[Freesurfer] How to get transform matrix from Vertex Index to Vertex RAS

2013-03-24 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
 I am studying the coordinate system transforms within subject across 
imaging modalities on web page:
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems. I met a problem. 
First, i run tksurfer : tksurfer subjectname lh inflated -reg register.dat -ov 
mov.nii , then i chose a point on the surface and save it. There would be 
Vertex Index value and Vertex RAS value on the panel of TKSurfer Tool. For 
   Vertex Index   96063
   Vertex RAS   (-56.05  0.42   62.6)
  Now, i want to know how the values between Vertex Index and Vertex RAS 
transformed each other.
 I need help.
Best wishes!___
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[Freesurfer] How to get surface-based AAL template

2013-03-26 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all;
  I need a suface-based aal template which is compatible with FS surface 
file. Is there a way i can get the surface-based aal template? I have an idea, 
that is to just transform the AAL template (.nii file) in MNI space onto the 
surface template (e.g. fsaverage template) in FS. Is it correct? if in this 
case, how can i do the transformation?
Any suggestions appreciated.
Besh wishes.___
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Re: [Freesurfer] How to get surface-based AAL template

2013-03-27 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Dear Br:
   Thanks for your help. I have downloaded Colin 27 subject, and the Surfrend 
toolbox. But I still have some questions about the process.
   1. You said I need transform the Colin 27 to the latest FS version (v.5.2). 
But i don't know how to do this. It is helpful if you can provide some 
  2. How does the Colin 27 space differs from fsaverage MNI305 space? The group 
analysis of cortical thickness is conducted in fsaverage space, after importing 
AAL ROI into Colin 27 space, should i  transform the obtained ROI into 
fsaverage space?
 3. i don't understand what is the register.dat between COlin 27 and SPM-s 
single subject t1.nii used for? I have tried the Surfrend, and found there was 
no entry for input of register file during the processing.

Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes.


At 2013-03-27 13:29:01,"Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga"  wrote:

In my case transformation to fsaverage did not work very well. What I did was:
-  from Surfrend page download Colin 27 subject and transform it to the latest 
version (now 5.2)
- with bbregister obtain register.dat between this Colin 27 subject and SPM-s 
single subject t1.nii, which is the 2mm version of Colin 27. AAL-s are defined 
in Colin 27. As they are the same subject, the registering is very good.
- now you can import every AAL ROI (in .nii form) to an annotation or in the 
form of individual labels to your FS Colin 27, using the newly created 
registering file.
- now you can use surf2surf or label2label to go to your subjects and obtain 


On 27/03/2013, at 05:35, ZhiLiangLong  wrote:

Hi all;
  I need a suface-based aal template which is compatible with FS surface 
file. Is there a way i can get the surface-based aal template? I have an idea, 
that is to just transform the AAL template (.nii file) in MNI space onto the 
surface template (e.g. fsaverage template) in FS. Is it correct? if in this 
case, how can i do the transformation?
Any suggestions appreciated.
Besh wishes.

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[Freesurfer] FS version of Colin27

2013-03-28 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi FS experts:
I am trying to map AAL template onto FS surface to create surface-based AAL 
template. Several days ago, i asked this question, and Garikoitz Lerma gave me 
some suggestions. Possibly, i think the process is like as folllows:
   1.  downloa the Colin27 subject in Surfrend page, and transform it to the 
latest FS version (5.2 currently).
   2. obtain register.dat between Colin27 subject and single_subj_T1.nii under 
the canonical directory in SPM8 using bbregister.
bbregister --s Colin27_subject  --mov single_subj_T1.nii  --reg 
register.dat  --init-fsl  --t1
3. transfrom each AAL ROI to the surface file with register.dat file obtained 
above using mri_vol2surf.
   mri_vol2surf  --mov AAL_ROI.nii  --reg register.dat  --projdist-max 0 1 0.1  
--interp nearest  --hemi lh \
  --out lh.Colin27_AALROI.mgh  --reshape
4. use mri_label2label or mri_segstat to obtain the cortical thickness of each 
ROI for individual subject.
My question is about the first step.  How to transform the Colin27 subject to 
FS version 5.2? that is to say  how can i get the FS version of Colin27 
template instead of fsaverage template?
Hope someone gives me some suggetions.
Besh wishes.
Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] How to get surface-based AAL template

2013-03-30 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Dear Gari:
Thank you for give me suggestions patiently. i figured it out as you 
suggested. it works well. I have one more question: Do you know there are 
published papers which use the surface-based aal template (or something like 
this) to do research (e.g. cortical network analysis based on this template)?
Best wishes.

At 2013-03-29 15:34:02,"Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga"  wrote:

Hi Zhiliang,
1- well, I just recon-all-ed their subject again with the newest version. 
Recon-all -s Colin -all
2- maybe Doug or some other will answer this question better. I don't know the 
exact differences between fs mni305 and fs mnicolin27. What I know is that 
going the fsaverage path I couldn't obtain reliable transformations of the AAL 
labels. I think this was because fsaverage is very smoothed. Spm_register and 
vol2surf weren't working well. 

The thing is, for group analysis, you can use Colin (or any other), as I 
understood it. When you use -qcache your data goes to fsaverage, but you can do 
it manually and specify that you want Colin instead (maybe someone can confirm 
it). If you are going to use just the AAL average CTs, then you just need to 
use surf2surf or label2label and you won't need fsaverage at all.

3- well, the spm single subject and Colin from Surfrend are the same subject 
but not exactly the same image. You do bbregister to them and obtain your 
register.dat matrix (you name it), and it goes from 2mm to 1mm and has some 
minimal translation. If you see both T1-s with tkregister you will see that 
they are almost the same (the spm version a little bit blurred, because of the 
resolution). You use this register.dat when doing vol2surf of the AAL.nii to 
your AAL.mgh surface ROI.

Hope this helps!

On 27/03/2013, at 14:06, ZhiLiangLong  wrote:

Dear Br:
   Thanks for your help. I have downloaded Colin 27 subject, and the Surfrend 
toolbox. But I still have some questions about the process.
   1. You said I need transform the Colin 27 to the latest FS version (v.5.2). 
But i don't know how to do this. It is helpful if you can provide some 
  2. How does the Colin 27 space differs from fsaverage MNI305 space? The group 
analysis of cortical thickness is conducted in fsaverage space, after importing 
AAL ROI into Colin 27 space, should i  transform the obtained ROI into 
fsaverage space?
 3. i don't understand what is the register.dat between COlin 27 and SPM-s 
single subject t1.nii used for? I have tried the Surfrend, and found there was 
no entry for input of register file during the processing.

Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes.


At 2013-03-27 13:29:01,"Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga"  wrote:

In my case transformation to fsaverage did not work very well. What I did was:
-  from Surfrend page download Colin 27 subject and transform it to the latest 
version (now 5.2)
- with bbregister obtain register.dat between this Colin 27 subject and SPM-s 
single subject t1.nii, which is the 2mm version of Colin 27. AAL-s are defined 
in Colin 27. As they are the same subject, the registering is very good.
- now you can import every AAL ROI (in .nii form) to an annotation or in the 
form of individual labels to your FS Colin 27, using the newly created 
registering file.
- now you can use surf2surf or label2label to go to your subjects and obtain 


On 27/03/2013, at 05:35, ZhiLiangLong  wrote:

Hi all;
  I need a suface-based aal template which is compatible with FS surface 
file. Is there a way i can get the surface-based aal template? I have an idea, 
that is to just transform the AAL template (.nii file) in MNI space onto the 
surface template (e.g. fsaverage template) in FS. Is it correct? if in this 
case, how can i do the transformation?
Any suggestions appreciated.
Besh wishes.

Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] How to get surface-based AAL template

2013-04-01 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi Thomas:
 There are no special reasons why i need the surface-based aal template. my 
goal is to parcellate surface into thousands of small brain areas, and 
construct large-scale cortical network. I have no idea how to segment the 
surface  directly in FS. But i know the way to segment AAL template to the 
specific parcellation level (e.g. AAL-1024 ) i want. that is why i do this.

At 2013-04-01 12:55:03,"Thomas Yeo"  wrote:
>Hi Zhi Liang,
>Out of curiosity, why not just use the FreeSurfer parcellations, so
>you don't end up with holes in the sulci/gyri?
>On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Martijn Steenwijk
> wrote:
>> I faced this problem a while ago. Both MNI to fsaverage, MNI itself and
>> Colin27 didn’t work sufficiently for sampling the labels, all had problems
>> with the registration causing holes in the sulci and gyri ending up in the
>> wrong label. (That might be ‘good’ since AAL is a volumetric atlas; but
>> might also be bad, since you often don’t want to look at an in complete
>> label). I ended up making my own gcs fom a training set with mris_ca_train.
>> Now I can segment surfaces just by calling mris_ca_label which works
>> flawlessly and consistent throughout subjects.
>> Best,
>> Martijn
>> Van: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> [mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] Namens ZhiLiangLong

>> Verzonden: zaterdag 30 maart 2013 16:25
>> Aan: Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga
>> CC: Freesurfer
>> Onderwerp: Re: [Freesurfer] How to get surface-based AAL template
>> Dear Gari:
>> Thank you for give me suggestions patiently. i figured it out as you
>> suggested. it works well. I have one more question: Do you know there are
>> published papers which use the surface-based aal template (or something like
>> this) to do research (e.g. cortical network analysis based on this
>> template)?
>> Best wishes.
>> zhiliang
>> At 2013-03-29 15:34:02,"Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga" 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Zhiliang,
>> 1- well, I just recon-all-ed their subject again with the newest version.
>> Recon-all -s Colin -all
>> 2- maybe Doug or some other will answer this question better. I don't know
>> the exact differences between fs mni305 and fs mnicolin27. What I know is
>> that going the fsaverage path I couldn't obtain reliable transformations of
>> the AAL labels. I think this was because fsaverage is very smoothed.
>> Spm_register and vol2surf weren't working well.
>> The thing is, for group analysis, you can use Colin (or any other), as I
>> understood it. When you use -qcache your data goes to fsaverage, but you can
>> do it manually and specify that you want Colin instead (maybe someone can
>> confirm it). If you are going to use just the AAL average CTs, then you just
>> need to use surf2surf or label2label and you won't need fsaverage at all.
>> 3- well, the spm single subject and Colin from Surfrend are the same subject
>> but not exactly the same image. You do bbregister to them and obtain your
>> register.dat matrix (you name it), and it goes from 2mm to 1mm and has some
>> minimal translation. If you see both T1-s with tkregister you will see that
>> they are almost the same (the spm version a little bit blurred, because of
>> the resolution). You use this register.dat when doing vol2surf of the
>> AAL.nii to your AAL.mgh surface ROI.
>> Hope this helps!
>> Gari
>> On 27/03/2013, at 14:06, ZhiLiangLong  wrote:
>> Dear Br:
>>Thanks for your help. I have downloaded Colin 27 subject, and the
>> Surfrend toolbox. But I still have some questions about the process.
>>1. You said I need transform the Colin 27 to the latest FS version
>> (v.5.2). But i don't know how to do this. It is helpful if you can provide
>> some information.
>>   2. How does the Colin 27 space differs from fsaverage MNI305 space? The
>> group analysis of cortical thickness is conducted in fsaverage space, after
>> importing AAL ROI into Colin 27 space, should i  transform the obtained ROI
>> into fsaverage space?
>>  3. i don't understand what is the register.dat between COlin 27 and SPM-s
>> single subject t1.nii used for? I have tried the Surfrend, and found there
>> was no entry for input of register file during 

[Freesurfer] Confused with Coordinate System in FS

2013-04-07 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
  I am confused with coordinate systems in FS. I have several questions 
 1. when we run recon-all -s subjid  -all, Is the individual native space 
transformed to talairach  coordinate system?. when run recon-all -s subjid 
-qcache, does the talairach system go into MNI system (fsaverage space)?
 2. what is the tranformation matrix within the file of 
/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm?, what is it used for?
 3. Does the coordinates within .label files under /label/  belong 
to the  MNI coordinate system?
4.  In TkSurfer Tool,  does the coordinate of  "Vertex RAS" belong to MNI 
Hope someone gives me suggestions.
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[Freesurfer] question about MNI coordinates or talariach coordinate in Qdec

2012-08-06 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
In qdec, when i left-clicked on a point of pial surface, there would be a 
coordinate displayed at the bottom of qdec. my qestion is that does the 
coordinate belong to the MNI space or talariach space?___
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[Freesurfer] recon-all process on brain regions of interest

2013-01-12 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi everyone:
I met problem about the recon-all process. I got some brain regions 
showing group-differences of activation in task. Now, i want to compare the 
difference of cortical thickness on these brain regions. I prefer to limit the 
compution of cortical thickness on my regions of interest rather than the whole 
brain to reduce compution time. But i do not know how the recon-all works it 
out. I need your suggestions.
   In addition, assume that i have finished recon-all process on the whole 
brain, how can i obtain the cortical thickness of my regions of interest?
All the best!___
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[Freesurfer] cortical thickness of ROIs derived from VBM results

2013-03-08 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
 I got some regions of interest showing significant diffencese in VBM 
between two groups. Now, i attemp to compare cortical thickness of these ROIs. 
However, i don't know how to map the ROIs to cortical surface and extract 
cortical thickness values?  I need help.___
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[Freesurfer] convert .annot file to lable

2011-08-05 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
  Are there some FS commands that can convert .annot file to lable file?

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[Freesurfer] ANOVA(analysis of variance)

2011-08-31 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
   Is there a way that can perform a test to compare the difference of 
cortical thickness  between groups (at least three) using ANOVA (analysis of 
variance) in FS? If it is how can i do that?
Any suggestions will be appreciative___
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[Freesurfer] questions about mapping volume data to brain surface and extracting cortical thickness

2011-09-05 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi FS experts:
 I have two questions about FS.
 (1) Is there a way that can map volume data(.hdr and .img file) to brain 
surface in FS?
 (2) I find a way that can extract cortical thickness 
automatically,first,the statistical significant areas derived from group 
analysis on qdec
are converted to annotation file using mri_surfcluster,then i use 
mri_annotation2label to convert the annotation file to label file,finally,
mri_label2label and mri_anatomical_stats are used to map the label file 
to each subject and obtain cortical thickness.
 I want to know if the process is correct.
 any help appreciated___
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[Freesurfer] question about contrast file during group analysis with command line

2011-10-07 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all :
 I'm performing general linear model (GLM) analysis in the surface,the 
attachments above are FSGD file  and contrast files(the last three 
attachments).i wonder if my contrast files are correct.
the attachment named diff-C-H-thickness.txt is about difference between C 
and H and the last two are about difference between C and p and difference 
between P and H,Here,C  H and P represent three groups
   Any suggestions appreciatedGroupDescriptorFile  1 
Title  genderage 
MeasurementName  thickness 
Class  C-Male 
Class  C-Female 
Class  P-Male 
Class  P-Female 
Class  H-Male 
Class  H-Female 
Variables age 
Input   chen_haoC-Female20 
Input   cui_xi_long C-Female23 
Input   jiang_xue   C-Female24 
Input   li_qing_jingC-Female24 
Input   li_ru   C-Male  22 
Input   li_teng_yu  C-Male  21 
Input   liao_yun_feng   C-Male  24 
Input   long_hu C-Male  29 
Input   long_zhiC-Male  26 
Input   lv_hai_long C-Male  23 
Input   peng_chend  C-Male  24 
Input   yue_zhong_wei   C-Male  22 
Input   zhang_qian  C-Male  25 
Input   zhao_ke C-Male  27 
Input   zhu_min C-Male  21 
Input   cai_rongP-Female23 
Input   chen_guo_wu P-Male  23 
Input   huang_din_qiang P-Male  22 
Input   kong_fang_fang  P-Female24 
Input   li_guang_yaoP-Male  24 
Input   liu_zheng_hua   P-Male  26 
Input   long_binP-Male  29 
Input   qiu_hao P-Male  21 
Input   quan_su_bin P-Male  22 
Input   wu_jian_nongP-Male  25 
Input   wu_li_hui   P-Female20 
Input   xiao_qiao_ling  P-Female24 
Input   xie_gangP-Male  21 
Input   xu_xian P-Male  24 
Input   zhang_hai_tao   P-Male  27 
Input   chen_guo_wenH-Male  23 
Input   chen_hong_liang H-Male  24 
Input   chen_lu_hua H-Female24 
Input   kong_san_jian   H-Male  21 
Input   li_you_quan H-Male  21 
Input   liu_bin H-Male  25 
Input   long_feng_boH-Male  27 
Input   qiu_yi  H-Male  24 
Input   tan_zhi_hui H-Male  22 
Input   wu_xiao_jun H-Male  29 
Input   wu_yao  H-Female20 
Input   xiao_zhi_ping   H-Female23 
Input   xie_yi_long H-Female24 
Input   zhi_hui_tao H-Male  26 
Input   zhou_wei_huaH-Male  22
+1  +1  0  0  -1  -1  0  0  0  0  0  0+1  +1  -1  -1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  00  0  +1  +1  -1  -1  0  0  0  0  0  0___
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[Freesurfer] question about thickness file

2011-11-21 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
  After finishing recon-all steps, there are some thickness files generated 
such as lh.thickness and lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh which contain 
cortical thickness values at each vertex. Are the thickness values in 
lh.thickness file calculated in individual space ,that is , they are absolute 
values and values in lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh file computed based on  
fsaverage template, that is, they represent relative values ?
   Any suggestions appreciated.___
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[Freesurfer] Does the SurfArea in the lh.aparc.a2009s.stats calculated based on white matter surface or pial surface

2012-02-20 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi, all
 Does the SurfArea in the lh.aparc.a2009s.stats, as presented below(red 
color), calculated based on white matter surface or pial surface?  any 
suggestions appreciated.
 # TableCol 10 Units unitless
# ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv 
GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd
G_and_S_frontomargin 1518988   2359  2.111 0.655 
0.176 0.120   48 7.0
G_and_S_occipital_inf1831   1257   3077  2.091 0.586 
0.182 0.077   40 5.8
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[Freesurfer] In Qdec, what does the 'area' mean within 'Measure' menu in 'Design' tab

2012-02-27 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi freesurfer experts:
 i'm using qdec to perform statistical analysis in Freesurfer 5.0.0, 
within 'Measure' menu in 'Design' tab, the default is 'thickness', however, 
there are other measurements such as 'area' and 'area.pial'.  the latter seems 
meaning area in pial surface. what does the former mean? does it mean area in 
white matter surface?___
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[Freesurfer] question about FSGD file

2012-03-17 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi, FS experts:
I'm scanning freesurfer pages about FSGD files here: 
and i'm interested in one contrast file(the example of Contrast 5 
right-left.intercept.mtx). The original FSGD file is list as follows:
 GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title OSGM
Class MaleRight
Class MaleLeft
Class FemaleRight
Class FemaleLeft
Variables Age
Input subject1 MaleRight 30
Input subject2 MaleLeft  40
Input subject3 FemaleRight 50
Input subject4 FemaleLeft 60
The contrast file is : 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0 0 0 0, meaning to exame the 
difference between Righties and Lefties regressing out the effects of gender 
and age.
Now i consider gender as the covariate variable ('1' represents the Male and 
'2' represents the Female), and i setup a new FSGD file:
 GroupDescriptorFile 2
Title OSGM
Class Right
Class Left
Variables Age gender
Input subject1 Right 30  1
Input subject2 Left 402
I also want to exame the difference as suggested above, and I setup the new 
contrast file as :1 -1 0 0 0 0.
My question is that : are the new FSGD and contrast files correct to exame the 
difference as suggested by original FSGD and contrast files?___
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[Freesurfer] question about Cluster-wise Correction for Multiple Comparisions

2012-03-18 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
   I'm performing the group analysis  on my own data using command line on 
FS5.1.0 and i'm a little confused about the Clusterwise Correction for Multiple 
Comparisions. the command is as follows:
  mri_glmfit-sim \
 --glmdir lh.gender_age.glmdir \
--sim mc-z 1 4 mc-z.negative \
--sim-sign neg --cwpvalthresh 0.05\
  In this command, does the vertex-wise threshold (here, '4') mean that the 
vertex whose p value is lower than 0.0001 can be considered to used for the 
Correction for Multiple Comparisions ? likewise, does the sign (here,'neg')  
mean that only negtive vertexs can be considered? Is there a criterion which 
vertex-wise threshold  and sign i should choose?
Hope you can give me some suggestions !___
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[Freesurfer] question about Correction for Multiple Comparison

2012-03-26 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
   A few days ago, i have asked about some questions about Correction for 
Multiple Comparison. But i'm still confused about it. The version of FS is 
5.1.0. when i performed Correction for Multiple Comparison using command line 
with 'mris_glmfit-sim', it usually took many hours to complete. However, when i 
performed this in qdec, it only took a few seconds. Moreover, i couldn't find 
command with ''mris_glmfit-sim' in the terminal except for the 
'mri_surfcluster' command. I wander whether the 'mri_surfcluster' command can 
be used for the Correction for Multiple Comparison?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you!___
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[Freesurfer] How to obtain cortical thickness in fsaverage space

2012-05-02 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
   After finishing group analysis, how can i obtain the thickness value of each 
ROIs showing significant group-difference in fsaverage space?  That is to say, 
how i get the value of each ROIs which have been normalized to the fsaverage 
template. The method suggested in tutorials 
just tells the way to get the thickness values in individual space.___
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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[Freesurfer] Question about DODS model and DOSS model

2012-05-16 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
 I'm a little confused about the DODS model and DOSS model. I have two 
groups (patient and control) and one covariate (age), and I want to compare the 
diffirence of thickness between the groups with age as the covariate. In DODS 
model, is the process the analysis of variance substantially (group is a factor 
and age is another factor)?
   Generally, if there is no interaction between age and group, then i can 
re-run with the DOSS model to increase the statistical power.But i don't know 
how to determine whether  there is no interaction . I hope someone give me some 
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[Freesurfer] Does the fsaverage template belong to MNI space or Talairach space

2012-05-28 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
 In FS, does the fsaverage template belong to MNI space or Talairach space?
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[Freesurfer] qustions about contents of label file

2011-06-11 Thread ZhiLiangLong
  I use qdec to generate statistical significant areas and draw ROI and  
map the ROI to each subject ,finally i get a label file of each subject called 
lh.supriorfrontal.label which can be seen in attachment below.But i'm a little 
confused with content of the label file, Is it correct that,take the third row 
as an example,the first number 66847 means vertex index and -10.184  -3.059  
74.153 means coordinate which belongs to MNI coordinate system? Besides,what 
does the last number 0.00 mean?
Any help will be appreciative,Thanks#!ascii label  , from subject NC001_R_F vox2ras=TkReg 
66847  -10.184  -3.059  74.153 0.00
81214  -5.985  9.777  79.988 0.00
70369  -6.045  -1.003  70.503 0.00
62209  -3.632  -8.143  69.280 0.00
76787  -9.605  6.072  79.923 0.00
81186  -3.308  9.202  83.766 0.00
75659  -5.300  4.339  77.346 0.00
87742  -3.387  15.165  76.966 0.00
68014  -9.321  -2.567  71.315 0.00
64564  -5.955  -5.627  67.998 0.00
63308  -6.715  -6.715  70.826 0.00
72441  -10.990  2.207  77.064 0.00
75642  -7.627  5.043  78.336 0.00
72489  -9.493  1.337  74.370 0.00
73546  -6.718  1.928  73.747 0.00
82323  -4.862  10.406  82.019 0.00
86560  -4.074  14.339  82.167 0.00
85443  -5.798  13.640  79.396 0.00
78916  -6.586  7.805  83.501 0.00
81179  -3.831  9.351  85.033 0.00
77843  -5.115  6.503  82.305 0.00
77857  -3.665  6.189  81.723 0.00
78953  -2.699  7.223  80.223 0.00
76840  -2.894  4.990  77.493 0.00
74576  -3.457  3.157  74.126 0.00
64428  -7.243  -5.364  74.475 0.00
62173  -4.158  -7.189  72.089 0.00
59911  -1.004  -9.745  70.622 0.00
85410  -3.035  13.508  84.531 0.00
66857  -10.073  -2.523  72.737 0.00
64504  -8.664  -5.054  70.679 0.00
64471  -8.770  -4.994  72.543 0.00
71392  -10.661  0.122  75.952 0.00
73523  -10.067  1.920  75.679 0.00
70331  -10.328  -0.467  73.758 0.00
70330  -9.713  -0.398  73.133 0.00
81204  -5.051  9.754  81.029 0.00
83359  -5.362  11.402  82.004 0.00
84378  -6.318  12.229  80.608 0.00
85453  -5.925  13.761  78.183 0.00
83385  -6.801  11.382  79.304 0.00
82349  -6.680  10.543  78.971 0.00
70378  -3.872  -1.236  69.634 0.00
69242  -5.132  -1.875  69.183 0.00
61116  -4.285  -7.933  68.678 0.00
64563  -5.544  -5.391  67.391 0.00
61127  -4.025  -7.887  68.109 0.00
61137  -2.651  -8.655  67.337 0.00
61125  -2.458  -8.592  68.171 0.00
77861  -8.022  6.944  81.097 0.00
78930  -6.295  7.115  82.395 0.00
77860  -7.025  6.811  81.069 0.00
75641  -6.563  4.816  78.257 0.00
76803  -6.331  5.362  79.564 0.00
76801  -4.213  5.197  79.427 0.00
78941  -2.580  7.228  80.953 0.00
76800  -3.132  5.684  79.551 0.00
77886  -2.443  6.530  79.057 0.00
75638  -3.735  4.588  77.848 0.00
71434  -6.859  0.619  72.173 0.00
73544  -5.041  2.288  73.598 0.00
72527  -5.190  0.883  71.811 0.00
63245  -5.893  -6.295  73.236 0.00
63243  -4.171  -6.505  73.796 0.00
81178  -3.448  9.033  84.367 0.00
82297  -3.616  10.564  84.986 0.00
84341  -3.626  11.963  84.502 0.00
87722  -3.922  15.377  78.739 0.00
87706  -3.379  15.228  81.535 0.00
69229  -8.155  -1.877  70.932 0.00
66873  -6.245  -3.056  68.754 0.00
65703  -7.474  -4.235  69.097 0.00
63329  -6.708  -6.670  69.177 0.00
62196  -4.439  -7.706  70.240 0.00
75645  -10.454  4.293  78.081 0.00
76805  -8.067  5.547  79.461 0.00
74531  -9.966  3.224  76.746 0.00
73508  -8.833  2.990  76.008 0.00
74547  -7.707  3.240  75.824 0.00
73520  -6.741  2.987  74.948 0.00
72487  -7.983  1.820  73.974 0.00
71436  -8.428  0.307  72.560 0.00
81187  -3.552  9.631  83.278 0.00
83350  -3.959  11.254  83.753 0.00
83358  -4.665  11.292  82.748 0.00
86569  -4.842  13.969  81.244 0.00
87723  -4.595  15.061  78.265 0.00
86598  -4.698  14.528  76.199 0.00
66883  -5.379  -2.949  68.116 0.00
81168  -4.623  9.704  85.474 0.00
80038  -5.124  8.421  84.623 0.00
78901  -3.733  7.793  84.204 0.00
78913  -3.515  7.590  83.362 0.00
77875  -6.365  6.002  80.624 0.00
77858  -4.731  6.105  81.763 0.00
78927  -3.350  7.555  82.587 0.00
80070  -3.422  8.074  82.287 0.00
80075  -4.237  8.435  80.985 0.00
80078  -4.422  8.408  80.142 0.00
80086  -5.277  8.836  78.954 0.00
78969  -4.037  7.888  78.953 0.00
78967  -2.655  7.055  78.314 0.00
77903  -1.808  6.438  76.467 0.00
74544  -4.919  3.815  75.357 0.00
75699  -3.350  4.243  75.464 0.00
67942  -10.460  -2.375  75.890 0.00
65676  -9.205  -4.206  74.390 0.00
71354  -10.832  0.215  76.894 0.00
64469  -7.084  -5.910  72.895 0.00
62184  -4.894  -7.287  71.417 0.00
62194  -2.854  -8.154  70.292 0.00
62171  -1.963  -7.554  72.200 0.00
61094  -1.840  -8.104  70.778 0.00
61112  -1.904  -8.926  69

[Freesurfer] How to obtain volume of specific structure

2011-06-22 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
   After all "recon-all -all" processing  has been completed for all subjects 
,I want to obtain volume of specific structure of each subject(e.g., the volume 
of Caudate Nucleus). But i have no idea about it,Are there some tools or 
commands that can help?
  I hope you can give me some suggestions . Thanks! ___
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[Freesurfer] correct mris_anatomical_stats syntax for lgi

2011-07-05 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi FS experts:
  I have run a group analysis with Local Gyrification Index (LGI) and obtained 
some statistical significant areas.Now I want to extract the information (lgi) 
of each area.Based on the QDec Group Analysis page, the following command is 
ran to examine cortical thickness:
mris_anatomical_stats -l rh.test.label -t rh.thickness -b -f
subject/stats/rh.test.stats subject rh
Is it possible that i can adjust this for lgi ? If so,would i just replace the 
rh.thickness above with rh.pial_lgi ?
many thanks for any help!___
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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[Freesurfer] question about qdec

2011-07-07 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all:
I have three groups of subjects (major depression disorder,slight 
depression disorder and contrast),i want to use qdec to obtain the statistical 
significant areas containing difference of cortical thickness  measurment among 
them. But there are some errors appearing when i run the group analysis:

 ERROR: QdecGlmDesign::GenerateContrasts: factor 2 must have 2 levels

 I think the error is related to the diagnosis.levels file which has 3 
levels because i can run it successfully after removing any one of them.But i 
don't know why.
Can you give me some help or suggestions?
   I have saved error information into the error.log file(see attachments)
DXReading /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl 
Using /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl 
Loading data table qdec.table.dat... 
Number of columns:  4 
fsid column:1 
Number of factors:  3 
Number of subjects: 59 
Reading discrete factor levels from config file ./sex.levels 
'Male','Female', done 
Reading discrete factor levels from config file ./diagnosis.levels 
'HP','MD','DX', done 
Data table qdec.table.dat loaded. 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n001_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d20' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n003_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_dd01' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n004_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d02' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n005_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_dd07' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n009_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_dd30' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n011_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_dd15' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n012_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_19' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n013_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d21' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n014_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d28' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n015_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d22' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n016_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d10' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n017_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d11' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n019_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d16' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n020_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_dd04' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n021_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'MD_d14' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'HP_n022_3_a' in 
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number 
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't fi