image view 8bb91be... Don't assert when accessing unknown EogWindow properties a3d805e... Mark startup-flags property as GFlags which it actually is. 3d69957... Don't try to set the scrollview's parent's shadow-type prop d2c6ab4... Add NEWS for changes between 2.31.1 and 2.31.4 53d2a8a... Updates for 2.31.5 95fefc6... Bump version to 2.31.5 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
eog branched for 2.32
Hi, I've created a gnome-2-32 branch for eog 2.32, out of the gnome-2-30 branch, and cherry-picked there most of the commits from master that don't depend on GSettings nor GTK+ 3.0, in a very conservative way. Unfortunately, I didn't grab translations, so I ask translators to please take it easy on me and focus their efforts on the gnome-2-32 branch for what's left of this cycle. Work for GNOME 3.0, breakages and thunderstorms included, will continue in the master branch. Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
string freeze break request for eog
Hi, Bug #534348 requires us to add a new string to eog. This string reads something along "The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application. Would you like to reload it?" This bug can be a bit annoying specially for ubuntu users, due to some patches they have to allow direct access to an external editor from the eog ui. We've got plenty of noise because of this in GNOME bugzilla, so I rather have this fixed soon than getting more bogus reports from Ubuntu users once their 10.10 is out. Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: string freeze break request for eog
On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 18:38 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote: > > 2/2 - go on! Thank you both, I'll commit this now. Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
String change in eog
Hi, There was a bug in the way eog was launching the wallpaper preferences dialog, and for consistence a few strings (that are actually used in g_warning() calls and not to the UI) were changed. See bug 642969 for details. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Epiphany UI freeze break request
Hei, There are a few rough edges in the new web application support related to overwriting and possible woes when saving new apps. There are a few patches in aiming to address this, but they add a dialog and a notification, plus a few new strings. Please look in the bug for details. Thanks! Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
String updated in Epiphany
Hi, I updated a string in ephy for the browsing history window, from "Ever" to "All history". Thanks, Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Epiphany UI freeze break request
Hei, We've been working in a replacement for the default page in Ephy that shows a grid with the most visited pages. Unfortunately we weren't ready in time to land this before the UI freeze, but we think we can do it now, before 3.5.91. The wip is in the 'in-tab-overview' branch, but we would like to merge it before next week's release. We're still polishing details but you can try it already if you're curious. If you're lazy, you can just check the following screenshot: We don't have docs at the time so I believe this shouldn't be a problem for the documentation team. Thanks! Claudio ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[epiphany-extensions] Created branch gnome-3-6
The branch 'gnome-3-6' was created. Summary of new commits: 2297bf8... [release] 3.6.0 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[FIXED] strings not present in po files for translation
Hi, I've marked for translation two strings that were missing in totem. Please translators check the following bug. Thanks, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Missing ku.po file in HEAD gedit breaks compilation
Hi, Well, missing ku.po translation file breaks the building of gedit. Making all in po make[2]: Entering directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome2/gedit/po' make[2]: *** No rule to make target `ku.po', needed by `'. Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome2/gedit/po' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome2/gedit' make: *** [all] Error 2 Cheers, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
string change announce: libgnome
Hey, Fixing bug #327754 in libgnome required to add a string. The string added is in libgnome/gnome-url.c:154. Special attention for documentors of gnome-panel, as this string changes the error message of the 'Run Application' dialog. Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: Requesting approval for applying patch (gnome-keyring string change)
On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 13:18 -0200, Guilherme de S. Pastore wrote: > Em Sáb, 2006-02-18 às 14:13 +0100, Danilo Šegan escreveu: > (...) > > At this time, I am not convinced it's worth breaking the freeze for > > this. > > We still have 25 days before the final release (with tarballs being due > 2 days before that), and will have lower quality software because of the > string freeze? This is not a vanity addition, it's really a usability > issue. I haven't looked for it, but I guess the HIG probably says > something about entries floating around with no indication of what they > are for. >From the HIG, Chapter 6, section "Text entry fields" [1]: "Label the entry field with a text label above it or to its left, using sentence capitalization. Provide an access key in the label that allows the user to give focus directly to the entry field." It would be very sad to see this bug in a shiped desktop knowing that it could have been solved. Claudio [1] -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
Re: gcalctool tarball dist for GNOME 2.15.1 is broken.
Hi, On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 12:27 -0600, Elijah Newren wrote: > Looks like I got hit by the same bug in metacity -- no translations in > the release(s) I made for 2.15.1 and I also applied the po/LINGUAS fix > from the Gnome Goals so I suspect it's related. But, make distcheck > is all black magic to me. > I think but am not 100% sure, that people need to update to a recent intltool in order to fix this, but then appear problems with the modules which are still using the old ALL_LINGUAS instead of po/LINGUAS. For example, I can't compile gnome-session: make[2]: Entering directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome-2.16/gnome-session/po' make[2]: *** No rule to make target [EMAIL PROTECTED]', needed by `all-yes'. Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/claudio/cvs/gnome-2.16/gnome-session/po' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
string change in Eye of GNOME
Hi dudes, I just committed a change in EOG that adds hyphenation to a string, visible in the File menu. The change can be seen here: Thank you, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
EOG string addition announce
Hi dear documentors and translators, I just committed a change which adds a pretty nice printing UI for the Eye of GNOME, which adds several strings. I summarize the additions as follows: - 1 string in shell/eog-window.c - many strings in the new file shell/eog-print-image-setup.c Regarding changes in the UI, this adds a custom tab in the printing dialog, namely, "Image Settings". Best regards, Claudio -- Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-10
The branch 'gnome-3-10' was created pointing to: 24b9335... Update Hungarian help translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-12
The branch 'gnome-3-12' was created pointing to: 7c38eea... Document keyboard shortcuts ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[epiphany] Created branch gnome-3-16
The branch 'gnome-3-16' was created pointing to: 43dd857... Updated Thai translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-26
The branch 'gnome-3-26' was created pointing to: 2a63681... 2.60.2 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-28
The branch 'gnome-3-28' was created pointing to: d28962f... Crash under soup_socket_new() ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-30
The branch 'gnome-3-30' was created pointing to: 263fb57... meson: Define the _DEFAULT_SOURCE macro ___ gnome-i18n mailing list
[libsoup] Created branch gnome-3-32
The branch 'gnome-3-32' was created pointing to: dcb4ef5... 2.66.2 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list