[gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
Hi everyone, I have some hardware I would like to see go to a good home. I would prefer it to be someone working with Gentoo. That was my goal, but life changes :) I have the following : * HP j6750 (2x cpu PA-RSIC) * HP Zx2000 Itanium2 (single cpu) (custom 4ru unit) * IBM Power 6+ p560 (dual cpu) * Sun SPARC T5120 (single cpu) The systems are all in working order. With decent specs. All have 8gb of memory or more All have at least 2 disks (ranging from 32gb to 300gb) I have some misc spares for all of the above. If you want more details on any of the systems please ask. You can also catch me on IRC @ #gentoo-proxy-maint Ideally I would want to ship it to one location. If you then wanted to ship interstate/country from that point I don't care. I live in Hong Kong, no one hear but scrap metal places what this kit. I don't mind helping pay some of the shipping costs. I do not want payment for the systems, just a good home vs the scrap heap. Thanks Brendan
Re: [gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
Hi Johnson, Thanks for the interest. I know there are some issues with shipping second hand computers into China. I could ask SF here in HK about if they feel it would make it thought customs. Your thoughts? Thanks Brendan (irc : undersys) - On 6 Sep, 2017, at 8:41 AM, Johnson Steward i...@jsteward.moe wrote: > Hi Brendan, > > I'm in Beijing and interested in these machines, especially the SPARC. > Though not a Gentoo Dev, In recently struggling with Gentoo BSD and, > hopefully, have some experience with Gentoo. It would be great if I can get > one and test the packages on that system and, hopefully, contribute to the > not-so-popular architectures. > > Yours,
Re: [gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
Hi Lucas, Its a tough moment that is for sure! Its a Zx2000, not Zx6000. Single Itanium2 Deerfield. Let me know if your still interested. Thanks Brendan (irc : undersys) - On 6 Sep, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Lucas Ramage ramage.luca...@gmail.com wrote: > I'm sorry that you must part with your machines. But it's awesome to see > that they will go to a new home! > > I would like to get my hands on an HP Zx6000 like this:
Re: [gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
Hi R0b0t1, Sounds good to me. Shipping a 30kg+ system by it self will not be cheep. This is originally why I had the idea to ship all the systems together. Specs are : http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_sm/1/872/ENUS8203-_h01/index.html&lang=en&request_locale=en Sorry its a single 4-core CPU. Lets talk about shipping options, I am open to suggestions and ideas. Thanks Brendan (irc : undersys) - On 6 Sep, 2017, at 2:04 PM, R0b0t1 r03...@gmail.com wrote: >> >> I would very much appreciate it if I could claim the IBM Power server. >> I have been interested in IBM's Power architecture and its supporting >> hardware for quite a while now. There are not many machines sold on >> the secondhand market and I do not have the funds to purchase one in >> that way. > > Sorry for the follow-up. To clarify, I expect to be able to cover the > cost of shipping. > >> The specs are mostly irrelevant as long as it has a Power >> CPU, but they would be nice to know. >> >> The use for the machine would be to experiment with the novel >> architecture while maintaining it with Gentoo, which would likely >> spill over into providing support for Gentoo on IBM Power. >> >> I will try to catch you on IRC, but hopefully you receive this message as >> well. >> >> Respectfully, > > R0b0t1
Re: [gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
Just an update for everyone : R0b0t1, has the Power 6+ Johnson, has the Sparc T5120 Still working out shipping/logistics No takers on the HPPA or the Ia64 The HPPA box is nice , really! :) Thanks brendan - On 7 Sep, 2017, at 1:39 AM, R0b0t1 r03...@gmail.com wrote:
Re: [gentoo-dev] Server hardaware give away (misc archs)
- On 7 Sep, 2017, at 10:53 PM, William L. Thomson Jr. wlt...@o-sinc.com wrote: > > In an ideal sense, equipment like this would go to something like OSU > OSL or some other hosting provider. Though there is the cost of > bandwidth, power, and man power to service hardware issues. Not to > mention rack, provision, etc. > > Donate gear to Gentoo to be used/accessed by any dev, and maybe some > others. I think Gentoo should have more internal resources available > for developers to use. Then again I had lots of ideas for Gentoo > > -- > William L. Thomson Jr. Its all well and good to ask, I don't mind. However systems like this need good , caring owners not a "board/trust " group. I don't mean that in a disrespecting way. They just need a little more attention and up keep. A quick update : j6750 has now been claimed by : foxit I am going to see if I can ship the j6750 and the power6 together. Thanks everyone :)
[gentoo-dev] Stepping down as a proxy maintainer + packages up for grabs.
Hi all, It has become quite obvious to me I do not have the time for Gentoo package maintenance any more. As of today I am stepping down as a proxy maintainer and offering all my packages up for grabs. I'd like to extend many thanks to Amynka for all her extensive help and guidance, and wraeth for his ability to explain anything :) My packages are : app-benchmarks/stress-ng app-cdr/cdrdao app-i18n/ibus-cangjie app-i18n/libcangjie dev-python/cangjie dev-embedded/libftd2xx media-sound/fmit net-misc/redir net-misc/s3cmd net-misc/ser2net sci-electronics/quartus-prime-lite sys-apps/intel-performance-counter-monitor sys-apps/likwid I really hope at least the Cangjie packages are picked up, but its a very specific use case so.. There is an open PR for likwid, version bump. Intel performance counter monitor, is now called Processor Counter Monitor Quartus prime lite, is ugly, needs a version bump too. Or maybe just dropped. Thanks everyone for all the help via IRC, Brendan
Re: [gentoo-dev] Stepping down as a proxy maintainer + packages up for grabs.
I have also opened a bug to be removed from the meta data https://bugs.gentoo.org/651824 Thanks - On 25 Mar, 2018, at 9:38 AM, brendan bren...@horan.hk wrote: > Hi all, > > It has become quite obvious to me I do not have the time for Gentoo package > maintenance any more. > As of today I am stepping down as a proxy maintainer and offering all my > packages up for grabs. > > I'd like to extend many thanks to Amynka for all her extensive help and > guidance, and wraeth for his ability to explain anything :) > > My packages are : > app-benchmarks/stress-ng > app-cdr/cdrdao > app-i18n/ibus-cangjie > app-i18n/libcangjie > dev-python/cangjie > dev-embedded/libftd2xx > media-sound/fmit > net-misc/redir > net-misc/s3cmd > net-misc/ser2net > sci-electronics/quartus-prime-lite > sys-apps/intel-performance-counter-monitor > sys-apps/likwid > > I really hope at least the Cangjie packages are picked up, but its a very > specific use case so.. > There is an open PR for likwid, version bump. > Intel performance counter monitor, is now called Processor Counter Monitor > Quartus prime lite, is ugly, needs a version bump too. Or maybe just dropped. > > Thanks everyone for all the help via IRC, > Brendan
[gentoo-dev] Package up for grabs
Hi, I am currently the proxy maintainer for app-arch/snappy. I no longer have the time/interest to proxy maintain this. I wish to be removed from the metadata.xml. It has one open bug : https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=551238 There are currently no other maintainers. This would drop it back to "Maintainer Needed" if no one is interested. Thanks
Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC/announcement] Reviewers project
- On 11 Oct, 2015, at 4:17 PM, wraeth wra...@wraeth.id.au wrote: > On 11/10/15 18:52, Ian Delaney wrote: >> On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:27:15 +0200 Alexis Ballier >> wrote: >> >>> On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 10:09:11 +0200 Michał Górny >>> wrote: >>> Hello, developers. I have the pleasure >> >> :? >> to announce that we have formed a new Reviewers team [1] for Gentoo. The team is going to assemble developers willing to perform ebuild reviews and help contributors improve their ebuild skills. The main goal of the team is to handle GitHub pull requests. We are going to review incoming PRs, communicate with maintainers and merge them as appropriate. In particular, we're going to help willing contributors get high-quality, PGP-signed commits into Gentoo, therefore helping them prepare to become Gentoo developers. >>> >>> This is cool >>> The side goal is to review current Gentoo commits for major QA violations and other issues, aiming at improving the quality of ebuilds in Gentoo and helping other developers using bash, ebuilds and git effectively. >>> >>> This is completely unrelated: since we've had gentoo-commits ml, >> >> which was promptly utlised >> >>> every one has been able to do commit reviews easily, and most >>> devs have done so. Self-proclamed reviewers project certainly >>> does not have the monopoly of best practices nor perfect >>> knowledge. I hope they do keep the monopoly of being harassing >>> though :) >>> >>> Also, you should probably focus on what's really important: >>> reviews like "this is weird, care to explain?" or stylistic >>> nitpicks are just a waste of every one time, meaning more >>> important stuff does not get done. >>> >> >> To my observation the reaction to this has been between displeasure >> and dismay. Yesterday the dev-ML was flooded with the first day's >> publication of the members' reviews. Firstly the gentoo-commits ML >> to my understanding is intended to be used for and by qa members. >> This project has one whom we presume has the discretion to declare >> the use of the qa hat at whim. >> >> As someone once put it, it's not the product or message it's the >> delivery of the package. This project in its creation is made of >> self appointed members who assume the status and qualification to >> suddenly launch their evaluations upon unsuspecting folk the >> community wide with neither warning nor their prior knowledge nor >> consent. The editing to the page illustrates already significant >> back pedalling from feedback already challenging its selected mode >> of delivery. >> >> The project goals and 'would be' mission statement are in fact >> legitimate and have the backing of Council members. The execution >> has been done independently, unilaterally and with no input or >> collaboration with Council to my knowledge. The actions of this >> project potentially impact on every developer / user of the gentoo >> project, addressing the core skills of both. Yet it has been made, >> announced and executed in this style. >> >> I invested study time in several units in teaching and lecturing in >> my university education under the education department. Sorry but >> the modi operandi by these self proclaimed teachers and educators >> thus far violate almost every fundamental principle in the art of >> teaching that I learned from the course. There have also been users >> who have expressed concern to me over this directly, some of which >> have indicated they will also email this list to make their views >> known. > > I am one of the users who spoke to idella4 about this, but I wanted to > repeat this publicly in order to highlight the point of view of > contributing user as opposed to a developer. > > Firstly I would like to say that I appreciate feedback on my work - it > helps me to improve the quality of my work both for Gentoo and personally. > > I also agree whole-heartedly to the concept of the Reviewers project, in > that highlighting common improvements that could be made would benefit > both contributors who participate and Gentoo as a whole. > > Having said that, however, I do not appreciate the method in which these > criticisms were delivered, and believe it extends beyond the idea of > the Reviewers project. > > I feel that it is inappropriate for criticisms of contributor's work to > be broadcast on a mailing list that is read not only by the developer > community, but by users as well, without their consent. This is not a > case where I am particularly embarrassed or upset - if others can learn > from my mistakes, then they are mistakes I am happy to make (preferably > only once). But doing so publicly, with identifying information, is > inappropriate. I will second your thoughts on this. As a new proxy-maintainer I expect a lot of feedback, and I welcome the idea of the reviewers project to help people like me out. However this could be a