----- On 7 Sep, 2017, at 10:53 PM, William L. Thomson Jr. wlt...@o-sinc.com 

> In an ideal sense, equipment like this would go to something like OSU
> OSL or some other hosting provider. Though there is the cost of
> bandwidth, power, and man power to service hardware issues. Not to
> mention rack, provision, etc.
> Donate gear to Gentoo to be used/accessed by any dev, and maybe some
> others. I think Gentoo should have more internal resources available
> for developers to use. Then again I had lots of ideas for Gentoo....
> --
> William L. Thomson Jr.

Its all well and good to ask, I don't mind.
However systems like this need good , caring owners not a "board/trust " group.
I don't mean that in a disrespecting way.
They just need a little more attention and up keep.

A quick update :
j6750 has now been claimed by  : foxit

I am going to see if I can ship the j6750 and the power6 together.

Thanks everyone :)

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